2.1 kBMarkdownView Raw
1## Special Commands
2There are a number of special commands that will not be listed by help and cannot be overridden by custom modules.
3- `/help` and `/concierge`. Shows the available module commands.
4- `/shutdown`. Terminates the program gracefully.
5- `/restart`. Restarts the program, reloading and searching for new modules. Useful if you have made changes to an existing module or have created a new module.
6- `/disable`. Toggles ignoring of commands - will not ignore special commands.
7- `/update`. Performs a git-pull on the repository this is contained within.
8- `/ping`. Responds with version and hostname of machine running the program.
9- `/creator`. Prints information about the creators.
10- `/kpm`. Package manager (similar to `apt-get`).
11- `/issue <title> <debugLevel>`. Posts an issue to github.
12- `/issue <title> <description> <debugLevel>`. Posts an issue to github with a description.
13 * debugLevel, can be basic, detail or full, defaults to basic if not specified
14- `/admin <grant/revoke> "<fullNameOfUser>" "<permissionName>"`. Grants or revokes a permission for a user. See [here](AdminControls.md) for more information.
15- `/admin <create/delete> "<coreModuleName>" "<permissionName>". Creates or deletes a permission for a core module. See [here](AdminControls.md) for more information.
17Use `/help <commandName>` for more detail.
19## Package Manager (KPM)
20Run `/kpm help [command]` for help with KPM. Also refer to the hello world example [here](https://github.com/concierge/HelloKassy).
22KPM currently provides a number of commands:
23- `/kpm help`. Shows help for each command KPM provides.
24- `/kpm help [command]`. Filters the previous command.
25- `/kpm install [module(s)]`. Installs one or more modules from exising git repositories, github references or the [KPM lookup table](https://github.com/concierge/Concierge/wiki/KPM-Table).
26- `/kpm uninstall [moduleName(s)]`. Uninstalls one or more modules.
27- `/kpm update`. Updates all modules.
28- `/kpm update [module(s)]`. Updates specific modules.
29- `/kpm list`. Lists all KPM installed modules.