1 | import type { CursorPaginatedCollectionProp, DeleteConceptSchemeParams, GetConceptSchemeParams, GetManyConceptSchemeParams, GetOrganizationParams, UpdateConceptSchemeParams } from '../../common-types';
2 | import type { ConceptSchemeProps, CreateConceptSchemeProps } from '../../entities/concept-scheme';
3 | import type { OpPatch } from 'json-patch';
4 | import type { SetOptional } from 'type-fest';
5 | export type ConceptSchemePlainClientAPI = {
6 | /**
7 | * Create Concept Scheme
8 | * @returns the created Concept Scheme
9 | * @throws if the request fails
10 | * @see {@link https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/taxonomy/create-a-concept-scheme}
11 | * @example
12 | * ```javascript
13 | * const concept = await client.conceptScheme.create({
14 | * organizationId: '<organization_id>',
15 | * }, conceptSchemeProps);
16 | * ```
17 | */
18 | create(params: SetOptional<GetOrganizationParams, 'organizationId'>, payload: CreateConceptSchemeProps): Promise<ConceptSchemeProps>;
19 | /**
20 | * Update Concept Scheme
21 | * @returns the updated Concept Scheme
22 | * @throws if the request fails
23 | * @see {@link https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/taxonomy/concept-scheme}
24 | * @example
25 | * ```javascript
26 | * const updatedConcept = await client.conceptScheme.update({
27 | * organizationId: '<organization_id>',
28 | * }, conceptSchemePatch);
29 | * ```
30 | */
31 | update(params: SetOptional<UpdateConceptSchemeParams, 'organizationId'>, payload: OpPatch[]): Promise<ConceptSchemeProps>;
32 | /**
33 | * Get Concept Scheme
34 | * @returns the Concept Scheme
35 | * @throws if the request fails
36 | * @see {@link https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/taxonomy/concept-scheme}
37 | * @example
38 | * ```javascript
39 | * const concept = await client.conceptScheme.get({
40 | * organizationId: '<organization_id>',
41 | * conceptSchemeId: '<concept_scheme_id>',
42 | * });
43 | * ```
44 | */
45 | get(params: SetOptional<GetConceptSchemeParams, 'organizationId'>): Promise<ConceptSchemeProps>;
46 | /**
47 | * Get many Concept Schemes
48 | * @returns list of many Concept Schemes
49 | * @throws if the request fails
50 | * @see {@link https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/taxonomy/concept-scheme-collection}
51 | * @example
52 | * ```javascript
53 | * const concepts = await client.conceptScheme.getMany({
54 | * organizationId: '<organization_id>',
55 | * });
56 | * ```
57 | */
58 | getMany(params: SetOptional<GetManyConceptSchemeParams, 'organizationId'>): Promise<CursorPaginatedCollectionProp<ConceptSchemeProps>>;
59 | /**
60 | * Get number of total Concept Scheme
61 | * @returns number of total Concept Scheme
62 | * @throws if the request fails
63 | * @see {@link https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/taxonomy/total-concept-schemes}
64 | * @example
65 | * ```javascript
66 | * const {total} = await client.conceptScheme.getTotal({
67 | * organizationId: '<organization_id>',
68 | * });
69 | * ```
70 | */
71 | getTotal(params: SetOptional<GetOrganizationParams, 'organizationId'>): Promise<{
72 | total: number;
73 | }>;
74 | /**
75 | * Delete Concept Scheme
76 | * @returns nothing
77 | * @throws if the request fails
78 | * @see {@link https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/taxonomy/concept-scheme}
79 | * @example
80 | * ```javascript
81 | * await client.conceptScheme.update({
82 | * organizationId: '<organization_id>',
83 | * conceptSchemeId: '<concept_scheme_id>',
84 | * });
85 | * ```
86 | */
87 | delete(params: SetOptional<DeleteConceptSchemeParams, 'organizationId'>): Promise<void>;
88 | };