82.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const _excluded = ["installationId"];
2function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; }
3function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
4function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
5function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof i ? i : i + ""; }
6function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i = e.call(t, r || "default"); if ("object" != typeof i) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); }
7function _objectWithoutProperties(e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var o, r, i = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(e, t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); for (r = 0; r < s.length; r++) o = s[r], t.includes(o) || {}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, o) && (i[o] = e[o]); } return i; }
8function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(r, e) { if (null == r) return {}; var t = {}; for (var n in r) if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(r, n)) { if (e.includes(n)) continue; t[n] = r[n]; } return t; }
9import { createRequestConfig } from 'contentful-sdk-core';
10import entities from './entities';
11import { wrapReleaseAction, wrapReleaseActionCollection } from './entities/release-action';
12import { wrapRelease, wrapReleaseCollection } from './entities/release';
13import { wrapTag, wrapTagCollection } from './entities/tag';
14import { wrapUIConfig } from './entities/ui-config';
15import { wrapUserUIConfig } from './entities/user-ui-config';
16import { wrapEnvironmentTemplateInstallationCollection } from './entities/environment-template-installation';
19 * @private
20 */
23 * Creates API object with methods to access the Environment API
24 * @param {ContentfulEnvironmentAPI} makeRequest - function to make requests via an adapter
25 * @return {ContentfulSpaceAPI}
26 * @private
27 */
28export default function createEnvironmentApi(makeRequest) {
29 const {
30 wrapEnvironment
31 } = entities.environment;
32 const {
33 wrapContentType,
34 wrapContentTypeCollection
35 } = entities.contentType;
36 const {
37 wrapEntry,
38 wrapEntryCollection
39 } = entities.entry;
40 const {
41 wrapAsset,
42 wrapAssetCollection
43 } = entities.asset;
44 const {
45 wrapAssetKey
46 } = entities.assetKey;
47 const {
48 wrapLocale,
49 wrapLocaleCollection
50 } = entities.locale;
51 const {
52 wrapSnapshotCollection
53 } = entities.snapshot;
54 const {
55 wrapEditorInterface,
56 wrapEditorInterfaceCollection
57 } = entities.editorInterface;
58 const {
59 wrapUpload
60 } = entities.upload;
61 const {
62 wrapExtension,
63 wrapExtensionCollection
64 } = entities.extension;
65 const {
66 wrapAppInstallation,
67 wrapAppInstallationCollection
68 } = entities.appInstallation;
69 const {
70 wrapAppSignedRequest
71 } = entities.appSignedRequest;
72 const {
73 wrapAppActionCall
74 } = entities.appActionCall;
75 const {
76 wrapBulkAction
77 } = entities.bulkAction;
78 const {
79 wrapAppAccessToken
80 } = entities.appAccessToken;
81 const {
82 wrapResourceTypesForEnvironmentCollection
83 } = entities.resourceType;
84 const {
85 wrapResourceCollection
86 } = entities.resource;
87 return {
88 /**
89 * Deletes the environment
90 * @return Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
91 * @example ```javascript
92 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
93 *
94 * const client = contentful.createClient({
95 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
96 * })
97 *
98 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
99 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
100 * .then((environment) => environment.delete())
101 * .then(() => console.log('Environment deleted.'))
102 * .catch(console.error)
103 * ```
104 */
105 delete: function deleteEnvironment() {
106 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
107 return makeRequest({
108 entityType: 'Environment',
109 action: 'delete',
110 params: {
111 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
112 environmentId: raw.sys.id
113 }
114 }).then(() => {
115 // noop
116 });
117 },
118 /**
119 * Updates the environment
120 * @return Promise for the updated environment.
121 * @example ```javascript
122 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
123 *
124 * const client = contentful.createClient({
125 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
126 * })
127 *
128 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
129 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
130 * .then((environment) => {
131 * environment.name = 'New name'
132 * return environment.update()
133 * })
134 * .then((environment) => console.log(`Environment ${environment.sys.id} renamed.`)
135 * .catch(console.error)
136 * ```
137 */
138 update: function updateEnvironment() {
139 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
140 return makeRequest({
141 entityType: 'Environment',
142 action: 'update',
143 params: {
144 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
145 environmentId: raw.sys.id
146 },
147 payload: raw
148 }).then(data => wrapEnvironment(makeRequest, data));
149 },
150 /**
151 * Creates SDK Entry object (locally) from entry data
152 * @param entryData - Entry Data
153 * @return Entry
154 * @example ```javascript
155 * environment.getEntry('entryId').then(entry => {
156 *
157 * // Build a plainObject in order to make it usable for React (saving in state or redux)
158 * const plainObject = entry.toPlainObject();
159 *
160 * // The entry is being updated in some way as plainObject:
161 * const updatedPlainObject = {
162 * ...plainObject,
163 * fields: {
164 * ...plainObject.fields,
165 * title: {
166 * 'en-US': 'updatedTitle'
167 * }
168 * }
169 * };
170 *
171 * // Rebuild an sdk object out of the updated plainObject:
172 * const entryWithMethodsAgain = environment.getEntryFromData(updatedPlainObject);
173 *
174 * // Update with help of the sdk method:
175 * entryWithMethodsAgain.update();
176 *
177 * });
178 * ```
179 **/
180 getEntryFromData(entryData) {
181 return wrapEntry(makeRequest, entryData);
182 },
183 /**
184 * Creates SDK Asset object (locally) from entry data
185 * @param assetData - Asset ID
186 * @return Asset
187 * @example ```javascript
188 * environment.getAsset('asset_id').then(asset => {
189 *
190 * // Build a plainObject in order to make it usable for React (saving in state or redux)
191 * const plainObject = asset.toPlainObject();
192 *
193 * // The asset is being updated in some way as plainObject:
194 * const updatedPlainObject = {
195 * ...plainObject,
196 * fields: {
197 * ...plainObject.fields,
198 * title: {
199 * 'en-US': 'updatedTitle'
200 * }
201 * }
202 * };
203 *
204 * // Rebuild an sdk object out of the updated plainObject:
205 * const assetWithMethodsAgain = environment.getAssetFromData(updatedPlainObject);
206 *
207 * // Update with help of the sdk method:
208 * assetWithMethodsAgain.update();
209 *
210 * });
211 * ```
212 */
213 getAssetFromData(assetData) {
214 return wrapAsset(makeRequest, assetData);
215 },
216 /**
217 *
218 * @description Get a BulkAction by ID.
219 * See: https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/bulk-actions/bulk-action
220 * @param bulkActionId - ID of the BulkAction to fetch
221 * @returns - Promise with the BulkAction
222 *
223 * @example ```javascript
224 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
225 *
226 * const client = contentful.createClient({
227 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
228 * })
229 *
230 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
231 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
232 * .then((environment) => environment.getBulkAction('<bulk_action_id>'))
233 * .then((bulkAction) => console.log(bulkAction))
234 * ```
235 */
236 getBulkAction(bulkActionId) {
237 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
238 return makeRequest({
239 entityType: 'BulkAction',
240 action: 'get',
241 params: {
242 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
243 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
244 bulkActionId
245 }
246 }).then(data => wrapBulkAction(makeRequest, data));
247 },
248 /**
249 * @description Creates a BulkAction that will attempt to publish all items contained in the payload.
250 * See: https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/bulk-actions/publish-bulk-action
251 * @param {BulkActionPayload} payload - Object containing the items to be processed in the bulkAction
252 * @returns - Promise with the BulkAction
253 *
254 * @example
255 *
256 * ```javascript
257 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
258 *
259 * const client = contentful.createClient({
260 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
261 * })
262 *
263 * const payload = {
264 * entities: {
265 * sys: { type: 'Array' }
266 * items: [
267 * { sys: { type: 'Link', id: '<entry-id>', linkType: 'Entry', version: 2 } }
268 * ]
269 * }
270 * }
271 *
272 * // Using Thenables
273 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
274 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
275 * .then((environment) => environment.createPublishBulkAction(payload))
276 * .then((bulkAction) => console.log(bulkAction.waitProcessing()))
277 * .catch(console.error)
278 *
279 * // Using async/await
280 * try {
281 * const space = await client.getSpace('<space_id>')
282 * const environment = await space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')
283 * const bulkActionInProgress = await environment.createPublishBulkAction(payload)
284 *
285 * // You can wait for a recently created BulkAction to be processed by using `bulkAction.waitProcessing()`
286 * const bulkActionCompleted = await bulkActionInProgress.waitProcessing()
287 * console.log(bulkActionCompleted)
288 * } catch (error) {
289 * console.log(error)
290 * }
291 * ```
292 */
293 createPublishBulkAction(payload) {
294 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
295 return makeRequest({
296 entityType: 'BulkAction',
297 action: 'publish',
298 params: {
299 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
300 environmentId: raw.sys.id
301 },
302 payload
303 }).then(data => wrapBulkAction(makeRequest, data));
304 },
305 /**
306 * @description Creates a BulkAction that will attempt to validate all items contained in the payload.
307 * See: https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/bulk-actions/validate-bulk-action
308 * @param {BulkActionPayload} payload - Object containing the items to be processed in the bulkAction
309 * @returns - Promise with the BulkAction
310 *
311 * @example
312 *
313 * ```javascript
314 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
315 *
316 * const client = contentful.createClient({
317 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
318 * })
319 *
320 * const payload = {
321 * action: 'publish',
322 * entities: {
323 * sys: { type: 'Array' }
324 * items: [
325 * { sys: { type: 'Link', id: '<entry-id>', linkType: 'Entry' } }
326 * ]
327 * }
328 * }
329 *
330 * // Using Thenables
331 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
332 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
333 * .then((environment) => environment.createValidateBulkAction(payload))
334 * .then((bulkAction) => console.log(bulkAction.waitProcessing()))
335 * .catch(console.error)
336 *
337 * // Using async/await
338 * try {
339 * const space = await client.getSpace('<space_id>')
340 * const environment = await space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')
341 * const bulkActionInProgress = await environment.createValidateBulkAction(payload)
342 *
343 * // You can wait for a recently created BulkAction to be processed by using `bulkAction.waitProcessing()`
344 * const bulkActionCompleted = await bulkActionInProgress.waitProcessing()
345 * console.log(bulkActionCompleted)
346 * } catch (error) {
347 * console.log(error)
348 * }
349 * ```
350 */
351 createValidateBulkAction(payload) {
352 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
353 return makeRequest({
354 entityType: 'BulkAction',
355 action: 'validate',
356 params: {
357 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
358 environmentId: raw.sys.id
359 },
360 payload
361 }).then(data => wrapBulkAction(makeRequest, data));
362 },
363 /**
364 * @description Creates a BulkAction that will attempt to unpublish all items contained in the payload.
365 * See: https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/bulk-actions/unpublish-bulk-action
366 * @param {BulkActionPayload} payload - Object containing the items to be processed in the bulkAction
367 * @returns - Promise with the BulkAction
368 *
369 * @example
370 *
371 * ```javascript
372 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
373 *
374 * const client = contentful.createClient({
375 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
376 * })
377 *
378 * const payload = {
379 * entities: {
380 * sys: { type: 'Array' }
381 * items: [
382 * { sys: { type: 'Link', id: 'entry-id', linkType: 'Entry' } }
383 * ]
384 * }
385 * }
386 *
387 * // Using Thenables
388 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
389 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
390 * .then((environment) => environment.createUnpublishBulkAction(payload))
391 * .then((bulkAction) => console.log(bulkAction.waitProcessing()))
392 * .catch(console.error)
393 *
394 * // Using async/await
395 * try {
396 * const space = await clientgetSpace('<space_id>')
397 * const environment = await space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')
398 * const bulkActionInProgress = await environment.createUnpublishBulkAction(payload)
399 *
400 * // You can wait for a recently created BulkAction to be processed by using `bulkAction.waitProcessing()`
401 * const bulkActionCompleted = await bulkActionInProgress.waitProcessing()
402 * console.log(bulkActionCompleted)
403 * } catch (error) {
404 * console.log(error)
405 * }
406 * ```
407 */
408 createUnpublishBulkAction(payload) {
409 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
410 return makeRequest({
411 entityType: 'BulkAction',
412 action: 'unpublish',
413 params: {
414 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
415 environmentId: raw.sys.id
416 },
417 payload
418 }).then(data => wrapBulkAction(makeRequest, data));
419 },
420 /**
421 * Gets a Content Type
422 * @param contentTypeId - Content Type ID
423 * @return Promise for a Content Type
424 * @example ```javascript
425 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
426 *
427 * const client = contentful.createClient({
428 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
429 * })
430 *
431 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
432 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
433 * .then((environment) => environment.getContentType('<content_type_id>'))
434 * .then((contentType) => console.log(contentType))
435 * .catch(console.error)
436 * ```
437 */
438 getContentType(contentTypeId) {
439 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
440 return makeRequest({
441 entityType: 'ContentType',
442 action: 'get',
443 params: {
444 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
445 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
446 contentTypeId
447 }
448 }).then(data => wrapContentType(makeRequest, data));
449 },
450 /**
451 * Gets a collection of Content Types
452 * @param query - Object with search parameters. Check the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/javascript/tutorials/using-js-cda-sdk/#retrieving-entries-with-search-parameters">JS SDK tutorial</a> and the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/#/reference/search-parameters">REST API reference</a> for more details.
453 * @return Promise for a collection of Content Types
454 * @example ```javascript
455 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
456 *
457 * const client = contentful.createClient({
458 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
459 * })
460 *
461 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
462 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
463 * .then((environment) => environment.getContentTypes())
464 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
465 * .catch(console.error)
466 * ```
467 */
468 getContentTypes(query = {}) {
469 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
470 return makeRequest({
471 entityType: 'ContentType',
472 action: 'getMany',
473 params: {
474 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
475 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
476 query: createRequestConfig({
477 query
478 }).params
479 }
480 }).then(data => wrapContentTypeCollection(makeRequest, data));
481 },
482 /**
483 * Creates a Content Type
484 * @param data - Object representation of the Content Type to be created
485 * @return Promise for the newly created Content Type
486 * @example ```javascript
487 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
488 *
489 * const client = contentful.createClient({
490 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
491 * })
492 *
493 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
494 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
495 * .then((environment) => environment.createContentType({
496 * name: 'Blog Post',
497 * fields: [
498 * {
499 * id: 'title',
500 * name: 'Title',
501 * required: true,
502 * localized: false,
503 * type: 'Text'
504 * }
505 * ]
506 * }))
507 * .then((contentType) => console.log(contentType))
508 * .catch(console.error)
509 * ```
510 */
511 createContentType(data) {
512 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
513 return makeRequest({
514 entityType: 'ContentType',
515 action: 'create',
516 params: {
517 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
518 environmentId: raw.sys.id
519 },
520 payload: data
521 }).then(response => wrapContentType(makeRequest, response));
522 },
523 /**
524 * Creates a Content Type with a custom ID
525 * @param contentTypeId - Content Type ID
526 * @param data - Object representation of the Content Type to be created
527 * @return Promise for the newly created Content Type
528 * @example ```javascript
529 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
530 *
531 * const client = contentful.createClient({
532 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
533 * })
534 *
535 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
536 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
537 * .then((environment) => environment.createContentTypeWithId('<content-type-id>', {
538 * name: 'Blog Post',
539 * fields: [
540 * {
541 * id: 'title',
542 * name: 'Title',
543 * required: true,
544 * localized: false,
545 * type: 'Text'
546 * }
547 * ]
548 * }))
549 * .then((contentType) => console.log(contentType))
550 * .catch(console.error)
551 * ```
552 */
553 createContentTypeWithId(contentTypeId, data) {
554 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
555 return makeRequest({
556 entityType: 'ContentType',
557 action: 'createWithId',
558 params: {
559 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
560 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
561 contentTypeId
562 },
563 payload: data
564 }).then(response => wrapContentType(makeRequest, response));
565 },
566 /**
567 * Gets an EditorInterface for a ContentType
568 * @param contentTypeId - Content Type ID
569 * @return Promise for an EditorInterface
570 * @example ```javascript
571 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
572 *
573 * const client = contentful.createClient({
574 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
575 * })
576 *
577 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
578 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
579 * .then((environment) => environment.getEditorInterfaceForContentType('<content_type_id>'))
580 * .then((EditorInterface) => console.log(EditorInterface))
581 * .catch(console.error)
582 * ```
583 */
584 getEditorInterfaceForContentType(contentTypeId) {
585 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
586 return makeRequest({
587 entityType: 'EditorInterface',
588 action: 'get',
589 params: {
590 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
591 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
592 contentTypeId
593 }
594 }).then(response => wrapEditorInterface(makeRequest, response));
595 },
596 /**
597 * Gets all EditorInterfaces
598 * @return Promise for a collection of EditorInterface
599 * @example ```javascript
600 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
601 *
602 * const client = contentful.createClient({
603 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
604 * })
605 *
606 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
607 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
608 * .then((environment) => environment.getEditorInterfaces())
609 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
610 * .catch(console.error)
611 * ```
612 */
613 getEditorInterfaces() {
614 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
615 return makeRequest({
616 entityType: 'EditorInterface',
617 action: 'getMany',
618 params: {
619 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
620 environmentId: raw.sys.id
621 }
622 }).then(response => wrapEditorInterfaceCollection(makeRequest, response));
623 },
624 /**
625 * Gets an Entry
626 * Warning: if you are using the select operator, when saving, any field that was not selected will be removed
627 * from your entry in the backend
628 * @param id - Entry ID
629 * @param query - Object with search parameters. In this method it's only useful for `locale`.
630 * @return Promise for an Entry
631 * @example ```javascript
632 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
633 *
634 * const client = contentful.createClient({
635 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
636 * })
637 *
638 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
639 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
640 * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
641 * .then((entry) => console.log(entry))
642 * .catch(console.error)
643 * ```
644 */
645 getEntry(id, query = {}) {
646 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
647 return makeRequest({
648 entityType: 'Entry',
649 action: 'get',
650 params: {
651 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
652 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
653 entryId: id,
654 query: createRequestConfig({
655 query: query
656 }).params
657 }
658 }).then(data => wrapEntry(makeRequest, data));
659 },
660 /**
661 * Deletes an Entry of this environment
662 * @param id - Entry ID
663 * @return Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
664 * @example ```javascript
665 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
666 *
667 * const client = contentful.createClient({
668 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
669 * })
670 *
671 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
672 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
673 * .then((environment) => environment.deleteEntry("4bmLXiuviAZH3jkj5DLRWE"))
674 * .then(() => console.log('Entry deleted.'))
675 * .catch(console.error)
676 * ```
677 */
678 deleteEntry(id) {
679 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
680 return makeRequest({
681 entityType: 'Entry',
682 action: 'delete',
683 params: {
684 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
685 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
686 entryId: id
687 }
688 }).then(() => {
689 // noop
690 });
691 },
692 /**
693 * Gets a collection of Entries
694 * Warning: if you are using the select operator, when saving, any field that was not selected will be removed
695 * from your entry in the backend
696 * @param query - Object with search parameters. Check the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/javascript/tutorials/using-js-cda-sdk/#retrieving-entries-with-search-parameters">JS SDK tutorial</a> and the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/#/reference/search-parameters">REST API reference</a> for more details.
697 * @return Promise for a collection of Entries
698 * @example ```javascript
699 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
700 *
701 * const client = contentful.createClient({
702 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
703 * })
704 *
705 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
706 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
707 * .then((environment) => environment.getEntries({'content_type': 'foo'})) // you can add more queries as 'key': 'value'
708 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
709 * .catch(console.error)
710 * ```
711 */
712 getEntries(query = {}) {
713 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
714 return makeRequest({
715 entityType: 'Entry',
716 action: 'getMany',
717 params: {
718 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
719 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
720 query: createRequestConfig({
721 query: query
722 }).params
723 }
724 }).then(data => wrapEntryCollection(makeRequest, data));
725 },
726 /**
727 * Gets a collection of published Entries
728 * @param query - Object with search parameters. Check the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/javascript/tutorials/using-js-cda-sdk/#retrieving-entries-with-search-parameters">JS SDK tutorial</a> and the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/#/reference/search-parameters">REST API reference</a> for more details.
729 * @return Promise for a collection of published Entries
730 * @example ```javascript
731 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
732 *
733 * const client = contentful.createClient({
734 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
735 * })
736 *
737 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
738 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
739 * .then((environment) => environment.getPublishedEntries({'content_type': 'foo'})) // you can add more queries as 'key': 'value'
740 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
741 * .catch(console.error)
742 * ```
743 */
744 getPublishedEntries(query = {}) {
745 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
746 return makeRequest({
747 entityType: 'Entry',
748 action: 'getPublished',
749 params: {
750 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
751 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
752 query: createRequestConfig({
753 query: query
754 }).params
755 }
756 }).then(data => wrapEntryCollection(makeRequest, data));
757 },
758 /**
759 * Creates a Entry
760 * @param contentTypeId - The Content Type ID of the newly created Entry
761 * @param data - Object representation of the Entry to be created
762 * @return Promise for the newly created Entry
763 * @example ```javascript
764 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
765 *
766 * const client = contentful.createClient({
767 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
768 * })
769 *
770 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
771 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
772 * .then((environment) => environment.createEntry('<content_type_id>', {
773 * fields: {
774 * title: {
775 * 'en-US': 'Entry title'
776 * }
777 * }
778 * }))
779 * .then((entry) => console.log(entry))
780 * .catch(console.error)
781 * ```
782 */
783 createEntry(contentTypeId, data) {
784 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
785 return makeRequest({
786 entityType: 'Entry',
787 action: 'create',
788 params: {
789 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
790 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
791 contentTypeId: contentTypeId
792 },
793 payload: data
794 }).then(response => wrapEntry(makeRequest, response));
795 },
796 /**
797 * Creates a Entry with a custom ID
798 * @param contentTypeId - The Content Type of the newly created Entry
799 * @param id - Entry ID
800 * @param data - Object representation of the Entry to be created
801 * @return Promise for the newly created Entry
802 * @example ```javascript
803 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
804 *
805 * const client = contentful.createClient({
806 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
807 * })
808 *
809 * // Create entry
810 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
811 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
812 * .then((environment) => environment.createEntryWithId('<content_type_id>', '<entry_id>', {
813 * fields: {
814 * title: {
815 * 'en-US': 'Entry title'
816 * }
817 * }
818 * }))
819 * .then((entry) => console.log(entry))
820 * .catch(console.error)
821 * ```
822 */
823 createEntryWithId(contentTypeId, id, data) {
824 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
825 return makeRequest({
826 entityType: 'Entry',
827 action: 'createWithId',
828 params: {
829 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
830 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
831 entryId: id,
832 contentTypeId: contentTypeId
833 },
834 payload: data
835 }).then(response => wrapEntry(makeRequest, response));
836 },
837 /**
838 * Get entry references
839 * @param entryId - Entry ID
840 * @param {Object} options.include - Level of the entry descendants from 1 up to 10 maximum
841 * @returns Promise of Entry references
842 * @example ```javascript
843 * const contentful = require('contentful-management');
844 *
845 * const client = contentful.createClient({
846 * accessToken: '<contentful_management_api_key>
847 * })
848 *
849 * // Get entry references
850 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
851 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
852 * .then((environment) => environment.getEntryReferences('<entry_id>', {include: number}))
853 * .then((entry) => console.log(entry.includes))
854 * // or
855 * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>')).then((entry) => entry.references({include: number}))
856 * .catch(console.error)
857 * ```
858 */
859 getEntryReferences(entryId, options) {
860 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
861 return makeRequest({
862 entityType: 'Entry',
863 action: 'references',
864 params: {
865 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
866 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
867 entryId: entryId,
868 include: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.include
869 }
870 }).then(response => wrapEntryCollection(makeRequest, response));
871 },
872 /**
873 * Gets an Asset
874 * Warning: if you are using the select operator, when saving, any field that was not selected will be removed
875 * from your entry in the backend
876 * @param id - Asset ID
877 * @param query - Object with search parameters. In this method it's only useful for `locale`.
878 * @return Promise for an Asset
879 * @example ```javascript
880 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
881 *
882 * const client = contentful.createClient({
883 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
884 * })
885 *
886 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
887 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
888 * .then((environment) => environment.getAsset('<asset_id>'))
889 * .then((asset) => console.log(asset))
890 * .catch(console.error)
891 * ```
892 */
893 getAsset(id, query = {}) {
894 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
895 return makeRequest({
896 entityType: 'Asset',
897 action: 'get',
898 params: {
899 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
900 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
901 assetId: id,
902 query: createRequestConfig({
903 query: query
904 }).params
905 }
906 }).then(data => wrapAsset(makeRequest, data));
907 },
908 /**
909 * Gets a collection of Assets
910 * Warning: if you are using the select operator, when saving, any field that was not selected will be removed
911 * from your entry in the backend
912 * @param query - Object with search parameters. Check the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/javascript/tutorials/using-js-cda-sdk/#retrieving-entries-with-search-parameters">JS SDK tutorial</a> and the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/#/reference/search-parameters">REST API reference</a> for more details.
913 * @return Promise for a collection of Assets
914 * @example ```javascript
915 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
916 *
917 * const client = contentful.createClient({
918 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
919 * })
920 *
921 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
922 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
923 * .then((environment) => environment.getAssets())
924 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
925 * .catch(console.error)
926 * ```
927 */
928 getAssets(query = {}) {
929 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
930 return makeRequest({
931 entityType: 'Asset',
932 action: 'getMany',
933 params: {
934 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
935 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
936 query: createRequestConfig({
937 query: query
938 }).params
939 }
940 }).then(data => wrapAssetCollection(makeRequest, data));
941 },
942 /**
943 * Gets a collection of published Assets
944 * @param query - Object with search parameters. Check the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/javascript/tutorials/using-js-cda-sdk/#retrieving-entries-with-search-parameters">JS SDK tutorial</a> and the <a href="https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-delivery-api/#/reference/search-parameters">REST API reference</a> for more details.
945 * @return Promise for a collection of published Assets
946 * @example ```javascript
947 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
948 *
949 * const client = contentful.createClient({
950 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
951 * })
952 *
953 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
954 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
955 * .then((environment) => environment.getPublishedAssets())
956 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
957 * .catch(console.error)
958 * ```
959 */
960 getPublishedAssets(query = {}) {
961 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
962 return makeRequest({
963 entityType: 'Asset',
964 action: 'getPublished',
965 params: {
966 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
967 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
968 query: createRequestConfig({
969 query: query
970 }).params
971 }
972 }).then(data => wrapAssetCollection(makeRequest, data));
973 },
974 /**
975 * Creates a Asset. After creation, call asset.processForLocale or asset.processForAllLocales to start asset processing.
976 * @param data - Object representation of the Asset to be created. Note that the field object should have an upload property on asset creation, which will be removed and replaced with an url property when processing is finished.
977 * @return Promise for the newly created Asset
978 * @example ```javascript
979 * const client = contentful.createClient({
980 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
981 * })
982 *
983 * // Create asset
984 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
985 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
986 * .then((environment) => environment.createAsset({
987 * fields: {
988 * title: {
989 * 'en-US': 'Playsam Streamliner'
990 * },
991 * file: {
992 * 'en-US': {
993 * contentType: 'image/jpeg',
994 * fileName: 'example.jpeg',
995 * upload: 'https://example.com/example.jpg'
996 * }
997 * }
998 * }
999 * }))
1000 * .then((asset) => asset.processForLocale("en-US")) // OR asset.processForAllLocales()
1001 * .then((asset) => console.log(asset))
1002 * .catch(console.error)
1003 * ```
1004 */
1005 createAsset(data) {
1006 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1007 return makeRequest({
1008 entityType: 'Asset',
1009 action: 'create',
1010 params: {
1011 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1012 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1013 },
1014 payload: data
1015 }).then(response => wrapAsset(makeRequest, response));
1016 },
1017 /**
1018 * Creates a Asset with a custom ID. After creation, call asset.processForLocale or asset.processForAllLocales to start asset processing.
1019 * @param id - Asset ID
1020 * @param data - Object representation of the Asset to be created. Note that the field object should have an upload property on asset creation, which will be removed and replaced with an url property when processing is finished.
1021 * @return Promise for the newly created Asset
1022 * @example ```javascript
1023 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1024 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1025 * })
1026 *
1027 * // Create asset
1028 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1029 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1030 * .then((environment) => environment.createAssetWithId('<asset_id>', {
1031 * title: {
1032 * 'en-US': 'Playsam Streamliner'
1033 * },
1034 * file: {
1035 * 'en-US': {
1036 * contentType: 'image/jpeg',
1037 * fileName: 'example.jpeg',
1038 * upload: 'https://example.com/example.jpg'
1039 * }
1040 * }
1041 * }))
1042 * .then((asset) => asset.process())
1043 * .then((asset) => console.log(asset))
1044 * .catch(console.error)
1045 * ```
1046 */
1047 createAssetWithId(id, data) {
1048 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1049 return makeRequest({
1050 entityType: 'Asset',
1051 action: 'createWithId',
1052 params: {
1053 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1054 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1055 assetId: id
1056 },
1057 payload: data
1058 }).then(response => wrapAsset(makeRequest, response));
1059 },
1060 /**
1061 * Creates a Asset based on files. After creation, call asset.processForLocale or asset.processForAllLocales to start asset processing.
1062 * @param data - Object representation of the Asset to be created. Note that the field object should have an uploadFrom property on asset creation, which will be removed and replaced with an url property when processing is finished.
1063 * @param data.fields.file.[LOCALE].file - Can be a string, an ArrayBuffer or a Stream.
1064 * @return Promise for the newly created Asset
1065 * @example ```javascript
1066 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1067 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1068 * })
1069 *
1070 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1071 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1072 * .then((environment) => environment.createAssetFromFiles({
1073 * fields: {
1074 * file: {
1075 * 'en-US': {
1076 * contentType: 'image/jpeg',
1077 * fileName: 'filename_english.jpg',
1078 * file: createReadStream('path/to/filename_english.jpg')
1079 * },
1080 * 'de-DE': {
1081 * contentType: 'image/svg+xml',
1082 * fileName: 'filename_german.svg',
1083 * file: '<svg><path fill="red" d="M50 50h150v50H50z"/></svg>'
1084 * }
1085 * }
1086 * }
1087 * }))
1088 * .then((asset) => console.log(asset))
1089 * .catch(console.error)
1090 * ```
1091 */
1092 createAssetFromFiles(data, options) {
1093 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1094 return makeRequest({
1095 entityType: 'Asset',
1096 action: 'createFromFiles',
1097 params: {
1098 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1099 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1100 uploadTimeout: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.uploadTimeout
1101 },
1102 payload: data
1103 }).then(response => wrapAsset(makeRequest, response));
1104 },
1105 /**
1106 * Creates an asset key for signing asset URLs (Embargoed Assets)
1107 * @param data Object with request payload
1108 * @param data.expiresAt number a UNIX timestamp in the future (but not more than 48 hours from time of calling)
1109 * @return Promise for the newly created AssetKey
1110 * @example ```javascript
1111 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1112 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1113 * })
1114 *
1115 * // Create assetKey
1116 * now = () => Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
1117 * const withExpiryIn1Hour = () => now() + 1 * 60 * 60
1118 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1119 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1120 * .then((environment) => environment.createAssetKey({ expiresAt: withExpiryIn1Hour() }))
1121 * .then((policy, secret) => console.log({ policy, secret }))
1122 * .catch(console.error)
1123 * ```
1124 */
1125 createAssetKey(payload) {
1126 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1127 return makeRequest({
1128 entityType: 'AssetKey',
1129 action: 'create',
1130 params: {
1131 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1132 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1133 },
1134 payload
1135 }).then(data => wrapAssetKey(makeRequest, data));
1136 },
1137 /**
1138 * Gets an Upload
1139 * @param id - Upload ID
1140 * @return Promise for an Upload
1141 * @example ```javascript
1142 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1143 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1144 * })
1145 * const uploadStream = createReadStream('path/to/filename_english.jpg')
1146 *
1147 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1148 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1149 * .then((environment) => environment.getUpload('<upload-id>')
1150 * .then((upload) => console.log(upload))
1151 * .catch(console.error)
1152 */
1153 getUpload(id) {
1154 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1155 return makeRequest({
1156 entityType: 'Upload',
1157 action: 'get',
1158 params: {
1159 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1160 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1161 uploadId: id
1162 }
1163 }).then(data => wrapUpload(makeRequest, data));
1164 },
1165 /**
1166 * Creates a Upload.
1167 * @param data - Object with file information.
1168 * @param data.file - Actual file content. Can be a string, an ArrayBuffer or a Stream.
1169 * @return Upload object containing information about the uploaded file.
1170 * @example ```javascript
1171 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1172 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1173 * })
1174 * const uploadStream = createReadStream('path/to/filename_english.jpg')
1175 *
1176 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1177 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1178 * .then((environment) => environment.createUpload({file: uploadStream})
1179 * .then((upload) => console.log(upload))
1180 * .catch(console.error)
1181 * ```
1182 */
1183 createUpload: function createUpload(data) {
1184 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1185 return makeRequest({
1186 entityType: 'Upload',
1187 action: 'create',
1188 params: {
1189 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1190 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1191 },
1192 payload: data
1193 }).then(data => wrapUpload(makeRequest, data));
1194 },
1195 /**
1196 * Gets a Locale
1197 * @param localeId - Locale ID
1198 * @return Promise for an Locale
1199 * @example ```javascript
1200 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1201 *
1202 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1203 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1204 * })
1205 *
1206 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1207 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1208 * .then((environment) => environment.getLocale('<locale_id>'))
1209 * .then((locale) => console.log(locale))
1210 * .catch(console.error)
1211 * ```
1212 */
1213 getLocale(localeId) {
1214 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1215 return makeRequest({
1216 entityType: 'Locale',
1217 action: 'get',
1218 params: {
1219 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1220 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1221 localeId
1222 }
1223 }).then(data => wrapLocale(makeRequest, data));
1224 },
1225 /**
1226 * Gets a collection of Locales
1227 * @return Promise for a collection of Locales
1228 * @example ```javascript
1229 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1230 *
1231 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1232 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1233 * })
1234 *
1235 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1236 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1237 * .then((environment) => environment.getLocales())
1238 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
1239 * .catch(console.error)
1240 * ```
1241 */
1242 getLocales() {
1243 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1244 return makeRequest({
1245 entityType: 'Locale',
1246 action: 'getMany',
1247 params: {
1248 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1249 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1250 }
1251 }).then(data => wrapLocaleCollection(makeRequest, data));
1252 },
1253 /**
1254 * Creates a Locale
1255 * @param data - Object representation of the Locale to be created
1256 * @return Promise for the newly created Locale
1257 * @example ```javascript
1258 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1259 *
1260 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1261 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1262 * })
1263 *
1264 * // Create locale
1265 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1266 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1267 * .then((environment) => environment.createLocale({
1268 * name: 'German (Austria)',
1269 * code: 'de-AT',
1270 * fallbackCode: 'de-DE',
1271 * optional: true
1272 * }))
1273 * .then((locale) => console.log(locale))
1274 * .catch(console.error)
1275 * ```
1276 */
1277 createLocale(data) {
1278 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1279 return makeRequest({
1280 entityType: 'Locale',
1281 action: 'create',
1282 params: {
1283 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1284 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1285 },
1286 payload: data
1287 }).then(response => wrapLocale(makeRequest, response));
1288 },
1289 /**
1290 * Gets an UI Extension
1291 * @param id - Extension ID
1292 * @return Promise for an UI Extension
1293 * @example ```javascript
1294 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1295 *
1296 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1297 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1298 * })
1299 *
1300 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1301 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1302 * .then((environment) => environment.getUiExtension('<extension-id>'))
1303 * .then((extension) => console.log(extension))
1304 * .catch(console.error)
1305 * ```
1306 */
1307 getUiExtension(id) {
1308 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1309 return makeRequest({
1310 entityType: 'Extension',
1311 action: 'get',
1312 params: {
1313 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1314 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1315 extensionId: id
1316 }
1317 }).then(data => wrapExtension(makeRequest, data));
1318 },
1319 /**
1320 * Gets a collection of UI Extension
1321 * @return Promise for a collection of UI Extensions
1322 * @example ```javascript
1323 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1324 *
1325 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1326 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1327 * })
1328 *
1329 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1330 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1331 * .then((environment) => environment.getUiExtensions()
1332 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
1333 * .catch(console.error)
1334 * ```
1335 */
1336 getUiExtensions() {
1337 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1338 return makeRequest({
1339 entityType: 'Extension',
1340 action: 'getMany',
1341 params: {
1342 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1343 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1344 }
1345 }).then(response => wrapExtensionCollection(makeRequest, response));
1346 },
1347 /**
1348 * Creates a UI Extension
1349 * @param data - Object representation of the UI Extension to be created
1350 * @return Promise for the newly created UI Extension
1351 * @example ```javascript
1352 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1353 *
1354 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1355 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1356 * })
1357 *
1358 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1359 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1360 * .then((environment) => environment.createUiExtension({
1361 * extension: {
1362 * name: 'My awesome extension',
1363 * src: 'https://example.com/my',
1364 * fieldTypes: [
1365 * {
1366 * type: 'Symbol'
1367 * },
1368 * {
1369 * type: 'Text'
1370 * }
1371 * ],
1372 * sidebar: false
1373 * }
1374 * }))
1375 * .then((extension) => console.log(extension))
1376 * .catch(console.error)
1377 * ```
1378 */
1379 createUiExtension(data) {
1380 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1381 return makeRequest({
1382 entityType: 'Extension',
1383 action: 'create',
1384 params: {
1385 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1386 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1387 },
1388 payload: data
1389 }).then(response => wrapExtension(makeRequest, response));
1390 },
1391 /**
1392 * Creates a UI Extension with a custom ID
1393 * @param id - Extension ID
1394 * @param data - Object representation of the UI Extension to be created
1395 * @return Promise for the newly created UI Extension
1396 * @example ```javascript
1397 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1398 *
1399 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1400 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1401 * })
1402 *
1403 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1404 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1405 * .then((environment) => environment.createUiExtensionWithId('<extension_id>', {
1406 * extension: {
1407 * name: 'My awesome extension',
1408 * src: 'https://example.com/my',
1409 * fieldTypes: [
1410 * {
1411 * type: 'Symbol'
1412 * },
1413 * {
1414 * type: 'Text'
1415 * }
1416 * ],
1417 * sidebar: false
1418 * }
1419 * }))
1420 * .then((extension) => console.log(extension))
1421 * .catch(console.error)
1422 * ```
1423 */
1424 createUiExtensionWithId(id, data) {
1425 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1426 return makeRequest({
1427 entityType: 'Extension',
1428 action: 'createWithId',
1429 params: {
1430 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1431 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1432 extensionId: id
1433 },
1434 payload: data
1435 }).then(response => wrapExtension(makeRequest, response));
1436 },
1437 /**
1438 * Creates an App Installation
1439 * @param appDefinitionId - AppDefinition ID
1440 * @param data - AppInstallation data
1441 * @param options.acceptAllTerms - Flag for accepting Apps' Marketplace EULA, Terms, and Privacy policy (need to pass `{acceptAllTerms: true}` to install a marketplace app)
1442 * @return Promise for an App Installation
1443 * @example ```javascript
1444 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1445 *
1446 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1447 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1448 * })
1449 *
1450 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1451 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1452 * .then((environment) => environment.createAppInstallation('<app_definition_id>', {
1453 * parameters: {
1454 * someParameter: someValue
1455 * }
1456 * })
1457 * .then((appInstallation) => console.log(appInstallation))
1458 * .catch(console.error)
1459 * ```
1460 */
1461 createAppInstallation(appDefinitionId, data, {
1462 acceptAllTerms
1463 } = {}) {
1464 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1465 return makeRequest({
1466 entityType: 'AppInstallation',
1467 action: 'upsert',
1468 params: {
1469 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1470 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1471 appDefinitionId,
1472 acceptAllTerms
1473 },
1474 payload: data
1475 }).then(payload => wrapAppInstallation(makeRequest, payload));
1476 },
1477 /**
1478 * Gets an App Installation
1479 * @param id - AppDefintion ID
1480 * @return Promise for an App Installation
1481 * @example ```javascript
1482 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1483 *
1484 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1485 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1486 * })
1487 *
1488 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1489 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1490 * .then((environment) => environment.getAppInstallation('<app-definition-id>'))
1491 * .then((appInstallation) => console.log(appInstallation))
1492 * .catch(console.error)
1493 * ```
1494 */
1495 getAppInstallation(id) {
1496 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1497 return makeRequest({
1498 entityType: 'AppInstallation',
1499 action: 'get',
1500 params: {
1501 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1502 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1503 appDefinitionId: id
1504 }
1505 }).then(data => wrapAppInstallation(makeRequest, data));
1506 },
1507 /**
1508 * Gets a collection of App Installation
1509 * @return Promise for a collection of App Installations
1510 * @example ```javascript
1511 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1512 *
1513 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1514 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1515 * })
1516 *
1517 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1518 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1519 * .then((environment) => environment.getAppInstallations()
1520 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items))
1521 * .catch(console.error)
1522 * ```
1523 */
1524 getAppInstallations() {
1525 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1526 return makeRequest({
1527 entityType: 'AppInstallation',
1528 action: 'getMany',
1529 params: {
1530 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1531 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1532 }
1533 }).then(data => wrapAppInstallationCollection(makeRequest, data));
1534 },
1535 /**
1536 * Creates an app action call
1537 * @param appDefinitionId - AppDefinition ID
1538 * @param appActionId - action ID
1539 * @param data - App Action Call data
1540 * @return Promise for an App Action Call
1541 * @example ```javascript
1542 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1543 *
1544 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1545 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1546 * })
1547 *
1548 * const data = {
1549 * headers: {
1550 * 'x-my-header': 'some-value'
1551 * },
1552 * body: {
1553 * 'some-body-value': true
1554 * }
1555 * }
1556 *
1557 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1558 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1559 * .then((environment) => environment.createAppActionCall('<app_definition_id>', '<action_id>', data)
1560 * .then((appActionCall) => console.log(appActionCall))
1561 * .catch(console.error)
1562 * ```
1563 */
1564 createAppActionCall(appDefinitionId, appActionId, data) {
1565 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1566 return makeRequest({
1567 entityType: 'AppActionCall',
1568 action: 'create',
1569 params: {
1570 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1571 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1572 appDefinitionId,
1573 appActionId
1574 },
1575 payload: data
1576 }).then(payload => wrapAppActionCall(makeRequest, payload));
1577 },
1578 /**
1579 * Creates an app signed request
1580 * @param appDefinitionId - AppDefinition ID
1581 * @param data - SignedRequest data
1582 * @return Promise for a Signed Request
1583 * @example ```javascript
1584 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1585 *
1586 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1587 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1588 * })
1589 *
1590 * const data = {
1591 * method: 'POST',
1592 * path: '/request_path',
1593 * body: '{ "key": "data" }',
1594 * headers: {
1595 * 'x-my-header': 'some-value'
1596 * },
1597 * }
1598 *
1599 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1600 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1601 * .then((environment) => environment.createAppSignedRequest('<app_definition_id>', data)
1602 * .then((signedRequest) => console.log(signedRequest))
1603 * .catch(console.error)
1604 * ```
1605 */
1606 createAppSignedRequest(appDefinitionId, data) {
1607 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1608 return makeRequest({
1609 entityType: 'AppSignedRequest',
1610 action: 'create',
1611 params: {
1612 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1613 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1614 appDefinitionId
1615 },
1616 payload: data
1617 }).then(payload => wrapAppSignedRequest(makeRequest, payload));
1618 },
1619 /**
1620 * Creates an app access token
1621 * @param appDefinitionId - AppDefinition ID
1622 * @param data - Json Web Token
1623 * @return Promise for an app access token
1624 * @example ```javascript
1625 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1626 * const { sign } = require('jsonwebtoken')
1627 *
1628 * const signOptions = { algorithm: 'RS256', issuer: '<app_definition_id>', expiresIn: '10m' }
1629 *
1630 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1631 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1632 * })
1633 *
1634 * const data = {
1635 * jwt: sign({}, '<private_key>', signOptions)
1636 * }
1637 *
1638 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1639 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1640 * .then((environment) => environment.createAppAccessToken('<app_definition_id>', data)
1641 * .then((appAccessToken) => console.log(appAccessToken))
1642 * .catch(console.error)
1643 * ```
1644 */
1645 createAppAccessToken(appDefinitionId, data) {
1646 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1647 return makeRequest({
1648 entityType: 'AppAccessToken',
1649 action: 'create',
1650 params: {
1651 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1652 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1653 appDefinitionId
1654 },
1655 payload: data
1656 }).then(payload => wrapAppAccessToken(makeRequest, payload));
1657 },
1658 /**
1659 * Gets all snapshots of an entry
1660 * @func getEntrySnapshots
1661 * @param entryId - Entry ID
1662 * @param query - query additional query paramaters
1663 * @return Promise for a collection of Entry Snapshots
1664 * @example ```javascript
1665 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1666 *
1667 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1668 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1669 * })
1670 *
1671 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1672 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1673 * .then((environment) => environment.getEntrySnapshots('<entry_id>'))
1674 * .then((snapshots) => console.log(snapshots.items))
1675 * .catch(console.error)
1676 * ```
1677 */
1678 getEntrySnapshots(entryId, query = {}) {
1679 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1680 return makeRequest({
1681 entityType: 'Snapshot',
1682 action: 'getManyForEntry',
1683 params: {
1684 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1685 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1686 entryId,
1687 query
1688 }
1689 }).then(data => wrapSnapshotCollection(makeRequest, data));
1690 },
1691 /**
1692 * Gets all snapshots of a contentType
1693 * @func getContentTypeSnapshots
1694 * @param contentTypeId - Content Type ID
1695 * @param query - query additional query paramaters
1696 * @return Promise for a collection of Content Type Snapshots
1697 * @example ```javascript
1698 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1699 *
1700 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1701 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1702 * })
1703 *
1704 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1705 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1706 * .then((environment) => environment.getContentTypeSnapshots('<contentTypeId>'))
1707 * .then((snapshots) => console.log(snapshots.items))
1708 * .catch(console.error)
1709 * ```
1710 */
1711 getContentTypeSnapshots(contentTypeId, query = {}) {
1712 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1713 return makeRequest({
1714 entityType: 'Snapshot',
1715 action: 'getManyForContentType',
1716 params: {
1717 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1718 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1719 contentTypeId,
1720 query
1721 }
1722 }).then(data => wrapSnapshotCollection(makeRequest, data));
1723 },
1724 createTag(id, name, visibility) {
1725 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1726 return makeRequest({
1727 entityType: 'Tag',
1728 action: 'createWithId',
1729 params: {
1730 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1731 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1732 tagId: id
1733 },
1734 payload: {
1735 name,
1736 sys: {
1737 visibility: visibility !== null && visibility !== void 0 ? visibility : 'private'
1738 }
1739 }
1740 }).then(data => wrapTag(makeRequest, data));
1741 },
1742 getTags(query = {}) {
1743 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1744 return makeRequest({
1745 entityType: 'Tag',
1746 action: 'getMany',
1747 params: {
1748 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1749 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1750 query: createRequestConfig({
1751 query
1752 }).params
1753 }
1754 }).then(data => wrapTagCollection(makeRequest, data));
1755 },
1756 getTag(id) {
1757 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1758 return makeRequest({
1759 entityType: 'Tag',
1760 action: 'get',
1761 params: {
1762 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1763 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1764 tagId: id
1765 }
1766 }).then(data => wrapTag(makeRequest, data));
1767 },
1768 /**
1769 * Retrieves a Release by ID
1770 * @param releaseId
1771 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release
1772 * @example ```javascript
1773 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1774 *
1775 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1776 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1777 * })
1778 *
1779 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1780 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1781 * .then((environment) => environment.getRelease('<release_id>'))
1782 * .then((release) => console.log(release))
1783 * .catch(console.error)
1784 * ```
1785 */
1786 getRelease(releaseId) {
1787 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1788 return makeRequest({
1789 entityType: 'Release',
1790 action: 'get',
1791 params: {
1792 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1793 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1794 releaseId
1795 }
1796 }).then(data => wrapRelease(makeRequest, data));
1797 },
1798 /**
1799 * Gets a Collection of Releases,
1800 * @param {ReleaseQueryOptions} query filtering options for the collection result
1801 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release Collection
1802 * @example ```javascript
1803 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1804 *
1805 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1806 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1807 * })
1808 *
1809 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1810 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1811 * .then((environment) => environment.getReleases({ 'entities.sys.id[in]': '<asset_id>,<entry_id>' }))
1812 * .then((releases) => console.log(releases))
1813 * .catch(console.error)
1814 * ```
1815 */
1816 getReleases(query) {
1817 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1818 return makeRequest({
1819 entityType: 'Release',
1820 action: 'query',
1821 params: {
1822 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1823 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1824 query
1825 }
1826 }).then(data => wrapReleaseCollection(makeRequest, data));
1827 },
1828 /**
1829 * Creates a new Release with the entities and title in the payload
1830 * @param payload Object containing the payload in order to create a Release
1831 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has other helper methods within.
1832 * @example ```javascript
1833 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1834 *
1835 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1836 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1837 * })
1838 *
1839 * const payload = {
1840 * title: 'My Release',
1841 * entities: {
1842 * sys: { type: 'Array' },
1843 * items: [
1844 * { sys: { linkType: 'Entry', type: 'Link', id: '<entry_id>' } }
1845 * ]
1846 * }
1847 * }
1848 *
1849 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1850 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1851 * .then((environment) => environment.createRelease(payload))
1852 * .then((release) => console.log(release))
1853 * .catch(console.error)
1854 * ```
1855 */
1856 createRelease(payload) {
1857 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1858 return makeRequest({
1859 entityType: 'Release',
1860 action: 'create',
1861 params: {
1862 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1863 environmentId: raw.sys.id
1864 },
1865 payload
1866 }).then(data => wrapRelease(makeRequest, data));
1867 },
1868 /**
1869 * Updates a Release and replaces all the properties.
1870 * @param {object} options,
1871 * @param options.releaseId the ID of the release
1872 * @param options.payload the payload to be updated in the Release
1873 * @param options.version Release sys.version that to be updated
1874 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
1875 *
1876 * @example ```javascript
1877 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1878 *
1879 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1880 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1881 * })
1882 *
1883 *
1884 * const payload = {
1885 * title: "Updated Release title",
1886 * entities: {
1887 * sys: { type: 'Array' },
1888 * items: [
1889 * { sys: { linkType: 'Entry', type: 'Link', id: '<entry_id>' } }
1890 * ]
1891 * }
1892 * }
1893 *
1894 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1895 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1896 * .then((environment) => environment.updateRelease({ releaseId: '<release_id>', version: 1, payload } ))
1897 * .then((release) => console.log(release))
1898 * .catch(console.error)
1899 * ```
1900 */
1901 updateRelease({
1902 releaseId,
1903 payload,
1904 version
1905 }) {
1906 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1907 return makeRequest({
1908 entityType: 'Release',
1909 action: 'update',
1910 params: {
1911 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1912 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1913 releaseId,
1914 version
1915 },
1916 payload
1917 }).then(data => wrapRelease(makeRequest, data));
1918 },
1919 /**
1920 * Deletes a Release by ID - does not delete any entities.
1921 * @param releaseId the ID of the release
1922 *
1923 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
1924 * @example ```javascript
1925 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1926 *
1927 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1928 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1929 * })
1930 *
1931 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1932 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1933 * .then((environment) => environment.deleteRelease('<release_id>')
1934 * .catch(console.error)
1935 * ```
1936 */
1937 deleteRelease(releaseId) {
1938 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1939 return makeRequest({
1940 entityType: 'Release',
1941 action: 'delete',
1942 params: {
1943 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1944 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1945 releaseId
1946 }
1947 });
1948 },
1949 /**
1950 * Publishes all Entities contained in a Release.
1951 * @param options.releaseId the ID of the release
1952 * @param options.version the version of the release that is to be published
1953 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
1954 *
1955 * @example ```javascript
1956 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1957 *
1958 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1959 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1960 * })
1961 *
1962 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1963 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1964 * .then((environment) => environment.publishRelease({ releaseId: '<release_id>', version: 1 }))
1965 * .catch(console.error)
1966 * ```
1967 */
1968 publishRelease({
1969 releaseId,
1970 version
1971 }) {
1972 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
1973 return makeRequest({
1974 entityType: 'Release',
1975 action: 'publish',
1976 params: {
1977 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
1978 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
1979 releaseId,
1980 version
1981 }
1982 }).then(data => wrapReleaseAction(makeRequest, data));
1983 },
1984 /**
1985 * Unpublishes all Entities contained in a Release.
1986 * @param options.releaseId the ID of the release
1987 * @param options.version the version of the release that is to be published
1988 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
1989 *
1990 * @example ```javascript
1991 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
1992 *
1993 * const client = contentful.createClient({
1994 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
1995 * })
1996 *
1997 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
1998 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
1999 * .then((environment) => environment.unpublishRelease({ releaseId: '<release_id>', version: 1 }))
2000 * .catch(console.error)
2001 * ```
2002 */
2003 unpublishRelease({
2004 releaseId,
2005 version
2006 }) {
2007 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2008 return makeRequest({
2009 entityType: 'Release',
2010 action: 'unpublish',
2011 params: {
2012 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2013 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2014 releaseId,
2015 version
2016 }
2017 }).then(data => wrapReleaseAction(makeRequest, data));
2018 },
2019 /**
2020 * Validates all Entities contained in a Release against an action (publish or unpublish)
2021 * @param options.releaseId the ID of the release
2022 * @param options.payload (optional) the type of action to be validated against
2023 *
2024 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
2025 *
2026 * @example ```javascript
2027 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2028 *
2029 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2030 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2031 * })
2032 *
2033 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2034 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
2035 * .then((environment) => environment.validateRelease({ releaseId: '<release_id>', payload: { action: 'unpublish' } }))
2036 * .catch(console.error)
2037 * ```
2038 */
2039 validateRelease({
2040 releaseId,
2041 payload
2042 }) {
2043 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2044 return makeRequest({
2045 entityType: 'Release',
2046 action: 'validate',
2047 params: {
2048 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2049 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2050 releaseId
2051 },
2052 payload
2053 }).then(data => wrapReleaseAction(makeRequest, data));
2054 },
2055 /**
2056 * Archives a Release and prevents new operations (publishing, unpublishing adding new entities etc).
2057 * @param options.releaseId the ID of the release
2058 * @param options.version the version of the release that is to be archived
2059 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
2060 *
2061 * @example ```javascript
2062 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2063 *
2064 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2065 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2066 * })
2067 *
2068 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2069 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
2070 * .then((environment) => environment.archiveRelease({ releaseId: '<release_id>', version: 1 }))
2071 * .catch(console.error)
2072 * ```
2073 */
2074 archiveRelease({
2075 releaseId,
2076 version
2077 }) {
2078 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2079 return makeRequest({
2080 entityType: 'Release',
2081 action: 'archive',
2082 params: {
2083 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2084 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2085 releaseId,
2086 version
2087 }
2088 }).then(data => wrapRelease(makeRequest, data));
2089 },
2090 /**
2091 * Unarchives a previously archived Release - this enables the release to be published, unpublished etc.
2092 * @param options.releaseId the ID of the release
2093 * @param options.version the version of the release that is to be unarchived
2094 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped Release, that has helper methods within.
2095 *
2096 * @example ```javascript
2097 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2098 *
2099 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2100 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2101 * })
2102 *
2103 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2104 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
2105 * .then((environment) => environment.unarchiveRelease({ releaseId: '<release_id>', version: 1 }))
2106 * .catch(console.error)
2107 * ```
2108 */
2109 unarchiveRelease({
2110 releaseId,
2111 version
2112 }) {
2113 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2114 return makeRequest({
2115 entityType: 'Release',
2116 action: 'unarchive',
2117 params: {
2118 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2119 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2120 releaseId,
2121 version
2122 }
2123 }).then(data => wrapRelease(makeRequest, data));
2124 },
2125 /**
2126 * Retrieves a ReleaseAction by ID
2127 * @param params.releaseId The ID of a Release
2128 * @param params.actionId The ID of a Release Action
2129 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped ReleaseAction
2130 * @example ```javascript
2131 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2132 *
2133 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2134 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2135 * })
2136 *
2137 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2138 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
2139 * .then((environment) => environment.getReleaseAction({ releaseId: '<release_id>', actionId: '<action_id>' }))
2140 * .then((releaseAction) => console.log(releaseAction))
2141 * .catch(console.error)
2142 * ```
2143 */
2144 getReleaseAction({
2145 actionId,
2146 releaseId
2147 }) {
2148 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2149 return makeRequest({
2150 entityType: 'ReleaseAction',
2151 action: 'get',
2152 params: {
2153 actionId,
2154 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2155 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2156 releaseId
2157 }
2158 }).then(data => wrapReleaseAction(makeRequest, data));
2159 },
2160 /**
2161 * Gets a Collection of ReleaseActions
2162 * @param {string} params.releaseId ID of the Release to fetch the actions from
2163 * @param {ReleaseQueryOptions} params.query filtering options for the collection result
2164 * @returns Promise containing a wrapped ReleaseAction Collection
2165 *
2166 * @example ```javascript
2167 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2168 *
2169 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2170 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2171 * })
2172 *
2173 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2174 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
2175 * .then((environment) => environment.getReleaseActions({ query: { 'sys.id[in]': '<id_1>,<id_2>', 'sys.release.sys.id[in]': '<id1>,<id2>' } }))
2176 * .then((releaseActions) => console.log(releaseActions))
2177 * .catch(console.error)
2178 * ```
2179 */
2180 getReleaseActions({
2181 query
2182 }) {
2183 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2184 return makeRequest({
2185 entityType: 'ReleaseAction',
2186 action: 'getMany',
2187 params: {
2188 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2189 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2190 query
2191 }
2192 }).then(data => wrapReleaseActionCollection(makeRequest, data));
2193 },
2194 async getUIConfig() {
2195 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2196 const data = await makeRequest({
2197 entityType: 'UIConfig',
2198 action: 'get',
2199 params: {
2200 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2201 environmentId: raw.sys.id
2202 }
2203 });
2204 return wrapUIConfig(makeRequest, data);
2205 },
2206 async getUserUIConfig() {
2207 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2208 const data = await makeRequest({
2209 entityType: 'UserUIConfig',
2210 action: 'get',
2211 params: {
2212 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2213 environmentId: raw.sys.id
2214 }
2215 });
2216 return wrapUserUIConfig(makeRequest, data);
2217 },
2218 /**
2219 * Gets a collection of all environment template installations in the environment for a given template
2220 * @param environmentTemplateId - Environment template ID to return installations for
2221 * @param [options.installationId] - Installation ID to filter for a specific installation
2222 * @return Promise for a collection of EnvironmentTemplateInstallations
2223 * ```javascript
2224 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2225 *
2226 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2227 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2228 * })
2229 *
2230 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2231 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
2232 * .then((environment) => environment.getEnvironmentTemplateInstallations('<environment_template_id>'))
2233 * .then((installations) => console.log(installations.items))
2234 * .catch(console.error)
2235 * ```
2236 */
2237 async getEnvironmentTemplateInstallations(environmentTemplateId, _ref = {}) {
2238 let {
2239 installationId
2240 } = _ref,
2241 query = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
2242 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2243 return makeRequest({
2244 entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplateInstallation',
2245 action: 'getForEnvironment',
2246 params: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({
2247 environmentTemplateId
2248 }, installationId && {
2249 installationId
2250 }), {}, {
2251 query: _objectSpread({}, createRequestConfig({
2252 query
2253 }).params),
2254 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2255 environmentId: raw.sys.id
2256 })
2257 }).then(data => wrapEnvironmentTemplateInstallationCollection(makeRequest, data));
2258 },
2259 /**
2260 * Gets a collection of all resource types based on native external references app installations in the environment
2261 * @param query - BasicCursorPaginationOptions
2262 * @return Promise for a collection of ResourceTypes
2263 * ```javascript
2264 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2265 *
2266 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2267 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2268 * })
2269 *
2270 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2271 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
2272 * .then((environment) => environment.getResourceTypes({limit: 10}))
2273 * .then((installations) => console.log(installations.items))
2274 * .catch(console.error)
2275 * ```
2276 */
2277 async getResourceTypes(query) {
2278 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2279 return makeRequest({
2280 entityType: 'ResourceType',
2281 action: 'getForEnvironment',
2282 params: {
2283 query,
2284 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2285 environmentId: raw.sys.id
2286 }
2287 }).then(data => wrapResourceTypesForEnvironmentCollection(makeRequest, data));
2288 },
2289 /**
2290 * Gets a collection of all resources for a given resource type based on native external references app installations in the environment
2291 * @param resourceTypeId - Id of the resourceType to get its resources
2292 * @param query - Either LookupQuery options with 'sys.urn[in]' param or a Search query with 'query' param, in both cases you can add pagination options
2293 * @return Promise for a collection of Resources for a given resourceTypeId
2294 * ```javascript
2295 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
2296 *
2297 * const client = contentful.createClient({
2298 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
2299 * })
2300 *
2301 * // Search Query
2302 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2303 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
2304 * // <search_query> is a string you want to search for in the external resources
2305 * .then((environment) => environment.getResourcesForResourceType('<resource_type_id>', {query: '<search_query>', limit: 10}))
2306 * .then((installations) => console.log(installations.items))
2307 * .catch(console.error)
2308 *
2309 * // Lookup query
2310 *
2311 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
2312 * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
2313 * .then((environment) => environment.getResourcesForResourceType('<resource_type_id>', {'sys.urn[in]': '<resource_urn1>,<resource_urn2>', limit: 10}))
2314 * .then((installations) => console.log(installations.items))
2315 * .catch(console.error)
2316 * ```
2317 */
2318 async getResourcesForResourceType(resourceTypeId, query) {
2319 const raw = this.toPlainObject();
2320 return makeRequest({
2321 entityType: 'Resource',
2322 action: 'getMany',
2323 params: {
2324 query,
2325 spaceId: raw.sys.space.sys.id,
2326 environmentId: raw.sys.id,
2327 resourceTypeId
2328 }
2329 }).then(data => wrapResourceCollection(makeRequest, data));
2330 }
2331 };
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