1 | const _excluded = ["spaceId", "environmentId"];
2 | function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; }
3 | function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
4 | function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
5 | function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof i ? i : i + ""; }
6 | function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i = e.call(t, r || "default"); if ("object" != typeof i) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); }
7 | function _objectWithoutProperties(e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var o, r, i = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(e, t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); for (r = 0; r < s.length; r++) o = s[r], t.includes(o) || {}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, o) && (i[o] = e[o]); } return i; }
8 | function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(r, e) { if (null == r) return {}; var t = {}; for (var n in r) if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(r, n)) { if (e.includes(n)) continue; t[n] = r[n]; } return t; }
9 | import { createRequestConfig } from 'contentful-sdk-core';
10 | import entities from './entities';
11 | export function createEnvironmentTemplateApi(makeRequest, organizationId) {
12 | const {
13 | wrapEnvironmentTemplate,
14 | wrapEnvironmentTemplateCollection
15 | } = entities.environmentTemplate;
16 | const {
17 | wrapEnvironmentTemplateInstallationCollection
18 | } = entities.environmentTemplateInstallation;
19 | return {
20 | /**
21 | * Updates a environment template
22 | * @return Promise for new version of the template
23 | * ```javascript
24 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
25 | *
26 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
27 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
28 | * })
29 | *
30 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
31 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => {
32 | * environmentTemplate.name = 'New name'
33 | * return environmentTemplate.update()
34 | * })
35 | * .then((environmentTemplate) =>
36 | * console.log(`Environment template ${environmentTemplate.sys.id} renamed.`)
37 | * ).catch(console.error)
38 | * ```
39 | */
40 | update: function updateEnvironmentTemplate() {
41 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
42 | return makeRequest({
43 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
44 | action: 'update',
45 | params: {
46 | organizationId,
47 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id
48 | },
49 | payload: raw
50 | }).then(data => wrapEnvironmentTemplate(makeRequest, data, organizationId));
51 | },
52 | /**
53 | * Updates environment template version data
54 | * @param version.versionName - Name of the environment template version
55 | * @param version.versionDescription - Description of the environment template version
56 | * @return Promise for an updated EnvironmentTemplate
57 | * ```javascript
58 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
59 | *
60 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
61 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
62 | * })
63 | *
64 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
65 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => {
66 | * return environmentTemplate.updateVersion({
67 | * versionName: 'New Name',
68 | * versionDescription: 'New Description',
69 | * })
70 | * })
71 | * .then((environmentTemplate) =>
72 | * console.log(`Environment template version ${environmentTemplate.sys.id} renamed.`)
73 | * ).catch(console.error)
74 | * ```
75 | */
76 | updateVersion: function updateEnvironmentTemplateVersion({
77 | versionName,
78 | versionDescription
79 | }) {
80 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
81 | return makeRequest({
82 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
83 | action: 'versionUpdate',
84 | params: {
85 | organizationId,
86 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id,
87 | version: raw.sys.version
88 | },
89 | payload: {
90 | versionName,
91 | versionDescription
92 | }
93 | }).then(data => wrapEnvironmentTemplate(makeRequest, data, organizationId));
94 | },
95 | /**
96 | * Deletes the environment template
97 | * @return Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
98 | * @example ```javascript
99 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
100 | *
101 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
102 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
103 | * })
104 | *
105 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
106 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => environmentTemplate.delete())
107 | * .then(() => console.log('Environment template deleted.'))
108 | * .catch(console.error)
109 | * ```
110 | */
111 | delete: function deleteEnvironmentTemplate() {
112 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
113 | return makeRequest({
114 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
115 | action: 'delete',
116 | params: {
117 | organizationId,
118 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id
119 | }
120 | });
121 | },
122 | /**
123 | * Gets a collection of all versions for the environment template
124 | * @return Promise for a EnvironmentTemplate
125 | * ```javascript
126 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
127 | *
128 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
129 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
130 | * })
131 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
132 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => environmentTemplate.getVersions())
133 | * .then((environmentTemplateVersions) => console.log(environmentTemplateVersions.items))
134 | * .catch(console.error)
135 | * ```
136 | */
137 | getVersions: function getEnvironmentTemplateVersions() {
138 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
139 | return makeRequest({
140 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
141 | action: 'versions',
142 | params: {
143 | organizationId,
144 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id
145 | }
146 | }).then(data => wrapEnvironmentTemplateCollection(makeRequest, data, organizationId));
147 | },
148 | /**
149 | * Gets a collection of all installations for the environment template
150 | * @param [installationParams.spaceId] - Space ID to filter installations by space and environment
151 | * @param [installationParams.environmentId] - Environment ID to filter installations by space and environment
152 | * @return Promise for a collection of EnvironmentTemplateInstallations
153 | * ```javascript
154 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
155 | *
156 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
157 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
158 | * })
159 | *
160 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
161 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => environmentTemplate.getInstallations())
162 | * .then((environmentTemplateInstallations) =>
163 | * console.log(environmentTemplateInstallations.items)
164 | * )
165 | * .catch(console.error)
166 | * ```
167 | */
168 | getInstallations: function getEnvironmentTemplateInstallations(_ref = {}) {
169 | let {
170 | spaceId,
171 | environmentId
172 | } = _ref,
173 | query = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, _excluded);
174 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
175 | return makeRequest({
176 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplateInstallation',
177 | action: 'getMany',
178 | params: {
179 | organizationId,
180 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id,
181 | query: _objectSpread({}, createRequestConfig({
182 | query
183 | }).params),
184 | spaceId,
185 | environmentId
186 | }
187 | }).then(data => wrapEnvironmentTemplateInstallationCollection(makeRequest, data));
188 | },
189 | /**
190 | * Validates an environment template against a given space and environment
191 | * @param params.spaceId - Space ID where the template should be installed into
192 | * @param params.environmentId - Environment ID where the template should be installed into
193 | * @param [params.version] - Version of the template
194 | * @param [params.installation.takeover] - Already existing Content types to takeover in the target environment
195 | * @param [params.changeSet] - Change set which should be applied
196 | * @return Promise for a EnvironmentTemplateValidation
197 | * ```javascript
198 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
199 | *
200 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
201 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
202 | * })
203 | *
204 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
205 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => environmentTemplate.validate({
206 | * spaceId: '<space_id>',
207 | * environmentId: '<environment_id>',
208 | * version: <version>,
209 | * }))
210 | * .then((validationResult) => console.log(validationResult))
211 | * .catch(console.error)
212 | * ```
213 | */
214 | validate: function validateEnvironmentTemplate({
215 | spaceId,
216 | environmentId,
217 | version,
218 | takeover,
219 | changeSet
220 | }) {
221 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
222 | return makeRequest({
223 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
224 | action: 'validate',
225 | params: {
226 | spaceId,
227 | version,
228 | environmentId,
229 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id
230 | },
231 | payload: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, takeover && {
232 | takeover
233 | }), changeSet && {
234 | changeSet
235 | })
236 | });
237 | },
238 | /**
239 | * Installs a template against a given space and environment
240 | * @param params.spaceId - Space ID where the template should be installed into
241 | * @param params.environmentId - Environment ID where the template should be installed into
242 | * @param params.installation.version- Template version which should be installed
243 | * @param [params.installation.takeover] - Already existing Content types tp takeover in the target environment
244 | * @param [params.changeSet] - Change set which should be applied
245 | * @return Promise for a EnvironmentTemplateInstallation
246 | * ```javascript
247 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
248 | *
249 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
250 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
251 | * })
252 | *
253 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
254 | * .then((environmentTemplate) => environmentTemplate.validate({
255 | * spaceId: '<space_id>',
256 | * environmentId: '<environment_id>',
257 | * installation: {
258 | * version: <version>,
259 | * }
260 | * }))
261 | * .then((installation) => console.log(installation))
262 | * .catch(console.error)
263 | * ```
264 | */
265 | install: function installEnvironmentTemplate({
266 | spaceId,
267 | environmentId,
268 | installation
269 | }) {
270 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
271 | return makeRequest({
272 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
273 | action: 'install',
274 | params: {
275 | spaceId,
276 | environmentId,
277 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id
278 | },
279 | payload: installation
280 | });
281 | },
282 | /**
283 | * Disconnects the template from a given environment
284 | * @param params.spaceId - Space ID where the template should be installed into
285 | * @param params.environmentId - Environment ID where the template should be installed into
286 | * @return Promise for the disconnection with no data
287 | * ```javascript
288 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
289 | *
290 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
291 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
292 | * })
293 | *
294 | * client.getEnvironmentTemplate('<organization_id>', '<environment_template_id>')
295 | * .then(environmentTemplate) => environmentTemplate.disconnected())
296 | * .then(() => console.log('Template disconnected'))
297 | * .catch(console.error)
298 | * ```
299 | */
300 | disconnect: function disconnectEnvironmentTemplate({
301 | spaceId,
302 | environmentId
303 | }) {
304 | const raw = this.toPlainObject();
305 | return makeRequest({
306 | entityType: 'EnvironmentTemplate',
307 | action: 'disconnect',
308 | params: {
309 | spaceId,
310 | environmentId,
311 | environmentTemplateId: raw.sys.id
312 | }
313 | });
314 | }
315 | };
316 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |