1 | import type { OpPatch } from 'json-patch';
2 | import type { MakeRequest } from './common-types';
3 | import type { CreateCommentProps } from './entities/comment';
4 | import type { Entry, EntryProps, EntryReferenceOptionsProps } from './entities/entry';
5 | import type { CreateTaskProps } from './entities/task';
6 | /**
7 | * @private
8 | */
9 | export type ContentfulEntryApi = ReturnType<typeof createEntryApi>;
10 | /**
11 | * @private
12 | */
13 | export default function createEntryApi(makeRequest: MakeRequest): {
14 | /**
15 | * Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties
16 | * @return Object returned from the server with updated changes.
17 | * @example ```javascript
18 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
19 | *
20 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
21 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
22 | * })
23 | *
24 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
25 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
26 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
27 | * .then((entry) => {
28 | * entry.fields.title['en-US'] = 'New entry title'
29 | * return entry.update()
30 | * })
31 | * .then((entry) => console.log(`Entry ${entry.sys.id} updated.`))
32 | * .catch(console.error)
33 | * ```
34 | */
35 | update: () => Promise<Entry>;
36 | /**
37 | * Sends an JSON patch to the server with any changes made to the object's properties
38 | * @return Object returned from the server with updated changes.
39 | * @example ```javascript
40 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
41 | *
42 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
43 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
44 | * })
45 | *
46 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
47 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
48 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
49 | * .then((entry) => entry.patch([
50 | * {
51 | * op: 'replace',
52 | * path: '/fields/title/en-US',
53 | * value: 'New entry title'
54 | * }
55 | * ]))
56 | * .then((entry) => console.log(`Entry ${entry.sys.id} updated.`))
57 | * .catch(console.error)
58 | * ```
59 | */
60 | patch: (ops: OpPatch[]) => Promise<Entry>;
61 | /**
62 | * Deletes this object on the server.
63 | * @return Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
64 | * @example ```javascript
65 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
66 | *
67 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
68 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
69 | * })
70 | *
71 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
72 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
73 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
74 | * .then((entry) => entry.delete())
75 | * .then(() => console.log(`Entry deleted.`))
76 | * .catch(console.error)
77 | * ```
78 | */
79 | delete: () => Promise<any>;
80 | /**
81 | * Publishes the object
82 | * @return Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
83 | * @example ```javascript
84 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
85 | *
86 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
87 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
88 | * })
89 | *
90 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
91 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
92 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
93 | * .then((entry) => entry.publish())
94 | * .then((entry) => console.log(`Entry ${entry.sys.id} published.`))
95 | * .catch(console.error)
96 | * ```
97 | */
98 | publish: () => Promise<Entry>;
99 | /**
100 | * Unpublishes the object
101 | * @return Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
102 | * @example ```javascript
103 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
104 | *
105 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
106 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
107 | * })
108 | *
109 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
110 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
111 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
112 | * .then((entry) => entry.unpublish())
113 | * .then((entry) => console.log(`Entry ${entry.sys.id} unpublished.`))
114 | * .catch(console.error)
115 | * ```
116 | */
117 | unpublish: () => Promise<Entry>;
118 | /**
119 | * Archives the object
120 | * @return Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
121 | * @example ```javascript
122 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
123 | *
124 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
125 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
126 | * })
127 | *
128 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
129 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
130 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
131 | * .then((entry) => entry.archive())
132 | * .then((entry) => console.log(`Entry ${entry.sys.id} archived.`))
133 | * .catch(console.error)
134 | * ```
135 | */
136 | archive: () => Promise<Entry>;
137 | /**
138 | * Unarchives the object
139 | * @return Object returned from the server with updated metadata.
140 | * @example ```javascript
141 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
142 | *
143 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
144 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
145 | * })
146 | *
147 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
148 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
149 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
150 | * .then((entry) => entry.unarchive())
151 | * .then((entry) => console.log(`Entry ${entry.sys.id} unarchived.`))
152 | * .catch(console.error)
153 | * ```
154 | */
155 | unarchive: () => Promise<Entry>;
156 | /**
157 | * Gets all snapshots of an entry
158 | * @example ```javascript
159 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
160 | *
161 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
162 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
163 | * })
164 | *
165 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
166 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
167 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
168 | * .then((entry) => entry.getSnapshots())
169 | * .then((snapshots) => console.log(snapshots.items))
170 | * .catch(console.error)
171 | * ```
172 | */
173 | getSnapshots: (query?: {}) => Promise<import("./common-types").Collection<import("./export-types").Snapshot<EntryProps>, import("./export-types").SnapshotProps<EntryProps>>>;
174 | /**
175 | * Gets a snapshot of an entry
176 | * @param snapshotId - Id of the snapshot
177 | * @example ```javascript
178 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
179 | *
180 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
181 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
182 | * })
183 | *
184 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
185 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>'))
186 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
187 | * .then((entry) => entry.getSnapshot('<snapshot_id>'))
188 | * .then((snapshot) => console.log(snapshot))
189 | * .catch(console.error)
190 | * ```
191 | */
192 | getSnapshot: (snapshotId: string) => Promise<import("./export-types").Snapshot<EntryProps>>;
193 | /**
194 | * Creates a new comment for an entry
195 | * @param data Object representation of the Comment to be created
196 | * @returns Promise for the newly created Comment
197 | * @example ```javascript
198 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
199 | *
200 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
201 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
202 | * })
203 | *
204 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
205 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
206 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
207 | * .then((entry) => entry.createComment({
208 | * body: 'Something left to do'
209 | * }))
210 | * .then((comment) => console.log(comment))
211 | * .catch(console.error)
212 | * ```
213 | */
214 | createComment: (data: CreateCommentProps) => Promise<import("./entities/comment").Comment | import("./entities/comment").RichTextComment>;
215 | /**
216 | * Gets all comments of an entry
217 | * @returns
218 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
219 | *
220 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
221 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
222 | * })
223 | *
224 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
225 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
226 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
227 | * .then((entry) => entry.getComments())
228 | * .then((comments) => console.log(comments))
229 | * .catch(console.error)
230 | * ```
231 | */
232 | getComments: () => Promise<import("./common-types").Collection<import("./entities/comment").Comment | import("./entities/comment").RichTextComment, import("./entities/comment").CommentProps | import("./entities/comment").RichTextCommentProps>>;
233 | /**
234 | * Gets a comment of an entry
235 | * @returns
236 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
237 | *
238 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
239 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
240 | * })
241 | *
242 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
243 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
244 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
245 | * .then((entry) => entry.getComment(`<comment-id>`))
246 | * .then((comment) => console.log(comment))
247 | * .catch(console.error)
248 | * ```
249 | */
250 | getComment: (id: string) => Promise<import("./entities/comment").Comment | import("./entities/comment").RichTextComment>;
251 | /**
252 | * Creates a new task for an entry
253 | * @param data Object representation of the Task to be created
254 | * @returns Promise for the newly created Task
255 | * @example ```javascript
256 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
257 | *
258 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
259 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
260 | * })
261 | *
262 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
263 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
264 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
265 | * .then((entry) => entry.createTask({
266 | * body: 'Something left to do',
267 | * assignedTo: '<user-id>',
268 | * status: 'active'
269 | * }))
270 | * .then((task) => console.log(task))
271 | * .catch(console.error)
272 | * ```
273 | */
274 | createTask: (data: CreateTaskProps) => Promise<import("./entities/task").Task>;
275 | /**
276 | * Gets all tasks of an entry
277 | * @returns
278 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
279 | *
280 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
281 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
282 | * })
283 | *
284 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
285 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
286 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
287 | * .then((entry) => entry.getTasks())
288 | * .then((tasks) => console.log(tasks))
289 | * .catch(console.error)
290 | * ```
291 | */
292 | getTasks: (query?: {}) => Promise<import("./common-types").Collection<import("./entities/task").Task, import("./entities/task").TaskProps>>;
293 | /**
294 | * Gets a task of an entry
295 | * @returns
296 | * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
297 | *
298 | * const client = contentful.createClient({
299 | * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
300 | * })
301 | *
302 | * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
303 | * .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment-id>'))
304 | * .then((environment) => environment.getEntry('<entry-id>'))
305 | * .then((entry) => entry.getTask(`<task-id>`))
306 | * .then((task) => console.log(task))
307 | * .catch(console.error)
308 | * ```
309 | */
310 | getTask: (id: string) => Promise<import("./entities/task").Task>;
311 | /**
312 | * Checks if the entry is published. A published entry might have unpublished changes
313 | */
314 | isPublished: () => boolean;
315 | /**
316 | * Checks if the entry is updated. This means the entry was previously published but has unpublished changes.
317 | */
318 | isUpdated: () => boolean;
319 | /**
320 | * Checks if the entry is in draft mode. This means it is not published.
321 | */
322 | isDraft: () => boolean;
323 | /**
324 | * Checks if entry is archived. This means it's not exposed to the Delivery/Preview APIs.
325 | */
326 | isArchived: () => boolean;
327 | /**
328 | * Recursively collects references of an entry and their descendants
329 | */
330 | references: (options?: EntryReferenceOptionsProps) => Promise<import("./common-types").Collection<Entry, EntryProps<import("./common-types").KeyValueMap>>>;
331 | };