8.15 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Except, JsonValue, SetOptional } from 'type-fest';
2import { BasicMetaSysProps, CollectionProp, DefaultElements, MakeRequest, MetaLinkProps, SysLink } from '../common-types';
3interface EqualityConstraint {
4 equals: [Doc, string];
6interface Doc {
7 doc: 'sys.id' | 'sys.contentType.sys.id' | 'sys.environment.sys.id';
9interface InConstraint {
10 in: [Doc, [string, ...string[]]];
12interface RegexpConstraint {
13 regexp: [Doc, Pattern];
15interface Pattern {
16 pattern: string;
18interface NotConstraint {
19 not: EqualityConstraint | InConstraint | RegexpConstraint;
21export declare type WebhookCalls = {
22 total: number;
23 healthy: number;
25export declare type WebhookCallRequest = {
26 url: string;
27 method: string;
28 headers: {
29 [key: string]: string;
30 };
31 body: string;
33export declare type WebhookCallResponse = WebhookCallRequest & {
34 statusCode: number;
36export declare type WebhookHealthSys = Except<BasicMetaSysProps, 'version' | 'updatedAt' | 'updatedBy' | 'createdAt'>;
37export declare type WebhookCallDetailsSys = Except<BasicMetaSysProps, 'version' | 'updatedAt' | 'updatedBy'>;
38export declare type WebhookHeader = {
39 key: string;
40 value: string;
41 secret?: boolean;
43export declare type WebhookFilter = EqualityConstraint | InConstraint | RegexpConstraint | NotConstraint;
44export declare type WebhookTransformation = {
45 method?: null | 'POST' | 'GET' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE';
46 contentType?: null | 'application/vnd.contentful.management.v1+json' | 'application/vnd.contentful.management.v1+json; charset=utf-8' | 'application/json' | 'application/json; charset=utf-8' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8';
47 includeContentLength?: boolean | null;
48 body?: JsonValue;
50export declare type CreateWebhooksProps = SetOptional<Except<WebhookProps, 'sys'>, 'headers' | 'active'>;
51export declare type UpdateWebhookProps = SetOptional<Except<WebhookProps, 'sys'>, 'headers' | 'name' | 'topics' | 'url' | 'active'>;
52export declare type WebhookCallDetailsProps = {
53 /**
54 * System metadata
55 */
56 sys: WebhookCallDetailsSys;
57 /**
58 * Request object
59 */
60 request: WebhookCallRequest;
61 /**
62 * Request object
63 */
64 response: WebhookCallResponse;
65 /**
66 * Status code of the request
67 */
68 statusCode: number;
69 /**
70 * Errors
71 */
72 errors: any[];
73 /**
74 * Type of the webhook
75 */
76 eventType: string;
77 /**
78 * Url of the request
79 */
80 url: string;
81 /**
82 * Timestamp of the request
83 */
84 requestAt: string;
85 /**
86 * Timestamp of the response
87 */
88 responseAt: string;
90export declare type WebhookCallOverviewProps = Except<WebhookCallDetailsProps, 'request' | 'response'>;
91export declare type WebhookHealthProps = {
92 /**
93 * System metadata
94 */
95 sys: WebhookHealthSys & {
96 space: {
97 sys: MetaLinkProps;
98 };
99 };
100 /**
101 * Webhook call statistics
102 */
103 calls: WebhookCalls;
105export declare type WebhookProps = {
106 /**
107 * System metadata
108 */
109 sys: BasicMetaSysProps & {
110 space: SysLink;
111 };
112 /**
113 * Webhook name
114 */
115 name: string;
116 /**
117 * Webhook url
118 */
119 url: string;
120 /**
121 * Topics the webhook wants to subscribe to
122 */
123 topics: string[];
124 /**
125 * Username for basic http auth
126 */
127 httpBasicUsername?: string;
128 /**
129 * Password for basic http auth
130 */
131 httpBasicPassword?: string;
132 /**
133 * Headers that should be appended to the webhook request
134 */
135 headers: Array<WebhookHeader>;
136 /**
137 * Webhook filters
138 */
139 filters?: WebhookFilter[];
140 /**
141 * Transformation to apply
142 */
143 transformation?: WebhookTransformation;
144 /**
145 * Whether the Webhook is active. If set to false, no calls will be made
146 */
147 active: boolean;
149export interface WebHooks extends WebhookProps, DefaultElements<WebhookProps> {
150 /**
151 * Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties
152 * @return Object returned from the server with updated changes.
153 * ```javascript
154 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
155 *
156 * const client = contentful.createClient({
157 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
158 * })
159 *
160 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
161 * .then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>'))
162 * .then((webhook) => {
163 * webhook.name = 'new webhook name'
164 * return webhook.update()
165 * })
166 * .then((webhook) => console.log(`webhook ${webhook.sys.id} updated.`))
167 * .catch(console.error)
168 * ```
169 */
170 update(): Promise<WebHooks>;
171 /**
172 * Deletes this object on the server.
173 * @return Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
174 * ```javascript
175 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
176 *
177 * const client = contentful.createClient({
178 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
179 * })
180 *
181 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
182 * .then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>'))
183 * .then((webhook) => webhook.delete())
184 * .then((webhook) => console.log(`webhook ${webhook.sys.id} updated.`))
185 * .catch(console.error)
186 * ```
187 */
188 delete(): Promise<void>;
189 /**
190 * List of the most recent webhook calls. See https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/webhook-calls/webhook-call-overviews for more details.
191 * @return Promise for list of calls
192 * ```javascript
193 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
194 *
195 * const client = contentful.createClient({
196 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
197 * })
198 *
199 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
200 * .then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>'))
201 * .then((webhook) => webhook.getCalls())
202 * .then((response) => console.log(response.items)) // webhook calls
203 * .catch(console.error)
204 * ```
205 */
206 getCalls(): Promise<CollectionProp<WebhookCallOverviewProps>>;
207 /**
208 * Webhook call with specific id. See https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/webhook-calls/webhook-call-overviews for more details
209 * @return Promise for call details
210 * ```javascript
211 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
212 *
213 * const client = contentful.createClient({
214 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
215 * })
216 *
217 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
218 * .then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>'))
219 * .then((webhook) => webhook.getCall('<call-id>'))
220 * .then((webhookCall) => console.log(webhookCall))
221 * .catch(console.error)
222 * ```
223 */
224 getCall(id: string): Promise<WebhookCallDetailsProps>;
225 /**
226 * Overview of the health of webhook calls. See https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/references/content-management-api/#/reference/webhook-calls/webhook-call-overviews for more details.
227 * @return Promise for health info
228 * ```javascript
229 * const contentful = require('contentful-management')
230 *
231 * const client = contentful.createClient({
232 * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'
233 * })
234 *
235 * client.getSpace('<space_id>')
236 * .then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>'))
237 * .then((webhook) => webhook.getHealth())
238 * .then((webhookHealth) => console.log(webhookHealth))
239 * .catch(console.error)
240 * ```
241 */
242 getHealth(): Promise<WebhookHealthProps>;
245 * @private
246 * @param makeRequest - function to make requests via an adapter
247 * @param data - Raw webhook data
248 * @return Wrapped webhook data
249 */
250export declare function wrapWebhook(makeRequest: MakeRequest, data: WebhookProps): WebHooks;
252 * @private
253 */
254export declare const wrapWebhookCollection: (makeRequest: MakeRequest, data: CollectionProp<WebhookProps>) => import("../common-types").Collection<WebHooks, WebhookProps>;
255export {};