1 | # contentful-sdk-core
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10 | > This package contains some core modules and utilities used by both the [contentful.js](https://github.com/contentful/contentful.js) and [contentful-management.js](https://github.com/contentful/contentful-management.js) SDKs.
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12 | ## About
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14 | [Contentful](https://www.contentful.com) provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.
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16 | ## Installation
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18 | ```
19 | npm install --saveDev contentful-sdk-core
20 | ```
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22 | ## Use case
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24 | This package contains some core modules and utilities used by both the [contentful.js](https://github.com/contentful/contentful.js) and [contentful-management.js](https://github.com/contentful/contentful-management.js) SDKs.
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26 | ## Support
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28 | This repository is compatible with Node.js version 18 and later. It exclusively provides an ECMAScript Module (ESM) variant, utilizing the `"type": "module"` declaration in `package.json`. Users are responsible for addressing any compatibility issues between ESM and CommonJS (CJS).
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30 | ## Types
31 |
32 | TypeScript definitions for this repository are available through the `"types"` property in `package.json`.
33 |
34 | ## Development
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36 | ### Create the default and the es-modules build:
37 |
38 | ```
39 | npm run build
40 | ```
41 |
42 | ### Run Tests:
43 |
44 | Run only the unit tests:
45 |
46 | ```
47 | npm run test
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Run unit tests including coverage report:
51 |
52 | ```
53 | npm run test:cover
54 | ``` |
\ | No newline at end of file |