1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 | import { resolve, extname } from 'path'
3 | import { pathToFileURL } from 'url'
4 | import {
5 | createReadStream,
6 | createWriteStream
7 | } from 'fs'
8 | import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'
9 | import addStream from 'add-stream'
10 | import tempfile from 'tempfile'
11 | import meow from 'meow'
12 | import conventionalChangelog from 'conventional-changelog'
13 |
14 | function relativeResolve (filePath) {
15 | return pathToFileURL(resolve(process.cwd(), filePath))
16 | }
17 |
18 | async function loadDataFile (filePath) {
19 | const resolvedFilePath = relativeResolve(filePath)
20 | const ext = extname(resolvedFilePath.toString())
21 |
22 | if (ext === '.json') {
23 | return JSON.parse(await readFile(resolvedFilePath, 'utf8'))
24 | }
25 |
26 | return (await import(resolvedFilePath)).default
27 | }
28 |
29 | const cli = meow(`
30 | Usage
31 | conventional-changelog
32 |
33 | Example
34 | conventional-changelog -i CHANGELOG.md --same-file
35 |
36 | Options
37 | -i, --infile Read the CHANGELOG from this file
38 |
39 | -o, --outfile Write the CHANGELOG to this file
40 | If unspecified, it prints to stdout
41 |
42 | -s, --same-file Outputting to the infile so you don't need to specify the same file as outfile
43 |
44 | -p, --preset Name of the preset you want to use. Must be one of the following:
45 | angular, atom, codemirror, conventionalcommits, ember, eslint, express, jquery or jshint
46 |
47 | -k, --pkg A filepath of where your package.json is located
48 | Default is the closest package.json from cwd
49 |
50 | -a, --append Should the newer release be appended to the older release
51 | Default: false
52 |
53 | -r, --release-count How many releases to be generated from the latest
54 | If 0, the whole changelog will be regenerated and the outfile will be overwritten
55 | Default: 1
56 |
57 | --skip-unstable If given, unstable tags will be skipped, e.g., x.x.x-alpha.1, x.x.x-rc.2
58 |
59 | -u, --output-unreleased Output unreleased changelog
60 |
61 | -v, --verbose Verbose output. Use this for debugging
62 | Default: false
63 |
64 | -n, --config A filepath of your config script
65 | Example of a config script: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog/blob/master/packages/conventional-changelog-cli/test/fixtures/config.cjs
66 |
67 | -c, --context A filepath of a json that is used to define template variables
68 | -l, --lerna-package Generate a changelog for a specific lerna package (:pkg-name@1.0.0)
69 | -t, --tag-prefix Tag prefix to consider when reading the tags
70 | --commit-path Generate a changelog scoped to a specific directory
71 | `, {
72 | importMeta: import.meta,
73 | booleanDefault: undefined,
74 | flags: {
75 | infile: {
76 | shortFlag: 'i',
77 | type: 'string'
78 | },
79 | outfile: {
80 | shortFlag: 'o',
81 | type: 'string'
82 | },
83 | sameFile: {
84 | shortFlag: 's',
85 | type: 'boolean'
86 | },
87 | preset: {
88 | shortFlag: 'p',
89 | type: 'string'
90 | },
91 | pkg: {
92 | shortFlag: 'k',
93 | type: 'string'
94 | },
95 | append: {
96 | shortFlag: 'a',
97 | type: 'boolean'
98 | },
99 | releaseCount: {
100 | shortFlag: 'r',
101 | type: 'number'
102 | },
103 | skipUnstable: {
104 | type: 'boolean'
105 | },
106 | outputUnreleased: {
107 | shortFlag: 'u',
108 | type: 'boolean'
109 | },
110 | verbose: {
111 | shortFlag: 'v',
112 | type: 'boolean'
113 | },
114 | config: {
115 | shortFlag: 'n',
116 | type: 'string'
117 | },
118 | context: {
119 | shortFlag: 'c',
120 | type: 'string'
121 | },
122 | lernaPackage: {
123 | shortFlag: 'l',
124 | type: 'string'
125 | },
126 | tagPrefix: {
127 | shortFlag: 't',
128 | type: 'string'
129 | }
130 | }
131 | })
132 |
133 | let config
134 | const flags = cli.flags
135 | const infile = flags.infile
136 | let outfile = flags.outfile
137 | let sameFile = flags.sameFile
138 | const append = flags.append
139 | const releaseCount = flags.releaseCount
140 | const skipUnstable = flags.skipUnstable
141 |
142 | if (infile && infile === outfile) {
143 | sameFile = true
144 | } else if (sameFile) {
145 | if (infile) {
146 | outfile = infile
147 | } else {
148 | console.error('infile must be provided if same-file flag presents.')
149 | process.exit(1)
150 | }
151 | }
152 |
153 | let options = {
154 | preset: flags.preset,
155 | pkg: {
156 | path: flags.pkg
157 | },
158 | append,
159 | releaseCount,
160 | skipUnstable,
161 | outputUnreleased: flags.outputUnreleased,
162 | lernaPackage: flags.lernaPackage,
163 | tagPrefix: flags.tagPrefix
164 | }
165 |
166 | if (flags.verbose) {
167 | options.debug = console.info.bind(console)
168 | options.warn = console.warn.bind(console)
169 | }
170 |
171 | let templateContext
172 |
173 | let outStream
174 |
175 | try {
176 | if (flags.context) {
177 | templateContext = await loadDataFile(flags.context)
178 | }
179 |
180 | if (flags.config) {
181 | config = await loadDataFile(flags.config)
182 | options.config = config
183 |
184 | if (config.options) {
185 | options = {
186 | ...options,
187 | ...config.options,
188 | pkg: {
189 | ...options.pkg,
190 | ...config.options.pkg
191 | }
192 | }
193 | }
194 | } else {
195 | config = {}
196 | }
197 | } catch (err) {
198 | console.error('Failed to get file. ' + err)
199 | process.exit(1)
200 | }
201 |
202 | const gitRawCommitsOpts = {
203 | ...config.gitRawCommitsOpts
204 | }
205 | if (flags.commitPath) gitRawCommitsOpts.path = flags.commitPath
206 |
207 | const changelogStream = conventionalChangelog(options, templateContext, gitRawCommitsOpts, config.parserOpts, config.writerOpts)
208 | .on('error', (err) => {
209 | if (flags.verbose) {
210 | console.error(err.stack)
211 | } else {
212 | console.error(err.toString())
213 | }
214 | process.exit(1)
215 | })
216 |
217 | function noInputFile () {
218 | if (outfile) {
219 | outStream = createWriteStream(outfile)
220 | } else {
221 | outStream = process.stdout
222 | }
223 |
224 | changelogStream
225 | .pipe(outStream)
226 | }
227 |
228 | if (infile && releaseCount !== 0) {
229 | const readStream = createReadStream(infile)
230 | .on('error', () => {
231 | if (flags.verbose) {
232 | console.warn('infile does not exist.')
233 | }
234 |
235 | if (sameFile) {
236 | noInputFile()
237 | }
238 | })
239 |
240 | if (sameFile) {
241 | if (options.append) {
242 | changelogStream
243 | .pipe(createWriteStream(outfile, {
244 | flags: 'a'
245 | }))
246 | } else {
247 | const tmp = tempfile()
248 |
249 | changelogStream
250 | .pipe(addStream(readStream))
251 | .pipe(createWriteStream(tmp))
252 | .on('finish', () => {
253 | createReadStream(tmp)
254 | .pipe(createWriteStream(outfile))
255 | })
256 | }
257 | } else {
258 | if (outfile) {
259 | outStream = createWriteStream(outfile)
260 | } else {
261 | outStream = process.stdout
262 | }
263 |
264 | let stream
265 |
266 | if (options.append) {
267 | stream = readStream
268 | .pipe(addStream(changelogStream))
269 | } else {
270 | stream = changelogStream
271 | .pipe(addStream(readStream))
272 | }
273 |
274 | stream
275 | .pipe(outStream)
276 | }
277 | } else {
278 | noInputFile()
279 | }