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5 | var crypto = require('crypto');
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16 | exports.sign = function(val, secret){
17 | if ('string' != typeof val) throw new TypeError("Cookie value must be provided as a string.");
18 | if (null == secret) throw new TypeError("Secret key must be provided.");
19 | return val + '.' + crypto
20 | .createHmac('sha256', secret)
21 | .update(val)
22 | .digest('base64')
23 | .replace(/\=+$/, '');
24 | };
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36 | exports.unsign = function(input, secret){
37 | if ('string' != typeof input) throw new TypeError("Signed cookie string must be provided.");
38 | if (null == secret) throw new TypeError("Secret key must be provided.");
39 | var tentativeValue = input.slice(0, input.lastIndexOf('.')),
40 | expectedInput = exports.sign(tentativeValue, secret),
41 | expectedBuffer = Buffer.from(expectedInput),
42 | inputBuffer = Buffer.from(input);
43 | return (
44 | expectedBuffer.length === inputBuffer.length &&
45 | crypto.timingSafeEqual(expectedBuffer, inputBuffer)
46 | ) ? tentativeValue : false;
47 | };