979 BMarkdownView Raw
3* Use https://www.npmjs.com/package/terser to compress JavaScript files
4* Refactor code
5* Check the support for copying files across different partition (w.r.t. executing program) on Windows
6* If the operation attempts to modify a file outside the `process.cwd()`/config-file-directory, then `--unsafe` parameter must be passed
7* Consider adding support for npm modules via https://unpkg.com/
8* Consider adding option to use soft links, rather than copying the files
9* Check if any speed improvements (probably via changes in parallelisation) can be done
10* Add `--clean` option (to "Delete the files mentioned in `"to"` entries (for all modes)")
11 * Also add an option to "clean empty directories"
12* Add support for loading `.js` files as configuration
13* Add more logging when running with `--verbose` option
14* Add `--silent` option
15* Consider adding support to auto convert GitHub links to raw content links
16* Consider adding support for `bower.json`
17* Write test-cases