1 | # Couchbase Node.js Client
2 |
3 | The Node.js SDK library allows you to connect to a Couchbase cluster from
4 | Node.js. It is a native Node.js module and uses the very fast libcouchbase
5 | library to handle communicating to the cluster over the Couchbase binary
6 | protocol.
7 |
8 | ## Useful Links
9 |
10 | Source - [https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode](https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode)
11 |
12 | Bug Tracker - [https://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/JSCBC](https://www.couchbase.com/issues/browse/JSCBC)
13 |
14 | Couchbase Developer Portal - [https://docs.couchbase.com/](https://docs.couchbase.com/nodejs-sdk/3.0/hello-world/start-using-sdk.html)
15 |
16 | Release Notes - [https://docs.couchbase.com/nodejs-sdk/3.0/project-docs/sdk-release-notes.html](https://docs.couchbase.com/nodejs-sdk/3.0/project-docs/sdk-release-notes.html)
17 |
18 | ## Installing
19 |
20 | To install the lastest release using npm, run:
21 |
22 | ```bash
23 | npm install couchbase
24 | ```
25 |
26 | To install the development version directly from github, run:
27 |
28 | ```bash
29 | npm install "git+https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode.git#master"
30 | ```
31 |
32 | ## Introduction
33 |
34 | Connecting to a Couchbase bucket is as simple as creating a new `Cluster`
35 | instance to represent the `Cluster` you are using, and then using the
36 | `bucket` and `collection` commands against this to open a connection to
37 | open your specific bucket and collection. You are able to execute most
38 | operations immediately, and they will be queued until the connection is
39 | successfully established.
40 |
41 | Here is a simple example of instantiating a connection, adding a new document
42 | into the bucket and then retrieving its contents:
43 |
44 | **Javascript:**
45 | ```javascript
46 | const couchbase = require('couchbase')
47 |
48 | async function main() {
49 | const cluster = await couchbase.connect(
50 | 'couchbase://',
51 | {
52 | username: 'username',
53 | password: 'password',
54 | })
55 |
56 | const bucket = cluster.bucket('default')
57 | const coll = bucket.defaultCollection()
58 | await coll.upsert('testdoc', { foo: 'bar' })
59 |
60 | const res = await coll.get('testdoc')
61 | console.log(res.content)
62 | }
63 |
64 | // Run the main function
65 | main()
66 | .then((_) => {
67 | console.log ('Success!')
68 | })
69 | .catch((err) => {
70 | console.log('ERR:', err)
71 | })
72 | ```
73 |
74 | **Typescript:**
75 | ```javascript
76 | import {
77 | Bucket,
78 | Cluster,
79 | Collection,
80 | connect,
81 | GetResult,
82 | } from 'couchbase'
83 |
84 | async function main() {
85 | const cluster: Cluster = await connect(
86 | 'couchbase://',
87 | {
88 | username: 'username',
89 | password: 'password',
90 | })
91 |
92 | const bucket: Bucket = cluster.bucket('default')
93 | const coll: Collection = bucket.defaultCollection()
94 | await coll.upsert('testdoc', { foo: 'bar' })
95 |
96 | const res: GetResult = await coll.get('testdoc')
97 | console.log(res.content)
98 | }
99 |
100 | // Run the main function
101 | main()
102 | .then((_) => {
103 | console.log ('Success!')
104 | })
105 | .catch((err) => {
106 | console.log('ERR:', err)
107 | })
108 | ```
109 |
110 | ## AWS Lambda
111 |
112 | Version 4.2.5 of the SDK significantly reduces the size of the prebuilt binary provided with the SDK on supported platforms. The reduction
113 | enables the SDK to meet the [minimum size requirements](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-limits.html) for an AWS lambda deployment package without extra steps for reducing the size of the package. However, if further size reduction is desired, the SDK provides a script to provide recommendations for size reduction.
114 |
115 | **Script:**
116 | ```bash
117 | npm explore couchbase -- npm run help-prune
118 | ```
119 |
120 | **Example output:**
121 | ```bash
122 | Checking for platform packages in /tmp/couchnode-test/node_modules/@couchbase that do not match the expected platform package (couchbase-linux-x64-openssl1).
123 | Found mismatch: Path=/tmp/couchnode-test/node_modules/@couchbase/couchbase-linuxmusl-x64-openssl1
124 |
125 | Recommendations for pruning:
126 |
127 | Removing mismatched platform=couchbase-linuxmusl-x64-openssl1 (path=/tmp/couchnode-test/node_modules/@couchbase/couchbase-linuxmusl-x64-openssl1) saves ~13.31 MB on disk.
128 | Removing Couchbase deps/ (path=/tmp/couchnode-test/node_modules/couchbase/deps) saves ~45.51 MB on disk.
129 | Removing Couchbase src/ (path=/tmp/couchnode-test/node_modules/couchbase/src) saves ~0.61 MB on disk.
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ## Documentation
133 |
134 | An extensive documentation is available on the Couchbase website - [https://docs.couchbase.com/nodejs-sdk/3.0/hello-world/start-using-sdk.html](https://docs.couchbase.com/nodejs-sdk/3.0/hello-world/start-using-sdk.html) -
135 | including numerous examples and code samples.
136 |
137 | Visit our [Couchbase Node.js SDK forum](https://forums.couchbase.com/c/node-js-sdk) for help.
138 | Or get involved in the [Couchbase Community](https://couchbase.com/community) on the [Couchbase](https://couchbase.com) website.
139 |
140 | ## Source Control
141 |
142 | The source code is available at
143 | [https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode](https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode).
144 | Once you have cloned the repository, you may contribute changes through our
145 | gerrit server. For more details see
146 | [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
147 |
148 | To execute our test suite, run `make test` from the root directory.
149 |
150 | To execute our code coverage, run `make cover` from the root directory.
151 |
152 | In addition to the full test suite and full code coverage, you may additionally
153 | execute a subset of the tests which excludes slow-running tests for quick
154 | verifications. These can be run through `make fasttest` and `make fastcover`
155 | respectively.
156 |
157 | Finally, to build the API reference for the project, run `make docs` from the
158 | root directory, and a docs folder will be created with the api reference.
159 |
160 | # Support & Additional Resources
161 |
162 | If you found an issue, please file it in our [JIRA](https://issues.couchbase.com/projects/JSCBC/issues/).
163 |
164 | The Couchbase Discord server is a place where you can collaborate about all things Couchbase. Connect with others from the community, learn tips and tricks, and ask questions. [Join Discord and contribute](https://discord.com/invite/sQ5qbPZuTh).
165 |
166 | You can ask questions in our [forums](https://forums.couchbase.com/).
167 |
168 | ## License
169 |
170 | Copyright 2013 Couchbase Inc.
171 |
172 | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
173 |
174 | See
175 | [LICENSE](https://github.com/couchbase/couchnode/blob/master/LICENSE)
176 | for further details.