8.95 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import CONFIGURATION_1 from './data/configuration_1.json';
3import CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1 from './data/configuration_1_operations_1.json';
4import CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2 from './data/configuration_1_operations_2.json';
10 (context, operation) => _.extend(context, operation),
11 {});
13import craftai, { errors, Time } from '../src';
15describe('client.addAgentContextOperations(<agentId>, <operations>)', function() {
16 let client;
17 let agents;
18 const agentsId = [`addAgentContextOps_${RUN_ID}_1`, `addAgentContextOps_${RUN_ID}_2`];
20 before(function() {
21 client = craftai(CRAFT_CFG);
22 expect(client).to.be.ok;
23 expect(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2).to.have.lengthOf(3260);
24 });
26 beforeEach(function() {
27 return Promise.all(_.map(agentsId, (agentId) => client.deleteAgent(agentId) // Delete any preexisting agent with this id.
28 .then(() => client.createAgent(CONFIGURATION_1, agentId))
29 .then((createdAgent) => {
30 expect(createdAgent).to.be.ok;
31 return createdAgent;
32 })
33 ))
34 .then((createdAgents) => {
35 agents = createdAgents;
36 });
37 });
39 afterEach(function() {
40 return Promise.all(_.map(agents, (agent) => client.deleteAgent(agent.id)));
41 });
43 it('should succeed when using valid operations', function() {
44 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1)
45 .then(() => {
46 return client.getAgentContext(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_TO + 100);
47 })
48 .then((context) => {
49 expect(context.context).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_LAST.context);
50 expect(context.timestamp).to.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_TO);
51 })
52 .then(() => {
53 return client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id);
54 })
55 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
56 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1);
57 return client.getAgent(agents[0].id);
58 })
59 .then((retrievedAgent) => {
60 expect(retrievedAgent.firstTimestamp).to.be.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_FROM);
61 expect(retrievedAgent.lastTimestamp).to.be.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_TO);
62 });
63 });
64 it('should succeed when passing unordered contexts', function() {
65 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id,
66 [
67 {
68 'timestamp': 1464600000,
69 'context': {
70 'presence': 'robert',
71 'lightIntensity': 0.4,
72 'lightbulbColor': 'green'
73 }
74 },
75 {
76 'timestamp': 1464601500,
77 'context': {
78 'presence': 'robert',
79 'lightIntensity': 0.6,
80 'lightbulbColor': 'green'
81 }
82 },
83 {
84 'timestamp': 1464601000,
85 'context': {
86 'presence': 'gisele',
87 'lightIntensity': 0.4,
88 'lightbulbColor': 'blue'
89 }
90 },
91 {
92 'timestamp': 1464600500,
93 'context': {
94 'presence': 'none',
95 'lightIntensity': 0,
96 'lightbulbColor': 'black'
97 }
98 }
99 ]
100 )
101 .then(() => {
102 return client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id);
103 })
104 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
105 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1);
106 return client.getAgent(agents[0].id);
107 })
108 .then((retrievedAgent) => {
109 expect(retrievedAgent.firstTimestamp).to.be.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_FROM);
110 expect(retrievedAgent.lastTimestamp).to.be.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1_TO);
111 });
112 });
113 it('should succeed when using operations with ISO 8601 timestamps', function() {
114 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, [
115 {
116 timestamp: '1998-04-23T04:30:00-05:00',
117 context: {
118 presence: 'robert',
119 lightIntensity: 0.4,
120 lightbulbColor: 'green'
121 }
122 },
123 {
124 timestamp: '1998-04-23T04:32:25-05:00',
125 context: {
126 presence: 'none'
127 }
128 }
129 ])
130 .then(() => {
131 return client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id);
132 })
133 .then((operations) => {
134 expect(operations).to.be.deep.equal([
135 {
136 timestamp: 893323800,
137 context: {
138 presence: 'robert',
139 lightIntensity: 0.4,
140 lightbulbColor: 'green'
141 }
142 },
143 {
144 timestamp: 893323945,
145 context: {
146 presence: 'none'
147 }
148 }
149 ]);
150 });
151 });
152 it('should succeed when using operations with Time timestamps', function() {
153 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, [
154 {
155 timestamp: new Time('1998-04-23T04:30:00-05:00'),
156 context: {
157 presence: 'robert',
158 lightIntensity: 0.4,
159 lightbulbColor: 'green'
160 }
161 },
162 {
163 timestamp: Time('1998-04-23T04:32:25-05:00'),
164 context: {
165 presence: 'none'
166 }
167 }
168 ])
169 .then(() => {
170 return client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id);
171 })
172 .then((operations) => {
173 expect(operations).to.be.deep.equal([
174 {
175 timestamp: 893323800,
176 context: {
177 presence: 'robert',
178 lightIntensity: 0.4,
179 lightbulbColor: 'green'
180 }
181 },
182 {
183 timestamp: 893323945,
184 context: {
185 presence: 'none'
186 }
187 }
188 ]);
189 });
190 });
191 it('should succeed when sending invalid operations or no operation at all', function() {
192 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1)
193 .then(() => client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, []))
194 .then(() => client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, undefined))
195 .then(() => client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, [undefined, undefined]))
196 .then(() => client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id))
197 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
198 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1);
199 });
200 });
201 it('should fail when using out-of-order operations', function() {
202 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1)
203 .then(() => {
204 return client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id);
205 })
206 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
207 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1);
208 })
209 .then(() => {
210 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1[0]);
211 })
212 .then(
213 () => Promise.reject(new Error('Should not be reached')),
214 (err) => {
215 expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(errors.CraftAiError);
216 expect(err).to.be.an.instanceof(errors.CraftAiBadRequestError);
217 }
218 );
219 });
220 it('should succeed with a very large payload', function() {
221 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2)
222 .then(() => {
223 return client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id);
224 })
225 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
226 expect(retrievedOperations.length).to.be.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2.length);
227 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2);
228 });
229 });
230 it('should not fail when deleting the agent to which operations where added', function() {
231 return client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[1].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1)
232 .then(() => client.deleteAgent(agents[1].id))
233 .then(() => client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id))
234 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
235 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.empty;
236 });
237 });
238 it('should work properly when sending operations to more than one agent', function() {
239 return Promise.all([
240 client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2),
241 client.addAgentContextOperations(agents[1].id, CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1)
242 ])
243 .then(() => client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[0].id))
244 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
245 expect(retrievedOperations.length).to.be.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2.length);
246 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_2);
247 })
248 .then(() => client.getAgentContextOperations(agents[1].id))
249 .then((retrievedOperations) => {
250 expect(retrievedOperations).to.be.deep.equal(CONFIGURATION_1_OPERATIONS_1);
251 });
252 });