1.16 kBPlain TextView Raw
1v2.0.0 -- 2015.10.02
2* Use es6-symbol at v3
4v1.0.0 -- 2015.06.23
5* Implement support for arguments object
6* Drop support for v0.8 node ('^' in package.json dependencies)
8v0.1.3 -- 2015.02.02
9* Update dependencies
10* Fix spelling of LICENSE
12v0.1.2 -- 2014.11.19
13* Optimise internal `_next` to not verify internal's list length at all times
14 (#2 thanks @RReverser)
15* Fix documentation examples
16* Configure lint scripts
18v0.1.1 -- 2014.04.29
19* Fix es6-symbol dependency version
21v0.1.0 -- 2014.04.29
22* Assure strictly npm hosted dependencies
23* Remove sparse arrays dedicated handling (as per spec)
24* Add: isIterable, validIterable and chain (method)
25* Remove toArray, it's addressed by Array.from (polyfil can be found in es5-ext/array/from)
26* Add break possiblity to 'forOf' via 'doBreak' function argument
27* Provide dedicated iterator for array-likes (ArrayIterator) and for strings (StringIterator)
28* Provide @@toStringTag symbol
29* When available rely on @@iterator symbol
30* Remove 32bit integer maximum list length restriction
31* Improve Iterator internals
32* Update to use latest version of dependencies
34v0.0.0 -- 2013.10.12
35Initial (dev version)
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