5.72 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "creevey",
3 "description": "creevey is a tool for automated visual testing, that tightly integrated with storybook",
4 "version": "0.7.7",
5 "bin": {
6 "creevey": "./lib/cli.js"
7 },
8 "main": "lib/index.js",
9 "types": "lib/index.d.ts",
10 "author": "Dmitriy Lazarev <w@kich.dev>",
11 "repository": {
12 "type": "git",
13 "url": "https://github.com/wKich/creevey.git"
14 },
15 "license": "MIT",
16 "scripts": {
17 "commit": "git-cz",
18 "clean": "rimraf lib",
19 "lint": "run-p --continue-on-error lint:*",
20 "lint:tsc": "tsc --noEmit",
21 "lint:eslint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts,.tsx ./",
22 "lint:prettier": "prettier --check *.{md,json,js,ts} ./**/*.{js,ts,tsx}",
23 "test": "run-p test:*",
24 "test:unit": "mocha ./tests/{client,server}/**/*.test.ts ./tests/*.test.ts",
25 "test:e2e": "mocha ./tests/e2e/**/*.test.ts",
26 "start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test run-p start:*",
27 "start:client": "webpack-dev-server",
28 "start:storybook": "start-storybook --ci -p 6006",
29 "start:creevey": "wait-on -t 60000 http-get://localhost:6006/ && yarn creevey --ui",
30 "creevey": "node --require ./scripts/babel-register -- src/cli",
31 "fix": "run-s fix:*",
32 "fix:eslint": "eslint --fix ./",
33 "fix:prettier": "prettier --write .",
34 "prebuild": "yarn clean && mkdir lib",
35 "build": "run-p --continue-on-error build:*",
36 "build:types": "tsc --emitDeclarationOnly -p scripts/tsconfig.prod.json",
37 "build:creevey": "babel src --out-dir lib --extensions .ts,.tsx --ignore src/client/web",
38 "build:client": "webpack --mode production",
39 "postbuild": "cp scripts/dist/* lib/",
40 "version": "conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s && git add CHANGELOG.md",
41 "prepublishOnly": "yarn build"
42 },
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44 "node": ">=10.10"
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159 "config": {
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161 "path": "./node_modules/git-cz"
162 }
163 },
164 "husky": {
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167 }
168 },
169 "lint-staged": {
170 "**/*.(j|t)s?(x)": [
171 "eslint --fix",
172 "prettier --write"
173 ],
174 "**/*.(md|json)": [
175 "prettier --write"
176 ]
177 }