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82 | <h1 class="page-title">Source: CrossBase/input/CB_Keyboard.js</h1>
83 |
84 | <section>
85 | <article>
86 | <pre
87 | class="sunlight-highlight-javascript linenums">/**
88 | * @file Keyboard management (and other devices which also fire [keyboard events]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} as TV remote controls, game consoles' gamepads, etc.). Contains the {@link CB_Keyboard} static class.
89 | * @author Joan Alba Maldonado <workindalian@gmail.com>
90 | * @license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. See more at {@link https://crossbrowdy.com/about#what_is_the_crossbrowdy_copyright_and_license}.
91 | */
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Static class to manage the keyboard and other input devices that generate key codes. It will return itself if it is tried to be instantiated.
95 | * @namespace
96 | */
97 | var CB_Keyboard = function() { return CB_Keyboard; };
98 | {
99 | //CB_Keyboard.onKeyPressFunction; //Function that is executed when a key is pressed (onKeyPress event).
100 | //CB_Keyboard.onKeyDownFunction; //Function that is executed when a key is down (onKeyDown event).
101 | //CB_Keyboard.onKeyUpFunction; //Function that is executed when a key is released (onKeyUp event).
102 | //CB_Keyboard.firstEvent = ""; //Defines wheter the first event captured is onKeyDown or onKeyPress (compatibility reasons).
103 | //CB_Keyboard.onKeyDownOrPressFunction; //Function that is executed when either a key is down os pressed (onKeyDown or onKeyPress event)
104 |
105 | /**
106 | * Object that will store the status for each key detected, using the key code as index and a boolean as their value (true when down or false when released).
107 | * @var
108 | * @readonly
109 | * @type {Object}
110 | * @default
111 | */
112 | CB_Keyboard.keysDown = {};
113 |
114 |
115 | /**
116 | * Array with the codes of the keys pressed recently (it will be cleared after the chosen milliseconds set with the {@link CB_Keyboard.setKeysPressedExpiration} function).
117 | * @var
118 | * @readonly
119 | * @type {array}
120 | * @default
121 | */
122 | CB_Keyboard.keysPressed = [];
123 | CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpiration = 500; //Milliseconds before keys pressed array expires.
124 | CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpirationTimeout = null; //It will store the timeout that clears the keys pressed array.
125 |
126 |
127 | /**
128 | * Array with the codes of the string typed recently (it will be cleared after the chosen milliseconds set with the {@link CB_Keyboard.setTypedStringExpiration} function).
129 | * @var
130 | * @readonly
131 | * @type {array}
132 | * @default
133 | */
134 | CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes = [];
135 |
136 |
137 | /**
138 | * Stores the string typed recently (it will be cleared after the chosen milliseconds set with the {@link CB_Keyboard.setTypedStringExpiration} function).
139 | * @var
140 | * @readonly
141 | * @type {string}
142 | * @default
143 | */
144 | CB_Keyboard.typedString = ""; //Stores the string typed (it will be cleared after some milliseconds).
145 | CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpiration = 500; //Milliseconds before typed string expires.
146 | CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpirationTimeout = null; //It will store the timeout that clears the typed string.
147 |
148 |
149 | CB_Keyboard.initialized = false; //It will tells whether the object has been initialized or not.
150 |
151 |
152 | /**
153 | Property that keeps extended key codes for different systems and platforms.
154 | * @namespace CB_Keyboard.extended
155 | */
156 | CB_Keyboard.extended = {};
157 |
158 | /**
159 | * Smart TV Alliance and virtual keyboard key codes.
160 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
161 | * @name VK
162 | * @constant
163 | * @type {Object}
164 | * @default
165 | * @todo Consider adding more (found in {@link https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx} and {@link http://nehe.gamedev.net/article/msdn_virtualkey_codes/15009/})
166 | * @property {number} ENTER - ENTER key.
167 | * @property {number} PAUSE - PAUSE key.
168 | * @property {number} PAGE_UP - PAGE UP key.
169 | * @property {number} PAGE_DOWN - PAGE DOWN key.
170 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT key.
171 | * @property {number} UP - UP key.
172 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT key.
173 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN key.
174 | * @property {number} _0 - 0 (zero) key.
175 | * @property {number} _1 - 1 key.
176 | * @property {number} _2 - 2 key.
177 | * @property {number} _3 - 3 key.
178 | * @property {number} _4 - 4 key.
179 | * @property {number} _5 - 5 key.
180 | * @property {number} _6 - 6 key.
181 | * @property {number} _7 - 7 key.
182 | * @property {number} _8 - 8 key.
183 | * @property {number} _9 - 9 key.
184 | * @property {number} 0 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._0}.
185 | * @property {number} 1 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._1}.
186 | * @property {number} 2 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._2}.
187 | * @property {number} 3 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._3}.
188 | * @property {number} 4 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._4}.
189 | * @property {number} 5 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._5}.
190 | * @property {number} 6 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._6}.
191 | * @property {number} 7 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._7}.
192 | * @property {number} 8 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._8}.
193 | * @property {number} 9 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._9}.
194 | * @property {number} REWIND - RW (REWIND) key.
195 | * @property {number} STOP - STOP key.
196 | * @property {number} PLAY - PLAY key.
197 | * @property {number} FAST_FWD - FF (FAST FORWARD) key.
198 | * @property {number} BACK - BACK key.
199 | * @property {number} PREV - PREVIOUS key.
200 | * @property {number} NEXT - NEXT key.
201 | * @property {number} INFO - INFORMATION key.
202 | * @property {number} RED - RED key.
203 | * @property {number} GREEN - GREEN key.
204 | * @property {number} YELLOW - YELLOW key.
205 | * @property {number} BLUE - BLUE key.
206 | * @property {number} SPACE - SPACE key.
207 | * @property {number} BACK_SPACE - BACK SPACE key.
208 | * @property {number} A - A key.
209 | * @property {number} B - B key.
210 | * @property {number} C - C key.
211 | * @property {number} D - D key.
212 | * @property {number} E - E key.
213 | * @property {number} F - F key.
214 | * @property {number} G - G key.
215 | * @property {number} H - H key.
216 | * @property {number} I - I key.
217 | * @property {number} J - J key.
218 | * @property {number} K - K key.
219 | * @property {number} L - L key.
220 | * @property {number} M - M key.
221 | * @property {number} N - N key.
222 | * @property {number} O - O key.
223 | * @property {number} P - P key.
224 | * @property {number} Q - Q key.
225 | * @property {number} R - R key.
226 | * @property {number} S - S key.
227 | * @property {number} T - T key.
228 | * @property {number} U - U key.
229 | * @property {number} V - V key.
230 | * @property {number} W - W key.
231 | * @property {number} X - X key.
232 | * @property {number} Y - Y key.
233 | * @property {number} Z - Z key.
234 | * @property {number} VOLUME_UP - VOLUME UP key.
235 | * @property {number} VOLUME_DOWN - VOLUME DOWN key.
236 | * @property {number} MUTE - MUTE key.
237 | * @property {number} PLAY_PAUSE - PLAY/PAUSE key.
238 | * @property {number} HELP - HELP key.
239 | * @property {number} SUBTITLE - SUBTITLE key.
240 | * @property {number} SEARCH - SEARCH key.
241 | * @property {number} AUDIODESCRIPTION - AUDIODESCRIPTION key.
242 | * @property {number} HD - HD (High Definition) key.
243 | */
244 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK =
245 | {
246 | //* Source: http://smarttv-alliance.org/Markets/Developers.aspx
247 | ENTER: window.VK_ENTER || 13,
248 | PAUSE: window.VK_PAUSE || 19,
249 | PAGE_UP: window.VK_PAGE_UP || 33,
250 | PAGE_DOWN: window.VK_PAGE_DOWN || 34,
251 | LEFT: window.VK_LEFT || 37,
252 | UP: window.VK_UP || 38,
253 | RIGHT: window.VK_RIGHT || 39,
254 | DOWN: window.VK_DOWN || 40,
255 | _0: window.VK_0 || 48,
256 | _1: window.VK_1 || 49,
257 | _2: window.VK_2 || 50,
258 | _3: window.VK_3 || 51,
259 | _4: window.VK_4 || 52,
260 | _5: window.VK_5 || 53,
261 | _6: window.VK_6 || 54,
262 | _7: window.VK_7 || 55,
263 | _8: window.VK_8 || 56,
264 | _9: window.VK_9 || 57,
265 | REWIND: window.VK_REWIND || 412,
266 | STOP: window.VK_STOP || 413,
267 | PLAY: window.VK_PLAY || 415,
268 | FAST_FWD: window.VK_FAST_FWD || 417,
269 | BACK: window.VK_BACK || 461,
270 | PREV: window.VK_PREV || 424,
271 | NEXT: window.VK_NEXT || 425,
272 | INFO: window.VK_INFO || 457,
273 | RED: window.VK_RED || 403,
274 | GREEN: window.VK_GREEN || 404,
275 | YELLOW: window.VK_YELLOW || 405,
276 | BLUE: window.VK_BLUE || 406,
277 |
278 | //More virtual keyboard keys:
279 | //* Source: https://fmtvp.github.io/tal/jsdoc/symbols/src/antie_static_script_events_keyevent.js.html
280 | SPACE: window.VK_SPACE || 32,
281 | BACK_SPACE: window.VK_BACK_SPACE || 8,
282 | A: window.VK_A || 65,
283 | B: window.VK_B || 66,
284 | C: window.VK_C || 67,
285 | D: window.VK_D || 68,
286 | E: window.VK_E || 69,
287 | F: window.VK_F || 70,
288 | G: window.VK_G || 71,
289 | H: window.VK_H || 72,
290 | I: window.VK_I || 73,
291 | J: window.VK_J || 74,
292 | K: window.VK_K || 75,
293 | L: window.VK_L || 76,
294 | M: window.VK_M || 77,
295 | N: window.VK_N || 78,
296 | O: window.VK_O || 79,
297 | P: window.VK_P || 80,
298 | Q: window.VK_Q || 81,
299 | R: window.VK_R || 82,
300 | S: window.VK_S || 83,
301 | T: window.VK_T || 84,
302 | U: window.VK_U || 85,
303 | V: window.VK_V || 86,
304 | W: window.VK_W || 87,
305 | X: window.VK_X || 88,
306 | Y: window.VK_Y || 89,
307 | Z: window.VK_Z || 90,
308 | VOLUME_UP: window.VK_VOLUME_UP || 447,
309 | VOLUME_DOWN: window.VK_VOLUME_DOWN || 448,
310 | MUTE: window.VK_MUTE || 449,
311 | PLAY_PAUSE: window.VK_PLAY_PAUSE || 402,
312 | HELP: window.VK_HELP || 156,
313 | SUBTITLE: window.VK_SUBTITLE || 460,
314 | SEARCH: window.VK_SEARCH || 112, //112 is the same code as the F1 key.
315 | AUDIODESCRIPTION: window.VK_AUDIODESCRIPTION || 113, //113 is the same code as the F2 key.
316 | HD: window.VK_HD || 114 //114 is the same code as the F3 key.
317 | };
318 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[0] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._0;
319 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[1] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._1;
320 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[2] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._2;
321 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[3] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._3;
322 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[4] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._4;
323 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[5] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._5;
324 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[6] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._6;
325 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[7] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._7;
326 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[8] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._8;
327 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK[9] = CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._9;
328 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._allowDuplicateKeyAliases = CB_Configuration[CB_BASE_NAME].CB_Keyboard_extended_VK_allowDuplicateKeyAliases;
329 |
330 |
331 | /**
332 | * Samsung Tizen TV key codes.
333 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
334 | * @name SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV
335 | * @constant
336 | * @type {Object}
337 | * @default
338 | * @property {number} UP - UP button.
339 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN button.
340 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT button.
341 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT button.
342 | * @property {number} ENTER - ENTER button.
343 | * @property {number} MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE - PLAY/PAUSE MEDIA button.
344 | * @property {number} MEDIA_REWIND - RW (REWIND) MEDIA button.
345 | * @property {number} MEDIA_FORWARD - FW (FORWARD) MEDIA button.
346 | * @property {number} MEDIA_PLAY - PLAY MEDIA button.
347 | * @property {number} MEDIA_PAUSE - PAUSE MEDIA button.
348 | * @property {number} MEDIA_STOP - STOP MEDIA button.
349 | * @property {number} RETURN - RETURN button.
350 | * @property {number} MEDIA_RECORD - RECORD MEDIA button.
351 | * @property {number} MEDIA_TRACK_PREVIOUS - PREVIOUS TRACK MEDIA button.
352 | * @property {number} MEDIA_TRACK_NEXT - NEXT TRACK MEDIA button.
353 | * @property {number} VOLUME_UP - VOLUME UP button.
354 | * @property {number} VOLUME_DOWN - VOLUME DOWN button.
355 | * @property {number} MUTE - MUTE button.
356 | * @property {number} _0 - 0 (zero) button.
357 | * @property {number} _1 - 1 button.
358 | * @property {number} _2 - 2 button.
359 | * @property {number} _3 - 3 button.
360 | * @property {number} _4 - 4 button.
361 | * @property {number} _5 - 5 button.
362 | * @property {number} _6 - 6 button.
363 | * @property {number} _7 - 7 button.
364 | * @property {number} _8 - 8 button.
365 | * @property {number} _9 - 9 button.
366 | * @property {number} 0 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._0}.
367 | * @property {number} 1 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._1}.
368 | * @property {number} 2 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._2}.
369 | * @property {number} 3 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._3}.
370 | * @property {number} 4 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._4}.
371 | * @property {number} 5 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._5}.
372 | * @property {number} 6 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._6}.
373 | * @property {number} 7 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._7}.
374 | * @property {number} 8 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._8}.
375 | * @property {number} 9 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._9}.
376 | * @property {number} RED - RED button.
377 | * @property {number} GREEN - GREEN button.
378 | * @property {number} YELLOW - YELLOW button.
379 | * @property {number} BLUE - BLUE button.
380 | * @property {number} INFO - INFORMATION button.
381 | * @property {number} EXIT - EXIT button.
382 | * @property {number} MINUS - MINUS button.
383 | * @property {number} CAPTION - CAPTION button.
384 | * @property {number} CH_UP - CHANNEL UP button.
385 | * @property {number} CH_DOWN - CHANNEL DOWN button.
386 | * @property {number} CH_PREVIOUS - PREVIOUS CHANNEL button.
387 | * @property {number} CH_LIST - CHANNEL LIST button.
388 | * @property {number} E_MANUAL - E-MANUAL button.
389 | * @property {number} SEARCH - SEARCH button.
390 | * @property {number} _3D - 3D button.
391 | * @property {number} 3D - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._3D}.
392 | * @property {number} GUIDE - GUIDE button.
393 | * @property {number} SOURCE - SOURCE button.
394 | * @property {number} PICTURE_SIZE - PICTURE SIZE button.
395 | * @property {number} EXTRA - EXTRA button.
396 | * @property {number} SOCCER - SOCCER button.
397 | * @property {number} MTS - MTS (Multichannel Television Sound) button.
398 | * @property {number} TELETEXT - TELETEXT button.
399 | * @property {number} MENU - MENU button.
400 | * @property {number} TOOLS - TOOLS button.
401 | */
402 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV =
403 | {
404 | UP: 38,
405 | DOWN: 40,
406 | LEFT: 37,
407 | RIGHT: 39,
408 | ENTER: 13,
409 | MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: 10252,
410 | MEDIA_REWIND: 412,
411 | MEDIA_FORWARD: 417,
412 | MEDIA_PLAY: 415,
413 | MEDIA_PAUSE: 19,
414 | MEDIA_STOP: 413,
415 | RETURN: 10009,
416 | MEDIA_RECORD: 416,
418 | MEDIA_TRACK_NEXT: 10233,
419 | VOLUME_UP: 447,
420 | VOLUME_DOWN: 448,
421 | MUTE: 449,
422 | _0: 48,
423 | _1: 49,
424 | _2: 50,
425 | _3: 51,
426 | _4: 52,
427 | _5: 53,
428 | _6: 54,
429 | _7: 55,
430 | _8: 56,
431 | _9: 57,
432 | RED: 403,
433 | GREEN: 404,
434 | YELLOW: 405,
435 | BLUE: 406,
436 | INFO: 457,
437 | EXIT: 10182,
438 | MINUS: 189,
439 | CAPTION: 10221,
440 | CH_UP: 427,
441 | CH_DOWN: 428,
442 | CH_PREVIOUS: 10190,
443 | CH_LIST: 10073,
444 | E_MANUAL: 10146,
445 | SEARCH: 10225,
446 | _3D: 10199,
447 | GUIDE: 458,
448 | SOURCE: 10072,
449 | PICTURE_SIZE: 10140,
450 | EXTRA: 10253,
451 | SOCCER: 10228,
452 | MTS: 10195,
453 | TELETEXT: 10200,
454 | MENU: 457,
455 | TOOLS: 10135
456 | };
457 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[0] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._0;
458 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[1] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._1;
459 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[2] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._2;
460 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[3] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._3;
461 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[4] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._4;
462 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[5] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._5;
463 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[6] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._6;
464 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[7] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._7;
465 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[8] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._8;
466 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV[9] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._9;
467 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV["3D"] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._3D;
468 |
469 |
470 | try { var tvKey = new Common.API.TVKeyValue(); } catch(E) { try { tvKey = sf.key; } catch(E) { tvKey = {}; } }
471 | /**
472 | * Samsung TV key codes.
473 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
474 | * @name SAMSUNG_TV
475 | * @constant
476 | * @type {Object}
477 | * @default
478 | * @property {number} TOOLS - TOOLS button.
479 | * @property {number} EMODE - EMODE button.
480 | * @property {number} DMA - DMA (Digital Media Adapter) button.
481 | * @property {number} SOURCE - SOURCE button.
482 | * @property {number} CHDOWN - CHANNEL DOWN button.
483 | * @property {number} CHUP - CHANNEL UP button.
484 | * @property {number} PANEL_CH_UP - CHANNEL UP PANEL button #1.
485 | * @property {number} PANEL_CH_DOWN - CHANNEL DOWN PANEL button #1.
486 | * @property {number} PANEL_CHUP - CHANNEL UP PANEL button #2.
487 | * @property {number} PANEL_CHDOWN - CHANNEL DOWN PANEL button #2.
488 | * @property {number} PIP_CHUP - CHANNEL UP PIP (Picture In Picture) button.
489 | * @property {number} PIP_CHDOWN - CHANNEL DOWN PIP (Picture In Picture) button.
490 | * @property {number} PRECH - PRE-CHANNEL (PREVIOUS CHANNEL) button.
491 | * @property {number} FAVCH - FAVOURITE CHANNEL button.
492 | * @property {number} CHLIST - CHANNEL LIST button.
493 | * @property {number} TTX_MIX - TELETEXT button.
494 | * @property {number} GUIDE - GUIDE button.
495 | * @property {number} ASPECT - ASPECT button.
496 | * @property {number} DOLBY_SRR - DOLBY SRR (SuRroundRight) button.
497 | * @property {number} MTS - MTS (Multichannel Television Sound) button.
498 | * @property {number} WHEELDOWN - WHEEL DOWN #1.
499 | * @property {number} WHEEL_DOWN - WHEEL DOWN #2.
500 | * @property {number} WHEELUP - WHEEL UP #1.
501 | * @property {number} WHEEL_UP - WHEEL UP #2.
502 | * @property {number} WHEELLEFT - WHEEL LEFT #1.
503 | * @property {number} WHEEL_LEFT - WHEEL LEFT #2.
504 | * @property {number} WHEELRIGHT - WHEEL RIGHT #1.
505 | * @property {number} WHEEL_RIGHT - WHEEL RIGHT #2.
506 | * @property {number} SMART - SMART TV button.
507 | * @property {number} EXIT - EXIT button.
508 | * @property {number} POWER - POWER button.
509 | * @property {number} PANEL_POWER - POWER PANEL button.
510 | * @property {number} POWEROFF - POWER OFF button.
511 | * @property {number} POWERON - POWER ON button.
512 | * @property {number} CONTENT - CONTENT button.
513 | * @property {number} WLINK - WLINK (Wiselink) button #1.
514 | * @property {number} W_LINK - WLINK (Wiselink) button #2.
515 | * @property {number} EMPTY - EMPTY button.
516 | * @property {number} CC - CC (Closed Captioning) button.
517 | * @property {number} REC - REC button.
518 | * @property {number} VOLUP - VOLUME UP button #1.
519 | * @property {number} VOL_UP - VOLUME UP button #2.
520 | * @property {number} VOLDOWN - VOLUME DOWN button #1.
521 | * @property {number} VOL_DOWN - VOLUME DOWN button #2.
522 | * @property {number} PANEL_VOLUP - PANEL VOLUME UP button #1.
523 | * @property {number} PANEL_VOL_UP - PANEL VOLUME UP button #2.
524 | * @property {number} PANEL_VOLDOW - PANEL VOLUME DOWN button #1.
525 | * @property {number} PANEL_VOLDOWN - PANEL VOLUME DOWN button #2.
526 | * @property {number} PANEL_VOL_DOWN - PANEL VOLUME DOWN button #3.
527 | * @property {number} MUTE - MUTE button.
528 | * @property {number} INFO - INFORMATION button.
529 | * @property {number} INFOLINK - INFOLINK button.
530 | * @property {number} MENU - MENU button.
531 | * @property {number} SUBTITLE - SUBTITLE button #1.
532 | * @property {number} SUB_TITLE - SUBTITLE button #2.
533 | * @property {number} PANEL_SOURCE - SOURCE PANEL button.
534 | * @property {number} _0 - 0 (zero) button.
535 | * @property {number} _1 - 1 button.
536 | * @property {number} _2 - 2 button.
537 | * @property {number} _3 - 3 button.
538 | * @property {number} _4 - 4 button.
539 | * @property {number} _5 - 5 button.
540 | * @property {number} _6 - 6 button.
541 | * @property {number} _7 - 7 button.
542 | * @property {number} _8 - 8 button.
543 | * @property {number} _9 - 9 button.
544 | * @property {number} _10 - 10 button.
545 | * @property {number} _11 - 11 button.
546 | * @property {number} _12 - 12 button.
547 | * @property {number} 0 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._0}.
548 | * @property {number} 1 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._1}.
549 | * @property {number} 2 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._2}.
550 | * @property {number} 3 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3}.
551 | * @property {number} 4 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._4}.
552 | * @property {number} 5 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._5}.
553 | * @property {number} 6 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._6}.
554 | * @property {number} 7 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._7}.
555 | * @property {number} 8 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._8}.
556 | * @property {number} 9 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._9}.
557 | * @property {number} 10 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._10}.
558 | * @property {number} 11 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._11}.
559 | * @property {number} 12 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._12}.
560 | * @property {number} RED - RED button.
561 | * @property {number} GREEN - GREEN button.
562 | * @property {number} YELLOW - YELLOW button.
563 | * @property {number} BLUE - BLUE button.
564 | * @property {number} CYAN - CYAN button.
565 | * @property {number} RW - RW (REWIND) button #1.
566 | * @property {number} REWIND - RW (REWIND) button #2.
567 | * @property {number} REWIND_ - RW (REWIND) button #3.
568 | * @property {number} FF - FF (FAST FORWARD) button #1.
569 | * @property {number} FF_ - FF (FAST FORWARD) button #2.
570 | * @property {number} PAUSE - PAUSE button.
571 | * @property {number} PLAY - PLAY button.
572 | * @property {number} STOP - STOP button.
573 | * @property {number} SEARCH - SEARCH button.
574 | * @property {number} UP - UP button.
575 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN button.
576 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT button.
577 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT button.
578 | * @property {number} CH_UP - CHANNEL UP button.
579 | * @property {number} CH_DOWN - CHANNEL DOWN button.
580 | * @property {number} DISC_MENU - DISC MENU button.
581 | * @property {number} _3D - 3D button.
582 | * @property {number} 3D - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3D}.
583 | * @property {number} PIP_ONOFF - PIP (Picture In Picture) ON/OFF button.
584 | * @property {number} AD - AD (Audio Description) button.
585 | * @property {number} PMODE - PICTURE MODE button.
586 | * @property {number} SMODE - SOUND MODE button.
587 | * @property {number} SLEEP - SLEEP button.
588 | * @property {number} D_AUDIO - DIGITAL AUDIO button.
589 | * @property {number} D_FRONT_PLAY - DIGITAL FRONT PLAY button.
590 | * @property {number} D_VIEW_MODE - DIGITAL VIEW MODE button.
591 | * @property {number} STEP - STEP button.
592 | * @property {number} CALLER_ID - CALLED ID button.
593 | * @property {number} ANTENNA - ANTENNA button.
594 | * @property {number} ZOOM_MOVE - MOVE ZOOM button.
595 | * @property {number} ZOOM1 - ZOOM 1 button.
596 | * @property {number} ZOOM2 - ZOOM 2 button.
597 | * @property {number} ZOOM_IN - ZOOM IN button.
598 | * @property {number} ZOOM_OUT - ZOOM OUT button.
599 | * @property {number} RETURN - RETURN button.
600 | * @property {number} PANEL_RETURN - RETURN PANEL button.
601 | * @property {number} ENTER - ENTER button.
602 | * @property {number} PANEL_ENTER - ENTER PANEL button.
603 | * @property {number} PANEL_MENU - MENU PANEL button.
604 | * @property {number} ADDDEL - ADD/DEL button.
605 | * @property {number} PIP_SWAP - PIP (Picture In Picture) SWAP button.
606 | * @property {number} PLUS100 - SAMSUNG AUTO MOTION PLUS 100 HZ button.
607 | * @property {number} CAPTION - CAPTION button.
608 | * @property {number} PICTURE_SIZE - PICTURE SIZE button.
609 | * @property {number} PIP_SIZE - PIP (Picture In Picture) SIZE button.
610 | * @property {number} MAGIC_CHANNEL - MAGIC CHANNEL button.
611 | * @property {number} PIP_SCAN - PIP (Picture In Picture) SCAN button.
612 | * @property {number} DEVICE_CONNECT - DEVICE CONNECT button.
613 | * @property {number} HELP - HELP button.
614 | * @property {number} CONVERGENCE - CONVERGENCE button.
615 | * @property {number} AUTO_PROGRAM - AUTO PROGRAM button.
616 | * @property {number} FACTORY - FACTORY button.
617 | * @property {number} _3SPEED - 3SPEED button.
618 | * @property {number} 3SPEED - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3SPEED}.
619 | * @property {number} RSURF - R.SURF button.
620 | * @property {number} TOPMENU - TOP MENU button.
621 | * @property {number} GAME - GAME button.
622 | * @property {number} QUICK_REPLAY - QUICK REPLAY button.
623 | * @property {number} STILL_PICTURE - STILL PICTURE button.
624 | * @property {number} DTV - DTV (Digital Television) button.
625 | * @property {number} INSTANT_REPLAY - INSTANT REPLAY button.
626 | * @property {number} LINK - LINK button.
627 | * @property {number} ANGLE - ANGLE button.
628 | * @property {number} RESERVED1 - RESERVED1 button.
629 | * @property {number} RESERVED5 - RESERVED5 button.
630 | * @property {number} PROGRAM - PROGRAM button.
631 | * @property {number} BOOKMARK - BOOKMARK button.
632 | * @property {number} PRINT - PRINT button.
633 | * @property {number} CLEAR - CLEAR button.
634 | * @property {number} VCHIP - V-CHIP button.
635 | * @property {number} REPEAT - REPEAT button.
636 | * @property {number} DOOR - DOOR button.
637 | * @property {number} OPEN - OPEN button.
638 | * @property {number} TURBO - TURBO button.
639 | * @property {number} DVR_MENU - DVR (Digital Video Recorder) MENU button.
640 | * @property {number} TTX_SUBFACE - Teletext Subface button.
641 | * @property {number} CH_LIST - CHANNEL LIST button.
642 | * @property {number} DNIe - DNIe (Digital Natural Image Engine) button.
643 | * @property {number} DNSe - DNSe (Digital Natural Sound Engine) button.
644 | * @property {number} SRS - SRS (Sound Retrieval System) button.
645 | * @property {number} CONVERT_AUDIO_MAINSUB - CONVERT AUDIO MAIN/SUB button.
646 | * @property {number} MDC - MDC button.
647 | * @property {number} SEFFECT - SOUND EFFECT button.
648 | * @property {number} DVR - DVR (Digital Video Recorder) button.
649 | * @property {number} DTV_SIGNAL - DTV (Digital Television) SIGNAL button.
650 | * @property {number} LIVE - LIVE button.
651 | * @property {number} PERPECT_FOCUS - PERPECT FOCUS button.
652 | * @property {number} HOME - HOME button.
653 | * @property {number} ESAVING - ENERGY SAVING button.
654 | * @property {number} CONTENTS - CONTENTS button.
655 | * @property {number} SCALE - SCALE button.
656 | * @property {number} CLOCK_DISPLAY - CLOCK DISPLAY button.
657 | * @property {number} SETUP_CLOCK_TIMER - SETUP CLOCK TIMER button.
658 | * @property {number} MAGIC_BRIGHT - MAGIC BRIGHT button.
659 | * @property {number} FM_RADIO - FM RADIO button.
660 | * @property {number} VCR_MODE - VCR MODE button.
661 | * @property {number} CATV_MODE - CATV (Community Antenna Television) MODE button.
662 | * @property {number} DSS_MODE - DSS MODE button.
663 | * @property {number} DVD_MODE - DVD MODE button.
664 | * @property {number} STB_MODE - STB (Set-Top Box) MODE button.
665 | * @property {number} PCMODE - PC MODE button.
666 | * @property {number} TV_MODE - TV MODE button.
667 | * @property {number} TV - TV button.
668 | * @property {number} AV1 - AV #1 button.
669 | * @property {number} AV2 - AV #2 button.
670 | * @property {number} AV3 - AV #3 button.
671 | * @property {number} SVIDEO1 - S-VIDEO (Separated-Video) #1 button.
672 | * @property {number} SVIDEO2 - S-VIDEO (Separated-Video) #2 button.
673 | * @property {number} SVIDEO3 - S-VIDEO (Separated-Video) #3 button.
674 | * @property {number} COMPONENT1 - COMPONENT #1 button.
675 | * @property {number} COMPONENT2 - COMPONENT #2 button.
676 | * @property {number} DVI - DVI (Digital Visual Interface) button.
677 | * @property {number} HDMI - HDMI button.
678 | * @property {number} HDMI1 - HDMI #1 button.
679 | * @property {number} HDMI2 - HDMI #2 button.
680 | * @property {number} HDMI3 - HDMI #3 button.
681 | * @property {number} HDMI4 - HDMI #4 button.
682 | * @property {number} DTV_LINK - DTVLINK (DIGITAL TELEVISION LINK) button.
683 | * @property {number} APP_LIST - APP LIST button.
684 | * @property {number} BACK_MHP - BACK MHP (Multimedia Home Platform) button.
685 | * @property {number} ALT_MHP - ALTERNATE MHP (Multimedia Home Platform) button.
686 | * @property {number} RSS - RSS button.
687 | * @property {number} ENTERTAINMENT - ENTERTAINMENT button.
688 | * @property {number} ID_INPUT - ID INPUT button.
689 | * @property {number} ID_SETUP - ID SETUP button.
690 | * @property {number} ANYNET - ANYNET button.
691 | * @property {number} ANYVIEW - ANYVIEW button.
692 | * @property {number} MS - MS button.
693 | * @property {number} MORE - MORE button.
694 | * @property {number} _4_3 - 4:3 button.
695 | * @property {number} 4_3 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._4_3}.
696 | * @property {number} _16_9 - 16:9 button.
697 | * @property {number} 16_9 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._16_9}.
698 | * @property {number} PANORAMA - PICTURE MODE PANORAMA button.
699 | * @property {number} DYNAMIC - PICTURE MODE DYNAMIC button.
700 | * @property {number} STANDARD - PICTURE MODE STANDARD button.
701 | * @property {number} MOVIE1 - PICTURE MODE MOVIE1 button.
702 | * @property {number} CUSTOM - PICTURE MODE CUSTOM button.
703 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_RESET - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) RESET button.
704 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_LNA_ON - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) ON button.
705 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_LNA_OFF - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) OFF button.
706 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_ANYNET_MODE_OK - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) ANYNET MODE OK button.
707 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_ANYNET_AUTO_START - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) ANYNET AUTO START button.
708 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_CAPTION_ON - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) CAPTION ON button.
709 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_CAPTION_OFF - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) CAPTION OFF button.
710 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_DOUBLE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) DOUBLE button.
711 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_LARGE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) LARGE button.
712 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_SMALL - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) SMALL button.
713 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_WIDE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) WIDE button.
714 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_LEFT_TOP - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) LEFT TOP button.
715 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_RIGHT_TOP - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) RIGHT TOP button.
716 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_LEFT_BOTTOM - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) LEFT BOTTOM button.
717 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_RIGHT_BOTTOM - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) RIGHT BOTTOM button.
718 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_CH_CHANGE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) CHANNEL CHANGE button.
719 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_PIP_SOURCE_CHANGE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) PIP (Picture In Picture) SOURCE CHANGE button.
720 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_AUTOCOLOR_SUCCESS - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) AUTOCOLOR SUCCESS button.
721 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_AUTOCOLOR_FAIL - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) AUTOCOLOR FAIL button.
722 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_C_FORCE_AGING - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) C-FORCE AGING button.
723 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_USBJACK_INSPECT - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) USB JACK INSPECT button.
724 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_JACK_IDENT - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) JACK IDENT button.
725 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_CAPTION_KOR - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) CAPTION KOREAN button.
726 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_CAPTION_ENG - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) CAPTION ENGLISH button.
727 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_ANTENNA_AIR - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) ANTENNA AIR button.
728 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_ANTENNA_CABLE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) ANTENNA CABLE button.
729 | * @property {number} AUTO_ARC_ANTENNA_SATELLITE - AUTO ARC (Audio Return Channel) ANTENNA SATELLITE button.
730 | * @property {number} AUTO_FORMAT - AUTO FORMAT button.
731 | * @property {number} DNET - D-NET button.
732 | * @property {number} NINE_SEPARATE - NINE SEPARATE button.
733 | * @property {number} MIC - MIC (MICROPHONE) button.
734 | * @property {number} EXT1 - EXT1 button.
735 | * @property {number} EXT2 - EXT2 button.
736 | * @property {number} EXT3 - EXT3 button.
737 | * @property {number} EXT4 - EXT4 button.
738 | * @property {number} EXT5 - EXT5 button.
739 | * @property {number} EXT6 - EXT6 button.
740 | * @property {number} EXT7 - EXT7 button.
741 | * @property {number} EXT8 - EXT8 button.
742 | * @property {number} EXT9 - EXT9 button.
743 | * @property {number} EXT10 - EXT10 button.
744 | * @property {number} EXT11 - EXT11 button.
745 | * @property {number} EXT12 - EXT12 button.
746 | * @property {number} EXT13 - EXT13 button.
747 | * @property {number} EXT14 - EXT14 button.
748 | * @property {number} EXT15 - EXT15 button.
749 | * @property {number} EXT16 - EXT16 button.
750 | * @property {number} EXT17 - EXT17 button.
751 | * @property {number} EXT18 - EXT18 button.
752 | * @property {number} EXT19 - EXT19 button.
753 | * @property {number} EXT20 - EXT20 button.
754 | * @property {number} EXT21 - EXT21 button.
755 | * @property {number} EXT22 - EXT22 button.
756 | * @property {number} EXT23 - EXT23 button.
757 | * @property {number} EXT24 - EXT24 button.
758 | * @property {number} EXT25 - EXT25 button.
759 | * @property {number} EXT26 - EXT26 button.
760 | * @property {number} EXT27 - EXT27 button.
761 | * @property {number} EXT28 - EXT28 button.
762 | * @property {number} EXT29 - EXT29 button.
763 | * @property {number} EXT30 - EXT30 button.
764 | * @property {number} EXT31 - EXT31 button.
765 | * @property {number} EXT32 - EXT32 button.
766 | * @property {number} EXT33 - EXT33 button.
767 | * @property {number} EXT34 - EXT34 button.
768 | * @property {number} EXT35 - EXT35 button.
769 | * @property {number} EXT36 - EXT36 button.
770 | * @property {number} EXT37 - EXT37 button.
771 | * @property {number} EXT38 - EXT38 button.
772 | * @property {number} EXT39 - EXT39 button.
773 | * @property {number} EXT40 - EXT40 button.
774 | * @property {number} EXT41 - EXT41 button.
775 | */
776 | //* Source: https://forum.samygo.tv/viewtopic.php?t=1792 and http://www.openremote.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=19434990 and https://github.com/Ape/samsungctl/issues/87
777 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV =
778 | {
779 | TOOLS: tvKey.KEY_TOOLS || tvKey.TOOLS, //Same code as "K" key (75).
780 | EMODE: tvKey.KEY_EMODE || tvKey.EMODE, //148
781 | DMA: tvKey.KEY_DMA || tvKey.DMA, //260
782 | SOURCE: tvKey.KEY_SOURCE || tvKey.SOURCE, //222
783 | CHDOWN: tvKey.KEY_CHDOWN || tvKey.CHDOWN,
784 | CHUP: tvKey.KEY_CHUP || tvKey.CHUP,
785 | PANEL_CH_UP: tvKey.KEY_PANEL_CH_UP || tvKey.PANEL_CH_UP, //105 (same code as "9" in the numeric pad).
786 | PANEL_CH_DOWN: tvKey.KEY_PANEL_CH_DOWN || tvKey.PANEL_CH_DOWN, //106 (same code as asterisk ("*") in the numeric pad).
789 | PIP_CHUP: tvKey.KEY_PIP_CHUP || tvKey.PIP_CHUP, //1050
790 | PIP_CHDOWN: tvKey.KEY_PIP_CHDOWN || tvKey.PIP_CHDOWN, //1051
791 | PRECH: tvKey.KEY_PRECH || tvKey.PRECH, //259
792 | FAVCH: tvKey.KEY_FAVCH || tvKey.FAVCH, //256
793 | CHLIST: tvKey.KEY_CHLIST || tvKey.CHLIST, //84 (same code as "T" key).
794 | TTX_MIX: tvKey.KEY_TTX_MIX || tvKey.TTX_MIX, //650
795 | GUIDE: tvKey.KEY_GUIDE || tvKey.GUIDE, //651
796 | ASPECT: tvKey.KEY_ASPECT || tvKey.ASPECT, //653
797 | DOLBY_SRR: tvKey.KEY_DOLBY_SRR || tvKey.DOLBY_SRR, //654
798 | MTS: tvKey.KEY_MTS || tvKey.MTS, //655
799 | WHEELDOWN: tvKey.KEY_WHEELDOWN || tvKey.WHEELDOWN, //29469
801 | WHEELUP: tvKey.KEY_WHEELUP || tvKey.WHEELUP, //29468
802 | WHEEL_UP: tvKey.KEY_WHEEL_UP || tvKey.WHEEL_UP,
807 | SMART: tvKey.KEY_SMART || tvKey.SMART,
808 | EXIT: tvKey.KEY_EXIT || tvKey.EXIT, //Same code as INS key (45).
809 | POWER: tvKey.KEY_POWER || tvKey.POWER, //76 (same code as "L" key).
813 | CONTENT: tvKey.KEY_CONTENT || tvKey.CONTENT, //261
814 | WLINK: tvKey.KEY_WLINK || tvKey.WLINK, //115 (same code as F4 key)
815 | W_LINK: tvKey.KEY_W_LINK || tvKey.W_LINK,
816 | EMPTY: tvKey.KEY_EMPTY || tvKey.EMPTY, //0
817 | CC: tvKey.KEY_CC || tvKey.CC, //118 (same code as F7 key)
818 | REC: tvKey.KEY_REC || tvKey.REC, //192
819 | VOLUP: tvKey.KEY_VOLUP || tvKey.VOLUP,
820 | VOL_UP: tvKey.KEY_VOL_UP || tvKey.VOL_UP, //7
822 | VOL_DOWN: tvKey.KEY_VOL_DOWN || tvKey.VOL_DOWN, //1
824 | PANEL_VOL_UP: tvKey.KEY_PANEL_VOL_UP || tvKey.PANEL_VOL_UP, //203
828 | MUTE: tvKey.KEY_MUTE || tvKey.MUTE, //Same code as ESC key (27).
829 | INFO: tvKey.KEY_INFO || tvKey.INFO, //31
830 | INFOLINK: tvKey.KEY_INFOLINK || tvKey.INFOLINK, //147
831 | MENU: tvKey.KEY_MENU || tvKey.MENU, //262
832 | SUBTITLE: tvKey.KEY_SUBTITLE || tvKey.SUBTITLE, //652
833 | SUB_TITLE: tvKey.KEY_SUB_TITLE || tvKey.SUB_TITLE, //1089
835 | _0: tvKey.KEY_0 || tvKey.N0 || tvKey._0 || tvKey["0"], //17 (same code as CTRL or META key, depending on the system).
836 | _1: tvKey.KEY_1 || tvKey.N1 || tvKey._1 || tvKey["1"], //101 (same code as "5" in the numeric pad).
837 | _2: tvKey.KEY_2 || tvKey.N2 || tvKey._2 || tvKey["2"], //98 (same code as "2" in the numeric pad).
838 | _3: tvKey.KEY_3 || tvKey.N3 || tvKey._3 || tvKey["3"], //6
839 | _4: tvKey.KEY_4 || tvKey.N4 || tvKey._4 || tvKey["4"], //8
840 | _5: tvKey.KEY_5 || tvKey.N5 || tvKey._5 || tvKey["5"], //9
841 | _6: tvKey.KEY_6 || tvKey.N6 || tvKey._6 || tvKey["6"], //10
842 | _7: tvKey.KEY_7 || tvKey.N7 || tvKey._7 || tvKey["7"], //12
843 | _8: tvKey.KEY_8 || tvKey.N8 || tvKey._8 || tvKey["8"], //13
844 | _9: tvKey.KEY_9 || tvKey.N9 || tvKey._9 || tvKey["9"], //14
845 | _10: tvKey.KEY_10 || tvKey.N10 || tvKey._10 || tvKey["10"],
846 | _11: tvKey.KEY_11 || tvKey.N11 || tvKey._11 || tvKey["11"],
847 | _12: tvKey.KEY_12 || tvKey.N12 || tvKey._12 || tvKey["12"], //1057
848 | RED: tvKey.KEY_RED || tvKey.RED, //Same code as SEPARATOR key (108).
849 | GREEN: tvKey.KEY_GREEN || tvKey.GREEN, //Same code as CAPS_LOCK key (20).
850 | YELLOW: tvKey.KEY_YELLOW || tvKey.YELLOW, //21
851 | BLUE: tvKey.KEY_BLUE || tvKey.BLUE, //22
852 | CYAN: tvKey.KEY_CYAN || tvKey.CYAN,
853 | RW: tvKey.KEY_RW || tvKey.RW, //69 (same code as "E" key).
854 | PAUSE: tvKey.KEY_PAUSE || tvKey.PAUSE, //74 (same code as "J" key).
855 | FF: tvKey.KEY_FF || tvKey.FF, //72 (same code as "H" key).
856 | FF_: tvKey.KEY_FF_ || tvKey.FF_, //1078
857 | REWIND: tvKey.KEY_REWIND || tvKey.REWIND,
858 | REWIND_: tvKey.KEY_REWIND_ || tvKey.REWIND_, //1080
859 | PLAY: tvKey.KEY_PLAY || tvKey.PLAY, //71 (same code as "G" key).
860 | STOP: tvKey.KEY_STOP || tvKey.STOP, //70 (same code as "F" key).
861 | SEARCH: tvKey.KEY_SEARCH || tvKey.SEARCH,
862 | UP: tvKey.KEY_UP || tvKey.UP, //29460.
863 | DOWN: tvKey.KEY_DOWN || tvKey.DOWN, //29461
864 | LEFT: tvKey.KEY_LEFT || tvKey.LEFT, //4
865 | RIGHT: tvKey.KEY_RIGHT || tvKey.RIGHT, //5
866 | CH_UP: tvKey.KEY_CH_UP || tvKey.CH_UP, //68 (same code as "D" key)
867 | CH_DOWN: tvKey.KEY_CH_DOWN || tvKey.CH_DOWN, //65 (same code as "A" key)
868 | DISC_MENU: tvKey.KEY_DISC_MENU || tvKey.DISC_MENU, //1086
869 | _3D: tvKey.KEY_3D || tvKey._3D || tvKey["3D"], //1219
870 | PIP_ONOFF: tvKey.KEY_PIP_ONOFF || tvKey.PIP_ONOFF, //1032
871 | AD: tvKey.KEY_AD || tvKey.AD, //1039
872 | PMODE: tvKey.KEY_PMODE || tvKey.PMODE, //1040
873 | SMODE: tvKey.KEY_SMODE || tvKey.SMODE, //1043
874 | SLEEP: tvKey.KEY_SLEEP || tvKey.SLEEP, //1097
875 | D_AUDIO: tvKey.KEY_D_AUDIO || tvKey.D_AUDIO, //1236
876 | D_FRONT_PLAY: tvKey.KEY_D_FRONT_PLAY || tvKey.D_FRONT_PLAY, //1243 (for BD)
877 | D_VIEW_MODE: tvKey.KEY_D_VIEW_MODE || tvKey.D_VIEW_MODE, //1249
878 | STEP: tvKey.KEY_STEP || tvKey.STEP, //1023 (REC PAUSE(BD))
879 | CALLER_ID: tvKey.KEY_CALLER_ID || tvKey.CALLER_ID, //1128 (FULL SCREEN (BD))
880 | ANTENNA: tvKey.KEY_ANTENA || tvKey.ANTENA || tvKey.KEY_ANTENNA || tvKey.ANTENNA, //1054 (for CN)
882 | ZOOM1: tvKey.KEY_ZOOM1 || tvKey.ZOOM1, //1083
883 | ZOOM2: tvKey.KEY_ZOOM2 || tvKey.ZOOM2,
884 | ZOOM_IN: tvKey.KEY_ZOOM_IN || tvKey.ZOOM_IN,
885 | ZOOM_OUT: tvKey.KEY_ZOOM_OUT || tvKey.ZOOM_OUT,
886 | RETURN: tvKey.KEY_RETURN || tvKey.RETURN, //Same code as "X" key (88).
888 | ENTER: tvKey.KEY_ENTER || tvKey.ENTER, //29443
891 | ADDDEL: tvKey.KEY_ADDDEL || tvKey.ADDDEL,
892 | PIP_SWAP: tvKey.KEY_PIP_SWAP || tvKey.PIP_SWAP,
893 | PLUS100: tvKey.KEY_PLUS100 || tvKey.PLUS100,
896 | PIP_SIZE: tvKey.KEY_PIP_SIZE || tvKey.PIP_SIZE,
898 | PIP_SCAN: tvKey.KEY_PIP_SCAN || tvKey.PIP_SCAN,
900 | HELP: tvKey.KEY_HELP || tvKey.HELP,
904 | _3SPEED: tvKey.KEY_3SPEED || tvKey._3SPEED || tvKey["3SPEED"],
905 | RSURF: tvKey.KEY_RSURF || tvKey.RSURF,
907 | GAME: tvKey.KEY_GAME || tvKey.GAME,
910 | DTV: tvKey.KEY_DTV || tvKey.DTV,
912 | LINK: tvKey.KEY_LINK || tvKey.LINK,
913 | ANGLE: tvKey.KEY_ANGLE || tvKey.ANGLE,
918 | PRINT: tvKey.KEY_PRINT || tvKey.PRINT,
919 | CLEAR: tvKey.KEY_CLEAR || tvKey.CLEAR,
920 | VCHIP: tvKey.KEY_VCHIP || tvKey.VCHIP,
921 | REPEAT: tvKey.KEY_REPEAT || tvKey.REPEAT,
922 | DOOR: tvKey.KEY_DOOR || tvKey.DOOR,
923 | OPEN: tvKey.KEY_OPEN || tvKey.OPEN,
924 | TURBO: tvKey.KEY_TURBO || tvKey.TURBO,
925 | DVR_MENU: tvKey.KEY_DVR_MENU || tvKey.DVR_MENU,
927 | CH_LIST: tvKey.KEY_CH_LIST || tvKey.CH_LIST,
928 | DNIe: tvKey.KEY_DNIe || tvKey.KEY_DNIE || tvKey.DNIe || tvKey.DNIE,
929 | DNSe: tvKey.KEY_DNSe || tvKey.KEY_DNSE || tvKey.DNSe || tvKey.DNSE,
930 | SRS: tvKey.KEY_SRS || tvKey.SRS,
932 | MDC: tvKey.KEY_MDC || tvKey.MDC,
934 | DVR: tvKey.KEY_DVR || tvKey.DVR,
936 | LIVE: tvKey.KEY_LIVE || tvKey.LIVE,
938 | HOME: tvKey.KEY_HOME || tvKey.HOME,
941 | SCALE: tvKey.KEY_SCALE || tvKey.SCALE,
945 | FM_RADIO: tvKey.KEY_FM_RADIO || tvKey.FM_RADIO,
946 | VCR_MODE: tvKey.KEY_VCR_MODE || tvKey.VCR_MODE,
948 | DSS_MODE: tvKey.KEY_DSS_MODE || tvKey.DSS_MODE,
949 | DVD_MODE: tvKey.KEY_DVD_MODE || tvKey.DVD_MODE,
950 | STB_MODE: tvKey.KEY_STB_MODE || tvKey.STB_MODE,
951 | PCMODE: tvKey.KEY_PCMODE || tvKey.PCMODE,
952 | TV_MODE: tvKey.KEY_TV_MODE || tvKey.TV_MODE,
953 | TV: tvKey.KEY_TV || tvKey.TV, //77
954 | AV1: tvKey.KEY_AV1 || tvKey.AV1,
955 | AV2: tvKey.KEY_AV2 || tvKey.AV2,
956 | AV3: tvKey.KEY_AV3 || tvKey.AV3,
957 | SVIDEO1: tvKey.KEY_SVIDEO1 || tvKey.SVIDEO1,
958 | SVIDEO2: tvKey.KEY_SVIDEO2 || tvKey.SVIDEO2,
959 | SVIDEO3: tvKey.KEY_SVIDEO3 || tvKey.SVIDEO3,
962 | DVI: tvKey.KEY_DVI || tvKey.DVI,
963 | HDMI: tvKey.KEY_HDMI || tvKey.HDMI,
964 | HDMI1: tvKey.KEY_HDMI1 || tvKey.HDMI1,
965 | HDMI2: tvKey.KEY_HDMI2 || tvKey.HDMI2,
966 | HDMI3: tvKey.KEY_HDMI3 || tvKey.HDMI3,
967 | HDMI4: tvKey.KEY_HDMI4 || tvKey.HDMI4,
968 | DTV_LINK: tvKey.KEY_DTV_LINK || tvKey.DTV_LINK,
969 | APP_LIST: tvKey.KEY_APP_LIST || tvKey.APP_LIST,
970 | BACK_MHP: tvKey.KEY_BACK_MHP || tvKey.BACK_MHP,
971 | ALT_MHP: tvKey.KEY_ALT_MHP || tvKey.ALT_MHP,
972 | RSS: tvKey.KEY_RSS || tvKey.RSS,
974 | ID_INPUT: tvKey.KEY_ID_INPUT || tvKey.ID_INPUT,
975 | ID_SETUP: tvKey.KEY_ID_SETUP || tvKey.ID_SETUP,
976 | ANYNET: tvKey.KEY_ANYNET || tvKey.ANYNET,
978 | MS: tvKey.KEY_MS || tvKey.MS,
979 | MORE: tvKey.KEY_MORE || tvKey.MORE,
980 | _4_3: tvKey.KEY_4_3 || tvKey._4_3 || tvKey["4_3"],
981 | _16_9: tvKey.KEY_16_9 || tvKey._16_9 || tvKey["16_9"],
985 | MOVIE1: tvKey.KEY_MOVIE1 || tvKey.MOVIE1,
986 | CUSTOM: tvKey.KEY_CUSTOM || tvKey.CUSTOM,
1015 | DNET: tvKey.KEY_DNET || tvKey.DNET,
1017 | MIC: tvKey.KEY_MIC || tvKey.MIC,
1018 | EXT1: tvKey.KEY_EXT1 || tvKey.EXT1,
1019 | EXT2: tvKey.KEY_EXT2 || tvKey.EXT2,
1020 | EXT3: tvKey.KEY_EXT3 || tvKey.EXT3,
1021 | EXT4: tvKey.KEY_EXT4 || tvKey.EXT4,
1022 | EXT5: tvKey.KEY_EXT5 || tvKey.EXT5,
1023 | EXT6: tvKey.KEY_EXT6 || tvKey.EXT6,
1024 | EXT7: tvKey.KEY_EXT7 || tvKey.EXT7,
1025 | EXT8: tvKey.KEY_EXT8 || tvKey.EXT8,
1026 | EXT9: tvKey.KEY_EXT9 || tvKey.EXT9,
1027 | EXT10: tvKey.KEY_EXT10 || tvKey.EXT10,
1028 | EXT11: tvKey.KEY_EXT11 || tvKey.EXT11,
1029 | EXT12: tvKey.KEY_EXT12 || tvKey.EXT12,
1030 | EXT13: tvKey.KEY_EXT13 || tvKey.EXT13,
1031 | EXT14: tvKey.KEY_EXT14 || tvKey.EXT14,
1032 | EXT15: tvKey.KEY_EXT15 || tvKey.EXT15,
1033 | EXT16: tvKey.KEY_EXT16 || tvKey.EXT16,
1034 | EXT17: tvKey.KEY_EXT17 || tvKey.EXT17,
1035 | EXT18: tvKey.KEY_EXT18 || tvKey.EXT18,
1036 | EXT19: tvKey.KEY_EXT19 || tvKey.EXT19,
1037 | EXT20: tvKey.KEY_EXT20 || tvKey.EXT20,
1038 | EXT21: tvKey.KEY_EXT21 || tvKey.EXT21,
1039 | EXT22: tvKey.KEY_EXT22 || tvKey.EXT22,
1040 | EXT23: tvKey.KEY_EXT23 || tvKey.EXT23,
1041 | EXT24: tvKey.KEY_EXT24 || tvKey.EXT24,
1042 | EXT25: tvKey.KEY_EXT25 || tvKey.EXT25,
1043 | EXT26: tvKey.KEY_EXT26 || tvKey.EXT26,
1044 | EXT27: tvKey.KEY_EXT27 || tvKey.EXT27,
1045 | EXT28: tvKey.KEY_EXT28 || tvKey.EXT28,
1046 | EXT29: tvKey.KEY_EXT29 || tvKey.EXT29,
1047 | EXT30: tvKey.KEY_EXT30 || tvKey.EXT30,
1048 | EXT31: tvKey.KEY_EXT31 || tvKey.EXT31,
1049 | EXT32: tvKey.KEY_EXT32 || tvKey.EXT32,
1050 | EXT33: tvKey.KEY_EXT33 || tvKey.EXT33,
1051 | EXT34: tvKey.KEY_EXT34 || tvKey.EXT34,
1052 | EXT35: tvKey.KEY_EXT35 || tvKey.EXT35,
1053 | EXT36: tvKey.KEY_EXT36 || tvKey.EXT36,
1054 | EXT37: tvKey.KEY_EXT37 || tvKey.EXT37,
1055 | EXT38: tvKey.KEY_EXT38 || tvKey.EXT38,
1056 | EXT39: tvKey.KEY_EXT39 || tvKey.EXT39,
1057 | EXT40: tvKey.KEY_EXT40 || tvKey.EXT40,
1058 | EXT41: tvKey.KEY_EXT41 || tvKey.EXT41
1059 | };
1060 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[0] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._0;
1061 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[1] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._1;
1062 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[2] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._2;
1063 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[3] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3;
1064 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[4] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._4;
1065 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[5] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._5;
1066 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[6] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._6;
1067 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[7] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._7;
1068 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[8] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._8;
1069 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[9] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._9;
1070 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[10] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._10;
1071 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[11] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._11;
1072 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV[12] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._12;
1073 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV["3D"] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3D;
1074 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV["3SPEED"] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3SPEED;
1075 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV["4_3"] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._4_3;
1076 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV["16_9"] = CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._16_9;
1077 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases = CB_Configuration[CB_BASE_NAME].CB_Keyboard_extended_SAMSUNG_TV_allowDuplicateKeyAliases;
1078 |
1079 |
1080 | /**
1081 | * Amazon Fire TV remote control key codes.
1082 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1083 | * @name AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE
1084 | * @constant
1085 | * @type {Object}
1086 | * @default
1087 | * @property {number} UP - UP button.
1088 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN button.
1089 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT button.
1090 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT button.
1091 | * @property {number} SELECT - SELECT button.
1092 | * @property {number} PLAY_PAUSE - PLAY/PAUSE button.
1093 | * @property {number} RW - RW (REWIND) button.
1094 | * @property {number} FF - FF (FAST FORWARD) button.
1095 | */
1096 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE =
1097 | {
1098 | UP: 38,
1099 | DOWN: 40,
1100 | LEFT: 37,
1101 | RIGHT: 39,
1102 | SELECT: 13,
1103 | PLAY_PAUSE: 179,
1104 | RW: 227,
1105 | FF: 228
1106 | };
1107 |
1108 |
1109 | /**
1110 | * Amazon Fire TV game controller key codes.
1111 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1113 | * @constant
1114 | * @type {Object}
1115 | * @default
1116 | * @property {number} UP - UP button.
1117 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN button.
1118 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT button.
1119 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT button.
1120 | * @property {number} A - "A" button.
1121 | * @property {number} B - "B" button.
1122 | * @property {number} X - "X" button.
1123 | * @property {number} Y - "Y" button.
1124 | */
1125 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_GAME_CONTROLLER =
1126 | {
1127 | UP: 38,
1128 | DOWN: 40,
1129 | LEFT: 37,
1130 | RIGHT: 39,
1131 | A: 13,
1132 | B: 8, //Same as BACKSPACE.
1133 | X: 13, //Same code as A button.
1134 | Y: 13 //Same code as A button.
1135 | }
1136 |
1137 |
1138 | /**
1139 | * Nintendo Wii (Wiimote) key codes.
1140 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1141 | * @name WII
1142 | * @constant
1143 | * @type {Object}
1144 | * @default
1145 | * @property {number} UP - D-PAD UP button.
1146 | * @property {number} DOWN - D-PAD DOWN button.
1147 | * @property {number} LEFT - D-PAD LEFT button.
1148 | * @property {number} RIGHT - D-PAD RIGHT button.
1149 | * @property {number} A - "A" button.
1150 | * @property {number} B - "B" button.
1151 | * @property {number} MINUS - MINUS ("-") button.
1152 | * @property {number} PLUS - PLUS ("+") button.
1153 | * @property {number} ONE - "1" button.
1154 | * @property {number} _1 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.ONE}.
1155 | * @property {number} 1 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.ONE}.
1156 | * @property {number} TWO - "2" button.
1157 | * @property {number} _2 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.TWO}.
1158 | * @property {number} 2 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.TWO}.
1159 | * @property {number} HOME - HOME button.
1160 | */
1161 | //* Source: tomy @ https://www.cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes
1162 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII =
1163 | {
1164 | UP: 175, //D-PAD: UP (also scrolls up). Note: same code as "VOL_UP" key.
1165 | DOWN: 176, //D-PAD DOWN (also scrolls down). Note: same code as "MEDIA_FORWARD" key.
1166 | LEFT: 178, //D-PAD LEFT (also scrolls left). Note: same code as "MEDIA_STOP" key.
1167 | RIGHT: 177, //D-PAD RIGHT (also scrolls right). Note: same code as "MEDIA_BACK" key.
1168 | A: 13, //"A" button. Note: same code as ENTER key.
1169 | B: 171, //"B" button. Note: same code as BROWSER_FAVORITES key and PLUS ("+") in Firefox browser.
1170 | MINUS: 170, //Minus ("-") button (also zooms out). Note: same code as BROWSER_SEARCH key.
1171 | PLUS: 174, //Plus ("+") button (also zooms in). Note: same code as VOL_DOWN key.
1172 | ONE: 172, //"1" button. Note: same code as BROWSER_HOME key.
1173 | TWO: 173, //"2" button (also splits screen into single column mode). Note: same code as MUTE key and MINUS ("-") in Firefox browser.
1174 | HOME: 2 //Home button (also leaves the browser).
1175 | };
1176 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII[1] = CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._1 = CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.ONE; //"1" button. Note: same code as BROWSER_HOME key.
1177 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII[2] = CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._2 = CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.TWO; //"2" button (also splits screen into single column mode). Note: same code as MUTE key and MINUS ("-") in Firefox browser.
1178 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._allowDuplicateKeyAliases = CB_Configuration[CB_BASE_NAME].CB_Keyboard_extended_WII_allowDuplicateKeyAliases;
1179 |
1180 |
1181 | /**
1182 | * Sony PlayStation 3 key codes.
1183 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1184 | * @name PS3
1185 | * @constant
1186 | * @type {Object}
1187 | * @default
1188 | * @property {number} UP - UP button.
1189 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN button.
1190 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT button.
1191 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT button.
1192 | * @property {number} CROSS - CROSS button.
1193 | */
1194 | //* Source: tomy @ https://www.cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes
1195 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS3 =
1196 | {
1197 | UP: 38,
1198 | DOWN: 40,
1199 | LEFT: 37,
1200 | RIGHT: 39,
1201 | CROSS: 63 //Caution, also clicks! Note: same code as "?" symbol key.
1202 | //CIRCLE: 27 //Not sure.
1203 | };
1204 |
1205 |
1206 | /**
1207 | * Sony PlayStation 4 key codes.
1208 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1209 | * @name PS4
1210 | * @constant
1211 | * @type {Object}
1212 | * @default
1213 | * @property {number} UP - D-PAD UP button.
1214 | * @property {number} DOWN - D-PAD DOWN button.
1215 | * @property {number} LEFT - D-PAD LEFT button.
1216 | * @property {number} RIGHT - D-PAD RIGHT button.
1217 | * @property {number} TRIANGLE - TRIANGLE button.
1218 | * @property {number} SQUARE - SQUARE button.
1219 | * @property {number} CIRCLE - CIRCLE button.
1220 | * @property {number} L1 - L1 button.
1221 | * @property {number} L2 - L2 button.
1222 | * @property {number} R1 - R1 button.
1223 | * @property {number} R2 - R2 button.
1224 | * @property {number} LEFT_STICK_CLICK - LEFT STICK CLICK button.
1225 | * @property {number} RIGHT_STICK_CLICK - RIGHT STICK CLICK button.
1226 | * @property {number} OPTIONS - OPTIONS button.
1227 | */
1228 | //* Source: http://coding.vdhdesign.co.nz/?p=351 (https://web.archive.org/web/20140222065645/http://coding.vdhdesign.co.nz/?p=351)
1229 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4 =
1230 | {
1231 | UP: 38, //D-PAD: UP.
1232 | DOWN: 40, //D-PAD: DOWN.
1233 | LEFT: 37, //D-PAD: LEFT.
1234 | RIGHT: 39, //D-PAD: RIGHT.
1235 | TRIANGLE: 112, //Also initiates search bar. Note: same code as F1 key.
1236 | SQUARE: 113, //Also initiates full screen mode. Note: same code as F2 key.
1237 | CIRCLE: 27, //Browser history back. Note: same code as ESC key.
1238 | //CROSS: undefined, //No keycode event was fired for this button, as this is used as a mouse left click.
1239 | L1: 116, //History Back. It seems the web browser does not send any event for L1 button. Note: same codes as F5 key.
1240 | L2: 118, //Goes to browser tab to the left. Note: same codes as F7 key.
1241 | R1: 117, //History Forward. Note: same codes as F6 key.
1242 | R2: 119, //Goes to browser tab to the right. Note: same codes as F8 key.
1243 | LEFT_STICK_CLICK: 120, //Zooms browser out. Note: same codes as F9 key.
1244 | RIGHT_STICK_CLICK: 121, //Zooms browser In. Note: same codes as F10 key.
1245 | OPTIONS: 114 //Opens up options menu. Note: same codes as F3 key.
1246 | //SHARE: undefined //Share Button (goes directly to a native application, no key code was fires).
1247 | };
1248 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4._allowDuplicateKeyAliases = CB_Configuration[CB_BASE_NAME].CB_Keyboard_extended_PS4_allowDuplicateKeyAliases;
1249 |
1250 |
1251 | /**
1252 | * Sony PlayStation Vita key codes.
1253 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1254 | * @name PSVITA
1255 | * @constant
1256 | * @type {Object}
1257 | * @default
1258 | * @property {number} UP - UP button.
1259 | * @property {number} DOWN - DOWN button.
1260 | * @property {number} LEFT - LEFT button.
1261 | * @property {number} RIGHT - RIGHT button.
1262 | */
1263 | //* Source: https://github.com/goldenratio/console-browsers-gamepad/tree/master/playstation
1264 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PSVITA =
1265 | {
1266 | UP: 38, //UP.
1267 | DOWN: 40, //DOWN.
1268 | LEFT: 37, //LEFT.
1269 | RIGHT: 39 //RIGHT.
1270 | };
1271 |
1272 |
1273 | /**
1274 | * LG Smart TV (Linux 35230) key codes.
1275 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard.extended
1276 | * @name LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230
1277 | * @constant
1278 | * @type {Object}
1279 | * @default
1280 | * @property {number} _0 - 0 (zero) button.
1281 | * @property {number} _1 - 1 button.
1282 | * @property {number} _2 - 2 button.
1283 | * @property {number} _3 - 3 button.
1284 | * @property {number} _4 - 4 button.
1285 | * @property {number} _5 - 5 button.
1286 | * @property {number} _6 - 6 button.
1287 | * @property {number} _7 - 7 button.
1288 | * @property {number} _8 - 8 button.
1289 | * @property {number} _9 - 9 button.
1290 | * @property {number} 0 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._0}.
1291 | * @property {number} 1 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._1}.
1292 | * @property {number} 2 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._2}.
1293 | * @property {number} 3 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._3}.
1294 | * @property {number} 4 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._4}.
1295 | * @property {number} 5 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._5}.
1296 | * @property {number} 6 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._6}.
1297 | * @property {number} 7 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._7}.
1298 | * @property {number} 8 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._8}.
1299 | * @property {number} 9 - Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._9}.
1300 | * @property {number} FORWARD - FORWARD button.
1301 | * @property {number} REWIND - REWIND button.
1302 | * @property {number} PLAY - PLAY button.
1303 | * @property {number} PAUSE - PAUSE button.
1304 | */
1305 | //* Source: tomy @ https://www.cambiaresearch.com/articles/15/javascript-char-codes-key-codes
1306 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230 =
1307 | {
1308 | //TODO: add more codes (if there is any more) and use them in CB_Keyboard.keys.
1309 | _0: 48,
1310 | _1: 49,
1311 | _2: 50,
1312 | _3: 51,
1313 | _4: 52,
1314 | _5: 53,
1315 | _6: 54,
1316 | _7: 55,
1317 | _8: 56,
1318 | _9: 57,
1319 | FORWARD: 417, //Forward button.
1320 | REWIND: 412, //Rewind button.
1321 | PLAY: 445, //Play button.
1322 | PAUSE: 19 //Pause button.
1323 | };
1324 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[0] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._0;
1325 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[1] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._1;
1326 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[2] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._2;
1327 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[3] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._3;
1328 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[4] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._4;
1329 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[5] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._5;
1330 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[6] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._6;
1331 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[7] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._7;
1332 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[8] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._8;
1333 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230[9] = CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._9;
1334 |
1335 |
1336 | /**
1337 | * Object whose properties are aliases for key codes (each property can contain an array with one or more integers which belong to the key codes).
1338 | * @namespace
1339 | * @type {Object}
1340 | */
1341 | CB_Keyboard.keys =
1342 | {
1343 | /**
1344 | * The Escape (ESC) key.
1345 | * @type {array}
1346 | * @default
1347 | */
1348 | "ESC" : [27],
1349 |
1350 | /**
1351 | * The F1 key.
1352 | * @type {array}
1353 | * @default
1354 | */
1355 | "F1" : [112],
1356 |
1357 | /**
1358 | * The F2 key.
1359 | * @type {array}
1360 | * @default
1361 | */
1362 | "F2" : [113],
1363 |
1364 | /**
1365 | * The F3 key.
1366 | * @type {array}
1367 | * @default
1368 | */
1369 | "F3" : [114],
1370 |
1371 | /**
1372 | * The F4 key.
1373 | * @type {array}
1374 | * @default
1375 | */
1376 | "F4" : [115],
1377 |
1378 | /**
1379 | * The F5 key.
1380 | * @type {array}
1381 | * @default
1382 | */
1383 | "F5" : [116],
1384 |
1385 | /**
1386 | * The F6 key.
1387 | * @type {array}
1388 | * @default
1389 | */
1390 | "F6" : [117],
1391 |
1392 | /**
1393 | * The F7 key.
1394 | * @type {array}
1395 | * @default
1396 | */
1397 | "F7" : [118],
1398 |
1399 | /**
1400 | * The F8 key.
1401 | * @type {array}
1402 | * @default
1403 | */
1404 | "F8" : [119],
1405 |
1406 | /**
1407 | * The F9 key.
1408 | * @type {array}
1409 | * @default
1410 | */
1411 | "F9" : [120],
1412 |
1413 | /**
1414 | * The F10 key.
1415 | * @type {array}
1416 | * @default
1417 | */
1418 | "F10" : [121],
1419 |
1420 | /**
1421 | * The F11 key.
1422 | * @type {array}
1423 | * @default
1424 | */
1425 | "F11" : [122],
1426 |
1427 | /**
1428 | * The F12 key.
1429 | * @type {array}
1430 | * @default
1431 | */
1432 | "F12" : [123],
1433 |
1434 | /**
1435 | * The Control key.
1436 | * @type {array}
1437 | * @default
1438 | */
1439 | "CTRL" : [17, 162, 163],
1440 |
1441 | /**
1442 | * The Alt key.
1443 | * @type {array}
1444 | * @default
1445 | */
1446 | "ALT" : [18],
1447 |
1448 | /**
1449 | * The Shift (left or right) key.
1450 | * @type {array}
1451 | * @default
1452 | */
1453 | "SHIFT" : [16, 160, 161],
1454 |
1455 | /**
1456 | * The meta (Windows Start, Apple Command, etc.) key.
1457 | * @type {array}
1458 | * @default
1459 | */
1460 | "META" : [/*17,*/ 91, 92, 219, 220, 224],
1461 |
1462 | /**
1463 | * The up arrow key.
1464 | * @type {array}
1465 | * @default
1466 | */
1467 | "UP" :
1468 | [
1469 | 38,
1470 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.UP : null, //Note: same code as "VOL_UP" key (175).
1471 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.UP, //Smart TV Alliance.
1472 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.UP, //29460
1473 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.UP,
1474 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.UP,
1475 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_GAME_CONTROLLER.UP,
1476 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS3.UP,
1477 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4.UP,
1478 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PSVITA.UP
1479 | ],
1480 |
1481 | /**
1482 | * The down arrow key.
1483 | * @type {array}
1484 | * @default
1485 | */
1486 | "DOWN" :
1487 | [
1488 | 40,
1489 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.DOWN : null, //Note: same code as "MEDIA_FORWARD" key (176).
1490 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.DOWN, //Smart TV Alliance.
1491 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.DOWN, //29461
1492 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.DOWN,
1493 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.DOWN,
1495 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS3.DOWN,
1496 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4.DOWN,
1497 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PSVITA.DOWN
1498 | ],
1499 |
1500 | /**
1501 | * The left arrow key.
1502 | * @type {array}
1503 | * @default
1504 | */
1505 | "LEFT" :
1506 | [
1507 | 37,
1508 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.LEFT : null, //Note: same code as "MEDIA_STOP" key (178).
1509 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.LEFT, //Smart TV Alliance.
1510 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.LEFT, //4
1511 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.LEFT,
1512 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.LEFT,
1514 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS3.LEFT,
1515 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4.LEFT,
1516 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PSVITA.LEFT
1517 | ],
1518 |
1519 | /**
1520 | * The right arrow key.
1521 | * @type {array}
1522 | * @default
1523 | */
1524 | "RIGHT" :
1525 | [
1526 | 39,
1527 | CB_Keyboard.extended.WII._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.WII.RIGHT : null, //Note: same code as "MEDIA_BACK" key (177).
1528 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.RIGHT, //Smart TV Alliance.
1529 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.RIGHT, //5
1530 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.RIGHT,
1531 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.RIGHT,
1533 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS3.RIGHT,
1534 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4.RIGHT,
1535 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PSVITA.RIGHT
1536 | ],
1537 |
1538 | /**
1539 | * The Enter (Return) key.
1540 | * @type {array}
1541 | * @default
1542 | */
1543 | "ENTER" :
1544 | [
1545 | 13,
1546 | //10, //Safari Mobile (probaby old). Source: http://mscerts.programming4.us/programming/coding%20javascript%20for%20mobile%20browsers%20%28part%2011%29.aspx
1547 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.ENTER, //Smart TV Alliance.
1548 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.ENTER, //29443
1549 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_ENTER, //309
1550 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.ENTER,
1551 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS3.CROSS, //Caution, also clicks! Note: same code as "?" symbol key.
1552 | CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.PS4.SQUARE : null //Also initiates full screen mode. Note: same code as F2 key.
1553 | ],
1554 |
1555 | /**
1556 | * The Backspace key.
1557 | * @type {array}
1558 | * @default
1559 | */
1560 | "BACKSPACE" :
1561 | [
1562 | 8,
1563 | 127, //Safari Mobile (probaby old). Source: http://mscerts.programming4.us/programming/coding%20javascript%20for%20mobile%20browsers%20%28part%2011%29.aspx
1564 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.BACK_SPACE
1565 | ],
1566 |
1567 | /**
1568 | * The Spacebar key.
1569 | * @type {array}
1570 | * @default
1571 | */
1572 | "SPACEBAR" :
1573 | [
1574 | 32,
1575 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.SPACE
1576 | ],
1577 |
1578 | /**
1579 | * The Tabulator (Tab) key.
1580 | * @type {array}
1581 | * @default
1582 | */
1583 | "TAB" : [9],
1584 |
1585 | /**
1586 | * The Caps Lock key.
1587 | * @type {array}
1588 | * @default
1589 | */
1590 | "CAPS_LOCK" : [20],
1591 |
1592 | /**
1593 | * The Num Lock (Numeric Lock) key.
1594 | * @type {array}
1595 | * @default
1596 | */
1597 |
1598 | "NUM_LOCK" : [144],
1599 |
1600 | /**
1601 | * The Scroll Lock key.
1602 | * @type {array}
1603 | * @default
1604 | */
1605 | "SCROLL_LOCK" : [145],
1606 |
1607 |
1608 | /**
1609 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.0}.
1610 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._0
1611 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.0}
1612 | */
1613 | /**
1614 | * The 0 (zero) key.
1615 | * @type {array}
1616 | * @default
1617 | */
1618 | "0" :
1619 | [
1620 | 48, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1621 | 96, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1622 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._0, //Smart TV Alliance.
1623 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._0 : null, //17 (same code as CTRL or META key, depending on the system).
1624 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._0,
1625 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._0
1626 | ],
1627 |
1628 | /**
1629 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.1}.
1630 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._1
1631 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.1}
1632 | */
1633 | /**
1634 | * The 1 key.
1635 | * @type {array}
1636 | * @default
1637 | */
1638 | "1" :
1639 | [
1640 | 49, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1641 | 97, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1642 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._1, //Smart TV Alliance.
1643 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._1 : null, //101 (same code as "5" in the numeric pad).
1644 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._1,
1645 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._1
1646 | ],
1647 |
1648 | /**
1649 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.2}.
1650 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._2
1651 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.2}
1652 | */
1653 | /**
1654 | * The 2 key.
1655 | * @type {array}
1656 | * @default
1657 | */
1658 | "2" :
1659 | [
1660 | 50, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1661 | 98, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1662 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._2, //Smart TV Alliance.
1663 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._2 : null, //98 (same code as "2" in the numeric pad).
1664 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._2,
1665 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._2
1666 | ],
1667 |
1668 | /**
1669 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.3}.
1670 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._3
1671 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.3}
1672 | */
1673 | /**
1674 | * The 3 key.
1675 | * @type {array}
1676 | * @default
1677 | */
1678 | "3" :
1679 | [
1680 | 51, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1681 | 99, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1682 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._3, //Smart TV Alliance.
1683 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._3, //6
1684 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._3,
1685 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._3
1686 | ],
1687 |
1688 | /**
1689 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.4}.
1690 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._4
1691 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.4}
1692 | */
1693 | /**
1694 | * The 4 key.
1695 | * @type {array}
1696 | * @default
1697 | */
1698 | "4" :
1699 | [
1700 | 52, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1701 | 100, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1702 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._4, //Smart TV Alliance.
1703 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._4, //8
1704 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._4,
1705 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._4
1706 | ],
1707 |
1708 | /**
1709 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.5}.
1710 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._5
1711 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.5}
1712 | */
1713 | /**
1714 | * The 5 key.
1715 | * @type {array}
1716 | * @default
1717 | */
1718 | "5" :
1719 | [
1720 | 53, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1721 | 101, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1722 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._5, //Smart TV Alliance.
1723 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._5, //9
1724 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._5,
1725 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._5
1726 | ],
1727 |
1728 | /**
1729 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.6}.
1730 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._6
1731 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.6}
1732 | */
1733 | /**
1734 | * The 6 key.
1735 | * @type {array}
1736 | * @default
1737 | */
1738 | "6" :
1739 | [
1740 | 54, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1741 | 102, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1742 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._6, //Smart TV Alliance.
1743 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._6, //10
1744 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._6,
1745 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._6
1746 | ],
1747 |
1748 | /**
1749 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.7}.
1750 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._7
1751 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.7}
1752 | */
1753 | /**
1754 | * The 7 key.
1755 | * @type {array}
1756 | * @default
1757 | */
1758 | "7" :
1759 | [
1760 | 55, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1761 | 103, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1762 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._7, //Smart TV Alliance.
1763 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._7, //12
1764 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._7,
1765 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._7
1766 | ],
1767 |
1768 | /**
1769 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.8}.
1770 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._8
1771 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.8}
1772 | */
1773 | /**
1774 | * The 8 key.
1775 | * @type {array}
1776 | * @default
1777 | */
1778 | "8" :
1779 | [
1780 | 56, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1781 | 104, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1782 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._8, //Smart TV Alliance.
1783 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._8, //13
1784 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._8,
1785 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._8
1786 | ],
1787 |
1788 | /**
1789 | * Alias for {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.9}.
1790 | * @var CB_Keyboard.keys._9
1791 | * @see {@link CB_Keyboard.keys.9}
1792 | */
1793 | /**
1794 | * The 9 key.
1795 | * @type {array}
1796 | * @default
1797 | */
1798 | "9" :
1799 | [
1800 | 57, //For keydown for normal keyboard and for keypress.
1801 | 105, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1802 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._9, //Smart TV Alliance.
1803 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._9, //14
1804 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV._9,
1805 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230._9
1806 | ],
1807 |
1808 | /**
1809 | * The "+" (plus) symbol key. NOTE: In some keyboards (for example in Chinese ones), you have to press EQUAL (code 61) with SHIFT to access to "+".
1810 | * @type {array}
1811 | * @default
1812 | */
1813 | "PLUS" :
1814 | [
1815 | 107, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1816 | 171, //For keydown for normal keyboard in Firefox.
1817 | 187 //For keydown for normal keyboard in Chrome and IE8.
1818 | ],
1819 |
1820 | /**
1821 | * The "-" (minus) symbol key.
1822 | * @type {array}
1823 | * @default
1824 | */
1825 | "MINUS" :
1826 | [
1827 | 109, //For keydown for numeric pad.
1828 | 173, //For keydown for normal keyboard in Firefox. Note: 173 is also used for "MUTE"
1829 | 189, //For keydown for normal keyboard in Chrome and IE8.
1830 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MINUS
1831 | ],
1832 |
1833 | /**
1834 | * The "&#42;" (asterisk) symbol key. NOTE: In some keyboards (for example in Spanish for Spain ones), you have to press PLUS (code 187) with SHIFT to access to "*".
1835 | * @type {array}
1836 | * @default
1837 | */
1838 | "ASTERISK" :
1839 | [
1840 | //Note: For * and #, Nokia and Samsung report a keyCode of 56/51, Sony Ericsson reports a keyCode of 83/72, onkeypress Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson report both as 42/35.
1841 | //* Source: http://www.quirksmode.org/m/table.html
1842 | 106 //For keydown for numeric pad.
1843 | ],
1844 |
1845 | /**
1846 | * The "/" (slash) symbol key. NOTE: In some keyboards (for example in Spanish for Spain ones), you have to press 7 (code 55) with SHIFT to access to "/".
1847 | * @type {array}
1848 | * @default
1849 | */
1850 | "SLASH" :
1851 | [
1852 | 111 //For keydown for numeric pad.
1853 | ],
1854 |
1855 | /**
1856 | * The "." (dot) symbol key.
1857 | * @type {array}
1858 | * @default
1859 | */
1860 | "DOT" :
1861 | [
1862 | 190 //For keydown for normal keyboard.
1863 | ],
1864 |
1865 | /**
1866 | * The "," (comma) symbol key.
1867 | * @type {array}
1868 | * @default
1869 | */
1870 | "COMMA" :
1871 | [
1872 | 188 //For keydown for normal keyboard.
1873 | ],
1874 |
1875 | /**
1876 | * The Home key.
1877 | * @type {array}
1878 | * @default
1879 | */
1880 | "HOME" :
1881 | [
1882 | 36,
1883 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.HOME : null
1884 | ],
1885 |
1886 | /**
1887 | * The End key.
1888 | * @type {array}
1889 | * @default
1890 | */
1891 | "END" : [35],
1892 |
1893 | /**
1894 | * The Page Up key.
1895 | * @type {array}
1896 | * @default
1897 | */
1898 | "PAGE_UP" :
1899 | [
1900 | 33,
1901 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.PAGE_UP
1902 | ],
1903 |
1904 | /**
1905 | * The Page Down key.
1906 | * @type {array}
1907 | * @default
1908 | */
1909 | "PAGE_DOWN" :
1910 | [
1911 | 34,
1912 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.PAGE_DOWN
1913 | ],
1914 |
1915 | /**
1916 | * The Ins (Insert) key.
1917 | * @type {array}
1918 | * @default
1919 | */
1920 | "INS" : [45],
1921 |
1922 | /**
1923 | * The Del (Delete) key.
1924 | * @type {array}
1925 | * @default
1926 | */
1927 | "DEL" : [46],
1928 |
1929 | /**
1930 | * The "A" key.
1931 | * @type {array}
1932 | * @default
1933 | */
1934 | "A" : [65, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.A],
1935 |
1936 | /**
1937 | * The "B" key.
1938 | * @type {array}
1939 | * @default
1940 | */
1941 | "B" : [66, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.B],
1942 |
1943 | /**
1944 | * The "C" key.
1945 | * @type {array}
1946 | * @default
1947 | */
1948 | "C" : [67, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.C],
1949 |
1950 | /**
1951 | * The "D" key.
1952 | * @type {array}
1953 | * @default
1954 | */
1955 | "D" : [68, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.D],
1956 |
1957 | /**
1958 | * The "E" key.
1959 | * @type {array}
1960 | * @default
1961 | */
1962 | "E" : [69, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.E],
1963 |
1964 | /**
1965 | * The "F" key.
1966 | * @type {array}
1967 | * @default
1968 | */
1969 | "F" : [70, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.F],
1970 |
1971 | /**
1972 | * The "G" key.
1973 | * @type {array}
1974 | * @default
1975 | */
1976 | "G" : [71, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.G],
1977 |
1978 | /**
1979 | * The "H" key.
1980 | * @type {array}
1981 | * @default
1982 | */
1983 | "H" : [72, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.H],
1984 |
1985 | /**
1986 | * The "I" key.
1987 | * @type {array}
1988 | * @default
1989 | */
1990 | "I" : [73, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.I],
1991 |
1992 | /**
1993 | * The "J" key.
1994 | * @type {array}
1995 | * @default
1996 | */
1997 | "J" : [74, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.J],
1998 |
1999 | /**
2000 | * The "K" key.
2001 | * @type {array}
2002 | * @default
2003 | */
2004 | "K" : [75, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.K],
2005 |
2006 | /**
2007 | * The "L" key.
2008 | * @type {array}
2009 | * @default
2010 | */
2011 | "L" : [76, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.L],
2012 |
2013 | /**
2014 | * The "M" key.
2015 | * @type {array}
2016 | * @default
2017 | */
2018 | "M" : [77, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.M],
2019 |
2020 | /**
2021 | * The "N" key.
2022 | * @type {array}
2023 | * @default
2024 | */
2025 | "N" : [78, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.N],
2026 |
2027 | /**
2028 | * The "O" key.
2029 | * @type {array}
2030 | * @default
2031 | */
2032 | "O" : [79, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.O],
2033 |
2034 | /**
2035 | * The "P" key.
2036 | * @type {array}
2037 | * @default
2038 | */
2039 | "P" : [80, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.P],
2040 |
2041 | /**
2042 | * The "Q" key.
2043 | * @type {array}
2044 | * @default
2045 | */
2046 | "Q" : [81, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.Q],
2047 |
2048 | /**
2049 | * The "R" key.
2050 | * @type {array}
2051 | * @default
2052 | */
2053 | "R" : [82, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.R],
2054 |
2055 | /**
2056 | * The "S" key.
2057 | * @type {array}
2058 | * @default
2059 | */
2060 | "S" : [83, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.S],
2061 |
2062 | /**
2063 | * The "T" key.
2064 | * @type {array}
2065 | * @default
2066 | */
2067 | "T" : [84, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.T],
2068 |
2069 | /**
2070 | * The "U" key.
2071 | * @type {array}
2072 | * @default
2073 | */
2074 | "U" : [85, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.U],
2075 |
2076 | /**
2077 | * The "V" key.
2078 | * @type {array}
2079 | * @default
2080 | */
2081 | "V" : [86, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.V],
2082 |
2083 | /**
2084 | * The "W" key.
2085 | * @type {array}
2086 | * @default
2087 | */
2088 | "W" : [87, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.W],
2089 |
2090 | /**
2091 | * The "X" key.
2092 | * @type {array}
2093 | * @default
2094 | */
2095 | "X" : [88, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.X],
2096 |
2097 | /**
2098 | * The "Y" key.
2099 | * @type {array}
2100 | * @default
2101 | */
2102 | "Y" : [89, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.Y],
2103 |
2104 | /**
2105 | * The "Z" key.
2106 | * @type {array}
2107 | * @default
2108 | */
2109 | "Z" : [90, CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.Z],
2110 |
2111 | /**
2112 | * The Pause key.
2113 | * @type {array}
2114 | * @default
2115 | */
2116 | "PAUSE" :
2117 | [
2118 | 19,
2119 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.PAUSE, //Smart TV Alliance.
2120 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PAUSE : null, //74 (same code as "J" key).
2121 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MEDIA_PAUSE,
2122 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230.PAUSE
2123 | ],
2124 |
2125 | /**
2126 | * The Clear key.
2127 | * @type {array}
2128 | * @default
2129 | */
2130 | "CLEAR" :
2131 | [
2132 | 12,
2133 | 254,
2134 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.CLEAR : null
2135 | ],
2136 |
2137 | /**
2138 | * The Select key (for Windows' Virtual keyboard).
2139 | * @type {array}
2140 | * @default
2141 | */
2142 | "SELECT" : [41],
2143 |
2144 | /**
2145 | * The Print key.
2146 | * @type {array}
2147 | * @default
2148 | */
2149 | "PRINT" :
2150 | [
2151 | 42,
2152 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PRINT : null
2153 | ],
2154 |
2155 | /**
2156 | * The Print Screen key.
2157 | * @type {array}
2158 | * @default
2159 | */
2160 | "PRINT_SCREEN" : [44], //Print screen key. Note: 44 is the same code as comma (",") keypress code.
2161 |
2162 | /**
2163 | * The Execute key.
2164 | * @type {array}
2165 | * @default
2166 | */
2167 | "EXECUTE" : [43], //Execute key. Note: 43 is the same code as plus ("+") keypress code.
2168 |
2169 | /**
2170 | * The Help key.
2171 | * @type {array}
2172 | * @default
2173 | */
2174 | "HELP" : //Help key. Note: 47 is the same code as slash ("/") keypress code:
2175 | [
2176 | 47,
2177 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.HELP,
2178 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.HELP : null
2179 | ],
2180 |
2181 | /**
2182 | * The Apps (Applications) key.
2183 | * @type {array}
2184 | * @default
2185 | */
2186 | "APPS" : [93],
2187 |
2188 | /**
2189 | * The Sleep key.
2190 | * @type {array}
2191 | * @default
2192 | */
2193 | "SLEEP" :
2194 | [
2195 | 95,
2196 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.SLEEP //1097
2197 | ],
2198 |
2199 | /**
2200 | * The Separator key.
2201 | * @type {array}
2202 | * @default
2203 | */
2204 | "SEPARATOR" : [108], //Separator key. Note: 108 is the same code as L lowercase ("l") keypress code.
2205 |
2206 | /**
2207 | * The Decimal key (for numeric pads). NOTE: In some decimal systems, as in Spanish, it is a comma (","). Normally, numeric keypads in Spanish for Spain keyboards show a dot (".") but others as German keyboards shows a comma (",").
2208 | * @type {array}
2209 | * @default
2210 | */
2211 | "DECIMAL" : [110],
2212 |
2213 | /**
2214 | * The Menu key.
2215 | * @type {array}
2216 | * @default
2217 | */
2218 | "MENU" :
2219 | [
2220 | 164,
2221 | 165,
2222 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.MENU, //262
2223 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_MENU : null,
2224 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MENU
2225 | ],
2226 |
2227 | /**
2228 | * The mouse's left button (for Windows' Virtual Keyboard).
2229 | * @type {array}
2230 | * @default
2231 | */
2232 | "MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON" : [1],
2233 |
2234 | /**
2235 | * The mouse's middle button (for Windows' Virtual Keyboard).
2236 | * @type {array}
2237 | * @default
2238 | */
2239 | "MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON" : [4],
2240 |
2241 | /**
2242 | * The mouse's right button (for Windows' Virtual Keyboard).
2243 | * @type {array}
2244 | * @default
2245 | */
2246 | "MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON" : [2], //For Windows' Virtual keyboard.
2247 |
2248 | /**
2249 | * The mouse's X1 button (for Windows' Virtual Keyboard).
2250 | * @type {array}
2251 | * @default
2252 | */
2253 | "MOUSE_X1_BUTTON" : [5], //For Windows' Virtual keyboard.
2254 |
2255 | /**
2256 | * The mouse's X2 button (for Windows' Virtual Keyboard).
2257 | * @type {array}
2258 | * @default
2259 | */
2260 | "MOUSE_X2_BUTTON" : [6], //For Windows' Virtual keyboard.
2261 |
2262 | /**
2263 | * The Mute key.
2264 | * @type {array}
2265 | * @default
2266 | */
2267 | "MUTE" : //Mute key. Note: 173 is the same code as minus ("-" symbol) in normal keyboard in Firefox:
2268 | [
2269 | 173,
2270 | 181,
2271 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.MUTE,
2272 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.MUTE : null, //Same code as ESC key (27).
2273 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MUTE
2274 | ],
2275 |
2276 | /**
2277 | * The Volume Up key.
2278 | * @type {array}
2279 | * @default
2280 | */
2281 | "VOL_UP" : //Volume up key. Note: 175 is same code as "UP" for Wii (Wiimote) D-PAD:
2282 | [
2283 | 175,
2284 | 183,
2285 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.VOLUME_UP,
2286 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.VOLUP : null,
2287 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.VOL_UP, //7
2288 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_VOL_UP, //203
2289 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_VOLUP : null,
2290 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.VOLUME_UP
2291 | ],
2292 |
2293 | /**
2294 | * The Volume Down key.
2295 | * @type {array}
2296 | * @default
2297 | */
2298 | "VOL_DOWN" :
2299 | [
2300 | 174,
2301 | 182,
2302 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.VOLUME_DOWN,
2303 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.VOLDOWN : null,
2304 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.VOL_DOWN, //1
2305 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_VOL_DOWN, //204
2306 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_VOLDOW : null,
2307 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_VOLDOWN : null,
2308 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.VOLUME_DOWN
2309 | ],
2310 |
2311 | /**
2312 | * The Multimedia Forward key.
2313 | * @type {array}
2314 | * @default
2315 | */
2316 | "MEDIA_FORWARD" : //Multimedia forward key. Note: 176 is same code as "DOWN" for Wii (Wiimote) D-PAD:
2317 | [
2318 | 176,
2319 | 228,
2320 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230.FORWARD, //LG Smart TV (Linux 35230).
2321 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.FAST_FWD, //Smart TV Alliance.
2322 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.FF_, //1078
2323 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.FF : null, //72 (same code as "H" key).
2324 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MEDIA_FORWARD,
2325 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.FF
2326 | ],
2327 |
2328 | /**
2329 | * The Multimedia Rewind key.
2330 | * @type {array}
2331 | * @default
2332 | */
2333 | "MEDIA_REWIND" : //Multimedia rewind key. Note: 177 is same code as "RIGHT" for Wii (Wiimote) D-PAD:
2334 | [
2335 | 177,
2336 | 227,
2337 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.REWIND, //Smart TV Alliance.
2338 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230.REWIND, //LG Smart TV (Linux 35230).
2339 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.REWIND_, //1080
2340 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.RW : null, //69 (same code as "E" key).
2341 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.REWIND : null,
2342 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MEDIA_REWIND,
2343 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.RW
2344 | ],
2345 |
2346 | /**
2347 | * The Multimedia Stop key.
2348 | * @type {array}
2349 | * @default
2350 | */
2351 | "MEDIA_STOP" : //Multimedia stop key. Note: 178 is same code as "LEFT" for Wii (Wiimote) D-PAD:
2352 | [
2353 | 178,
2354 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.STOP, //Smart TV Alliance.
2355 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.STOP : null, //70 (same code as "F" key).
2356 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MEDIA_STOP
2357 | ],
2358 |
2359 | /**
2360 | * The Multimedia Play/Pause key.
2361 | * @type {array}
2362 | * @default
2363 | */
2365 | [
2366 | 179,
2367 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.PLAY_PAUSE,
2368 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE,
2369 | CB_Keyboard.extended.AMAZON_FIRE_TV_REMOTE.PLAY_PAUSE
2370 | ],
2371 |
2372 | /**
2373 | * The Browser's Back key.
2374 | * @type {array}
2375 | * @default
2376 | */
2377 | "BROWSER_BACK" :
2378 | [
2379 | 166,
2380 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.PREV, //Smart TV Alliance.
2381 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.RETURN : null, //Same code as "X" key (88).
2382 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PANEL_RETURN : null,
2383 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.RETURN,
2385 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.BACK //Smart TV Alliance.
2386 | ],
2387 |
2388 | /**
2389 | * The Browser's Forward key.
2390 | * @type {array}
2391 | * @default
2392 | */
2394 | [
2395 | 167,
2396 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.NEXT, //Smart TV Alliance.
2398 | ],
2399 |
2400 | /**
2401 | * The Browser's Refresh (Reload) key.
2402 | * @type {array}
2403 | * @default
2404 | */
2405 | "BROWSER_REFRESH" : [168],
2406 |
2407 | /**
2408 | * The Browser's Stop key.
2409 | * @type {array}
2410 | * @default
2411 | */
2412 | "BROWSER_STOP" : [169],
2413 |
2414 | /**
2415 | * The Browser's Search key.
2416 | * @type {array}
2417 | * @default
2418 | */
2420 | [
2421 | 170,
2422 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.SEARCH : null,
2423 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.SEARCH : null,
2424 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.SEARCH
2425 | ],
2426 |
2427 | /**
2428 | * The Browser's Favorites key.
2429 | * @type {array}
2430 | * @default
2431 | */
2432 | "BROWSER_FAVORITES" : [171], //Browser favourites key. Note: 171 is the same code as plus ("+") in normal keyboard in Firefox.
2433 |
2434 | /**
2435 | * The Browser's Home key.
2436 | * @type {array}
2437 | * @default
2438 | */
2439 | "BROWSER_HOME" :
2440 | [
2441 | 172
2442 | ],
2443 |
2444 | /**
2445 | * The Mail key.
2446 | * @type {array}
2447 | * @default
2448 | */
2449 | "MAIL" : [180],
2450 |
2451 | /**
2452 | * The Select Media key.
2453 | * @type {array}
2454 | * @default
2455 | */
2456 | "MEDIA_SELECT" : [181], //Select media key. Note: 181 is the same code as mute key.
2457 |
2458 | /**
2459 | * The App1 key.
2460 | * @type {array}
2461 | * @default
2462 | */
2463 | "APP1" : [182], //App1 key. Note: 182 is the same code as volume down key.
2464 |
2465 | /**
2466 | * The App2 key.
2467 | * @type {array}
2468 | * @default
2469 | */
2470 | "APP2" : [183], //App2 key. Note: 182 is the same code as volume up key.
2471 |
2472 | /**
2473 | * The Attn key.
2474 | * @type {array}
2475 | * @default
2476 | */
2477 | "ATTN" : [246],
2478 |
2479 | /**
2480 | * The CrSel key.
2481 | * @type {array}
2482 | * @default
2483 | */
2484 | "CRSEL" : [247],
2485 |
2486 | /**
2487 | * The ExSel key.
2488 | * @type {array}
2489 | * @default
2490 | */
2491 | "EXSEL" : [248],
2492 |
2493 | /**
2494 | * The EREOF (Erase EOF) key.
2495 | * @type {array}
2496 | * @default
2497 | */
2498 | "EREOF" : [249],
2499 |
2500 | /**
2501 | * The Play key.
2502 | * @type {array}
2503 | * @default
2504 | */
2505 | "PLAY" :
2506 | [
2507 | 250,
2508 | CB_Keyboard.extended.LG_SMART_TV_LINUX_35230.PLAY, //LG Smart TV (Linux 35230).
2509 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.PLAY, //Smart TV Alliance.
2510 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.PLAY : null, //71 (same code as "G" key).
2511 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.MEDIA_PLAY
2512 | ],
2513 |
2514 | /**
2515 | * The Zoom key.
2516 | * @type {array}
2517 | * @default
2518 | */
2519 | "ZOOM" :
2520 | [
2521 | 251,
2522 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.ZOOM1, //1083
2523 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.ZOOM2 : null,
2524 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.ZOOM_IN : null//,
2525 | //CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.ZOOM_OUT : null
2526 | ],
2527 |
2528 | /**
2529 | * The PA1 key.
2530 | * @type {array}
2531 | * @default
2532 | */
2533 | "PA1" : [253],
2534 |
2535 | /**
2536 | * The Info (Information) key.
2537 | * @type {array}
2538 | * @default
2539 | */
2540 | "INFO" :
2541 | [
2542 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.INFO,
2543 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.INFO : null, //31
2544 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.INFO
2545 | ],
2546 |
2547 | /**
2548 | * The Audio Description key.
2549 | * @type {array}
2550 | * @default
2551 | */
2553 | [
2554 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.AUDIODESCRIPTION : null,
2555 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.CAPTION : null,
2556 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.CAPTION
2557 | ],
2558 |
2559 | /**
2560 | * The Subtitle key.
2561 | * @type {array}
2562 | * @default
2563 | */
2564 | "SUBTITLE" :
2565 | [
2566 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.SUBTITLE,
2567 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.SUBTITLE, //652
2568 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.SUB_TITLE //1089
2569 | ],
2570 |
2571 | /**
2572 | * The HD (High Definition) key.
2573 | * @type {array}
2574 | * @default
2575 | */
2576 | "HD" :
2577 | [
2578 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.HD : null
2579 | ],
2580 |
2581 | /**
2582 | * The Red colour button.
2583 | * @type {array}
2584 | * @default
2585 | */
2586 | "RED" :
2587 | [
2588 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.RED,
2589 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.RED : null, //Same code as SEPARATOR key (108).
2590 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.RED
2591 | ],
2592 |
2593 | /**
2594 | * The Green colour button.
2595 | * @type {array}
2596 | * @default
2597 | */
2598 | "GREEN" :
2599 | [
2600 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.GREEN,
2601 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.GREEN : null, //Same code as CAPS_LOCK key (20).
2602 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.GREEN
2603 | ],
2604 |
2605 | /**
2606 | * The Yellow colour button.
2607 | * @type {array}
2608 | * @default
2609 | */
2610 | "YELLOW" :
2611 | [
2612 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.YELLOW,
2613 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.YELLOW : null, //21
2614 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.YELLOW
2615 | ],
2616 |
2617 | /**
2618 | * The Blue colour button.
2619 | * @type {array}
2620 | * @default
2621 | */
2622 | "BLUE" :
2623 | [
2624 | CB_Keyboard.extended.VK.BLUE,
2625 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.BLUE : null, //22
2626 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TIZEN_TV.BLUE
2627 | ],
2628 |
2629 | /**
2630 | * The Cyan colour button.
2631 | * @type {array}
2632 | * @default
2633 | */
2634 | "CYAN" :
2635 | [
2636 | CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV._allowDuplicateKeyAliases ? CB_Keyboard.extended.SAMSUNG_TV.CYAN : null
2637 | ]
2638 | };
2639 | for (CB_Keyboard._x = 0; CB_Keyboard._x < 10; CB_Keyboard._x++) { CB_Keyboard.keys["_" + CB_Keyboard._x] = CB_Keyboard.keys[CB_Keyboard._x]; } //Sets CB_Keyboard.keys._NUMBER = CB_Keyboard.keys[NUMBER] from 0 to 9.
2640 | CB_Keyboard._x = undefined;
2641 |
2642 | /**
2643 | * Object whose properties are aliases for char codes (each property can contain an array with one or more integers which belong to the char codes).
2644 | * @namespace
2645 | * @type {Object}
2646 | */
2647 | CB_Keyboard.chars =
2648 | {
2649 | /**
2650 | * The "0" (zero) character.
2651 | * @type {array}
2652 | * @default
2653 | */
2654 | "0" : [48],
2655 |
2656 | /**
2657 | * The "1" character.
2658 | * @type {array}
2659 | * @default
2660 | */
2661 | "1" : [49],
2662 |
2663 | /**
2664 | * The "2" character.
2665 | * @type {array}
2666 | * @default
2667 | */
2668 | "2" : [50],
2669 |
2670 | /**
2671 | * The "3" character.
2672 | * @type {array}
2673 | * @default
2674 | */
2675 | "3" : [51],
2676 |
2677 | /**
2678 | * The "4" character.
2679 | * @type {array}
2680 | * @default
2681 | */
2682 | "4" : [52],
2683 |
2684 | /**
2685 | * The "5" character.
2686 | * @type {array}
2687 | * @default
2688 | */
2689 | "5" : [53],
2690 |
2691 | /**
2692 | * The "6" character.
2693 | * @type {array}
2694 | * @default
2695 | */
2696 | "6" : [54],
2697 |
2698 | /**
2699 | * The "7" character.
2700 | * @type {array}
2701 | * @default
2702 | */
2703 | "7" : [55],
2704 |
2705 | /**
2706 | * The "8" character.
2707 | * @type {array}
2708 | * @default
2709 | */
2710 | "8" : [56],
2711 |
2712 | /**
2713 | * The "9" character.
2714 | * @type {array}
2715 | * @default
2716 | */
2717 | "9" : [57],
2718 |
2719 | /**
2720 | * The "+" (plus) character.
2721 | * @type {array}
2722 | * @default
2723 | */
2724 | "PLUS" : [43],
2725 |
2726 | /**
2727 | * The "-" (minus) character.
2728 | * @type {array}
2729 | * @default
2730 | */
2731 | "MINUS" : [45],
2732 |
2733 | /**
2734 | * The "*" (asterisk) character.
2735 | * @type {array}
2736 | * @default
2737 | */
2738 | "ASTERISK" : [42],
2739 |
2740 | /**
2741 | * The "/" (slash) character.
2742 | * @type {array}
2743 | * @default
2744 | */
2745 | "SLASH" : [47],
2746 |
2747 | /**
2748 | * The "." (dot) character.
2749 | * @type {array}
2750 | * @default
2751 | */
2752 | "DOT" : [46],
2753 |
2754 | /**
2755 | * The "," (comma) character.
2756 | * @type {array}
2757 | * @default
2758 | */
2759 | "COMMA" : [44],
2760 |
2761 | /**
2762 | * The "A" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2763 | * @type {array}
2764 | * @default
2765 | */
2766 | "A" : [65],
2767 |
2768 | /**
2769 | * The "a" letter, lower case.
2770 | * @type {array}
2771 | * @default
2772 | */
2773 | "a" : [97],
2774 |
2775 | /**
2776 | * The "B" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2777 | * @type {array}
2778 | * @default
2779 | */
2780 | "B" : [66],
2781 |
2782 | /**
2783 | * The "b" letter, lower case.
2784 | * @type {array}
2785 | * @default
2786 | */
2787 | "b" : [98],
2788 |
2789 | /**
2790 | * The "C" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2791 | * @type {array}
2792 | * @default
2793 | */
2794 | "C" : [67],
2795 |
2796 | /**
2797 | * The "c" letter, lower case.
2798 | * @type {array}
2799 | * @default
2800 | */
2801 | "c" : [99],
2802 |
2803 | /**
2804 | * The "D" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2805 | * @type {array}
2806 | * @default
2807 | */
2808 | "D" : [68],
2809 |
2810 | /**
2811 | * The "d" letter, lower case.
2812 | * @type {array}
2813 | * @default
2814 | */
2815 | "d" : [100],
2816 |
2817 | /**
2818 | * The "E" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2819 | * @type {array}
2820 | * @default
2821 | */
2822 | "E" : [69],
2823 |
2824 | /**
2825 | * The "e" letter, lower case.
2826 | * @type {array}
2827 | * @default
2828 | */
2829 | "e" : [101],
2830 |
2831 | /**
2832 | * The "F" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2833 | * @type {array}
2834 | * @default
2835 | */
2836 | "F" : [70],
2837 |
2838 | /**
2839 | * The "f" letter, lower case.
2840 | * @type {array}
2841 | * @default
2842 | */
2843 | "f" : [102],
2844 |
2845 | /**
2846 | * The "G" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2847 | * @type {array}
2848 | * @default
2849 | */
2850 | "G" : [71],
2851 |
2852 | /**
2853 | * The "g" letter, lower case.
2854 | * @type {array}
2855 | * @default
2856 | */
2857 | "g" : [103],
2858 |
2859 | /**
2860 | * The "H" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2861 | * @type {array}
2862 | * @default
2863 | */
2864 | "H" : [72],
2865 |
2866 | /**
2867 | * The "h" letter, lower case.
2868 | * @type {array}
2869 | * @default
2870 | */
2871 | "h" : [104],
2872 |
2873 | /**
2874 | * The "I" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2875 | * @type {array}
2876 | * @default
2877 | */
2878 | "I" : [73],
2879 |
2880 | /**
2881 | * The "i" letter, lower case.
2882 | * @type {array}
2883 | * @default
2884 | */
2885 | "i" : [105],
2886 |
2887 | /**
2888 | * The "J" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2889 | * @type {array}
2890 | * @default
2891 | */
2892 | "J" : [74],
2893 |
2894 | /**
2895 | * The "j" letter, lower case.
2896 | * @type {array}
2897 | * @default
2898 | */
2899 | "j" : [106],
2900 |
2901 | /**
2902 | * The "K" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2903 | * @type {array}
2904 | * @default
2905 | */
2906 | "K" : [75],
2907 |
2908 | /**
2909 | * The "k" letter, lower case.
2910 | * @type {array}
2911 | * @default
2912 | */
2913 | "k" : [107],
2914 |
2915 | /**
2916 | * The "L" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2917 | * @type {array}
2918 | * @default
2919 | */
2920 | "L" : [76],
2921 |
2922 | /**
2923 | * The "l" letter, lower case.
2924 | * @type {array}
2925 | * @default
2926 | */
2927 | "l" : [108],
2928 |
2929 | /**
2930 | * The "M" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2931 | * @type {array}
2932 | * @default
2933 | */
2934 | "M" : [77],
2935 |
2936 | /**
2937 | * The "m" letter, lower case.
2938 | * @type {array}
2939 | * @default
2940 | */
2941 | "m" : [109],
2942 |
2943 | /**
2944 | * The "N" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2945 | * @type {array}
2946 | * @default
2947 | */
2948 | "N" : [78],
2949 |
2950 | /**
2951 | * The "n" letter, lower case.
2952 | * @type {array}
2953 | * @default
2954 | */
2955 | "n" : [110],
2956 |
2957 | /**
2958 | * The "O" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2959 | * @type {array}
2960 | * @default
2961 | */
2962 | "O" : [79],
2963 |
2964 | /**
2965 | * The "o" letter, lower case.
2966 | * @type {array}
2967 | * @default
2968 | */
2969 | "o" : [111],
2970 |
2971 | /**
2972 | * The "P" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2973 | * @type {array}
2974 | * @default
2975 | */
2976 | "P" : [80],
2977 |
2978 | /**
2979 | * The "p" letter, lower case.
2980 | * @type {array}
2981 | * @default
2982 | */
2983 | "p" : [112],
2984 |
2985 | /**
2986 | * The "Q" letter, upper case (capitalized).
2987 | * @type {array}
2988 | * @default
2989 | */
2990 | "Q" : [81],
2991 |
2992 | /**
2993 | * The "q" letter, lower case.
2994 | * @type {array}
2995 | * @default
2996 | */
2997 | "q" : [113],
2998 |
2999 | /**
3000 | * The "R" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3001 | * @type {array}
3002 | * @default
3003 | */
3004 | "R" : [82],
3005 |
3006 | /**
3007 | * The "r" letter, lower case.
3008 | * @type {array}
3009 | * @default
3010 | */
3011 | "r" : [114],
3012 |
3013 | /**
3014 | * The "S" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3015 | * @type {array}
3016 | * @default
3017 | */
3018 | "S" : [83],
3019 |
3020 | /**
3021 | * The "s" letter, lower case.
3022 | * @type {array}
3023 | * @default
3024 | */
3025 | "s" : [115],
3026 |
3027 | /**
3028 | * The "T" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3029 | * @type {array}
3030 | * @default
3031 | */
3032 | "T" : [84],
3033 |
3034 | /**
3035 | * The "t" letter, lower case.
3036 | * @type {array}
3037 | * @default
3038 | */
3039 | "t" : [116],
3040 |
3041 | /**
3042 | * The "U" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3043 | * @type {array}
3044 | * @default
3045 | */
3046 | "U" : [85],
3047 |
3048 | /**
3049 | * The "u" letter, lower case.
3050 | * @type {array}
3051 | * @default
3052 | */
3053 | "u" : [117],
3054 |
3055 | /**
3056 | * The "V" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3057 | * @type {array}
3058 | * @default
3059 | */
3060 | "V" : [86],
3061 |
3062 | /**
3063 | * The "v" letter, lower case.
3064 | * @type {array}
3065 | * @default
3066 | */
3067 | "v" : [118],
3068 |
3069 | /**
3070 | * The "W" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3071 | * @type {array}
3072 | * @default
3073 | */
3074 | "W" : [87],
3075 |
3076 | /**
3077 | * The "w" letter, lower case.
3078 | * @type {array}
3079 | * @default
3080 | */
3081 | "w" : [119],
3082 |
3083 | /**
3084 | * The "X" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3085 | * @type {array}
3086 | * @default
3087 | */
3088 | "X" : [88],
3089 |
3090 | /**
3091 | * The "x" letter, lower case.
3092 | * @type {array}
3093 | * @default
3094 | */
3095 | "x" : [120],
3096 |
3097 | /**
3098 | * The "Y" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3099 | * @type {array}
3100 | * @default
3101 | */
3102 | "Y" : [89],
3103 |
3104 | /**
3105 | * The "y" letter, lower case.
3106 | * @type {array}
3107 | * @default
3108 | */
3109 | "y" : [121],
3110 |
3111 | /**
3112 | * The "Z" letter, upper case (capitalized).
3113 | * @type {array}
3114 | * @default
3115 | */
3116 | "Z" : [90],
3117 |
3118 | /**
3119 | * The "z" letter, lower case.
3120 | * @type {array}
3121 | * @default
3122 | */
3123 | "z" : [122]
3124 | };
3125 |
3126 |
3127 | //Initializes all values:
3128 | CB_Keyboard.init = function()
3129 | {
3130 | if (CB_Keyboard.initialized) { return CB_Keyboard; }
3131 |
3132 | //The object has been initialized:
3133 | CB_Keyboard.initialized = true;
3134 |
3135 | //Removes possible key codes duplicated or not really defined (undefined or null):
3136 | for (var k in CB_Keyboard.keys)
3137 | {
3138 | CB_Keyboard.keys[k] = CB_Arrays.removeDuplicated(CB_Keyboard.keys[k], function(v) { return (typeof(v) === "undefined" || v === null || isNaN(v)); });
3139 | }
3140 |
3141 | //Every time that focus is lost, it will clear the keysDown array:
3142 | ////CB_Events.add(window, "blur", function() { CB_Keyboard.keysDown = {}; }, true, true, false);
3143 | try //using catch due some web clients doesn't allow to manipulate the window object of parent iframes:
3144 | {
3145 | //CB_Events.add(CB_Client.getWindow(), "blur", function() { CB_Keyboard.keysDown = {}; }, true, true, false);
3146 | CB_Events.add(CB_Client.getWindow(), "blur", CB_Keyboard.clearKeysDown, true, true, false);
3147 | }
3148 | catch(E)
3149 | {
3150 | //CB_Events.add(window, "blur", function() { CB_Keyboard.keysDown = {}; }, true, true, false);
3151 | CB_Events.add(window, "blur", CB_Keyboard.clearKeysDown, true, true, false);
3152 | }
3153 |
3154 | //Every time that visibility is changed, it will clear the array:
3155 | //CB_Screen.onVisibilityChange(function() { CB_Keyboard.keysDown = {}; });
3156 |
3157 | //Sets the default keyboard events:
3158 | CB_Keyboard._setDefaultEvents();
3159 |
3160 | return CB_Keyboard;
3161 | }
3162 |
3163 |
3164 | //Sets the default Keyboard events to an object (document by default):
3165 | CB_Keyboard._setDefaultEvents = function(target)
3166 | {
3167 | if (typeof(target) === "undefined" || target === null) { target = document; }
3168 |
3169 | var keyDownCallbackFunction = undefined;
3170 | //If we want to prevent the Firefox bug that affects SockJS library (see https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client/issues/18):
3171 | if (CB_Configuration[CB_BASE_NAME].CB_Net_Sockets_PREVENT_FIREFOX_ESC_BUG) { keyDownCallbackFunction = function(e, keyDown, updateKeysPressed, callbackFunction, keyCode) { if (keyCode === 27) { e.preventDefault(); } }; }
3172 |
3173 | //Sets the event that will check if a key is down:
3174 | CB_Events.add(target, "keydown", function(e) { /*e = CB_Events.normalize(e);*/ CB_Keyboard._updateKeysDown(e, true, true, keyDownCallbackFunction); }, true, true, false);
3175 |
3176 | //Prevents F11 key if the web client is compatible with Fullscreen API:
3177 | //CB_Events.add(target, "keydown", function(e) { e = CB_Events.normalize(e); CB_Keyboard.preventF11Key(e); }, true, true, false);
3178 |
3179 | //Sets the event that will check if a key is released:
3180 | CB_Events.add(target, "keyup", function(e) { /*e = CB_Events.normalize(e);*/ CB_Keyboard._updateKeysDown(e, false, true); }, true, true, false);
3181 |
3182 | //Sets the event that will store the typed string (or clear it):
3183 | //CB_Events.add(target, "keydown", function(e) { /*e = CB_Events.normalize(e);*/ CB_Keyboard._updateTypedString(e); }, true, true, false);
3184 | CB_Events.add(target, "keypress", function(e) { /*e = CB_Events.normalize(e);*/ CB_Keyboard._updateTypedString(e); }, true, true, false);
3185 | }
3186 |
3187 |
3188 | /**
3189 | * Tries to return the given [keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} with some properties normalized (since different clients can use different values) and perhaps some new properties added (in the case they were missing), when possible. The new attached methods and properties may include polyfills, etc. It also calls the {@link CB_Events.normalize} function internally. Some properties added or affected could be [keyCode]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode}, [location]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/location}, [ctrlKey]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/ctrlKey}, [altKey]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/altKey}, [shiftKey]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/shiftKey}, etc.
3190 | * @function
3191 | * @param {Event} e - [Keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} object. If not provided, it will use the value of "event", "window.event", "Event" or an empty object ("{}").
3192 | * @returns {Event} Returns the [keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} object normalized.
3193 | * @todo Calculate (if possible) the values for location, ctrlKey, altKey, etc. when added, to simulate the expected behaviour.
3194 | */
3195 | CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent = function(e)
3196 | {
3197 | e = CB_Events.normalize(e);
3198 |
3199 | //If the web client doesn't support it, sets the keyCode property:
3200 | if (typeof(e.keyCode) === "undefined" || e.keyCode === null)
3201 | {
3202 | e.keyCode = CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode(e, true);
3203 | }
3204 |
3205 | //Sometimes the property keyCode cannot be overwritten, so we defines this function:
3206 | e.getKeyCode = e.getKeyCode || function() { return CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode(this); };
3207 |
3208 | //If the web client doesn't support it, sets the location property:
3209 | if (typeof(e.location) === "undefined" || e.location === null)
3210 | {
3211 | e.location = e.keyLocation ? e.keyLocation : 0;
3212 | }
3213 |
3214 | //If the web client doesn't support it, determines whether the CTRL, ALT, SHIFT or META keys are pressed:
3215 | if (typeof(e.ctrlKey) === "undefined" || e.ctrlKey === null)
3216 | {
3217 | e.ctrlKey = CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.CTRL);
3218 | }
3219 | if (typeof(e.altKey) === "undefined" || e.altKey === null)
3220 | {
3221 | e.altKey = CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.ALT);
3222 | }
3223 | if (typeof(e.shiftKey) === "undefined" || e.shiftKey === null)
3224 | {
3225 | e.shiftKey = CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.SHIFT);
3226 | }
3227 | /*if (typeof(e.metaKey) === "undefined" || e.metaKey === null)
3228 | {
3229 | e.metaKey = CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(CB_Keyboard.keys.META);
3230 | }*/
3231 |
3232 | return e;
3233 | }
3234 |
3235 |
3236 |
3237 | /**
3238 | * Returns the key code that is contained in the given [keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent}.
3239 | * @function
3240 | * @param {Event} e - [Keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} object.
3241 | * @param {boolean} [avoidNormalize=false] - If it is not set to true, it will call the {@link CB_Events.normalize} function internally before.
3242 | * @returns {integer} Returns the key code.
3243 | * @todo Have in mind that [keyCode]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode} is deprecated.
3244 | */
3245 | CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode = function(e, avoidNormalize)
3246 | {
3247 | if (!avoidNormalize) { e = CB_Events.normalize(e); }
3248 | var keyCode = null;
3249 | if (e.keyCode) { keyCode = e.keyCode; }
3250 | else if (e.key && typeof(e.key) === "number") { keyCode = e.key; } //For SLCanvas.
3251 | else if (window.Event && e.which) { keyCode = e.which; }
3252 | else if (typeof(e.charCode) === "number") { keyCode = e.charCode; }
3253 |
3254 | return keyCode;
3255 | }
3256 |
3257 |
3258 | //Updates array keysDown (this is called whenever a key is down or released):
3259 | CB_Keyboard._updateKeysDown = function(e, keyDown, updateKeysPressed, callbackFunction)
3260 | {
3261 | //By default, updates keys pressed array:
3262 | if (typeof(updateKeysPressed) === "undefined" || updateKeysPressed === null) { updateKeysPressed = true; }
3263 |
3264 | //Defines the code of the key pressed:
3265 | //e = CB_Events.normalize(e);
3266 | e = CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent(e);
3267 | //var keyCode = CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode(e);
3268 | //var keyCode = e.keyCode;
3269 | var keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
3270 |
3271 | //If the key code is defined:
3272 | if (keyCode !== null)
3273 | {
3274 | //Sets the status of the key (being pressed/down or relased):
3275 | CB_Keyboard.keysDown[keyCode] = keyDown;
3276 |
3277 | //If pressed, stores the key code pressed in the keys pressed array:
3278 | if (updateKeysPressed && keyDown)
3279 | {
3280 | CB_Keyboard._updateKeysPressed(keyCode);
3281 | }
3282 |
3283 | if (typeof(callbackFunction) === "function") { callbackFunction(e, keyDown, updateKeysPressed, callbackFunction, keyCode); }
3284 | }
3285 | }
3286 |
3287 |
3288 | /**
3289 | * Clears (empties totally or partially) the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysDown} object which contains the detected keys pressed or released.
3290 | * @function
3291 | * @param {boolean} keepPressed - If set to true, it will keep the pressed keys.
3292 | */
3293 | CB_Keyboard.clearKeysDown = function(keepPressed)
3294 | {
3295 | if (!keepPressed) { CB_Keyboard.keysDown = {}; }
3296 | else
3297 | {
3298 | var keysDown = {};
3299 | for (var keyCode in CB_Keyboard.keysDown)
3300 | {
3301 | if (CB_Keyboard.keysDown[keyCode]) { keysDown[keyCode] = true; }
3302 | }
3303 | CB_Keyboard.keysDown = keysDown;
3304 | }
3305 | }
3306 |
3307 |
3308 | /**
3309 | * Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysDown} object which contains the detected keys pressed or released.
3310 | * @function
3311 | * @returns {Object} Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysDown} object.
3312 | */
3313 | CB_Keyboard.getKeysDown = function()
3314 | {
3315 | return CB_Keyboard.keysDown;
3316 | }
3317 |
3318 |
3319 | /**
3320 | * Returns whether the given key codes are being pressed (any of them or all at the same time, depending on the "allPressed" parameter).
3321 | * @function
3322 | * @param {integer|array|Object} keyCodes - An integer with the key code or a numeric array with the key codes that we want to check. It can also be an array of arrays, being each element a numeric array with the key codes that we want to check. Although not recommended (for performance purposes), this parameter can also support an object whose indexes are the keycodes (it will be converted to a numeric array internally).
3323 | * @param {boolean} [allPressed=false] - If set true, the function will only return true in the case that all given key codes are currently being pressed. Otherwise, if set to false, the function will return true in the case that any of the given key codes is currently being pressed. When the "keyCodes" is an array of arrays with key codes, it will be considered that all keys are being pressed if each single array (all of them) has at least one of its key codes pressed.
3324 | * @returns {boolean} If "allPressed" parameter is set to true, returns true in the case that all given key codes are currently being pressed. If "allPressed" parameter is set to false, returns true in the case that any of the given key codes is currently being pressed. In all other cases, it returns false.
3325 | */
3326 | CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown = function(keyCodes, allPressed)
3327 | {
3328 | var isDown = false;
3329 |
3330 | //If the parameter given is not an array, we force it to be an array:
3331 | if (!isNaN(keyCodes)) { keyCodes = [parseInt(keyCodes)]; } //If a number has been received, it will be the first and unique element of the array. Note that parseInt could return a NaN.
3332 | if (!CB_isArray(keyCodes)) //If we have received an object which is not an array:
3333 | {
3334 | var keyCodesArray = [];
3335 | for (var keyCode in keyCodes)
3336 | {
3337 | if (!isNaN(keyCode)) { keyCodesArray[keyCodesArray.length] = parseInt(keyCode); } //Only stores
3338 | }
3339 | keyCodes = keyCodesArray;
3340 | }
3341 |
3342 | var keysDown = CB_Keyboard.getKeysDown();
3343 | var keyCodesLength = keyCodes.length;
3344 | for (var x = 0; x < keyCodesLength; x++)
3345 | {
3346 | //If the code given is a number, it exists in the keysDown array and it is being pressed:
3347 | if (typeof(keyCodes[x]) !== "undefined" && keyCodes[x] !== null && !isNaN(keyCodes[x]) && typeof(keysDown[keyCodes[x]]) !== "undefined" && keysDown[keyCodes[x]])
3348 | {
3349 | isDown = true;
3350 | //if (!allPressed) { break; }
3351 | }
3352 | //...otherwise, if the value belongs to an array, calls itself recursively:
3353 | else if (CB_isArray(keyCodes[x]))
3354 | {
3355 | isDown = CB_Keyboard.isKeyDown(keyCodes[x], false); //If any key is pressed is enough.
3356 | }
3357 | //...otherwise, if the user wanted to know whether all given keys were pressed:
3358 | else if (allPressed)
3359 | {
3360 | //Not all given keys are pressed so it exits:
3361 | isDown = false;
3362 | //break;
3363 | }
3364 |
3365 | if (allPressed && !isDown) { break; }
3366 | else if (!allPressed && isDown) { break; } //If the user does not want to know whether all are keys given are pressed, with one is enough so it exits.
3367 | }
3368 |
3369 | return isDown;
3370 | }
3371 |
3372 |
3373 | //Updates the keys pressed array:
3374 | CB_Keyboard._updateKeysPressed = function(keyCode)
3375 | {
3376 | //Clears the timeout that clears the keys pressed:
3377 | clearTimeout(CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpirationTimeout);
3378 |
3379 | //Updates the keys pressed and its codes:
3380 | CB_Keyboard.keysPressed[CB_Keyboard.keysPressed.length] = keyCode;
3381 |
3382 | //Sets the timeout that clears the array after some milliseconds:
3383 | CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpirationTimeout =
3384 | setTimeout
3385 | (
3386 | function()
3387 | {
3388 | CB_Keyboard.keysPressed = [];
3389 | },
3390 | CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpiration
3391 | );
3392 |
3393 | }
3394 |
3395 |
3396 | /**
3397 | * Clears (empties totally or partially) the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array which contains the key codes pressed recently.
3398 | * @function
3399 | * @param {boolean} keepPressed - If set to true, it will keep the pressed keys (taken from the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysDown} object).
3400 | */
3401 | CB_Keyboard.clearKeysPressed = function(keepPressed)
3402 | {
3403 | //Clears the timeout that clears the keys pressed:
3404 | clearTimeout(CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpirationTimeout);
3405 |
3406 | if (!keepPressed) { CB_Keyboard.keysPressed = []; }
3407 | else
3408 | {
3409 | var keysPressed = [];
3410 | for (var keyCode in CB_Keyboard.keysDown)
3411 | {
3412 | if (CB_Keyboard.keysDown[keyCode]) { keysPressed[keysPressed.length] = keyCode; }
3413 | }
3414 | CB_Keyboard.keysPressed = keysPressed;
3415 | }
3416 | }
3417 |
3418 |
3419 | /**
3420 | * Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array which contains the key codes pressed recently (it will be cleared after the chosen milliseconds set with the {@link CB_Keyboard.setKeysPressedExpiration} function).
3421 | * @function
3422 | * @returns {array} Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array.
3423 | */
3424 | CB_Keyboard.getKeysPressed = function()
3425 | {
3426 | return CB_Keyboard.keysPressed;
3427 | }
3428 |
3429 |
3430 | /**
3431 | * Sets the milliseconds after which the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array is always cleared (emptied). The time always starts counting from zero when a key is pressed ([onKeyDown]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keydown} event is fired).
3432 | * @function
3433 | * @param {integer} keysPressedExpiration - An integer greater than 0 (zero) representing the milliseconds after which we desire that the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array is cleared (emptied), if no key is pressed during this time.
3434 | * @returns {boolean} Returns true if the given time could be applied or false otherwise.
3435 | */
3436 | CB_Keyboard.setKeysPressedExpiration = function(keysPressedExpiration)
3437 | {
3438 | //Only allows numbers greater than zero:
3439 | if (typeof(keysPressedExpiration) !== "undefined" && keysPressedExpiration !== null && !isNaN(keysPressedExpiration) && keysPressedExpiration > 0)
3440 | {
3441 | CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpiration = parseInt(keysPressedExpiration);
3442 | return true;
3443 | }
3444 | return false;
3445 | }
3446 |
3447 |
3448 | /**
3449 | * Returns the milliseconds after which the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array is always cleared (emptied). The time always starts counting from zero again when a key is pressed ([onKeyDown]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keydown} event is fired).
3450 | To define this amount of time, the {@link CB_Keyboard.setKeysPressedExpiration} method must be used.
3451 | * @function
3452 | * @returns {integer} Returns the milliseconds of expiration defined for the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysPressed} array.
3453 | */
3454 | CB_Keyboard.getKeysPressedExpiration = function()
3455 | {
3456 | return CB_Keyboard._keysPressedExpiration;
3457 | }
3458 |
3459 |
3460 | //Updates the string typed (CAUTION: using String.fromCharCode(keyCode) internally as keyCode was a char code and it is not!):
3461 | CB_Keyboard._updateTypedString = function(e)
3462 | {
3463 | //Clears the timeout that clears the typed string:
3464 | clearTimeout(CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpirationTimeout);
3465 |
3466 | //Defines the code of the key pressed:
3467 | //e = CB_Events.normalize(e);
3468 | e = CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent(e);
3469 |
3470 | //var keyCode = CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode(e);
3471 | var keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
3472 | //var keyCode = e.keyCode;
3473 |
3474 | if (keyCode !== null)
3475 | {
3476 | //Gets the character typed:
3477 | var characterTyped = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); //CAUTION: using keyCode as it was a char code and it is not!
3478 | //var charCode = keyCode - 48 * Math.floor(keyCode / 48);
3479 | //var characterTyped = String.fromCharCode((keyCode > 96) ? keyCode : charCode);
3480 |
3481 | //Updates the string typed and its codes:
3482 | CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes[CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes.length] = keyCode;
3483 | CB_Keyboard.typedString += characterTyped;
3484 |
3485 | //Easter egg:
3486 | if (CB_Keyboard.typedString.substring(CB_Keyboard.typedString.length - 11) === "CrossBrowdy")
3487 | {
3488 | setTimeout
3489 | (
3490 | function()
3491 | {
3492 | alert("Congratulations, you have found a CrossBrowdy Eastern egg!!! ;)");
3493 | CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes = []; //Clears the typed string codes.
3494 | CB_Keyboard.typedString = ""; //Clears the typed string.
3495 | },
3496 | 100
3497 | ); //Executes the function after some milliseconds allowing others get the typed string updated.
3498 | }
3499 |
3500 | //Sets the timeout that clears the string after some milliseconds:
3501 | CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpirationTimeout =
3502 | setTimeout
3503 | (
3504 | function()
3505 | {
3506 | CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes = [];
3507 | CB_Keyboard.typedString = "";
3508 | },
3509 | CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpiration
3510 | );
3511 | }
3512 | }
3513 |
3514 |
3515 | /**
3516 | * Clears (empties totally or partially) the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string and the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array.
3517 | * @function
3518 | * @param {boolean} keepPressed - If set to true, it will keep the values belonging to the currently-pressed keys (taken from the {@link CB_Keyboard.keysDown} object).
3519 | */
3520 | CB_Keyboard.clearTypedString = function(keepPressed) //CAUTION: using String.fromCharCode(keyCode) internally as keyCode was a char code and it is not!
3521 | {
3522 | //Clears the timeout that clears the typed string:
3523 | clearTimeout(CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpirationTimeout);
3524 |
3525 | if (!keepPressed)
3526 | {
3527 | CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes = [];
3528 | CB_Keyboard.typedString = "";
3529 | }
3530 | else
3531 | {
3532 | var typedStringCodes = [];
3533 | var typedString = "";
3534 | var characterTyped = null;
3535 | var keyCode = null;
3536 |
3537 | var typedStringCodesLength = CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes.length;
3538 | for (var x = 0; x < typedStringCodesLength; x++)
3539 | {
3540 | keyCode = CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes[x];
3541 | if (CB_Keyboard.keysDown[keyCode])
3542 | {
3543 | typedStringCodes[typedStringCodes.length] = keyCode;
3544 | characterTyped = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); //CAUTION: using keyCode as it was a char code and it is not!
3545 | typedString += characterTyped;
3546 | }
3547 | }
3548 |
3549 | /*
3550 | for (var keyCode in CB_Keyboard.keysDown)
3551 | {
3552 | if (CB_Keyboard.keysDown[keyCode])
3553 | {
3554 | typedStringCodes[typedStringCodes.length] = keyCode;
3555 | characterTyped = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); //CAUTION: using keyCode as it was a char code and it is not!
3556 | typedString += characterTyped;
3557 | }
3558 | }
3559 | */
3560 | CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes = typedStringCodes;
3561 | CB_Keyboard.typedString = typedString;
3562 | }
3563 | }
3564 |
3565 |
3566 | /**
3567 | * Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string which contains the string typed recently (it will be cleared after the chosen milliseconds set with the {@link CB_Keyboard.setTypedStringExpiration} function).
3568 | * @function
3569 | * @returns {string} Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string.
3570 | */
3571 | CB_Keyboard.getTypedString = function()
3572 | {
3573 | return CB_Keyboard.typedString;
3574 | }
3575 |
3576 |
3577 | /**
3578 | * Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array which contains the key codes pressed that belongs to the string typed recently (it will be cleared after the chosen milliseconds set with the {@link CB_Keyboard.setTypedStringExpiration} function).
3579 | * @function
3580 | * @returns {array} Returns the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array.
3581 | */
3582 | CB_Keyboard.getTypedStringCodes = function()
3583 | {
3584 | return CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes;
3585 | }
3586 |
3587 |
3588 | /**
3589 | * Sets the milliseconds after which the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string and the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array are always cleared (emptied). The time always starts counting from zero when a key is pressed ([onKeyPress]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keypress} event is fired).
3590 | * @function
3591 | * @param {integer} keysPressedExpiration - An integer greater than 0 (zero) representing the milliseconds after which we desire that the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string and the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array are cleared (emptied), if no key is pressed during this time.
3592 | * @returns {boolean} Returns true if the given time could be applied or false otherwise.
3593 | */
3594 | CB_Keyboard.setTypedStringExpiration = function(typedStringExpiration)
3595 | {
3596 | //Only allows numbers greater than zero:
3597 | if (typeof(typedStringExpiration) !== "undefined" && typedStringExpiration !== null && !isNaN(typedStringExpiration) && typedStringExpiration > 0)
3598 | {
3599 | CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpiration = parseInt(typedStringExpiration);
3600 | return true;
3601 | }
3602 | return false;
3603 | }
3604 |
3605 |
3606 | /**
3607 | * Returns the milliseconds after which the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string and the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array are always cleared (emptied). The time always starts counting from zero again when a key is pressed ([onKeyPress]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keypress} event is fired).
3608 | To define this amount of time, the {@link CB_Keyboard.setTypedStringExpiration} method must be used.
3609 | * @function
3610 | * @returns {integer} Returns the milliseconds of expiration defined for the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedString} string and the {@link CB_Keyboard.typedStringCodes} array.
3611 | */
3612 | CB_Keyboard.getTypedStringExpiration = function()
3613 | {
3614 | return CB_Keyboard._typedStringExpiration;
3615 | }
3616 |
3617 |
3618 | /**
3619 | * Tries to prevent the default behaviour that would produce the "F11" key of a given [keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} when the client is compatible with the HTML5 Fullscreen API and uses it to toggle (enable or disable) the fullscreen mode. It calls the {@link CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent} function internally.
3620 | * @function
3621 | * @param {Event} e - [Keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} object.
3622 | */
3623 | CB_Keyboard.preventF11Key = function(e)
3624 | {
3625 | //e = CB_Events.normalize(e);
3626 | e = CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent(e);
3627 | //var keyCode = CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode(e);
3628 | //var keyCode = e.keyCode;
3629 | var keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
3630 |
3631 | //If the F11 key has been pressed:
3632 | if (CB_Keyboard.keys.F11.indexOf(keyCode) !== -1)
3633 | {
3634 | //If it's compatible with the FullScreen API, Prevents the use of F11 key and uses FullScreen API instead:
3635 | if (CB_Screen.isFullScreenAPICompatible() && typeof(e.preventDefault) !== "undefined" && e.preventDefault !== null)
3636 | {
3637 | //If it's in fullscreen mode, we cancel it:
3638 | if (CB_Screen.isFullScreen())
3639 | {
3640 |
3641 | //setTimeout(function(){CB_Screen.setFullScreen(false);},100);
3642 | CB_Screen.setFullScreen(false);
3643 | }
3644 | //...otherwise, we request fullscreen mode:
3645 | else
3646 | {
3647 | //setTimeout(function(){CB_Screen.setFullScreen();},100);
3648 | CB_Screen.setFullScreen();
3649 | }
3650 | e.preventDefault();
3651 | }
3652 | }
3653 | }
3654 |
3655 |
3656 | /**
3657 | * Callback that is called before loading a file and should return true if we want to load the file or false otherwise.
3658 | * @memberof CB_Keyboard
3659 | * @callback CB_Keyboard.EVENT_CALLBACK
3660 | * @param {Event} e - [Keyboard event]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent} object.
3661 | * @param {integer} keyCode - Key code which fired the event.
3662 | */
3663 |
3664 |
3665 | /**
3666 | * Sets a function to execute when a key is pressed ([onKeyPress]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keypress} event) or removes it.
3667 | * @function
3668 | * @param {CB_Keyboard.EVENT_CALLBACK|null} callbackFunction - The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired. The first parameter received for this function will be the event object (already normalized by the {@link CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent} function) and the second one will be the key code associated. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
3669 | * @param {boolean} [keepOldFunction=true] - Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
3670 | * @param {boolean} [useCapture=false] - Defines whether the event we want to add will use capture or not. This parameter will be effective only if the current client supports the [addEventListener]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener} method and will be used as its third parameter.
3671 | * @param {Object} [target=document] - The target where we want to attach the event listener.
3672 | */
3673 | CB_Keyboard.onKeyPress = function(callbackFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target)
3674 | {
3675 | return CB_Keyboard._setEvent("keypress", callbackFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target);
3676 | }
3677 |
3678 |
3679 | /**
3680 | * Sets a function to execute when a key is down ([onKeyDown]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keydown} event) or removes it.
3681 | * @function
3682 | * @param {CB_Keyboard.EVENT_CALLBACK|null} callbackFunction - The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired. The first parameter received for this function will be the event object (already normalized by the {@link CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent} function) and the second one will be the key code associated. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
3683 | * @param {boolean} [keepOldFunction=true] - Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
3684 | * @param {boolean} [useCapture=false] - Defines whether the event we want to add will use capture or not. This parameter will be effective only if the current client supports the [addEventListener]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener} method and will be used as its third parameter.
3685 | * @param {Object} [target=document] - The target where we want to attach the event listener.
3686 | */
3687 | CB_Keyboard.onKeyDown = function(callbackFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target)
3688 | {
3689 | return CB_Keyboard._setEvent("keydown", callbackFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target);
3690 | }
3691 |
3692 |
3693 | /**
3694 | * Sets a function to execute when a key is released ([onKeyUp]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/keyup} event) or removes it.
3695 | * @function
3696 | * @param {CB_Keyboard.EVENT_CALLBACK|null} callbackFunction - The function (event listener) that we want to execute when the event is fired. The first parameter received for this function will be the event object (already normalized by the {@link CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent} function) and the second one will be the key code associated. If a null value is used, the event will be removed.
3697 | * @param {boolean} [keepOldFunction=true] - Defines whether we want to keep any possible previous event listener for the same target and event name or not.
3698 | * @param {boolean} [useCapture=false] - Defines whether the event we want to add will use capture or not. This parameter will be effective only if the current client supports the [addEventListener]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/addEventListener} method and will be used as its third parameter.
3699 | * @param {Object} [target=document] - The target where we want to attach the event listener.
3700 | */
3701 | CB_Keyboard.onKeyUp = function(callbackFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target)
3702 | {
3703 | return CB_Keyboard._setEvent("keyup", callbackFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target);
3704 | }
3705 |
3706 |
3707 | //Sets a function to execute when a keyboard event happens:
3708 | CB_Keyboard._setEvent = function(eventName, eventFunction, keepOldFunction, useCapture, target)
3709 | {
3710 | //If they are not set, use default values for optional parameters:
3711 | if (typeof(keepOldFunction) === "undefined" || keepOldFunction === null) { keepOldFunction = true; } //If not set, it keeps old function by default.
3712 | if (typeof(target) === "undefined" || target === null) { target = document; }
3713 |
3714 | //If a function has been sent:
3715 | if (typeof(eventFunction) === "function")
3716 | {
3717 | //If able, adds the function given to the event:
3718 | //eventFunctionHolder = functionToAdd;
3719 | CB_Events.add
3720 | (
3721 | target,
3722 | eventName,
3723 | function(e)
3724 | {
3725 | //e = CB_Events.normalize(e);
3726 | e = CB_Keyboard.normalizeEvent(e);
3727 | if (eventName === "keydown" || eventName === "keyup")
3728 | {
3729 | CB_Keyboard._updateKeysDown(e, (eventName === "keydown"), false); //Updates keys down.
3730 | }
3731 | //var keyCode = CB_Keyboard.getKeyCode(e);
3732 | if (typeof(eventFunction) === "function")
3733 | {
3734 | //return eventFunction(e, e.keyCode);
3735 | return eventFunction(e, e.getKeyCode());
3736 | }
3737 | return true;
3738 | },
3739 | useCapture,
3740 | keepOldFunction,
3741 | true
3742 | );
3743 | }
3744 | //...but if the function given is null, it will cancel the event:
3745 | else if (eventFunction === null)// && eventFunctionHolder !== null)
3746 | {
3747 | //CB_Events.remove(target, eventName, eventFunctionHolder, useCapture);
3748 | CB_Events.removeByName(target, eventName);
3749 | //eventFunctionHolder = null;
3750 | }
3751 | }
3752 |
3753 | } //End of the static class CB_Keyboard.</pre>
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