1 |
2 | [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/ink-docstrap.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/ink-docstrap/)
3 |
4 | [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/docstrap/docstrap.svg)](https://david-dm.org/docstrap/docstrap) [![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/docstrap/docstrap/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/docstrap/docstrap#info=devDependencies)
5 |
6 | # DocStrap [![Built with Grunt](https://cdn.gruntjs.com/builtwith.png)](http://gruntjs.com/)
7 |
8 | DocStrap is [Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/index.html) based template for [JSDoc3](http://usejsdoc.org/).
9 | In addition, it includes all of the themes from [Bootswatch](http://bootswatch.com/) giving you a great deal of look
10 | and feel options for your documentation, along with a simple search. Additionally, it adds some options to the conf.json file that gives
11 | you even more flexibility to tweak the template to your needs. It will also make your teeth whiter.
12 |
13 | ## Features ##
14 |
15 | * Right side TOC for navigation in pages
16 | * Integrated offline search
17 | * Themed
18 | * Customizable
19 | * Syntax highlighting
20 |
21 | ### What It Looks Like ###
22 | Here are examples of this template with the different Bootswatch themes:
23 |
24 | + [Cerulean](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/cerulean)
25 | + [Cosmo](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/cosmo)
26 | + [Cyborg](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/cyborg)
27 | + [Flatly](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/flatly)
28 | + [Journal](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/journal)
29 | + [Lumen](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/lumen)
30 | + [Paper](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/paper)
31 | + [Readable](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/readable)
32 | + [Sandstone](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/sandstone)
33 | + [Simplex](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/simplex)
34 | + [Slate](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/slate)
35 | + [Spacelab](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/spacelab)
36 | + [Superhero](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/superhero)
37 | + [United](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/united)
38 | + [Yeti](http://docstrap.github.io/docstrap/themes/yeti)
39 |
40 | To change your theme, just change it in the `conf.json` file. See below for details.
41 |
42 | ## Ooooh, I want it! How do I get it? ##
43 |
44 | If you manage your own version of jsdoc:
45 |
46 | ```bash
47 | npm install ink-docstrap
48 | ```
49 |
50 | When using [grunt](http://gruntjs.com/), please look at [grunt-jsdoc](https://github.com/krampstudio/grunt-jsdoc) which you can use with
51 | docstrap.
52 |
53 | ### Command Line Example ###
54 |
55 | ```bash
56 | jsdoc -c path/to/conf.json -t ./node_modules/ink-docstrap/template -R README.md -r .
57 | ```
58 |
59 | The `-c` sets the config, and the docstrap README does talk about the options you can put in templates that docstrap is supposed to look for.
60 |
61 | The `-t` sets the template. This is the option you need to set to get the docstrap template to be used.
62 |
63 | The `-R` sets a markdown file to be the front page of the documentation.
64 |
65 | The `-r` tells jsdoc to run recursively.
66 |
67 | The `.` says from current directory.
68 |
69 | ## Configuring the template ##
70 |
71 | DocStrap ships with a `conf.json` file in the template/ directory. It is just a regular old
72 | [JSDoc configuration file](http://usejsdoc.org/about-configuring-jsdoc.html), but with the following new options:
73 |
74 | ```javascript
75 | "templates": {
76 | "systemName" : "{string}",
77 | "footer" : "{string}",
78 | "copyright" : "{string}",
79 | "includeDate" : "{boolean}",
80 | "navType" : "{vertical|inline}",
81 | "theme" : "{theme}",
82 | "linenums" : "{boolean}",
83 | "collapseSymbols" : "{boolean}",
84 | "inverseNav" : "{boolean}",
85 | "outputSourceFiles" : "{boolean}" ,
86 | "outputSourcePath" : "{boolean}",
87 | "dateFormat" : "{string}",
88 | "syntaxTheme" : "{string}",
89 | "sort" : "{boolean|string}",
90 | "search" : "{boolean}"
91 | }
92 |
93 | ```
94 | ### Options ###
95 |
96 | * __systemName__
97 | The name of the system being documented. This will appear in the page title for each page
98 | * __footer__
99 | Any markup want to appear in the footer of each page. This is not processed at all, just printed exactly as you enter it
100 | * __copyright__
101 | You can add a copyright message below the footer and above the JSDoc timestamp at the bottom of the page
102 | * __includeDate__
103 | By default, the current date is always shown in the footer of the generated documentation. You can omit the current date by setting this option to `false`
104 | * __navType__
105 | The template uses top level navigation with dropdowns for the contents of each category. On large systems these dropdowns
106 | can get large enough to expand beyond the page. To make the dropdowns render wider and stack the entries vertically, set this
107 | option to `"inline"`. Otherwise set it to `"vertical"` to make them regular stacked dropdowns.
108 | * __theme__
109 | This is the name of the them you want to use **in all lowercase**. The valid options are
110 | + `cerulean`
111 | + `cosmo`
112 | + `cyborg`
113 | + `flatly`
114 | + `journal`
115 | + `lumen`
116 | + `paper`
117 | + `readable`
118 | + `sandstone`
119 | + `simplex`
120 | + `slate`
121 | + `spacelab`
122 | + `superhero`
123 | + `united`
124 | + `yeti`
125 | * __linenums__
126 | When true, line numbers will appear in the source code listing. If you have
127 | [also turned that on](http://usejsdoc.org/about-configuring-jsdoc.html).
128 | * __collapseSymbols__
129 | If your pages have a large number of symbols, it can be easy to get lost in all the text. If you turn this to `true`
130 | all of the symbols in the page will roll their contents up so that you just get a list of symbols that can be expanded
131 | and collapsed.
132 | * __analytics__ Add a [Google Analytics](http://www.google.com/analytics) code to the template output
133 | _e.g._ `"analytics":{"ua":"UA-XXXXX-XXX", "domain":"XXXX"}`
134 | * __ua__ The google agent (see Google Analytics help for details)
135 | * __domain__ The domain being served. (see Google Analytics help for details)
136 | * __inverseNav__
137 | Bootstrap navbars come in two flavors, regular and inverse where inverse is generally higher contrast. Set this to `true` to
138 | use the inverse header.
139 | * __outputSourceFiles__
140 | When true, the system will produce source pretty printed file listings with a link from the documentation.
141 | * __outputSourcePath__
142 | When `outputSourceFiles` is `false`, you may still want to name the file even without a link to the pretty printed output.
143 | Set this to `true` when `outputSourceFiles` is `false`. `outputSourceFiles` when `true` takes precedence over this setting.
144 | * __dateFormat__ The date format to use when printing dates. It accepts any format string understood by [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/)
145 | * __syntaxTheme__ String that determines the theme used for code blocks. Default value is `"default"`. It can be any value supported
146 | at [sunlight themes](https://github.com/tmont/sunlight/tree/master/src/themes) which right now consists of...uh...`"default"` and `"dark"`,
147 | but at least you have it if you need it.
148 | * __sort__ Defaults to true. Specifies whether jsdoc should sort data or use file order. Can also be a string and if so it is passed to jsdoc directly. The default string is `"longname, version, since"`.
149 | * __search__ By default, the template includes a quick search box. For large APIs, the search database can be too expensive to load. If needed you can disable this feature setting this option to false.
150 |
151 | ## Syntax Highlighting ##
152 |
153 | ### Language ###
154 |
155 | The default language will be JavaScript, but there are a couple of ways to secify the language.
156 |
157 | DocStrap support the language specified in the standard way e.g.
158 |
159 | ```
160 | ```html
161 | <html></html>
162 | ```
163 |
164 | DocStrap also introduces a new documentation tag which can appear inside any example block in source code,
165 | or in any fenced code block in markdown: `{@lang languageName}`, where
166 | _`language`_ can be any of the languages supported by [Sunlight](http://sunlightjs.com/)
167 |
168 | When in a doclet, add the tag just after the `@example` tag like this:
169 |
170 | `@example {@lang xml}`
171 | `<div>This is the most interesting web site ever</div>`
172 |
173 | These are the supported languages.
174 |
175 | * ActionScript
176 | * bash
177 | * C/C++
178 | * C♯
179 | * CSS
180 | * Diff
181 | * DOS batch
182 | * Erlang
183 | * Haskell
184 | * httpd (Apache)
185 | * Java
186 | * JavaScript
187 | * Lisp
188 | * Lua
189 | * MySQL
190 | * nginx
191 | * Objective-C
192 | * Perl
193 | * PHP
194 | * PowerShell
195 | * Python
196 | * Ruby
197 | * Scala
198 | * T-SQL
199 | * VB.NET
200 | * XML (HTML)
201 |
202 | ### Example Caption ###
203 |
204 | If you want a caption to your example, add it in a HTML caption before your example e.g.
205 |
206 | ```
207 | @example <caption>my caption</caption>
208 | {@lang xml}
209 | <mycode></mycode>
210 | ```
211 |
212 | ## Customizing DocStrap ##
213 | No template can meet every need and customizing templates is a favorite pastime of....well, no-one, but you may need to anyway.
214 | First make sure you have [bower](https://github.com/bower/bower) and [grunt-cli](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-cli) installed.
215 | Fetch the source using `git` or grab the [zip file from github.](https://github.com/docstrap/docstrap/archive/master.zip) and unzip
216 | it somewhere. Everything that follows happens in the unzip directory.
217 |
218 | Next, prepare the environment:
219 |
220 | bower install
221 |
222 | and
223 |
224 | npm install
225 |
226 | When that is done, you have all of the tools to start modifying the template. The template, like Bootstrap, uses [less](http://lesscss.org/).
227 | The way it works is that `./styles/main.less` pulls in the bootstrap files uncompiled so that you have access to all of bootstraps mixins, colors,
228 | etc, that you would want. There are two more files in that directory, `variables.less`, `bootswatch.less`. These are the
229 | theme files and you can modify them, but keep in mind that if you apply a new theme (see below) those files will be overwritten. It is best
230 | to keep your changes to the `main.less` file.
231 |
232 | To compile your changes to `main.less` and any other files it loads up,
233 |
234 | grunt less
235 |
236 | The output is will be put in `./template/static/styles/site.<theme-name>.css`. The next time you create your documentation, it
237 | will have the new css file included.
238 |
239 | To apply a different template to the `styles` directory to modify, open up the `conf.json` in the template directory and
240 | change the `theme` option to the theme you want. Then
241 |
242 | grunt apply
243 |
244 | And the new theme will be in `variables.less`, `bootswatch.less`. Don't forget to compile your changes using `grunt apply` to
245 | get that change into the template.
246 |
247 | **NOTE** that these steps are not necessary to just change the theme, this is only to modify the theme. If all you want to do is
248 | change the theme, just update conf.json with the new theme and build your docs!
249 |
250 | ## Contributing ##
251 | Yes! Contribute! Test! Share your ideas! Report Bugs!
252 |
253 | ### Contributers ###
254 |
255 | *Huge* thanks to all contributors. If your name should be here, but isn't, please let us know
256 |
257 | * [marklagendijk](https://github.com/marklagendijk)
258 | * [michaelward82](https://github.com/michaelward82)
259 | * [kaustavdm](https://github.com/kaustavdm)
260 | * [vmeurisse](https://github.com/vmeurisse)
261 | * [bmathern](https://github.com/bmathern)
262 | * [jrkim123us](https://github.com/jrkim123us)
263 | * [shawke](https://github.com/shawke)
264 | * [mar10](https://github.com/mar10)
265 | * [mwcz](https://github.com/mwcz)
266 | * [pocesar](https://github.com/pocesar)
267 | * [hyperandroid](https://github.com/hyperandroid)
268 | * [vmadman](https://github.com/vmadman)
269 | * [whitelynx](https://github.com/whitelynx)
270 | * [tswaters](https://github.com/tswaters)
271 | * [lukeapage](https://github.com/lukeapage)
272 | * [rcosnita](https://github.com/rcosnita)
273 |
274 |
275 | ## History ##
276 |
277 | ## 1.3.0 ##
278 |
279 | * Update dependencies and update CSS
280 | * Fixed TOC labels for members
281 | * Apply code highlighting to code blocks in markdown
282 | * Added an option to disable search
283 |
284 | ## 1.2.1 ##
285 |
286 | * Update lunr dependency used for searching
287 |
288 | ## 1.2.0 ##
289 |
290 | * Add square brackets around optional parameters
291 | * new option disablePackagePath option which if true makes docstrap not append the package and version to the out path
292 | * allow version to be missing in package.json
293 |
294 | ## 1.1.4 ##
295 |
296 | * Remove the unreadable orange on pre/code tags and use a dark red. Remove white background as is readable on black or white.
297 |
298 | ## 1.1.3 ##
299 |
300 | * Get sort option from navOptions as per docs
301 | * tweaks from bootswatch
302 |
303 | ## 1.1.2 ##
304 |
305 | * Allow example captions to contain markdown if configured in the markdown config `includeTags` section.
306 | * Fixes full path used as source URL for projects with one source file
307 | * Allow users to update the default template layout file
308 |
309 | ## 1.1.1 ##
310 |
311 | * Bootswatch update
312 | * Add viewport meta tag to html for better mobile experience
313 |
314 | ## 1.1.0 ##
315 |
316 | * Added includeDate option
317 |
318 | ## 1.0.5 ##
319 |
320 | * Navigation to anchor links now works in IE (with some flicker)
321 | * links to other pages now work (with some flicker in some browsers)
322 |
323 | ## 1.0.4 ##
324 |
325 | * Search results no longer erroneously included in side navbar
326 | * Tutorials now get page titles consistent with everything else
327 | * Improvements to the highlighted nav heading
328 |
329 | ## 1.0.3 ##
330 |
331 | * Drop-down shows a scrollbar when too big (regression in 1.0.1)
332 |
333 | ## 1.0.2 ##
334 |
335 | * Support older jsdoc by not looking in "interfaces"
336 |
337 | ## 1.0.1 ##
338 |
339 | * Tweak side nav and dropdowns to be the bootswatch style
340 | * Make the documentation responsive
341 |
342 | ## 1.0.0 ##
343 |
344 | * Bump to follow semver (initial development is well and truly over)
345 | * Corrected list of themes
346 | * Added Search
347 | * Remove highlightTutorialCode option - it didnt work
348 |
349 | ## 0.5.4 ##
350 |
351 | * Fix layout glitch on hte bottom of code samples
352 | * Support for specifying the language for fenced code blocks in the normal way
353 | * Fix the active item in some themes, which was missing a background
354 | * Tables get marked as tables
355 | * Dependency updates
356 |
357 | ## 0.5.3 ##
358 |
359 | * Removed duplicate headers
360 | * Remove "Index" header
361 | * re-fixed navigation
362 | * removed some dubious features (now pr's that can be re-added with a little polishing)
363 |
364 | ## 0.5.2 ##
365 | Major update__. Amazing help from [tswaters](https://github.com/tswaters) to solve a bunch of little problems and a to bring the codebase up to Bootstrap3.
366 | Make sure you are running the latest version of JSDoc before using this build.
367 |
368 | Again huge, huge thanks to [tswaters](https://github.com/tswaters). Make sure you send him thanks or a tip!!!!!
369 |
370 | ### v0.4.15 ###
371 | * PR Issue #76
372 | * PR Issue #77
373 |
374 | ### v0.4.14 ###
375 | * Issue #69
376 |
377 | ### v0.4.13 ###
378 | * Issue #68
379 |
380 | ### v0.4.11 ###
381 | * Pull Request #59
382 |
383 | ### v0.4.8 ###
384 | * Issue #58
385 |
386 | ### v0.4.7 ###
387 | * Issue #57
388 |
389 | ### v0.4.5 ###
390 | * Issue #55
391 | * Issue #54
392 | * Issue #52
393 | * Issue #51
394 | * Issue #50
395 | * Issue #45
396 | * Issue #44
397 |
398 | ### v0.4.3 ###
399 | * Issue #46
400 | * Issue #46
401 | * Issue #47
402 |
403 | ### v0.4.1-1###
404 | * Issue #44
405 | * Update documentation
406 | * Issue #43
407 | * Issue #42
408 | * Issue #34
409 |
410 | ### v0.4.0 ###
411 | * Issue #41
412 | * Issue #40
413 | * Issue #39
414 | * Issue #36
415 | * Issue #32
416 |
417 | ### v0.3.0 ###
418 | * Fixed navigation at page top
419 | * Adds -d switch to example jsdoc command.
420 | * Fixed typo in readme
421 | * Improve search box positioning and styles
422 | * Add dynamic quick search in TOC
423 | * Fix for line numbers styling issue
424 |
425 | ### v0.2.0 ###
426 |
427 | * Added jump to source linenumers - still a problem scrolling with fixed header
428 | * changed syntax highlighter to [sunlight](http://sunlightjs.com/)
429 | * Modify incoming bootswatch files to make font calls without protocol.
430 |
431 | ### v0.1.0 ###
432 | Initial release
433 |
434 |
435 | ## Notices ##
436 | If you like DocStrap, be sure and check out these excellent projects and support them!
437 |
438 | [JSDoc3 is licensed under the Apache License](https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
439 |
440 | [So is Bootstrap](https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
441 |
442 | [And Bootswatch](https://github.com/thomaspark/bootswatch/blob/gh-pages/LICENSE)
443 |
444 | [TOC is licensed under MIT](https://github.com/jgallen23/toc/blob/master/LICENSE)
445 |
446 | [Grunt is also MIT](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-cli/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT)
447 |
448 | DocStrap [is licensed under the MIT license.](https://github.com/docstrap/docstrap/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
449 |
450 | [Sunlight uses the WTFPL](http://sunlightjs.com/)
451 |
452 | ## License ##
453 | DocStrap Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Terry Weiss & Contributors. All rights reserved.
454 |
455 | Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
456 | obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
457 | files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
458 | restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
459 | copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
460 | copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
461 | Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
462 | conditions:
463 |
464 | The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
465 | included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
466 |