1 | css-color-names
2 | ===============
3 |
4 | A JSON Object of css color names mapped to their hex value
5 |
6 | Usage
7 | -----
8 |
9 | ``` js
10 | var csscolors = require('css-color-names');
11 | console.dir(csscolors);
12 | ```
13 |
14 | yields
15 |
16 | ``` json
17 | {
18 | "aqua": "#00ffff",
19 | "aliceblue": "#f0f8ff",
20 | "antiquewhite": "#faebd7",
21 | "black": "#000000",
22 | "blue": "#0000ff",
23 | ...
24 | }
25 | ```
26 |
27 | How was this list generated?
28 | ----------------------------
29 |
30 | In the Makefile you'll see a line like this:
31 |
32 | ./getcolors.sh | ./stringify.js > $(FILE)
33 |
34 | The first command scrapes a site for the list,
35 | and outputs the results separated by newlines. The
36 | second command creates the JSON object and outputs
37 | it to stdout, which then gets redirected into
38 | `css-color-names.json`
39 |
40 | Installation
41 | ------------
42 |
43 | npm install css-color-names
44 |
45 | License
46 | -------
47 |
48 | MIT