1 | import {assertFile, testFilePath} from './helper';
2 | import {CsvWriter} from '../lib/csv-writer';
3 | import {writeFileSync} from 'fs';
4 | import {createObjectCsvWriter} from '../index';
5 | import {ObjectMap} from '../lib/lang/object';
6 |
7 | describe('Write object records into CSV', () => {
8 |
9 | const makeFilePath = (id: string) => testFilePath(`object-${id}`);
10 | const records = [
11 | {name: 'Bob', lang: 'French', address: {country: 'France'}},
12 | {name: 'Mary', lang: 'English'}
13 | ];
14 |
15 | describe('When only path and header ids are given', () => {
16 | const filePath = makeFilePath('minimum');
17 | let writer: CsvWriter<ObjectMap<any>>;
18 |
19 | beforeEach(() => {
20 | writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
21 | path: filePath,
22 | header: ['name', 'lang']
23 | });
24 | });
25 |
26 | it('writes records to a new file', async () => {
27 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
28 | assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\nMary,English\n');
29 | });
30 |
31 | it('appends records when requested to write to the same file', async () => {
32 | await writer.writeRecords([records[0]]);
33 | await writer.writeRecords([records[1]]);
34 | assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\nMary,English\n');
35 | });
36 | });
37 |
38 | describe('When header ids are given with reverse order', () => {
39 | const filePath = makeFilePath('column-order');
40 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
41 | path: filePath,
42 | header: ['lang', 'name']
43 | });
44 |
45 | it('also writes columns with reverse order', async () => {
46 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
47 | assertFile(filePath, 'French,Bob\nEnglish,Mary\n');
48 | });
49 | });
50 |
51 | describe('When field header is given with titles', () => {
52 | const filePath = makeFilePath('header');
53 | let writer: CsvWriter<ObjectMap<any>>;
54 |
55 | beforeEach(() => {
56 | writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
57 | path: filePath,
58 | header: [{id: 'name', title: 'NAME'}, {id: 'lang', title: 'LANGUAGE'}]
59 | });
60 | });
61 |
62 | it('writes a header', async () => {
63 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
64 | assertFile(filePath, 'NAME,LANGUAGE\nBob,French\nMary,English\n');
65 | });
66 |
67 | it('appends records without headers', async () => {
68 | await writer.writeRecords([records[0]]);
69 | await writer.writeRecords([records[1]]);
70 | assertFile(filePath, 'NAME,LANGUAGE\nBob,French\nMary,English\n');
71 | });
72 | });
73 |
74 | describe('When `append` flag is specified', () => {
75 | const filePath = makeFilePath('append');
76 | writeFileSync(filePath, 'Mike,German\n', 'utf8');
77 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
78 | path: filePath,
79 | header: ['name', 'lang'],
80 | append: true
81 | });
82 |
83 | it('do not overwrite the existing contents and appends records to them', async () => {
84 | await writer.writeRecords([records[1]]);
85 | assertFile(filePath, 'Mike,German\nMary,English\n');
86 | });
87 | });
88 |
89 | describe('When encoding is specified', () => {
90 | const filePath = makeFilePath('encoding');
91 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
92 | path: filePath,
93 | header: ['name', 'lang'],
94 | encoding: 'utf16le'
95 | });
96 |
97 | it('writes to a file with the specified encoding', async () => {
98 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
99 | assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\nMary,English\n', 'utf16le');
100 | });
101 | });
102 |
103 | describe('When semicolon is specified as a field delimiter', () => {
104 | const filePath = makeFilePath('field-delimiter');
105 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
106 | path: filePath,
107 | header: [{id: 'name', title: 'NAME'}, {id: 'lang', title: 'LANGUAGE'}],
108 | fieldDelimiter: ';'
109 | });
110 |
111 | it('uses semicolon instead of comma to separate fields', async () => {
112 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
113 | assertFile(filePath, 'NAME;LANGUAGE\nBob;French\nMary;English\n');
114 | });
115 | });
116 |
117 | describe('When newline is specified', () => {
118 | const filePath = makeFilePath('newline');
119 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
120 | path: filePath,
121 | header: ['name', 'lang'],
122 | recordDelimiter: '\r\n'
123 | });
124 |
125 | it('writes to a file with the specified newline character', async () => {
126 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
127 | assertFile(filePath, 'Bob,French\r\nMary,English\r\n');
128 | });
129 | });
130 |
131 | describe('When `alwaysQuote` flag is set', () => {
132 | const filePath = makeFilePath('always-quote');
133 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
134 | path: filePath,
135 | header: [{id: 'name', title: 'NAME'}, {id: 'lang', title: 'LANGUAGE'}],
136 | alwaysQuote: true
137 | });
138 |
139 | it('quotes all fields', async () => {
140 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
141 | assertFile(filePath, '"NAME","LANGUAGE"\n"Bob","French"\n"Mary","English"\n');
142 | });
143 | });
144 |
145 | describe('When `headerIdDelimiter` flag is set', () => {
146 | const filePath = makeFilePath('nested');
147 | const writer = createObjectCsvWriter({
148 | path: filePath,
149 | header: [{id: 'name', title: 'NAME'}, {id: 'address.country', title: 'COUNTRY'}],
150 | headerIdDelimiter: '.'
151 | });
152 |
153 | it('breaks keys into key paths', async () => {
154 | await writer.writeRecords(records);
155 | assertFile(filePath, 'NAME,COUNTRY\nBob,France\nMary,\n');
156 | });
157 | });
158 | });