3.17 kBPlain TextView Raw
1import assert from 'assert'
2import parse from '../src/tag_expression_parser'
4describe('TagExpressionParser', () => {
5 describe('#parse', () => {
6 ;[
7 ['', 'true'],
8 ['a and b', '( a and b )'],
9 ['a or b', '( a or b )'],
10 ['not a', 'not ( a )'],
11 ['( a and b ) or ( c and d )', '( ( a and b ) or ( c and d ) )'],
12 [
13 'not a or b and not c or not d or e and f',
14 '( ( ( not ( a ) or ( b and not ( c ) ) ) or not ( d ) ) or ( e and f ) )',
15 ],
16 [
17 'not a\\(\\) or b and not c or not d or e and f',
18 '( ( ( not ( a\\(\\) ) or ( b and not ( c ) ) ) or not ( d ) ) or ( e and f ) )',
19 ],
20 // a or not b
21 ].forEach(function(inOut) {
22 it(inOut[0], function() {
23 const infix = inOut[0]
24 const expr = parse(infix)
25 assert.strictEqual(expr.toString(), inOut[1])
27 const roundtripTokens = expr.toString()
28 const roundtripExpr = parse(roundtripTokens)
29 assert.strictEqual(roundtripExpr.toString(), inOut[1])
30 })
31 })
32 ;[
33 ['@a @b or', 'Syntax error. Expected operator'],
34 ['@a and (@b not)', 'Syntax error. Expected operator'],
35 ['@a and (@b @c) or', 'Syntax error. Expected operator'],
36 ['@a and or', 'Syntax error. Expected operand'],
37 ['or or', 'Syntax error. Expected operand'],
38 ['a b', 'Syntax error. Expected operator'],
39 ['( a and b ) )', 'Syntax error. Unmatched )'],
40 ['( ( a and b )', 'Syntax error. Unmatched ('],
41 // a or not b
42 ].forEach(function(inOut) {
43 it(inOut[0] + ' fails', function() {
44 const infix = inOut[0]
45 try {
46 parse(infix)
47 throw new Error('Expected syntax error')
48 } catch (expected) {
49 assert.strictEqual(expected.message, inOut[1])
50 }
51 })
52 })
54 // evaluation
56 it('evaluates not', function() {
57 const expr = parse('not x')
58 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x']), false)
59 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['y']), true)
60 })
62 it('evaluates and', function() {
63 const expr = parse('x and y')
64 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x', 'y']), true)
65 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['y']), false)
66 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x']), false)
67 })
69 it('evaluates or', function() {
70 const expr = parse(' x or(y) ')
71 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate([]), false)
72 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['y']), true)
73 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x']), true)
74 })
76 it('evaluates expressions with escaped chars', function() {
77 const expr = parse(' x\\(1\\) or(y\\(2\\)) ')
78 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate([]), false)
79 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['y(2)']), true)
80 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x(1)']), true)
81 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['y']), false)
82 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x']), false)
83 })
85 it('evaluates empty expressions to true', function() {
86 const expr = parse('')
87 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate([]), true)
88 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['y']), true)
89 assert.strictEqual(expr.evaluate(['x']), true)
90 })
91 })