1.22 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "current-week-number",
3 "version": "1.0.7",
4 "description": "Get current week number of the current year,given Date format string or Date object.",
5 "scripts": {
6 "lint": "jshint index.js && jscs index.js --reporter inline",
7 "test": "mocha",
8 "test-cov": "istanbul cover _mocha",
9 "test-travis": "istanbul cover _mocha --report lcovonly"
10 },
11 "author": {
12 "name": "Charlike Mike Reagent",
13 "email": "mameto_100@mail.bg",
14 "url": "https://github.com/tunnckoCore"
15 },
16 "repository": {
17 "type": "git",
18 "url": "git://github.com/datetime/current-week-number.git"
19 },
20 "keywords": [
21 "calendar",
22 "count",
23 "counts",
24 "current",
25 "date",
26 "dates",
27 "datetime",
28 "format",
29 "get",
30 "js",
31 "month",
32 "months",
33 "real",
34 "times",
35 "util",
36 "utilities",
37 "utility",
38 "utils",
39 "week",
40 "weekday",
41 "weeks",
42 "year",
43 "years"
44 ],
45 "license": {
46 "type": "MIT",
47 "url": "https://github.com/datetime/current-week-number/blob/master/license.md"
48 },
49 "dependencies": {},
50 "devDependencies": {
51 "istanbul-harmony": "~0.3.1",
52 "mocha": "~2.1.0"
53 },
54 "bin": {
55 "current-week-number": "cli.js"
56 }
\No newline at end of file