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1import {Installer} from "./classLibrary/Installer";
2import {IFileFactory, RootFileFactory} from "./classLibrary/RootFileFactory";
3import path from 'path';
4import fs from 'graceful-fs';
5import chalk from 'chalk';
6import {FileWriter} from "./classLibrary/FileWriter";
7import rimraf from 'rimraf';
8import {Dependency} from "./Depedency";
9import {Template} from "./classLibrary/Template";
10import {Group} from "./classLibrary/Group";
11import {TemplateResponse} from "./classLibrary/TemplateData";
12import fetch, {Response} from "node-fetch";
15export async function InstallTemplate(key: string, group: string, copyNode: boolean, dep: Dependency): Promise<string> {
16 // Obtain relative path to global node folder
17 const fromPath: string = path.relative(__dirname, process.cwd());
19 // Generate group instance to update group meta data during installation
20 const g: Group = new Group(dep.core, dep.objex, path.resolve(__dirname, '../templates'), dep.util);
22 // check with server whether key exist
23 const exist = await dep.api.TemplateExist(key);
24 if (!exist) return chalk.red(`Template ${key} does not exist!`);
26 // Create a reflection of file system for template using Template object.
27 const r: TemplateResponse = await dep.api.GetTemplateData(key);
29 // Ping endpoint to check if repository exist
30 const resp: Response = await fetch(r.repository, {method: "HEAD"});
31 if (resp.status !== 200) return chalk.red("Repository does not exist! Please contact the owner of the template");
33 const template: Template = new Template(group, r.unique_key, r.display_name, r.repository, g);
35 let fileFactory: IFileFactory = new RootFileFactory(dep.core, __dirname, fromPath, template.Template);
36 if (fs.existsSync(template.Target)) {
37 const overwrite = await dep.autoInquirer.InquirePredicate("The following template already exist, do you want to re-install it?");
38 if (overwrite) {
39 rimraf.sync(template.Target);
40 return DownloadTemplate(template, copyNode, fileFactory, dep);
41 } else {
42 return chalk.yellow("Installation has been stopped.");
43 }
44 } else {
45 return DownloadTemplate(template, copyNode, fileFactory, dep);
46 }
50async function DownloadTemplate(template: Template, copyNode: boolean, fileFactory: IFileFactory, dep: Dependency): Promise<string> {
51 const writer: FileWriter = new FileWriter(dep.util);
52 const installer: Installer = new Installer(dep.core, fileFactory, dep.util, writer);
53 const string = await installer.Install(template.Link, copyNode);
54 if (string !== "Installation Completed") return string;
55 template.CreateGroupEntry();
56 if (template.Exist()) {
57 const data = template.TemplateData;
58 const verify = data.key === template.key && template.name == data.name && template.link === data.repo;
59 if (verify)
60 return chalk.greenBright("Template ") +
61 chalk.blueBright(template.name) +
62 chalk.greenBright(" has been installed in Group ") +
63 chalk.blueBright(template.group);
64 }
65 template.DeleteGroupEntry();
66 rimraf.sync(template.Target);
67 return chalk.redBright("Template ") +
68 chalk.blueBright(template.name) +
69 chalk.redBright(" failed to installed in Group ") +
70 chalk.blueBright(template.group) +
71 chalk.redBright(`, possibly due to the following reason:
72\t- The target folder does not exist
73\t- The target git repository does not exist
74\t- The target folder or repository does not contain [cyan.config.js] in the root folder
75\t- The target folder or repository does not contain [cyan.json] in the root folder
76\t- The data in the target repository's [cyan.json] does not match with server's