1 | #### 2.3.4 (2021-01-22)
2 |
3 | ##### Other Changes
4 |
5 | - Handle type error of require.resolve being used in older version of node ([#133](https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/pull/133)) ([81b5af4b](https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/commit/81b5af4bb721aa1e52d60fe5144dfba52ce31584))
6 |
7 | #### 2.3.3 (2021-01-19)
8 |
9 | - Bugfix - https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/123
10 |
11 | #### 2.3.2 (2021-01-19)
12 |
13 | - Bugfix -https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/128
14 |
15 | #### 2.3.1 (2021-01-17)
16 |
17 | - Error message updated
18 |
19 | ### 2.3.0 (2021-01-16)
20 |
21 | - Bug fix - https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/120
22 | - Added support for passing `timeout` as object literal for react commands - https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/119
23 | - Added support for fetch nthNode from RESQ nodes - https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/123
24 |
25 | #### 2.2.2 (2020-12-15)
26 |
27 | - Bug fix - https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/pull/113
28 |
29 | #### 2.2.1 (2020-11-19)
30 |
31 | ##### Bug Fixes
32 |
33 | - Use require.resolve to find resq ([110af23f](https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/commit/110af23fbc80c7c120ed43c0315fc9acfc68f25e))
34 |
35 | ### 2.2.0 (2020-10-16)
36 |
37 | - Added `exact` flag support. If you are in need of matching exactly every property and value in the object (or nested objects), you can pass the exact flag to the `cy.react` or `cy.getReact` function:
38 |
39 | ```ts
40 | cy.react('MyComponent', { props: { name: 'John' }, exact: true });
41 | ```
42 |
43 | #### 2.1.1 (2020-10-15)
44 |
45 | - `resq` upgraded to `1.9.1`. This unblocks the tests in production version.
46 |
47 | ### 2.1.0 (2020-10-11)
48 |
49 | - bug fix for https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/48
50 |
51 | - bug fix for https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/issues/42
52 |
53 | - retry `cy.react` and `cy.getReact` until node found ([4bb3207c](https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/commit/4bb3207c00f84ee494433223db68d62e35f44cee))
54 |
55 | #### 2.0.4 (2020-09-26)
56 |
57 | - React logic updated with previous subject
58 |
59 | ```js
60 | if (subject) {
61 | elements = window.resq.resq$$(component, subject[0]);
62 | }
63 | ```
64 |
65 | is now changed to -
66 |
67 | ```js
68 | if (subject) {
69 | elements = window.resq.resq$$(component, subject);
70 | }
71 | ```
72 |
73 | #### 2.0.3 (2020-08-27)
74 |
75 | - getIdentifierLogs not defined ([046562cd](https://github.com/abhinaba-ghosh/cypress-react-selector/commit/046562cdd12cfc290f6772552fd360070ceb73af))
76 |
77 | #### 2.0.2 (2020-08-18)
78 |
79 | - ES6 `import` and `export` changed to `exports.`
80 |
81 | #### 2.0.1 (2020-08-15)
82 |
83 | - `react root` selector configuration support added as a `cypress env` parameter
84 |
85 | ```json
86 | {
87 | "env": {
88 | "cypress-react-selector": {
89 | "root": "#root"
90 | }
91 | }
92 | }
93 | ```
94 |
95 | - If the `root` found `undefined`, it will throw error messages and terminate the flow
96 |
97 | ## 2.0.0 (2020-08-15)
98 |
99 | - From version 2.0 `cypress-react-selector` will be using `reactProps` object
100 |
101 | V1.x way of proving react properties for identification
102 |
103 | ```js
104 | cy.react('Product', { name: 'MacBook Pro' }, { orderCount: 2 });
105 | ```
106 |
107 | in V2.x it will be:
108 |
109 | ```js
110 | cy.react('Product', {
111 | props: { name: 'MacBook Pro' },
112 | state: { orderCount: 2 },
113 | });
114 | ```
115 |
116 | - `cy.react()` and `cy.getReact()` queries will retry itself until the upcoming assertion passes/timeouts
117 | - If component not found, it will show helpful messages.