10.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2// Cypress NPM api type declarations
3// https://on.cypress.io/module-api
4// https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/2141
6// in the future the NPM module itself will be in TypeScript
7// but for now describe it as an ambient module
9declare namespace CypressCommandLine {
10 /**
11 * All options that one can pass to "cypress.run"
12 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api#cypress-run
13 * @example
14 ```
15 const cypress = require('cypress')
16 cypress.run({
17 reporter: 'junit',
18 browser: 'chrome',
19 config: {
20 baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
21 chromeWebSecurity: false,
22 },
23 env: {
24 foo: 'bar',
25 baz: 'quux',
26 }
27 })
28 ```
29 */
30 interface CypressRunOptions extends CypressCommonOptions {
31 /**
32 * Specify browser to run tests in, either by name or by filesystem path
33 */
34 browser: string
35 /**
36 * Specify a unique identifier for a run to enable grouping or parallelization
37 */
38 ciBuildId: string
39 /**
40 * Group recorded tests together under a single run name
41 */
42 group: string
43 /**
44 * Tag string for the recorded run, like "production,nightly"
45 */
46 tag: string
47 /**
48 * Display the browser instead of running headlessly
49 */
50 headed: boolean
51 /**
52 * Hide the browser instead of running headed
53 */
54 headless: boolean
55 /**
56 * Specify your secret Record Key
57 */
58 key: string
59 /**
60 * Keep Cypress open after all tests run
61 */
62 noExit: boolean
63 /**
64 * Run recorded specs in parallel across multiple machines
65 */
66 parallel: boolean
67 /**
68 * Override default port
69 */
70 port: number
71 /**
72 * Run quietly, using only the configured reporter
73 */
74 quiet: boolean
75 /**
76 * Whether to record the test run
77 */
78 record: boolean
79 /**
80 * Specify a mocha reporter
81 */
82 reporter: string
83 /**
84 * Specify mocha reporter options
85 */
86 reporterOptions: any
87 /**
88 * Specify the specs to run
89 */
90 spec: string
91 /**
92 * Specify the number of failures to cancel a run being recorded to the Cloud or false to disable auto-cancellation.
93 */
94 autoCancelAfterFailures: number | false
95 /**
96 * Whether to display the Cypress Runner UI
97 */
98 runnerUi: boolean
99 }
101 /**
102 * All options that one can pass to "cypress.open"
103 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api#cypress-open
104 * @example
105 ```
106 const cypress = require('cypress')
107 cypress.open({
108 env: {
109 username: 'Joe Doe',
110 email: 'joe@acme.co'
111 },
112 project: '~/demos/my-project'
113 })
114 ```
115 */
116 interface CypressOpenOptions extends CypressCommonOptions {
117 /**
118 * Specify browser to run tests in, either by name or by filesystem path
119 */
120 browser: string
121 /**
122 * Open Cypress in detached mode
123 */
124 detached: boolean
125 /**
126 * Run in global mode
127 */
128 global: boolean
129 /**
130 * Override default port
131 */
132 port: number
133 }
135 /**
136 * Options available for `cypress.open` and `cypress.run`
137 */
138 interface CypressCommonOptions {
139 /**
140 * Specify configuration
141 */
142 config: Cypress.ConfigOptions
143 /**
144 * Path to the config file to be used.
145 *
146 * @default "cypress.config.{js,ts,mjs,cjs}"
147 */
148 configFile: string
149 /**
150 * Specify environment variables.
151 * TODO: isn't this duplicate of config.env?!
152 */
153 env: object
154 /**
155 * Path to a specific project
156 */
157 project: string
158 /**
159 * Specify the type of tests to execute.
160 * @default "e2e"
161 */
162 testingType: Cypress.TestingType
163 }
165 // small utility types to better express meaning of other types
166 type dateTimeISO = string
167 type ms = number
168 type pixels = number
170 /**
171 * Cypress single test result
172 */
173 interface TestResult {
174 duration: number
175 title: string[]
176 state: string
177 /**
178 * Error string as it's presented in console if the test fails
179 */
180 displayError: string | null
181 attempts: AttemptResult[]
182 }
184 interface AttemptResult {
185 state: string
186 }
188 /**
189 * Information about a single screenshot.
190 */
191 interface ScreenshotInformation {
192 name: string
193 takenAt: dateTimeISO
194 /**
195 * Absolute path to the saved image
196 */
197 path: string
198 height: pixels
199 width: pixels
200 }
202 interface SpecResult {
203 /**
204 * resolved filename of the spec
205 */
206 absolute: string
207 /**
208 * file extension like ".js"
209 */
210 fileExtension: string
211 /**
212 * file name without extension like "spec"
213 */
214 fileName: string
215 /**
216 * filename like "spec.js"
217 */
218 name: string
219 /**
220 * name relative to the project root, like "cypress/integration/spec.js"
221 */
222 relative: string
223 }
225 /**
226 * Cypress test run result for a single spec.
227 */
228 interface RunResult {
229 error: string | null
230 /**
231 * Reporter name like "spec"
232 */
233 reporter: string
234 /**
235 * This is controlled by the reporter, and Cypress cannot guarantee
236 * the properties. Usually this object has suites, tests, passes, etc
237 */
238 reporterStats: object
239 screenshots: ScreenshotInformation[]
240 /**
241 * Accurate test results collected by Cypress.
242 */
243 stats: {
244 duration?: ms
245 endedAt: dateTimeISO
246 failures: number
247 passes: number
248 pending: number
249 skipped: number
250 startedAt: dateTimeISO
251 suites: number
252 tests: number
253 }
254 /**
255 * information about the spec test file.
256 */
257 spec: SpecResult
258 tests: TestResult[]
259 video: string | null
260 }
262 type PublicConfig = Omit<Cypress.ResolvedConfigOptions, 'additionalIgnorePattern' | 'autoOpen' | 'browser' | 'browsers' | 'browserUrl' | 'clientRoute' | 'cypressEnv' | 'devServerPublicPathRoute' | 'morgan' | 'namespace' | 'proxyServer' | 'proxyUrl' | 'rawJson' | 'remote' | 'repoRoot' | 'report' | 'reporterRoute' | 'reporterUrl' | 'resolved' | 'setupNodeEvents' | 'socketId' | 'socketIoCookie' | 'socketIoRoute' | 'specs' | 'state' | 'supportFolder'> & {
263 browsers: Cypress.PublicBrowser[]
264 cypressInternalEnv: string
265 }
267 /**
268 * Results returned by the test run.
269 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api
270 */
271 interface CypressRunResult {
272 browserName: string
273 browserPath: string
274 browserVersion: string
275 config: PublicConfig
276 cypressVersion: string
277 endedTestsAt: dateTimeISO
278 osName: string
279 osVersion: string
280 runs: RunResult[]
281 /**
282 * If Cypress test run was recorded, full url will be provided.
283 * @see https://on.cypress.io/cloud-introduction
284 */
285 runUrl?: string
286 startedTestsAt: dateTimeISO
287 totalDuration: number
288 totalFailed: number
289 totalPassed: number
290 totalPending: number
291 totalSkipped: number
292 totalSuites: number
293 totalTests: number
294 }
296 /**
297 * If Cypress fails to run at all (for example, if there are no spec files to run),
298 * then it will return a CypressFailedRunResult. Check the failures attribute.
299 * @example
300 ```
301 const result = await cypress.run()
302 if (result.status === 'failed') {
303 console.error('failures %d', result.failures)
304 console.error(result.message)
305 process.exit(result.failures)
306 }
307 ```
308 *
309 **/
310 interface CypressFailedRunResult {
311 status: 'failed'
312 failures: number
313 message: string
314 }
316 /**
317 * Methods allow parsing given CLI arguments the same way Cypress CLI does it.
318 */
319 interface CypressCliParser {
320 /**
321 * Parses the given array of string arguments to "cypress run"
322 * just like Cypress CLI does it.
323 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api
324 * @example
325 * const cypress = require('cypress')
326 * const args = ['cypress', 'run', '--browser', 'chrome']
327 * const options = await cypress.cli.parseRunArguments(args)
328 * // options is {browser: 'chrome'}
329 * // pass the options to cypress.run()
330 * const results = await cypress.run(options)
331 */
332 parseRunArguments(args: string[]): Promise<Partial<CypressRunOptions>>
333 }
336declare module 'cypress' {
337 /**
338 * Cypress NPM module interface.
339 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api
340 * @example
341 ```
342 const cypress = require('cypress')
343 cypress.run().then(results => ...)
344 ```
345 */
346 interface CypressNpmApi {
347 /**
348 * Execute a headless Cypress test run.
349 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api#cypress-run
350 * @example
351 ```
352 const cypress = require('cypress')
353 // runs all spec files matching a wildcard
354 cypress.run({
355 spec: 'cypress/integration/admin*-spec.js'
356 }).then(results => {
357 if (results.status === 'failed') {
358 // Cypress could not run
359 } else {
360 // inspect results object
361 }
362 })
363 ```
364 */
365 run(options?: Partial<CypressCommandLine.CypressRunOptions>): Promise<CypressCommandLine.CypressRunResult | CypressCommandLine.CypressFailedRunResult>
366 /**
367 * Opens Cypress GUI. Resolves with void when the
368 * GUI is closed.
369 * @see https://on.cypress.io/module-api#cypress-open
370 */
371 open(options?: Partial<CypressCommandLine.CypressOpenOptions>): Promise<void>
373 /**
374 * Utility functions for parsing CLI arguments the same way
375 * Cypress does
376 */
377 cli: CypressCommandLine.CypressCliParser
379 /**
380 * Provides automatic code completion for configuration in many popular code editors.
381 * While it's not strictly necessary for Cypress to parse your configuration, we
382 * recommend wrapping your config object with `defineConfig()`
383 * @example
384 * module.exports = defineConfig({
385 * viewportWidth: 400
386 * })
387 *
388 * @see ../types/cypress-npm-api.d.ts
389 * @param {Cypress.ConfigOptions} config
390 * @returns {Cypress.ConfigOptions} the configuration passed in parameter
391 */
392 defineConfig<ComponentDevServerOpts = any>(config: Cypress.ConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts>): Cypress.ConfigOptions
394 /**
395 * Provides automatic code completion for Component Frameworks Definitions.
396 * While it's not strictly necessary for Cypress to parse your configuration, we
397 * recommend wrapping your Component Framework Definition object with `defineComponentFramework()`
398 * @example
399 * module.exports = defineComponentFramework({
400 * type: 'cypress-ct-solid-js'
401 * })
402 *
403 * @see ../types/cypress-npm-api.d.ts
404 * @param {Cypress.ThirdPartyComponentFrameworkDefinition} config
405 * @returns {Cypress.ThirdPartyComponentFrameworkDefinition} the configuration passed in parameter
406 */
407 defineComponentFramework(config: Cypress.ThirdPartyComponentFrameworkDefinition): Cypress.ThirdPartyComponentFrameworkDefinition
408 }
410 // export Cypress NPM module interface
411 const cypress: CypressNpmApi
412 export = cypress