261 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
2/// <reference path="./cypress-npm-api.d.ts" />
3/// <reference path="./cypress-eventemitter.d.ts" />
4/// <reference path="./cypress-type-helpers.d.ts" />
6declare namespace Cypress {
7 type FileContents = string | any[] | object
8 type HistoryDirection = 'back' | 'forward'
9 type HttpMethod = string
10 type RequestBody = string | object | boolean | null
11 type ViewportOrientation = 'portrait' | 'landscape'
12 type PrevSubject = keyof PrevSubjectMap
13 type TestingType = 'e2e' | 'component'
14 type PluginConfig = (on: PluginEvents, config: PluginConfigOptions) => void | ConfigOptions | Promise<ConfigOptions>
15 interface JQueryWithSelector<TElement = HTMLElement> extends JQuery<TElement> {
16 selector?: string | null
17 }
19 interface PrevSubjectMap<O = unknown> {
20 optional: O
21 element: JQueryWithSelector
22 document: Document
23 window: Window
24 }
26 interface CommandOptions {
27 prevSubject: boolean | PrevSubject | PrevSubject[]
28 }
29 interface CommandFn<T extends keyof ChainableMethods> {
30 (this: Mocha.Context, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): ReturnType<ChainableMethods[T]> | void
31 }
32 interface CommandFns {
33 [name: string]: (this: Mocha.Context, ...args: any) => any
34 }
35 interface CommandFnWithSubject<T extends keyof ChainableMethods, S> {
36 (this: Mocha.Context, prevSubject: S, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): ReturnType<ChainableMethods[T]> | void
37 }
38 interface CommandFnsWithSubject<S> {
39 [name: string]: (this: Mocha.Context, prevSubject: S, ...args: any) => any
40 }
41 interface CommandOriginalFn<T extends keyof ChainableMethods> extends CallableFunction {
42 (...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): ReturnType<ChainableMethods[T]>
43 }
44 interface CommandOriginalFnWithSubject<T extends keyof ChainableMethods, S> extends CallableFunction {
45 (prevSubject: S, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): ReturnType<ChainableMethods[T]>
46 }
47 interface CommandFnWithOriginalFn<T extends keyof Chainable> {
48 (this: Mocha.Context, originalFn: CommandOriginalFn<T>, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): ReturnType<ChainableMethods[T]> | void
49 }
50 interface CommandFnWithOriginalFnAndSubject<T extends keyof Chainable, S> {
51 (this: Mocha.Context, originalFn: CommandOriginalFnWithSubject<T, S>, prevSubject: S, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): ReturnType<ChainableMethods[T]> | void
52 }
53 interface QueryFn<T extends keyof ChainableMethods> {
54 (this: Command, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): (subject: any) => any
55 }
56 interface QueryFnWithOriginalFn<T extends keyof Chainable> {
57 (this: Command, originalFn: QueryFn<T>, ...args: Parameters<ChainableMethods[T]>): (subject: any) => any
58 }
59 interface ObjectLike {
60 [key: string]: any
61 }
62 interface Auth {
63 username: string
64 password: string
65 }
67 interface RemoteState {
68 auth?: Auth
69 domainName: string
70 strategy: 'file' | 'http'
71 origin: string
72 fileServer: string | null
73 props: Record<string, any>
74 visiting: string
75 }
77 interface Backend {
78 /**
79 * Firefox only: Force Cypress to run garbage collection routines.
80 * No-op if not running in Firefox.
81 *
82 * @see https://on.cypress.io/firefox-gc-issue
83 */
84 (task: 'firefox:force:gc'): Promise<void>
85 (task: 'net', eventName: string, frame: any): Promise<void>
86 }
88 type BrowserName = 'electron' | 'chrome' | 'chromium' | 'firefox' | 'edge' | string
90 type BrowserChannel = 'stable' | 'canary' | 'beta' | 'dev' | 'nightly' | string
92 type BrowserFamily = 'chromium' | 'firefox' | 'webkit'
94 /**
95 * Describes a browser Cypress can control
96 */
97 interface Browser {
98 /**
99 * Short browser name.
100 */
101 name: BrowserName
102 /**
103 * The underlying engine for this browser.
104 */
105 family: BrowserFamily
106 /**
107 * The release channel of the browser.
108 */
109 channel: BrowserChannel
110 /**
111 * Human-readable browser name.
112 */
113 displayName: string
114 version: string
115 majorVersion: number | string
116 path: string
117 isHeaded: boolean
118 isHeadless: boolean
119 /**
120 * Informational text to accompany this browser. Shown in desktop-gui.
121 */
122 info?: string
123 /**
124 * Warning text to accompany this browser. Shown in desktop-gui.
125 */
126 warning?: string
127 /**
128 * The minimum majorVersion of this browser supported by Cypress.
129 */
130 minSupportedVersion?: number
131 /**
132 * If `true`, this browser is too old to be supported by Cypress.
133 */
134 unsupportedVersion?: boolean
135 }
137 /**
138 * Browser that's exposed in public APIs
139 */
140 interface PublicBrowser {
141 channel: BrowserChannel
142 displayName: string
143 family: string
144 majorVersion?: string | number | null
145 name: BrowserName
146 path: string
147 version: string
148 }
150 interface Ensure {
151 /**
152 * Throws an error if `subject` is not one of the passed in `type`s.
153 */
154 isType(subject: any, type: PrevSubject[], commandName: string, cy: Chainable): void
156 /**
157 * Throws an error if `subject` is not a DOM element.
158 */
159 isElement(subject: any, commandName: string, cy: Chainable): void
161 /**
162 * Throws an error if `subject` is not a `document`.
163 */
164 isDocument(subject: any, commandName: string, cy: Chainable): void
166 /**
167 * Throws an error if `subject` is not a `window`.
168 */
169 isWindow(subject: any, commandName: string, cy: Chainable): void
171 /**
172 * Throws an error if `subject` is not a DOM element attached to the application under test.
173 */
174 isAttached(subject: any, commandName: string, cy: Chainable, onFail?: Log): void
176 /**
177 * Throws an error if `subject` is a disabled DOM element.
178 */
179 isNotDisabled(subject: any, commandName: string, onFail?: Log): void
181 /**
182 * Throws an error if `subject` is a DOM element hidden by any of its parent elements.
183 */
184 isNotHiddenByAncestors(subject: any, commandName: string, onFail?: Log): void
186 /**
187 * Throws an error if `subject` is a read-only form element.
188 */
189 isNotReadonly(subject: any, commandName: string, onFail?: Log): void
191 /**
192 * Throws an error if `subject` is a read-only form element.
193 */
194 isScrollable(subject: any, commandName: string, onFail?: Log): void
196 /**
197 * Throws an error if `subject` is not a DOM element visible in the AUT.
198 */
199 isVisible(subject: any, commandName: string, onFail?: Log): void
200 }
202 interface LocalStorage {
203 /**
204 * Called internally to clear `localStorage` in two situations.
205 *
206 * 1. Before every test, this is called with no argument to clear all keys.
207 * 2. On `cy.clearLocalStorage(keys)` this is called with `keys` as an argument.
208 *
209 * You should not call this method directly to clear `localStorage`; instead, use `cy.clearLocalStorage(key)`.
210 *
211 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearlocalstorage
212 */
213 clear: (keys?: string[]) => void
214 }
216 // TODO: raise minimum required TypeScript version to 3.7
217 // and make this recursive
218 // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/24875
219 type Storable =
220 | string
221 | number
222 | boolean
223 | null
224 | StorableObject
225 | StorableArray
227 interface StorableObject {
228 [key: string]: Storable
229 }
231 interface StorableArray extends Array<Storable> { }
233 type StorableRecord = Record<string, Storable>
235 interface OriginStorage {
236 origin: string
237 value: StorableRecord
238 }
240 interface Storages {
241 localStorage: OriginStorage[]
242 sessionStorage: OriginStorage[]
243 }
245 interface StorageByOrigin {
246 [key: string]: StorableRecord
247 }
249 type IsBrowserMatcher = BrowserName | Partial<Browser> | Array<BrowserName | Partial<Browser>>
251 interface ViewportPosition extends WindowPosition {
252 right: number
253 bottom: number
254 }
256 interface WindowPosition {
257 top: number
258 left: number
259 topCenter: number
260 leftCenter: number
261 }
263 interface ElementPositioning {
264 scrollTop: number
265 scrollLeft: number
266 width: number
267 height: number
268 fromElViewport: ViewportPosition
269 fromElWindow: WindowPosition
270 fromAutWindow: WindowPosition
271 }
273 interface ElementCoordinates {
274 width: number
275 height: number
276 fromElViewport: ViewportPosition & { x: number, y: number }
277 fromElWindow: WindowPosition & { x: number, y: number }
278 fromAutWindow: WindowPosition & { x: number, y: number }
279 }
281 /**
282 * Spec type for the given test. "integration" is the default, but
283 * tests run using `open --component` will be "component"
284 *
285 * @see https://on.cypress.io/experiments
286 */
287 type CypressSpecType = 'integration' | 'component'
289 /**
290 * A Cypress spec.
291 */
292 interface Spec {
293 name: string // "config_passing_spec.js"
294 relative: string // "cypress/e2e/config_passing_spec.cy.js" or "__all" if clicked all specs button
295 absolute: string // "/Users/janelane/app/cypress/e2e/config_passing_spec.cy.js"
296 specFilter?: string // optional spec filter used by the user
297 specType?: CypressSpecType
298 baseName?: string // "config_passing_spec.cy.js"
299 fileExtension?: string // ".js"
300 fileName?: string // "config_passing_spec.cy"
301 id?: string // "U3BlYzovVXNlcnMvamFuZWxhbmUvYXBwL2N5cHJlc3MvZTJlL2NvbmZpZ19wYXNzaW5nX3NwZWMuY3kuanM="
302 }
304 /**
305 * Window type for Application Under Test(AUT)
306 */
307 type AUTWindow = Window & typeof globalThis & ApplicationWindow
309 /**
310 * The interface for user-defined properties in Window object under test.
311 */
312 interface ApplicationWindow { } // tslint:disable-line
314 /**
315 * The configuration for Cypress.
316 */
317 type Config = ResolvedConfigOptions & RuntimeConfigOptions & RuntimeServerConfigOptions
319 /**
320 * Several libraries are bundled with Cypress by default.
321 *
322 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api
323 */
324 interface Cypress {
325 /**
326 * Lodash library
327 *
328 * @see https://on.cypress.io/_
329 * @example
330 * Cypress._.keys(obj)
331 */
332 _: _.LoDashStatic
333 /**
334 * jQuery library
335 *
336 * @see https://on.cypress.io/$
337 * @example
338 * Cypress.$('p')
339 */
340 $: JQueryStatic
341 /**
342 * Cypress automatically includes a Blob library and exposes it as Cypress.Blob.
343 *
344 * @see https://on.cypress.io/blob
345 * @see https://github.com/nolanlawson/blob-util
346 * @example
347 * Cypress.Blob.method()
348 */
349 Blob: BlobUtil.BlobUtilStatic
350 /**
351 * Cypress automatically includes a Buffer library and exposes it as Cypress.Buffer.
352 *
353 * @see https://on.cypress.io/buffer
354 * @see https://github.com/feross/buffer
355 * @example
356 * Cypress.Buffer.method()
357 */
358 Buffer: BufferType
359 /**
360 * Cypress automatically includes minimatch and exposes it as Cypress.minimatch.
361 *
362 * @see https://on.cypress.io/minimatch
363 */
364 minimatch: typeof Minimatch.minimatch
365 /**
366 * Cypress automatically includes Bluebird and exposes it as Cypress.Promise.
367 *
368 * @see https://on.cypress.io/promise
369 * @see https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird
370 * @example
371 * new Cypress.Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... })
372 */
373 Promise: Bluebird.BluebirdStatic
374 /**
375 * Cypress includes Sinon.js library used in `cy.spy` and `cy.stub`.
376 *
377 * @see https://sinonjs.org/
378 * @see https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks
379 * @see https://example.cypress.io/commands/spies-stubs-clocks
380 */
381 sinon: sinon.SinonStatic
383 /**
384 * Utility functions for ensuring various properties about a subject.
385 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/custom-queries
386 */
387 ensure: Ensure
389 /**
390 * Cypress version string. i.e. "1.1.2"
391 * @see https://on.cypress.io/version
392 * @example
393 ```
394 expect(Cypress.version).to.be.a('string')
395 if (Cypress.version === '1.2.0') {
396 // test something specific
397 }
398 ```
399 */
400 version: string
402 /**
403 * OS platform name, from Node `os.platform()`
404 *
405 * @see https://nodejs.org/api/os.html#os_os_platform
406 * @example
407 * Cypress.platform // "darwin"
408 */
409 platform: string
411 /**
412 * CPU architecture, from Node `os.arch()`
413 *
414 * @see https://nodejs.org/api/os.html#os_os_arch
415 * @example
416 * Cypress.arch // "x64"
417 */
418 arch: string
420 /**
421 * Currently executing spec file.
422 * @example
423 * ```
424 * Cypress.spec
425 * // {
426 * // name: "config_passing_spec.coffee",
427 * // relative: "cypress/integration/config_passing_spec.coffee",
428 * // absolute: "/users/smith/projects/web/cypress/integration/config_passing_spec.coffee"
429 * // specType: "integration"
430 * // }
431 * ```
432 */
433 spec: Spec
435 /**
436 * Currently executing test runnable instance.
437 */
438 currentTest: {
439 title: string
440 titlePath: string[]
441 }
443 /**
444 * Information about current test retry
445 */
446 currentRetry: number
448 /**
449 * Information about the browser currently running the tests
450 */
451 browser: Browser
453 /**
454 * Internal class for LocalStorage management.
455 */
456 LocalStorage: LocalStorage
458 /**
459 * Internal class for session management.
460 */
461 session: Session
463 /**
464 * Current testing type, determined by the Test Runner chosen to run.
465 */
466 testingType: TestingType
468 /**
469 * Fire automation:request event for internal use.
470 */
471 automation(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): Bluebird.Promise<any>
473 /**
474 * Promise wrapper for certain internal tasks.
475 */
476 backend: Backend
478 /**
479 * Returns all configuration objects.
480 * @see https://on.cypress.io/config
481 * @example
482 ```
483 Cypress.config()
484 // {defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, pageLoadTimeout: 30000, ...}
485 ```
486 */
487 config(): Config
488 /**
489 * Returns one configuration value.
490 * @see https://on.cypress.io/config
491 * @example
492 ```
493 Cypress.config('pageLoadTimeout')
494 // 60000
495 ```
496 */
497 config<K extends keyof Config>(key: K): Config[K]
498 /**
499 * Sets one configuration value.
500 * @see https://on.cypress.io/config
501 * @example
502 ```
503 Cypress.config('viewportWidth', 800)
504 ```
505 */
506 config<K extends keyof TestConfigOverrides>(key: K, value: TestConfigOverrides[K]): void
507 /**
508 * Sets multiple configuration values at once.
509 * @see https://on.cypress.io/config
510 * @example
511 ```
512 Cypress.config({
513 defaultCommandTimeout: 10000,
514 viewportHeight: 900
515 })
516 ```
517 */
518 config(Object: TestConfigOverrides): void
520 // no real way to type without generics
521 /**
522 * Returns all environment variables set with CYPRESS_ prefix or in "env" object in "cypress.config.{js,ts,mjs,cjs}"
523 *
524 * @see https://on.cypress.io/env
525 */
526 env(): ObjectLike
527 /**
528 * Returns specific environment variable or undefined
529 * @see https://on.cypress.io/env
530 * @example
531 * // cypress.config.js
532 * { "env": { "foo": "bar" } }
533 * Cypress.env("foo") // => bar
534 */
535 env(key: string): any
536 /**
537 * Set value for a variable.
538 * Any value you change will be permanently changed for the remainder of your tests.
539 * @see https://on.cypress.io/env
540 * @example
541 * Cypress.env("host", "http://server.dev.local")
542 */
543 env(key: string, value: any): void
544 /**
545 * Set values for multiple variables at once. Values are merged with existing values.
546 * @see https://on.cypress.io/env
547 * @example
548 * Cypress.env({ host: "http://server.dev.local", foo: "foo" })
549 */
550 env(object: ObjectLike): void
552 /**
553 * @returns the number of test retries currently enabled for the run
554 */
555 getTestRetries(): number | null
557 /**
558 * Checks if a variable is a valid instance of `cy` or a `cy` chainable.
559 *
560 * @see https://on.cypress.io/iscy
561 * @example
562 * Cypress.isCy(cy) // => true
563 */
564 isCy<TSubject = any>(obj: Chainable<TSubject>): obj is Chainable<TSubject>
565 isCy(obj: any): obj is Chainable
567 /**
568 * Returns true if currently running the supplied browser name or matcher object. Also accepts an array of matchers.
569 * @example isBrowser('chrome') will be true for the browser 'chrome:canary' and 'chrome:stable'
570 * @example isBrowser({ name: 'firefox', channel: 'dev' }) will be true only for the browser 'firefox:dev' (Firefox Developer Edition)
571 * @example isBrowser(['firefox', 'edge']) will be true only for the browsers 'firefox' and 'edge'
572 * @example isBrowser('!firefox') will be true for every browser other than 'firefox'
573 * @example isBrowser({ family: '!chromium'}) will be true for every browser not matching { family: 'chromium' }
574 * @param matcher browser name or matcher object to check.
575 */
576 isBrowser(name: IsBrowserMatcher): boolean
578 /**
579 * Internal options for "cy.log" used in custom commands.
580 *
581 * @see https://on.cypress.io/cypress-log
582 */
583 log(options: Partial<LogConfig>): Log
585 Commands: {
586 /**
587 * Add a custom command
588 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands
589 */
590 add<T extends keyof Chainable>(name: T, fn: CommandFn<T>): void
592 /**
593 * Add a custom parent command
594 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Parent-Commands
595 */
596 add<T extends keyof Chainable>(name: T, options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: false }, fn: CommandFn<T>): void
598 /**
599 * Add a custom child command
600 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Child-Commands
601 */
602 add<T extends keyof Chainable, S = any>(name: T, options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: true }, fn: CommandFnWithSubject<T, S>): void
604 /**
605 * Add a custom child or dual command
606 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Validations
607 */
608 add<T extends keyof Chainable, S extends PrevSubject>(
609 name: T, options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: S | ['optional'] }, fn: CommandFnWithSubject<T, PrevSubjectMap[S]>,
610 ): void
612 /**
613 * Add a custom command that allows multiple types as the prevSubject
614 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Validations#Allow-Multiple-Types
615 */
616 add<T extends keyof Chainable, S extends PrevSubject>(
617 name: T, options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: S[] }, fn: CommandFnWithSubject<T, PrevSubjectMap<void>[S]>,
618 ): void
620 /**
621 * Add one or more custom commands
622 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands
623 */
624 addAll<T extends keyof Chainable>(fns: CommandFns): void
626 /**
627 * Add one or more custom parent commands
628 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Parent-Commands
629 */
630 addAll<T extends keyof Chainable>(options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: false }, fns: CommandFns): void
632 /**
633 * Add one or more custom child commands
634 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Child-Commands
635 */
636 addAll<T extends keyof Chainable, S = any>(options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: true }, fns: CommandFnsWithSubject<S>): void
638 /**
639 * Add one or more custom commands that validate their prevSubject
640 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Validations
641 */
642 addAll<T extends keyof Chainable, S extends PrevSubject>(
643 options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: S | ['optional'] }, fns: CommandFnsWithSubject<PrevSubjectMap[S]>,
644 ): void
646 /**
647 * Add one or more custom commands that allow multiple types as their prevSubject
648 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Allow-Multiple-Types
649 */
650 addAll<T extends keyof Chainable, S extends PrevSubject>(
651 options: CommandOptions & { prevSubject: S[] }, fns: CommandFnsWithSubject<PrevSubjectMap<void>[S]>,
652 ): void
654 /**
655 * Overwrite an existing Cypress command with a new implementation
656 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Overwrite-Existing-Commands
657 */
658 overwrite<T extends keyof Chainable>(name: T, fn: CommandFnWithOriginalFn<T>): void
660 /**
661 * Overwrite an existing Cypress command with a new implementation
662 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/commands#Overwrite-Existing-Commands
663 */
664 overwrite<T extends keyof Chainable, S extends PrevSubject>(name: T, fn: CommandFnWithOriginalFnAndSubject<T, PrevSubjectMap[S]>): void
666 /**
667 * Add a custom query
668 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/custom-queries
669 */
670 addQuery<T extends keyof Chainable>(name: T, fn: QueryFn<T>): void
672 /**
673 * Overwrite an existing Cypress query with a new implementation
674 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/custom-queries
675 */
676 overwriteQuery<T extends keyof Chainable>(name: T, fn: QueryFnWithOriginalFn<T>): void
677 }
679 /**
680 * @see https://on.cypress.io/cookies
681 */
682 Cookies: {
683 debug(enabled: boolean, options?: Partial<DebugOptions>): void
684 }
686 /**
687 * @see https://on.cypress.io/dom
688 */
689 dom: {
690 /**
691 * Returns a jQuery object obtained by wrapping an object in jQuery.
692 */
693 wrap(wrappingElement_function: JQuery.Selector | JQuery.htmlString | Element | JQuery | ((index: number) => string | JQuery)): JQuery
694 query(selector: JQuery.Selector, context?: Element | JQuery): JQuery
695 /**
696 * Returns an array of raw elements pulled out from a jQuery object.
697 */
698 unwrap(obj: any): any
699 /**
700 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a DOM object.
701 */
702 isDom(obj: any): boolean
703 isType(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, type: string): boolean
704 /**
705 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is visible.
706 */
707 isVisible(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
708 /**
709 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is hidden.
710 */
711 isHidden(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, methodName?: string, options?: object): boolean
712 /**
713 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element can receive focus.
714 */
715 isFocusable(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
716 isTextLike(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
717 /**
718 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is scrollable.
719 */
720 isScrollable(element: Window | JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
721 /**
722 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element currently has focus.
723 */
724 isFocused(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
725 /**
726 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is detached from the DOM.
727 */
728 isDetached(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
729 /**
730 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is attached to the DOM.
731 */
732 isAttached(element: JQuery | HTMLElement | Window | Document): boolean
733 isSelector(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, selector: JQuery.Selector): boolean
734 /**
735 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element is a descendent of another element.
736 */
737 isDescendent(element1: JQuery | HTMLElement, element2: JQuery | HTMLElement): boolean
738 /**
739 * Returns a boolean indicating whether object is undefined or html, body, or document.
740 */
741 isUndefinedOrHTMLBodyDoc(obj: any): boolean
742 /**
743 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a DOM element.
744 */
745 isElement(obj: any): boolean
746 /**
747 * Returns a boolean indicating whether a node is of document type.
748 */
749 isDocument(obj: any): boolean
750 /**
751 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a window object.
752 */
753 isWindow(obj: any): obj is Window
754 /**
755 * Returns a boolean indicating whether an object is a jQuery object.
756 */
757 isJquery(obj: any): obj is JQuery
758 isInputType(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, type: string | string[]): boolean
759 stringify(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, form: string): string
760 getElements(element: JQuery): JQuery | HTMLElement[]
761 getContainsSelector(text: string, filter?: string, options?: CaseMatchable): JQuery.Selector
762 getFirstDeepestElement(elements: HTMLElement[], index?: number): HTMLElement
763 getWindowByElement(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement
764 getReasonIsHidden(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, options?: object): string
765 getFirstScrollableParent(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement
766 getFirstFixedOrStickyPositionParent(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement
767 getFirstStickyPositionParent(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): JQuery | HTMLElement
768 getCoordsByPosition(left: number, top: number, xPosition?: string, yPosition?: string): number
769 getElementPositioning(element: JQuery | HTMLElement): ElementPositioning
770 getElementAtPointFromViewport(doc: Document, x: number, y: number): Element | null
771 getElementCoordinatesByPosition(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, position: string): ElementCoordinates
772 getElementCoordinatesByPositionRelativeToXY(element: JQuery | HTMLElement, x: number, y: number): ElementPositioning
773 }
775 /**
776 * @see https://on.cypress.io/keyboard-api
777 */
778 Keyboard: {
779 defaults(options: Partial<KeyboardDefaultsOptions>): void
780 }
782 /**
783 * @see https://on.cypress.io/screenshot-api
784 */
785 Screenshot: {
786 defaults(options: Partial<ScreenshotDefaultsOptions>): void
787 }
789 /**
790 * @see https://on.cypress.io/selector-playground-api
791 */
792 SelectorPlayground: {
793 defaults(options: Partial<SelectorPlaygroundDefaultsOptions>): void
794 getSelector($el: JQuery): JQuery.Selector
795 }
797 /**
798 * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
799 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
800 */
801 on: Actions
803 /**
804 * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
805 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
806 */
807 once: Actions
809 /**
810 * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
811 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
812 */
813 off: Actions
815 /**
816 * Used to include dependencies within the cy.origin() callback
817 * @see https://on.cypress.io/origin
818 */
819 require: <T = any>(id: string) => T
821 /**
822 * Trigger action
823 * @private
824 */
825 action: <T = (any[] | void) >(action: string, ...args: any[]) => T
827 /**
828 * Load files
829 * @private
830 */
831 onSpecWindow: (window: Window, specList: string[] | Array<() => Promise<void>>) => void
832 }
834 type CanReturnChainable = void | Chainable | Promise<unknown>
835 type ThenReturn<S, R> =
836 R extends void ? Chainable<S> :
837 R extends R | undefined ? Chainable<S | Exclude<R, undefined>> :
838 Chainable<S>
840 /**
841 * Chainable interface for non-array Subjects
842 */
843 interface Chainable<Subject = any> {
844 /**
845 * Create an assertion. Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out.
846 *
847 * @alias should
848 * @see https://on.cypress.io/and
849 */
850 and: Chainer<Subject>
852 /**
853 * Assign an alias for later use. Reference the alias later within a
854 * [cy.get()](https://on.cypress.io/get) or
855 * [cy.wait()](https://on.cypress.io/wait) command with a `@` prefix.
856 * You can alias DOM elements, routes, stubs and spies.
857 *
858 * @see https://on.cypress.io/as
859 * @see https://on.cypress.io/variables-and-aliases
860 * @see https://on.cypress.io/get
861 * @example
862 * // Get the aliased 'todos' elements
863 * cy.get('ul#todos').as('todos')
864 *
865 * // later retrieve the todos
866 * cy.get('@todos')
867 */
868 as(alias: string, options?: Partial<AsOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
870 /**
871 * Blur a focused element. This element must currently be in focus.
872 * If you want to ensure an element is focused before blurring,
873 * try using .focus() before .blur().
874 *
875 * @see https://on.cypress.io/blur
876 */
877 blur(options?: Partial<BlurOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
879 /**
880 * Check checkbox(es) or radio(s). This element must be an `<input>` with type `checkbox` or `radio`.
881 *
882 * @see https://on.cypress.io/check
883 * @example
884 * // Check checkbox element
885 * cy.get('[type="checkbox"]').check()
886 * // Check first radio element
887 * cy.get('[type="radio"]').first().check()
888 */
889 check(options?: Partial<CheckOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
890 /**
891 * Check checkbox(es) or radio(s). This element must be an `<input>` with type `checkbox` or `radio`.
892 *
893 * @see https://on.cypress.io/check
894 * @example
895 * // Select the radio with the value of 'US'
896 * cy.get('[type="radio"]').check('US')
897 * // Check the checkboxes with the values 'ga' and 'ca'
898 * cy.get('[type="checkbox"]').check(['ga', 'ca'])
899 */
900 check(value: string | string[], options?: Partial<CheckOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
902 /**
903 * Get the children of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements.
904 *
905 * @see https://on.cypress.io/children
906 */
907 children<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
908 children<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
909 children<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
911 /**
912 * Clear the value of an `input` or `textarea`.
913 * An alias for `.type({selectall}{del})`
914 *
915 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clear
916 */
917 clear(options?: Partial<ClearOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
919 /**
920 * Clear a specific browser cookie for a domain.
921 *
922 * Cypress automatically clears all cookies _before_ each test to prevent
923 * state from being shared across tests when test isolation is enabled.
924 * You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it to clear
925 * a specific cookie inside a single test or test isolation is disabled.
926 *
927 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearcookie
928 */
929 clearCookie(name: string, options?: CookieOptions): Chainable<null>
931 /**
932 * Clear browser cookies for a domain.
933 *
934 * Cypress automatically clears all cookies _before_ each test to prevent
935 * state from being shared across tests when test isolation is enabled.
936 * You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it to clear
937 * specific cookies inside a single test or test isolation is disabled.
938 *
939 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearcookies
940 */
941 clearCookies(options?: CookieOptions): Chainable<null>
943 /**
944 * Clear all browser cookies.
945 *
946 * Cypress automatically clears all cookies _before_ each test to prevent
947 * state from being shared across tests when test isolation is enabled.
948 * You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it to clear
949 * all cookie inside a single test or test isolation is disabled.
950 *
951 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearallcookies
952 */
953 clearAllCookies(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<null>
955 /**
956 * Get local storage for all origins.
957 *
958 * @see https://on.cypress.io/getalllocalstorage
959 */
960 getAllLocalStorage(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<StorageByOrigin>
962 /**
963 * Clear local storage for all origins.
964 *
965 * Cypress automatically clears all local storage _before_ each test to
966 * prevent state from being shared across tests when test isolation
967 * is enabled. You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it
968 * to clear localStorage inside a single test or test isolation is disabled.
969 *
970 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearalllocalstorage
971 */
972 clearAllLocalStorage(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<null>
974 /**
975 * Get session storage for all origins.
976 *
977 * @see https://on.cypress.io/getallsessionstorage
978 */
979 getAllSessionStorage(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<StorageByOrigin>
981 /**
982 * Clear session storage for all origins.
983 *
984 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearallsessionstorage
985 */
986 clearAllSessionStorage(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<null>
988 /**
989 * Clear data in local storage for the current origin.
990 *
991 * Cypress automatically clears all local storage _before_ each test to
992 * prevent state from being shared across tests when test isolation
993 * is enabled. You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it
994 * to clear localStorage inside a single test or test isolation is disabled.
995 *
996 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearlocalstorage
997 * @param {string} [key] - name of a particular item to remove (optional).
998 * @example
999 ```
1000 // Removes all local storage keys
1001 cy.clearLocalStorage()
1002 .should(ls => {
1003 expect(ls.getItem('prop1')).to.be.null
1004 })
1005 // Removes item "todos"
1006 cy.clearLocalStorage("todos")
1007 ```
1008 */
1009 clearLocalStorage(key?: string): Chainable<Storage>
1010 /**
1011 * Clear keys in local storage that match given regular expression.
1012 *
1013 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearlocalstorage
1014 * @param {RegExp} re - regular expression to match.
1015 * @example
1016 ```
1017 // Clears all local storage matching /app-/
1018 cy.clearLocalStorage(/app-/)
1019 ```
1020 */
1021 clearLocalStorage(re: RegExp): Chainable<Storage>
1022 /**
1023 * Clear data in local storage.
1024 * Cypress automatically runs this command before each test to prevent state from being
1025 * shared across tests. You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it
1026 * to clear localStorage inside a single test. Yields `localStorage` object.
1027 *
1028 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearlocalstorage
1029 * @param {options} [object] - options object
1030 * @example
1031 ```
1032 // Removes all local storage items, without logging
1033 cy.clearLocalStorage({ log: false })
1034 ```
1035 */
1036 clearLocalStorage(options: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<Storage>
1037 /**
1038 * Clear data in local storage.
1039 * Cypress automatically runs this command before each test to prevent state from being
1040 * shared across tests. You shouldn't need to use this command unless you're using it
1041 * to clear localStorage inside a single test. Yields `localStorage` object.
1042 *
1043 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clearlocalstorage
1044 * @param {string} [key] - name of a particular item to remove (optional).
1045 * @param {options} [object] - options object
1046 * @example
1047 ```
1048 // Removes item "todos" without logging
1049 cy.clearLocalStorage("todos", { log: false })
1050 ```
1051 */
1052 clearLocalStorage(key: string, options: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<Storage>
1054 /**
1055 * Click a DOM element.
1056 *
1057 * @see https://on.cypress.io/click
1058 * @example
1059 * cy.get('button').click() // Click on button
1060 * cy.focused().click() // Click on el with focus
1061 * cy.contains('Welcome').click() // Click on first el containing 'Welcome'
1062 */
1063 click(options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1064 /**
1065 * Click a DOM element at specific corner / side.
1066 *
1067 * @param {PositionType} position - The position where the click should be issued.
1068 * The `center` position is the default position.
1069 * @see https://on.cypress.io/click
1070 * @example
1071 * cy.get('button').click('topRight')
1072 */
1073 click(position: PositionType, options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1074 /**
1075 * Click a DOM element at specific coordinates
1076 *
1077 * @param {number} x The distance in pixels from the element's left to issue the click.
1078 * @param {number} y The distance in pixels from the element's top to issue the click.
1079 * @see https://on.cypress.io/click
1080 * @example
1081 ```
1082 // The click below will be issued inside of the element
1083 // (15px from the left and 40px from the top).
1084 cy.get('button').click(15, 40)
1085 ```
1086 */
1087 click(x: number, y: number, options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1089 /**
1090 * `cy.clock()` overrides native global functions related to time allowing them to be controlled
1091 * synchronously via [cy.tick()](https://on.cypress.io/tick) or the yielded clock object.
1092 * This includes controlling:
1093 * * `setTimeout`
1094 * * `clearTimeout`
1095 * * `setInterval`
1096 * * `clearInterval`
1097 * * `Date` Objects
1098 *
1099 * The clock starts at the unix epoch (timestamp of 0).
1100 * This means that when you instantiate new Date in your application,
1101 * it will have a time of January 1st, 1970.
1102 *
1103 * To restore the real clock call `.restore()`
1104 *
1105 * @example
1106 * cy.clock()
1107 * ...
1108 * // restore the application clock
1109 * cy.clock().then(clock => {
1110 * clock.restore()
1111 * })
1112 * // or use this shortcut
1113 * cy.clock().invoke('restore')
1114 *
1115 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
1116 */
1117 clock(): Chainable<Clock>
1118 /**
1119 * Mocks global clock and sets current timestamp to the given value.
1120 * Overrides all functions that deal with time.
1121 *
1122 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
1123 * @example
1124 * // in your app code
1125 * $('#date').text(new Date().toJSON())
1126 * // in the spec file
1127 * // March 14, 2017 timestamp or Date object
1128 * const now = new Date(2017, 2, 14).getTime()
1129 * cy.clock(now)
1130 * cy.visit('/index.html')
1131 * cy.get('#date').contains('2017-03-14')
1132 * // to restore the real clock
1133 * cy.clock().then(clock => {
1134 * clock.restore()
1135 * })
1136 * // or use this shortcut
1137 * cy.clock().invoke('restore')
1138 */
1139 clock(now: number | Date, options?: Loggable): Chainable<Clock>
1140 /**
1141 * Mocks global clock but only overrides specific functions.
1142 *
1143 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
1144 * @example
1145 * // keep current date but override "setTimeout" and "clearTimeout"
1146 * cy.clock(null, ['setTimeout', 'clearTimeout'])
1147 */
1148 clock(now: number | Date, functions?: Array<'setTimeout' | 'clearTimeout' | 'setInterval' | 'clearInterval' | 'Date'>, options?: Loggable): Chainable<Clock>
1149 /**
1150 * Mocks global clock and all functions.
1151 *
1152 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
1153 * @example
1154 * // mock clock but do not log this command
1155 * cy.clock({ log: false })
1156 */
1157 clock(options: Loggable): Chainable<Clock>
1159 /**
1160 * Get the first DOM element that matches the selector (whether it be itself or one of its ancestors).
1161 *
1162 * @see https://on.cypress.io/closest
1163 */
1164 closest<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1165 closest<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1167 /**
1168 * Get the DOM element containing the text.
1169 * DOM elements can contain more than the desired text and still match.
1170 * Additionally, Cypress prefers some DOM elements over the deepest element found.
1171 *
1172 * @see https://on.cypress.io/contains
1173 * @example
1174 * // Yield el in .nav containing 'About'
1175 * cy.get('.nav').contains('About')
1176 * // Yield first el in document containing 'Hello'
1177 * cy.contains('Hello')
1178 * // you can use regular expression
1179 * cy.contains(/^b\w+/)
1180 * // yields <ul>...</ul>
1181 * cy.contains('ul', 'apples')
1182 * // tries to find the given text for up to 1 second
1183 * cy.contains('my text to find', {timeout: 1000})
1184 */
1185 contains(content: string | number | RegExp, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & CaseMatchable & Shadow>): Chainable<Subject>
1186 /**
1187 * Get the child DOM element that contains given text.
1188 *
1189 * @see https://on.cypress.io/contains
1190 * @example
1191 * // Yield el in .nav containing 'About'
1192 * cy.get('.nav').contains('About')
1193 */
1194 contains<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(content: string | number | RegExp): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1195 /**
1196 * Get the DOM element with name "selector" containing the text or regular expression.
1197 *
1198 * @see https://on.cypress.io/contains
1199 * @example
1200 * // yields <ul>...</ul>
1201 * cy.contains('ul', 'apples')
1202 */
1203 contains<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, text: string | number | RegExp, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & CaseMatchable & Shadow>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1204 /**
1205 * Get the DOM element using CSS "selector" containing the text or regular expression.
1206 *
1207 * @see https://on.cypress.io/contains
1208 * @example
1209 * // yields <... class="foo">... apples ...</...>
1210 * cy.contains('.foo', 'apples')
1211 */
1212 contains<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, text: string | number | RegExp, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & CaseMatchable & Shadow>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1214 /**
1215 * Double-click a DOM element.
1216 *
1217 * @see https://on.cypress.io/dblclick
1218 */
1219 dblclick(options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1220 /**
1221 * Double-click a DOM element at specific corner / side.
1222 *
1223 * @param {PositionType} position - The position where the click should be issued.
1224 * The `center` position is the default position.
1225 * @see https://on.cypress.io/dblclick
1226 * @example
1227 * cy.get('button').dblclick('topRight')
1228 */
1229 dblclick(position: PositionType, options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1230 /**
1231 * Double-click a DOM element at specific coordinates
1232 *
1233 * @param {number} x The distance in pixels from the element's left to issue the click.
1234 * @param {number} y The distance in pixels from the element's top to issue the click.
1235 * @see https://on.cypress.io/dblclick
1236 * @example
1237 ```
1238 // The click below will be issued inside of the element
1239 // (15px from the left and 40px from the top).
1240 cy.get('button').dblclick(15, 40)
1241 ```
1242 */
1243 dblclick(x: number, y: number, options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1244 /**
1245 * Right-click a DOM element.
1246 *
1247 * @see https://on.cypress.io/rightclick
1248 */
1249 rightclick(options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1250 /**
1251 * Right-click a DOM element at specific corner / side.
1252 *
1253 * @param {PositionType} position - The position where the click should be issued.
1254 * The `center` position is the default position.
1255 * @see https://on.cypress.io/click
1256 * @example
1257 * cy.get('button').rightclick('topRight')
1258 */
1259 rightclick(position: PositionType, options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1260 /**
1261 * Right-click a DOM element at specific coordinates
1262 *
1263 * @param {number} x The distance in pixels from the element's left to issue the click.
1264 * @param {number} y The distance in pixels from the element's top to issue the click.
1265 * @see https://on.cypress.io/rightclick
1266 * @example
1267 ```
1268 // The click below will be issued inside of the element
1269 // (15px from the left and 40px from the top).
1270 cy.get('button').rightclick(15, 40)
1271 ```
1272 */
1273 rightclick(x: number, y: number, options?: Partial<ClickOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1275 /**
1276 * Set a debugger and log what the previous command yields.
1277 *
1278 * @see https://on.cypress.io/debug
1279 */
1280 debug(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<Subject>
1282 /**
1283 * Save/Restore browser Cookies, LocalStorage, and SessionStorage data resulting from the supplied `setup` function.
1284 *
1285 * @see https://on.cypress.io/session
1286 */
1287 session(id: string | object, setup: () => void, options?: SessionOptions): Chainable<null>
1289 /**
1290 * Get the window.document of the page that is currently active.
1291 *
1292 * @see https://on.cypress.io/document
1293 * @example
1294 * cy.document()
1295 * .its('contentType')
1296 * .should('eq', 'text/html')
1297 */
1298 document(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Document>
1300 /**
1301 * Iterate through an array like structure (arrays or objects with a length property).
1302 *
1303 * @see https://on.cypress.io/each
1304 */
1305 each<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(fn: (element: JQuery<E>, index: number, $list: E[]) => void): Chainable<JQuery<E>> // Can't properly infer type without breaking down Chainable
1306 each(fn: (item: any, index: number, $list: any[]) => void): Chainable<Subject>
1308 /**
1309 * End a chain of commands
1310 *
1311 * @see https://on.cypress.io/end
1312 */
1313 end(): Chainable<null>
1315 /**
1316 * Get A DOM element at a specific index in an array of elements.
1317 *
1318 * @see https://on.cypress.io/eq
1319 * @param {Number} index A number indicating the index to find the element at within an array of elements. A negative number counts index from the end of the list.
1320 * @example
1321 * cy.get('tbody>tr').eq(0) // Yield first 'tr' in 'tbody'
1322 * cy.get('ul>li').eq('4') // Yield fifth 'li' in 'ul'
1323 * cy.get('li').eq(-2) // Yields second from last 'li' element
1324 */
1325 eq<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(index: number, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1327 /**
1328 * Execute a system command.
1329 * @see https://on.cypress.io/exec
1330 */
1331 exec(command: string, options?: Partial<ExecOptions>): Chainable<Exec>
1333 /**
1334 * Get the DOM elements that match a specific selector. Opposite of `.not()`
1335 *
1336 * @see https://on.cypress.io/filter
1337 */
1338 filter<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>> // automatically returns the correct HTMLElement type
1339 /**
1340 * Get the DOM elements that match a specific selector. Opposite of `.not()`
1341 *
1342 * @see https://on.cypress.io/filter
1343 */
1344 filter<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1345 /**
1346 * Get the DOM elements that match a specific selector. Opposite of `.not()`
1347 *
1348 * @see https://on.cypress.io/filter
1349 */
1350 filter<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(fn: (index: number, element: E) => boolean, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1352 /**
1353 * Get the descendent DOM elements of a specific selector.
1354 *
1355 * @see https://on.cypress.io/find
1356 * @example
1357 * cy.get('.article').find('footer') // Yield 'footer' within '.article'
1358 */
1359 find<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & Shadow>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1360 /**
1361 * Finds the descendent DOM elements with the given selector.
1362 *
1363 * @see https://on.cypress.io/find
1364 * @example
1365 * // Find the li's within the nav
1366 * cy.get('.left-nav>.nav').find('>li')
1367 */
1368 find<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & Shadow>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1370 /**
1371 * Get the first DOM element within a set of DOM elements.
1372 *
1373 * @see https://on.cypress.io/first
1374 */
1375 first(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Subject>
1377 /**
1378 * Load a fixed set of data located in a file.
1379 *
1380 * @see https://on.cypress.io/fixture
1381 */
1382 fixture<Contents = any>(path: string, options?: Partial<Timeoutable>): Chainable<Contents> // no log?
1383 /**
1384 * Load a fixed set of data located in a file with given encoding.
1385 *
1386 * @see https://on.cypress.io/fixture
1387 */
1388 fixture<Contents = any>(path: string, encoding: Encodings, options?: Partial<Timeoutable>): Chainable<Contents> // no log?
1390 /**
1391 * Focus on a DOM element.
1392 *
1393 * @see https://on.cypress.io/focus
1394 * @example
1395 * cy.get('input').first().focus() // Focus on the first input
1396 */
1397 focus(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Subject>
1399 /**
1400 * Get the DOM element that is currently focused.
1401 *
1402 * @see https://on.cypress.io/focused
1403 * @example
1404 * // Get the element that is focused
1405 * cy.focused().then(function($el) {
1406 * // do something with $el
1407 * })
1408 * // Blur the element with focus
1409 * cy.focused().blur()
1410 * // Make an assertion on the focused element
1411 * cy.focused().should('have.attr', 'name', 'username')
1412 */
1413 focused(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery>
1415 /**
1416 * Get one or more DOM elements by node name: input, button, etc.
1417 * @see https://on.cypress.io/get
1418 * @example
1419 * cy.get('input').should('be.disabled')
1420 * cy.get('button').should('be.visible')
1421 */
1422 get<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & Withinable & Shadow>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1423 /**
1424 * Get one or more DOM elements by selector.
1425 * The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how $() works in jQuery.
1426 * @see https://on.cypress.io/get
1427 * @example
1428 * cy.get('.list>li') // Yield the <li>'s in <.list>
1429 * cy.get('ul li:first').should('have.class', 'active')
1430 * cy.get('.dropdown-menu').click()
1431 */
1432 get<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & Withinable & Shadow>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1433 /**
1434 * Get one or more DOM elements by alias.
1435 * @see https://on.cypress.io/get#Alias
1436 * @example
1437 * // Get the aliased 'todos' elements
1438 * cy.get('ul#todos').as('todos')
1439 * //...hack hack hack...
1440 * //later retrieve the todos
1441 * cy.get('@todos')
1442 */
1443 get<S = any>(alias: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & Withinable & Shadow>): Chainable<S>
1445 /**
1446 * Get a browser cookie by its name.
1447 *
1448 * @see https://on.cypress.io/getcookie
1449 */
1450 getCookie(name: string, options?: CookieOptions): Chainable<Cookie | null>
1452 /**
1453 * Get browser cookies for a domain.
1454 *
1455 * @see https://on.cypress.io/getcookies
1456 */
1457 getCookies(options?: CookieOptions): Chainable<Cookie[]>
1459 /**
1460 * Get all browser cookies.
1461 *
1462 * @see https://on.cypress.io/getallcookies
1463 */
1464 getAllCookies(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Cookie[]>
1466 /**
1467 * Navigate back or forward to the previous or next URL in the browser's history.
1468 *
1469 * @see https://on.cypress.io/go
1470 */
1471 go(direction: HistoryDirection | number, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<AUTWindow>
1473 /**
1474 * Get the current URL hash of the page that is currently active.
1475 *
1476 * @see https://on.cypress.io/hash
1477 */
1478 hash(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<string>
1480 /**
1481 * Invoke a function on the previously yielded subject.
1482 *
1483 * @see https://on.cypress.io/invoke
1484 */
1485 invoke<K extends keyof Subject, F extends ((...args: any[]) => any) & Subject[K], R = ReturnType<F>>(
1486 functionName: K,
1487 ...args: any[]
1488 ): Chainable<R>
1489 invoke<K extends keyof Subject, F extends ((...args: any[]) => any) & Subject[K], R = ReturnType<F>>(
1490 options: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>,
1491 functionName: K,
1492 ...args: any[]
1493 ): Chainable<R>
1495 /**
1496 * Invoke a function in an array of functions.
1497 * @see https://on.cypress.io/invoke
1498 */
1499 invoke<T extends (...args: any[]) => any, Subject extends T[]>(index: number): Chainable<ReturnType<T>>
1500 invoke<T extends (...args: any[]) => any, Subject extends T[]>(options: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>, index: number): Chainable<ReturnType<T>>
1502 /**
1503 * Invoke a function on the previously yielded subject by a property path.
1504 * Property path invocation cannot be strongly-typed.
1505 * Invoking by a property path will always result in any.
1506 *
1507 * @see https://on.cypress.io/invoke
1508 */
1509 invoke(propertyPath: string, ...args: any[]): Chainable
1511 /**
1512 * Get a property's value on the previously yielded subject.
1513 *
1514 * @see https://on.cypress.io/its
1515 * @example
1516 * // Get the 'width' property
1517 * cy.wrap({width: '50'}).its('width')
1518 * // Drill into nested properties by using dot notation
1519 * cy.wrap({foo: {bar: {baz: 1}}}).its('foo.bar.baz')
1520 */
1521 its<K extends keyof Subject>(propertyName: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<NonNullable<Subject[K]>>
1522 its(propertyPath: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable
1524 /**
1525 * Get a value by index from an array yielded from the previous command.
1526 * @see https://on.cypress.io/its
1527 * @example
1528 * cy.wrap(['a', 'b']).its(1).should('equal', 'b')
1529 */
1530 its<T, Subject extends T[]>(index: number, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<T>
1532 /**
1533 * Get the last DOM element within a set of DOM elements.
1534 *
1535 * @see https://on.cypress.io/last
1536 */
1537 last<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1539 /**
1540 * Get the global `window.location` object of the page that is currently active.
1541 *
1542 * @see https://on.cypress.io/location
1543 * @example
1544 * cy.location() // Get location object
1545 */
1546 location(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Location>
1547 /**
1548 * Get a part of the global `window.location` object of the page that is currently active.
1549 *
1550 * @see https://on.cypress.io/location
1551 * @example
1552 * cy.location('host') // Get the host of the location object
1553 * cy.location('port') // Get the port of the location object
1554 * // Assert on the href of the location
1555 * cy.location('href').should('contain', '/tag/tutorials')
1556 */
1557 location<K extends keyof Location>(key: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Location[K]>
1559 /**
1560 * Print a message to the Cypress Command Log.
1561 *
1562 * @see https://on.cypress.io/log
1563 */
1564 log(message: string, ...args: any[]): Chainable<null>
1566 /**
1567 * Get the immediately following sibling of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements.
1568 *
1569 * @see https://on.cypress.io/next
1570 */
1571 next<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1572 /**
1573 * Get the immediately following sibling of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements.
1574 *
1575 * @see https://on.cypress.io/next
1576 * @example
1577 * cy.get('nav a:first').next()
1578 */
1579 next<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1580 /**
1581 * Get the immediately following sibling of each DOM element within a set of DOM elements that match selector
1582 *
1583 * @see https://on.cypress.io/next
1584 * @example
1585 * cy.get('nav a:first').next('.menu-item)
1586 */
1587 next<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1589 /**
1590 * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements.
1591 *
1592 * @see https://on.cypress.io/nextall
1593 */
1594 nextAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1595 /**
1596 * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements.
1597 *
1598 * @see https://on.cypress.io/nextall
1599 */
1600 nextAll<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1601 /**
1602 * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements.
1603 *
1604 * @see https://on.cypress.io/nextall
1605 */
1606 nextAll<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1608 /**
1609 * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1610 *
1611 * @see https://on.cypress.io/nextuntil
1612 */
1613 nextUntil<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1614 /**
1615 * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1616 *
1617 * @see https://on.cypress.io/nextuntil
1618 */
1619 nextUntil<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1620 /**
1621 * Get all following siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1622 *
1623 * @see https://on.cypress.io/nextuntil
1624 */
1625 nextUntil<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(element: E | JQuery<E>, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1627 /**
1628 * Filter DOM element(s) from a set of DOM elements. Opposite of `.filter()`
1629 *
1630 * @see https://on.cypress.io/not
1631 */
1632 not(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery>
1634 /**
1635 * Invoke a command synchronously, without using the command queue.
1636 *
1637 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/custom-queries
1638 */
1639 now(name: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> | ((subject: any) => any)
1641 /**
1642 * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
1643 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
1644 */
1645 on: Actions
1647 /**
1648 * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
1649 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
1650 */
1651 once: Actions
1653 /**
1654 * These events come from Cypress as it issues commands and reacts to their state. These are all useful to listen to for debugging purposes.
1655 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
1656 */
1657 off: Actions
1659 /**
1660 * Enables running Cypress commands in a secondary origin.
1661 * @see https://on.cypress.io/origin
1662 * @example
1663 * cy.origin('example.com', () => {
1664 * cy.get('h1').should('equal', 'Example Domain')
1665 * })
1666 */
1667 origin<T extends any>(urlOrDomain: string, fn: () => void): Chainable<T>
1669 /**
1670 * Enables running Cypress commands in a secondary origin.
1671 * @see https://on.cypress.io/origin
1672 * @example
1673 * cy.origin('example.com', { args: { key: 'value', foo: 'foo' } }, ({ key, foo }) => {
1674 * expect(key).to.equal('value')
1675 * expect(foo).to.equal('foo')
1676 * })
1677 */
1678 origin<T, S extends any>(urlOrDomain: string, options: {
1679 args: T
1680 }, fn: (args: T) => void): Chainable<S>
1682 /**
1683 * Get the parent DOM element of a set of DOM elements.
1684 *
1685 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parent
1686 */
1687 parent<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1688 /**
1689 * Get the parent DOM element of a set of DOM elements.
1690 *
1691 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parent
1692 */
1693 parent<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1694 /**
1695 * Get the parent DOM element of a set of DOM elements.
1696 *
1697 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parent
1698 */
1699 parent<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1701 /**
1702 * Get the parent DOM elements of a set of DOM elements.
1703 *
1704 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parents
1705 */
1706 parents<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1707 /**
1708 * Get the parent DOM elements of a set of DOM elements.
1709 *
1710 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parents
1711 */
1712 parents<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1713 /**
1714 * Get the parent DOM elements of a set of DOM elements.
1715 *
1716 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parents
1717 */
1718 parents<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1720 /**
1721 * Get all ancestors of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1722 *
1723 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parentsuntil
1724 */
1725 parentsUntil<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1726 /**
1727 * Get all ancestors of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1728 *
1729 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parentsuntil
1730 */
1731 parentsUntil<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1732 /**
1733 * Get all ancestors of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1734 *
1735 * @see https://on.cypress.io/parentsuntil
1736 */
1737 parentsUntil<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(element: E | JQuery<E>, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1739 /**
1740 * Stop cy commands from running and allow interaction with the application under test. You can then "resume" running all commands or choose to step through the "next" commands from the Command Log.
1741 * This does not set a `debugger` in your code, unlike `.debug()`
1742 *
1743 * @see https://on.cypress.io/pause
1744 */
1745 pause(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<Subject>
1747 /**
1748 * Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in a set of the elements.
1749 *
1750 * @example
1751 * cy.get('nav').prev('a') // Yield previous 'a'
1752 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prev
1753 */
1754 prev<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1755 /**
1756 * Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in a set of the elements.
1757 *
1758 * @example
1759 * cy.get('li').prev() // Yield previous 'li'
1760 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prev
1761 */
1762 prev<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1763 /**
1764 * Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in a set of the elements that match selector.
1765 *
1766 * @example
1767 * cy.get('nav').prev('.menu-item') // Yield previous '.menu-item'
1768 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prev
1769 */
1770 prev<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1772 /**
1773 * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements.
1774 * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevAll()](http://api.jquery.com/prevAll) works in jQuery.
1775 *
1776 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prevall
1777 */
1778 prevAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1779 /**
1780 * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements.
1781 * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevAll()](http://api.jquery.com/prevAll) works in jQuery.
1782 *
1783 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prevall
1784 */
1785 prevAll<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1786 /**
1787 * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements.
1788 * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevAll()](http://api.jquery.com/prevAll) works in jQuery.
1789 *
1790 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prevall
1791 */
1792 prevAll<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1794 /**
1795 * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1796 * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevUntil()](http://api.jquery.com/prevUntil) works in jQuery.
1797 *
1798 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prevuntil
1799 */
1800 prevUntil<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
1801 /**
1802 * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1803 * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevUntil()](http://api.jquery.com/prevUntil) works in jQuery.
1804 *
1805 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prevuntil
1806 */
1807 prevUntil<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1808 /**
1809 * Get all previous siblings of each DOM element in a set of matched DOM elements up to, but not including, the element provided.
1810 * > The querying behavior of this command matches exactly how [.prevUntil()](http://api.jquery.com/prevUntil) works in jQuery.
1811 *
1812 * @see https://on.cypress.io/prevuntil
1813 */
1814 prevUntil<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(element: E | JQuery<E>, filter?: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
1816 /**
1817 * Read a file and yield its contents.
1818 *
1819 * @see https://on.cypress.io/readfile
1820 */
1821 readFile<Contents = any>(filePath: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Contents>
1822 /**
1823 * Read a file with given encoding and yield its contents.
1824 *
1825 * @see https://on.cypress.io/readfile
1826 * @example
1827 * cy.readFile('foo.json', 'utf8')
1828 */
1829 readFile<Contents = any>(filePath: string, encoding: Encodings, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Contents>
1831 /**
1832 * Reload the page.
1833 *
1834 * @see https://on.cypress.io/reload
1835 * @example
1836 * cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/admin')
1837 * cy.reload()
1838 */
1839 reload(): Chainable<AUTWindow>
1840 /**
1841 * Reload the page.
1842 *
1843 * @see https://on.cypress.io/reload
1844 * @param {Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>} options Pass in an options object to modify the default behavior of cy.reload()
1845 * @example
1846 * // Reload the page, do not log it in the command log and timeout after 15s
1847 * cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/admin')
1848 * cy.reload({log: false, timeout: 15000})
1849 */
1850 reload(options: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<AUTWindow>
1851 /**
1852 * Reload the page without cache
1853 *
1854 * @see https://on.cypress.io/reload
1855 * @param {Boolean} forceReload Whether to reload the current page without using the cache. true forces the reload without cache.
1856 * @example
1857 * // Reload the page without using the cache
1858 * cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/admin')
1859 * cy.reload(true)
1860 */
1861 reload(forceReload: boolean): Chainable<AUTWindow>
1862 /**
1863 * Reload the page without cache and with log and timeout options
1864 *
1865 * @see https://on.cypress.io/reload
1866 * @param {Boolean} forceReload Whether to reload the current page without using the cache. true forces the reload without cache.
1867 * @param {Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>} options Pass in an options object to modify the default behavior of cy.reload()
1868 * @example
1869 * // Reload the page without using the cache, do not log it in the command log and timeout after 15s
1870 * cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/admin')
1871 * cy.reload(true, {log: false, timeout: 15000})
1872 */
1873 reload(forceReload: boolean, options: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<AUTWindow>
1875 /**
1876 * Make an HTTP GET request.
1877 *
1878 * @see https://on.cypress.io/request
1879 * @example
1880 * cy.request('http://dev.local/seed')
1881 */
1882 request<T = any>(url: string, body?: RequestBody): Chainable<Response<T>>
1883 /**
1884 * Make an HTTP request with specific method.
1885 *
1886 * @see https://on.cypress.io/request
1887 * @example
1888 * cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:8888/users', {name: 'Jane'})
1889 */
1890 request<T = any>(method: HttpMethod, url: string, body?: RequestBody): Chainable<Response<T>>
1891 /**
1892 * Make an HTTP request with specific behavior.
1893 *
1894 * @see https://on.cypress.io/request
1895 * @example
1896 * cy.request({
1897 * url: '/dashboard',
1898 * followRedirect: false // turn off following redirects
1899 * })
1900 */
1901 request<T = any>(options: Partial<RequestOptions>): Chainable<Response<T>>
1903 /**
1904 * Get the root DOM element.
1905 * The root element yielded is `<html>` by default.
1906 * However, when calling `.root()` from a `.within()` command,
1907 * the root element will point to the element you are "within".
1908 *
1909 * @see https://on.cypress.io/root
1910 */
1911 root<E extends Node = HTMLHtmlElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>> // can't do better typing unless we ignore the `.within()` case
1913 /**
1914 * Take a screenshot of the application under test and the Cypress Command Log.
1915 *
1916 * @see https://on.cypress.io/screenshot
1917 * @example
1918 * cy.screenshot()
1919 * cy.get(".post").screenshot()
1920 */
1921 screenshot(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & ScreenshotOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1923 /**
1924 * Take a screenshot of the application under test and the Cypress Command Log and save under given filename.
1925 *
1926 * @see https://on.cypress.io/screenshot
1927 * @example
1928 * cy.screenshot("post-element")
1929 * cy.get(".post").screenshot("post-element")
1930 */
1931 screenshot(fileName: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & ScreenshotOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1933 /**
1934 * Scroll an element into view.
1935 *
1936 * @see https://on.cypress.io/scrollintoview
1937 */
1938 scrollIntoView(options?: Partial<ScrollIntoViewOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1940 /**
1941 * Scroll to a specific position.
1942 *
1943 * @see https://on.cypress.io/scrollto
1944 */
1945 scrollTo(position: PositionType, options?: Partial<ScrollToOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1946 /**
1947 * Scroll to a specific X,Y position.
1948 *
1949 * @see https://on.cypress.io/scrollto
1950 */
1951 scrollTo(x: number | string, y: number | string, options?: Partial<ScrollToOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1953 /**
1954 * Select an `<option>` with specific text, value, or index within a `<select>`.
1955 *
1956 * @see https://on.cypress.io/select
1957 */
1958 select(valueOrTextOrIndex: string | number | Array<string | number>, options?: Partial<SelectOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1960 /**
1961 * Select a file with the given <input> element, or drag and drop a file over any DOM subject.
1962 *
1963 * @param {FileReference} files - The file(s) to select or drag onto this element.
1964 * @see https://on.cypress.io/selectfile
1965 * @example
1966 * cy.get('input[type=file]').selectFile(Cypress.Buffer.from('text'))
1967 * cy.get('input[type=file]').selectFile({
1968 * fileName: 'users.json',
1969 * contents: [{name: 'John Doe'}]
1970 * })
1971 */
1972 selectFile(files: FileReference | FileReference[], options?: Partial<SelectFileOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
1974 /**
1975 * Set a browser cookie.
1976 *
1977 * @see https://on.cypress.io/setcookie
1978 */
1979 setCookie(name: string, value: string, options?: Partial<SetCookieOptions>): Chainable<Cookie>
1981 /**
1982 * Traverse into an element's shadow root.
1983 *
1984 * @example
1985 * cy.get('my-component')
1986 * .shadow()
1987 * .find('.my-button')
1988 * .click()
1989 * @see https://on.cypress.io/shadow
1990 */
1991 shadow(): Chainable<Subject>
1993 /**
1994 * Create an assertion. Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out.
1995 *
1996 * @see https://on.cypress.io/should
1997 * @example
1998 * // Assert on the href of the location
1999 * cy.location('href').should('contain', '/tag/tutorials/')
2000 */
2001 should: Chainer<Subject>
2003 /**
2004 * Get sibling DOM elements.
2005 *
2006 * @see https://on.cypress.io/siblings
2007 * @example
2008 * cy.get('td').siblings('a') // Yield all link siblings of "td"
2009 */
2010 siblings<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selector: K, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>>
2011 /**
2012 * Get all sibling DOM elements.
2013 *
2014 * @see https://on.cypress.io/siblings
2015 * @example
2016 * cy.get('td').siblings() // Yield all siblings of "td"
2017 */
2018 siblings<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
2019 /**
2020 * Get all sibling DOM elements that match given selector.
2021 *
2022 * @see https://on.cypress.io/siblings
2023 * @example
2024 * // Yield all elements with class "foo" that are siblings of "td"
2025 * cy.get('td').siblings('.foo')
2026 */
2027 siblings<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(selector: string, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
2029 /**
2030 * Returns a new spy function.
2031 * > Note: `.spy()` assumes you are already familiar with our guide: [Stubs, Spies, and Clocks](https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks)
2032 *
2033 * @see https://on.cypress.io/spy
2034 * @example
2035 * const fn = cy.spy() // returns "dumb" spy function
2036 * fn(42)
2037 * expect(fn).to.have.been.calledOnce
2038 * expect(fn).to.have.always.been.calledWithExactly(42)
2039 */
2040 spy(): Agent<sinon.SinonSpy>
2041 /**
2042 * Wraps existing function and spies on it, while passing arguments and results.
2043 * @see https://on.cypress.io/spy
2044 * @example
2045 * const add = (a, b) => a + b
2046 * const spy = cy.spy(add)
2047 * expect(spy(2, 3)).to.equal(5)
2048 * expect(spy).to.have.been.calledWithExactly(2, 3)
2049 */
2050 spy(func: (...args: any[]) => any): Agent<sinon.SinonSpy>
2051 /**
2052 * Spy on a method.
2053 * @see https://on.cypress.io/spy
2054 * @example
2055 * // assume App.start calls util.addListeners
2056 * cy.spy(util, 'addListeners')
2057 * App.start()
2058 * expect(util.addListeners).to.be.called
2059 */
2060 spy<T>(obj: T, method: keyof T): Agent<sinon.SinonSpy>
2062 /**
2063 * Replace a function, record its usage and control its behavior.
2064 * > Note: `.stub()` assumes you are already familiar with our guide:
2065 * [Stubs, Spies, and Clocks](https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks)
2066 *
2067 * @see https://on.cypress.io/stub
2068 * @example
2069 * const fn = cy.stub() // stub without any arguments acts like a spy
2070 * fn(42)
2071 * expect(fn).to.have.been.calledOnce
2072 * expect(fn).to.have.always.been.calledWithExactly(42)
2073 */
2074 stub(): Agent<sinon.SinonStub>
2075 /**
2076 * Stubs all the object's methods.
2077 *
2078 * @see https://on.cypress.io/stub
2079 * @example
2080 * const o = {
2081 * toString () {
2082 * return 'foo'
2083 * }
2084 * }
2085 * expect(o.toString()).to.equal('foo')
2086 * cy.stub(o)
2087 * // because stub does not call original function
2088 * expect(o.toString()).to.equal(undefined)
2089 * expect(o.toString).to.have.been.calledOnce
2090 */
2091 stub(obj: any): Agent<sinon.SinonStub>
2092 /**
2093 * Stubs single method of an object.
2094 *
2095 * @see https://on.cypress.io/stub
2096 * @example
2097 * const o = {}
2098 * expect(o.toString()).to.equal('[object Object]')
2099 * cy.stub(o, 'toString').callsFake(() => 'foo')
2100 * expect(o.toString()).to.equal('foo')
2101 * expect(o.toString).to.have.been.calledOnce
2102 */
2103 stub<T>(obj: T, method: keyof T): Agent<sinon.SinonStub>
2104 /**
2105 * Stubs a method on an object
2106 *
2107 * @deprecated Use `cy.stub(object, name).callsFake(fn)` instead
2108 */
2109 stub<T>(obj: T, method: keyof T, func: (...args: any[]) => any): Agent<sinon.SinonStub>
2111 /**
2112 * Submit a form.
2113 *
2114 * @see https://on.cypress.io/submit
2115 */
2116 submit(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Subject>
2118 /**
2119 * Expand an array into multiple arguments.
2120 * @see https://on.cypress.io/spread
2121 * @example
2122 * cy.getCookies().spread((cookie1, cookie2, cookie3) => {
2123 * // each cookie is now an individual argument
2124 * })
2125 */
2126 spread<S extends object | any[] | string | number | boolean>(fn: (...args: any[]) => S): Chainable<S>
2127 /**
2128 * Expand an array into multiple arguments.
2129 * @see https://on.cypress.io/spread
2130 * @example
2131 * cy.getCookies().spread((cookie1, cookie2, cookie3) => {
2132 * // each cookie is now an individual argument
2133 * })
2134 */
2135 spread(fn: (...args: any[]) => void): Chainable<Subject>
2137 /**
2138 * Run a task in Node via the plugins file.
2139 *
2140 * @see https://on.cypress.io/api/task
2141 */
2142 task<S = unknown>(event: string, arg?: any, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<S>
2144 /**
2145 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command.
2146 *
2147 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2148 */
2149 then<S>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => Chainable<S>): Chainable<S>
2150 /**
2151 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command.
2152 *
2153 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2154 */
2155 then<S>(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => Chainable<S>): Chainable<S>
2156 /**
2157 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2158 *
2159 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2160 */
2161 then<S>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => PromiseLike<S>): Chainable<S>
2162 /**
2163 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2164 *
2165 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2166 */
2167 then<S>(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => PromiseLike<S>): Chainable<S>
2168 /**
2169 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2170 *
2171 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2172 */
2173 then<S extends string | number | boolean>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<S>
2174 /**
2175 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2176 *
2177 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2178 */
2179 then<S extends HTMLElement>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<JQuery<S>>
2180 /**
2181 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2182 *
2183 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2184 */
2185 then<S extends ArrayLike<HTMLElement>>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<JQuery<S extends ArrayLike<infer T> ? T : never>>
2186 /**
2187 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2188 *
2189 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2190 */
2191 then<S extends any[] | object>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<S>
2192 /**
2193 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2194 *
2195 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2196 */
2197 then<S>(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): ThenReturn<Subject, S>
2198 /**
2199 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2200 *
2201 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2202 */
2203 then<S extends HTMLElement>(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<JQuery<S>>
2204 /**
2205 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2206 *
2207 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2208 */
2209 then<S extends ArrayLike<HTMLElement>>(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<JQuery<S extends ArrayLike<infer T> ? T : never>>
2210 /**
2211 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2212 *
2213 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2214 */
2215 then<S extends object | any[] | string | number | boolean>(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): Chainable<S>
2216 /**
2217 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command / promise.
2218 *
2219 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2220 */
2221 then<S>(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => S): ThenReturn<Subject, S>
2222 /**
2223 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command.
2224 *
2225 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2226 * @example
2227 * cy.get('.nav').then(($nav) => {}) // Yields .nav as first arg
2228 * cy.location().then((loc) => {}) // Yields location object as first arg
2229 */
2230 then(fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => void): Chainable<Subject>
2231 /**
2232 * Enables you to work with the subject yielded from the previous command.
2233 *
2234 * @see https://on.cypress.io/then
2235 * @example
2236 * cy.get('.nav').then(($nav) => {}) // Yields .nav as first arg
2237 * cy.location().then((loc) => {}) // Yields location object as first arg
2238 */
2239 then(options: Partial<Timeoutable>, fn: (this: ObjectLike, currentSubject: Subject) => void): Chainable<Subject>
2241 /**
2242 * Move time after overriding a native time function with [cy.clock()](https://on.cypress.io/clock).
2243 * `cy.clock()` must be called before `cy.tick()`
2244 *
2245 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
2246 * @example
2247 * cy.clock()
2248 * ...
2249 * // advance time by 10 minutes
2250 * cy.tick(600*1000)
2251 * // you can restore the real clock
2252 * cy.tick(1000).then(clock => {
2253 * clock.restore()
2254 * })
2255 * // or use this shortcut
2256 * cy.tick(5000).invoke('restore')
2257 */
2258 tick(milliseconds: number, options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<Clock>
2260 /**
2261 * Get the `document.title` property of the page that is currently active.
2262 *
2263 * @see https://on.cypress.io/title
2264 */
2265 title(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<string>
2267 /**
2268 * Trigger an event on a DOM element.
2269 *
2270 * @see https://on.cypress.io/trigger
2271 */
2272 trigger<K extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(eventName: K, options?: Partial<TriggerOptions & ObjectLike & DocumentEventMap[K]>): Chainable<Subject>
2273 /**
2274 * Trigger an event on a DOM element.
2275 *
2276 * @see https://on.cypress.io/trigger
2277 */
2278 trigger<K extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(eventName: K, position?: PositionType, options?: Partial<TriggerOptions & ObjectLike & DocumentEventMap[K]>): Chainable<Subject>
2279 /**
2280 * Trigger an event on a DOM element.
2281 *
2282 * @see https://on.cypress.io/trigger
2283 */
2284 trigger<K extends keyof DocumentEventMap>(eventName: K, x: number, y: number, options?: Partial<TriggerOptions & ObjectLike & DocumentEventMap[K]>): Chainable<Subject>
2285 /**
2286 * Trigger an event on a DOM element.
2287 * Custom events... If the following were `.triggerCustom`,
2288 * `.trigger` strongly typed with event data
2289 *
2290 * @see https://on.cypress.io/trigger
2291 * @example
2292 * cy.get('a').trigger('mousedown')
2293 */
2294 trigger(eventName: string, position?: PositionType, options?: Partial<TriggerOptions & ObjectLike>): Chainable<Subject>
2295 /**
2296 * Trigger an event on a DOM element.
2297 * Custom events... If the following were `.triggerCustom`,
2298 * `.trigger` strongly typed with event data
2299 *
2300 * @see https://on.cypress.io/trigger
2301 * @example
2302 * cy.get('a').trigger('mousedown')
2303 */
2304 trigger(eventName: string, options?: Partial<TriggerOptions & ObjectLike>): Chainable<Subject>
2305 /**
2306 * Trigger an event on a DOM element.
2307 * Custom events... If the following were `.triggerCustom`,
2308 * `.trigger` strongly typed with event data
2309 *
2310 * @see https://on.cypress.io/trigger
2311 * @example
2312 * cy.get('a').trigger('mousedown')
2313 */
2314 trigger(eventName: string, x: number, y: number, options?: Partial<TriggerOptions & ObjectLike>): Chainable<Subject>
2316 /**
2317 * Type into a DOM element.
2318 *
2319 * @see https://on.cypress.io/type
2320 * @example
2321 * cy.get('input').type('Hello, World')
2322 * // type "hello" + press Enter
2323 * cy.get('input').type('hello{enter}')
2324 */
2325 type(text: string, options?: Partial<TypeOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
2327 /**
2328 * Uncheck checkbox(es).
2329 *
2330 * @see https://on.cypress.io/uncheck
2331 * @example
2332 * // Unchecks checkbox element
2333 * cy.get('[type="checkbox"]').uncheck()
2334 * // Uncheck element with the id 'saveUserName'
2335 * cy.get('#saveUserName').uncheck()
2336 * // Uncheck all checkboxes
2337 * cy.get(':checkbox').uncheck()
2338 * // Uncheck the checkbox with the value of 'ga'
2339 * cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck(['ga'])
2340 */
2341 uncheck(options?: Partial<CheckOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
2342 /**
2343 * Uncheck specific checkbox.
2344 *
2345 * @see https://on.cypress.io/uncheck
2346 * @example
2347 * // Uncheck the checkbox with the value of 'ga'
2348 * cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck('ga')
2349 */
2350 uncheck(value: string, options?: Partial<CheckOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
2351 /**
2352 * Uncheck specific checkboxes.
2353 *
2354 * @see https://on.cypress.io/uncheck
2355 * @example
2356 * // Uncheck the checkbox with the value of 'ga', 'ma'
2357 * cy.get('input[type="checkbox"]').uncheck(['ga', 'ma'])
2358 */
2359 uncheck(values: string[], options?: Partial<CheckOptions>): Chainable<Subject>
2361 /**
2362 * Get the current URL of the page that is currently active.
2363 *
2364 * @alias cy.location('href')
2365 * @see https://on.cypress.io/url
2366 */
2367 url(options?: Partial<UrlOptions>): Chainable<string>
2369 /**
2370 * Control the size and orientation of the screen for your application.
2371 *
2372 * @see https://on.cypress.io/viewport
2373 * @example
2374 * // Set viewport to 550px x 750px
2375 * cy.viewport(550, 750)
2376 * // Set viewport to 357px x 667px
2377 * cy.viewport('iphone-6')
2378 */
2379 viewport(preset: ViewportPreset, orientation?: ViewportOrientation, options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<null>
2380 /**
2381 * Set viewport to the given resolution.
2382 *
2383 * @see https://on.cypress.io/viewport
2384 * @example
2385 * // Set viewport to 550px x 750px
2386 * cy.viewport(550, 750)
2387 */
2388 viewport(width: number, height: number, options?: Partial<Loggable>): Chainable<null>
2390 /**
2391 * Visit the given url
2392 *
2393 * @param {string} url The URL to visit. If relative uses `baseUrl`
2394 * @param {VisitOptions} [options] Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of `cy.visit()`
2395 * @see https://on.cypress.io/visit
2396 * @example
2397 * cy.visit('http://localhost:3000')
2398 * cy.visit('/somewhere') // opens ${baseUrl}/somewhere
2399 * cy.visit({
2400 * url: 'http://google.com',
2401 * method: 'POST'
2402 * })
2403 *
2404 */
2405 visit(url: string, options?: Partial<VisitOptions>): Chainable<AUTWindow>
2406 visit(options: Partial<VisitOptions> & { url: string }): Chainable<AUTWindow>
2408 /**
2409 * Wait for a number of milliseconds.
2410 * You almost never need to wait for an arbitrary period of time.
2411 * There are always better ways to express this in Cypress, see the documentation.
2412 *
2413 * @see https://on.cypress.io/wait
2414 * @param {number} ms - Milliseconds to wait.
2415 * @example
2416 * cy.wait(1000) // wait for 1 second
2417 */
2418 wait(ms: number, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<Subject>
2420 /**
2421 * Get the window object of the page that is currently active.
2422 *
2423 * @see https://on.cypress.io/window
2424 * @example
2425 ```
2426 cy.visit('http://localhost:8080/app')
2427 cy.window().then(function(win){
2428 // win is the remote window
2429 // of the page at: http://localhost:8080/app
2430 })
2431 ```
2432 */
2433 window(options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<AUTWindow>
2435 /**
2436 * Scopes all subsequent cy commands to within this element.
2437 * Useful when working within a particular group of elements such as a `<form>`.
2438 * @see https://on.cypress.io/within
2439 * @example
2440 ```
2441 cy.get('form').within(($form) => {
2442 // cy.get() will only search for elements within form,
2443 // not within the entire document
2444 cy.get('input[name="username"]').type('john')
2445 cy.get('input[name="password"]').type('password')
2446 cy.root().submit()
2447 })
2448 ```
2449 */
2450 within(fn: (currentSubject: Subject) => void): Chainable<Subject>
2451 /**
2452 * Scopes all subsequent cy commands to within this element.
2453 * Useful when working within a particular group of elements such as a `<form>`.
2454 * @see https://on.cypress.io/within
2455 */
2456 within(options: Partial<Loggable>, fn: (currentSubject: Subject) => void): Chainable<Subject> // inconsistent argument order
2458 /**
2459 * Yield the element passed into `.wrap()`.
2460 *
2461 * @see https://on.cypress.io/wrap
2462 * @example
2463 ```
2464 // wraps DOM element
2465 cy.get('form').within(($form) => {
2466 // more commands
2467 cy.wrap($form).should('have.class', 'form-container')
2468 })
2469 ```
2470 */
2471 wrap<E extends Node = HTMLElement>(element: E | JQuery<E>, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<JQuery<E>>
2472 /**
2473 * Yield the element passed into `.wrap()` to the next command in the Cypress chain.
2474 *
2475 * @see https://on.cypress.io/wrap
2476 * @example
2477 ```
2478 cy.wrap(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2479 setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
2480 }).then(result => {})
2481 ```
2482 */
2483 wrap<F extends Promise<S>, S>(promise: F, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<S>
2484 /**
2485 * Yields whatever is passed into `.wrap()` to the next command in the Cypress chain.
2486 *
2487 * @see https://on.cypress.io/wrap
2488 * @example
2489 ```
2490 // Make assertions about object
2491 cy.wrap({ amount: 10 })
2492 .should('have.property', 'amount')
2493 .and('eq', 10)
2494 ```
2495 */
2496 wrap<S>(object: S, options?: Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable>): Chainable<S>
2498 /**
2499 * Write to a file with the specified contents.
2500 *
2501 * @see https://on.cypress.io/writefile
2502 ```
2503 cy.writeFile('path/to/message.txt', 'Hello World')
2504 ```
2505 */
2506 writeFile(filePath: string, contents: FileContents, encoding: Encodings): Chainable<null>
2507 /**
2508 * Write to a file with the specified encoding and contents.
2509 *
2510 * @see https://on.cypress.io/writefile
2511 ```
2512 cy.writeFile('path/to/ascii.txt', 'Hello World', {
2513 flag: 'a+',
2514 encoding: 'ascii'
2515 })
2516 ```
2517 */
2518 writeFile(filePath: string, contents: FileContents, options?: Partial<WriteFileOptions & Timeoutable>): Chainable<null>
2519 /**
2520 * Write to a file with the specified encoding and contents.
2521 *
2522 * An `encoding` option in `options` will override the `encoding` argument.
2523 *
2524 * @see https://on.cypress.io/writefile
2525 ```
2526 cy.writeFile('path/to/ascii.txt', 'Hello World', 'utf8', {
2527 flag: 'a+',
2528 })
2529 ```
2530 */
2531 writeFile(filePath: string, contents: FileContents, encoding: Encodings, options?: Partial<WriteFileOptions & Timeoutable>): Chainable<null>
2533 /**
2534 * jQuery library bound to the AUT
2535 *
2536 * @see https://on.cypress.io/$
2537 * @example
2538 * cy.$$('p')
2539 */
2540 $$<TElement extends Element = HTMLElement>(selector: JQuery.Selector, context?: Element | Document | JQuery): JQuery<TElement>
2541 }
2543 type ChainableMethods<Subject = any> = {
2544 [P in keyof Chainable<Subject>]: Chainable<Subject>[P] extends ((...args: any[]) => any)
2545 ? Chainable<Subject>[P]
2546 : never
2547 }
2549 interface SinonSpyAgent<A extends sinon.SinonSpy> {
2550 log(shouldOutput?: boolean): Omit<A, 'withArgs'> & Agent<A>
2552 /**
2553 * Saves current spy / stub under an alias.
2554 * @see https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks
2555 * @see https://on.cypress.io/as
2556 * @example
2557 * cy.spy(win, 'fetch').as('winFetch') // Alias 'window.fetch' spy as "winFetch"
2558 */
2559 as(alias: string): Omit<A, 'withArgs'> & Agent<A>
2561 /**
2562 * Creates a spy / stub but only for calls with given arguments.
2563 * @see https://on.cypress.io/stubs-spies-and-clocks
2564 * @see https://on.cypress.io/as
2565 * @example
2566 * const s = cy.stub(JSON, 'parse').withArgs('invalid').returns(42)
2567 * expect(JSON.parse('invalid')).to.equal(42)
2568 * expect(s).to.have.been.calledOnce
2569 */
2570 withArgs(...args: any[]): Omit<A, 'withArgs'> & Agent<A>
2571 }
2573 type Agent<T extends sinon.SinonSpy> = SinonSpyAgent<T> & T
2575 interface Failable {
2576 /**
2577 * Whether to fail on response codes other than 2xx and 3xx
2578 *
2579 * @default {true}
2580 */
2581 failOnStatusCode: boolean
2583 /**
2584 * Whether Cypress should automatically retry status code errors under the hood
2585 *
2586 * @default {false}
2587 */
2588 retryOnStatusCodeFailure: boolean
2590 /**
2591 * Whether Cypress should automatically retry transient network errors under the hood
2592 *
2593 * @default {true}
2594 */
2595 retryOnNetworkFailure: boolean
2596 }
2598 /**
2599 * Options that control how a command behaves in the `within` scope.
2600 * These options will determine how nodes are selected.
2601 */
2603 interface Withinable {
2604 /**
2605 * Element to search for children in. If null, search begins from root-level DOM element.
2606 *
2607 * @default depends on context, null if outside of within wrapper
2608 */
2609 withinSubject: JQuery | HTMLElement | null
2610 }
2612 /**
2613 * Element traversal options for dealing with Shadow DOM
2614 */
2615 interface Shadow {
2616 /**
2617 * Include shadow DOM in search
2618 *
2619 * @default: false
2620 */
2621 includeShadowDom: boolean
2622 }
2624 /**
2625 * Options that control how a command is logged in the Reporter
2626 */
2627 interface Loggable {
2628 /**
2629 * Displays the command in the Command Log
2630 *
2631 * @default true
2632 */
2633 log: boolean
2634 }
2636 /**
2637 * Options that control how long Test Runner is waiting for command to succeed
2638 */
2639 interface Timeoutable {
2640 /**
2641 * Time to wait (ms)
2642 *
2643 * @default defaultCommandTimeout
2644 * @see https://on.cypress.io/configuration#Timeouts
2645 */
2646 timeout: number
2647 }
2649 /**
2650 * Options that check case sensitivity
2651 */
2652 interface CaseMatchable {
2653 /**
2654 * Check case sensitivity
2655 *
2656 * @default true
2657 */
2658 matchCase: boolean
2659 }
2661 /**
2662 * Options that control how long the Test Runner waits for an XHR request and response to succeed
2663 */
2664 interface TimeoutableXHR {
2665 /**
2666 * Time to wait for the request (ms)
2667 *
2668 * @default {@link Timeoutable#timeout}
2669 * @see https://on.cypress.io/configuration#Timeouts
2670 */
2671 requestTimeout: number
2672 /**
2673 * Time to wait for the response (ms)
2674 *
2675 * @default {@link Timeoutable#timeout}
2676 * @see https://on.cypress.io/configuration#Timeouts
2677 */
2678 responseTimeout: number
2679 }
2681 /**
2682 * Options to force an event, skipping Actionability check
2683 * @see https://on.cypress.io/interacting-with-elements#Actionability
2684 */
2685 interface Forceable {
2686 /**
2687 * Forces the action, disables waiting for actionability
2688 *
2689 * @default false
2690 */
2691 force: boolean
2692 }
2694 type experimentalCspAllowedDirectives = 'default-src' | 'child-src' | 'frame-src' | 'script-src' | 'script-src-elem' | 'form-action'
2696 type scrollBehaviorOptions = false | 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'nearest'
2698 /**
2699 * Options to affect Actionability checks
2700 * @see https://on.cypress.io/interacting-with-elements#Actionability
2701 */
2702 interface ActionableOptions extends Forceable {
2703 /**
2704 * Whether to wait for elements to finish animating before executing commands
2705 *
2706 * @default true
2707 */
2708 waitForAnimations: boolean
2709 /**
2710 * The distance in pixels an element must exceed over time to be considered animating
2711 *
2712 * @default 5
2713 */
2714 animationDistanceThreshold: number
2715 /**
2716 * Viewport position to which an element should be scrolled prior to action commands. Setting `false` disables scrolling.
2717 *
2718 * @default 'top'
2719 */
2720 scrollBehavior: scrollBehaviorOptions
2721 }
2723 /**
2724 * Options to affect how an alias is stored
2725 *
2726 * @see https://on.cypress.io/as
2727 */
2728 interface AsOptions {
2729 /**
2730 * The type of alias to store, which impacts how the value is retrieved later in the test.
2731 * If an alias should be a 'query' (re-runs all queries leading up to the resulting value so it's alway up-to-date) or a
2732 * 'static' (read once when the alias is saved and is never updated). `type` has no effect when aliasing intercepts, spies, and stubs.
2733 *
2734 * @default 'query'
2735 */
2736 type: 'query' | 'static'
2737 }
2739 interface BlurOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, Forceable { }
2741 interface CheckOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, ActionableOptions {
2742 interval: number
2743 }
2745 interface ClearOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, ActionableOptions {
2746 interval: number
2747 }
2749 /**
2750 * Object to change the default behavior of .click().
2751 */
2752 interface ClickOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, ActionableOptions {
2753 /**
2754 * Serially click multiple elements
2755 *
2756 * @default false
2757 */
2758 multiple: boolean
2759 /**
2760 * Activates the control key during click
2761 *
2762 * @default false
2763 */
2764 ctrlKey: boolean
2765 /**
2766 * Activates the control key during click
2767 *
2768 * @default false
2769 */
2770 controlKey: boolean
2771 /**
2772 * Activates the alt key (option key for Mac) during click
2773 *
2774 * @default false
2775 */
2776 altKey: boolean
2777 /**
2778 * Activates the alt key (option key for Mac) during click
2779 *
2780 * @default false
2781 */
2782 optionKey: boolean
2783 /**
2784 * Activates the shift key during click
2785 *
2786 * @default false
2787 */
2788 shiftKey: boolean
2789 /**
2790 * Activates the meta key (Windows key or command key for Mac) during click
2791 *
2792 * @default false
2793 */
2794 metaKey: boolean
2795 /**
2796 * Activates the meta key (Windows key or command key for Mac) during click
2797 *
2798 * @default false
2799 */
2800 commandKey: boolean
2801 /**
2802 * Activates the meta key (Windows key or command key for Mac) during click
2803 *
2804 * @default false
2805 */
2806 cmdKey: boolean
2807 }
2809 interface CookieOptions extends Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable> {
2810 /**
2811 * Domain to set cookies on or get cookies from
2812 * @default hostname of the current app under test
2813 */
2814 domain?: string
2815 }
2817 interface PEMCert {
2818 /**
2819 * Path to the certificate file, relative to project root.
2820 */
2821 cert: string
2822 /**
2823 * Path to the private key file, relative to project root.
2824 */
2825 key: string
2826 /**
2827 * Path to a text file containing the passphrase, relative to project root.
2828 */
2829 passphrase?: string
2830 }
2832 interface PFXCert {
2833 /**
2834 * Path to the certificate container, relative to project root.
2835 */
2836 pfx: string
2837 /**
2838 * Path to a text file containing the passphrase, relative to project root.
2839 */
2840 passphrase?: string
2841 }
2843 interface ClientCertificate {
2844 /**
2845 * URL to match requests against. Wildcards following [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) rules are supported.
2846 */
2847 url: string
2848 /**
2849 * Paths to one or more CA files to validate certs against, relative to project root.
2850 */
2851 ca?: string[]
2852 /**
2853 * A PEM format certificate/private key pair or PFX certificate container
2854 */
2855 certs: PEMCert[] | PFXCert[]
2856 }
2858 type RetryStrategyWithModeSpecs = RetryStrategy & {
2859 openMode: boolean; // defaults to false
2860 runMode: boolean; // defaults to true
2861 }
2863 type RetryStrategy =
2864 | RetryStrategyDetectFlakeAndPassOnThresholdType
2865 | RetryStrategyDetectFlakeButAlwaysFailType
2867 interface RetryStrategyDetectFlakeAndPassOnThresholdType {
2868 experimentalStrategy: "detect-flake-and-pass-on-threshold"
2869 experimentalOptions?: {
2870 maxRetries: number; // defaults to 2 if experimentalOptions is not provided, must be a whole number > 0
2871 passesRequired: number; // defaults to 2 if experimentalOptions is not provided, must be a whole number > 0 and <= maxRetries
2872 }
2873 }
2875 interface RetryStrategyDetectFlakeButAlwaysFailType {
2876 experimentalStrategy: "detect-flake-but-always-fail"
2877 experimentalOptions?: {
2878 maxRetries: number; // defaults to 2 if experimentalOptions is not provided, must be a whole number > 0
2879 stopIfAnyPassed: boolean; // defaults to false if experimentalOptions is not provided
2880 }
2881 }
2882 interface ResolvedConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts = any> {
2883 /**
2884 * Url used as prefix for [cy.visit()](https://on.cypress.io/visit) or [cy.request()](https://on.cypress.io/request) command's url
2885 * @default null
2886 */
2887 baseUrl: string | null
2888 /**
2889 * Any values to be set as [environment variables](https://on.cypress.io/environment-variables)
2890 * @default {}
2891 */
2892 env: { [key: string]: any }
2893 /**
2894 * A String or Array of glob patterns used to ignore test files that would otherwise be shown in your list of tests. Cypress uses minimatch with the options: {dot: true, matchBase: true}. We suggest using a tool to test what files would match.
2895 * @default "*.hot-update.js"
2896 */
2897 excludeSpecPattern: string | string[]
2898 /**
2899 * The number of tests for which snapshots and command data are kept in memory. Reduce this number if you are experiencing high memory consumption in your browser during a test run.
2900 * @default 50
2901 */
2902 numTestsKeptInMemory: number
2903 /**
2904 * Port used to host Cypress. Normally this is a randomly generated port
2905 * @default null
2906 */
2907 port: number | null
2908 /**
2909 * The [reporter](https://on.cypress.io/reporters) used when running headlessly or in CI
2910 * @default "spec"
2911 */
2912 reporter: string
2913 /**
2914 * Some reporters accept [reporterOptions](https://on.cypress.io/reporters) that customize their behavior
2915 * @default "spec"
2916 */
2917 reporterOptions: { [key: string]: any }
2918 /**
2919 * Slow test threshold in milliseconds. Only affects the visual output of some reporters. For example, the spec reporter will display the test time in yellow if over the threshold.
2920 * @default 10000
2921 */
2922 slowTestThreshold: number
2923 /**
2924 * Whether Cypress will watch and restart tests on test file changes
2925 * @default true
2926 */
2927 watchForFileChanges: boolean
2928 /**
2929 * Time, in milliseconds, to wait until most DOM based commands are considered timed out
2930 * @default 4000
2931 */
2932 defaultCommandTimeout: number
2933 /**
2934 * Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a system command to finish executing during a [cy.exec()](https://on.cypress.io/exec) command
2935 * @default 60000
2936 */
2937 execTimeout: number
2938 /**
2939 * Time, in milliseconds, to wait for page transition events or [cy.visit()](https://on.cypress.io/visit), [cy.go()](https://on.cypress.io/go), [cy.reload()](https://on.cypress.io/reload) commands to fire their page load events
2940 * @default 60000
2941 */
2942 pageLoadTimeout: number
2943 /**
2944 * Whether Cypress will search for and replace
2945 * obstructive JS code in .js or .html files.
2946 *
2947 * @see https://on.cypress.io/configuration#modifyObstructiveCode
2948 */
2949 modifyObstructiveCode: boolean
2950 /**
2951 * Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an XHR request to go out in a [cy.wait()](https://on.cypress.io/wait) command
2952 * @default 5000
2953 */
2954 requestTimeout: number
2955 /**
2956 * Time, in milliseconds, to wait until a response in a [cy.request()](https://on.cypress.io/request), [cy.wait()](https://on.cypress.io/wait), [cy.fixture()](https://on.cypress.io/fixture), [cy.getCookie()](https://on.cypress.io/getcookie), [cy.getCookies()](https://on.cypress.io/getcookies), [cy.setCookie()](https://on.cypress.io/setcookie), [cy.clearCookie()](https://on.cypress.io/clearcookie), [cy.clearCookies()](https://on.cypress.io/clearcookies), and [cy.screenshot()](https://on.cypress.io/screenshot) commands
2957 * @default 30000
2958 */
2959 responseTimeout: number
2960 /**
2961 * Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a task to finish executing during a cy.task() command
2962 * @default 60000
2963 */
2964 taskTimeout: number
2965 /**
2966 * Path to folder where application files will attempt to be served from
2967 * @default root project folder
2968 */
2969 fileServerFolder: string
2970 /**
2971 * Path to folder containing fixture files (Pass false to disable)
2972 * @default "cypress/fixtures"
2973 */
2974 fixturesFolder: string | false
2975 /**
2976 * Path to folder where files downloaded during a test are saved
2977 * @default "cypress/downloads"
2978 */
2979 downloadsFolder: string
2980 /**
2981 * The application under test cannot redirect more than this limit.
2982 * @default 20
2983 */
2984 redirectionLimit: number
2985 /**
2986 * If a `node` executable is found, this will be the full filesystem path to that executable.
2987 * @default null
2988 */
2989 resolvedNodePath: string
2990 /**
2991 * The version of `node` that is being used to execute plugins.
2992 * @example 1.2.3
2993 */
2994 resolvedNodeVersion: string
2995 /**
2996 * Whether Cypress will take a screenshot when a test fails during cypress run.
2997 * @default true
2998 */
2999 screenshotOnRunFailure: boolean
3000 /**
3001 * Path to folder where screenshots will be saved from [cy.screenshot()](https://on.cypress.io/screenshot) command or after a headless or CI run's test failure
3002 * @default "cypress/screenshots"
3003 */
3004 screenshotsFolder: string | false
3005 /**
3006 * Path to file to load before test files load. This file is compiled and bundled. (Pass false to disable)
3007 * @default "cypress/support/{e2e|component}.js"
3008 */
3009 supportFile: string | false
3010 /**
3011 * The test isolation ensures a clean browser context between tests.
3012 *
3013 * Cypress will always reset/clear aliases, intercepts, clock, and viewport before each test
3014 * to ensure a clean test slate; i.e. this configuration only impacts the browser context.
3015 *
3016 * Note: the [`cy.session()`](https://on.cypress.io/session) command will inherent this value to determine whether
3017 * or not the page is cleared when the command executes. This command is only available in end-to-end testing.
3018 *
3019 * - true - The page is cleared before each test. Cookies, local storage and session storage in all domains are cleared
3020 * before each test. The `cy.session()` command will also clear the page and current browser context when creating
3021 * or restoring the browser session.
3022 * - false - The current browser state will persist between tests. The page does not clear before the test and cookies, local
3023 * storage and session storage will be available in the next test. The `cy.session()` command will only clear the
3024 * current browser context when creating or restoring the browser session - the current page will not clear.
3025 *
3026 * Tradeoffs:
3027 * Turning test isolation off may improve performance of end-to-end tests, however, previous tests could impact the
3028 * browser state of the next test and cause inconsistency when using .only(). Be mindful to write isolated tests when
3029 * test isolation is false. If a test in the suite impacts the state of other tests and it were to fail, you could see
3030 * misleading errors in later tests which makes debugging clunky. See the [documentation](https://on.cypress.io/test-isolation)
3031 * for more information.
3032 *
3033 * @default true
3034 */
3035 testIsolation: boolean
3036 /**
3037 * Path to folder where videos will be saved after a headless or CI run
3038 * @default "cypress/videos"
3039 */
3040 videosFolder: string
3041 /**
3042 * Whether Cypress will trash assets within the screenshotsFolder and videosFolder before headless test runs.
3043 * @default true
3044 */
3045 trashAssetsBeforeRuns: boolean
3046 /**
3047 * The quality setting for the video compression, in Constant Rate Factor (CRF).
3048 * Enable compression by passing true to use the default CRF of 32.
3049 * Compress at custom CRF by passing a number between 1 and 51, where a lower value results in better quality (at the expense of a higher file size).
3050 * Disable compression by passing false or 0.
3051 * @default 32
3052 */
3053 videoCompression: number | boolean
3054 /**
3055 * Whether Cypress will record a video of the test run when executing in run mode.
3056 * @default false
3057 */
3058 video: boolean
3059 /**
3060 * Whether Chrome Web Security for same-origin policy and insecure mixed content is enabled. Read more about this [here](https://on.cypress.io/web-security#Disabling-Web-Security)
3061 * @default true
3062 */
3063 chromeWebSecurity: boolean
3064 /**
3065 * Default height in pixels for the application under tests' viewport (Override with [cy.viewport()](https://on.cypress.io/viewport) command)
3066 * @default 660
3067 */
3068 viewportHeight: number
3069 /**
3070 * Default width in pixels for the application under tests' viewport. (Override with [cy.viewport()](https://on.cypress.io/viewport) command)
3071 * @default 1000
3072 */
3073 viewportWidth: number
3074 /**
3075 * The distance in pixels an element must exceed over time to be considered animating
3076 * @default 5
3077 */
3078 animationDistanceThreshold: number
3079 /**
3080 * Whether to wait for elements to finish animating before executing commands
3081 * @default true
3082 */
3083 waitForAnimations: boolean
3084 /**
3085 * Viewport position to which an element should be scrolled prior to action commands. Setting `false` disables scrolling.
3086 * @default 'top'
3087 */
3088 scrollBehavior: scrollBehaviorOptions
3089 /**
3090 * Indicates whether Cypress should allow CSP header directives from the application under test.
3091 * - When this option is set to `false`, Cypress will strip the entire CSP header.
3092 * - When this option is set to `true`, Cypress will only to strip directives that would interfere
3093 * with or inhibit Cypress functionality.
3094 * - When this option to an array of allowable directives (`[ 'default-src', ... ]`), the directives
3095 * specified will remain in the response headers.
3096 *
3097 * Please see the documentation for more information.
3098 * @see https://on.cypress.io/experiments#Experimental-CSP-Allow-List
3099 * @default false
3100 */
3101 experimentalCspAllowList: boolean | experimentalCspAllowedDirectives[],
3102 /**
3103 * Allows listening to the `before:run`, `after:run`, `before:spec`, and `after:spec` events in the plugins file during interactive mode.
3104 * @default false
3105 */
3106 experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: boolean
3107 /**
3108 * Whether Cypress will search for and replace obstructive code in third party .js or .html files.
3109 * NOTE: Setting this flag to true removes Subresource Integrity (SRI).
3110 * Please see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Subresource_Integrity.
3111 * This option has no impact on experimentalSourceRewriting and is only used with the
3112 * non-experimental source rewriter.
3113 * @see https://on.cypress.io/experiments#Configuration
3114 */
3115 experimentalModifyObstructiveThirdPartyCode: boolean
3116 /**
3117 * Disables setting document.domain to the applications super domain on injection.
3118 * This experiment is to be used for sites that do not work with setting document.domain
3119 * due to cross-origin issues. Enabling this option no longer allows for default subdomain
3120 * navigations, and will require the use of cy.origin(). This option takes an array of
3121 * strings/string globs.
3122 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/domain
3123 * @see https://on.cypress.io/experiments#Experimental-Skip-Domain-Injection
3124 * @default null
3125 */
3126 experimentalSkipDomainInjection: string[] | null
3127 /**
3128 * Allows for just-in-time compiling of a component test, which will only compile assets related to the component.
3129 * This results in a smaller bundle under test, reducing resource constraints on a given machine. This option is recommended
3130 * for users with large component testing projects and those who are running into webpack 'chunk load error' issues.
3131 * Supported for vite and webpack. For component testing only.
3132 * @see https://on.cypress.io/experiments#Configuration
3133 */
3134 experimentalJustInTimeCompile: boolean
3135 /**
3136 * Enables AST-based JS/HTML rewriting. This may fix issues caused by the existing regex-based JS/HTML replacement algorithm.
3137 * @default false
3138 */
3139 experimentalSourceRewriting: boolean
3140 /**
3141 * Generate and save commands directly to your test suite by interacting with your app as an end user would.
3142 * @default false
3143 */
3144 experimentalStudio: boolean
3145 /**
3146 * Adds support for testing in the WebKit browser engine used by Safari. See https://on.cypress.io/webkit-experiment for more information.
3147 * @default false
3148 */
3149 experimentalWebKitSupport: boolean
3150 /**
3151 * Enables support for improved memory management within Chromium-based browsers.
3152 * @default false
3153 */
3154 experimentalMemoryManagement: boolean
3155 /**
3156 * Number of times to retry a failed test.
3157 * If a number is set, tests will retry in both runMode and openMode.
3158 * To enable test retries only in runMode, set e.g. `{ openMode: null, runMode: 2 }`
3159 * @default null
3160 */
3161 retries: Nullable<number | ({ runMode?: Nullable<number>, openMode?: Nullable<number> }) | RetryStrategyWithModeSpecs>
3162 /**
3163 * Enables including elements within the shadow DOM when using querying
3164 * commands (e.g. cy.get(), cy.find()). Can be set globally in cypress.config.{js,ts,mjs,cjs},
3165 * per-suite or per-test in the test configuration object, or programmatically
3166 * with Cypress.config()
3167 * @default false
3168 */
3169 includeShadowDom: boolean
3171 /**
3172 * The list of hosts to be blocked
3173 */
3174 blockHosts: null | string | string[]
3175 /**
3176 * A unique ID for the project used for recording
3177 */
3178 projectId: null | string
3179 /**
3180 * Path to the support folder.
3181 */
3182 supportFolder: string
3183 /**
3184 * Glob pattern to determine what test files to load.
3185 */
3186 specPattern: string | string[]
3187 /**
3188 * The user agent the browser sends in all request headers.
3189 */
3190 userAgent: null | string
3191 /**
3192 * Polyfills `window.fetch` to enable Network spying and stubbing
3193 */
3194 experimentalFetchPolyfill: boolean
3196 /**
3197 * Override default config options for Component Testing runner.
3198 * @default {}
3199 */
3200 component: ComponentConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts>
3202 /**
3203 * Override default config options for E2E Testing runner.
3204 * @default {}
3205 */
3206 e2e: EndToEndConfigOptions
3208 /**
3209 * An array of objects defining the certificates
3210 */
3211 clientCertificates: ClientCertificate[]
3213 /**
3214 * Handle Cypress plugins
3215 */
3216 setupNodeEvents: (on: PluginEvents, config: PluginConfigOptions) => Promise<PluginConfigOptions | void> | PluginConfigOptions | void
3218 indexHtmlFile: string
3219 }
3221 interface EndToEndConfigOptions extends Omit<CoreConfigOptions, 'indexHtmlFile'> {
3222 /**
3223 * Enables the "Run All Specs" UI feature, allowing the execution of multiple specs sequentially.
3224 * @default false
3225 */
3226 experimentalRunAllSpecs?: boolean
3227 /**
3228 * Enables support for `Cypress.require()` for including dependencies within the `cy.origin()` callback.
3229 * @default false
3230 */
3231 experimentalOriginDependencies?: boolean
3232 }
3234 /**
3235 * Options appended to config object on runtime.
3236 */
3237 interface RuntimeConfigOptions extends Partial<RuntimeServerConfigOptions> {
3238 /**
3239 * Absolute path to the config file (default: <projectRoot>/cypress.config.{js,ts,mjs,cjs})
3240 */
3241 configFile: string
3242 /**
3243 * CPU architecture, from Node `os.arch()`
3244 *
3245 * @see https://nodejs.org/api/os.html#os_os_arch
3246 */
3247 arch: string
3248 /**
3249 * Available browsers found on your system.
3250 */
3251 browsers: Browser[]
3252 /**
3253 * Hosts mappings to IP addresses.
3254 */
3255 hosts: null | { [key: string]: string }
3256 /**
3257 * Whether Cypress was launched via 'cypress open' (interactive mode)
3258 */
3259 isInteractive: boolean
3260 /**
3261 * The platform Cypress is running on.
3262 */
3263 platform: 'linux' | 'darwin' | 'win32'
3264 remote: RemoteState
3265 /**
3266 * The Cypress version being used.
3267 */
3268 version: string
3270 // Internal or Unlisted at server/lib/config_options
3271 namespace: string
3272 projectRoot: string
3273 repoRoot: string | null
3274 devServerPublicPathRoute: string
3275 cypressBinaryRoot: string
3276 }
3278 /**
3279 * Optional options added before the server starts
3280 */
3281 interface RuntimeServerConfigOptions {
3282 /**
3283 * The browser Cypress is running on.
3284 */
3285 browser: Browser
3286 // Internal or Unlisted at server/lib/config_options
3287 autoOpen: boolean
3288 browserUrl: string
3289 clientRoute: string
3290 cypressEnv: string
3291 isNewProject: boolean
3292 isTextTerminal: boolean
3293 morgan: boolean
3294 parentTestsFolder: string
3295 parentTestsFolderDisplay: string
3296 projectName: string
3297 proxyUrl: string
3298 remote: RemoteState
3299 report: boolean
3300 reporterRoute: string
3301 reporterUrl: string
3302 socketId: null | string
3303 socketIoCookie: string
3304 socketIoRoute: string
3305 spec: Cypress['spec'] | null
3306 specs: Array<Cypress['spec']>
3307 protocolEnabled: boolean
3308 hideCommandLog: boolean
3309 hideRunnerUi: boolean
3310 }
3312 interface SuiteConfigOverrides extends Partial<
3313 Pick<ConfigOptions, 'animationDistanceThreshold' | 'blockHosts' | 'defaultCommandTimeout' | 'env' | 'execTimeout' | 'includeShadowDom' | 'numTestsKeptInMemory' | 'pageLoadTimeout' | 'redirectionLimit' | 'requestTimeout' | 'responseTimeout' | 'retries' | 'screenshotOnRunFailure' | 'slowTestThreshold' | 'scrollBehavior' | 'taskTimeout' | 'viewportHeight' | 'viewportWidth' | 'waitForAnimations'>
3314 >, Partial<Pick<ResolvedConfigOptions, 'baseUrl' | 'testIsolation'>> {
3315 browser?: IsBrowserMatcher | IsBrowserMatcher[]
3316 keystrokeDelay?: number
3317 }
3319 interface TestConfigOverrides extends Partial<
3320 Pick<ConfigOptions, 'animationDistanceThreshold' | 'blockHosts' | 'defaultCommandTimeout' | 'env' | 'execTimeout' | 'includeShadowDom' | 'numTestsKeptInMemory' | 'pageLoadTimeout' | 'redirectionLimit' | 'requestTimeout' | 'responseTimeout' | 'retries' | 'screenshotOnRunFailure' | 'slowTestThreshold' | 'scrollBehavior' | 'taskTimeout' | 'viewportHeight' | 'viewportWidth' | 'waitForAnimations'>
3321 >, Partial<Pick<ResolvedConfigOptions, 'baseUrl'>> {
3322 browser?: IsBrowserMatcher | IsBrowserMatcher[]
3323 keystrokeDelay?: number
3324 }
3326 /**
3327 * All configuration items are optional.
3328 */
3329 type CoreConfigOptions = Partial<Omit<ResolvedConfigOptions, TestingType>>
3331 interface DefineDevServerConfig {
3332 // This interface can be extended by the user, to inject the types for their
3333 // preferred bundler: e.g.
3334 //
3335 // import type * as webpack from 'webpack'
3336 //
3337 // declare global {
3338 // namespace Cypress {
3339 // interface DefineDevServerConfig {
3340 // webpackConfig?: webpack.Configuration
3341 // }
3342 // }
3343 // }
3344 [key: string]: any
3345 }
3347 type PickConfigOpt<T> = T extends keyof DefineDevServerConfig ? DefineDevServerConfig[T] : any
3349 interface DependencyToInstall {
3350 dependency: CypressComponentDependency
3351 satisfied: boolean
3352 detectedVersion: string | null
3353 }
3355 interface CypressComponentDependency {
3356 /**
3357 * Unique identifier.
3358 * @example 'reactscripts'
3359 */
3360 type: string
3362 /**
3363 * Name to display in the user interface.
3364 * @example "React Scripts"
3365 */
3366 name: string
3368 /**
3369 * Package name on npm.
3370 * @example react-scripts
3371 */
3372 package: string
3374 /**
3375 * Code to run when installing. Version is optional.
3376 *
3377 * Should be <package_name>@<version>.
3378 *
3379 * @example `react`
3380 * @example `react@18`
3381 * @example `react-scripts`
3382 */
3383 installer: string
3385 /**
3386 * Description shown in UI. It is recommended to use the same one the package uses on npm.
3387 * @example 'Create React apps with no build configuration'
3388 */
3389 description: string
3391 /**
3392 * Minimum version supported. Should conform to Semantic Versioning as used in `package.json`.
3393 * @see https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v9/configuring-npm/package-json#dependencies
3394 * @example '^=4.0.0 || ^=5.0.0'
3395 * @example '^2.0.0'
3396 */
3397 minVersion: string
3398 }
3400 interface ResolvedComponentFrameworkDefinition {
3401 /**
3402 * A semantic, unique identifier.
3403 * Must begin with `cypress-ct-` or `@org/cypress-ct-` for third party implementations.
3404 * @example 'reactscripts'
3405 * @example 'nextjs'
3406 * @example 'cypress-ct-solid-js'
3407 */
3408 type: string
3410 /**
3411 * Used as the flag for `getPreset` for meta framworks, such as finding the webpack config for CRA, Angular, etc.
3412 * It is also the name of the string added to `cypress.config`
3413 *
3414 * @example
3415 * export default {
3416 * component: {
3417 * devServer: {
3418 * framework: 'create-react-app' // can be 'next', 'create-react-app', etc etc.
3419 * }
3420 * }
3421 * }
3422 */
3423 configFramework: string
3425 /**
3426 * Library (React, Vue) or template (aka "meta framework") (CRA, Next.js, Angular)
3427 */
3428 category: 'library' | 'template'
3430 /**
3431 * Name displayed in Launchpad when doing initial setup.
3432 * @example 'Solid.js'
3433 * @example 'Create React App'
3434 */
3435 name: string
3437 /**
3438 * Supported bundlers.
3439 */
3440 supportedBundlers: Array<'webpack' | 'vite'>
3442 /**
3443 * Used to attempt to automatically select the correct framework/bundler from the dropdown.
3444 *
3445 * @example
3446 * const SOLID_DETECTOR: Dependency = {
3447 * type: 'solid',
3448 * name: 'Solid.js',
3449 * package: 'solid-js',
3450 * installer: 'solid-js',
3451 * description: 'Solid is a declarative JavaScript library for creating user interfaces',
3452 * minVersion: '^1.0.0',
3453 * }
3454 */
3455 detectors: CypressComponentDependency[]
3457 /**
3458 * Array of required dependencies. This could be the bundler and JavaScript library.
3459 */
3460 dependencies: (bundler: 'webpack' | 'vite', projectPath: string) => Promise<DependencyToInstall[]>
3462 /**
3463 * This is used interally by Cypress for the "Create From Component" feature.
3464 */
3465 codeGenFramework?: 'react' | 'vue' | 'svelte' | 'angular'
3467 /**
3468 * This is used interally by Cypress for the "Create From Component" feature.
3469 * @example '*.{js,jsx,tsx}'
3470 */
3471 glob?: string
3473 /**
3474 * This is the path to get mount, eg `import { mount } from <mount_module>,
3475 * @example: `cypress-ct-solidjs/src/mount`
3476 */
3477 mountModule: (projectPath: string) => Promise<string>
3479 /**
3480 * Support status. Internally alpha | beta | full.
3481 * Community integrations are "community".
3482 */
3483 supportStatus: 'alpha' | 'beta' | 'full' | 'community'
3485 /**
3486 * Function returning string for used for the component-index.html file.
3487 * Cypress provides a default if one isn't specified for third party integrations.
3488 */
3489 componentIndexHtml?: () => string
3491 /**
3492 * Used for the Create From Component feature.
3493 * This is currently not supported for third party frameworks.
3494 */
3495 specPattern?: '**/*.cy.ts'
3496 }
3498 type ComponentFrameworkDefinition = Omit<ResolvedComponentFrameworkDefinition, 'dependencies'> & {
3499 dependencies: (bundler: 'webpack' | 'vite') => CypressComponentDependency[]
3500 }
3502 /**
3503 * Certain properties are not supported for third party frameworks right now,
3504 * such as ones related to the "Create From" feature. This is a subset of
3505 * properties that are exposed for public usage.
3506 */
3508 type ThirdPartyComponentFrameworkDefinition = Pick<ComponentFrameworkDefinition, 'type' | 'name' | 'supportedBundlers' | 'detectors' | 'dependencies'> & {
3509 /**
3510 * @example `cypress-ct-${string} for third parties. Any string is valid internally.
3511 */
3512 type: string
3514 /**
3515 * Raw SVG icon that will be displayed in the Project Setup Wizard. Used for third parties that
3516 * want to render a custom icon.
3517 */
3518 icon?: string
3519 }
3521 interface AngularDevServerProjectConfig {
3522 root: string
3523 sourceRoot: string
3524 buildOptions: Record<string, any>
3525 }
3527 type DevServerFn<ComponentDevServerOpts = any> = (cypressDevServerConfig: DevServerConfig, devServerConfig: ComponentDevServerOpts) => ResolvedDevServerConfig | Promise<ResolvedDevServerConfig>
3529 type ConfigHandler<T> = T
3530 | (() => T | Promise<T>)
3532 type DevServerConfigOptions = {
3533 bundler: 'webpack'
3534 framework: 'react' | 'vue' | 'vue-cli' | 'nuxt' | 'create-react-app' | 'next' | 'svelte'
3535 webpackConfig?: ConfigHandler<PickConfigOpt<'webpackConfig'>>
3536 } | {
3537 bundler: 'vite'
3538 framework: 'react' | 'vue' | 'svelte'
3539 viteConfig?: ConfigHandler<Omit<Exclude<PickConfigOpt<'viteConfig'>, undefined>, 'base' | 'root'>>
3540 } | {
3541 bundler: 'webpack'
3542 framework: 'angular'
3543 webpackConfig?: ConfigHandler<PickConfigOpt<'webpackConfig'>>
3544 options?: {
3545 projectConfig: AngularDevServerProjectConfig
3546 }
3547 }
3549 interface ComponentConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts = any> extends Omit<CoreConfigOptions, 'baseUrl' | 'experimentalStudio'> {
3550 devServer: DevServerFn<ComponentDevServerOpts> | DevServerConfigOptions
3551 devServerConfig?: ComponentDevServerOpts
3552 /**
3553 * Runs all component specs in a single tab, trading spec isolation for faster run mode execution.
3554 * @default false
3555 */
3556 experimentalSingleTabRunMode?: boolean
3557 }
3559 /**
3560 * Config options that can be assigned on cypress.config.{js,ts,mjs,cjs} file
3561 */
3562 type UserConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts = any> = Omit<ResolvedConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts>, 'baseUrl' | 'excludeSpecPattern' | 'supportFile' | 'specPattern' | 'indexHtmlFile'>
3564 /**
3565 * Takes ComponentDevServerOpts to track the signature of the devServerConfig for the provided `devServer`,
3566 * so we have proper completion for `devServerConfig`
3567 */
3568 type ConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts = any> = Partial<UserConfigOptions<ComponentDevServerOpts>> & {
3569 /**
3570 * Hosts mappings to IP addresses.
3571 */
3572 hosts?: null | { [key: string]: string }
3573 }
3575 interface PluginConfigOptions extends ResolvedConfigOptions, RuntimeConfigOptions {
3576 /**
3577 * Absolute path to the root of the project
3578 */
3579 projectRoot: string
3580 /**
3581 * Type of test and associated runner that was launched.
3582 */
3583 testingType: TestingType
3584 /**
3585 * Cypress version.
3586 */
3587 version: string
3588 }
3590 interface DebugOptions {
3591 verbose: boolean
3592 }
3594 /**
3595 * Options object to change the default behavior of cy.exec().
3596 */
3597 interface ExecOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable {
3598 /**
3599 * Whether to fail if the command exits with a non-zero code
3600 *
3601 * @default true
3602 */
3603 failOnNonZeroExit: boolean
3604 /**
3605 * Object of environment variables to set before the command executes
3606 * (e.g. {USERNAME: 'johndoe'}). Will be merged with existing
3607 * system environment variables
3608 *
3609 * @default {}
3610 */
3611 env: object
3612 }
3614 /**
3615 * Options for Cypress.Keyboard.defaults()
3616 */
3617 interface KeyboardDefaultsOptions {
3618 /**
3619 * Time, in milliseconds, between each keystroke when typing. (Pass 0 to disable)
3620 *
3621 * @default 10
3622 */
3623 keystrokeDelay: number
3624 }
3626 /**
3627 * Full set of possible options for cy.request call
3628 */
3629 interface RequestOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, Failable {
3630 auth: object
3631 body: RequestBody
3632 encoding: Encodings
3633 followRedirect: boolean
3634 form: boolean
3635 gzip: boolean
3636 headers: object
3637 method: HttpMethod
3638 qs: object
3639 url: string
3640 }
3642 interface RouteOptions {
3643 method: HttpMethod
3644 url: string | RegExp
3645 response: any
3646 status: number
3647 delay: number
3648 headers: object | null
3649 force404: boolean
3650 onRequest(...args: any[]): void
3651 onResponse(...args: any[]): void
3652 onAbort(...args: any[]): void
3653 }
3655 interface Dimensions {
3656 x: number
3657 y: number
3658 width: number
3659 height: number
3660 }
3662 type Padding =
3663 | number
3664 | [number]
3665 | [number, number]
3666 | [number, number, number]
3667 | [number, number, number, number]
3669 interface ScreenshotOptions {
3670 blackout: string[]
3671 capture: 'runner' | 'viewport' | 'fullPage'
3672 clip: Dimensions
3673 disableTimersAndAnimations: boolean
3674 padding: Padding
3675 scale: boolean
3676 overwrite: boolean
3677 onBeforeScreenshot: ($el: JQuery) => void
3678 onAfterScreenshot: ($el: JQuery, props: {
3679 path: string
3680 size: number
3681 dimensions: {
3682 width: number
3683 height: number
3684 }
3685 multipart: boolean
3686 pixelRatio: number
3687 takenAt: string
3688 name: string
3689 blackout: string[]
3690 duration: number
3691 testAttemptIndex: number
3692 }) => void
3693 }
3695 interface ScreenshotDefaultsOptions extends ScreenshotOptions {
3696 screenshotOnRunFailure: boolean
3697 }
3699 interface SelectorPlaygroundDefaultsOptions {
3700 selectorPriority: string[]
3701 onElement: ($el: JQuery) => string | null | undefined
3702 }
3704 interface ScrollToOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable {
3705 /**
3706 * Scrolls over the duration (in ms)
3707 *
3708 * @default 0
3709 */
3710 duration: number
3711 /**
3712 * Will scroll with the easing animation
3713 *
3714 * @default 'swing'
3715 */
3716 easing: 'swing' | 'linear'
3717 /**
3718 * Ensure element is scrollable. Error if element is not scrollable
3719 *
3720 * @default true
3721 */
3722 ensureScrollable: boolean
3723 }
3725 interface ScrollIntoViewOptions extends ScrollToOptions {
3726 /**
3727 * Amount to scroll after the element has been scrolled into view
3728 *
3729 * @default {top: 0, left: 0}
3730 */
3731 offset: Offset
3732 }
3734 interface SelectOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, Forceable {
3735 interval: number
3736 }
3738 interface Session {
3739 /**
3740 * Clear all sessions saved on the backend, including cached global sessions.
3741 */
3742 clearAllSavedSessions: () => Promise<void>
3743 /**
3744 * Clear all storage and cookie data across all origins associated with the current session.
3745 */
3746 clearCurrentSessionData: () => Promise<void>
3747 /**
3748 * Get all storage and cookie data across all origins associated with the current session.
3749 */
3750 getCurrentSessionData: () => Promise<SessionData>
3751 /**
3752 * Get all storage and cookie data saved on the backend associated with the provided session id.
3753 */
3754 getSession: (id: string) => Promise<ServerSessionData>
3755 }
3757 type ActiveSessions = Record<string, SessionData>
3759 interface SessionData {
3760 id: string
3761 hydrated: boolean
3762 cacheAcrossSpecs: SessionOptions['cacheAcrossSpecs']
3763 cookies?: Cookie[] | null
3764 localStorage?: OriginStorage[] | null
3765 sessionStorage?: OriginStorage[] | null
3766 setup: () => void
3767 validate?: SessionOptions['validate']
3768 }
3770 interface ServerSessionData extends Omit<SessionData, 'setup' | 'validate'> {
3771 setup: string
3772 validate?: string
3773 }
3775 interface SessionOptions {
3776 /**
3777 * Whether or not to persist the session across all specs in the run.
3778 * @default {false}
3779 */
3780 cacheAcrossSpecs?: boolean
3781 /**
3782 * Function to run immediately after the session is created and `setup` function runs or
3783 * after a session is restored and the page is cleared. If this returns `false`, throws an
3784 * exception, returns a Promise which resolves to `false` or rejects or contains any failing
3785 * Cypress command, the session is considered invalid.
3786 *
3787 * If validation fails immediately after `setup`, the test will fail.
3788 * If validation fails after restoring a session, `setup` will re-run.
3789 * @default {false}
3790 */
3791 validate?: () => Promise<false | void> | void
3792 }
3794 type SameSiteStatus = 'no_restriction' | 'strict' | 'lax'
3796 interface SelectFileOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, ActionableOptions {
3797 /**
3798 * Which user action to perform. `select` matches selecting a file while
3799 * `drag-drop` matches dragging files from the operating system into the
3800 * document.
3801 *
3802 * @default 'select'
3803 */
3804 action: 'select' | 'drag-drop'
3805 }
3807 /**
3808 * Options that control how the `cy.setCookie` command
3809 * sets the cookie in the browser.
3810 * @see https://on.cypress.io/setcookie#Arguments
3811 */
3812 interface SetCookieOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable {
3813 /**
3814 * The path of the cookie.
3815 * @default "/"
3816 */
3817 path: string
3818 /**
3819 * Represents the domain the cookie belongs to (e.g. "docs.cypress.io", "github.com").
3820 * @default location.hostname
3821 */
3822 domain: string
3823 /**
3824 * Whether a cookie's scope is limited to secure channels, such as HTTPS.
3825 * @default false
3826 */
3827 secure: boolean
3828 /**
3829 * Whether or not the cookie is HttpOnly, meaning the cookie is inaccessible to client-side scripts.
3830 * The Cypress cookie API has access to HttpOnly cookies.
3831 * @default false
3832 */
3833 httpOnly: boolean
3834 /**
3835 * Whether or not the cookie is a host-only cookie, meaning the request's host must exactly match the domain of the cookie.
3836 * @default false
3837 */
3838 hostOnly: boolean
3839 /**
3840 * The cookie's expiry time, specified in seconds since Unix Epoch.
3841 * The default is expiry is 20 years in the future from current time.
3842 */
3843 expiry: number
3844 /**
3845 * The cookie's SameSite value. If set, should be one of `lax`, `strict`, or `no_restriction`.
3846 * `no_restriction` is the equivalent of `SameSite=None`. Pass `undefined` to use the browser's default.
3847 * Note: `no_restriction` can only be used if the secure flag is set to `true`.
3848 * @default undefined
3849 */
3850 sameSite: SameSiteStatus
3851 }
3853 interface ShadowDomOptions {
3854 includeShadowDom?: boolean
3855 }
3857 /**
3858 * Options that control `cy.type` command
3859 *
3860 * @see https://on.cypress.io/type
3861 */
3862 interface TypeOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, ActionableOptions {
3863 /**
3864 * Delay after each keypress (ms)
3865 *
3866 * @default 10
3867 */
3868 delay: number
3869 /**
3870 * Parse special characters for strings surrounded by `{}`,
3871 * such as `{esc}`. Set to `false` to type the literal characters instead
3872 *
3873 * @default true
3874 */
3875 parseSpecialCharSequences: boolean
3876 /**
3877 * Keep a modifier activated between commands
3878 *
3879 * @default true
3880 */
3881 release: boolean
3882 }
3884 /**
3885 * Visit website options
3886 *
3887 * @see https://on.cypress.io/visit
3888 */
3889 interface VisitOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, Failable {
3890 /**
3891 * The URL to visit. Behaves the same as the `url` argument.
3892 */
3893 url: string
3895 /**
3896 * The HTTP method to use in the visit. Can be `GET` or `POST`.
3897 *
3898 * @default "GET"
3899 */
3900 method: 'GET' | 'POST'
3902 /**
3903 * An optional body to send along with a `POST` request. If it is a string, it will be passed along unmodified. If it is an object, it will be URL encoded to a string and sent with a `Content-Type: application/x-www-urlencoded` header.
3904 *
3905 * @example
3906 * cy.visit({
3907 * url: 'http://www.example.com/form.html',
3908 * method: 'POST',
3909 * body: {
3910 * "field1": "foo",
3911 * "field2": "bar"
3912 * }
3913 * })
3914 */
3915 body: RequestBody
3917 /**
3918 * An object that maps HTTP header names to values to be sent along with the request.
3919 *
3920 * @example
3921 * cy.visit({
3922 * url: 'http://www.example.com',
3923 * headers: {
3924 * 'Accept-Language': 'en-US'
3925 * }
3926 * })
3927 */
3928 headers: { [header: string]: string }
3930 /**
3931 * Called before your page has loaded all of its resources.
3932 *
3933 * @param {AUTWindow} contentWindow the remote page's window object
3934 */
3935 onBeforeLoad(win: AUTWindow): void
3937 /**
3938 * Called once your page has fired its load event.
3939 *
3940 * @param {AUTWindow} contentWindow the remote page's window object
3941 */
3942 onLoad(win: AUTWindow): void
3944 /**
3945 * Cypress will automatically apply the right authorization headers
3946 * if you're attempting to visit an application that requires
3947 * Basic Authentication.
3948 *
3949 * @example
3950 * cy.visit('https://www.acme.com/', {
3951 * auth: {
3952 * username: 'wile',
3953 * password: 'coyote'
3954 * }
3955 * })
3956 */
3957 auth: Auth
3959 /**
3960 * Query parameters to append to the `url` of the request.
3961 */
3962 qs: object
3963 }
3965 /**
3966 * Options to change the default behavior of .trigger()
3967 */
3968 interface TriggerOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable, ActionableOptions {
3969 /**
3970 * Whether the event bubbles
3971 *
3972 * @default true
3973 */
3974 bubbles: boolean
3975 /**
3976 * Whether the event is cancelable
3977 *
3978 * @default true
3979 */
3980 cancelable: boolean
3981 /**
3982 * The type of the event you want to trigger
3983 *
3984 * @default 'Event'
3985 */
3986 eventConstructor: string
3987 }
3989 /**
3990 * Options to change the default behavior of .url()
3991 */
3992 interface UrlOptions extends Loggable, Timeoutable {
3993 /**
3994 * Whether the url is decoded
3995 *
3996 * @default false
3997 */
3998 decode: boolean
3999 }
4001 /** Options to change the default behavior of .writeFile */
4002 interface WriteFileOptions extends Loggable {
4003 flag: string
4004 encoding: Encodings
4005 }
4007 // Kind of onerous, but has a nice auto-complete.
4008 /**
4009 * @see https://on.cypress.io/should
4010 *
4011 * @interface Chainer
4012 * @template Subject
4013 */
4014 interface Chainer<Subject> {
4015 // chai
4016 /**
4017 * Asserts that the target's `type` is equal to the given string type.
4018 * Types are case insensitive. See the `type-detect` project page for info on the type detection algorithm:
4019 * https://github.com/chaijs/type-detect.
4020 * @example
4021 * cy.wrap('foo').should('be.a', 'string')
4022 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_a
4023 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4024 */
4025 (chainer: 'be.a', type: string): Chainable<Subject>
4026 /**
4027 * Asserts that the target is a number or a date greater than the given number or date n respectively.
4028 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4029 * @example
4030 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.above', 5)
4031 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_above
4032 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4033 */
4034 (chainer: 'be.above', value: number | Date): Chainable<Subject>
4035 /**
4036 * Asserts that the target's `type` is equal to the given string type.
4037 * Types are case insensitive. See the `type-detect` project page for info on the type detection algorithm:
4038 * https://github.com/chaijs/type-detect.
4039 * @example
4040 * cy.wrap({ foo: 'bar' }).should('be.an', 'object')
4041 * @alias a
4042 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_a
4043 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4044 */
4045 (chainer: 'be.an', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
4046 /**
4047 * Asserts that the target is a number or a `n` date greater than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4048 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4049 * @example
4050 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.at.least', 5)
4051 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_least
4052 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4053 */
4054 (chainer: 'be.at.least', value: number | Date): Chainable<Subject>
4055 /**
4056 * Asserts that the target is a number or a `n` date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4057 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4058 * @example
4059 * cy.wrap(4).should('be.below', 5)
4060 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_below
4061 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4062 */
4063 (chainer: 'be.below', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4064 /**
4065 * Asserts that the target is an `arguments` object.
4066 * @example
4067 * cy.wrap(arguments).should('be.arguments')
4068 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_arguments
4069 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4070 */
4071 (chainer: 'be.arguments'): Chainable<Subject>
4072 /**
4073 * Asserts that the target is a number that's within a given +/- `delta` range of the given number `expected`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4074 * @example
4075 * cy.wrap(5.1).should('be.approximately', 5, 0.5)
4076 * @alias closeTo
4077 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_closeto
4078 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4079 */
4080 (chainer: 'be.approximately', value: number, delta: number): Chainable<Subject>
4081 /**
4082 * Asserts that the target is a number that's within a given +/- `delta` range of the given number `expected`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4083 * @example
4084 * cy.wrap(5.1).should('be.closeTo', 5, 0.5)
4085 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_closeto
4086 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4087 */
4088 (chainer: 'be.closeTo', value: number, delta: number): Chainable<Subject>
4089 /**
4090 * When the target is a string or array, .empty asserts that the target's length property is strictly (===) equal to 0
4091 * @example
4092 * cy.wrap([]).should('be.empty')
4093 * cy.wrap('').should('be.empty')
4094 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_empty
4095 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4096 */
4097 (chainer: 'be.empty'): Chainable<Subject>
4098 /**
4099 * Asserts that the target is an instance of the given `constructor`.
4100 * @example
4101 * cy.wrap([1, 2]).should('be.instanceOf', Array)
4102 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_instanceof
4103 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4104 */
4105 (chainer: 'be.instanceOf', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4106 /**
4107 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to `false`.
4108 * @example
4109 * cy.wrap(false).should('be.false')
4110 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_false
4111 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4112 */
4113 (chainer: 'be.false'): Chainable<Subject>
4114 /**
4115 * Asserts that the target is a number or a date greater than the given number or date n respectively.
4116 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4117 * @example
4118 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.greaterThan', 5)
4119 * @alias above
4120 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_above
4121 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4122 */
4123 (chainer: 'be.greaterThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4124 /**
4125 * Asserts that the target is a number or a date greater than the given number or date n respectively.
4126 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4127 * @example
4128 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.gt', 5)
4129 * @alias above
4130 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_above
4131 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4132 */
4133 (chainer: 'be.gt', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4134 /**
4135 * Asserts that the target is a number or a `n` date greater than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4136 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4137 * @example
4138 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.gte', 5)
4139 * @alias least
4140 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_least
4141 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4142 */
4143 (chainer: 'be.gte', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4144 /**
4145 * Asserts that the target is a number or a `n` date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4146 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4147 * @example
4148 * cy.wrap(4).should('be.lessThan', 5)
4149 * @alias below
4150 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_below
4151 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4152 */
4153 (chainer: 'be.lessThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4154 /**
4155 * Asserts that the target is a number or a `n` date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4156 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4157 * @example
4158 * cy.wrap(4).should('be.lt', 5)
4159 * @alias below
4160 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_below
4161 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4162 */
4163 (chainer: 'be.lt', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4164 /**
4165 * Asserts that the target is a number or a date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4166 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4167 * @example
4168 * cy.wrap(4).should('be.lte', 5)
4169 * @alias most
4170 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_most
4171 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4172 */
4173 (chainer: 'be.lte', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4174 /**
4175 * Asserts that the target is loosely (`==`) equal to `true`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is strictly (`===`) or deeply equal to its expected value.
4176 * @example
4177 * cy.wrap(1).should('be.ok')
4178 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_ok
4179 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4180 */
4181 (chainer: 'be.ok'): Chainable<Subject>
4182 /**
4183 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to true.
4184 * @example
4185 * cy.wrap(true).should('be.true')
4186 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_true
4187 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4188 */
4189 (chainer: 'be.true'): Chainable<Subject>
4190 /**
4191 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to undefined.
4192 * @example
4193 * cy.wrap(undefined).should('be.undefined')
4194 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_undefined
4195 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4196 */
4197 (chainer: 'be.undefined'): Chainable<Subject>
4198 /**
4199 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to null.
4200 * @example
4201 * cy.wrap(null).should('be.null')
4202 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_null
4203 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4204 */
4205 (chainer: 'be.null'): Chainable<Subject>
4206 /**
4207 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to NaN.
4208 * @example
4209 * cy.wrap(NaN).should('be.NaN')
4210 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_null
4211 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4212 */
4213 (chainer: 'be.NaN'): Chainable<Subject>
4214 /**
4215 * Asserts that the target is a number or a date greater than or equal to the given number or date `start`, and less than or equal to the given number or date `finish` respectively.
4216 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4217 * @example
4218 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.within', 5, 10)
4219 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_within
4220 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4221 */
4222 (chainer: 'be.within', start: number, end: number): Chainable<Subject>
4223 (chainer: 'be.within', start: Date, end: Date): Chainable<Subject>
4224 /**
4225 * When one argument is provided, `.change` asserts that the given function `subject` returns a different value when it's invoked before the target function compared to when it's invoked afterward.
4226 * However, it's often best to assert that `subject` is equal to its expected value.
4227 * @example
4228 * let dots = ''
4229 * function addDot() { dots += '.' }
4230 * function getDots() { return dots }
4231 * cy.wrap(addDot).should('change', getDots)
4232 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_change
4233 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4234 */
4235 (chainer: 'change', fn: (...args: any[]) => any): Chainable<Subject>
4236 /**
4237 * When two arguments are provided, `.change` asserts that the value of the given object `subject`'s `prop` property is different before invoking the target function compared to afterward.
4238 * @example
4239 * const myObj = { dots: '' }
4240 * function addDot() { myObj.dots += '.' }
4241 * cy.wrap(addDot).should('change', myObj, 'dots')
4242 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_change
4243 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4244 */
4245 (chainer: 'change', obj: object, prop: string): Chainable<Subject>
4246 /**
4247 * When the target is a string, `.include` asserts that the given string val is a substring of the target.
4248 * @example
4249 * cy.wrap('tester').should('contain', 'test')
4250 * @alias include
4251 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_include
4252 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4253 */
4254 (chainer: 'contain', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4255 /**
4256 * When one argument is provided, `.decrease` asserts that the given function `subject` returns a lesser number when it's invoked after invoking the target function compared to when it's invoked beforehand.
4257 * `.decrease` also causes all `.by` assertions that follow in the chain to assert how much lesser of a number is returned. It's often best to assert that the return value decreased by the expected amount, rather than asserting it decreased by any amount.
4258 * @example
4259 * let val = 1
4260 * function subtractTwo() { val -= 2 }
4261 * function getVal() { return val }
4262 * cy.wrap(subtractTwo).should('decrease', getVal)
4263 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_decrease
4264 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4265 */
4266 (chainer: 'decrease', fn: (...args: any[]) => any): Chainable<Subject>
4267 /**
4268 * When two arguments are provided, `.decrease` asserts that the value of the given object `subject`'s `prop` property is lesser after invoking the target function compared to beforehand.
4269 * @example
4270 * let val = 1
4271 * function subtractTwo() { val -= 2 }
4272 * function getVal() { return val }
4273 * cy.wrap(subtractTwo).should('decrease', getVal)
4274 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_decrease
4275 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4276 */
4277 (chainer: 'decrease', obj: object, prop: string): Chainable<Subject>
4278 /**
4279 * Causes all `.equal`, `.include`, `.members`, `.keys`, and `.property` assertions that follow in the chain to use deep equality instead of strict (`===`) equality. See the `deep-eql` project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql.
4280 * @example
4281 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('deep.equal', { a: 1 })
4282 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_deep
4283 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4284 */
4285 (chainer: 'deep.equal', value: Subject): Chainable<Subject>
4286 /**
4287 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to either `null` or `undefined`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4288 * @example
4289 * cy.wrap(1).should('exist')
4290 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_exist
4291 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4292 */
4293 (chainer: 'exist'): Chainable<Subject>
4294 /**
4295 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to the given `val`.
4296 * @example
4297 * cy.wrap(1).should('eq', 1)
4298 * @alias equal
4299 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_equal
4300 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4301 */
4302 (chainer: 'eq', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4303 /**
4304 * Asserts that the target is deeply equal to the given `obj`. See the `deep-eql` project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql.
4305 * @example
4306 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('eql', {a: 1}).and('not.equal', {a: 1})
4307 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_eql
4308 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4309 */
4310 (chainer: 'eql', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4311 /**
4312 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to the given `val`.
4313 * @example
4314 * cy.wrap(1).should('equal', 1)
4315 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_equal
4316 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4317 */
4318 (chainer: 'equal', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4319 /**
4320 * Causes all `.key` assertions that follow in the chain to require that the target have all of the given keys. This is the opposite of `.any`, which only requires that the target have at least one of the given keys.
4321 * @example
4322 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('have.all.key', 'a', 'b')
4323 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_all
4324 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4325 */
4326 (chainer: 'have.all.key', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4327 /**
4328 * Causes all `.key` assertions that follow in the chain to only require that the target have at least one of the given keys. This is the opposite of `.all`, which requires that the target have all of the given keys.
4329 * @example
4330 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('have.any.key', 'a')
4331 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_any
4332 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4333 */
4334 (chainer: 'have.any.key', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4335 /**
4336 * Causes all `.keys` assertions that follow in the chain to require that the target have all of the given keys. This is the opposite of `.any`, which only requires that the target have at least one of the given keys.
4337 * @example
4338 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('have.all.keys', 'a', 'b')
4339 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_all
4340 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4341 */
4342 (chainer: 'have.all.keys' | 'have.keys' | 'have.deep.keys' | 'have.all.deep.keys', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4343 /**
4344 * Causes all `.keys` assertions that follow in the chain to only require that the target have at least one of the given keys. This is the opposite of `.all`, which requires that the target have all of the given keys.
4345 * @example
4346 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('have.any.keys', 'a')
4347 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_any
4348 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4349 */
4350 (chainer: 'have.any.keys' | 'include.any.keys', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4351 /**
4352 * Causes all `.keys` assertions that follow in the chain to require the target to be a superset of the expected set, rather than an identical set.
4353 * @example
4354 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('include.all.keys', 'a', 'b')
4355 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_keys
4356 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4357 */
4358 (chainer: 'include.all.keys', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4359 /**
4360 * Asserts that the target has a property with the given key `name`. See the `deep-eql` project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql.
4361 * @example
4362 * cy.wrap({ x: {a: 1 }}).should('have.deep.property', 'x', { a: 1 })
4363 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_property
4364 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4365 */
4366 (chainer: 'have.deep.property', value: string, obj: object): Chainable<Subject>
4367 /**
4368 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is equal to the given number `n`.
4369 * @example
4370 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length', 3)
4371 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length', 3)
4372 * @alias lengthOf
4373 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4374 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4375 */
4376 (chainer: 'have.length' | 'have.lengthOf', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4377 /**
4378 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is greater than to the given number `n`.
4379 * @example
4380 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.greaterThan', 2)
4381 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.greaterThan', 2)
4382 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4383 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4384 */
4385 (chainer: 'have.length.greaterThan' | 'have.lengthOf.greaterThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4386 /**
4387 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is greater than to the given number `n`.
4388 * @example
4389 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.gt', 2)
4390 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.gt', 2)
4391 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4392 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4393 */
4394 (chainer: 'have.length.gt' | 'have.lengthOf.gt' | 'have.length.above' | 'have.lengthOf.above', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4395 /**
4396 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is greater than or equal to the given number `n`.
4397 * @example
4398 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.gte', 2)
4399 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.gte', 2)
4400 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4401 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4402 */
4403 (chainer: 'have.length.gte' | 'have.lengthOf.gte' | 'have.length.at.least' | 'have.lengthOf.at.least', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4404 /**
4405 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is less than to the given number `n`.
4406 * @example
4407 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.lessThan', 4)
4408 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.lessThan', 4)
4409 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4410 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4411 */
4412 (chainer: 'have.length.lessThan' | 'have.lengthOf.lessThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4413 /**
4414 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is less than to the given number `n`.
4415 * @example
4416 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.lt', 4)
4417 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.lt', 4)
4418 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4419 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4420 */
4421 (chainer: 'have.length.lt' | 'have.lengthOf.lt' | 'have.length.below' | 'have.lengthOf.below', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4422 /**
4423 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is less than or equal to the given number `n`.
4424 * @example
4425 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.lte', 4)
4426 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.lte', 4)
4427 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4428 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4429 */
4430 (chainer: 'have.length.lte' | 'have.lengthOf.lte' | 'have.length.at.most' | 'have.lengthOf.at.most', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4431 /**
4432 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is within `start` and `finish`.
4433 * @example
4434 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.within', 1, 5)
4435 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4436 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4437 */
4438 (chainer: 'have.length.within' | 'have.lengthOf.within', start: number, finish: number): Chainable<Subject>
4439 /**
4440 * Asserts that the target array has the same members as the given array `set`.
4441 * @example
4442 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.members', [2, 1, 3])
4443 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_members
4444 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4445 */
4446 (chainer: 'have.members' | 'have.deep.members', values: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
4447 /**
4448 * Asserts that the target array has the same members as the given array where order matters.
4449 * @example
4450 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.ordered.members', [1, 2, 3])
4451 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_members
4452 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4453 */
4454 (chainer: 'have.ordered.members', values: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
4455 /**
4456 * Causes all `.property` and `.include` assertions that follow in the chain to ignore inherited properties.
4457 * @example
4458 * Object.prototype.b = 2
4459 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('have.property', 'a').and('not.have.ownProperty', 'b')
4460 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_ownproperty
4461 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4462 */
4463 (chainer: 'have.ownProperty', property: string): Chainable<Subject>
4464 /**
4465 * Asserts that the target has a property with the given key `name`.
4466 * @example
4467 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('have.property', 'a')
4468 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('have.property', 'a', 1)
4469 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_property
4470 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4471 */
4472 (chainer: 'have.property' | 'have.nested.property' | 'have.own.property' | 'have.a.property' | 'have.deep.property' | 'have.deep.own.property' | 'have.deep.nested.property', property: string, value?: any): Chainable<Subject>
4473 /**
4474 * Asserts that the target has its own property descriptor with the given key name.
4475 * @example
4476 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('have.ownPropertyDescriptor', 'a', { value: 1 })
4477 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_ownpropertydescriptor
4478 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4479 */
4480 (chainer: 'have.ownPropertyDescriptor' | 'haveOwnPropertyDescriptor', name: string, descriptor?: PropertyDescriptor): Chainable<Subject>
4481 /**
4482 * Asserts that the target string contains the given substring `str`.
4483 * @example
4484 * cy.wrap('foobar').should('have.string', 'bar')
4485 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_string
4486 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4487 */
4488 (chainer: 'have.string', match: string | RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
4489 /**
4490 * When the target is a string, `.include` asserts that the given string `val` is a substring of the target.
4491 * @example
4492 * cy.wrap('foobar').should('include', 'foo')
4493 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_include
4494 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4495 */
4496 (chainer: 'include' | 'deep.include' | 'nested.include' | 'own.include' | 'deep.own.include' | 'deep.nested.include', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4497 /**
4498 * When the target is a string, `.include` asserts that the given string `val` is a substring of the target.
4499 * @example
4500 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('include.members', [1, 2])
4501 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_members
4502 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4503 */
4504 (chainer: 'include.members' | 'include.ordered.members' | 'include.deep.ordered.members', value: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
4505 /**
4506 * When one argument is provided, `.increase` asserts that the given function `subject` returns a greater number when it's
4507 * invoked after invoking the target function compared to when it's invoked beforehand.
4508 * `.increase` also causes all `.by` assertions that follow in the chain to assert how much greater of a number is returned.
4509 * It's often best to assert that the return value increased by the expected amount, rather than asserting it increased by any amount.
4510 *
4511 * When two arguments are provided, `.increase` asserts that the value of the given object `subject`'s `prop` property is greater after
4512 * invoking the target function compared to beforehand.
4513 *
4514 * @example
4515 * let val = 1
4516 * function addTwo() { val += 2 }
4517 * function getVal() { return val }
4518 * cy.wrap(addTwo).should('increase', getVal)
4519 *
4520 * const myObj = { val: 1 }
4521 * function addTwo() { myObj.val += 2 }
4522 * cy.wrap(addTwo).should('increase', myObj, 'val')
4523 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_increase
4524 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4525 */
4526 (chainer: 'increase', value: object, property?: string): Chainable<Subject>
4527 /**
4528 * Asserts that the target matches the given regular expression `re`.
4529 * @example
4530 * cy.wrap('foobar').should('match', /^foo/)
4531 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_match
4532 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4533 */
4534 (chainer: 'match', value: RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
4535 /**
4536 * When the target is a non-function object, `.respondTo` asserts that the target has a `method` with the given name method. The method can be own or inherited, and it can be enumerable or non-enumerable.
4537 * @example
4538 * class Cat {
4539 * meow() {}
4540 * }
4541 * cy.wrap(new Cat()).should('respondTo', 'meow')
4542 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_respondto
4543 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4544 */
4545 (chainer: 'respondTo', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
4546 /**
4547 * Invokes the given `matcher` function with the target being passed as the first argument, and asserts that the value returned is truthy.
4548 * @example
4549 * cy.wrap(1).should('satisfy', (num) => num > 0)
4550 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_satisfy
4551 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4552 */
4553 (chainer: 'satisfy', fn: (val: any) => boolean): Chainable<Subject>
4554 /**
4555 * When no arguments are provided, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that an error is thrown.
4556 * When one argument is provided, and it's a string, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that an error is thrown with a message that contains that string.
4557 * @example
4558 * function badFn() { throw new TypeError('Illegal salmon!') }
4559 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('throw')
4560 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('throw', 'salmon')
4561 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('throw', /salmon/)
4562 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_throw
4563 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4564 */
4565 (chainer: 'throw', value?: string | RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
4566 /**
4567 * When no arguments are provided, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that an error is thrown.
4568 * When one argument is provided, and it's a string, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that an error is thrown with a message that contains that string.
4569 * @example
4570 * function badFn() { throw new TypeError('Illegal salmon!') }
4571 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('throw')
4572 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('throw', 'salmon')
4573 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('throw', /salmon/)
4574 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_throw
4575 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4576 */
4577 // tslint:disable-next-line ban-types
4578 (chainer: 'throw', error: Error | Function, expected?: string | RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
4579 /**
4580 * Asserts that the target is a member of the given array list.
4581 * @example
4582 * cy.wrap(1).should('be.oneOf', [1, 2, 3])
4583 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_oneof
4584 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4585 */
4586 (chainer: 'be.oneOf', list: ReadonlyArray<any>): Chainable<Subject>
4587 /**
4588 * Asserts that the target is extensible, which means that new properties can be added to it.
4589 * @example
4590 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('be.extensible')
4591 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_extensible
4592 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4593 */
4594 (chainer: 'be.extensible'): Chainable<Subject>
4595 /**
4596 * Asserts that the target is sealed, which means that new properties can't be added to it, and its existing properties can't be reconfigured or deleted.
4597 * @example
4598 * let sealedObject = Object.seal({})
4599 * let frozenObject = Object.freeze({})
4600 * cy.wrap(sealedObject).should('be.sealed')
4601 * cy.wrap(frozenObject).should('be.sealed')
4602 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_sealed
4603 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4604 */
4605 (chainer: 'be.sealed'): Chainable<Subject>
4606 /**
4607 * Asserts that the target is frozen, which means that new properties can't be added to it, and its existing properties can't be reassigned to different values, reconfigured, or deleted.
4608 * @example
4609 * let frozenObject = Object.freeze({})
4610 * cy.wrap(frozenObject).should('be.frozen')
4611 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_frozen
4612 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4613 */
4614 (chainer: 'be.frozen'): Chainable<Subject>
4615 /**
4616 * Asserts that the target is a number, and isn't `NaN` or positive/negative `Infinity`.
4617 * @example
4618 * cy.wrap(1).should('be.finite')
4619 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_finite
4620 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4621 */
4622 (chainer: 'be.finite'): Chainable<Subject>
4624 // chai.not
4625 /**
4626 * Asserts that the target's `type` is not equal to the given string type.
4627 * Types are case insensitive. See the `type-detect` project page for info on the type detection algorithm:
4628 * https://github.com/chaijs/type-detect.
4629 * @example
4630 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.be.a', 'number')
4631 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_a
4632 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4633 */
4634 (chainer: 'not.be.a', type: string): Chainable<Subject>
4635 /**
4636 * Asserts that the target is a not number or not a date greater than the given number or date n respectively.
4637 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4638 * @example
4639 * cy.wrap(6).should('not.be.above', 10)
4640 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_above
4641 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4642 */
4643 (chainer: 'not.be.above', value: number | Date): Chainable<Subject>
4644 /**
4645 * Asserts that the target's `type` is not equal to the given string type.
4646 * Types are case insensitive. See the `type-detect` project page for info on the type detection algorithm:
4647 * https://github.com/chaijs/type-detect.
4648 * @example
4649 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.be.an', 'object')
4650 * @alias a
4651 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_a
4652 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4653 */
4654 (chainer: 'not.be.an', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
4655 /**
4656 * Asserts that the target is not a number or not a `n` date greater than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4657 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4658 * @example
4659 * cy.wrap(6).should('not.be.at.least', 10)
4660 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_least
4661 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4662 */
4663 (chainer: 'not.be.at.least', value: number | Date): Chainable<Subject>
4664 /**
4665 * Asserts that the target is not a number or not a `n` date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4666 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4667 * @example
4668 * cy.wrap(4).should('not.be.below', 1)
4669 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_below
4670 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4671 */
4672 (chainer: 'not.be.below', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4673 /**
4674 * Asserts that the target is not an `arguments` object.
4675 * @example
4676 * cy.wrap(1).should('not.be.arguments')
4677 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_arguments
4678 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4679 */
4680 (chainer: 'not.be.arguments'): Chainable<Subject>
4681 /**
4682 * Asserts that the target is a not number that's within a given +/- `delta` range of the given number `expected`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4683 * @example
4684 * cy.wrap(5.1).should('not.be.approximately', 6, 0.5)
4685 * @alias closeTo
4686 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_closeto
4687 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4688 */
4689 (chainer: 'not.be.approximately', value: number, delta: number): Chainable<Subject>
4690 /**
4691 * Asserts that the target is not a number that's within a given +/- `delta` range of the given number `expected`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4692 * @example
4693 * cy.wrap(5.1).should('not.be.closeTo', 6, 0.5)
4694 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_closeto
4695 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4696 */
4697 (chainer: 'not.be.closeTo', value: number, delta: number): Chainable<Subject>
4698 /**
4699 * When the target is a not string or array, .empty asserts that the target's length property is strictly (===) equal to 0
4700 * @example
4701 * cy.wrap([1]).should('not.be.empty')
4702 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.be.empty')
4703 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_empty
4704 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4705 */
4706 (chainer: 'not.be.empty'): Chainable<Subject>
4707 /**
4708 * Asserts that the target is not an instance of the given `constructor`.
4709 * @example
4710 * cy.wrap([1, 2]).should('not.be.instanceOf', String)
4711 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_instanceof
4712 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4713 */
4714 (chainer: 'not.be.instanceOf', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4715 /**
4716 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to `false`.
4717 * @example
4718 * cy.wrap(true).should('not.be.false')
4719 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_false
4720 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4721 */
4722 (chainer: 'not.be.false'): Chainable<Subject>
4723 /**
4724 * Asserts that the target is a not number or a date greater than the given number or date n respectively.
4725 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4726 * @example
4727 * cy.wrap(6).should('be.greaterThan', 7)
4728 * @alias above
4729 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_above
4730 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4731 */
4732 (chainer: 'not.be.greaterThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4733 /**
4734 * Asserts that the target is a not number or a date greater than the given number or date n respectively.
4735 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4736 * @example
4737 * cy.wrap(6).should('not.be.gt', 7)
4738 * @alias above
4739 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_above
4740 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4741 */
4742 (chainer: 'not.be.gt', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4743 /**
4744 * Asserts that the target is a not number or a `n` date greater than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4745 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4746 * @example
4747 * cy.wrap(6).should('not.be.gte', 7)
4748 * @alias least
4749 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_least
4750 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4751 */
4752 (chainer: 'not.be.gte', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4753 /**
4754 * Asserts that the target is not a number or a `n` date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4755 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4756 * @example
4757 * cy.wrap(4).should('not.be.lessThan', 3)
4758 * @alias below
4759 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_below
4760 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4761 */
4762 (chainer: 'not.be.lessThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4763 /**
4764 * Asserts that the target is not a number or a `n` date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4765 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4766 * @example
4767 * cy.wrap(4).should('not.be.lt', 3)
4768 * @alias below
4769 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_below
4770 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4771 */
4772 (chainer: 'not.be.lt', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4773 /**
4774 * Asserts that the target is not a number or a date less than or equal to the given number or date n respectively.
4775 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4776 * @example
4777 * cy.wrap(4).should('not.be.lte', 3)
4778 * @alias most
4779 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_most
4780 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4781 */
4782 (chainer: 'not.be.lte', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4783 /**
4784 * Asserts that the target is not loosely (`==`) equal to `true`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is strictly (`===`) or deeply equal to its expected value.
4785 * @example
4786 * cy.wrap(0).should('not.be.ok')
4787 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_ok
4788 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4789 */
4790 (chainer: 'not.be.ok'): Chainable<Subject>
4791 /**
4792 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to true.
4793 * @example
4794 * cy.wrap(false).should('not.be.true')
4795 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_true
4796 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4797 */
4798 (chainer: 'not.be.true'): Chainable<Subject>
4799 /**
4800 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to undefined.
4801 * @example
4802 * cy.wrap(true).should('not.be.undefined')
4803 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_undefined
4804 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4805 */
4806 (chainer: 'not.be.undefined'): Chainable<Subject>
4807 /**
4808 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to null.
4809 * @example
4810 * cy.wrap(null).should('not.be.null')
4811 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_null
4812 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4813 */
4814 (chainer: 'not.be.null'): Chainable<Subject>
4815 /**
4816 * Asserts that the target is strictly (`===`) equal to NaN.
4817 * @example
4818 * cy.wrap(NaN).should('not.be.NaN')
4819 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_nan
4820 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4821 */
4822 (chainer: 'not.be.NaN'): Chainable<Subject>
4823 /**
4824 * Asserts that the target is not a number or a date greater than or equal to the given number or date `start`, and less than or equal to the given number or date `finish` respectively.
4825 * However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4826 * @example
4827 * cy.wrap(3).should('not.be.within', 5, 10)
4828 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_within
4829 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4830 */
4831 (chainer: 'not.be.within', start: number, end: number): Chainable<Subject>
4832 (chainer: 'not.be.within', start: Date, end: Date): Chainable<Subject>
4833 /**
4834 * When one argument is provided, `.change` asserts that the given function `subject` returns a different value when it's invoked before the target function compared to when it's invoked afterward.
4835 * However, it's often best to assert that `subject` is equal to its expected value.
4836 * @example
4837 * let dots = ''
4838 * function addDot() { dots += '.' }
4839 * function getDots() { return dots }
4840 * cy.wrap(() => {}).should('not.change', getDots)
4841 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_change
4842 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4843 */
4844 (chainer: 'not.change', fn: (...args: any[]) => any): Chainable<Subject>
4845 /**
4846 * When two arguments are provided, `.change` asserts that the value of the given object `subject`'s `prop` property is different before invoking the target function compared to afterward.
4847 * @example
4848 * const myObj = { dots: '' }
4849 * function addDot() { myObj.dots += '.' }
4850 * cy.wrap(() => {}).should('not.change', myObj, 'dots')
4851 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_change
4852 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4853 */
4854 (chainer: 'not.change', obj: object, prop: string): Chainable<Subject>
4855 /**
4856 * When the target is a string, `.include` asserts that the given string val is a substring of the target.
4857 * @example
4858 * cy.wrap('tester').should('not.contain', 'foo')
4859 * @alias include
4860 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_include
4861 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4862 */
4863 (chainer: 'not.contain', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4864 /**
4865 * When one argument is provided, `.decrease` asserts that the given function `subject` does not returns a lesser number when it's invoked after invoking the target function compared to when it's invoked beforehand.
4866 * `.decrease` also causes all `.by` assertions that follow in the chain to assert how much lesser of a number is returned. It's often best to assert that the return value decreased by the expected amount, rather than asserting it decreased by any amount.
4867 * @example
4868 * let val = 1
4869 * function subtractTwo() { val -= 2 }
4870 * function getVal() { return val }
4871 * cy.wrap(() => {}).should('not.decrease', getVal)
4872 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_decrease
4873 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4874 */
4875 (chainer: 'not.decrease', fn: (...args: any[]) => any): Chainable<Subject>
4876 /**
4877 * When two arguments are provided, `.decrease` asserts that the value of the given object `subject`'s `prop` property is not lesser after invoking the target function compared to beforehand.
4878 * @example
4879 * const myObj = { val: 1 }
4880 * function subtractTwo() { myObj.val -= 2 }
4881 * cy.wrap(() => {}).should('not.decrease', myObj, 'val')
4882 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_decrease
4883 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4884 */
4885 (chainer: 'not.decrease', obj: object, prop: string): Chainable<Subject>
4886 /**
4887 * Causes all `.equal`, `.include`, `.members`, `.keys`, and `.property` assertions that follow in the chain to not use deep equality instead of strict (`===`) equality. See the `deep-eql` project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql.
4888 * @example
4889 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('not.deep.equal', { b: 1 })
4890 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_deep
4891 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4892 */
4893 (chainer: 'not.deep.equal', value: Subject): Chainable<Subject>
4894 /**
4895 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to either `null` or `undefined`. However, it's often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
4896 * @example
4897 * cy.wrap(null).should('not.exist')
4898 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_exist
4899 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4900 */
4901 (chainer: 'not.exist'): Chainable<Subject>
4902 /**
4903 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to the given `val`.
4904 * @example
4905 * cy.wrap(1).should('not.eq', 2)
4906 * @alias equal
4907 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_equal
4908 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4909 */
4910 (chainer: 'not.eq', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4911 /**
4912 * Asserts that the target is not deeply equal to the given `obj`. See the `deep-eql` project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql.
4913 * @example
4914 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('not.eql', {c: 1}).and('not.equal', {a: 1})
4915 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_eql
4916 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4917 */
4918 (chainer: 'not.eql', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4919 /**
4920 * Asserts that the target is not strictly (`===`) equal to the given `val`.
4921 * @example
4922 * cy.wrap(1).should('not.equal', 2)
4923 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_equal
4924 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4925 */
4926 (chainer: 'not.equal', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
4927 /**
4928 * Causes all `.keys` assertions that follow in the chain to not require that the target have all of the given keys. This is the opposite of `.any`, which only requires that the target have at least one of the given keys.
4929 * @example
4930 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('not.have.all.keys', 'c', 'd')
4931 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_all
4932 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4933 */
4934 (chainer: 'not.have.all.keys' | 'not.have.keys' | 'not.have.deep.keys' | 'not.have.all.deep.keys', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4935 /**
4936 * Causes all `.keys` assertions that follow in the chain to only require that the target not have at least one of the given keys. This is the opposite of `.all`, which requires that the target have all of the given keys.
4937 * @example
4938 * cy.wrap({ a: 1, b: 2 }).should('not.have.any.keys', 'c')
4939 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_any
4940 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4941 */
4942 (chainer: 'not.have.any.keys' | 'not.include.any.keys', ...value: string[]): Chainable<Subject>
4943 /**
4944 * Asserts that the target does not have a property with the given key `name`. See the `deep-eql` project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql.
4945 * @example
4946 * cy.wrap({ x: {a: 1 }}).should('not.have.deep.property', 'y', { a: 1 })
4947 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_property
4948 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4949 */
4950 (chainer: 'not.have.deep.property', value: string, obj: object): Chainable<Subject>
4951 /**
4952 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is not equal to the given number `n`.
4953 * @example
4954 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length', 2)
4955 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.have.length', 2)
4956 * @alias lengthOf
4957 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4958 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4959 */
4960 (chainer: 'not.have.length' | 'not.have.lengthOf', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4961 /**
4962 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is not greater than to the given number `n`.
4963 * @example
4964 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length.greaterThan', 4)
4965 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.have.length.greaterThan', 4)
4966 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4967 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4968 */
4969 (chainer: 'not.have.length.greaterThan' | 'not.have.lengthOf.greaterThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4970 /**
4971 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is not greater than to the given number `n`.
4972 * @example
4973 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length.gt', 4)
4974 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.have.length.gt', 4)
4975 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4976 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4977 */
4978 (chainer: 'not.have.length.gt' | 'not.have.lengthOf.gt' | 'not.have.length.above' | 'not.have.lengthOf.above', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4979 /**
4980 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is not greater than or equal to the given number `n`.
4981 * @example
4982 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length.gte', 4)
4983 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.have.length.gte', 4)
4984 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4985 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4986 */
4987 (chainer: 'not.have.length.gte' | 'not.have.lengthOf.gte' | 'not.have.length.at.least' | 'not.have.lengthOf.at.least', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4988 /**
4989 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is less than to the given number `n`.
4990 * @example
4991 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('have.length.lessThan', 2)
4992 * cy.wrap('foo').should('have.length.lessThan', 2)
4993 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
4994 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
4995 */
4996 (chainer: 'not.have.length.lessThan' | 'not.have.lengthOf.lessThan', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
4997 /**
4998 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is not less than to the given number `n`.
4999 * @example
5000 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length.lt', 2)
5001 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.have.length.lt', 2)
5002 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
5003 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5004 */
5005 (chainer: 'not.have.length.lt' | 'not.have.lengthOf.lt' | 'not.have.length.below' | 'not.have.lengthOf.below', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
5006 /**
5007 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is not less than or equal to the given number `n`.
5008 * @example
5009 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length.lte', 2)
5010 * cy.wrap('foo').should('not.have.length.lte', 2)
5011 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
5012 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5013 */
5014 (chainer: 'not.have.length.lte' | 'not.have.lengthOf.lte' | 'not.have.length.at.most' | 'not.have.lengthOf.at.most', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
5015 /**
5016 * Asserts that the target's `length` property is within `start` and `finish`.
5017 * @example
5018 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.length.within', 6, 12)
5019 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_lengthof
5020 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5021 */
5022 (chainer: 'not.have.length.within' | 'not.have.lengthOf.within', start: number, finish: number): Chainable<Subject>
5023 /**
5024 * Asserts that the target array does not have the same members as the given array `set`.
5025 * @example
5026 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.have.members', [4, 5, 6])
5027 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_members
5028 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5029 */
5030 (chainer: 'not.have.members' | 'not.have.deep.members', values: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5031 /**
5032 * Asserts that the target array does not have the same members as the given array where order matters.
5033 * @example
5034 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not. have.ordered.members', [4, 5, 6])
5035 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_members
5036 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5037 */
5038 (chainer: 'not.have.ordered.members', values: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5039 /**
5040 * Causes all `.property` and `.include` assertions that follow in the chain to ignore inherited properties.
5041 * @example
5042 * Object.prototype.b = 2
5043 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('have.property', 'a').and('not.have.ownProperty', 'b')
5044 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_ownproperty
5045 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5046 */
5047 (chainer: 'not.have.ownProperty', property: string): Chainable<Subject>
5048 /**
5049 * Asserts that the target has a property with the given key `name`.
5050 * @example
5051 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('not.have.property', 'b')
5052 * cy.wrap({ a: 1 }).should('not.have.property', 'b', 1)
5053 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_property
5054 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5055 */
5056 (chainer: 'not.have.property' | 'not.have.nested.property' | 'not.have.own.property' | 'not.have.a.property' | 'not.have.deep.property' | 'not.have.deep.own.property' | 'not.have.deep.nested.property', property: string, value?: any): Chainable<Subject>
5057 /**
5058 * Asserts that the target has its own property descriptor with the given key name.
5059 * @example
5060 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('not.have.ownPropertyDescriptor', 'a', { value: 2 })
5061 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_ownpropertydescriptor
5062 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5063 */
5064 (chainer: 'not.have.ownPropertyDescriptor' | 'not.haveOwnPropertyDescriptor', name: string, descriptor?: PropertyDescriptor): Chainable<Subject>
5065 /**
5066 * Asserts that the target string does not contains the given substring `str`.
5067 * @example
5068 * cy.wrap('foobar').should('not.have.string', 'baz')
5069 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_string
5070 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5071 */
5072 (chainer: 'not.have.string', match: string | RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
5073 /**
5074 * When the target is a string, `.include` asserts that the given string `val` is not a substring of the target.
5075 * @example
5076 * cy.wrap('foobar').should('not.include', 'baz')
5077 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_include
5078 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5079 */
5080 (chainer: 'not.include' | 'not.deep.include' | 'not.nested.include' | 'not.own.include' | 'not.deep.own.include' | 'not.deep.nested.include', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
5081 /**
5082 * When the target is a string, `.include` asserts that the given string `val` is not a substring of the target.
5083 * @example
5084 * cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).should('not.include.members', [4, 5])
5085 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_members
5086 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5087 */
5088 (chainer: 'not.include.members' | 'not.include.ordered.members' | 'not.include.deep.ordered.members', value: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5089 /**
5090 * When one argument is provided, `.increase` asserts that the given function `subject` returns a greater number when it's
5091 * invoked after invoking the target function compared to when it's invoked beforehand.
5092 * `.increase` also causes all `.by` assertions that follow in the chain to assert how much greater of a number is returned.
5093 * It's often best to assert that the return value increased by the expected amount, rather than asserting it increased by any amount.
5094 *
5095 * When two arguments are provided, `.increase` asserts that the value of the given object `subject`'s `prop` property is greater after
5096 * invoking the target function compared to beforehand.
5097 *
5098 * @example
5099 * let val = 1
5100 * function addTwo() { val += 2 }
5101 * function getVal() { return val }
5102 * cy.wrap(() => {}).should('not.increase', getVal)
5103 *
5104 * const myObj = { val: 1 }
5105 * function addTwo() { myObj.val += 2 }
5106 * cy.wrap(addTwo).should('increase', myObj, 'val')
5107 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_increase
5108 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5109 */
5110 (chainer: 'not.increase', value: object, property?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5111 /**
5112 * Asserts that the target does not match the given regular expression `re`.
5113 * @example
5114 * cy.wrap('foobar').should('not.match', /baz$/)
5115 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_match
5116 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5117 */
5118 (chainer: 'not.match', value: RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
5119 /**
5120 * When the target is a non-function object, `.respondTo` asserts that the target does not have a `method` with the given name method. The method can be own or inherited, and it can be enumerable or non-enumerable.
5121 * @example
5122 * class Cat {
5123 * meow() {}
5124 * }
5125 * cy.wrap(new Cat()).should('not.respondTo', 'bark')
5126 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_respondto
5127 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5128 */
5129 (chainer: 'not.respondTo', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5130 /**
5131 * Invokes the given `matcher` function with the target being passed as the first argument, and asserts that the value returned is falsy.
5132 * @example
5133 * cy.wrap(1).should('not.satisfy', (num) => num < 0)
5134 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_satisfy
5135 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5136 */
5137 (chainer: 'not.satisfy', fn: (val: any) => boolean): Chainable<Subject>
5138 /**
5139 * When no arguments are provided, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that no error is thrown.
5140 * When one argument is provided, and it's a string, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that no error is thrown with a message that contains that string.
5141 * @example
5142 * function badFn() { console.log('Illegal salmon!') }
5143 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('not.throw')
5144 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('not.throw', 'salmon')
5145 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('not.throw', /salmon/)
5146 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_throw
5147 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5148 */
5149 (chainer: 'not.throw', value?: string | RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
5150 /**
5151 * When no arguments are provided, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that no error is thrown.
5152 * When one argument is provided, and it's a string, `.throw` invokes the target function and asserts that no error is thrown with a message that contains that string.
5153 * @example
5154 * function badFn() { console.log('Illegal salmon!') }
5155 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('not.throw')
5156 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('not.throw', 'salmon')
5157 * cy.wrap(badFn).should('not.throw', /salmon/)
5158 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_throw
5159 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5160 */
5161 // tslint:disable-next-line ban-types
5162 (chainer: 'not.throw', error: Error | Function, expected?: string | RegExp): Chainable<Subject>
5163 /**
5164 * Asserts that the target is a member of the given array list.
5165 * @example
5166 * cy.wrap(42).should('not.be.oneOf', [1, 2, 3])
5167 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_oneof
5168 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5169 */
5170 (chainer: 'not.be.oneOf', list: ReadonlyArray<any>): Chainable<Subject>
5171 /**
5172 * Asserts that the target is extensible, which means that new properties can be added to it.
5173 * @example
5174 * let o = Object.seal({})
5175 * cy.wrap(o).should('not.be.extensible')
5176 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_extensible
5177 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5178 */
5179 (chainer: 'not.be.extensible'): Chainable<Subject>
5180 /**
5181 * Asserts that the target is sealed, which means that new properties can't be added to it, and its existing properties can't be reconfigured or deleted.
5182 * @example
5183 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('be.sealed')
5184 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('be.sealed')
5185 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_sealed
5186 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5187 */
5188 (chainer: 'not.be.sealed'): Chainable<Subject>
5189 /**
5190 * Asserts that the target is frozen, which means that new properties can't be added to it, and its existing properties can't be reassigned to different values, reconfigured, or deleted.
5191 * @example
5192 * cy.wrap({a: 1}).should('not.be.frozen')
5193 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_frozen
5194 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5195 */
5196 (chainer: 'not.be.frozen'): Chainable<Subject>
5197 /**
5198 * Asserts that the target is a number, and isn't `NaN` or positive/negative `Infinity`.
5199 * @example
5200 * cy.wrap(NaN).should('not.be.finite')
5201 * cy.wrap(Infinity).should('not.be.finite')
5202 * @see http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_finite
5203 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5204 */
5205 (chainer: 'not.be.finite'): Chainable<Subject>
5207 // sinon-chai
5208 /**
5209 * Assert spy/stub was called the `new` operator.
5210 * Beware that this is inferred based on the value of the this object and the spy function's prototype, so it may give false positives if you actively return the right kind of object.
5211 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithnew
5212 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5213 */
5214 (chainer: 'be.always.calledWithNew' | 'always.have.been.calledWithNew'): Chainable<Subject>
5215 /**
5216 * Assert if spy was always called with matching arguments (and possibly others).
5217 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledwithmatcharg1-arg2-
5218 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5219 */
5220 (chainer: 'be.always.calledWithMatch' | 'always.have.been.calledWithMatch', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5221 /**
5222 * Assert spy always returned the provided value.
5223 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwaysreturnedobj
5224 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5225 */
5226 (chainer: 'always.returned' | 'have.always.returned', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
5227 /**
5228 * `true` if the spy was called at least once
5229 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalled
5230 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5231 */
5232 (chainer: 'be.called' | 'have.been.called'): Chainable<Subject>
5233 /**
5234 * Assert spy was called after `anotherSpy`
5235 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledafteranotherspy
5236 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5237 */
5238 (chainer: 'be.calledAfter' | 'have.been.calledAfter', spy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5239 /**
5240 * Assert spy was called before `anotherSpy`
5241 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledbeforeanotherspy
5242 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5243 */
5244 (chainer: 'be.calledBefore' | 'have.been.calledBefore', spy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5245 /**
5246 * Assert spy was called at least once with `obj` as `this`. `calledOn` also accepts a matcher (see [matchers](http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#matchers)).
5247 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledonobj
5248 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5249 */
5250 (chainer: 'be.calledOn' | 'have.been.calledOn', context: any): Chainable<Subject>
5251 /**
5252 * Assert spy was called exactly once
5253 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledonce
5254 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5255 */
5256 (chainer: 'be.calledOnce' | 'have.been.calledOnce'): Chainable<Subject>
5257 /**
5258 * Assert spy was called exactly three times
5259 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledthrice
5260 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5261 */
5262 (chainer: 'be.calledThrice' | 'have.been.calledThrice'): Chainable<Subject>
5263 /**
5264 * Assert spy was called exactly twice
5265 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledtwice
5266 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5267 */
5268 (chainer: 'be.calledTwice' | 'have.been.calledTwice'): Chainable<Subject>
5269 /**
5270 * Assert spy was called at least once with the provided arguments and no others.
5271 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithexactlyarg1-arg2-
5272 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5273 */
5274 (chainer: 'be.calledWithExactly' | 'have.been.calledWithExactly', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5275 /**
5276 * Assert spy was called with matching arguments (and possibly others).
5277 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithmatcharg1-arg2-
5278 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5279 */
5280 (chainer: 'be.calledWithMatch' | 'have.been.calledWithMatch', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5281 /**
5282 * Assert spy/stub was called the `new` operator.
5283 * Beware that this is inferred based on the value of the this object and the spy function's prototype, so it may give false positives if you actively return the right kind of object.
5284 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithnew
5285 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5286 */
5287 (chainer: 'be.calledWithNew' | 'have.been.calledWithNew'): Chainable<Subject>
5288 /**
5289 * Assert spy always threw an exception.
5290 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwaysthrew
5291 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5292 */
5293 (chainer: 'have.always.thrown', value?: Error | typeof Error | string): Chainable<Subject>
5294 /**
5295 * Assert the number of calls.
5296 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycallcount
5297 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5298 */
5299 (chainer: 'have.callCount', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
5300 /**
5301 * Assert spy threw an exception at least once.
5302 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spythrew
5303 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5304 */
5305 (chainer: 'have.thrown', value?: Error | typeof Error | string): Chainable<Subject>
5306 /**
5307 * Assert spy returned the provided value at least once. (see [matchers](http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#matchers))
5308 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyreturnedobj
5309 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5310 */
5311 (chainer: 'returned' | 'have.returned', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
5312 /**
5313 * Assert spy was called before anotherSpy, and no spy calls occurred between spy and anotherSpy.
5314 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledimmediatelybeforeanotherspy
5315 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5316 */
5317 (chainer: 'be.calledImmediatelyBefore' | 'have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore', anotherSpy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5318 /**
5319 * Assert spy was called after anotherSpy, and no spy calls occurred between anotherSpy and spy.
5320 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledimmediatelyafteranotherspy
5321 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5322 */
5323 (chainer: 'be.calledImmediatelyAfter' | 'have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter', anotherSpy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5324 /**
5325 * Assert the spy was always called with obj as this
5326 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledonobj
5327 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5328 */
5329 (chainer: 'be.always.calledOn' | 'always.have.been.calledOn', obj: any): Chainable<Subject>
5330 /**
5331 * Assert spy was called at least once with the provided arguments.
5332 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwitharg1-arg2-
5333 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5334 */
5335 (chainer: 'be.calledWith' | 'have.been.calledWith', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5336 /**
5337 * Assert spy was always called with the provided arguments (and possibly others).
5338 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledwitharg1-arg2-
5339 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5340 */
5341 (chainer: 'be.always.calledWith' | 'always.have.been.calledWith', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5342 /**
5343 * Assert spy was called at exactly once with the provided arguments.
5344 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwitharg1-arg2-
5345 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5346 */
5347 (chainer: 'be.calledOnceWith' | 'have.been.calledOnceWith', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5348 /**
5349 * Assert spy was always called with the exact provided arguments.
5350 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledwithexactlyarg1-arg2-
5351 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5352 */
5353 (chainer: 'be.always.calledWithExactly' | 'have.been.calledWithExactly', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5354 /**
5355 * Assert spy was called at exactly once with the provided arguments.
5356 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#
5357 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5358 */
5359 (chainer: 'be.calledOnceWithExactly' | 'have.been.calledOnceWithExactly', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5360 /**
5361 * Assert spy always returned the provided value.
5362 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#
5363 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5364 */
5365 (chainer: 'have.always.returned', obj: any): Chainable<Subject>
5367 // sinon-chai.not
5368 /**
5369 * Assert spy/stub was not called the `new` operator.
5370 * Beware that this is inferred based on the value of the this object and the spy function's prototype, so it may give false positives if you actively return the right kind of object.
5371 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithnew
5372 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5373 */
5374 (chainer: 'not.be.always.calledWithNew' | 'not.always.have.been.calledWithNew'): Chainable<Subject>
5375 /**
5376 * Assert if spy was not always called with matching arguments (and possibly others).
5377 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledwithmatcharg1-arg2-
5378 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5379 */
5380 (chainer: 'not.be.always.calledWithMatch' | 'not.always.have.been.calledWithMatch', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5381 /**
5382 * Assert spy not always returned the provided value.
5383 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwaysreturnedobj
5384 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5385 */
5386 (chainer: 'not.always.returned' | 'not.have.always.returned', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
5387 /**
5388 * `true` if the spy was not called at least once
5389 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalled
5390 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5391 */
5392 (chainer: 'not.be.called' | 'not.have.been.called'): Chainable<Subject>
5393 /**
5394 * Assert spy was not.called after `anotherSpy`
5395 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledafteranotherspy
5396 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5397 */
5398 (chainer: 'not.be.calledAfter' | 'not.have.been.calledAfter', spy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5399 /**
5400 * Assert spy was not called before `anotherSpy`
5401 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledbeforeanotherspy
5402 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5403 */
5404 (chainer: 'not.be.calledBefore' | 'not.have.been.calledBefore', spy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5405 /**
5406 * Assert spy was not called at least once with `obj` as `this`. `calledOn` also accepts a matcher (see [matchers](http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#matchers)).
5407 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledonobj
5408 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5409 */
5410 (chainer: 'not.be.calledOn' | 'not.have.been.calledOn', context: any): Chainable<Subject>
5411 /**
5412 * Assert spy was not called exactly once
5413 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledonce
5414 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5415 */
5416 (chainer: 'not.be.calledOnce' | 'not.have.been.calledOnce'): Chainable<Subject>
5417 /**
5418 * Assert spy was not called exactly three times
5419 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledthrice
5420 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5421 */
5422 (chainer: 'not.be.calledThrice' | 'not.have.been.calledThrice'): Chainable<Subject>
5423 /**
5424 * Assert spy was not called exactly twice
5425 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledtwice
5426 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5427 */
5428 (chainer: 'not.be.calledTwice' | 'not.have.been.calledTwice'): Chainable<Subject>
5429 /**
5430 * Assert spy was not called at least once with the provided arguments and no others.
5431 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithexactlyarg1-arg2-
5432 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5433 */
5434 (chainer: 'not.be.calledWithExactly' | 'not.have.been.calledWithExactly', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5435 /**
5436 * Assert spy was not called with matching arguments (and possibly others).
5437 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithmatcharg1-arg2-
5438 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5439 */
5440 (chainer: 'not.be.calledWithMatch' | 'not.have.been.calledWithMatch', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5441 /**
5442 * Assert spy/stub was not called the `new` operator.
5443 * Beware that this is inferred based on the value of the this object and the spy function's prototype, so it may give false positives if you actively return the right kind of object.
5444 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwithnew
5445 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5446 */
5447 (chainer: 'not.be.calledWithNew' | 'not.have.been.calledWithNew'): Chainable<Subject>
5448 /**
5449 * Assert spy did not always throw an exception.
5450 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwaysthrew
5451 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5452 */
5453 (chainer: 'not.have.always.thrown', value?: Error | typeof Error | string): Chainable<Subject>
5454 /**
5455 * Assert not the number of calls.
5456 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycallcount
5457 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5458 */
5459 (chainer: 'not.have.callCount', value: number): Chainable<Subject>
5460 /**
5461 * Assert spy did not throw an exception at least once.
5462 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spythrew
5463 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5464 */
5465 (chainer: 'not.have.thrown', value?: Error | typeof Error | string): Chainable<Subject>
5466 /**
5467 * Assert spy did not return the provided value at least once. (see [matchers](http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#matchers))
5468 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyreturnedobj
5469 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5470 */
5471 (chainer: 'not.returned' | 'not.have.returned', value: any): Chainable<Subject>
5472 /**
5473 * Assert spy was called before anotherSpy, and no spy calls occurred between spy and anotherSpy.
5474 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledimmediatelybeforeanotherspy
5475 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5476 */
5477 (chainer: 'not.be.calledImmediatelyBefore' | 'not.have.been.calledImmediatelyBefore', anotherSpy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5478 /**
5479 * Assert spy was called after anotherSpy, and no spy calls occurred between anotherSpy and spy.
5480 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledimmediatelyafteranotherspy
5481 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5482 */
5483 (chainer: 'not.be.calledImmediatelyAfter' | 'not.have.been.calledImmediatelyAfter', anotherSpy: sinon.SinonSpy): Chainable<Subject>
5484 /**
5485 * Assert the spy was always called with obj as this
5486 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledonobj
5487 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5488 */
5489 (chainer: 'not.be.always.calledOn' | 'not.always.have.been.calledOn', obj: any): Chainable<Subject>
5490 /**
5491 * Assert spy was called at least once with the provided arguments.
5492 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwitharg1-arg2-
5493 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5494 */
5495 (chainer: 'not.be.calledWith' | 'not.have.been.calledWith', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5496 /**
5497 * Assert spy was always called with the provided arguments (and possibly others).
5498 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledwitharg1-arg2-
5499 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5500 */
5501 (chainer: 'not.be.always.calledWith' | 'not.always.have.been.calledWith', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5502 /**
5503 * Assert spy was called at exactly once with the provided arguments.
5504 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spycalledwitharg1-arg2-
5505 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5506 */
5507 (chainer: 'not.be.calledOnceWith' | 'not.have.been.calledOnceWith', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5508 /**
5509 * Assert spy was always called with the exact provided arguments.
5510 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#spyalwayscalledwithexactlyarg1-arg2-
5511 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5512 */
5513 (chainer: 'not.be.always.calledWithExactly' | 'not.have.been.calledWithExactly', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5514 /**
5515 * Assert spy was called at exactly once with the provided arguments.
5516 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#
5517 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5518 */
5519 (chainer: 'not.be.calledOnceWithExactly' | 'not.have.been.calledOnceWithExactly', ...args: any[]): Chainable<Subject>
5520 /**
5521 * Assert spy always returned the provided value.
5522 * @see http://sinonjs.org/releases/v4.1.3/spies/#
5523 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5524 */
5525 (chainer: 'not.have.always.returned', obj: any): Chainable<Subject>
5527 // jquery-chai
5528 /**
5529 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is checked, using `.is(':checked')`.
5530 * @example
5531 * cy.get('#result').should('be.checked')
5532 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#checked
5533 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5534 */
5535 (chainer: 'be.checked'): Chainable<Subject>
5536 /**
5537 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is disabled, using `.is(':disabled')`.
5538 * @example
5539 * cy.get('#result').should('be.disabled')
5540 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#disabled
5541 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5542 */
5543 (chainer: 'be.disabled'): Chainable<Subject>
5544 /**
5545 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is empty, using `.is(':empty')`. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, the original implementation will be called.
5546 * @example
5547 * cy.get('#result').should('be.empty')
5548 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#empty
5549 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5550 */
5551 (chainer: 'be.empty'): Chainable<Subject>
5552 /**
5553 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is enabled, using `.is(':enabled')`.
5554 * @example
5555 * cy.get('#result').should('be.enabled')
5556 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#enabled
5557 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5558 */
5559 (chainer: 'be.enabled'): Chainable<Subject>
5560 /**
5561 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is hidden, using `.is(':hidden')`.
5562 * @example
5563 * cy.get('#result').should('be.hidden')
5564 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#hidden
5565 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5566 */
5567 (chainer: 'be.hidden'): Chainable<Subject>
5568 /**
5569 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is selected, using `.is(':selected')`.
5570 * @example
5571 * cy.get('#result').should('be.selected')
5572 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#selected
5573 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5574 */
5575 (chainer: 'be.selected'): Chainable<Subject>
5576 /**
5577 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is visible, using `.is(':visible')`.
5578 * @example
5579 * cy.get('#result').should('be.visible')
5580 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#visible
5581 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5582 */
5583 (chainer: 'be.visible'): Chainable<Subject>
5584 /**
5585 * Assert that the selection contains the given text, using `:contains()`. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, or if `contain` is not called as a function, the original implementation will be called.
5586 * @example
5587 * cy.get('#result').should('contain', 'text')
5588 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#containtext
5589 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5590 */
5591 (chainer: 'contain', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5592 /**
5593 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is focused.
5594 * @example
5595 * cy.get('#result').should('have.focus')
5596 * cy.get('#result').should('be.focused')
5597 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5598 */
5599 (chainer: 'have.focus'): Chainable<Subject>
5600 /**
5601 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is focused.
5602 * @example
5603 * cy.get('#result').should('be.focused')
5604 * cy.get('#result').should('have.focus')
5605 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5606 */
5607 (chainer: 'be.focused'): Chainable<Subject>
5608 /**
5609 * Assert that the selection is not empty. Note that this overrides the built-in chai assertion. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, the original implementation will be called.
5610 * @example
5611 * cy.get('#result').should('exist')
5612 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#exist
5613 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5614 */
5615 (chainer: 'exist'): Chainable<Subject>
5616 /**
5617 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given attribute, using `.attr()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5618 * @example
5619 * cy.get('#result').should('have.attr', 'role')
5620 * cy.get('#result').should('have.attr', 'role', 'menu')
5621 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#attrname-value
5622 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5623 */
5624 (chainer: 'have.attr', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5625 /**
5626 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given attribute, using `.attr()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5627 * @example
5628 * cy.get('#result').should('have.class', 'success')
5629 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#classclassname
5630 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5631 */
5632 (chainer: 'have.class', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5633 /**
5634 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given CSS property, using `.css()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5635 * @example
5636 * cy.get('#result').should('have.css', 'display', 'none')
5637 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#cssname-value
5638 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5639 */
5640 (chainer: 'have.css', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5641 /**
5642 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given data value, using `.data()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5643 * @example
5644 * cy.get('#result').should('have.data', 'foo', 'bar')
5645 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#dataname-value
5646 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5647 */
5648 (chainer: 'have.data', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5649 /**
5650 * Assert that the selection contains at least one element which has a descendant matching the given selector, using `.has()`.
5651 * @example
5652 * cy.get('#result').should('have.descendants', 'h1')
5653 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#descendantsselector
5654 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5655 */
5656 (chainer: 'have.descendants', selector: string): Chainable<Subject>
5657 /**
5658 * Assert that the html of the first element of the selection is equal to the given html, using `.html()`.
5659 * @example
5660 * cy.get('#result').should('have.html', '<em>John Doe</em>')
5661 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#htmlhtml
5662 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5663 */
5664 (chainer: 'have.html', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5665 /**
5666 * Assert that the html of the first element of the selection partially contains the given html, using `.html()`.
5667 * @example
5668 * cy.get('#result').should('contain.html', '<em>John Doe</em>')
5669 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#htmlhtml
5670 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5671 */
5672 (chainer: 'contain.html', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5673 /**
5674 * Assert that the html of the first element of the selection partially contains the given html, using `.html()`.
5675 * @example
5676 * cy.get('#result').should('include.html', '<em>John Doe</em>')
5677 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#htmlhtml
5678 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5679 */
5680 (chainer: 'include.html', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5681 /**
5682 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given id, using `.attr('id')`.
5683 * @example
5684 * cy.get('#result').should('have.id', 'result')
5685 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#idid
5686 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5687 */
5688 (chainer: 'have.id', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5689 /**
5690 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given property, using `.prop()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5691 * @example
5692 * cy.get('#result').should('have.prop', 'disabled')
5693 * cy.get('#result').should('have.prop', 'disabled', false)
5694 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#propname-value
5695 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5696 */
5697 (chainer: 'have.prop', value: string, match?: any): Chainable<Subject>
5698 /**
5699 * Assert that the text of the first element of the selection is equal to the given text, using `.text()`.
5700 * @example
5701 * cy.get('#result').should('have.text', 'John Doe')
5702 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#texttext
5703 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5704 */
5705 (chainer: 'have.text', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5706 /**
5707 * Assert that the text of the first element of the selection partially contains the given text, using `.text()`.
5708 * @example
5709 * cy.get('#result').should('contain.text', 'John Doe')
5710 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#texttext
5711 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5712 */
5713 (chainer: 'contain.text', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5714 /**
5715 * Assert that the text of the first element of the selection partially contains the given text, using `.text()`.
5716 * @example
5717 * cy.get('#result').should('include.text', 'John Doe')
5718 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#texttext
5719 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5720 */
5721 (chainer: 'include.text', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5722 /**
5723 * Assert that the first element of the selection has the given value, using `.val()`.
5724 * @example
5725 * cy.get('textarea').should('have.value', 'foo bar baz')
5726 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#valuevalue
5727 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5728 */
5729 (chainer: 'have.value', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5730 /**
5731 * Assert that the first element of the selection partially contains the given value, using `.val()`.
5732 * @example
5733 * cy.get('textarea').should('contain.value', 'foo bar baz')
5734 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#valuevalue
5735 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5736 */
5737 (chainer: 'contain.value', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5738 /**
5739 * Assert that the first element of the selection partially contains the given value, using `.val()`.
5740 * @example
5741 * cy.get('textarea').should('include.value', 'foo bar baz')
5742 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#valuevalue
5743 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5744 */
5745 (chainer: 'include.value', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5746 /**
5747 * Assert that the selection matches a given selector, using `.is()`. Note that this overrides the built-in chai assertion. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, the original implementation will be called.
5748 * @example
5749 * cy.get('#result').should('match', ':empty')
5750 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#matchselector
5751 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5752 */
5753 (chainer: 'match', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5755 // jquery-chai.not
5756 /**
5757 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not checked, using `.is(':checked')`.
5758 * @example
5759 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.checked')
5760 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#checked
5761 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5762 */
5763 (chainer: 'not.be.checked'): Chainable<Subject>
5764 /**
5765 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not disabled, using `.is(':disabled')`.
5766 * @example
5767 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.disabled')
5768 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#disabled
5769 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5770 */
5771 (chainer: 'not.be.disabled'): Chainable<Subject>
5772 /**
5773 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not empty, using `.is(':empty')`. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, the original implementation will be called.
5774 * @example
5775 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.empty')
5776 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#empty
5777 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5778 */
5779 (chainer: 'not.be.empty'): Chainable<Subject>
5780 /**
5781 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not enabled, using `.is(':enabled')`.
5782 * @example
5783 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.enabled')
5784 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#enabled
5785 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5786 */
5787 (chainer: 'not.be.enabled'): Chainable<Subject>
5788 /**
5789 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not hidden, using `.is(':hidden')`.
5790 * @example
5791 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.hidden')
5792 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#hidden
5793 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5794 */
5795 (chainer: 'not.be.hidden'): Chainable<Subject>
5796 /**
5797 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not selected, using `.is(':selected')`.
5798 * @example
5799 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.selected')
5800 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#selected
5801 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5802 */
5803 (chainer: 'not.be.selected'): Chainable<Subject>
5804 /**
5805 * Assert that at least one element of the selection is not visible, using `.is(':visible')`.
5806 * @example
5807 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.visible')
5808 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#visible
5809 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5810 */
5811 (chainer: 'not.be.visible'): Chainable<Subject>
5812 /**
5813 * Assert that no element of the selection is focused.
5814 * @example
5815 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.focus')
5816 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.focused')
5817 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5818 */
5819 (chainer: 'not.have.focus'): Chainable<Subject>
5820 /**
5821 * Assert that no element of the selection is focused.
5822 * @example
5823 * cy.get('#result').should('not.be.focused')
5824 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.focus')
5825 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5826 */
5827 (chainer: 'not.be.focused'): Chainable<Subject>
5828 /**
5829 * Assert that the selection does not contain the given text, using `:contains()`. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, or if `contain` is not called as a function, the original implementation will be called.
5830 * @example
5831 * cy.get('#result').should('not.contain', 'text')
5832 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#containtext
5833 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5834 */
5835 (chainer: 'not.contain', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5836 /**
5837 * Assert that the selection is empty. Note that this overrides the built-in chai assertion. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, the original implementation will be called.
5838 * @example
5839 * cy.get('#result').should('not.exist')
5840 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#exist
5841 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5842 */
5843 (chainer: 'not.exist'): Chainable<Subject>
5844 /**
5845 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given attribute, using `.attr()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5846 * @example
5847 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.attr', 'role')
5848 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.attr', 'role', 'menu')
5849 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#attrname-value
5850 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5851 */
5852 (chainer: 'not.have.attr', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5853 /**
5854 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given attribute, using `.attr()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5855 * @example
5856 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.class', 'success')
5857 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#classclassname
5858 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5859 */
5860 (chainer: 'not.have.class', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5861 /**
5862 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given CSS property, using `.css()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5863 * @example
5864 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.css', 'display', 'none')
5865 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#cssname-value
5866 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5867 */
5868 (chainer: 'not.have.css', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5869 /**
5870 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given data value, using `.data()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5871 * @example
5872 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.data', 'foo', 'bar')
5873 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#dataname-value
5874 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5875 */
5876 (chainer: 'not.have.data', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5877 /**
5878 * Assert that the selection does not contain at least one element which has a descendant matching the given selector, using `.has()`.
5879 * @example
5880 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.descendants', 'h1')
5881 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#descendantsselector
5882 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5883 */
5884 (chainer: 'not.have.descendants', selector: string): Chainable<Subject>
5885 /**
5886 * Assert that the html of the first element of the selection is not equal to the given html, using `.html()`.
5887 * @example
5888 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.html', '<em>John Doe</em>')
5889 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#htmlhtml
5890 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5891 */
5892 (chainer: 'not.have.html', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5893 /**
5894 * Assert that the html of the first element of the selection does not contain the given html, using `.html()`.
5895 * @example
5896 * cy.get('#result').should('not.contain.html', '<em>John Doe</em>')
5897 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#htmlhtml
5898 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5899 */
5900 (chainer: 'not.contain.html', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5901 /**
5902 * Assert that the html of the first element of the selection does not contain the given html, using `.html()`.
5903 * @example
5904 * cy.get('#result').should('not.include.html', '<em>John Doe</em>')
5905 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#htmlhtml
5906 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5907 */
5908 (chainer: 'not.include.html', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5909 /**
5910 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given id, using `.attr('id')`.
5911 * @example
5912 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.id', 'result')
5913 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#idid
5914 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5915 */
5916 (chainer: 'not.have.id', value: string, match?: string): Chainable<Subject>
5917 /**
5918 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given property, using `.prop()`. Optionally, assert a particular value as well. The return value is available for chaining.
5919 * @example
5920 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.prop', 'disabled')
5921 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.prop', 'disabled', false)
5922 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#propname-value
5923 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5924 */
5925 (chainer: 'not.have.prop', value: string, match?: any): Chainable<Subject>
5926 /**
5927 * Assert that the text of the first element of the selection is not equal to the given text, using `.text()`.
5928 * @example
5929 * cy.get('#result').should('not.have.text', 'John Doe')
5930 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#texttext
5931 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5932 */
5933 (chainer: 'not.have.text', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5934 /**
5935 * Assert that the text of the first element of the selection does not contain the given text, using `.text()`.
5936 * @example
5937 * cy.get('#result').should('not.contain.text', 'John Doe')
5938 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#texttext
5939 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5940 */
5941 (chainer: 'not.contain.text', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5942 /**
5943 * Assert that the text of the first element of the selection does not contain the given text, using `.text()`.
5944 * @example
5945 * cy.get('#result').should('not.include.text', 'John Doe')
5946 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#texttext
5947 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5948 */
5949 (chainer: 'not.include.text', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5950 /**
5951 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not have the given value, using `.val()`.
5952 * @example
5953 * cy.get('textarea').should('not.have.value', 'foo bar baz')
5954 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#valuevalue
5955 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5956 */
5957 (chainer: 'not.have.value', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5958 /**
5959 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not contain the given value, using `.val()`.
5960 * @example
5961 * cy.get('textarea').should('not.contain.value', 'foo bar baz')
5962 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#valuevalue
5963 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5964 */
5965 (chainer: 'not.contain.value', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5966 /**
5967 * Assert that the first element of the selection does not contain the given value, using `.val()`.
5968 * @example
5969 * cy.get('textarea').should('not.include.value', 'foo bar baz')
5970 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#valuevalue
5971 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5972 */
5973 (chainer: 'not.include.value', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5974 /**
5975 * Assert that the selection does not match a given selector, using `.is()`. Note that this overrides the built-in chai assertion. If the object asserted against is not a jQuery object, the original implementation will be called.
5976 * @example
5977 * cy.get('#result').should('not.match', ':empty')
5978 * @see http://chaijs.com/plugins/chai-jquery/#matchselector
5979 * @see https://on.cypress.io/assertions
5980 */
5981 (chainer: 'not.match', value: string): Chainable<Subject>
5983 // fallback
5984 /**
5985 * Create an assertion. Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out.
5986 * Ctrl+Space will invoke auto-complete in most editors.
5987 * @see https://on.cypress.io/should
5988 */
5989 (chainers: string, value?: any): Chainable<Subject>
5990 (chainers: string, value: any, match: any): Chainable<Subject>
5992 /**
5993 * Create an assertion. Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out.
5994 * Passing a function to `.should()` enables you to make multiple assertions on the yielded subject. This also gives you the opportunity to massage what you'd like to assert on.
5995 * Just be sure _not_ to include any code that has side effects in your callback function. The callback function will be retried over and over again until no assertions within it throw.
5996 * @example
5997 * cy
5998 * .get('p')
5999 * .should(($p) => {
6000 * // should have found 3 elements
6001 * expect($p).to.have.length(3)
6002 *
6003 * // make sure the first contains some text content
6004 * expect($p.first()).to.contain('Hello World')
6005 *
6006 * // use jquery's map to grab all of their classes
6007 * // jquery's map returns a new jquery object
6008 * const classes = $p.map((i, el) => {
6009 * return Cypress.$(el).attr('class')
6010 * })
6011 *
6012 * // call classes.get() to make this a plain array
6013 * expect(classes.get()).to.deep.eq([
6014 * 'text-primary',
6015 * 'text-danger',
6016 * 'text-default'
6017 * ])
6018 * })
6019 * @see https://on.cypress.io/should
6020 */
6021 (fn: (currentSubject: Subject) => void): Chainable<Subject>
6022 }
6024 interface AfterBrowserLaunchDetails {
6025 webSocketDebuggerUrl: string
6026 }
6028 interface BeforeBrowserLaunchOptions {
6029 extensions: string[]
6030 preferences: { [key: string]: any }
6031 args: string[]
6032 env: { [key: string]: any }
6033 }
6035 interface Dimensions {
6036 width: number
6037 height: number
6038 }
6040 interface ScreenshotDetails {
6041 size: number
6042 takenAt: string
6043 duration: number
6044 dimensions: Dimensions
6045 multipart: boolean
6046 pixelRatio: number
6047 name: string
6048 specName: string
6049 testFailure: boolean
6050 path: string
6051 scaled: boolean
6052 blackout: string[]
6053 }
6055 interface AfterScreenshotReturnObject {
6056 path?: string
6057 size?: number
6058 dimensions?: Dimensions
6059 }
6061 interface FileObject extends NodeEventEmitter {
6062 filePath: string
6063 outputPath: string
6064 shouldWatch: boolean
6065 }
6067 /**
6068 * Individual task callback. Receives a single argument and _should_ return
6069 * anything but `undefined` or a promise that resolves anything but `undefined`
6070 * TODO: find a way to express "anything but undefined" in TypeScript
6071 */
6072 type Task = (value: any) => any
6074 interface Tasks {
6075 [key: string]: Task
6076 }
6078 interface SystemDetails {
6079 osName: string
6080 osVersion: string
6081 }
6083 interface BeforeRunDetails {
6084 browser?: Browser
6085 config: ConfigOptions
6086 cypressVersion: string
6087 group?: string
6088 parallel?: boolean
6089 runUrl?: string
6090 specs?: Spec[]
6091 specPattern?: string[]
6092 system: SystemDetails
6093 tag?: string
6094 autoCancelAfterFailures?: number | false
6095 }
6097 interface DevServerConfig {
6098 specs: Spec[]
6099 cypressConfig: PluginConfigOptions
6100 devServerEvents: NodeJS.EventEmitter
6101 }
6103 interface ResolvedDevServerConfig {
6104 port: number
6105 close: (done?: (err?: Error) => any) => void
6106 }
6108 interface PluginEvents {
6109 (action: 'after:browser:launch', fn: (browser: Browser, browserLaunchDetails: AfterBrowserLaunchDetails) => void | Promise<void>): void
6110 (action: 'after:run', fn: (results: CypressCommandLine.CypressRunResult | CypressCommandLine.CypressFailedRunResult) => void | Promise<void>): void
6111 (action: 'after:screenshot', fn: (details: ScreenshotDetails) => void | AfterScreenshotReturnObject | Promise<AfterScreenshotReturnObject>): void
6112 (action: 'after:spec', fn: (spec: Spec, results: CypressCommandLine.RunResult) => void | Promise<void>): void
6113 (action: 'before:run', fn: (runDetails: BeforeRunDetails) => void | Promise<void>): void
6114 (action: 'before:spec', fn: (spec: Spec) => void | Promise<void>): void
6115 (action: 'before:browser:launch', fn: (browser: Browser, afterBrowserLaunchOptions: BeforeBrowserLaunchOptions) => void | Promise<void> | BeforeBrowserLaunchOptions | Promise<BeforeBrowserLaunchOptions>): void
6116 (action: 'file:preprocessor', fn: (file: FileObject) => string | Promise<string>): void
6117 (action: 'dev-server:start', fn: (file: DevServerConfig) => Promise<ResolvedDevServerConfig>): void
6118 (action: 'task', tasks: Tasks): void
6119 }
6121 interface CodeFrame {
6122 frame: string
6123 language: string
6124 line: number
6125 column: number
6126 absoluteFile: string
6127 originalFile: string
6128 relativeFile: string
6129 }
6131 interface CypressError extends Error {
6132 docsUrl?: string
6133 codeFrame?: CodeFrame
6134 }
6136 // for just a few events like "window:alert" it makes sense to allow passing cy.stub() or
6137 // a user callback function. Others probably only need a callback function.
6139 /**
6140 * These events come from the application currently under test (your application).
6141 * These are the most useful events for you to listen to.
6142 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6143 */
6144 interface Actions {
6145 /**
6146 * Fires when an uncaught exception or unhandled rejection occurs in your application. If it's an unhandled rejection, the rejected promise will be the 3rd argument.
6147 * Cypress will fail the test when this fires.
6148 * Return `false` from this event and Cypress will not fail the test. Also useful for debugging purposes because the actual `error` instance is provided to you.
6149 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6150 * @example
6151 ```
6152 // likely want to do this in a support file
6153 // so it's applied to all spec files
6154 // cypress/support/{e2e|component}.js
6156 Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
6157 // returning false here prevents Cypress from
6158 // failing the test
6159 return false
6160 })
6161 // stub "window.alert" in a single test
6162 it('shows alert', () => {
6163 const stub = cy.stub()
6164 cy.on('window:alert', stub)
6165 // trigger application code that calls alert(...)
6166 .then(() => {
6167 expect(stub).to.have.been.calledOnce
6168 })
6169 })
6170 ```
6171 */
6172 (action: 'uncaught:exception', fn: (error: Error, runnable: Mocha.Runnable, promise?: Promise<any>) => false | void): Cypress
6173 /**
6174 * Fires when your app calls the global `window.confirm()` method.
6175 * Cypress will auto accept confirmations. Return `false` from this event and the confirmation will be canceled.
6176 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6177 * @example
6178 ```
6179 cy.on('window:confirm', (str) => {
6180 console.log(str)
6181 return false // simulate "Cancel"
6182 })
6183 ```
6184 */
6185 (action: 'window:confirm', fn: ((text: string) => false | void) | SinonSpyAgent<sinon.SinonSpy> | SinonSpyAgent<sinon.SinonStub>): Cypress
6186 /**
6187 * Fires when your app calls the global `window.alert()` method.
6188 * Cypress will auto accept alerts. You cannot change this behavior.
6189 * @example
6190 ```
6191 const stub = cy.stub()
6192 cy.on('window:alert', stub)
6193 // assume the button calls window.alert()
6194 cy.get('.my-button')
6195 .click()
6196 .then(() => {
6197 expect(stub).to.have.been.calledOnce
6198 })
6199 ```
6200 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6201 */
6202 (action: 'window:alert', fn: ((text: string) => void) | SinonSpyAgent<sinon.SinonSpy> | SinonSpyAgent<sinon.SinonStub>): Cypress
6203 /**
6204 * Fires as the page begins to load, but before any of your applications JavaScript has executed.
6205 * This fires at the exact same time as `cy.visit()` `onBeforeLoad` callback.
6206 * Useful to modify the window on a page transition.
6207 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6208 */
6209 (action: 'window:before:load', fn: (win: AUTWindow) => void): Cypress
6210 /**
6211 * Fires after all your resources have finished loading after a page transition.
6212 * This fires at the exact same time as a `cy.visit()` `onLoad` callback.
6213 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6214 */
6215 (action: 'window:load', fn: (win: AUTWindow) => void): Cypress
6216 /**
6217 * Fires when your application is about to navigate away.
6218 * The real event object is provided to you.
6219 * Your app may have set a `returnValue` on the event, which is useful to assert on.
6220 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6221 */
6222 (action: 'window:before:unload', fn: (event: BeforeUnloadEvent) => void): Cypress
6223 /**
6224 * Fires when your application is has unloaded and is navigating away.
6225 * The real event object is provided to you. This event is not cancelable.
6226 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6227 */
6228 (action: 'window:unload', fn: (event: Event) => void): Cypress
6229 /**
6230 * Fires whenever Cypress detects that your application's URL has changed.
6231 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6232 */
6233 (action: 'url:changed', fn: (url: string) => void): Cypress
6234 /**
6235 * Fires when the test has failed. It is technically possible to prevent the test
6236 * from actually failing by binding to this event and invoking an async `done` callback.
6237 * However this is **strongly discouraged**. Tests should never legitimately fail.
6238 * This event exists because it's extremely useful for debugging purposes.
6239 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6240 */
6241 (action: 'fail', fn: (error: CypressError, mocha: Mocha.Runnable) => void): Cypress
6242 /**
6243 * Fires whenever the viewport changes via a `cy.viewport()` or naturally when
6244 * Cypress resets the viewport to the default between tests. Useful for debugging purposes.
6245 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6246 */
6247 (action: 'viewport:changed', fn: (viewport: Viewport) => void): Cypress
6248 /**
6249 * Fires whenever **Cypress** is scrolling your application.
6250 * This event is fired when Cypress is {% url 'waiting for and calculating
6251 * actionability' interacting-with-elements %}. It will scroll to 'uncover'
6252 * elements currently being covered. This event is extremely useful to debug why
6253 * Cypress may think an element is not interactive.
6254 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6255 */
6256 (action: 'scrolled', fn: ($el: JQuery) => void): Cypress
6257 /**
6258 * Fires when a cy command is first invoked and enqueued to be run later.
6259 * Useful for debugging purposes if you're confused about the order in which commands will execute.
6260 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6261 */
6262 (action: 'command:enqueued', fn: (command: EnqueuedCommandAttributes) => void): Cypress
6263 /**
6264 * Fires when cy begins actually running and executing your command.
6265 * Useful for debugging and understanding how the command queue is async.
6266 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6267 */
6268 (action: 'command:start', fn: (command: CommandQueue) => void): Cypress
6269 /**
6270 * Fires when cy finishes running and executing your command.
6271 * Useful for debugging and understanding how commands are handled.
6272 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6273 */
6274 (action: 'command:end', fn: (command: CommandQueue) => void): Cypress
6275 /**
6276 * Fires when a command is skipped, namely the `should` command.
6277 * Useful for debugging and understanding how commands are handled.
6278 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6279 */
6280 (action: 'skipped:command:end', fn: (command: CommandQueue) => void): Cypress
6281 /**
6282 * Fires whenever a command begins its retrying routines.
6283 * This is called on the trailing edge after Cypress has internally
6284 * waited for the retry interval. Useful to understand **why** a command is retrying,
6285 * and generally includes the actual error causing the retry to happen.
6286 * When commands fail the final error is the one that actually bubbles up to fail the test.
6287 * This event is essentially to debug why Cypress is failing.
6288 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6289 */
6290 (action: 'command:retry', fn: (command: CommandQueue) => void): Cypress
6291 /**
6292 * Fires whenever a command emits this event so it can be displayed in the Command Log.
6293 * Useful to see how internal cypress commands utilize the {% url 'Cypress.log()' cypress-log %} API.
6294 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6295 */
6296 (action: 'log:added', fn: (attributes: ObjectLike, log: any) => void): Cypress
6297 /**
6298 * Fires whenever a command's attributes changes.
6299 * This event is debounced to prevent it from firing too quickly and too often.
6300 * Useful to see how internal cypress commands utilize the {% url 'Cypress.log()' cypress-log %} API.
6301 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6302 */
6303 (action: 'log:changed', fn: (attributes: ObjectLike, log: any) => void): Cypress
6304 /**
6305 * Fires before the test and all **before** and **beforeEach** hooks run.
6306 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6307 */
6308 (action: 'test:before:run', fn: (attributes: ObjectLike, test: Mocha.Test) => void): Cypress
6309 /**
6310 * Fires before the test and all **before** and **beforeEach** hooks run.
6311 * If a `Promise` is returned, it will be awaited before proceeding.
6312 */
6313 (action: 'test:before:run:async', fn: (attributes: ObjectLike, test: Mocha.Test) => void | Promise<any>): Cypress
6314 /**
6315 * Fires after the test and all **afterEach** and **after** hooks run.
6316 * @see https://on.cypress.io/catalog-of-events#App-Events
6317 */
6318 (action: 'test:after:run', fn: (attributes: ObjectLike, test: Mocha.Test) => void): Cypress
6319 }
6321 // $CommandQueue from `command_queue.coffee` - a lot to type. Might be more useful if it was written in TS
6322 interface CommandQueue extends ObjectLike {
6323 logs(filters: any): any
6324 add(obj: any): any
6325 get(): any
6326 get<K extends keyof CommandQueue>(key: string): CommandQueue[K]
6327 toJSON(): string[]
6328 create(): CommandQueue
6329 }
6331 /**
6332 * The clock starts at the unix epoch (timestamp of 0). This means that when you instantiate new Date in your application, it will have a time of January 1st, 1970.
6333 */
6334 interface Clock {
6335 /**
6336 * Move the clock the specified number of `milliseconds`.
6337 * Any timers within the affected range of time will be called.
6338 * @param time Number in ms to advance the clock
6339 * @see https://on.cypress.io/tick
6340 */
6341 tick(time: number): void
6342 /**
6343 * Restore all overridden native functions.
6344 * This is automatically called between tests, so should not generally be needed.
6345 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
6346 * @example
6347 * cy.clock()
6348 * cy.visit('/')
6349 * ...
6350 * cy.clock().then(clock => {
6351 * clock.restore()
6352 * })
6353 * // or use this shortcut
6354 * cy.clock().invoke('restore')
6355 */
6356 restore(): void
6357 /**
6358 * Change the time without invoking any timers.
6359 *
6360 * Default value with no argument or undefined is 0.
6361 *
6362 * This can be useful if you need to change the time by an hour
6363 * while there is a setInterval registered that may otherwise run thousands
6364 * of times.
6365 * @see https://on.cypress.io/clock
6366 * @example
6367 * cy.clock()
6368 * cy.visit('/')
6369 * ...
6370 * cy.clock().then(clock => {
6371 * clock.setSystemTime(60 * 60 * 1000)
6372 * })
6373 * // or use this shortcut
6374 * cy.clock().invoke('setSystemTime', 60 * 60 * 1000)
6375 */
6376 setSystemTime(now?: number | Date): void
6377 }
6379 interface Cookie {
6380 name: string
6381 value: string
6382 path: string
6383 domain: string
6384 hostOnly?: boolean
6385 httpOnly: boolean
6386 secure: boolean
6387 expiry?: number
6388 sameSite?: SameSiteStatus
6389 }
6391 interface EnqueuedCommandAttributes {
6392 id: string
6393 name: string
6394 args: any[]
6395 type: string
6396 chainerId: string
6397 injected: boolean
6398 userInvocationStack?: string
6399 query?: boolean
6400 fn(...args: any[]): any
6401 }
6403 interface Command {
6404 get<K extends keyof EnqueuedCommandAttributes>(attr: K): EnqueuedCommandAttributes[K]
6405 get(): EnqueuedCommandAttributes
6406 set<K extends keyof EnqueuedCommandAttributes>(key: K, value: EnqueuedCommandAttributes[K]): Log
6407 set(options: Partial<EnqueuedCommandAttributes>): Log
6408 }
6410 interface Exec {
6411 code: number
6412 stdout: string
6413 stderr: string
6414 }
6416 type TypedArray =
6417 | Int8Array
6418 | Uint8Array
6419 | Uint8ClampedArray
6420 | Int16Array
6421 | Uint16Array
6422 | Int32Array
6423 | Uint32Array
6424 | Float32Array
6425 | Float64Array
6427 type FileReference = string | BufferType | FileReferenceObject | TypedArray
6428 interface FileReferenceObject {
6429 /*
6430 * Buffers will be used as-is, while strings will be interpreted as an alias or a file path.
6431 * All other types will have `Buffer.from(JSON.stringify())` applied.
6432 */
6433 contents: any
6434 fileName?: string
6435 mimeType?: string
6436 lastModified?: number
6437 }
6439 interface LogAttrs {
6440 url: string
6441 consoleProps: ObjectLike
6442 }
6444 interface Log {
6445 end(): Log
6446 error(error: Error): Log
6447 finish(): void
6448 get<K extends keyof LogConfig>(attr: K): LogConfig[K]
6449 get(): LogConfig
6450 set<K extends keyof LogConfig>(key: K, value: LogConfig[K]): Log
6451 set(options: Partial<LogConfig>): Log
6452 snapshot(name?: string, options?: { at?: number, next: string }): Log
6453 }
6455 interface LogConfig extends Timeoutable {
6456 /** Unique id for the log, in the form of '<origin>-<number>' */
6457 id: string
6458 /** The JQuery element for the command. This will highlight the command in the main window when debugging */
6459 $el: JQuery
6460 /** The scope of the log entry. If child, will appear nested below parents, prefixed with '-' */
6461 type: 'parent' | 'child'
6462 /** Allows the name of the command to be overwritten */
6463 name: string
6464 /** Override *name* for display purposes only */
6465 displayName: string
6466 /** additional information to include in the log */
6467 message: any
6468 /** Set to false if you want to control the finishing of the command in the log yourself */
6469 autoEnd: boolean
6470 /** Set to true to immediately finish the log */
6471 end: boolean
6472 /** Return an object that will be printed in the dev tools console */
6473 consoleProps(): ObjectLike
6474 }
6476 interface Response<T> {
6477 allRequestResponses: any[]
6478 body: T
6479 duration: number
6480 headers: { [key: string]: string | string[] }
6481 isOkStatusCode: boolean
6482 redirects?: string[]
6483 redirectedToUrl?: string
6484 requestHeaders: { [key: string]: string }
6485 status: number
6486 statusText: string
6487 }
6489 interface Server extends RouteOptions {
6490 enable: boolean
6491 ignore: (xhr: any) => boolean
6492 }
6494 interface Viewport {
6495 viewportWidth: number
6496 viewportHeight: number
6497 }
6499 type Encodings = 'ascii' | 'base64' | 'binary' | 'hex' | 'latin1' | 'utf8' | 'utf-8' | 'ucs2' | 'ucs-2' | 'utf16le' | 'utf-16le' | null
6500 type PositionType = 'topLeft' | 'top' | 'topRight' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottom' | 'bottomRight'
6501 type ViewportPreset = 'macbook-16' | 'macbook-15' | 'macbook-13' | 'macbook-11' | 'ipad-2' | 'ipad-mini' | 'iphone-xr' | 'iphone-x' | 'iphone-6+' | 'iphone-se2' | 'iphone-8' | 'iphone-7' | 'iphone-6' | 'iphone-5' | 'iphone-4' | 'iphone-3' | 'samsung-s10' | 'samsung-note9'
6502 interface Offset {
6503 top: number
6504 left: number
6505 }
6507 // Diff taken from https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/12215#issuecomment-311923766
6508 type Diff<T extends string, U extends string> = ({ [P in T]: P } & { [P in U]: never } & { [x: string]: never })[T]
6509 type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
6511 /**
6512 * Public interface for the global "cy" object. If you want to add
6513 * a custom property to this object, you should extend this interface.
6514 * @see https://on.cypress.io/typescript#Types-for-custom-commands
6515 *
6516 ```
6517 // in your TS file
6518 declare namespace Cypress {
6519 interface cy {
6520 // declare additional properties on "cy" object, like
6521 // label: string
6522 }
6523 interface Chainable {
6524 // declare additional custom commands as methods, like
6525 // login(username: string, password: string)
6526 }
6527 }
6528 ```
6529 */
6530 interface cy extends Chainable<undefined> { }
6533declare namespace Mocha {
6534 interface TestFunction {
6535 /**
6536 * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` acting
6537 * as a thunk.
6538 */
6539 (title: string, config: Cypress.TestConfigOverrides, fn?: Func): Test
6541 /**
6542 * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` acting
6543 * as a thunk.
6544 */
6545 (title: string, config: Cypress.TestConfigOverrides, fn?: AsyncFunc): Test
6546 }
6547 interface ExclusiveTestFunction {
6548 /**
6549 * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` acting
6550 * as a thunk.
6551 */
6552 (title: string, config: Cypress.TestConfigOverrides, fn?: Func): Test
6554 /**
6555 * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` acting
6556 * as a thunk.
6557 */
6558 (title: string, config: Cypress.TestConfigOverrides, fn?: AsyncFunc): Test
6559 }
6560 interface PendingTestFunction {
6561 /**
6562 * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` acting
6563 * as a thunk.
6564 */
6565 (title: string, config: Cypress.TestConfigOverrides, fn?: Func): Test
6567 /**
6568 * Describe a specification or test-case with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` acting
6569 * as a thunk.
6570 */
6571 (title: string, config: Cypress.TestConfigOverrides, fn?: AsyncFunc): Test
6572 }
6574 interface SuiteFunction {
6575 /**
6576 * Describe a "suite" with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` containing
6577 * nested suites.
6578 */
6579 (title: string, config: Cypress.SuiteConfigOverrides, fn: (this: Suite) => void): Suite
6580 }
6582 interface ExclusiveSuiteFunction {
6583 /**
6584 * Describe a "suite" with the given `title`, TestOptions, and callback `fn` containing
6585 * nested suites. Indicates this suite should be executed exclusively.
6586 */
6587 (title: string, config: Cypress.SuiteConfigOverrides, fn: (this: Suite) => void): Suite
6588 }
6590 interface PendingSuiteFunction {
6591 (title: string, config: Cypress.SuiteConfigOverrides, fn: (this: Suite) => void): Suite | void
6592 }
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