1 |
2 |
3 | // Please add your own contribution below inside the Master section, no need to
4 | // set a version number, that happens during a deploy. Thanks!
5 | //
6 | // These docs are aimed at users rather than danger developers, so please limit technical
7 | // terminology in here.
8 |
9 | // Note: if this is your first PR, you'll need to add your URL to the footnotes
10 | // see the bottom of this file. The list there is sorted, try to follow that.
11 | x
12 | -->
13 |
14 | ## Master
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 | # 9.2.7
21 |
22 | - Maybe fix deploys to GPR for Docker - [@orta]
23 |
24 | # 9.2.6
25 |
26 | - Add support for Cirrus CI - [@RDIL]
27 |
28 | # 9.2.5
29 |
30 | - Remove additional danger from pr generated json - [@f-meloni]
31 |
32 | # 9.2.4
33 |
34 | - Fix github actions checks - [@f-meloni]
35 |
36 | # 9.2.3
37 |
38 | - Support more events on GitHub actions - [@f-meloni]
39 |
40 | # 9.2.2
41 |
42 | - Fix binary files for BitBucket Server - [@osmestad]
43 | - Allow GHE to use checks - [@adam-bratin]
44 |
45 | # 9.2.1
46 |
47 | - Fix structuredDiffForFile for BitBucket Server - [@osmestad]
48 | - Fix Buddy.works isPR and use PR number instead of PR ID - [@mmiszy]
49 | - remove jsome package and replace with prettyjson - [@watchinharrison]
50 | - Add GitLab support to Jenkins provider - [@sandratatarevicova]
51 |
52 | # 9.2.0
53 |
54 | - Add Buddy.works Pipelines support - [@kristof0425]
55 | - Added flag to bypass Jira/Issues - [@orieken]
56 | - Improve docs for GitHub Actions - [@nguyenhuy]
57 |
58 | # 9.1.8
59 |
60 | - Get GitHub Actions event file pathname from env variable - [@IljaDaderko]
61 |
62 | # 9.1.7
63 |
64 | - GitHub Actions docs update - [@orta]
65 |
66 | # 9.1.6
67 |
68 | - Release only made for GitHub Actions - [@orta]
69 |
70 | # 9.1.5
71 |
72 | - Take commit hash from bitrise env - [@f-meloni]
73 |
74 | # 9.1.4
75 |
76 | - Use new env `BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME` in bitbucket pipeline. - [@Soyn]
77 | - Take commit hash from CI Source if available - [@f-meloni]
78 |
79 | # 9.1.3
80 |
81 | - Updates GitLab API to 10.x - [@awgeorge]
82 |
83 | # 9.1.2
84 |
85 | - Add retry handling for API requests - [@jtreanor]
86 |
87 | # 9.1.1
88 |
89 | - Fixes TS declarations - [@orta]
90 | - Fix Github Actions documentation - [@ravanscafi]
91 | - Improve Performance by Caching BitBucket Cloud Commits - [@hellocore]
92 | - Add compliment message to comment template on Bitbucket Cloud - [@hellocore]
93 | - Add option to set custom icon in messages - [@rohit-smpx]
94 |
95 | # 9.1.0
96 |
97 | - Expose BitBucketServerAPI - [@NMinhNguyen]
98 |
99 | # 9.0.3
100 |
101 | - Add support OAuth for BitBucket Cloud - [@hellocore]
102 | - Allow `handleResults` to be called without a `git` object - [@jtreanor]
103 |
104 | # 9.0.2
105 |
106 | - Fix for the GitLab dependency making danger not load - [@f-meloni]
107 |
108 | # 9.0.1
109 |
110 | - Fixed incorrect main comment template on Bitbucket Cloud - [@hellocore]
111 |
112 | # 9.0.0
113 |
114 | - Add BitBucket Cloud & BitBucket Pipelines support - [@hellocore]
115 | - Add GitLab missing states - [@f-meloni]
116 | - Fixes incorrect slug for builds from forks on Codefresh - [@stevenp]
117 |
118 | # 8.0.0
119 |
120 | - Adds GitLab & GitLab CI support - [@notjosh], [@bigkraig], [@jamime]
121 | - Add support for AppCenter - [@mrndjo]
122 |
123 | # 7.1.4
124 |
125 | - Un-hardcodes the repo in `danger.github.utils.createOrUpdatePR`- [@ds300]
126 |
127 | # 7.1.3
128 |
129 | - Cleans up the declarations a little bit - [@orta]
130 | - Adds support for [Codefresh CI](https://codefresh.io) - [@stevenp]
131 |
132 | # 7.1.2
133 |
134 | - Update ts-jest to 24.0.2 - [@friederbluemle]
135 | - Adds a fix for the default name of Danger in status - [@orta]
136 | - Adds `danger.git.fileMatch.getKeyedPaths()`, providing more convenient access to paths. This replaces
137 | `fileMatch.tap()` and `fileMatch.debug()`.
138 |
139 | ```ts
140 | const components = fileMatch("components/**/*.js", "!**/*.test.js")
141 | const componentTests = fileMatch("!**/*.test.js")
142 |
143 | if (components.edited && !componentTests.edited) {
144 | warn(
145 | [
146 | "This PR modified some components but none of their tests. <br>",
147 | "That's okay so long as it's refactoring existing code. <br>",
148 | "Affected files: ",
149 | components.getKeyedPaths().edited.join(", "),
150 | ].join("")
151 | )
152 | }
153 | ```
154 |
155 | This makes it much simpler to compose a collection of file checks - [@paulmelnikow]
156 |
157 | # 7.1.0
158 |
159 | - Adds Chainsmoker, and expands the Danger DSL with the addition of `danger.git.fileMatch`.
160 |
161 | ```ts
162 | const documentation = danger.git.fileMatch("**/*.md")
163 | const packageJson = danger.git.fileMatch("package.json")
164 | const lockfile = danger.git.fileMatch("yarn.lock", "package-lock.json")
165 |
166 | if (documentation.edited) {
167 | message("Thanks - We :heart: our [documentarians](http://www.writethedocs.org/)!")
168 | }
169 |
170 | if (packageJson.modified && !lockfile.modified) {
171 | warn("This PR modified package.json, but not the lockfile")
172 | }
173 | ```
174 |
175 | This makes it much simpler to compose a collection of file checks - [@paulmelnikow]
176 |
177 | # 7.0.19
178 |
179 | - Taken a stab at trying to make the commit status summary to feel better in both Danger & Peril [@orta][@dblandin]
180 |
181 | # 7.0.18
182 |
183 | - Adds a CLI option `--failOnErrors` so that you can force `danger ci` to return a failed exit code on any `fail`s in a
184 | Dangerfile [@f-meloni]
185 |
186 | # 7.0.17
187 |
188 | - Send different build update keys based on the id on Bitbucket [@f-meloni]
189 |
190 | # 7.0.16
191 |
192 | - Add support for CodeBuild CI source [@sharkysharks]
193 |
194 | # 7.0.15
195 |
196 | - Enable Danger runs with different DangerIDs to post separate statuses [@randak]
197 | - Docs: fix typo - [@hiroppy]
198 | - Fixed: isCI check for Codeship - [@msteward]
199 |
200 | # 7.0.14
201 |
202 | - Fixed: Crash on BitbucketServer when the change type is unknown - [@f-meloni]
203 | - Add `linesOfCode` in `GitDSL` - [@ninjaprox]
204 | - Docs: document GitHubMergeRef type - [@nornagon]
205 |
206 | # 7.0.13
207 |
208 | - Adds some Debug logs for babel transformation - [@orta]
209 |
210 | # 7.0.12
211 |
212 | - Support multi-line import/require statements in Dangerfiles & possibly fix source-mapping for errors - [@fbartho]
213 |
214 | # 7.0.11
215 |
216 | - Return the DangerResults meta after sorting and merging operations - [@f-meloni]
217 | - Make bitbucket generated signature less aggressive - [@f-meloni]
218 |
219 | # 7.0.9
220 |
221 | - Updates the import for octokit at the top of the danger.d.ts - [@orta]
222 |
223 | # 7.0.8
224 |
225 | - Handles the previews API correctly - [@orta]
226 |
227 | # 7.0.7
228 |
229 | - Removed `vm2` from Danger, it's not being used in Peril now - [@orta]
230 | - `danger pr` with `--json` or --js` now don't require a Dangerfile to be present - [@orta]
231 |
232 | # 7.0.5
233 |
234 | - Remove dead links to example danger files. - [@stevemoser]
235 | - Allow danger-pr to work also on Bitbucket Server - [@f-meloni]
236 | - Fix for nulls in modified_files - [@orta]
237 | - Use new APIs in OctoKit - [@orta]
238 |
239 | # 7.0.4
240 |
241 | - More fixes for `GITHUB_URL` instead of just `DANGER_GITHUB_URL` for GitHub Enterprise. - [@Aghassi]
242 |
243 | # 7.0.3
244 |
245 | - Lets you use `GITHUB_URL` instead of just `DANGER_GITHUB_URL` for GitHub Enterprise. - [@Aghassi]
246 |
247 | # 7.0.2
248 |
249 | - Fix issue where the PR command could not be run with a GitHub Enterprise URL.
250 | - Specify filename when loading Babel options. Fixes [#664](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/issues/664)
251 | ([#804](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/804)) - [@NMinhNguyen]
252 | - Running Danger on GitHub Actions now runs Danger from source code. Before that, Danger on GitHub Actions is stuck at
253 | v5.0.0-beta-24. [@dtinth](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/810)
254 |
255 | # 7.0.1
256 |
257 | - Make use of GitHub Checks optional and disabled by default, pass `--use-github-checks` to enable.
258 | [@cysp](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/798)
259 |
260 | # 7.0.0
261 |
262 | - Updates `@octokit/rest` to v16.x.x - this is a **major** semver change on their end, which I know it breaks some of
263 | Artsy/Danger's Peril Dangerfiles, so it's possible that it could break your Dangerfiles too. How do you know?
264 |
265 | Roughly, if you have any code that uses `danger.github.api` then it's very possible that you need to update your code.
266 |
267 | There are update notes [here](https://github.com/octokit/rest.js/releases/tag/v16.0.1), but if you're using TypeScript
268 | then it'll raise the issues at a type-check level. Note, that this version may cause issues if you are using GitHub
269 | Enterprise, you can get [updates here](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/issues/797).
270 |
271 | # 6.1.13
272 |
273 | - Allow sub-processes to pass their own name an href so that it doesn't say made by Danger JS [@orta]
274 |
275 | This is done by extending the `DangerResults` object passed back to Danger JS, by adding a meta section to the JSON:
276 |
277 | ```json
278 | {
279 | "markdowns": [],
280 | "fails": [],
281 | "warnings": [],
282 | "messages": [],
283 | "meta": {
284 | "runtimeHref": "https://mysite.com",
285 | "runtimeName": "My Danger Runner"
286 | }
287 | }
288 | ```
289 |
290 | `"meta"` is optional, and will fall back to the DangerJS one.
291 |
292 | - Removed a dependency (voca) now that we're using TypeScript and have access to .includes [@orta]
293 |
294 | # 6.1.12
295 |
296 | - Fix issue with detecting Babel if `babel-core` is installed - [@sajjadzamani]
297 |
298 | # 6.2.0
299 |
300 | - Fix detection of GitHub Actions event types [@cysp]
301 |
302 | # 6.1.9
303 |
304 | - Add commit ID to the comment footer [danger/danger-js#168] - [@randak]
305 | - Add support for `COPY` change type to fix a BitBucket Server regression in
306 | [danger/danger-js#764](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/764) - [@sebinsua]
307 | - Add support for older Babel versions (prior 7) [@sajjadzamani]
308 |
309 | # 6.1.8
310 |
311 | - Revert removal of implicit `<p>` tag from [danger/danger-js#754](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/754) and add
312 | distinction depending on containing markdown or not - [@hanneskaeufler]
313 |
314 | # 6.1.7
315 |
316 | - Update comment instead deleting, if it has replies (BitBucket Server) [@langovoi]
317 | - Fix BitBucket Server GitDSL [@langovoi]
318 | - Add support of paged APIs of BitBucket Server [@langovoi]
319 |
320 | # 6.1.6
321 |
322 | - Adds a CLI flag for custom Danger Runners to be able to request a URL to a JSON file instead of receiving the entire
323 | DSL as a big JSON dump. We're exploring using this in Danger Swift with
324 | [danger/swift#108](https://github.com/danger/swift/issues/108) - [@orta]
325 |
326 | # 6.1.5
327 |
328 | - Adds `html_url` to the PR JSON declaration - [@orta]
329 | - Adds a way for a sub-process to tell danger-js that it wants a copy of the DSL. This is a potential fix for when you
330 | have a process that might not be ready to grab the DSL instantly from danger-js. The subprocess can print the message
331 | `danger://send-dsl` to stdout and danger-js will re-send the DSL via STDIN.
332 | [danger/swift#108](https://github.com/danger/swift/issues/108). - [@orta]
333 | - Allows a FakeCI to get a FakePlatform, should fix [#767](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/issues/767) - [@orta]
334 |
335 | # 6.1.4
336 |
337 | - Fix `GitJSONDSL` and `diffForFile` for BitBucket Server - [@langovoi]
338 |
339 | # 6.1.3
340 |
341 | - Add support for personal tokens of BitBucket Server - [@langovoi]
342 | - Ships a command `danger-js` which means other languages could also use the command danger and they won't conflict with
343 | the JS version - [@orta]
344 |
345 | # 6.1.2
346 |
347 | - Checks for the JSON results file reported by a subprocess before accessing it - [@orta]
348 |
349 | # 6.1.1
350 |
351 | - Improves debug logging, messaging on CI about status updates - [@orta]
352 | - Better detection of json results: {} from a sub-process - [@orta]
353 | - CLI Args are actually passed to subprocess instead of an empty object - [@orta]
354 | - Fix Netlify integration when repo url includes an access token - [@imorente]
355 |
356 | # 6.1.0
357 |
358 | - Add CI integration for Netlify - [@imorente]
359 |
360 | # 6.0.7
361 |
362 | - Removes an accidental import - [@orta]
363 |
364 | # 6.0.6
365 |
366 | - Adds an internal flag for disabling checks support when being controller by Peril - [@orta]
367 |
368 | # 6.0.5
369 |
370 | - Fix `danger pr` - [@orta]
371 |
372 | # 6.0.4
373 |
374 | - Fix GitHub checks API payload - [@pveyes]
375 |
376 | # 6.0.3
377 |
378 | - Fix passing stdout from the sub-process back to the user - [@orta]
379 | - Fix handling a `"pending"` status update properly using Bitbucket API - [@sgtcoolguy]
380 | - Fix #614 - Posting status updates to Github using issue workflow broken - [@sgtcoolguy]
381 | - Fix vertical alignment in GitHub issue template - [@patrickkempff]
382 |
383 | # 5.0.1, err. 6.0.0
384 |
385 | - Hah, my computer ran out opf power mid-deploy, and now I have to ship another build to make sure the brew versions of
386 | Danger JS are set up correctly. - orta
387 |
388 | - Hah, I managed to run the same 'deploy major' command instead. So... Happy v6! - orta
389 |
390 | # 5.0.0
391 |
392 | _No breaking changes_ - I'm just bumping it because it's a lot of under-the-hood work, and I've not been able to test it
393 | thoroughly in production.
394 |
395 | This release bring support for GitHub actions. It does this merging in some of the responsibilities that used to live
396 | inside Peril into Danger.
397 |
398 | Notes about Danger JS:
399 |
400 | - Adds support for running remote GitHub files via the `--dangerfile` argument. It supports urls like:
401 | `orta/peril-settings/file.ts` which grabs `file.ts` from `orta/peril-settings`.
402 | - Adds support for taking a GitHub Actions event JSON and exposing it in the `default export` function in the same way
403 | that Peril does it.
404 | - Adds a GitHubActions CI provider - it declares that it can skip the PR DSL so that Danger can also run against
405 | issues/other events
406 | - Handle remote transpilation of the initial Dangerfile correctly
407 | - Adds support for not include a tsconfig for typescript projects, danger will use the default config if it can't find
408 | one in your project
409 | - Hardcodes the GitHub Actions userID into danger ( blocked by
410 | https://platform.github.community/t/obtaining-the-id-of-the-bot-user/2076 )
411 | - Allows running with a simplified DSL when running on a GitHub action that isn't a PR
412 | - Use new env vars for GitHub Actions
413 |
414 | There is now 2 ways for a subprocess to communicate to Danger JS - prior to 5.x it was expected that a subprocess would
415 | pass the entire JSON results back via STDOUT to the host Danger JS process, but sometimes this was unreliable. Now a
416 | subprocess can pass a JSON URL for Danger JS by looking in STDOUT for the regex `/danger-results:\/\/*.+json/`.
417 |
418 | There is now a JSON schema for both directions of the communication for sub-processes:
419 |
420 | - The data Danger sends to the subprocess:
421 | [`source/danger-incoming-process-schema.json`](source/danger-incoming-process-schema.json)
422 | - The data Danger expects from the subprocess:
423 | [`source/danger-outgoing-process-schema.json`](source/danger-outgoing-process-schema.json)
424 |
425 | This can be used for language DSL generation and/or formal verification if you're interested. Or, for just feeling
426 | completely sure about what is being sent to your process without diving into the Danger JS codebase.
427 |
428 | Also, `danger pr` now accepts a `--process` arg.
429 |
430 | # 4.4.9
431 |
432 | - Add logic for "DANGER_DISABLE_TRANSPILATION" env [@markelog]
433 | - Jenkins: Respect `CHANGE_URL`/`CHANGE_ID` for GitHub and BitBucket Server [@azz]
434 | - Docs: Guides - Update link to apollo-client dangerfile.ts example [@andykenward]
435 | - Fix crash that may occur when no message is set on generic event [@flovilmart]
436 | - Add support to proxy requests using `HTTP_PROXY` or `HTTPS_PROXY` environment variables [@steprescott]
437 |
438 | # 4.4.0-7
439 |
440 | - Supports installation using Homebrew [@thii]
441 |
442 | # 4.3.x
443 |
444 | - Some experimental beta builds which didn't turn out very useful
445 |
446 | # 4.2.1
447 |
448 | - Adds a fallback to `GITHUB_TOKEN` if it's in the ENV - orta
449 | - There was some versioning faffing going on
450 |
451 | # 4.1.0
452 |
453 | - Adds the ability to send a PR from a Dangerfile easily.
454 |
455 | ```ts
456 | import { danger } from "danger"
457 |
458 | export default async () => {
459 | // This is a map of file to contents for things to change in the PR
460 | const welcomePR = {
461 | LICENSE: "[the MIT license]",
462 | "README.md": "[The README content]",
463 | }
464 |
465 | // Creates a new branch called `welcome`, from `master`. Creates a commit with
466 | // the changes above and the message "Sets up ...". Then sends a PR to `orta/new-repo`
467 | // with the title "Welcome to ..." and the body "Here is ...".
468 | await danger.github.utils.createOrUpdatePR(
469 | {
470 | title: "Welcome to [org]",
471 | body: "Here is your new repo template files",
472 | owner: "orta",
473 | repo: "new-repo",
474 | baseBranch: "master",
475 | newBranchName: "welcome",
476 | commitMessage: "Sets up the welcome package",
477 | },
478 | welcomePR
479 | )
480 | }
481 | ```
482 |
483 | OK, so this one is cool. This function will create/update an existing PR. You pass in a config object that defines;
484 | the commit, the branch and the PR metadata and then this function will go and set all that up for you.
485 |
486 | The second argument is a fileMap, this is an object like `{ "README.md": "[the content]" }` and it defines what files
487 | should change in the commit. The files are completely changed to the content in the fileMap, so if you're making a
488 | single line change - you need to submit the enfile file.
489 |
490 | This is all based on my module
491 | [memfs-or-file-map-to-github-branch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/memfs-or-file-map-to-github-branch) so if you need
492 | a set of lower level APIs for PR/branch needs, `import` that and use it. - [@orta]
493 |
494 | # 4.0.1
495 |
496 | - Fixed a bug where Danger would fail to update status when there are no failures or messages [@johansteffner]
497 | - Fixed a bug where Danger was throwing an error when removing any existing messages [@stefanbuck]
498 |
499 | # 4.0.0
500 |
501 | - Updates Danger's runtime to work with Babel 7 - [@adamnoakes]
502 |
503 | **Breaking:** 3.9.0 was the last version to support inline transpilation via Babel 6. Danger doesn't specify babel in
504 | its dependencies, so this warning won't show anywhere else.
505 |
506 | # 3.9.0
507 |
508 | - Adds CI integration for Concourse - [@cwright017]
509 |
510 | # 3.8.9
511 |
512 | - Adds debug logs to the vm2 runner used in Peril - [@orta]
513 |
514 | # 3.8.5 - 3.8.8
515 |
516 | - Adds a function to handle creating or adding a label on a PR/Issue. Works with both Danger and Peril:
517 | `danger.github.createOrAddLabel` - [@orta]
518 |
519 | # 3.8.4
520 |
521 | - Exposes some internals on module resolution to Peril - [@orta]
522 |
523 | # 3.8.3
524 |
525 | - Fix bitbucket error when trying to obtain a response json when the response code is 204 (which means that there is no
526 | response).
527 | - Fix bitbucket link of the PR status, so it opens the web version of the PR, pointing to the Danger comment
528 | [646](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/646) - [@acecilia](https://github.com/acecilia)
529 | - Adapt emoji for Bitbucket server to fix "Database error has occurred"
530 | [645](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/645) - [@acecilia](https://github.com/acecilia)
531 |
532 | # 3.8.2
533 |
534 | - Use the Peril Bot ID for the comment lookup checks - [@orta]
535 |
536 | # 3.8.1
537 |
538 | - Adds additional logging to handleResultsPostingToPlatform - [@ashfurrow]
539 |
540 | # 3.8.0
541 |
542 | - Fixes a crash if lodash isn't a transitive dependency in your node_modules - [@orta]
543 | - Using the Checks API will now post a summary comment on a PR - [@orta]
544 |
545 | # 3.7.20
546 |
547 | - Logging / verification improvements for the subprocess - [@orta]
548 |
549 | # 3.7.19
550 |
551 | - Convert the `exec` in `danger local` to a `spawn` hopefully unblocking large diffs from going through it -
552 | [@joshacheson][@orta]
553 |
554 | # 3.7.18
555 |
556 | - Report the error in a commit status update when in verbose - [@orta]
557 |
558 | # 3.7.17
559 |
560 | - Improvements to PR detection on Team City - @markelog
561 |
562 | # 3.7.16
563 |
564 | - More work on `danger.github.utils.createUpdatedIssueWithID`. - [@orta]
565 |
566 | # 3.7.15
567 |
568 | - Turns on the strict mode in the typescript compiler, this only gave build errors, so I was basically there anyway.
569 | This is so that the type defs will always pass inside environments where strict is already enabled. - [@orta]
570 |
571 | - Updates to TypeScript 2.9. - [@orta]
572 |
573 | # 3.7.14
574 |
575 | - Minor refactoring in GitHubUtils to allow Peril to re-create some of the util functions - [@orta]
576 |
577 | # 3.7.13
578 |
579 | - Updates type declarations to use top-level exports instead of a module augmentation - [@DanielRosenwasser]
580 | - Bug fixes for `danger.github.utils.createUpdatedIssueWithID` - [@orta]
581 |
582 | # 3.7.2-12
583 |
584 | - Improved debugging when using the GitHub OctoKit - [@orta]
585 | - Added `danger.github.utils.createUpdatedIssueWithID` which can be used to have danger continually update a single
586 | issue in a repo, for example:
587 |
588 | ```ts
589 | await danger.github.utils.createUpdatedIssueWithID("TestID", "Hello World", {
590 | title: "My First Issue",
591 | open: true,
592 | repo: "sandbox",
593 | owner: "PerilTest",
594 | })
595 | ```
596 |
597 | Will first create, then update that issue with a new body. - [@orta]
598 |
599 | # 3.7.1
600 |
601 | - Improve checks support for Danger - orta
602 |
603 | # 3.7.0
604 |
605 | - Adds support for the GH Checks API.
606 |
607 | This brings some interesting architectural changes inside Danger, but more important to you dear reader, is that using
608 | the Checks API has some API restrictions. This makes in infeasible to re-use the user access token which we've
609 | previously been recommending for setup.
610 |
611 | Instead there are two options:
612 |
613 | - Use a GitHub app owned by Danger: https://github.com/apps/danger-js
614 | - Use your own GitHub app.
615 |
616 | The security model of the GitHub app means it's totally safe to use our GitHub app, it can only read/write to checks
617 | and has no access to code or organizational data. It's arguably safer than the previous issue-based comment.
618 |
619 | To use it, you need to hit the above link, install the app on the org of your choice and then get the install ID from
620 | the URL you're redirected to. Set that in your CI's ENV to be `DANGER_JS_APP_INSTALL_ID` and you're good to go.
621 |
622 | If you want to run your own GitHub App, you'll need to set up a few ENV vars instead:
623 |
624 | - `DANGER_GITHUB_APP_ID` - The app id, you can get this from your app's overview page at the bottom
625 | - `DANGER_GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_SIGNING_KEY` - The whole of the private key as a string with `\n` instead of newlines
626 | - `DANGER_GITHUB_APP_INSTALL_ID` - The installation id after you've installed your app on an org
627 |
628 | Checks support is still a bit of a WIP, because it's a whole new type of thing. I don't forsee a need for Danger to be
629 | deprecating the issue based commenting (we use that same infra with bitbucket).
630 |
631 | So now there are three ways to set up communications with GitHub, I'm not looking forwards to documenting that.
632 |
633 | [@orta]
634 |
635 | - JSON diffs use the JSON5 parser, so can now ignore comments in JSON etc [@orta]
636 | - Allows the synchronous execution of multiple dangerfiles in one single "danger run".
637 |
638 | Not a particularly useful feature for Danger-JS, but it means Peril can combine many runs into a single execution
639 | unit. This means people only get 1 message. [@orta]
640 |
641 | # 3.6.6
642 |
643 | - Updates vm2 to be an npm published version [@orta]
644 |
645 | # 3.6.5
646 |
647 | - Fix setting the status url on bitbucket [@orta]
648 | - Adds more logs to `danger process` [@orta]
649 |
650 | # 3.6.4
651 |
652 | - Fix running Danger on issues with no comments for real [@mxstbr]
653 |
654 | # 3.6.3
655 |
656 | - Fix running Danger on issues with no comments [@mxstbr]
657 |
658 | # 3.6.2
659 |
660 | - Automatically rate limit concurrent GitHub API calls to avoid hitting GitHub rate limits [@mxstbr]
661 |
662 | # 3.6.1
663 |
664 | - Catch the github api error thrown from @octokit/rest [@Teamop]
665 | - Replace preview media type of github pull request reviews api [@Teamop]
666 | - Add support for [Screwdriver CI](http://screwdriver.cd) [@dbgrandi]
667 |
668 | # 3.6.0
669 |
670 | - A Dangerfile can return a default export, and then Danger will handle the execution of that code [@orta]
671 | - Changes the order of the text output in verbose, or when STDOUT is the only option [@orta]
672 | - Prints a link to the comment in the build log [@orta]
673 |
674 | ## 3.5.0 - 3.5.1
675 |
676 | - Fixed a bug where Danger posts empty main comment when it have one or more inline comments to post [@codestergit]
677 | - fix bug when commiting .png files on BitBucket [@Mifi]
678 | - Adds support for inline comments for bitbucket server. [@codestergit]
679 |
680 | ## 3.4.7
681 |
682 | - Update dependencies [@orta]
683 |
684 | ## 3.4.6
685 |
686 | - Fixed Babel 7 breaking due to invalid sourceFileName configuration [@kesne]
687 |
688 | ## 3.4.5
689 |
690 | - Don't print error for commit status when there was no error [@sunshinejr]
691 |
692 | ## 3.4.4
693 |
694 | - Fixed a bug where Danger would get access to _all_ inline comments, thus deleting comments posted by other people
695 | [@sunshinejr]
696 |
697 | ## 3.4.3
698 |
699 | - Fixed a bug where updating multiple inline comments caused a Javascript error [@sunshinejr]
700 |
701 | ## 3.4.2
702 |
703 | - Improving reporting when multiple violations are o nthe same line of a file [@sunshinejr]
704 |
705 | ## 3.4.1
706 |
707 | - Protection against nulls in the inline comment data [@orta]
708 |
709 | ## 3.4.0
710 |
711 | - Adds support for inline comments when using GitHub.
712 |
713 | This is one of those "massive under the hood" changes, that has a tiny user DSL surface. From this point onwards
714 | `fail`, `warn`, `message` and `markdown` all take an extra two optional params: `file?: string` and `line?: number`.
715 |
716 | Adding `file` and `line` to the call of any exported communication function will trigger one of two things:
717 |
718 | - Danger will create a new comment inline inside your PR with your warning/message/fail/markdown
719 | - Danger will append a in the main Danger comment with your warning/message/fail/markdown
720 |
721 | Inline messages are edited/created/deleted with each subsequent run of `danger ci` in the same way the main comment
722 | does. This is really useful for: linters, test runners and basically anything that relies on the contents of a file
723 | itself.
724 |
725 | If you're using `danger process` to communicate with an external process, you can return JSON like:
726 |
727 | ```json
728 | {
729 | "markdowns": [
730 | {
731 | "file": "package.swift",
732 | "line": 3,
733 | "message": "Needs more base"
734 | }
735 | ]
736 | // [...]
737 | }
738 | ```
739 |
740 | -- [@sunshinejr]
741 |
742 | - Adds a data validation step when Danger gets results back from a process . [@orta]
743 |
744 | ## 3.3.2
745 |
746 | - Adds support for TeamCity as a CI provider. [@fwal]
747 |
748 | ## 3.3.1
749 |
750 | - Fixed Babel 7 breaking because of sourceFileName being defined wrong. [@happylinks]
751 |
752 | ## 3.3.0
753 |
754 | - Fix `committer` field issue - missing in Stash API by using commit author instead. [@zdenektopic]
755 | - Adds a new command: `reset-status`
756 |
757 | This command is for setting the CI build status in advance of running Danger. If your Danger build relies on running
758 | tests/linters, then you might want to set the PR status (the red/green/yellow dots) to pending at the start of your
759 | build. You can do this by running `yarn danger reset-status`.
760 |
761 | [@mxstbr]
762 |
763 | ## 3.2.0
764 |
765 | - Add BitBucket Server support.
766 |
767 | To use Danger JS with BitBucket Server: you'll need to create a new account for Danger to use, then set the following
768 | environment variables on your CI:
769 |
770 | - `DANGER_BITBUCKETSERVER_HOST` = The root URL for your server, e.g. `https://bitbucket.mycompany.com`.
771 | - `DANGER_BITBUCKETSERVER_USERNAME` = The username for the account used to comment.
772 | - `DANGER_BITBUCKETSERVER_PASSWORD` = The password for the account used to comment.
773 |
774 | Then you will have a fully fleshed out `danger.bitbucket_server` object in your Dangerfile to work with, for example:
775 |
776 | ```ts
777 | import { danger, warn } from "danger"
778 |
779 | if (danger.bitbucket_server.pr.title.includes("WIP")) {
780 | warn("PR is considered WIP")
781 | }
782 | ```
783 |
784 | The DSL is fully fleshed out, you can see all the details inside the [Danger JS Reference][ref], but the summary is:
785 |
786 | ```ts
787 | danger.bitbucket_server.
788 | /** The pull request and repository metadata */
789 | metadata: RepoMetaData
790 | /** The related JIRA issues */
791 | issues: JIRAIssue[]
792 | /** The PR metadata */
793 | pr: BitBucketServerPRDSL
794 | /** The commits associated with the pull request */
795 | commits: BitBucketServerCommit[]
796 | /** The comments on the pull request */
797 | comments: BitBucketServerPRActivity[]
798 | /** The activities such as OPENING, CLOSING, MERGING or UPDATING a pull request */
799 | activities: BitBucketServerPRActivity[]
800 | ```
801 |
802 | You can see more in the docs for [Danger + BitBucket Server](http://danger.systems/js/usage/bitbucket_server.html).
803 |
804 | -- [@azz]
805 |
806 | - Don't check for same user ID on comment when running as a GitHub App. [@tibdex]
807 |
808 | ## 3.1.8
809 |
810 | - Improvements to the Flow definition file. [@orta]
811 | - Improve path generator for danger-runner. [@Mifi]
812 | - Update the PR DSL to include bots. [@orta]
813 | - Add utility function to build tables in Markdown [@keplersj]
814 |
815 | ## 3.1.7
816 |
817 | - Minor error reporting improvements. [@orta]
818 |
819 | ## 3.1.6
820 |
821 | - Move more code to only live inside functions. [@orta]
822 |
823 | ## 3.1.5
824 |
825 | - Fix --base options for danger local. [@peterjgrainger]
826 | - Fix a minor typo in Semaphore CI setup. [@hongrich]
827 | - Fix for capitalized Dangerfiles in CI environment. [@wizardishungry]
828 | - Fix `danger local` crashing when comparing master to HEAD with no changes. [@orta]
829 |
830 | ## 3.1.4
831 |
832 | - Register danger-runner as a package binary. [@urkle]
833 |
834 | ## 3.1.2-3.1.3
835 |
836 | - Peril typings to the Danger DSL. [@orta]
837 | - Reference docs updates for the website. [@orta]
838 |
839 | ## 3.1.1
840 |
841 | - Allows `danger runner` (the hidden command which runs the process) to accept unknown command flags (such as ones
842 | passed to it via `danger local`.) - [@adam-moss]/[@orta]
843 |
844 | ## 3.1.0
845 |
846 | - Adds a new command `danger local`.
847 |
848 | This command will look between the current branch and master and use that to evaluate a dangerfile. This is aimed
849 | specifically at tools like git commit hooks, and for people who don't do code review.
850 |
851 | `danger.github` will be falsy in this context, so you could share a dangerfile between `danger local` and `danger ci`.
852 |
853 | When I thought about how to use it on Danger JS, I opted to make another Dangerfile and import it at the end of the
854 | main Dangerfile. This new Dangerfile only contains rules which can run with just `danger.git`, e.g. CHANGELOG/README
855 | checks. I called it `dangerfile.lite.ts`.
856 |
857 | Our setup looks like:
858 |
859 | ```json
860 | "scripts": {
861 | "prepush": "yarn build; yarn danger:prepush",
862 | "danger:prepush": "yarn danger local --dangerfile dangerfile.lite.ts"
863 | // [...]
864 | ```
865 |
866 | You'll need to have [husky](https://www.npmjs.com/package/husky) installed for this to work. - [@orta]
867 |
868 | - STDOUT formatting has been improved, which is the terminal only version of Danger's typical GitHub comment style
869 | system. It's used in `danger pr`, `danger ci --stdout` and `danger local`. - [@orta]
870 | - Exposed a get file contents for the platform abstraction so that Peril can work on many platforms in the future -
871 | [@orta]
872 |
873 | ### 3.0.5
874 |
875 | - Added support for Bitrise as a CI Provider - [@tychota]
876 | - Nevercode ENV var fixes - [@fbartho]
877 |
878 | ### 3.0.4
879 |
880 | - Paginate for issues - [@orta]
881 |
882 | ### 3.0.3
883 |
884 | - Added support for Nevercode.io as a CI Provider - [@fbartho]
885 |
886 | ### 3.0.2
887 |
888 | - Don't log ENV vars during a run - thanks @samdmarshall. - [@orta]
889 |
890 | ### 3.0.1
891 |
892 | - Bug fixes and debug improvements. If you're interested run danger with `DEBUG="*" yarn danger [etc]` and you'll get a
893 | _lot_ of output. This should make it much easier to understand what's going on. - [@orta]
894 |
895 | ### 3.0.0
896 |
897 | - Updates to the CLI user interface. Breaking changes for everyone.
898 |
899 | **TLDR** - change `yarn danger` to `yarn danger ci`.
900 |
901 | Danger JS has been fighting an uphill battle for a while with respects to CLI naming, and duplication of work. So, now
902 | it's been simplified. There are four user facing commands:
903 |
904 | - `danger init` - Helps you get started with Danger
905 | - `danger ci` - Runs Danger on CI
906 | - `danger process` - Like `ci` but lets another process handle evaluating a Dangerfile
907 | - `danger pr` - Runs your local Dangerfile against an existing GitHub PR. Will not post on the PR
908 |
909 | This release deprecates running `danger` on it's own, so if you have `yarn danger` then move that be `yarn danger ci`.
910 |
911 | Each command name is now much more obvious in it intentions, I've heard many times that people aren't sure what
912 | commands do and it's _is_ still even worse in Danger ruby. I figure now is as good a time as any a good time to call
913 | it a clean slate.
914 |
915 | On a positive note, I gave all of the help screens an update and tried to improve language where I could.
916 |
917 | * [@orta]
918 |
919 | ### 2.1.9-10
920 |
921 | - Fix to `danger pr` and `danger` infinite looping - [@orta]
922 |
923 | ### 2.1.8
924 |
925 | - Add a note in `danger pr` if you don't have a token set up - [@orta]
926 | - Bunch of docs updates - [@orta]
927 |
928 | ### 2.1.7
929 |
930 | - Fix Codeship integration - [@caffodian]
931 | - Updates documentation dependencies - [@orta]
932 | - Fixes to running `danger` with params - [@orta]
933 | - Fixes for `danger pr` not acting like `danger` WRT async code - [@orta]
934 | - Fixes `tsconfig.json` parse to be JSON5 friendly - [@gantman]
935 | - Fixes for `danger.github.thisPR` to use the base metadata for a PR, I'm too used to branch workflows - [@orta]
936 |
937 | ### 2.1.6
938 |
939 | - Updates dependencies - [@orta]
940 | - Link to the build URL if Danger can find it in the CI env - [@orta]
941 | - Removes the "couldn't post a status" message - [@orta]
942 |
943 | ### 2.1.5
944 |
945 | - The TS compiler will force a module type of commonjs when transpiling the Dangerfile - [@orta]
946 |
947 | ### 2.1.4
948 |
949 | - Adds a CLI option for a unique Danger ID per run to `danger` and `danger process`, so you can have multiple Danger
950 | comments on the same PR. - [@orta]
951 |
952 | ### 2.1.1 - 2.1.2 - 2.1.3
953 |
954 | - Fixes/Improvements for `danger init` - [@orta]
955 |
956 | ### 2.1.0
957 |
958 | - Adds a new command for getting set up: `danger init` - [@orta]
959 | - Fix double negative in documentation. [@dfalling]
960 | - Fix `gloabally` typo in documentation. [@dfalling]
961 |
962 | ### 2.0.2 - 2.0.3
963 |
964 | - Adds a warning when you try to import Danger when you're not in a Dangerfile - [@orta]
965 | - Exports the current process env to the `danger run` subprocess - [@orta]
966 |
967 | ### 2.0.1
968 |
969 | - Potential fixes for CLI sub-commands not running when packaging danger - [@orta]
970 |
971 | ### 2.0.0
972 |
973 | - Fixes the `danger.js.flow` fix to handle exports correctly, you _probably_ need to add
974 | `.*/node_modules/danger/distribution/danger.js.flow` to the `[libs]` section of your settings for it to work though -
975 | [@orta]
976 |
977 | ### 2.0.0-beta.2
978 |
979 | - Fixes a bug with `danger.github.utils` in that it didn't work as of b1, and now it does :+1: - [@orta]
980 | - Ships a `danger.js.flow` in the root of the project, this may be enough to support flow typing, thanks to [@joarwilk]
981 | and [flowgen](https://github.com/joarwilk/flowgen) - [@orta]
982 |
983 | ### 2.0.0-beta.1
984 |
985 | - Converts the command `danger` (and `danger run`) to use `danger process` under the hood. What does this do?
986 |
987 | - Dangerfile evaluation is in a separate process, run without a vm sandbox. This fixes the async problem which we
988 | created `schedule` for. Previously, any async work in your Dangerfile needed to be declared to Danger so that it
989 | knew when all of the work had finished. Now that the running happens inside another process, we can use the
990 | `on_exit` calls of the process to know that all work is done. So, _in Danger_ (not in Peril) async code will work
991 | just like inside a traditional node app.
992 |
993 | - Makes `danger process` a first class citizen. This is awesome because there will be reliable support for other
994 | languages like [danger-swift], [danger-go] and more to come.
995 |
996 | - The `danger process` system is now codified in types, so it's really easy to document on the website.
997 |
998 | - Adds a `--js` and `--json` option to `danger pr` which shows the output in a way that works with `danger process`.
999 | This means you can preview the data for any pull request.
1000 |
1001 | ./[@orta]
1002 |
1003 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.20
1004 |
1005 | Moves away from vm2 to a require-based Dangerfile runner. This removes the sandboxing aspect of the Dangerfile
1006 | completely, but the sandboxing was mainly for Peril and I have a plan for that.
1007 |
1008 | https://github.com/danger/peril/issues/159
1009 |
1010 | I would like to move the main parts of Danger JS to also work like `danger process`, so I'll be continuing to work as a
1011 | alpha for a bit more. One interesting side-effect of this could be that I can remove `schedule` from the DSL. I've not
1012 | tested it yet though. Turns out this change is _real_ hard to write tests for. I've made #394 for that.
1013 |
1014 | ./[@orta]
1015 |
1016 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.18 - 19
1017 |
1018 | - Moves internal methods away from Sync to avoid problems when running in Peril - [@ashfurrow]
1019 | - Passes through non-zero exit codes from `danger process` runs - [@ashfurrow]
1020 |
1021 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.17
1022 |
1023 | - Improve CircleCI PR detection
1024 |
1025 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.16
1026 |
1027 | Some UX fixes:
1028 |
1029 | - Don't show warnings about not setting a commit status (unless in verbose) - [@orta]
1030 | - Delete duplicate Danger message, due to fast Peril edits - [@orta]
1031 | - Show Peril in the commit status if inside Peril, not just Danger - [@orta]
1032 | - [internal] Tightened the typings on the commands, and abstracted them to share some code - [@orta]
1033 |
1034 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.15
1035 |
1036 | - Updates `diffForFile`, `JSONPatchForFile`, and `JSONDiffForFile` to include created and removed files - #368 -
1037 | [@bdotdub]
1038 |
1039 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.14
1040 |
1041 | - Adds a blank project generated in travis 8 to test no-babel or TS integration - [@orta]
1042 | - Improvements to `danger process` logging, and build fails correctly #363 - [@orta]
1043 |
1044 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.13
1045 |
1046 | - Improve the error handling around the babel API - #357 - [@orta]
1047 | - Move back to the original URLs for diffs, instead of relying on PR metadata - [@orta]
1048 | - Updates the types for `schedule` to be more accepting of what it actually takes - [@orta]
1049 |
1050 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.12
1051 |
1052 | - Fixed #348 invalid json response body error on generating a diff - felipesabino
1053 | - Potential fix for ^ that works with Peril also - [@orta]
1054 |
1055 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.11
1056 |
1057 | - Doh, makes the `danger process` command actually available via the CLI - [@orta]
1058 |
1059 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.10
1060 |
1061 | - Adds a `danger process` command, this command takes amn argument of a process to run which expects the Danger DSL as
1062 | JSON in STDIN, and will post a DangerResults object to it's STDOUT. This frees up another process to do whatever they
1063 | want. So, others can make their own Danger runner.
1064 |
1065 | An example of this is [Danger Swift][danger-swift]. It takes a [JSON][swift-json] document via [STDIN][swift-stdin],
1066 | [compiles and evaluates][swift-eval] a [Swift file][swift-dangerfile] then passes the results back to `danger process`
1067 | via [STDOUT][swift-stdout].
1068 |
1069 | Another example is this simple Ruby script:
1070 |
1071 | ```ruby
1072 | #!/usr/bin/env ruby
1073 |
1074 | require 'json'
1075 | dsl_json = STDIN.tty? ? 'Cannot read from STDIN' : $stdin.read
1076 | danger = JSON.parse(dsl_json)
1077 | results = { warnings: [], messages:[], fails: [], markdowns: [] }
1078 |
1079 | if danger.github.pr.body.include? "Hello world"
1080 | results.messages << { message: "Hey there" }
1081 | end
1082 |
1083 | require 'json'
1084 | STDOUT.write(results.to_json)
1085 | ```
1086 |
1087 | Which is basically Ruby Danger in ~10LOC. Lols.
1088 |
1089 | This is the first release of the command, it's pretty untested, but [it does work][swift-first-pr]. - [@orta]
1090 |
1091 | [danger-swift]: https://github.com/danger/danger-swift
1092 | [swift-json]: https://github.com/danger/danger-swift/blob/master/fixtures/eidolon_609.json
1093 | [swift-stdin]:
1094 | https://github.com/danger/danger-swift/blob/1576e336e41698861456533463c8821675427258/Sources/Runner/main.swift#L9-L11
1095 | [swift-eval]:
1096 | https://github.com/danger/danger-swift/blob/1576e336e41698861456533463c8821675427258/Sources/Runner/main.swift#L23-L40
1097 | [swift-dangerfile]:
1098 | https://github.com/danger/danger-swift/blob/1576e336e41698861456533463c8821675427258/Dangerfile.swift
1099 | [swift-stdout]:
1100 | https://github.com/danger/danger-swift/blob/1576e336e41698861456533463c8821675427258/Sources/Runner/main.swift#L48-L50
1101 | [swift-first-pr]: https://github.com/danger/danger-swift/pull/12
1102 |
1103 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.9
1104 |
1105 | - Uses the Babel 7 alpha for all source compilation with JS, Flow+JS and TS. This worked without any changes to our
1106 | internal infra which is pretty awesome. All TS tests passed. Babel 7 is still in alpha, but so is Danger 2.0 - so I'm
1107 | happy to keep Danger in a pretty long alpha, till at least Babel 7 is in beta.
1108 |
1109 | It also still supports using TypeScript via the "`typescript"` module, if you have that installed. - [@orta]
1110 |
1111 | - `danger.github.thisPR` now uses the PR's head, not base - [@orta]
1112 |
1113 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.8
1114 |
1115 | - Uses the GitHub `diff_url` instead of the `diff` version header, as it conflicted with Peril - [@orta]
1116 | - Handle exceptions in Dangerfile and report them as failures in Danger results - [@macklinu]
1117 |
1118 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.6-7
1119 |
1120 | - Expose a Promise object to the external GitHub API - [@orta]
1121 |
1122 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.4-5
1123 |
1124 | - Allow running a dangerfile entirely from memory using the `Executor` API - [@orta]
1125 |
1126 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.2-3
1127 |
1128 | - Removes the `jest-*` dependencies - [@orta]
1129 |
1130 | ### 2.0.0-alpha.1
1131 |
1132 | - Support [a vm2](https://github.com/patriksimek/vm2) based Dangerfile runner as an alternative to the jest
1133 | infrastructure. There are a few main reasons for this:
1134 |
1135 | - I haven't been able to completely understand how Jest's internals work around all of the code-eval and pre-requisite
1136 | setup, which has made it hard to work on some more complex Peril features.
1137 |
1138 | - Jest releases are every few months, personally I love this as a user of Jest, as an API consumer it can be difficult
1139 | to get changes shipped.
1140 |
1141 | - The fact that both Danger/Jest make runtime changes means that you need to update them together
1142 |
1143 | - I have commit access to vm2, so getting changes done is easy
1144 |
1145 | I like to think of it as having gone from Jest's runner which is a massive toolbox, to vm2 which is a tiny toolbox
1146 | where I'll have to add a bunch of new tools to get everything working.
1147 |
1148 | The _massive downside_ to this is that Danger now has to have support for transpiling via Babel, or from TypeScript
1149 | unlike before, where it was a freebie inside Jest. Jest handled this so well. This means that a Dangerfile which used
1150 | to "just work" with no config may not. Thus, IMO, this is a breaking major semver.
1151 |
1152 | Is it likely that you need to make any changes? So far, it seems probably not. At least all of the tests with
1153 | Dangerfiles original from the older Jest runner pass with the new version.
1154 |
1155 | This is an alpha release, because it's knowingly shipped with some breakages around babel support, specifically:
1156 |
1157 | - Babel parsing of relative imports in a Dangerfile aren't working
1158 | - Some of the features which require the `regeneratorRuntime` to be set up aren't working yet
1159 |
1160 | Those are blockers on a 2.0.0 release.
1161 |
1162 | ### 1.2.0
1163 |
1164 | - Exposes an internal API for reading a file from a GitHub repo as `danger.github.utils.fileContents` - [@orta]
1165 |
1166 | Ideally this is what you should be using in plugins to read files, it's what Danger uses throughout the codebase
1167 | internally. This means that your plugin/dangerfile doesn't need to rely on running on the CI when instead it could run
1168 | via the GitHub API.
1169 |
1170 | - Update prettier - [@orta]
1171 | - Removes dtslint as a dependency - sapegin/orta
1172 |
1173 | ### 1.1.0
1174 |
1175 | - Support retrieve paginated pull request commit list - [@kwonoj]
1176 | - Add support for VSTS CI - [@mlabrum]
1177 | - Remove the DSL duplication on the `danger` export, it wasn't needed or used. - [@orta]
1178 | - Update to TypeScript 2.4.x - [@orta]
1179 | - Rename github test static_file to remove `:` from the filename to fix a checkout issue on windows - [@mlabrum]
1180 |
1181 | ### 1.0.0
1182 |
1183 | Hello readers! This represents a general stability for Danger. It is mainly a documentation release, as it corresponds
1184 | to <http://danger.systems/js/> being generally available. I made the initial commit back in 20 Aug 2016 and now it's
1185 | 30th June 2017. It's awesome to look back through the CHANGELOG and see how things have changed.
1186 |
1187 | You can find out a lot more about the 1.0, and Danger's history on my
1188 | [Artsy blog post on the Danger 1.0](https://artsy.github.io/blog/2017/06/30/danger-one-oh-again/).
1189 |
1190 | - Adds inline docs for all CI providers - [@orta]
1191 |
1192 | ### 0.21.1
1193 |
1194 | - Use HTTP for the GitHub status check target URL - macklinu
1195 | - Correct some examples in node-app - clintam
1196 | - Add support for buddybuild CI - benkraus/clintam
1197 | - Add support for GithHub Apps API (no GET /user) - clintam
1198 |
1199 | ### 0.21.0
1200 |
1201 | - Posts status reports for passing/failing builds, if the account for danger has access - [@orta]
1202 | - Adds prettier to the codebase - [@orta]
1203 | - Converts a bunch of Danger's dangerfile into a plugin -
1204 | [danger-plugin-yarn](https://github.com/orta/danger-plugin-yarn) - [@orta]
1205 |
1206 | This is my first non-trivial plugin, based on infrastructure from @macklinu. Plugins are looking great, you can get some
1207 | info at <https://github.com/macklinu/generator-danger-plugin>.
1208 |
1209 | - Docs updates for the website - [@orta]
1210 |
1211 | ### 0.20.0
1212 |
1213 | - Fix `danger pr` commands are not running on windows - kwonoj
1214 | - Fix broken link in getting started docs - frozegnome
1215 | - Do not delete comment written from user have same userid for danger - kwonoj
1216 | - Fix link to `jest` in getting started docs - palleas
1217 | - Fix yarn install instruction in getting started docs - palleas
1218 |
1219 | ### 0.19.0
1220 |
1221 | - Update to Jest 20 - macklinu
1222 | - Change the danger.d.ts to use module exports instead of globals - [@orta]
1223 | - Render markdown inside `message()`, `warn()`, and `fail()` messages. - macklinu
1224 |
1225 | An example:
1226 |
1227 | ```js
1228 | fail(`Missing Test Files:
1229 |
1230 | - \`src/lib/components/artist/artworks/__tests__/index-tests.tsx\`
1231 | - \`src/lib/components/artwork_grids/__tests__/infinite_scroll_grid-tests.tsx\`
1232 | - \`src/lib/containers/__tests__/works_for_you-tests.tsx\`
1233 |
1234 | If these files are supposed to not exist, please update your PR body to include "Skip New Tests".`)
1235 | ```
1236 |
1237 | Will result in:
1238 |
1239 | <table>
1240 | <thead>
1241 | <tr>
1242 | <th width="50"></th>
1243 | <th width="100%" data-danger-table="true">Fails</th>
1244 | </tr>
1245 | </thead>
1246 | <tbody>
1247 | <tr>
1248 | <td>:no_entry_sign:</td>
1249 | <td>Missing Test Files:
1250 |
1251 | - `src/lib/components/artist/artworks/__tests__/index-tests.tsx`
1252 | - `src/lib/components/artwork_grids/__tests__/infinite_scroll_grid-tests.tsx`
1253 | - `src/lib/containers/__tests__/works_for_you-tests.tsx`
1254 |
1255 | If these files are supposed to not exist, please update your PR body to include "Skip New Tests".
1256 |
1257 | </td>
1258 | </tr>
1259 | </tbody>
1260 | </table>
1261 |
1262 | ### 0.18.0
1263 |
1264 | - Adds `github.api`. This is a fully authenticated client from the [github](https://www.npmjs.com/package/github) npm
1265 | module. - @orta
1266 |
1267 | An easy example of it's usage would be using Danger to add a label to your PR. Note that Danger will have the
1268 | permissions for your account, so for OSS repos - this won't work.
1269 |
1270 | ```js
1271 | danger.github.api.issues.addLabels({
1272 | owner: "danger",
1273 | repo: "danger-js",
1274 | number: danger.github.pr.number,
1275 | labels: ["Danger Passed"],
1276 | })
1277 | ```
1278 |
1279 | Yeah, that's a bit verbose, I agree. So, there's also `github.thisPR` which should simplify that. It aims to provide a
1280 | lot of the values for the current PR to use with the API.
1281 |
1282 | ```js
1283 | const github = danger.github
1284 | github.api.issues.addLabels({ ...github.thisPR, labels: ["Danger Passed"] })
1285 | ```
1286 |
1287 | You could use this API for a bunch of things, here's some quick ideas:
1288 |
1289 | - Request specific reviewers when specific files change (`api.pullRequests.createReviewRequest`)
1290 | - Add a label for when something passes or fails (`api.issues.addLabels`)
1291 | - Verifying if someone is in your org? (`api.orgs.checkMembership`)
1292 | - Updating Project tickets to show they have a PR (`api.projects.updateProject`)
1293 |
1294 | ### 0.17.0
1295 |
1296 | - [Enhancements to `danger.git.diffForFile()`](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/223) - @namuol
1297 |
1298 | - Removed `diffTypes` second argument in favor of `result.added` and `result.removed`
1299 | - Added `result.before` and `result.after` for easy access to full contents of the original & updated file
1300 | - `danger.git.diffForFile` is now an `async` function
1301 |
1302 | #### TL;DR:
1303 |
1304 | ```js
1305 | // In danger 0.16.0:
1306 | const fullDiff = danger.git.diffForFile("foo.js")
1307 | const addedLines = danger.git.diffForFile("foo.js", ["add"])
1308 | const removedLines = danger.git.diffForFile("foo.js", ["del"])
1309 |
1310 | // In the latest version:
1311 | const diff = await danger.git.diffForFile("foo.js")
1312 | const fullDiff = diff.diff
1313 | const addedLines = diff.added
1314 | const removedLines = diff.removed
1315 | const beforeFileContents = diff.before
1316 | const afterFileContents = diff.after
1317 | ```
1318 |
1319 | - Update internal test fixture generation docs - namuol
1320 |
1321 | ### 0.16.0
1322 |
1323 | - Adds a `diffTypes` option to `diffForFile` - alex3165
1324 | - Add Buildkite CI source - jacobwgillespie
1325 |
1326 | ### 0.15.0
1327 |
1328 | - When a Dangerfile fails to eval, send a message to the PR - [@orta]
1329 |
1330 | ### 0.14.2
1331 |
1332 | - Updated jest-\* dependencies to 19.x - [@orta]
1333 |
1334 | Updating the jest-\* dependencies seems to be exhibiting strange behavior in tests for windows if you update, and use
1335 | windows, can you please confirm that everything is 👍
1336 |
1337 | - Added type shapings to `JSONPatchForFile` - [@orta]
1338 | - Replaced deprecated `lodash.isarray` package with `Array.isArray` - damassi
1339 |
1340 | ### 0.14.1
1341 |
1342 | - Moved `@types/chalk` from dependencies to devDependencies - [@orta]
1343 | - Killed some stray console logs - [@orta]
1344 | - Updated the danger.d.ts - [@orta]
1345 |
1346 | ### 0.14.0
1347 |
1348 | - TypeScript Dangerfiles are now support in Danger - [@orta]
1349 |
1350 | We use TypeScript in Danger, and a lot of my work in Artsy now uses TypeScript (see:
1351 | [JS2017 at Artsy](http://artsy.github.io/blog/2017/02/05/Front-end-JavaScript-at-Artsy-2017/#TypeScrip1t)), so I
1352 | wanted to explore using TypeScript in Dangerfiles.
1353 |
1354 | This is built on top of Jest's custom transformers, so if you are already using Jest with TypeScript, then you can
1355 | change the `dangerfile.js` to `dangerfile.ts` and nothing should need changing ( except that you might have new
1356 | warnings/errors ) (_note:_ in changing this for Danger, I had to also add the `dangerfile.ts` to the `"exclude"`
1357 | section of the `tsconfig.json` so that it didn't change the project's root folder.)
1358 |
1359 | This repo is now using both a babel Dangerfile (running on Circle CI) and a TypeScript one (running on Travis) to
1360 | ensure that we don't accidentally break either.
1361 |
1362 | - Created a new `danger.d.ts` for VS Code users to get auto-completion etc - [@orta]
1363 | - Added a two new `git` DSL functions: `git.JSONDiffForFile(filename)` and `git.JSONPatchForFile(filename)`.
1364 |
1365 | - `git.JSONPatchForFile`
1366 |
1367 | This will generate a rfc6902 JSON patch between two files inside your repo. These patch files are useful as a
1368 | standard, but are pretty tricky to work with in something like a Dangerfile, where rule terseness takes priority.
1369 |
1370 | - `git.JSONDiffForFile`
1371 |
1372 | This uses `JSONPatchForFile` to generate an object that represents all changes inside a Dangerfile as a single
1373 | object, with keys for the changed paths. For example with a change like this:
1374 |
1375 | ```diff
1376 | {
1377 | "dependencies": {
1378 | "babel-polyfill": "^6.20.0",
1379 | + "chalk": "^1.1.1",
1380 | "commander": "^2.9.0",
1381 | "debug": "^2.6.0"
1382 | },
1383 | }
1384 | ```
1385 |
1386 | You could become aware of what has changed with a Dangerfile in a `schedule`'d function like:
1387 |
1388 | ```js
1389 | const packageDiff = await git.JSONDiffForFile("package.json")
1390 | if (packageDiff.dependencies) {
1391 | const deps = packageDiff.dependencies
1392 |
1393 | deps.added // ["chalk"],
1394 | deps.removed // []
1395 | deps.after // { "babel-polyfill": "^6.20.0", "chalk": "^1.1.1", "commander": "^2.9.0", "debug": "^2.6.0" }
1396 | deps.before // { "babel-polyfill": "^6.20.0", "commander": "^2.9.0", "debug": "^2.6.0" }
1397 | }
1398 | ```
1399 |
1400 | The keys: `added` and `removed` only exist on the object if:
1401 |
1402 | - `before` and `after` are both objects - in which case `added` and `removed` are the added or removed keys
1403 | - `before` and `after` are both arrays - in which case `added` and `removed` are the added or removed values
1404 |
1405 | - Exposed all global functions ( like `warn`, `fail`, `git`, `schedule`, ... ) on the `danger` object. - [@orta]
1406 |
1407 | This is specifically to simplify building library code. It should not affect end-users. If you want to look at making
1408 | a Danger JS Plugin, I'd recommend exposing a function which takes the `danger` object and working from that. If you're
1409 | interested, there is an active discussion on plugin support in the DangerJS issues.
1410 |
1411 | - Improves messaging to the terminal - [@orta]
1412 | - Adds the ability to not have Danger post to GitHub via a flag: `danger run --text-only` - [@orta]
1413 | - Fix a crasher with `prs.find` #181 - [@orta]
1414 |
1415 | ### 0.13.0
1416 |
1417 | - Add `danger.utils` DSL, which includes `danger.utils.href()` and `danger.utils.sentence()` - macklinu
1418 |
1419 | We were finding that a lot of Dangerfiles needed similar functions, so we've added a `utils` object to offer functions
1420 | that are going to be used across the board. If you can think of more functions you use, we'd love to add them. Ideally
1421 | you shouldn't need to use anything but Danger + utils to write your Dangerfiles.
1422 |
1423 | ```js
1424 | danger.utils.href("http://danger.systems", "Danger") // <a href="http://danger.systems">Danger</a>
1425 | danger.utils.sentence(["A", "B", "C"]) // "A, B and C"
1426 | ```
1427 |
1428 | - Adds `danger.github.utils` - which currently has only one function: `fileLinks` - [@orta]
1429 |
1430 | Most of the time people are working with a list of files (e.g. modified, or created) and then want to present
1431 | clickable links to those. As the logic to figure the URLs is very GitHub specific, we've moved that into it's own
1432 | object with space to grow.
1433 |
1434 | ```js
1435 | const files = danger.git.modified_files // ["lib/component/a.ts", "lib/component/b.ts"]
1436 | const links = danger.github.utils.fileLinks(files) // "<a href='...'>a</a> and <a href='...'>b</a>"
1437 | warn(`These files have changes: ${links}`)
1438 | ```
1439 |
1440 | ### 0.12.1
1441 |
1442 | - Add support for [Drone](http://readme.drone.io) - gabro
1443 |
1444 | ### 0.12.0
1445 |
1446 | - Added support for handling async code in a Dangerfile - deecewan
1447 |
1448 | This is still a bit of a work in progress, however, there is a new function added to the DSL: `schedule`.
1449 |
1450 | A Dangerfile is evaluated as a script, and so async code has not worked out of the box. With the `schedule` function
1451 | you can now register a section of code to evaluate across multiple tick cycles.
1452 |
1453 | `schedule` currently handles two types of arguments, either a promise or a function with a resolve arg. Assuming you
1454 | have a working Babel setup for this inside your project, you can run a Dangerfile like this:
1455 |
1456 | ```js
1457 | schedule(async () => {
1458 | const thing = await asyncAction()
1459 | if (thing) {
1460 | warn("After Async Function")
1461 | }
1462 | })
1463 | ```
1464 |
1465 | Or if you wanted something simpler,
1466 |
1467 | ```js
1468 | schedule(resolved => {
1469 | if (failed) {
1470 | fail("Failed to run")
1471 | }
1472 | })
1473 | ```
1474 |
1475 | - Adds new GitHub DSL elements - deecewan
1476 |
1477 | * `danger.github.issue` - As a PR is an issue in GitHub terminology, the issue contains a bit more metadata. Mainly
1478 | labels, so if you want to know what labels are applied to a PR, use `danger.github.issue.labels`
1479 | * `danger.github.reviews` - Find out about your reviews in the new GitHub Reviewer systems,
1480 | * `danger.github.requested_reviewers` - Find out who has been requested to review a PR.
1481 |
1482 | - Updated TypeScript and Jest dependencies - [@orta]
1483 | - Add support for Github Enterprise via DANGER_GITHUB_API_BASE_URL env var - mashbourne
1484 |
1485 | ### 0.11.3 - 0.11.5
1486 |
1487 | - Internal changes for usage with Peril - [@orta]
1488 |
1489 | - Add `danger pr --repl`, which drops into a Node.js REPL after evaluating the dangerfile - macklinu
1490 | - Add support for Codeship - deecewan
1491 |
1492 | ### 0.11.0 - 0.11.2
1493 |
1494 | - Add support for [Docker Cloud](https://cloud.docker.com) - camacho
1495 |
1496 | ### 0.10.1
1497 |
1498 | - Builds which only use markdown now only show the markdown, and no violations table is shown - mxstbr
1499 |
1500 | ### 0.10.0
1501 |
1502 | - Adds support for running Danger against a PR locally - [@orta]
1503 |
1504 | The workflow is that you find a PR that exhibits the behavior you'd like Danger to run against, then edit the local
1505 | `Dangerfile.js` and run `yarn run danger pr https://github.com/facebook/jest/pull/2629`.
1506 |
1507 | This will post the results to your console, instead of on the PR itself.
1508 |
1509 | - Danger changes to your Dangerfile are not persisted after the run - [@orta]
1510 | - Add summary comment for danger message - kwonoj
1511 | - Add `jest-environment-node` to the Package.json - [@orta]
1512 |
1513 | ### 0.9.0
1514 |
1515 | - Adds support for `git.commits` and `github.commits` - [@orta]
1516 |
1517 | Why two? Well github.commits contains a bunch of github specific metadata ( e.g. GitHub user creds, commit comment
1518 | counts. ) Chances are, you're always going to use `git.commits` however if you want more rich data, the GitHub one is
1519 | available too. Here's an example:
1520 |
1521 | ```js
1522 | const merges = git.commits.filter(commit => commit.message.include("Merge Master"))
1523 | if (merges.length) {
1524 | fail("Please rebase your PR")
1525 | }
1526 | ```
1527 |
1528 | - Support custom dangerfile via `-d` commandline arg - kwonoj
1529 | - Allow debug dump output via `DEBUG=danger:*` environment variable - kwonoj
1530 | - Adds surf-build ci provider - kwonoj
1531 | - Forward environment variables to external module constructor - kwonoj
1532 |
1533 | ### 0.8.0
1534 |
1535 | - Support `danger run -ci` to specify external CI provider - kwonoj
1536 | - Adds `--verbose` to `danger`, which for now will echo out all the URLs Danger has requested - [@orta]
1537 | - Migrate codebase into TypeScript from flow - kwonoj
1538 | - Handle removing all sorts of import types for Danger in the Dangerfile - [@orta]
1539 |
1540 | ### 0.7.3-4-5
1541 |
1542 | - A failing network request will raise an error - [@orta]
1543 | - Fix Dangerfile parsing which broke due to Peril related changes - [@orta]
1544 | - Tweak the npmignore, ship less random stuff to others - [@orta]
1545 |
1546 | ### 0.7.2
1547 |
1548 | - Fixes to the shipped Flow/TS definitions - [@orta]
1549 | - Adds more functions the the internal Danger GitHub client - [@orta]
1550 | - Infrastructure work to allow Peril to run a Dangerfile - [@orta]
1551 | - Upgrade outdated ESLint packages - macklinu
1552 | - Enhance Windows OS compatibility - kwonoj
1553 |
1554 | ### 0.7.1
1555 |
1556 | - Set exit code to 1 when running `danger` throws an error - macklinu
1557 | - Add Jenkins CI source - macklinu
1558 | - Add .editorconfig - macklinu
1559 | - Adds jest-runtime to the dependencies - [@orta]
1560 |
1561 | ### 0.7.0
1562 |
1563 | - You can build and run in vscode using your own custom `env/development.env` file. This is useful because you can use
1564 | the debugger against a real PR. See `env/development.env.example` for syntax. - [@orta]
1565 |
1566 | - Uses `jest-transform` and `jest-runtime` to eval and apply babel transforms.
1567 |
1568 | This does two things, makes it feasible to do [hosted-danger](https://github.com/danger/peril) and makes it possible
1569 | to write your Dangerfile in a way that's consistent with the rest of your JavaScript. - [@orta]
1570 |
1571 | - Add tests directory to .npmignore - macklinu
1572 | - Update to Jest 18 - macklinu
1573 |
1574 | ### 0.6.10
1575 |
1576 | - Brings back the ability to emulate a fake CI run locally via `danger` - [@orta]
1577 |
1578 | ### 0.6.9
1579 |
1580 | - Makes `babel-polyfill` a direct dependency, this is because it is actually an implicit dependency in the app. I'm not
1581 | sure how I feel about this, I guess if we use a part of it in the babel translation of a user's Dangerfile them I'm OK
1582 | with it. - [@orta]
1583 |
1584 | ### 0.6.6 - 0.6.7 - 0.6.8
1585 |
1586 | - Ship flow annotations with the npm module - [@orta]
1587 |
1588 | ### 0.6.5
1589 |
1590 | - Adds more node instances to travis - romanki + orta
1591 | - Adds support for Semaphore CI - [@orta]
1592 |
1593 | ### 0.6.4
1594 |
1595 | - The env vars `DANGER_TEST_REPO` and `DANGER_TEST_PR` will allow you initialize the FakeCI with a repo of your choice.
1596 | See README.md for more info
1597 | - Improved error messaging around not including a `DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN` in the ENV - nsfmc / orta
1598 | - Adds support for getting the diff for a specific file from git: e.g.
1599 |
1600 | ```js
1601 | // Politely ask for their name on the entry too
1602 | const changelogDiff = danger.git.diffForFile("changelog.md")
1603 | const contributorName = danger.github.pr.user.login
1604 | if (changelogDiff && changelogDiff.indexOf(contributorName) === -1) {
1605 | warn("Please add your GitHub name to the changelog entry, so we can attribute you.")
1606 | }
1607 | ```
1608 |
1609 | ### 0.6.3
1610 |
1611 | - Does not break commonmark on GitHub - [@orta]
1612 | - upgrades to flow 0.35.0 and fixes associated type errors in covariant/invariant interfaces - nsfmc
1613 | - omits flow requirement for new test files - nsfmc
1614 | - adds support for circleci - nsfmc
1615 | - defines CISource properties in flow as read-only - nsfmc
1616 |
1617 | ### 0.5.0
1618 |
1619 | - `danger.pr` -> `danger.github.pr`, I've also created interfaces for them - [@orta]
1620 | - `warn`, `message`, `markdown` are all ported over to DangerJS - [@orta]
1621 | - Shows a HTML table for Danger message - [@orta]
1622 | - Now offers a Flow-typed definition file, it's not shipped to their repo yet, you can make it by
1623 | `npm run export-flowtype` - [@orta]
1624 | - Started turning this into a real project by adding tests - [@orta]
1625 |
1626 | ### 0.0.5-0.0.10
1627 |
1628 | - Changes some files cashing, added some logs, a bit of error reporting, and verifying everything works through npm -
1629 | [@orta]
1630 |
1631 | ### 0.0.4
1632 |
1633 | - Danger edit an existing post, and delete it when it's not relevant - [@orta]
1634 |
1635 | ### 0.0.3
1636 |
1637 | - Danger will post a comment on a GitHub PR with any Fails - [@orta]
1638 |
1639 | ### 0.0.2
1640 |
1641 | OK, first usable for others version. Only supports GitHub and Travis CI.
1642 |
1643 | You can run by doing:
1644 |
1645 | ```sh
1646 | danger
1647 | ```
1648 |
1649 | Make sure you set a `DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN` on your CI -
1650 | [see the Ruby guide](http://danger.systems/guides/getting_started.html#setting-up-danger-to-run-on-your-ci) for that.
1651 |
1652 | Then you can make a `dangerfile.js` (has to be lowercase, deal with it.) It has access to a whopping 2 DSL attributes.
1653 |
1654 | ```sh
1655 | pr
1656 | git
1657 | fail(message: string)
1658 | ```
1659 |
1660 | `pr` _probably_ won't be sticking around for the long run, but if you're using a `0.0.2` release, you should be OK with
1661 | that. It's the full metadata of the PR, so
1662 | [this JSON file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danger/danger/master/spec/fixtures/github_api/pr_response.json).
1663 | `git` currently has:
1664 |
1665 | ```sh
1666 | git.modified_file
1667 | git.created_files
1668 | git.deleted_files
1669 | ```
1670 |
1671 | which are string arrays of files.
1672 |
1673 | `fail(message: string)` will let you raise an error, and will make the process return 1 after the parsing has finished.
1674 |
1675 | Overall: your Dangerfile should look something like:
1676 |
1677 | ```js
1678 | import { danger } from "danger"
1679 |
1680 | const hasChangelog = danger.git.modified_files.includes("changelog.md")
1681 | if (!hasChangelog) {
1682 | fail("No Changelog changes!")
1683 | }
1684 | ```
1685 |
1686 | That should do ya. I think. This doesn't support babel, and I haven't explored using other modules etc, so...
1687 |
1688 | ./[@orta]
1689 |
1690 | ### 0.0.1
1691 |
1692 | Not usable for others, only stubs of classes etc. - [@orta]
1693 |
1694 | [danger-swift]: https://github.com/danger/danger-swift#danger-swift
1695 | [danger-go]: https://github.com/bdotdub/danger-go
1696 | [@adam-moss]: https://github.com/adam-moss
1697 | [@adamnoakes]: https://github.com/adamnoakes
1698 | [@aghassi]: https://github.com/aghassi
1699 | [@ashfurrow]: https://github.com/ashfurrow
1700 | [@azz]: https://github.com/azz
1701 | [@caffodian]: https://github.com/caffodian
1702 | [@codestergit]: https://github.com/codestergit
1703 | [@cwright017]: https://github.com/Cwright017
1704 | [@cysp]: https://github.com/cysp
1705 | [@danielrosenwasser]: https://github.com/DanielRosenwasser
1706 | [@davidbrunow]: https://github.com/davidbrunow
1707 | [@dfalling]: https://github.com/dfalling
1708 | [@f-meloni]: https://github.com/f-meloni
1709 | [@fbartho]: https://github.com/fbartho
1710 | [@fwal]: https://github.com/fwal
1711 | [@happylinks]: https://github.com/happylinks
1712 | [@hongrich]: https://github.com/hongrich
1713 | [@hellocore]: https://github.com/HelloCore
1714 | [@imorente]: https://github.com/imorente
1715 | [@joarwilk]: https://github.com/joarwilk
1716 | [@johansteffner]: https://github.com/johansteffner
1717 | [@joshacheson]: https://github.com/joshacheson
1718 | [@keplersj]: https://github.com/keplersj
1719 | [@langovoi]: https://github.com/langovoi
1720 | [@mifi]: https://github.com/ionutmiftode
1721 | [@mxstbr]: https://github.com/mxstbr
1722 | [@ninjaprox]: https://github.com/ninjaprox
1723 | [@nminhnguyen]: https://github.com/NMinhNguyen
1724 | [@nornagon]: https://github.com/nornagon
1725 | [@orta]: https://github.com/orta
1726 | [@osmestad]: https://github.com/osmestad
1727 | [@patrickkempff]: https://github.com/patrickkempff
1728 | [@peterjgrainger]: https://github.com/peterjgrainger
1729 | [@randak]: https://github.com/randak
1730 | [@ravanscafi]: https://github.com/ravanscafi
1731 | [@rohit-smpx]: https://github.com/rohit-smpx
1732 | [@sajjadzamani]: https://github.com/sajjadzamani
1733 | [@sebinsua]: https://github.com/sebinsua
1734 | [@sgtcoolguy]: https://github.com/sgtcoolguy
1735 | [@sharkysharks]: https://github.com/sharkysharks
1736 | [@stevemoser]: https://github.com/stevemoser
1737 | [@stevenp]: https://github.com/stevenp
1738 | [@sunshinejr]: https://github.com/sunshinejr
1739 | [@tychota]: https://github.com/tychota
1740 | [@urkle]: https://github.com/urkle
1741 | [@wizardishungry]: https://github.com/wizardishungry
1742 | [@dblandin]: https://github.com/dblandin
1743 | [@paulmelnikow]: https://github.com/paulmelnikow
1744 | [@ds300]: https://github.com/ds300
1745 | [@jamime]: https://github.com/jamime
1746 | [@mrndjo]: https://github.com/mrndjo
1747 | [@bigkraig]: https://github.com/bigkraig
1748 | [@notjosh]: https://github.com/notjosh
1749 | [@iljadaderko]: https://github.com/IljaDaderko