1 | # How to contribute
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3 | ## Setup
4 |
5 | ```sh
6 | git clone https://github.com/danger/danger-js.git
7 | cd danger-js
8 |
9 | # if you don't have yarn installed
10 | npm install -g yarn
11 |
12 | yarn install
13 | ```
14 |
15 | You can then verify your install by running the tests, and the linters:
16 |
17 | ```sh
18 | yarn test
19 | yarn lint
20 | ```
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22 | The fixers for both tslint and prettier will be applied when you commit, and on a push your code will be verified
23 | that it compiles.
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25 | ### How does Danger JS work?
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27 | Check the [architecture doc](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/blob/master/docs/architecture.md).
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29 | ### What is the TODO?
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31 | Check the issues, I try and keep my short term perspective there. Long term is in the [VISION.md](VISION.md).
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33 | ### Releasing a new version of Danger
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35 | Following [this commit](https://github.com/danger/danger-js/commit/a26ac3b3bd4f002acd37f6a363c8e74c9d5039ab) as a model:
36 |
37 | * Checkout the `master` branch. Ensure your working tree is clean, and make sure you have the latest changes by running `git pull`.
38 | * Update `package.json` with the new version - for the sake of this example, the new version is **0.21.0**.
39 | * Modify `changelog.md`, adding a new `### 0.21.0` heading under the `### Master` heading at the top of the file.
40 | * Commit both changes with the commit message **Version bump**.
41 | * Tag this commit - `git tag 0.21.0`.
42 | * Push the commit and tag to master - `git push origin master --follow-tags`. Travis CI will build the tagged commit and publish that tagged version to NPM.
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44 | :ship:
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46 | ## License, Contributor's Guidelines and Code of Conduct
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48 | We try to keep as much discussion as possible in GitHub issues, but also have a pretty inactive Slack --- if you'd like an invite, ping [@Orta](https://twitter.com/orta/) a DM on Twitter with your email. It's mostly interesting if you want to stay on top of Danger without all the emails from GitHub.
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50 | > This project is open source under the MIT license, which means you have full access to the source code and can modify it to fit your own needs.
51 | >
52 | > This project subscribes to the [Moya Contributors Guidelines](https://github.com/Moya/contributors) which TLDR: means we give out push access easily and often.
53 | >
54 | > Contributors subscribe to the [Contributor Code of Conduct](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/) based on the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) version 1.3.0.