1 | ## 2.21.0
2 |
3 | Add support for openapi_3
4 |
5 | ### 2.20.2
6 |
7 | update momentjs
8 |
9 | ### 2.20.1
10 |
11 | update tests
12 |
13 | ## 2.20.0
14 |
15 | add ability to modify openapi requests
16 |
17 | ### 2.19.4
18 |
19 | use json-schema-faker-bb to avoid git dependencies
20 |
21 | ### 2.19.3
22 |
23 | use custom json-schema-faker to resolve randexp dependency
24 |
25 | ### 2.19.2
26 |
27 | Update README.md
28 |
29 | ### 2.19.1
30 |
31 | fix overeager error handler
32 |
33 | add events for errors caught by swagger-middleware
34 |
35 | ## 2.19.0
36 |
37 | allow definitions in integration constructor
38 |
39 | add type to oauth output schema
40 |
41 | add http and task event callbacks
42 |
43 | refactor error events
44 |
45 | ### 2.18.3
46 |
47 | check Open API method validity
48 |
49 | ### 2.18.2
50 |
51 | add label to duration log
52 |
53 | ### 2.18.1
54 |
55 | expose Event class
56 |
57 | ## 2.18.0
58 |
59 | add oauth refresh event
60 |
61 | ### 2.17.1
62 |
63 | oauth: update refresh token if applicable
64 |
65 | better error message for OAuth token failures
66 |
67 | ## 2.17.0
68 |
69 | add support for errorHandler
70 |
71 | ### 2.16.1
72 |
73 | add warning for missing DataFire.yml
74 |
75 | ## 2.16.0
76 |
77 | add support for data-monitoring in tasks
78 |
79 | copy parameter defaults to JSON schema
80 |
81 | build schema for body params when 'schema' field not present
82 |
83 | ## 2.15.0
84 |
85 | allow setting a single account for an integration
86 |
87 | ## 2.14.0
88 |
89 | allow host override for Open API integrations
90 |
91 | allow 5-part expressions for cron
92 |
93 | ## 2.13.0
94 |
95 | add fix for collectionFormat in Open API parameters
96 |
97 | refactor project monitor
98 |
99 | allow form-encoded bodies by default
100 |
101 | ### 2.12.1
102 |
103 | add --raml, --wadl, etc options
104 |
105 | ## 2.12.0
106 |
107 | Pretty error messages in project-server responses
108 |
109 | ## 2.11.0
110 |
111 | Add variables field to DataFire.yml
112 |
113 | ### 2.10.1
114 |
115 | don't compile schemas until they're needed
116 |
117 | add better isResponse check than instanceof
118 |
119 | ## 2.10.0
120 |
121 | add support for caching
122 |
123 | use outputSchema.definitions for integration.getDetails()
124 |
125 | add ajv util
126 |
127 | ## 2.9.0
128 |
129 | datatfire integrate: create details.json
130 |
131 | add 'datafire test' command
132 |
133 | better logger.logSchema
134 |
135 | allow null input for actions that take an object with no required props
136 |
137 | don't set undefined params
138 |
139 | change action order
140 |
141 | add descriptions for oauth actions
142 |
143 | add gzip/deflate encoding support
144 |
145 | ## 2.8.0
146 |
147 | Support x-location in openapi security def
148 |
149 | set OAuth flow preference order
150 |
151 | ### 2.7.1
152 |
153 | better error reporting for 'datafire run'
154 |
155 | ## 2.7.0
156 |
157 | add encoding option to datafire.Response
158 |
159 | add x-datafire to operations
160 |
161 | add support for extendPath
162 |
163 | Show original error message for nested MODULE_NOT_FOUND
164 |
165 | ## 2.6.0
166 |
167 | don't set security if there are no securityDefinitions
168 |
169 | allow action and integration aliases in DataFire.yml
170 |
171 | copy accounts passed into Context constructor
172 |
173 | ### 2.5.1
174 |
175 | fix var declaration
176 |
177 | ## 2.5.0
178 |
179 | extract inputSchema generation
180 |
181 | add success status to HTTP events
182 |
183 | add inputFile and outputFile arguments for action.run
184 |
185 | ## 2.4.0
186 |
187 | add refresh_url option for accounts
188 |
189 | Ensure Open API parameter names are unique, add required params to inputSchema.required
190 |
191 | add oauthCallback and oauthRefresh actions
192 |
193 | set AJV version at 4.11.5
194 |
195 | Add 'context' warning to account-unspecified error message
196 |
197 | ## 2.3.0
198 |
199 | allow access to the Express router in ProjectServer
200 |
201 | ### 2.2.3
202 |
203 | datafire integrate: remove --save, require --name
204 |
205 | ### 2.2.2
206 |
207 | keep results independent in each flow
208 |
209 | remove path params from body schema
210 |
211 | ## 2.2.0
212 |
213 | better error messages for YAML errors
214 |
215 | add CORS option
216 |
217 | fix instanceof check when DataFire versions are mismatched
218 |
219 | add logo option to integrations
220 |
221 | ### 2.0.6
222 |
223 | add security to action if it's not an empty array
224 |
225 | use individual AJV instances to save memory
226 |
227 | ### 2.0.5
228 |
229 | add approval_prompt=force for Google authorization
230 |
231 | use non-implicit oauth if available
232 |
233 | ### 2.0.4
234 |
235 | show redirect page on oauth finish
236 |
237 | ### 2.0.3
238 |
239 | disable outputSchemas in generated openapi
240 |
241 | ### 2.0.2
242 |
243 | update build/publish scripts
244 |
245 | ### 2.0.1
246 |
247 | allow action to be plain JS object
248 |
249 | ## 2.0.0
250 |
251 | initial release