1 | # DataFire
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18 | [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/DataFire/DataFire.svg?branch=master
19 | [travis-link]: https://travis-ci.org/DataFire/DataFire
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31 | DataFire is an [open source](https://github.com/DataFire/DataFire/blob/master/LICENSE) framework for building and integrating APIs. It
32 | provides over [1000 integrations](https://github.com/DataFire/Integrations), including:
33 |
34 | AWS • Azure • MongoDB • Slack • GitHub •
35 | Twilio • Trello • Square •
36 | Google Sheets • Gmail • Heroku
37 |
38 | Each integration provides a set of [composable actions](https://docs.datafire.io/Actions). New actions [can be built](https://docs.datafire.io/Introduction/Hello_World) by
39 | combining existing actions, JavaScript, and external libraries. They are driven by [JavaScript Promises](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/promises),
40 | and can be triggered by a URL, on a schedule, or manually.
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42 | Want more? [DataFire.io](https://datafire.io) provides a simple interface for building,
43 | managing, and hosting DataFire projects.
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50 | ## Installation
51 | > Be sure to install DataFire both globally and as a project dependency.
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53 | ```
54 | npm install -g datafire
55 | npm install --save datafire
56 | ```
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58 | ## Documentation
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60 | The full documentation is available at [docs.datafire.io](https://docs.datafire.io)
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62 | ## Sample Projects
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64 | |--|--|--|
65 | | Create an API backed by Google Sheets | [Repo](https://github.com/DataFire-repos/spreadsheet-base) | [Run on DataFire.io](https://app.datafire.io/projects?baseRepo=https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDataFire-repos%2Fspreadsheet-base) |
66 | | E-mail yourself news headlines | [Repo](https://github.com/DataFire-flows/headlines) | [Run on DataFire.io](https://app.datafire.io/projects?baseRepo=https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDataFire-flows%2Fheadlines)|
67 | | Backend for a "Contact Us" form | [Repo](https://github.com/DataFire-repos/contact-us-base) | [Run on DataFire.io](https://app.datafire.io/projects?baseRepo=https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDataFire-repos%2Fcontact-us-base) |
68 | | Sync GitHub issues to a Trello board | [Repo](https://github.com/DataFire-flows/github-issues-to-trello) | [Run on DataFire.io](https://app.datafire.io/projects?baseRepo=https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDataFire-flows%2Fgithub-issues-to-trello) |
69 | | Create a Spotify playlist from r/listentothis | [Repo](https://github.com/DataFire-flows/listen-to-this) | [Run on DataFire.io](https://app.datafire.io/projects?baseRepo=https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDataFire-flows%2Flisten-to-this) |
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71 | ## Contributing
72 | Contributions are welcome!
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74 | ### Getting Started
75 | ```bash
76 | git clone https://github.com/DataFire/DataFire && cd DataFire
77 | npm install
78 | ```
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80 | Tests are run with `npm test` and require ports 3333-3336 to be open.
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