1 | let yargs = require('yargs').argv;
2 | let logger = require('./util/logger');
3 | let npath = require('path');
4 |
5 | let packageFile = npath.join(__dirname, '..');
6 | if (packageFile.endsWith('distribution')) {
7 | packageFile = npath.join(packageFile, '..');
8 | }
9 | packageFile = npath.join(packageFile, 'package.json');
10 |
11 | const COMMANDS = [{
12 | name: 'version',
13 | description: "Shows the current version",
14 | runner: args => {
15 | console.log("DataFire v" + require(packageFile).version);
16 | return Promise.resolve();
17 | }
18 | }, {
19 | name: 'serve',
20 | description: "Serve the DataFire project in the current directory",
21 | examples: ["datafire serve --port 3000"],
22 | runner: require('./commands/serve'),
23 | options: [{
24 | name: 'port',
25 | alias: 'p',
26 | description: "The port to use",
27 | }, {
28 | name: 'directory',
29 | alias: 'd',
30 | description: "Location of the DataFire project",
31 | }, {
32 | name: 'tasks',
33 | alias: 't',
34 | description: "Run tasks",
35 | }]
36 | }, {
37 | name: 'list',
38 | description: "List integrations in the current project, or all available integrations if -a is used",
39 | examples: ["datafire list", "datafire list -a"],
40 | runner: require('./commands/list'),
41 | options: [{
42 | name: 'all',
43 | alias: 'a',
44 | description: "Show all available integrations",
45 | }, {
46 | name: 'query',
47 | alias: 'q',
48 | description: "Filter integrations by text",
49 | }]
50 | }, {
51 | name: 'integrate [integrations..]',
52 | description: "Add an integration to the current project",
53 | examples: ["datafire integrate --rss https://www.reddit.com/.rss"],
54 | runner: require('./commands/integrate'),
55 | options: [{
56 | name: 'openapi',
57 | description: "The URL of an Open API specification",
58 | }, {
59 | name: 'rss',
60 | description: "The URL of an RSS feed",
61 | }, {
62 | name: 'raml',
63 | description: "The URL of a RAML file",
64 | }, {
65 | name: 'wadl',
66 | description: "The URL of a WADL file",
67 | }, {
68 | name: 'swagger_1',
69 | description: "The URL of a Swagger 1.x file",
70 | }, {
71 | name: 'api_blueprint',
72 | description: "The URL of an API Blueprint file",
73 | }, {
74 | name: 'io_docs',
75 | description: "The URL of an I/O docs file",
76 | }, {
77 | name: 'google',
78 | description: "The URL of a Google API specification",
79 | }, {
80 | name: 'name',
81 | description: "An alias to use for the integration in this project",
82 | required: true,
83 | }]
84 | }, {
85 | name: 'describe <action_or_integration>',
86 | description: "Show details for an integration or operation",
87 | examples: [
88 | "datafire describe hacker_news",
89 | "datafire describe hacker_news/getUser",
90 | ],
91 | runner: require('./commands/describe'),
92 | options: [{
93 | name: 'query',
94 | alias: 'q',
95 | description: "Filters for operations matching the query",
96 | }]
97 | }, {
98 | name: 'authenticate <integration>',
99 | examples: ["datafire authenticate github"],
100 | description: "Store a set of credentials for a given integration",
101 | runner: require('./commands/authenticate'),
102 | check: argv => {
103 | if (!argv.alias) return true;
104 | return /^\w+$/.test(argv.alias) || "Alias can only contain letters, numbers, and _";
105 | },
106 | options: [{
107 | name: 'alias',
108 | alias: 'a',
109 | description: 'The alias of the account to edit',
110 | }, {
111 | name: 'client',
112 | description: "With generate_token, the account alias to use as the OAuth client",
113 | }, {
114 | name: 'port',
115 | alias: 'p',
116 | description: "With generate_token, the port to listen on for the OAuth callback",
117 | }]
118 | }, {
119 | name: 'run <action>',
120 | description: "Run an action",
121 | runner: require('./commands/run'),
122 | examples: [
123 | "datafire run ./actions/doSomething.js",
124 | "datafire run hacker_news/getItem -i.itemID 8863",
125 | "datafire run github"
126 | ],
127 | options: [{
128 | name: 'input',
129 | alias: 'i',
130 | description: "Pass input to the action",
131 | }, {
132 | name: 'accounts',
133 | description: "Pass in credentials"
134 | }, {
135 | name: 'inputFile',
136 | alias: 'f',
137 | description: "JSON or YAML file containing input",
138 | }, {
139 | name: 'outputFile',
140 | alias: 'o',
141 | description: "Where to output the result (otherwise STDOUT)",
142 | }]
143 | }, {
144 | name: 'test <test>',
145 | description: "Run a test stored in DataFire.yml",
146 | runner: require('./commands/test'),
147 | }]
148 |
149 | let args = require('yargs')
150 | .option('v', {alias: 'verbose'})
151 | .global('v')
152 | .recommendCommands();
153 |
154 | COMMANDS.forEach(cmd => {
155 | cmd.examples = cmd.examples || [];
156 | cmd.options = cmd.options || [];
157 | args = args.command(
158 | cmd.name,
159 | cmd.description,
160 | (yargs) => {
161 | cmd.options.forEach(o => {
162 | yargs.option(o.name, {
163 | alias: o.alias,
164 | describe: o.description,
165 | demand: o.required,
166 | })
167 | })
168 | },
169 | (args) => {
170 | if (args.action_or_integration) {
171 | let slash = args.action_or_integration.indexOf('/');
172 | if (slash === -1) {
173 | args.integration = args.action_or_integration;
174 | } else {
175 | args.action = args.action_or_integration;
176 | }
177 | delete args.action_or_integration;
178 | }
179 | cmd.runner(args)
180 | .then(_ => {
181 | if (cmd.name !== 'serve') {
182 | process.exit(0)
183 | }
184 | })
185 | .catch(e => {
186 | logger.logError(e.message);
187 | if (args.verbose) logger.logError(e.stack);
188 | process.exit(1);
189 | })
190 | });
191 | if (cmd.check) args = args.check(cmd.check);
192 | cmd.examples.forEach(ex => {
193 | args = args.example(cmd.name, ex);
194 | });
195 | })
196 |
197 | args = args.help('h').alias('h', 'help').strict().argv;