33.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/* eslint-disable default-case */
3import { FieldType, DimensionSubtype, DataFormat, FilteringMode } from './enums';
4import {
5 persistDerivations,
6 getRootGroupByModel,
7 propagateToAllDataModels,
8 getRootDataModel,
9 propagateImmutableActions,
10 addToPropNamespace,
11 sanitizeUnitSchema,
12 splitWithSelect,
13 splitWithProject,
14 getNormalizedProFields
15} from './helper';
16import { DM_DERIVATIVES, PROPAGATION } from './constants';
17import {
18 dataBuilder,
19 rowDiffsetIterator,
20 groupBy
21} from './operator';
22import { createBinnedFieldData } from './operator/bucket-creator';
23import Relation from './relation';
24import reducerStore from './utils/reducer-store';
25import { createFields } from './field-creator';
26import InvalidAwareTypes from './invalid-aware-types';
27import Value from './value';
30 * DataModel is an in-browser representation of tabular data. It supports
31 * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_algebra | relational algebra} operators as well as generic data
32 * processing opearators.
33 * DataModel extends {@link Relation} class which defines all the relational algebra opreators. DataModel gives
34 * definition of generic data processing operators which are not relational algebra complient.
35 *
36 * @public
37 * @class
38 * @extends Relation
39 * @memberof Datamodel
40 */
41class DataModel extends Relation {
42 /**
43 * Creates a new DataModel instance by providing data and schema. Data could be in the form of
44 * - Flat JSON
45 * - DSV String
46 * - 2D Array
47 *
48 * By default DataModel finds suitable adapter to serialize the data. DataModel also expects a
49 * {@link Schema | schema} for identifying the variables present in data.
50 *
51 * @constructor
52 * @example
53 * const data = loadData('cars.csv');
54 * const schema = [
55 * { name: 'Name', type: 'dimension' },
56 * { name: 'Miles_per_Gallon', type: 'measure', unit : 'cm', scale: '1000', numberformat: val => `${val}G`},
57 * { name: 'Cylinders', type: 'dimension' },
58 * { name: 'Displacement', type: 'measure' },
59 * { name: 'Horsepower', type: 'measure' },
60 * { name: 'Weight_in_lbs', type: 'measure' },
61 * { name: 'Acceleration', type: 'measure' },
62 * { name: 'Year', type: 'dimension', subtype: 'datetime', format: '%Y' },
63 * { name: 'Origin', type: 'dimension' }
64 * ];
65 * const dm = new DataModel(data, schema, { name: 'Cars' });
66 * table(dm);
67 *
68 * @public
69 *
70 * @param {Array.<Object> | string | Array.<Array>} data Input data in any of the mentioned formats
71 * @param {Array.<Schema>} schema Defination of the variables. Order of the variables in data and order of the
72 * variables in schema has to be same.
73 * @param {object} [options] Optional arguments to specify more settings regarding the creation part
74 * @param {string} [options.name] Name of the datamodel instance. If no name is given an auto generated name is
75 * assigned to the instance.
76 * @param {string} [options.fieldSeparator=','] specify field separator type if the data is of type dsv string.
77 */
78 constructor (...args) {
79 super(...args);
81 this._onPropagation = [];
82 }
84 /**
85 * Reducers are simple functions which reduces an array of numbers to a representative number of the set.
86 * Like an array of numbers `[10, 20, 5, 15]` can be reduced to `12.5` if average / mean reducer function is
87 * applied. All the measure fields in datamodel (variables in data) needs a reducer to handle aggregation.
88 *
89 * @public
90 *
91 * @return {ReducerStore} Singleton instance of {@link ReducerStore}.
92 */
93 static get Reducers () {
94 return reducerStore;
95 }
97 /**
98 * Configure null, undefined, invalid values in the source data
99 *
100 * @public
101 *
102 * @param {Object} [config] - Configuration to control how null, undefined and non-parsable values are
103 * represented in DataModel.
104 * @param {string} [config.undefined] - Define how an undefined value will be represented.
105 * @param {string} [config.null] - Define how a null value will be represented.
106 * @param {string} [config.invalid] - Define how a non-parsable value will be represented.
107 */
108 static configureInvalidAwareTypes (config) {
109 return InvalidAwareTypes.invalidAwareVals(config);
110 }
112 /**
113 * Retrieve the data attached to an instance in JSON format.
114 *
115 * @example
116 * // DataModel instance is already prepared and assigned to dm variable
117 * const data = dm.getData({
118 * order: 'column',
119 * formatter: {
120 * origin: (val) => val === 'European Union' ? 'EU' : val;
121 * }
122 * });
123 * console.log(data);
124 *
125 * @public
126 *
127 * @param {Object} [options] Options to control how the raw data is to be returned.
128 * @param {string} [options.order='row'] Defines if data is retieved in row order or column order. Possible values
129 * are `'rows'` and `'columns'`
130 * @param {Function} [options.formatter=null] Formats the output data. This expects an object, where the keys are
131 * the name of the variable needs to be formatted. The formatter function is called for each row passing the
132 * value of the cell for a particular row as arguments. The formatter is a function in the form of
133 * `function (value, rowId, schema) => { ... }`
134 * Know more about {@link Fomatter}.
135 *
136 * @return {Array} Returns a multidimensional array of the data with schema. The return format looks like
137 * ```
138 * {
139 * data,
140 * schema
141 * }
142 * ```
143 */
144 getData (options) {
145 const defOptions = {
146 order: 'row',
147 formatter: null,
148 withUid: false,
149 getAllFields: false,
150 sort: []
151 };
152 options = Object.assign({}, defOptions, options);
153 const fields = this.getPartialFieldspace().fields;
155 const dataGenerated = dataBuilder.call(
156 this,
157 this.getPartialFieldspace().fields,
158 this._rowDiffset,
159 options.getAllFields ? fields.map(d => d.name()).join() : this._colIdentifier,
160 options.sort,
161 {
162 columnWise: options.order === 'column',
163 addUid: !!options.withUid
164 }
165 );
167 if (!options.formatter) {
168 return dataGenerated;
169 }
171 const { formatter } = options;
172 const { data, schema, uids } = dataGenerated;
173 const fieldNames = schema.map((e => e.name));
174 const fmtFieldNames = Object.keys(formatter);
175 const fmtFieldIdx = fmtFieldNames.reduce((acc, next) => {
176 const idx = fieldNames.indexOf(next);
177 if (idx !== -1) {
178 acc.push([idx, formatter[next]]);
179 }
180 return acc;
181 }, []);
183 if (options.order === 'column') {
184 fmtFieldIdx.forEach((elem) => {
185 const fIdx = elem[0];
186 const fmtFn = elem[1];
188 data[fIdx].forEach((datum, datumIdx) => {
189 data[fIdx][datumIdx] = fmtFn.call(
190 undefined,
191 datum,
192 uids[datumIdx],
193 schema[fIdx]
194 );
195 });
196 });
197 } else {
198 data.forEach((datum, datumIdx) => {
199 fmtFieldIdx.forEach((elem) => {
200 const fIdx = elem[0];
201 const fmtFn = elem[1];
203 datum[fIdx] = fmtFn.call(
204 undefined,
205 datum[fIdx],
206 uids[datumIdx],
207 schema[fIdx]
208 );
209 });
210 });
211 }
213 return dataGenerated;
214 }
216 /**
217 * Returns the unique ids in an array.
218 *
219 * @return {Array} Returns an array of ids.
220 */
221 getUids () {
222 const rowDiffset = this._rowDiffset;
223 const ids = [];
225 if (rowDiffset.length) {
226 const diffSets = rowDiffset.split(',');
228 diffSets.forEach((set) => {
229 let [start, end] = set.split('-').map(Number);
231 end = end !== undefined ? end : start;
232 ids.push(...Array(end - start + 1).fill().map((_, idx) => start + idx));
233 });
234 }
236 return ids;
237 }
238 /**
239 * Groups the data using particular dimensions and by reducing measures. It expects a list of dimensions using which
240 * it projects the datamodel and perform aggregations to reduce the duplicate tuples. Refer this
241 * {@link link_to_one_example_with_group_by | document} to know the intuition behind groupBy.
242 *
243 * DataModel by default provides definition of few {@link reducer | Reducers}.
244 * {@link ReducerStore | User defined reducers} can also be registered.
245 *
246 * This is the chained implementation of `groupBy`.
247 * `groupBy` also supports {@link link_to_compose_groupBy | composability}
248 *
249 * @example
250 * const groupedDM = dm.groupBy(['Year'], { horsepower: 'max' } );
251 * console.log(groupedDm);
252 *
253 * @public
254 *
255 * @param {Array.<string>} fieldsArr - Array containing the name of dimensions
256 * @param {Object} [reducers={}] - A map whose key is the variable name and value is the name of the reducer. If its
257 * not passed, or any variable is ommitted from the object, default aggregation function is used from the
258 * schema of the variable.
259 *
260 * @return {DataModel} Returns a new DataModel instance after performing the groupby.
261 */
262 groupBy (fieldsArr, reducers = {}, config = { saveChild: true }) {
263 const groupByString = `${fieldsArr.join()}`;
264 let params = [this, fieldsArr, reducers];
265 const newDataModel = groupBy(...params);
267 persistDerivations(
268 this,
269 newDataModel,
271 { fieldsArr, groupByString, defaultReducer: reducerStore.defaultReducer() },
272 reducers
273 );
275 if (config.saveChild) {
276 newDataModel.setParent(this);
277 } else {
278 newDataModel.setParent(null);
279 }
281 return newDataModel;
282 }
284 /**
285 * Performs sorting operation on the current {@link DataModel} instance according to the specified sorting details.
286 * Like every other operator it doesn't mutate the current DataModel instance on which it was called, instead
287 * returns a new DataModel instance containing the sorted data.
288 *
289 * DataModel support multi level sorting by listing the variables using which sorting needs to be performed and
290 * the type of sorting `ASC` or `DESC`.
291 *
292 * In the following example, data is sorted by `Origin` field in `DESC` order in first level followed by another
293 * level of sorting by `Acceleration` in `ASC` order.
294 *
295 * @example
296 * // here dm is the pre-declared DataModel instance containing the data of 'cars.json' file
297 * let sortedDm = dm.sort([
298 * ["Origin", "DESC"]
299 * ["Acceleration"] // Default value is ASC
300 * ]);
301 *
302 * console.log(dm.getData());
303 * console.log(sortedDm.getData());
304 *
305 * // Sort with a custom sorting function
306 * sortedDm = dm.sort([
307 * ["Origin", "DESC"]
308 * ["Acceleration", (a, b) => a - b] // Custom sorting function
309 * ]);
310 *
311 * console.log(dm.getData());
312 * console.log(sortedDm.getData());
313 *
314 * @text
315 * DataModel also provides another sorting mechanism out of the box where sort is applied to a variable using
316 * another variable which determines the order.
317 * Like the above DataModel contains three fields `Origin`, `Name` and `Acceleration`. Now, the data in this
318 * model can be sorted by `Origin` field according to the average value of all `Acceleration` for a
319 * particular `Origin` value.
320 *
321 * @example
322 * // here dm is the pre-declared DataModel instance containing the data of 'cars.json' file
323 * const sortedDm = dm.sort([
324 * ['Origin', ['Acceleration', (a, b) => avg(...a.Acceleration) - avg(...b.Acceleration)]]
325 * ]);
326 *
327 * console.log(dm.getData());
328 * console.log(sortedDm.getData());
329 *
330 * @public
331 *
332 * @param {Array.<Array>} sortingDetails - Sorting details based on which the sorting will be performed.
333 * @return {DataModel} Returns a new instance of DataModel with sorted data.
334 */
335 sort (sortingDetails, config = { saveChild: false }) {
336 const rawData = this.getData({
337 order: 'row',
338 sort: sortingDetails
339 });
340 const header = rawData.schema.map(field => field.name);
341 const dataInCSVArr = [header].concat(rawData.data);
343 const sortedDm = new this.constructor(dataInCSVArr, rawData.schema, { dataFormat: 'DSVArr' });
345 persistDerivations(
346 this,
347 sortedDm,
349 config,
350 sortingDetails
351 );
353 if (config.saveChild) {
354 sortedDm.setParent(this);
355 } else {
356 sortedDm.setParent(null);
357 }
359 return sortedDm;
360 }
362 /**
363 * Performs the serialization operation on the current {@link DataModel} instance according to the specified data
364 * type. When an {@link DataModel} instance is created, it de-serializes the input data into its internal format,
365 * and during its serialization process, it converts its internal data format to the specified data type and returns
366 * that data regardless what type of data is used during the {@link DataModel} initialization.
367 *
368 * @example
369 * // here dm is the pre-declared DataModel instance.
370 * const csvData = dm.serialize(DataModel.DataFormat.DSV_STR, { fieldSeparator: "," });
371 * console.log(csvData); // The csv formatted data.
372 *
373 * const jsonData = dm.serialize(DataModel.DataFormat.FLAT_JSON);
374 * console.log(jsonData); // The json data.
375 *
376 * @public
377 *
378 * @param {string} type - The data type name for serialization.
379 * @param {Object} options - The optional option object.
380 * @param {string} options.fieldSeparator - The field separator character for DSV data type.
381 * @return {Array|string} Returns the serialized data.
382 */
383 serialize (type, options) {
384 type = type || this._dataFormat;
385 options = Object.assign({}, { fieldSeparator: ',' }, options);
387 const fields = this.getFieldspace().fields;
388 const colData = fields.map(f => f.formattedData());
389 const rowsCount = colData[0].length;
390 let serializedData;
391 let rowIdx;
392 let colIdx;
394 if (type === DataFormat.FLAT_JSON) {
395 serializedData = [];
396 for (rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rowsCount; rowIdx++) {
397 const row = {};
398 for (colIdx = 0; colIdx < fields.length; colIdx++) {
399 row[fields[colIdx].name()] = colData[colIdx][rowIdx];
400 }
401 serializedData.push(row);
402 }
403 } else if (type === DataFormat.DSV_STR) {
404 serializedData = [fields.map(f => f.name()).join(options.fieldSeparator)];
405 for (rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rowsCount; rowIdx++) {
406 const row = [];
407 for (colIdx = 0; colIdx < fields.length; colIdx++) {
408 row.push(colData[colIdx][rowIdx]);
409 }
410 serializedData.push(row.join(options.fieldSeparator));
411 }
412 serializedData = serializedData.join('\n');
413 } else if (type === DataFormat.DSV_ARR) {
414 serializedData = [fields.map(f => f.name())];
415 for (rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rowsCount; rowIdx++) {
416 const row = [];
417 for (colIdx = 0; colIdx < fields.length; colIdx++) {
418 row.push(colData[colIdx][rowIdx]);
419 }
420 serializedData.push(row);
421 }
422 } else {
423 throw new Error(`Data type ${type} is not supported`);
424 }
426 return serializedData;
427 }
429 addField (field) {
430 const fieldName = field.name();
431 this._colIdentifier += `,${fieldName}`;
432 const partialFieldspace = this._partialFieldspace;
433 const cachedValueObjects = partialFieldspace._cachedValueObjects;
434 const formattedData = field.formattedData();
435 const rawData = field.partialField.data;
437 if (!partialFieldspace.fieldsObj()[field.name()]) {
438 partialFieldspace.fields.push(field);
439 cachedValueObjects.forEach((obj, i) => {
440 obj[field.name()] = new Value(formattedData[i], rawData[i], field);
441 });
442 } else {
443 const fieldIndex = partialFieldspace.fields.findIndex(fieldinst => fieldinst.name() === fieldName);
444 fieldIndex >= 0 && (partialFieldspace.fields[fieldIndex] = field);
445 }
447 // flush out cached namespace values on addition of new fields
448 partialFieldspace._cachedFieldsObj = null;
449 partialFieldspace._cachedDimension = null;
450 partialFieldspace._cachedMeasure = null;
452 this.__calculateFieldspace().calculateFieldsConfig();
453 return this;
454 }
456 /**
457 * Creates a new variable calculated from existing variables. This method expects the definition of the newly created
458 * variable and a function which resolves the value of the new variable from existing variables.
459 *
460 * Can create a new measure based on existing variables:
461 * @example
462 * // DataModel already prepared and assigned to dm variable;
463 * const newDm = dataModel.calculateVariable({
464 * name: 'powerToWeight',
465 * type: 'measure'
466 * }, ['horsepower', 'weight_in_lbs', (hp, weight) => hp / weight ]);
467 *
468 *
469 * Can create a new dimension based on existing variables:
470 * @example
471 * // DataModel already prepared and assigned to dm variable;
472 * const child = dataModel.calculateVariable(
473 * {
474 * name: 'Efficiency',
475 * type: 'dimension'
476 * }, ['horsepower', (hp) => {
477 * if (hp < 80) { return 'low'; },
478 * else if (hp < 120) { return 'moderate'; }
479 * else { return 'high' }
480 * }]);
481 *
482 * @public
483 *
484 * @param {Object} schema - The schema of newly defined variable.
485 * @param {Array.<string|function>} dependency - An array containing the dependency variable names and a resolver
486 * function as the last element.
487 * @param {Object} config - An optional config object.
488 * @param {boolean} [config.saveChild] - Whether the newly created DataModel will be a child.
489 * @param {boolean} [config.replaceVar] - Whether the newly created variable will replace the existing variable.
490 * @return {DataModel} Returns an instance of DataModel with the new field.
491 */
492 calculateVariable (schema, dependency, config) {
493 schema = sanitizeUnitSchema(schema);
494 config = Object.assign({}, { saveChild: true, replaceVar: false }, config);
496 const fieldsConfig = this.getFieldsConfig();
497 const depVars = dependency.slice(0, dependency.length - 1);
498 const retrieveFn = dependency[dependency.length - 1];
500 if (fieldsConfig[schema.name] && !config.replaceVar) {
501 throw new Error(`${schema.name} field already exists in datamodel`);
502 }
504 const depFieldIndices = depVars.map((field) => {
505 const fieldSpec = fieldsConfig[field];
506 if (!fieldSpec) {
507 // @todo dont throw error here, use warning in production mode
508 throw new Error(`${field} is not a valid column name.`);
509 }
510 return fieldSpec.index;
511 });
513 const clone = this.clone(config.saveChild);
515 const fs = clone.getFieldspace().fields;
516 const suppliedFields = depFieldIndices.map(idx => fs[idx]);
518 let cachedStore = {};
519 let cloneProvider = () => this.detachedRoot();
521 const computedValues = [];
522 rowDiffsetIterator(clone._rowDiffset, (i) => {
523 const fieldsData = suppliedFields.map(field => field.partialField.data[i]);
524 computedValues[i] = retrieveFn(...fieldsData, i, cloneProvider, cachedStore);
525 });
526 const [field] = createFields([computedValues], [schema], [schema.name]);
527 clone.addField(field);
529 persistDerivations(
530 this,
531 clone,
533 { config: schema, fields: depVars },
534 retrieveFn
535 );
537 return clone;
538 }
540 /**
541 * Propagates changes across all the connected DataModel instances.
542 *
543 * @param {Array} identifiers - A list of identifiers that were interacted with.
544 * @param {Object} payload - The interaction specific details.
545 *
546 * @return {DataModel} DataModel instance.
547 */
548 propagate (identifiers, config = {}, addToNameSpace, propConfig = {}) {
549 const isMutableAction = config.isMutableAction;
550 const propagationSourceId = config.sourceId;
551 const payload = config.payload;
552 const rootModel = getRootDataModel(this);
553 const propagationNameSpace = rootModel._propagationNameSpace;
554 const rootGroupByModel = getRootGroupByModel(this);
555 const rootModels = {
556 groupByModel: rootGroupByModel,
557 model: rootModel
558 };
560 addToNameSpace && addToPropNamespace(propagationNameSpace, config, this);
561 propagateToAllDataModels(identifiers, rootModels, { propagationNameSpace, sourceId: propagationSourceId },
562 Object.assign({
563 payload
564 }, config));
566 if (isMutableAction) {
567 propagateImmutableActions(propagationNameSpace, rootModels, {
568 config,
569 propConfig
570 }, this);
571 }
573 return this;
574 }
576 /**
577 * Associates a callback with an event name.
578 *
579 * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event.
580 * @param {Function} callback - The callback to invoke.
581 * @return {DataModel} Returns this current DataModel instance itself.
582 */
583 on (eventName, callback) {
584 switch (eventName) {
586 this._onPropagation.push(callback);
587 break;
588 }
589 return this;
590 }
592 /**
593 * Unsubscribes the callbacks for the provided event name.
594 *
595 * @param {string} eventName - The name of the event to unsubscribe.
596 * @return {DataModel} Returns the current DataModel instance itself.
597 */
598 unsubscribe (eventName) {
599 switch (eventName) {
601 this._onPropagation = [];
602 break;
604 }
605 return this;
606 }
608 /**
609 * This method is used to invoke the method associated with propagation.
610 *
611 * @param {Object} payload The interaction payload.
612 * @param {DataModel} identifiers The propagated DataModel.
613 * @memberof DataModel
614 */
615 handlePropagation (propModel, payload) {
616 let propListeners = this._onPropagation;
617 propListeners.forEach(fn => fn.call(this, propModel, payload));
618 }
620 /**
621 * Performs the binning operation on a measure field based on the binning configuration. Binning means discretizing
622 * values of a measure. Binning configuration contains an array; subsequent values from the array marks the boundary
623 * of buckets in [inclusive, exclusive) range format. This operation does not mutate the subject measure field,
624 * instead, it creates a new field (variable) of type dimension and subtype binned.
625 *
626 * Binning can be configured by
627 * - providing custom bin configuration with non-uniform buckets,
628 * - providing bins count,
629 * - providing each bin size,
630 *
631 * When custom `buckets` are provided as part of binning configuration:
632 * @example
633 * // DataModel already prepared and assigned to dm variable
634 * const config = { name: 'binnedHP', buckets: [30, 80, 100, 110] }
635 * const binnedDM = dataModel.bin('horsepower', config);
636 *
637 * @text
638 * When `binsCount` is defined as part of binning configuration:
639 * @example
640 * // DataModel already prepared and assigned to dm variable
641 * const config = { name: 'binnedHP', binsCount: 5, start: 0, end: 100 }
642 * const binDM = dataModel.bin('horsepower', config);
643 *
644 * @text
645 * When `binSize` is defined as part of binning configuration:
646 * @example
647 * // DataModel already prepared and assigned to dm variable
648 * const config = { name: 'binnedHorsepower', binSize: 20, start: 5}
649 * const binDM = dataModel.bin('horsepower', config);
650 *
651 * @public
652 *
653 * @param {string} measureFieldName - The name of the target measure field.
654 * @param {Object} config - The config object.
655 * @param {string} [config.name] - The name of the new field which will be created.
656 * @param {string} [config.buckets] - An array containing the bucket ranges.
657 * @param {string} [config.binSize] - The size of each bin. It is ignored when buckets are given.
658 * @param {string} [config.binsCount] - The total number of bins to generate. It is ignored when buckets are given.
659 * @param {string} [config.start] - The start value of the bucket ranges. It is ignored when buckets are given.
660 * @param {string} [config.end] - The end value of the bucket ranges. It is ignored when buckets are given.
661 * @return {DataModel} Returns a new {@link DataModel} instance with the new field.
662 */
663 bin (measureFieldName, config) {
664 const fieldsConfig = this.getFieldsConfig();
666 if (!fieldsConfig[measureFieldName]) {
667 throw new Error(`Field ${measureFieldName} doesn't exist`);
668 }
670 const binFieldName = config.name || `${measureFieldName}_binned`;
672 if (fieldsConfig[binFieldName]) {
673 throw new Error(`Field ${binFieldName} already exists`);
674 }
676 const measureField = this.getFieldspace().fieldsObj()[measureFieldName];
677 const { binnedData, bins } = createBinnedFieldData(measureField, this._rowDiffset, config);
679 const binField = createFields([binnedData], [
680 {
681 name: binFieldName,
682 type: FieldType.DIMENSION,
683 subtype: DimensionSubtype.BINNED,
684 bins
685 }], [binFieldName])[0];
687 const clone = this.clone(config.saveChild);
688 clone.addField(binField);
690 persistDerivations(
691 this,
692 clone,
694 { measureFieldName, config, binFieldName },
695 null
696 );
698 return clone;
699 }
701 /**
702 * Creates a new {@link DataModel} instance with completely detached root from current {@link DataModel} instance,
703 * the new {@link DataModel} instance has no parent-children relationship with the current one, but has same data as
704 * the current one.
705 * This API is useful when a completely different {@link DataModel} but with same data as the current instance is
706 * needed.
707 *
708 * @example
709 * const dm = new DataModel(data, schema);
710 * const detachedDm = dm.detachedRoot();
711 *
712 * // has different namespace
713 * console.log(dm.getPartialFieldspace().name);
714 * console.log(detachedDm.getPartialFieldspace().name);
715 *
716 * // has same data
717 * console.log(dm.getData());
718 * console.log(detachedDm.getData());
719 *
720 * @public
721 *
722 * @return {DataModel} Returns a detached {@link DataModel} instance.
723 */
724 detachedRoot () {
725 const data = this.serialize(DataFormat.FLAT_JSON);
726 const schema = this.getSchema();
728 return new DataModel(data, schema);
729 }
731 /**
732 * Creates a set of new {@link DataModel} instances by splitting the set of rows in the source {@link DataModel}
733 * instance based on a set of dimensions.
734 *
735 * For each unique dimensional value, a new split is created which creates a unique {@link DataModel} instance for
736 * that split
737 *
738 * If multiple dimensions are provided, it splits the source {@link DataModel} instance with all possible
739 * combinations of the dimensional values for all the dimensions provided
740 *
741 * Additionally, it also accepts a predicate function to reduce the set of rows provided. A
742 * {@link link_to_selection | Selection} is performed on all the split {@link DataModel} instances based on
743 * the predicate function
744 *
745 * @example
746 * // without predicate function:
747 * const splitDt = dt.splitByRow(['Origin'])
748 * console.log(splitDt));
749 * // This should give three unique DataModel instances, one each having rows only for 'USA',
750 * // 'Europe' and 'Japan' respectively
751 *
752 * @example
753 * // without predicate function:
754 * const splitDtMulti = dt.splitByRow(['Origin', 'Cylinders'])
755 * console.log(splitDtMulti));
756 * // This should give DataModel instances for all unique combinations of Origin and Cylinder values
757 *
758 * @example
759 * // with predicate function:
760 * const splitWithPredDt = dt.select(['Origin'], fields => fields.Origin.value === "USA")
761 * console.log(splitWithPredDt);
762 * // This should not include the DataModel for the Origin : 'USA'
763 *
764 *
765 * @public
766 *
767 * @param {Array} dimensionArr - Set of dimensions based on which the split should occur
768 * @param {Object} config - The configuration object
769 * @param {string} [config.saveChild] - Configuration to save child or not
770 * @param {string}[config.mode=FilteringMode.NORMAL] -The mode of the selection.
771 * @return {Array} Returns the new DataModel instances after operation.
772 */
773 splitByRow (dimensionArr, reducerFn, config) {
774 const fieldsConfig = this.getFieldsConfig();
776 dimensionArr.forEach((fieldName) => {
777 if (!fieldsConfig[fieldName]) {
778 throw new Error(`Field ${fieldName} doesn't exist in the schema`);
779 }
780 });
782 const defConfig = {
783 mode: FilteringMode.NORMAL,
784 saveChild: true
785 };
787 config = Object.assign({}, defConfig, config);
789 return splitWithSelect(this, dimensionArr, reducerFn, config);
790 }
792 /**
793 * Creates a set of new {@link DataModel} instances by splitting the set of fields in the source {@link DataModel}
794 * instance based on a set of common and unique field names provided.
795 *
796 * Each DataModel created contains a set of fields which are common to all and a set of unique fields.
797 * It also accepts configurations such as saveChild and mode(inverse or normal) to include/exclude the respective
798 * fields
799 *
800 * @example
801 * // without predicate function:
802 * const splitDt = dt.splitByColumn( [['Acceleration'], ['Horsepower']], ['Origin'])
803 * console.log(splitDt));
804 * // This should give two unique DataModel instances, both having the field 'Origin' and
805 * // one each having 'Acceleration' and 'Horsepower' fields respectively
806 *
807 * @example
808 * // without predicate function:
809 * const splitDtInv = dt.splitByColumn( [['Acceleration'], ['Horsepower'],['Origin', 'Cylinders'],
810 * {mode: 'inverse'})
811 * console.log(splitDtInv));
812 * // This should give DataModel instances in the following way:
813 * // All DataModel Instances do not have the fields 'Origin' and 'Cylinders'
814 * // One DataModel Instance has rest of the fields except 'Acceleration' and the other DataModel instance
815 * // has rest of the fields except 'Horsepower'
816 *
817 *
818 *
819 * @public
820 *
821 * @param {Array} uniqueFields - Set of unique fields included in each datamModel instance
822 * @param {Array} commonFields - Set of common fields included in all datamModel instances
823 * @param {Object} config - The configuration object
824 * @param {string} [config.saveChild] - Configuration to save child or not
825 * @param {string}[config.mode=FilteringMode.NORMAL] -The mode of the selection.
826 * @return {Array} Returns the new DataModel instances after operation.
827 */
828 splitByColumn (uniqueFields = [], commonFields = [], config) {
829 const defConfig = {
830 mode: FilteringMode.NORMAL,
831 saveChild: true
832 };
833 const fieldConfig = this.getFieldsConfig();
834 const allFields = Object.keys(fieldConfig);
835 const normalizedProjFieldSets = [[commonFields]];
837 config = Object.assign({}, defConfig, config);
838 uniqueFields = uniqueFields.length ? uniqueFields : [[]];
841 uniqueFields.forEach((fieldSet, i) => {
842 normalizedProjFieldSets[i] = getNormalizedProFields(
843 [...fieldSet, ...commonFields],
844 allFields,
845 fieldConfig);
846 });
848 return splitWithProject(this, normalizedProjFieldSets, config, allFields);
849 }
854export default DataModel;