807 BJavaScriptView Raw
2 * A format of specifying the filter function for various join operation.
3 * The format is similiar to the ANSI SQL join conditions as follows:
4 *
5 * ( join_instance ) =>
6 * join_instance.{name of first DM}.{ field name} { condition } join_instance.{name of first DM}.{ field name}
7 *
8 * for example
9 * ```
10 * obj => obj.[newdm.getName()].Origin === obj.[anotherNewDm.getName()].Origin).getData())
11 * ```
12 * Above we wrote a function which will recieve a join object containing reference of both
13 * dataModels from where we refer each dataModels by its name ( using datamodel.getName()),then
14 * we specify the field on which the conditional operator will be applied
15 * then we give condition operator and the same is done in RHS for the another field of another
16 * datamodel.
17 *
18 * @public
19 */