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1var vows = require('vows');
2var assert = require('assert');
6function pad(str, length) {
7 str = String(str);
8 while (str.length < length) {
9 str = '0' + str;
10 }
11 return str;
14vows.describe('Date Format').addBatch({
15 'can return month abbreviations as static method': {
16 topic: function () { return new Date(123456789); },
17 'returns the correct abbreviated month': function (date) {
18 assert.equal(date.getMonthAbbr(), 'Jan');
19 }
20 },
22 'can return month as static method': {
23 topic: function () { return new Date(123456789); },
24 'returns the correct month': function (date) {
25 assert.equal(date.getMonthAbbr(), 'Jan');
26 }
27 },
29 'can return common log formatted string': {
30 topic: function () { return new Date(Date.UTC(2011, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)); },
31 'returns the correct clf string': function (date) {
32 var tz = pad(Math.abs(date.getTimezoneOffset() / 0.6), 4);
33 if (date.getTimezoneOffset() > 0) {
34 tz = '-' + tz;
35 }
37 date = new Date(date.valueOf() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
38 assert.equal(date.toCLFString(), '01/Jan/2011:01:01:01 ' + tz);
39 }
40 },
42 'can return correctly formatted toFormat': {
43 topic: function () { var topic = new Date(2011, 2, 1);
44 topic.addHours(13)
45 .addMinutes(11)
46 .addSeconds(41)
47 .addMilliseconds(23);
48 return topic;
49 },
50 'returns correctly': function (date) {
51 assert.equal(date.toFormat('YYYY'), '2011');
52 assert.equal(date.toFormat('YY'), '11');
53 assert.equal(date.toFormat('M'), '3');
54 assert.equal(date.toFormat('MM'), '03');
55 assert.equal(date.toFormat('MMM'), 'Mar');
56 assert.equal(date.toFormat('MMMM'), 'March');
57 assert.equal(date.toFormat('D'), '1');
58 assert.equal(date.toFormat('DD'), '01');
59 assert.equal(date.toFormat('DDD'), 'Tue');
60 assert.equal(date.toFormat('DDDD'), 'Tuesday');
61 assert.equal(date.toFormat('H'), '1');
62 assert.equal(date.toFormat('HH'), '01');
63 assert.equal(date.toFormat('HH24'), '13');
64 assert.equal(date.toFormat('MI'), '11');
65 assert.equal(date.toFormat('SS'), '41');
66 assert.equal(date.toFormat('LL'), '023');
67 },
69 'returns complex formats correct': function (date) {
70 assert.equal(date.toFormat('DDD-MMM-YYYY'), 'Tue-Mar-2011');
71 assert.equal(date.toFormat('DD/MM/YY'), '01/03/11');
72 assert.equal(date.toFormat('D:M:YY'), '1:3:11');
73 }
74 },
76 'can return correctly formatted toUTCFormat': {
77 topic: function () {
78 return topic = new Date(Date.UTC(2011, 2, 1, 13, 11, 41, 23));
79 },
81 'returns correctly': function (date) {
82 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('YYYY'), '2011');
83 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('YY'), '11');
84 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('M'), '3');
85 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('MM'), '03');
86 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('MMM'), 'Mar');
87 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('MMMM'), 'March');
88 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('D'), '1');
89 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('DD'), '01');
90 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('DDD'), 'Tue');
91 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('DDDD'), 'Tuesday');
92 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('H'), '1');
93 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('HH'), '01');
94 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('HH24'), '13');
95 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('MI'), '11');
96 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('SS'), '41');
97 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('LL'), '023');
98 },
100 'returns complex formats correct': function (date) {
101 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('DDD-MMM-YYYY'), 'Tue-Mar-2011');
102 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('DD/MM/YY'), '01/03/11');
103 assert.equal(date.toUTCFormat('D:M:YY'), '1:3:11');
104 }
105 },
107 'can return correct months': {
108 topic: function () { return new Date(2011, 0, 1); },
109 'returns Jan correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(0).toFormat('MMM'), 'Jan'); },
110 'returns Feb correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Feb'); },
111 'returns Mar correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Mar'); },
112 'returns Apr correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Apr'); },
113 'returns May correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'May'); },
114 'returns Jun correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Jun'); },
115 'returns Jul correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Jul'); },
116 'returns Aug correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Aug'); },
117 'returns Sep correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Sep'); },
118 'returns Oct correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Oct'); },
119 'returns Nov correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Nov'); },
120 'returns Dec correcty': function (date) { assert.equal(date.addMonths(1).toFormat('MMM'), 'Dec'); },
121 },
123 'can return database formatted string': {
124 topic: function () { return new Date(Date.UTC(2011, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)); },
125 'returns the correct database string': function (date) {
126 assert.equal(date.toDBString(), '2011-01-01 01:01:01');
127 }
128 },
130 'when passing an argument to toYMD': {
131 topic: function () { return new Date(2011, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0).toYMD('-'); },
132 'the correct string is returned': function (topic) {
133 assert.equal(topic, '2011-01-01');
134 }
135 },
137 'when passing an empty argument to toYMD': {
138 topic: function () { return new Date(2011, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0).toYMD(''); },
139 'the correct string is returned': function (topic) {
140 assert.equal(topic, '20110101');
141 }
142 },
144 'when passing no argument to toYMD': {
145 topic: function () { return new Date(2011, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0).toYMD(); },
146 'the correct default is chosen and the string is returned': function (topic) {
147 assert.equal(topic, '2011-01-01');
148 }
149 }