13.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
2 if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
3 module.exports = factory();
4 else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
5 define([], factory);
6 else if(typeof exports === 'object')
7 exports["daycaca"] = factory();
8 else
9 root["daycaca"] = factory();
10})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
11return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
12/******/ // The module cache
13/******/ var installedModules = {};
15/******/ // The require function
16/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
18/******/ // Check if module is in cache
19/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
20/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
21/******/ }
22/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
23/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
24/******/ i: moduleId,
25/******/ l: false,
26/******/ exports: {}
27/******/ };
29/******/ // Execute the module function
30/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
32/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
33/******/ module.l = true;
35/******/ // Return the exports of the module
36/******/ return module.exports;
37/******/ }
40/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
41/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
43/******/ // expose the module cache
44/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
46/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
47/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
48/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
49/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
50/******/ configurable: false,
51/******/ enumerable: true,
52/******/ get: getter
53/******/ });
54/******/ }
55/******/ };
57/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
58/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
59/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
60/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
61/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
62/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
63/******/ return getter;
64/******/ };
66/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
67/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
69/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
70/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
72/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
73/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
74/******/ })
76/******/ ([
77/* 0 */
78/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
80"use strict";
83var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
85var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };
87// a canvas lib to compress or crop images
89var isNumber = function isNumber(num) {
90 return typeof num === 'number';
92var imageReg = /[./](png|jpeg|jpg|gif|bmp)/;
94var defaultConfig = {
95 ratio: 1,
96 compress: 80,
97 enableWebWorker: false
100module.exports = {
101 setConfig: function setConfig(config) {
102 this._config = _extends(defaultConfig, config);
103 },
106 /**
107 * init image for reset size and rotation
108 */
109 init: function init(src, callback) {
110 var _this = this;
112 var scrTypes = src.split(';');
113 var srcType = null;
114 var image = this._createImage(src);
115 if (scrTypes.length > 1) {
116 srcType = scrTypes[0].replace('data:', '');
117 }
118 image.onload = function () {
119 var cvs = _this._getCanvas(image.naturalWidth, image.naturalHeight);
120 var ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
121 ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
122 var newImageData = cvs.toDataURL(srcType);
123 callback(newImageData);
124 };
125 },
128 /**
129 * encode image to base64
130 * @param {Element|String} el
131 * @param {Function} callback
132 */
133 base64: function base64(el, callback) {
134 var _getSrc = this._getSrc(el),
135 src = _getSrc.src,
136 type = _getSrc.type;
138 if (type === 'file') {
139 return this._readFile(src, callback);
140 } else if (type === 'video') {
141 var video = el;
142 var cvs = this._getCanvas(video.videoWidth, video.videoHeight);
143 var ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
144 ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0);
145 var newImageData = cvs.toDataURL();
146 callback(newImageData, cvs);
147 }
148 return this.init(src, callback);
149 },
152 /**
153 * compress image
154 * @param {el|String} src the source of image
155 * @param {Number} the quality of image ( 100 = the highest quality)
156 * @param {Function} callback
157 */
158 compress: function compress(source, quality, callback) {
159 var _this2 = this;
161 var _getSrc2 = this._getSrc(source),
162 src = _getSrc2.src,
163 type = _getSrc2.type;
165 if (type === 'file') {
166 return this._readFile(src, function (data) {
167 _this2._compress(data, source, quality, callback);
168 });
169 }
170 this._compress(src, source, quality, callback);
171 },
172 _compress: function _compress(src, source, quality, callback) {
173 var _this3 = this;
175 this._loadImage(src, function (image) {
176 var mimeType = _this3._getImageType(source);
177 var cvs = _this3._getCanvas(image.naturalWidth, image.naturalHeight);
178 var ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
179 ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
180 var newImageData = cvs.toDataURL(mimeType, quality / 100);
181 callback(newImageData);
182 });
183 },
186 /**
187 * crop image via canvas and generate data
188 */
189 crop: function crop(source, options, callback) {
190 var _this4 = this;
192 var _getSrc3 = this._getSrc(source),
193 src = _getSrc3.src,
194 type = _getSrc3.type;
196 if (type === 'file') {
197 return this._readFile(src, function (data) {
198 _this4._crop(data, source, options, callback);
199 });
200 }
201 this._crop(src, source, options, callback);
202 },
203 _crop: function _crop(src, source, options, callback) {
204 var _this5 = this;
206 this._loadImage(src, function (image) {
207 // alias w and h props
208 if (!options.w && options.width) {
209 options.w = options.width;
210 options.h = options.height;
211 }
213 // check crop options
214 if (isNumber(options.x) && isNumber(options.y) && options.w > 0 && options.h > 0) {
215 var w = options.w,
216 h = options.h;
218 if (options.maxWidth && options.maxWidth < w) {
219 w = options.maxWidth;
220 h = options.h * w / options.w;
221 }
222 if (options.maxHeight && options.maxHeight < h) {
223 h = options.maxHeight;
224 }
225 if (options.fixedWidth && options.fixedHeight) {
226 w = options.fixedWidth;
227 h = options.fixedHeight;
228 }
229 var cvs = _this5._getCanvas(w, h);
230 cvs.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, options.x, options.y, options.w, options.h, 0, 0, w, h);
231 var mimeType = _this5._getImageType(source);
232 var data = cvs.toDataURL(mimeType, options.compress / 100);
233 callback(data);
234 }
235 });
236 },
237 resize: function resize(source, ratio, callback) {
238 var _this6 = this;
240 var _getSrc4 = this._getSrc(source),
241 src = _getSrc4.src,
242 type = _getSrc4.type;
244 var options = {};
245 if (typeof ratio === 'number' || typeof ratio === 'string') {
246 options = {
247 ratio: ratio,
248 compress: defaultConfig.compress
249 };
250 }
251 if ((typeof ratio === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(ratio)) === 'object') {
252 options = ratio;
253 }
254 if (type === 'file') {
255 return this._readFile(src, function (data) {
256 _this6._resize(data, source, options, callback);
257 });
258 }
259 this._resize(src, source, options, callback);
260 },
261 _resize: function _resize(src, source, options, callback) {
262 var _this7 = this;
264 function isNeedCrop(w, h, ow, oh) {
265 return w / h === ow / oh;
266 }
267 this._loadImage(src, function (image) {
268 var w = image.naturalWidth;
269 var h = image.naturalHeight;
270 var aspect = w / h;
271 if (options.ratio > 0) {
272 w = Math.floor(image.naturalWidth * options.ratio);
273 h = Math.floor(image.naturalHeight * options.ratio);
274 } else if (typeof options.width === 'number' && typeof options.height === 'number') {
275 if (!isNeedCrop(options.width, options.height, w, h)) {
276 w = Math.floor(options.width);
277 h = Math.floor(options.height);
278 } else {
279 if (w > options.width || h > options.height) {
280 options.x = (w - options.width) / 2;
281 options.y = (h - options.height) / 2;
282 return _this7._crop(src, source, options, callback);
283 } else if (w < options.width) {
284 w = options.width;
285 h = w / aspect;
286 options.x = 0;
287 options.y = (h - options.height) / 2;
288 return _this7._crop(src, source, options, callback);
289 } else if (h < options.height) {
290 h = options.height;
291 w = h * aspect;
292 options.y = 0;
293 options.x = (w - options.width) / 2;
294 return _this7._crop(src, source, options, callback);
295 }
296 }
297 }
298 var cvs = _this7._getCanvas(w, h);
299 cvs.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.naturalWidth, image.naturalHeight, 0, 0, w, h);
300 var mimeType = _this7._getImageType(source);
301 var data = cvs.toDataURL(mimeType, options.compress / 100);
302 callback(data);
303 });
304 },
307 /**
308 * rotate image
309 */
310 rotate: function rotate(source, degree, callback) {
311 var _this8 = this;
313 var _getSrc5 = this._getSrc(source),
314 src = _getSrc5.src,
315 type = _getSrc5.type;
317 if (type === 'file') {
318 return this._readFile(src, function () {
319 _this8._rotate(src, source, degree, callback);
320 });
321 }
322 if (degree % 360 === 0) {
323 return callback(src);
324 }
325 this._rotate(src, source, degree, callback);
326 },
327 _rotate: function _rotate(src, source, degree, callback) {
328 var _this9 = this;
330 this._loadImage(src, function (image) {
331 var w = image.naturalWidth;
332 var h = image.naturalHeight;
333 degree %= 360;
334 if (degree === 90 || degree === 270) {
335 w = image.naturalHeight;
336 h = image.naturalWidth;
337 }
338 var cvs = _this9._getCanvas(w, h);
339 var ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
340 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
341 ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
342 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
343 ctx.translate(w / 2, h / 2);
344 ctx.rotate(degree * Math.PI / 180);
345 ctx.drawImage(image, -image.naturalWidth / 2, -image.naturalHeight / 2);
346 var mimeType = _this9._getImageType(source);
347 var data = cvs.toDataURL(mimeType, 1);
348 callback(data, w, h);
349 cvs = null;
350 ctx = null;
351 });
352 },
353 _loadImage: function _loadImage(src, callback) {
354 var image = this._createImage(src);
355 image.onload = function () {
356 callback(image);
357 };
358 },
359 _readFile: function _readFile(file, callback) {
360 var reader = new FileReader();
361 reader.onload = function (event) {
362 var data = event.target.result;
363 callback(data);
364 };
365 reader.readAsDataURL(file);
366 },
367 _getCanvas: function _getCanvas(width, height) {
368 var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
369 canvas.width = width;
370 canvas.height = height;
371 return canvas;
372 },
373 _createImage: function _createImage(src) {
374 var image = new Image();
375 image.src = src;
376 image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
377 return image;
378 },
379 _getSrc: function _getSrc(source) {
380 var src = source;
381 var type = 'url';
382 if (this._isImageElement(source)) {
383 var imgSrc = source.src;
384 if (!imgSrc) {
385 throw new Error('Element must hava src');
386 }
387 src = imgSrc;
388 type = 'element';
389 } else if (this._isVideoElement(source)) {
390 src = source;
391 type = 'video';
392 } else if (this._isFileObject(source)) {
393 src = source;
394 type = 'file';
395 }
396 return {
397 src: src,
398 type: type
399 };
400 },
401 _isFileObject: function _isFileObject(file) {
402 return (typeof file === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(file)) === 'object' && file.type && file.size > 0;
403 },
404 _isImageElement: function _isImageElement(el) {
405 return (typeof el === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(el)) === 'object' && el.tagName === 'IMG';
406 },
407 _isVideoElement: function _isVideoElement(el) {
408 return (typeof el === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(el)) === 'object' && el.tagName === 'VIDEO';
409 },
410 _getImageType: function _getImageType(source) {
411 var _getSrc6 = this._getSrc(source),
412 src = _getSrc6.src,
413 type = _getSrc6.type;
415 var mimeType = 'image/jpeg';
416 if (type === 'file') {
417 var fileType = source.type;
418 var outputType = fileType.match(/(image\/[\w]+)\.*/)[0];
419 if (typeof outputType !== 'undefined') {
420 mimeType = outputType;
421 }
422 } else {
423 var arr = imageReg.exec(src);
424 if (arr && arr[1]) {
425 mimeType = 'image/' + arr[1];
426 }
427 }
428 return mimeType;
429 }
432/***/ })
433/******/ ]);
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