1 | English | [įŽäŊä¸æ](./README.zh-CN.md)
2 |
3 | <p align="center"><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img width="550"
4 | src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17680888/39081119-3057bbe2-456e-11e8-862c-646133ad4b43.png"
5 | alt="Day.js"></a></p>
6 | <p align="center">Fast <b>2kB</b> alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API</p>
7 | <br>
8 | <p align="center">
9 | <a href="https://unpkg.com/dayjs/dayjs.min.js"><img
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11 | alt="Gzip Size"></a>
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13 | alt="NPM Version"></a>
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20 | <br>
21 | <a href="https://saucelabs.com/u/dayjs">
22 | <img width="750" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17680888/40040137-8e3323a6-584b-11e8-9dba-bbe577ee8a7b.png" alt="Sauce Test Status">
23 | </a>
24 | </p>
25 |
26 | > Day.js is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with a largely Moment.js-compatible API. If you use Moment.js, you already know how to use Day.js.
27 |
28 | ```js
29 | dayjs().startOf('month').add(1, 'day').set('year', 2018).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
30 | ```
31 |
32 | * đ Familiar Moment.js API & patterns
33 | * đĒ Immutable
34 | * đĨ Chainable
35 | * đ I18n support
36 | * đĻ 2kb mini library
37 | * đĢ All browsers supported
38 |
39 | ---
40 |
41 | ## Getting Started
42 |
43 | ### Installation
44 |
45 | ```console
46 | npm install dayjs --save
47 | ```
48 |
49 | đ[Installation Guide](./docs/en/Installation.md)
50 |
51 | ### API
52 |
53 | It's easy to use Day.js APIs to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times.
54 |
55 | ```javascript
56 | dayjs('2018-08-08') // parse
57 |
58 | dayjs().format('{YYYY} MM-DDTHH:mm:ss SSS [Z] A') // display
59 |
60 | dayjs().set('month', 3).month() // get & set
61 |
62 | dayjs().add(1, 'year') // manipulate
63 |
64 | dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // query
65 | ```
66 |
67 | đ[API Reference](./docs/en/API-reference.md)
68 |
69 | ### I18n
70 |
71 | Day.js has great support for internationalization.
72 |
73 | But none of them will be included in your build unless you use it.
74 |
75 | ```javascript
76 | import 'dayjs/locale/es' // load on demand
77 |
78 | dayjs.locale('es') // use Spanish locale globally
79 |
80 | dayjs('2018-05-05').locale('zh-cn').format() // use Chinese Simplified locale in a specific instance
81 | ```
82 | đ[Internationalization](./docs/en/I18n.md)
83 |
84 | ### Plugin
85 |
86 | A plugin is an independent module that can be added to Day.js to extend functionality or add new features.
87 |
88 | ```javascript
89 | import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/AdvancedFormat' // load on demand
90 |
91 | dayjs.extend(AdvancedFormat) // use plugin
92 |
93 | dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x') // more available formats
94 | ```
95 | đ[Plugin List](./docs/en/Plugin.md)
96 |
97 | ## License
98 |
99 | Day.js is licensed under a [MIT License](./LICENSE). |
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