1 | <h1 align="center">dedent</h1>
2 |
3 | <p align="center">A string tag that strips indentation from multi-line strings. β¬
4 |
5 | <p align="center">
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26 | </p>
27 |
28 | ## Usage
29 |
30 | ```shell
31 | npm i dedent
32 | ```
33 |
34 | ```js
35 | import dedent from "dedent";
36 |
37 | function usageExample() {
38 | const first = dedent`A string that gets so long you need to break it over
39 | multiple lines. Luckily dedent is here to keep it
40 | readable without lots of spaces ending up in the string
41 | itself.`;
42 |
43 | const second = dedent`
44 | Leading and trailing lines will be trimmed, so you can write something like
45 | this and have it work as you expect:
46 |
47 | * how convenient it is
48 | * that I can use an indented list
49 | - and still have it do the right thing
50 |
51 | That's all.
52 | `;
53 |
54 | const third = dedent(`
55 | Wait! I lied. Dedent can also be used as a function.
56 | `);
57 |
58 | return first + "\n\n" + second + "\n\n" + third;
59 | }
60 |
61 | console.log(usageExample());
62 | ```
63 |
64 | ```plaintext
65 | A string that gets so long you need to break it over
66 | multiple lines. Luckily dedent is here to keep it
67 | readable without lots of spaces ending up in the string
68 | itself.
69 |
70 | Leading and trailing lines will be trimmed, so you can write something like
71 | this and have it work as you expect:
72 |
73 | * how convenient it is
74 | * that I can use an indented list
75 | - and still have it do the right thing
76 |
77 | That's all.
78 |
79 | Wait! I lied. Dedent can also be used as a function.
80 | ```
81 |
82 | ## Options
83 |
84 | You can customize the options `dedent` runs with by calling its `withOptions` method with an object:
85 |
86 |
87 | ```js
88 | import dedent from 'dedent';
89 |
90 | dedent.withOptions({ /* ... */ })`input`;
91 | dedent.withOptions({ /* ... */ })(`input`);
92 | ```
93 |
94 | `options` returns a new `dedent` function, so if you'd like to reuse the same options, you can create a dedicated `dedent` function:
95 |
96 |
97 | ```js
98 | import dedent from 'dedent';
99 |
100 | const dedenter = dedent.withOptions({ /* ... */ });
101 |
102 | dedenter`input`;
103 | dedenter(`input`);
104 | ```
105 |
106 | ### `escapeSpecialCharacters`
107 |
108 | JavaScript string tags by default add an extra `\` escape in front of some special characters such as `$` dollar signs.
109 | `dedent` will escape those special characters when called as a string tag.
110 |
111 | If you'd like to change the behavior, an `escapeSpecialCharacters` option is available.
112 | It defaults to:
113 |
114 | - `false`: when `dedent` is called as a function
115 | - `true`: when `dedent` is called as a string tag
116 |
117 | ```js
118 | import dedent from "dedent";
119 |
120 | // "$hello!"
121 | dedent`
122 | $hello!
123 | `;
124 |
125 | // "\$hello!"
126 | dedent.withOptions({ escapeSpecialCharacters: false })`
127 | $hello!
128 | `;
129 |
130 | // "$hello!"
131 | dedent.withOptions({ escapeSpecialCharacters: true })`
132 | $hello!
133 | `;
134 | ```
135 |
136 | For more context, see [π Feature: Add an option to disable special character escaping](https://github.com/dmnd/dedent/issues/63).
137 |
138 | ## License
139 |
140 | MIT
141 |
142 | ## Contributors
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
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151 | <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href="https://adrianjost.dev/"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22987140?v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt="Adrian Jost"/><br /><sub><b>Adrian Jost</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://github.com/dmnd/dedent/commits?author=adrianjost" title="Code">π»</a></td>
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158 | </tr>
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173 | </tr>
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183 | > π This package was templated with [create-typescript-app](https://github.com/JoshuaKGoldberg/create-typescript-app).