1 | # del
2 |
3 | > Delete files and directories using [globs](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns)
4 |
5 | Similar to [rimraf](https://github.com/isaacs/rimraf), but with a Promise API and support for multiple files and globbing. It also protects you against deleting the current working directory and above.
6 |
7 | ## Install
8 |
9 | ```sh
10 | npm install del
11 | ```
12 |
13 | ## Usage
14 |
15 | ```js
16 | import {deleteAsync} from 'del';
17 |
18 | const deletedFilePaths = await deleteAsync(['temp/*.js', '!temp/unicorn.js']);
19 | const deletedDirectoryPaths = await deleteAsync(['temp', 'public']);
20 |
21 | console.log('Deleted files:\n', deletedFilePaths.join('\n'));
22 | console.log('\n\n');
23 | console.log('Deleted directories:\n', deletedDirectoryPaths.join('\n'));
24 | ```
25 |
26 | ## Beware
27 |
28 | The glob pattern `**` matches all children and *the parent*.
29 |
30 | So this won't work:
31 |
32 | ```js
33 | deleteSync(['public/assets/**', '!public/assets/goat.png']);
34 | ```
35 |
36 | You have to explicitly ignore the parent directories too:
37 |
38 | ```js
39 | deleteSync(['public/assets/**', '!public/assets', '!public/assets/goat.png']);
40 | ```
41 |
42 | To delete all subdirectories inside `public/`, you can do:
43 |
44 | ```js
45 | deleteSync(['public/*/']);
46 | ```
47 |
48 | Suggestions on how to improve this welcome!
49 |
50 | ## API
51 |
52 | Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes. Windows file paths can use backward-slashes as long as the path does not contain any glob-like characters, otherwise use `path.posix.join()` instead of `path.join()`.
53 |
54 | ### deleteAsync(patterns, options?)
55 |
56 | Returns `Promise<string[]>` with the deleted paths.
57 |
58 | ### deleteSync(patterns, options?)
59 |
60 | Returns `string[]` with the deleted paths.
61 |
62 | #### patterns
63 |
64 | Type: `string | string[]`
65 |
66 | See the supported [glob patterns](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#globbing-patterns).
67 |
68 | - [Pattern examples with expected matches](https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch/blob/main/test/test.js)
69 | - [Quick globbing pattern overview](https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch#globbing-patterns)
70 |
71 | #### options
72 |
73 | Type: `object`
74 |
75 | You can specify any of the [`globby` options](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby#options) in addition to the below options. In contrast to the `globby` defaults, `expandDirectories`, `onlyFiles`, and `followSymbolicLinks` are `false` by default.
76 |
77 | ##### force
78 |
79 | Type: `boolean`\
80 | Default: `false`
81 |
82 | Allow deleting the current working directory and outside.
83 |
84 | ##### dryRun
85 |
86 | Type: `boolean`\
87 | Default: `false`
88 |
89 | See what would be deleted.
90 |
91 | ```js
92 | import {deleteAsync} from 'del';
93 |
94 | const deletedPaths = await deleteAsync(['temp/*.js'], {dryRun: true});
95 |
96 | console.log('Files and directories that would be deleted:\n', deletedPaths.join('\n'));
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ##### dot
100 |
101 | Type: `boolean`\
102 | Default: `false`
103 |
104 | Allow patterns to match files/folders that start with a period (`.`).
105 |
106 | This option is passed through to [`fast-glob`](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#dot).
107 |
108 | Note that an explicit dot in a portion of the pattern will always match dot files.
109 |
110 | **Example**
111 |
112 | ```
113 | directory/
114 | ├── .editorconfig
115 | └── package.json
116 | ```
117 |
118 | ```js
119 | import {deleteSync} from 'del';
120 |
121 | deleteSync('*', {dot: false});
122 | //=> ['package.json']
123 | deleteSync('*', {dot: true});
124 | //=> ['.editorconfig', 'package.json']
125 | ```
126 |
127 | ##### concurrency
128 |
129 | Type: `number`\
130 | Default: `Infinity`\
131 | Minimum: `1`
132 |
133 | Concurrency limit.
134 |
135 | ##### onProgress
136 |
137 | Type: `(progress: ProgressData) => void`
138 |
139 | Called after each file or directory is deleted.
140 |
141 | ```js
142 | import {deleteAsync} from 'del';
143 |
144 | await deleteAsync(patterns, {
145 | onProgress: progress => {
146 | // …
147 | }});
148 | ```
149 |
150 | ###### ProgressData
151 |
152 | ```js
153 | {
154 | totalCount: number,
155 | deletedCount: number,
156 | percent: number,
157 | path?: string
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | - `percent` is a value between `0` and `1`
162 | - `path` is the absolute path of the deleted file or directory. It will not be present if nothing was deleted.
163 |
164 | ## CLI
165 |
166 | See [del-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/del-cli) for a CLI for this module and [trash-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/trash-cli) for a safe version that is suitable for running by hand.
167 |
168 | ## Related
169 |
170 | - [make-dir](https://github.com/sindresorhus/make-dir) - Make a directory and its parents if needed
171 | - [globby](https://github.com/sindresorhus/globby) - User-friendly glob matching