9.42 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "dependency-cruiser",
3 "version": "5.4.0",
4 "description": "Validate and visualize dependencies. With your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.",
5 "keywords": [
6 "static analysis",
7 "circular",
8 "dependencies",
9 "typescript",
10 "javascript",
11 "coffeescript",
12 "ES6",
13 "ES2015",
14 "AMD",
15 "CommonJS",
16 "validation",
17 "spelunking"
18 ],
19 "author": {
20 "name": "Sander Verweij",
21 "url": "https://sverweij.github.io"
22 },
23 "contributors": [
24 {
25 "name": "Klaus Meinhardt",
26 "url": "https://github.com/ajafff"
27 }
28 ],
29 "license": "MIT",
30 "bin": {
31 "dependency-cruiser": "bin/dependency-cruise.js",
32 "dependency-cruise": "bin/dependency-cruise.js",
33 "depcruise": "bin/dependency-cruise.js",
34 "depcruise-fmt": "bin/depcruise-fmt.js"
35 },
36 "main": "src/main/index.js",
37 "types": "types/dependency-cruiser.d.ts",
38 "files": [
39 "bin/",
40 "configs/**/*.js",
41 "configs/**/*.json",
42 "!configs/eslint-config.json",
43 "src/",
44 "!src/**/*.hbs",
45 "!src/**/*.md",
46 "!**/*.DS_Store",
47 "types/*.d.ts",
49 "package.json",
50 "README.md"
51 ],
52 "scripts": {
53 "build": "make dev-build",
54 "build:clean": "make clean",
55 "check": "npm-run-all build lint depcruise test:cover",
56 "check:full": "npm-run-all check test:glob test:integration",
57 "depcruise": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate -- src bin test configs types",
58 "depcruise:explain": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --output-type err-long --validate -- src bin test configs types",
59 "depcruise:graph:dir": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate --include-only '(^src|^[^/]+(js|json)$)' --output-type ddot bin src | dot -T png > tmp_deps.png",
60 "depcruise:graph:doc": "npm-run-all depcruise:graph:doc:dot depcruise:graph:doc:html depcruise:graph:doc:png",
61 "depcruise:graph:doc:dot": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate --include-only '^(src|bin)' --output-type dot bin src --output-to tmp_graph_deps.dot",
62 "depcruise:graph:doc:html": "cat tmp_graph_deps.dot | dot -T svg -Gsplines=ortho | cat docs/assets/depcruise-graph-head.snippet.html - docs/assets/depcruise-graph-foot.snippet.html > docs/dependency-cruiser-dependency-graph.html",
63 "depcruise:graph:doc:png": "cat tmp_graph_deps.dot | dot -Gdpi=192 -Gsplines=ortho -T png | pngquant - > doc/real-world-samples/dependency-cruiser-without-node_modules.png",
64 "depcruise:graph:osage": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate --include-only '(^src|^[^/]+(js|json)$)' --output-type dot bin src | osage -Gpack=16 -GpackMode=array2 -T svg > tmp_deps.svg",
65 "depcruise:graph:fdp": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate --include-only '^src' --output-type dot bin src | fdp -GK=0.1 -Gsplines=ortho -T svg > tmp_deps.svg",
66 "depcruise:report": "node ./bin/dependency-cruise.js --output-type err-html --validate -- src bin test configs types > dependency-violations.html",
67 "lint": "npm-run-all --parallel --aggregate-output lint:eslint lint:prettier:check lint:types",
68 "lint:eslint": "eslint bin/dependency-cruise.js src test configs",
69 "lint:eslint:fix": "eslint --fix bin src test configs",
70 "lint:fix": "npm-run-all lint:eslint:fix lint:prettier lint:types:fix",
71 "lint:prettier": "prettier --write {src,configs}/\\*\\*/\\*.{js,json} bin/\\* !**/*.template.js types/\\*.d.ts test/\\*\\*/\\*.{spec,utl}.js",
72 "lint:prettier:check": "prettier --check {src,configs}/\\*\\*/\\*.{js,json} bin/\\* !**/*.template.js types/\\*.d.ts test/\\*\\*/\\*.{spec,utl}.js",
73 "lint:types": "npm-run-all lint:types:tsc lint:types:tslint",
74 "lint:types:tsc": "tsc --noEmit --strict --types --noUnusedLocals --noUnusedParameters types/dependency-cruiser.d.ts",
75 "lint:types:tslint": "tslint types/dependency-cruiser.d.ts",
76 "lint:types:fix": "tslint --fix types/*.d.ts",
77 "scm:push": "run-p --aggregate-output scm:push:*",
78 "scm:push:bitbucket-mirror": "run-p --aggregate-output scm:push:bitbucket-mirror:*",
79 "scm:push:bitbucket-mirror:commits": "git push bitbucket-mirror",
80 "scm:push:bitbucket-mirror:tags": "git push --tags bitbucket-mirror",
81 "scm:push:github": "run-p --aggregate-output scm:push:github:*",
82 "scm:push:github:commits": "git push",
83 "scm:push:github:tags": "git push --tags",
84 "scm:push:gitlab-mirror": "run-p --aggregate-output scm:push:gitlab-mirror:*",
85 "scm:push:gitlab-mirror:commits": "git push gitlab-mirror",
86 "scm:push:gitlab-mirror:tags": "git push --tags gitlab-mirror",
87 "scm:stage": "git add .",
88 "test": "mocha --timeout 4000 \"test/**/*.spec.js\"",
89 "test:cover": "nyc --check-coverage npm test",
90 "test:glob": "set -f && test \"`bin/dependency-cruise.js test/extract/fixtures/gather-globbing/packages/**/src/**/*.js | grep \"no dependency violations found\"`\" = \"✔ no dependency violations found (6 modules, 0 dependencies cruised)\"",
91 "test:integration": "npm-run-all test:integration:cleanup test:integration:pack test:integration:copy test:integration:install test:integration:run test:integration:test test:integration:cleanup",
92 "test:integration:pack": "npm pack",
93 "test:integration:copy": "shx cp -r test/integration/yarn-pnp.template test/integration/yarn-pnp.testing-ground",
94 "test:integration:install": "cd test/integration/yarn-pnp.testing-ground && yarn && yarn add -D ../../../dependency-cruiser*.tgz",
95 "test:integration:run": "cd test/integration/yarn-pnp.testing-ground && yarn dependency-cruise:json",
96 "test:integration:test": "cd test/integration/yarn-pnp.testing-ground && yarn test",
97 "test:integration:cleanup": "shx rm -rf test/integration/yarn-pnp.testing-ground dependency-cruiser*.tgz",
98 "test:load": "hyperfine --warmup 3 --runs 30 \"bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate -- src bin test configs\"",
99 "test:load:short": "hyperfine --warmup 1 --runs 5 \"bin/dependency-cruise.js --validate -- src bin test configs\"",
100 "test:watch": "mocha --watch --watch-extensions=json --reporter=min test/\\*\\*/\\*.spec.js",
101 "update-dependencies": "npm-run-all upem:update upem:install build:clean build lint:fix depcruise test:cover",
102 "upem:install": "npm install",
103 "upem:update": "npm outdated --json | upem",
104 "version": "npm-run-all build depcruise:graph:doc scm:stage"
105 },
106 "dependencies": {
107 "acorn": "7.1.0",
108 "acorn-loose": "7.0.0",
109 "acorn-walk": "7.0.0",
110 "ajv": "6.10.2",
111 "chalk": "3.0.0",
112 "commander": "4.0.1",
113 "enhanced-resolve": "4.1.1",
114 "figures": "3.1.0",
115 "get-stream": "5.1.0",
116 "glob": "7.1.6",
117 "handlebars": "4.5.3",
118 "indent-string": "4.0.0",
119 "inquirer": "7.0.0",
120 "lodash": "4.17.15",
121 "mnemonic-words": "1.1.0",
122 "pnp-webpack-plugin": "1.5.0",
123 "regexp-tree": "0.1.16",
124 "semver": "6.3.0",
125 "semver-try-require": "3.0.0",
126 "strip-json-comments": "3.0.1",
127 "teamcity-service-messages": "0.1.10",
128 "tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin": "3.2.0",
129 "wrap-ansi": "6.2.0"
130 },
131 "devDependencies": {
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133 "chai-json-schema": "1.5.1",
134 "coffeescript": "2.4.1",
135 "eslint": "6.7.1",
136 "eslint-config-prettier": "6.7.0",
137 "eslint-plugin-import": "2.18.2",
138 "eslint-plugin-mocha": "6.2.2",
139 "eslint-plugin-node": "10.0.0",
140 "eslint-plugin-security": "1.4.0",
141 "husky": "3.1.0",
142 "intercept-stdout": "0.1.2",
143 "lint-staged": "9.5.0",
144 "mocha": "6.2.2",
145 "normalize-newline": "3.0.0",
146 "npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
147 "nyc": "14.1.1",
148 "prettier": "1.19.1",
149 "shx": "0.3.2",
150 "symlink-dir": "3.1.1",
151 "tslint": "5.20.1",
152 "tslint-config-prettier": "1.18.0",
153 "typescript": "3.7.2",
154 "upem": "3.1.2",
155 "yarn": "1.19.2"
156 },
157 "repository": {
158 "type": "git",
159 "url": "git+https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser"
160 },
161 "bugs": {
162 "url": "https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser/issues"
163 },
164 "homepage": "https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser",
165 "nyc": {
166 "statements": 99.85,
167 "branches": 99.7,
168 "functions": 100,
169 "lines": 99.85,
170 "exclude": [
171 "bin",
172 "configs/**/*",
173 "test/**/*",
174 "src/**/*.template.js",
175 "src/cli/initConfig/getUserInput.js",
176 "coverage/**/*",
177 "tmp*",
178 "docs/**/*",
179 "doc/**/*"
180 ],
181 "reporter": [
182 "text-summary",
183 "html",
184 "lcov"
185 ],
186 "all": true
187 },
188 "eslintIgnore": [
189 "node_modules",
190 "coverage",
191 "tmp",
192 "src/**/*.template.js",
193 "test/integration/**",
194 "test/*/fixtures/**",
195 "test/*/*/fixtures/**",
196 "types/**"
197 ],
198 "engines": {
199 "node": "^8.10||^10||^12||>=13"
200 },
201 "supportedTranspilers": {
202 "coffee-script": ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0",
203 "coffeescript": ">=1.0.0 <3.0.0",
204 "livescript": ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0",
205 "typescript": ">=2.0.0 <4.0.0"
206 },
207 "husky": {
208 "hooks": {
209 "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
210 }
211 },
212 "lint-staged": {
213 "{src,config}/**/*.js": [
214 "eslint --fix",
215 "git add"
216 ],
217 "{src,config}/**/*.{js,json}": [
218 "prettier --write",
219 "git add"
220 ],
221 "bin/*": [
222 "eslint --fix",
223 "prettier --write",
224 "git add"
225 ],
226 "test/**/*.{utl,spec}.js": [
227 "eslint --fix",
228 "prettier --write",
229 "git add"
230 ],
231 "*.d.ts": [
232 "tslint --fix",
233 "prettier --write --ignore-path .prettierignore",
234 "git add"
235 ]
236 }