772 BTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3 * Request an SSL certificate for the given app name signed by the devcert root certificate
4 * authority. If devcert has previously generated a certificate for that app name on this machine,
5 * it will reuse that certificate.
6 *
7 * If this is the first time devcert is being run on this machine, it will generate and attempt to
8 * install a root certificate authority.
9 *
10 * Returns a promise that resolves with { keyPath, certPath, key, cert }, where `key` and `cert` are
11 * Buffers with the contents of `keyPath` and `certPath`, respectively.
12 */
13export default function devcert(appName: string, options?: {
14 installCertutil?: boolean;
15}): Promise<{
16 keyPath: string;
17 certPath: string;
18 key: Buffer;
19 cert: Buffer;