1 | import {
2 | readFileSync,
3 | readdirSync,
4 | writeFileSync,
5 | unlinkSync,
6 | chmodSync,
7 | existsSync
8 | } from 'fs';
9 | import * as path from 'path';
10 | import { exec, execSync, ExecSyncOptions } from 'child_process';
11 | import * as tmp from 'tmp';
12 | import * as Configstore from 'configstore';
13 | import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
14 | import * as createDebug from 'debug';
15 | import { sync as commandExists } from 'command-exists';
16 |
17 | import {
18 | isMac,
19 | isLinux,
20 | isWindows,
21 | configDir,
22 | configPath,
23 | opensslConfTemplate,
24 | opensslConfPath,
25 | rootKeyPath,
26 | rootCertPath,
27 | caCertsDir
28 | } from './constants';
29 | import installCertificateAuthority from './root-authority';
30 | import { openssl, generateKey } from './utils';
31 |
32 | const debug = createDebug('devcert');
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 | export default async function devcert(appName: string, options: { installCertutil?: boolean } = {}) {
46 | debug(`development cert requested for ${ appName }`);
47 |
48 | if (!isMac && !isLinux && !isWindows) {
49 | throw new Error(`devcert: "${ process.platform }" platform not supported`);
50 | }
51 |
52 | if (!commandExists('openssl')) {
53 | throw new Error('Unable to find openssl - make sure it is installed and available in your PATH');
54 | }
55 |
56 | let appKeyPath = configPath(`${ appName }.key`);
57 | let appCertPath = configPath(`${ appName }.crt`);
58 |
59 | if (!existsSync(rootCertPath)) {
60 | debug('devcert root CA not installed yet, must be first run; installing root CA ...');
61 | await installCertificateAuthority(options.installCertutil);
62 | }
63 |
64 | if (!existsSync(configPath(`${ appName }.crt`))) {
65 | debug(`first request for ${ appName } cert, generating and caching ...`);
66 | generateKey(configPath(`${ appName }.key`));
67 | generateSignedCertificate(appName, appKeyPath);
68 | }
69 |
70 | debug(`returning app cert`);
71 | return {
72 | keyPath: appKeyPath,
73 | certPath: appCertPath,
74 | key: readFileSync(appKeyPath),
75 | cert: readFileSync(appCertPath)
76 | };
77 |
78 | }
79 |
80 |
81 | function generateSignedCertificate(name: string, keyPath: string): void {
82 | debug(`generating certificate signing request for ${ name }`);
83 | let csrFile = configPath(`${ name }.csr`)
84 | openssl(`req -config ${ opensslConfPath } -subj "/CN=${ name }" -key ${ keyPath } -out ${ csrFile } -new`);
85 | debug(`generating certificate for ${ name } from signing request; signing with devcert root CA`);
86 | let certPath = configPath(`${ name }.crt`);
87 | openssl(`ca -config ${ opensslConfPath } -in ${ csrFile } -out ${ certPath } -outdir ${ caCertsDir } -keyfile ${ rootKeyPath } -cert ${ rootCertPath } -notext -md sha256 -days 7000 -batch -extensions server_cert`)
88 | }