11.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
3 __assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
4 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
5 s = arguments[i];
6 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
7 t[p] = s[p];
8 }
9 return t;
10 };
11 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
13var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
14 if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
15 var result = {};
16 if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
17 result["default"] = mod;
18 return result;
20Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
21var Rematch = __importStar(require("./rematch"));
22var renderUtils = __importStar(require("./render-utils"));
23var types_1 = require("./types");
24exports.defaultSideBySideRendererConfig = __assign(__assign({}, renderUtils.defaultRenderConfig), { renderNothingWhenEmpty: false, matchingMaxComparisons: 2500, maxLineSizeInBlockForComparison: 200 });
25var genericTemplatesPath = 'generic';
26var baseTemplatesPath = 'side-by-side';
27var iconsBaseTemplatesPath = 'icon';
28var tagsBaseTemplatesPath = 'tag';
29var SideBySideRenderer = (function () {
30 function SideBySideRenderer(hoganUtils, config) {
31 if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
32 this.hoganUtils = hoganUtils;
33 this.config = __assign(__assign({}, exports.defaultSideBySideRendererConfig), config);
34 }
35 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.render = function (diffFiles) {
36 var _this = this;
37 var diffsHtml = diffFiles
38 .map(function (file) {
39 var diffs;
40 if (file.blocks.length) {
41 diffs = _this.generateFileHtml(file);
42 }
43 else {
44 diffs = _this.generateEmptyDiff();
45 }
46 return _this.makeFileDiffHtml(file, diffs);
47 })
48 .join('\n');
49 return this.hoganUtils.render(genericTemplatesPath, 'wrapper', { content: diffsHtml });
50 };
51 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.makeFileDiffHtml = function (file, diffs) {
52 if (this.config.renderNothingWhenEmpty && Array.isArray(file.blocks) && file.blocks.length === 0)
53 return '';
54 var fileDiffTemplate = this.hoganUtils.template(baseTemplatesPath, 'file-diff');
55 var filePathTemplate = this.hoganUtils.template(genericTemplatesPath, 'file-path');
56 var fileIconTemplate = this.hoganUtils.template(iconsBaseTemplatesPath, 'file');
57 var fileTagTemplate = this.hoganUtils.template(tagsBaseTemplatesPath, renderUtils.getFileIcon(file));
58 return fileDiffTemplate.render({
59 file: file,
60 fileHtmlId: renderUtils.getHtmlId(file),
61 diffs: diffs,
62 filePath: filePathTemplate.render({
63 fileDiffName: renderUtils.filenameDiff(file),
64 }, {
65 fileIcon: fileIconTemplate,
66 fileTag: fileTagTemplate,
67 }),
68 });
69 };
70 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.generateEmptyDiff = function () {
71 return {
72 right: '',
73 left: this.hoganUtils.render(genericTemplatesPath, 'empty-diff', {
74 contentClass: 'd2h-code-side-line',
75 CSSLineClass: renderUtils.CSSLineClass,
76 }),
77 };
78 };
79 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.generateFileHtml = function (file) {
80 var _this = this;
81 var matcher = Rematch.newMatcherFn(Rematch.newDistanceFn(function (e) { return renderUtils.deconstructLine(e.content, file.isCombined).content; }));
82 return file.blocks
83 .map(function (block) {
84 var fileHtml = {
85 left: _this.makeHeaderHtml(block.header),
86 right: _this.makeHeaderHtml(''),
87 };
88 _this.applyLineGroupping(block).forEach(function (_a) {
89 var contextLines = _a[0], oldLines = _a[1], newLines = _a[2];
90 if (oldLines.length && newLines.length && !contextLines.length) {
91 _this.applyRematchMatching(oldLines, newLines, matcher).map(function (_a) {
92 var oldLines = _a[0], newLines = _a[1];
93 var _b = _this.processChangedLines(file.isCombined, oldLines, newLines), left = _b.left, right = _b.right;
94 fileHtml.left += left;
95 fileHtml.right += right;
96 });
97 }
98 else if (contextLines.length) {
99 contextLines.forEach(function (line) {
100 var _a = renderUtils.deconstructLine(line.content, file.isCombined), prefix = _a.prefix, content = _a.content;
101 var _b = _this.generateLineHtml({
102 type: renderUtils.CSSLineClass.CONTEXT,
103 prefix: prefix,
104 content: content,
105 number: line.oldNumber,
106 }, {
107 type: renderUtils.CSSLineClass.CONTEXT,
108 prefix: prefix,
109 content: content,
110 number: line.newNumber,
111 }), left = _b.left, right = _b.right;
112 fileHtml.left += left;
113 fileHtml.right += right;
114 });
115 }
116 else if (oldLines.length || newLines.length) {
117 var _b = _this.processChangedLines(file.isCombined, oldLines, newLines), left = _b.left, right = _b.right;
118 fileHtml.left += left;
119 fileHtml.right += right;
120 }
121 else {
122 console.error('Unknown state reached while processing groups of lines', contextLines, oldLines, newLines);
123 }
124 });
125 return fileHtml;
126 })
127 .reduce(function (accomulated, html) {
128 return { left: accomulated.left + html.left, right: accomulated.right + html.right };
129 }, { left: '', right: '' });
130 };
131 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.applyLineGroupping = function (block) {
132 var blockLinesGroups = [];
133 var oldLines = [];
134 var newLines = [];
135 for (var i = 0; i < block.lines.length; i++) {
136 var diffLine = block.lines[i];
137 if ((diffLine.type !== types_1.LineType.INSERT && newLines.length) ||
138 (diffLine.type === types_1.LineType.CONTEXT && oldLines.length > 0)) {
139 blockLinesGroups.push([[], oldLines, newLines]);
140 oldLines = [];
141 newLines = [];
142 }
143 if (diffLine.type === types_1.LineType.CONTEXT) {
144 blockLinesGroups.push([[diffLine], [], []]);
145 }
146 else if (diffLine.type === types_1.LineType.INSERT && oldLines.length === 0) {
147 blockLinesGroups.push([[], [], [diffLine]]);
148 }
149 else if (diffLine.type === types_1.LineType.INSERT && oldLines.length > 0) {
150 newLines.push(diffLine);
151 }
152 else if (diffLine.type === types_1.LineType.DELETE) {
153 oldLines.push(diffLine);
154 }
155 }
156 if (oldLines.length || newLines.length) {
157 blockLinesGroups.push([[], oldLines, newLines]);
158 oldLines = [];
159 newLines = [];
160 }
161 return blockLinesGroups;
162 };
163 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.applyRematchMatching = function (oldLines, newLines, matcher) {
164 var comparisons = oldLines.length * newLines.length;
165 var maxLineSizeInBlock = Math.max.apply(null, [0].concat(oldLines.concat(newLines).map(function (elem) { return elem.content.length; })));
166 var doMatching = comparisons < this.config.matchingMaxComparisons &&
167 maxLineSizeInBlock < this.config.maxLineSizeInBlockForComparison &&
168 (this.config.matching === 'lines' || this.config.matching === 'words');
169 return doMatching ? matcher(oldLines, newLines) : [[oldLines, newLines]];
170 };
171 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.makeHeaderHtml = function (blockHeader) {
172 return this.hoganUtils.render(genericTemplatesPath, 'block-header', {
173 CSSLineClass: renderUtils.CSSLineClass,
174 blockHeader: blockHeader,
175 lineClass: 'd2h-code-side-linenumber',
176 contentClass: 'd2h-code-side-line',
177 });
178 };
179 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.processChangedLines = function (isCombined, oldLines, newLines) {
180 var fileHtml = {
181 right: '',
182 left: '',
183 };
184 var maxLinesNumber = Math.max(oldLines.length, newLines.length);
185 for (var i = 0; i < maxLinesNumber; i++) {
186 var oldLine = oldLines[i];
187 var newLine = newLines[i];
188 var diff = oldLine !== undefined && newLine !== undefined
189 ? renderUtils.diffHighlight(oldLine.content, newLine.content, isCombined, this.config)
190 : undefined;
191 var preparedOldLine = oldLine !== undefined && oldLine.oldNumber !== undefined
192 ? __assign(__assign({}, (diff !== undefined
193 ? {
194 prefix: diff.oldLine.prefix,
195 content: diff.oldLine.content,
196 type: renderUtils.CSSLineClass.DELETE_CHANGES,
197 }
198 : __assign(__assign({}, renderUtils.deconstructLine(oldLine.content, isCombined)), { type: renderUtils.toCSSClass(oldLine.type) }))), { number: oldLine.oldNumber }) : undefined;
199 var preparedNewLine = newLine !== undefined && newLine.newNumber !== undefined
200 ? __assign(__assign({}, (diff !== undefined
201 ? {
202 prefix: diff.newLine.prefix,
203 content: diff.newLine.content,
204 type: renderUtils.CSSLineClass.INSERT_CHANGES,
205 }
206 : __assign(__assign({}, renderUtils.deconstructLine(newLine.content, isCombined)), { type: renderUtils.toCSSClass(newLine.type) }))), { number: newLine.newNumber }) : undefined;
207 var _a = this.generateLineHtml(preparedOldLine, preparedNewLine), left = _a.left, right = _a.right;
208 fileHtml.left += left;
209 fileHtml.right += right;
210 }
211 return fileHtml;
212 };
213 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.generateLineHtml = function (oldLine, newLine) {
214 return {
215 left: this.generateSingleHtml(oldLine),
216 right: this.generateSingleHtml(newLine),
217 };
218 };
219 SideBySideRenderer.prototype.generateSingleHtml = function (line) {
220 var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
221 var lineClass = 'd2h-code-side-linenumber';
222 var contentClass = 'd2h-code-side-line';
223 return this.hoganUtils.render(genericTemplatesPath, 'line', {
224 type: ((_a = line) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) || renderUtils.CSSLineClass.CONTEXT + " d2h-emptyplaceholder",
225 lineClass: line !== undefined ? lineClass : lineClass + " d2h-code-side-emptyplaceholder",
226 contentClass: line !== undefined ? contentClass : contentClass + " d2h-code-side-emptyplaceholder",
227 prefix: ((_b = line) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.prefix) === ' ' ? '&nbsp;' : (_c = line) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.prefix,
228 content: (_d = line) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.content,
229 lineNumber: (_e = line) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.number,
230 });
231 };
232 return SideBySideRenderer;
234exports.default = SideBySideRenderer;
235//# sourceMappingURL=side-by-side-renderer.js.map
\No newline at end of file