410 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * The top-level Diffusion API.
3 *
4 * Provides access to Session connections and global namespaces.
5 */ /**
6 * The version of this client library in the form major.minor.patch
7 */
8export declare const version: string;
10 * The build version of this client library
11 */
12export declare const build: string;
14 * Set the level of logging used by Diffusion. This will default to silent.
15 * Log levels are strings that represent different degrees of information to
16 * be logged. Available options are:
17 *
18 * * silent
19 * * error
20 * * warn
21 * * info
22 * * debug
23 * * trace
24 *
25 * @param level the log level to use
26 */
27export declare function log(level: LogLevel | keyof typeof LogLevel): void;
29 * Connect to a specified Diffusion server. This will return a {@link
30 * Result} that will complete succesfully if a session can be connected, or
31 * fail if an error was encountered.
32 *
33 * If the result is succesful, the fulfilled handler will be called with a
34 * {@link Session} instance. This session will be in a connected state and
35 * may be used for subsequent API calls.
36 *
37 * If the result fails, the rejected handler will be called with an error
38 * reason.
39 *
40 * **Example:**
41 * ```
42 * diffusion.connect('example.server.com').then(function(session) {
43 * // Connected with a session
44 * console.log('Connected!', session);
45 * }, function(error) {
46 * // Connection failed
47 * console.log('Failed to connect', error);
48 * });
49 * ```
50 *
51 *
52 * @param options the options to construct the session with.
53 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
54 */
55export declare function connect(options: Options): Result<Session>;
57 * Escapes special characters in a string that is to be used within a topic
58 * property or a session filter.
59 * <P>
60 * This is a convenience method which inserts an escape character '\' before
61 * any of the special characters ' " or \.
62 *
63 * @param s the string to be escaped
64 * @returns the string value with escape characters inserted as appropriate
65 *
66 * @since 6.1
67 */
68export declare function escape(s: string): string;
70 * Utility method which converts a string of the format required by the
71 * {@link PropertyKeys.ROLES $Roles} session property into a mutable set of
72 * strings.
73 *
74 * @param s the string with quoted roles separated by whitespace or
75 * commas
76 *
77 * @return set of roles
78 *
79 * @since 6.2
80 */
81export declare function stringToRoles(s: string): Set<string>;
83 * Utility method which converts a set of authorisation roles to the string
84 * format required by the {@link PropertyKeys.ROLES $Roles} session property.
85 *
86 * @param roles a set of roles
87 * @return a string representing the supplied roles, formatted as
88 * required by the {@link PropertyKeys.ROLES $Roles} session
89 * property
90 *
91 * @since 6.2
92 */
93export declare function rolesToString(roles: Set<string> | string[]): string;
95 * Returns an update constraint factory.
96 *
97 * @function diffusion#updateConstraints
98 * @return {diffusion.topicUpdate.UpdateConstraintFactory} update constraint
99 * factory
100 * @since 6.2
101 */
102export declare function updateConstraints(): UpdateConstraintFactory;
104 * Access to the datatypes namespace
105 */
106export declare const datatypes: DataTypes;
108 * Access to the selectors namespace
109 */
110export declare const selectors: TopicSelectors;
112 * Access to the topics namespace
113 */
114export declare const topics: TopicsNamespace;
116 * Access to the topicUpdate namespace
117 */
118export declare const topicUpdate: TopicUpdateNamespace;
120 * The ErrorReason enum
121 */
122export declare const errors: {
123 [key: string]: ErrorReasonType;
126 * Access to PropertyKeys
127 */
128export declare const clients: ClientControlOptionsNamespace;
130 * Access to the locks namespace
131 */
132export declare const locks: SessionLockOptionsNamespace;
134 * @module diffusion.errors
135 */
137 * An ErrorReport from the server.
138 */
139export interface ErrorReport {
140 /**
141 * The error message
142 */
143 message: string;
144 /**
145 * The line at which the problem was found
146 */
147 line: number;
148 /**
149 * The column at which the problem was found
150 */
151 column: number;
153/// <reference types="node" />
155 * @module Session
156 */
157export declare type TypedArray = Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array;
158export declare type ReconnectStrategy = (reconnect: () => void, abort: () => void) => void;
160 * Provide Session configuration options.
161 *
162 * <h5>Connection:</h5>
163 * There are several option values that can be configured to change how
164 * Diffusion establishes a connection. These options are used to derive a
165 * connection URL in the format: <code>{protocol}://{host}:{port}/{path}</code>.
166 * The protocol used is determined by the chosen transports and whether secure
167 * connections are enabled.
168 *
169 * <table>
170 * <thead>
171 * <tr>
172 * <th>Option</th>
173 * <th>Default value</th>
174 * <th>Description</th>
175 * </tr>
176 * </thead>
177 * <tbody>
178 * <tr>
179 * <td>host</td>
180 * <td><code>localhost</code></td>
181 * <td>The hostname to connect to.</td>
182 * </tr>
183 * <tr>
184 * <td>port</td>
185 * <td><code>80</code> or <code>443</code></td>
186 * <td>The port to connect to. The default value is the default secure port if
187 * secure connections are enabled, otherwise the default value is the default
188 * insecure port.
189 * <p>
190 * In case the client is being run in a page served via <code>https</code>
191 * (<code>http</code>), the default secure (insecure) port is the port of the
192 * URI of the current page, otherwise the default secure (insecure) port is
193 * <code>443</code> (<code>80</code>).
194 * </tr>
195 * <tr>
196 * <td>path</td>
197 * <td><code>/diffusion</code></td>
198 * <td>The URL path to apply after the hostname/port. This allows additional context to be provided, such as might be
199 * used by load balancers.</td>
200 * </tr>
201 * <tr>
202 * <td>secure</td>
203 * <td><code>true</code></td>
204 * <td>Determines if secure transports will be used. If the port is not
205 * explicitly specified this value defaults to <code>true</code>. If the port is
206 * explicitly specified the default value is <code>true</code> only if the port is
207 * equal to the default secure port, otherwise <code>false</code>.
208 * <p>
209 * In case the client is being run in a page served via <code>https</code>, the
210 * default secure port is the port of the URI of the current page, otherwise the
211 * default secure port is <code>443</code>.</td>
212 * </tr>
213 * </tbody>
214 * </table>
215 *
216 * <h5>Reconnection:</h5>
217 *
218 * Reconnection is enabled by default. The <code>reconnect</code> key accepts several different option values.
219 * <table>
220 * <thead>
221 * <tr>
222 * <th>Option type</th>
223 * <th>Default value</th>
224 * <th>Description</th>
225 * </tr>
226 * </thead>
227 * <tbody>
228 * <tr>
229 * <td><code>boolean</code></td>
230 * <td><code>true</code></td>
231 * <td>Enables or disables reconnection. If set to <code>true</code>, reconnection will be enabled using the default
232 * timeout value and a periodic back-off strategy.</td>
233 * </tr>
234 * <tr>
235 * <td><code>number</code></td>
236 * <td><code>60000</code></td>
237 * <td>Passing a number will enable reconnection with the default strategy and the reconnection timeout set to the
238 * specified value. The reconnection timeout determines how long, in milliseconds, the client will remain in a
239 * <code>disconnected</code> state before the client is closed.</td>
240 * </tr>
241 * <tr>
242 * <td><code>function</code></td>
243 * <td><pre>
244 * function(reconnect, abort) {
245 * setTimeout(reconnect, 5000);
246 * }</pre></td>
247 * <td>A strategy function that will be called when the client enters a <code>disconnected</code> state, and
248 * subsequently if attempts to reconnect fail. Two arguments are provided, <code>reconnect</code> and <code>abort</code>
249 * - these are functions to be called within the strategy. The <code>reconnect</code> argument will initiate a
250 * reconnect attempt. <code>abort</code> may be called to abort reconnection, in which case the client will be closed.
251 * </td>
252 * </tr>
253 * <tr>
254 * <td><pre>
255 * {
256 * timeout : &lt;number&gt;,
257 * strategy : &lt;function&gt;
258 * }</pre></td>
259 * <td><pre>
260 * {
261 * timeout : 60000,
262 * strategy : function(reconnect, abort) {
263 * setTimeout(reconnect, 5000);
264 * }
265 * }</pre></td>
266 * <td>An object containing both the timeout and strategy options as specified above, allowing both to be set together.
267 * </td>
268 * </tr>
269 * </tbody>
270 * </table>
271 *
272 * <h5>Transports:</h5>
273 * The <code>transports</code> property configures how the session should connect. It can be set to either a
274 * <code>string</code>, or an <code>array</code> of strings to provide a transport cascading capability.
275 * <table>
276 * <thead>
277 * <tr>
278 * <th>Transport key</th>
279 * <th>Description</th>
280 * </tr>
281 * </thead>
282 * <tbody>
283 * <tr>
284 * <td><code>ws</code>, <code>WS</code>, <code>WEBSOCKET</code></td>
285 * <td>The WebSocket transport. A single, long-lived WebSocket connection will be used to send and receive data.</td>
286 * </tr>
287 * <tr>
288 * <td><code>xhr</code>, <code>XHR</code>, <code>HTTP_POLLING</code></td>
289 * <td>An XHR-based polling transport. Data will be queued on the client and server, and sent in batches.</td>
290 * </tr>
291 * </tbody>
292 * </table>
293 * The client will use the transports in the order provided, for example:
294 * <code>transports: ['WS', 'XHR']</code> indicates that the client will attempt to connect with the WebSocket
295 * transport, and if the connection fails, the client will attempt to connect with the HTTP Polling transport. When no
296 * <code>transports</code> value is provided the client will default to using the WebSocket transport. Any string values
297 * that do not have an associated transport will be ignored.
298 *
299 * <h5>Properties:</h5>
300 *
301 * Supplied session properties will be provided to the server when a session
302 * is created using this session factory. The supplied properties will be
303 * validated during authentication and may be discarded or changed.
304 *
305 * The specified properties will be added to any existing properties set for
306 * this session factory. If any of the keys have been previously declared
307 * then they will be overwritten with the new values.
308 *
309 * For details of how session properties are used see {@link Session}.
310 */
311export interface Options {
312 /**
313 * The hostname to connect to (default `'localhost'`)
314 */
315 host?: string;
316 /**
317 * The port to connect to (default `443`)
318 */
319 port?: number | string;
320 /**
321 * The request path used for connections (default `/diffusion`)
322 */
323 path?: string;
324 /**
325 * Whether to use secure connections.
326 */
327 secure?: boolean;
328 /**
329 * The principal name this session should connect with. Used for authentication.
330 */
331 principal?: string;
332 /**
333 * A password string to authenticate with, a buffer containing custom
334 * credentials in binary format, a typed array, or a regular
335 * array of octets.
336 */
337 credentials?: string | Buffer | TypedArray | number[];
338 /**
339 * Reconnection options. (default `true`)
340 */
341 reconnect?: boolean | number | ReconnectStrategy | {
342 timeout: number;
343 strategy: ReconnectStrategy;
344 };
345 /**
346 * The transports to be used for connection establishment. (default `"WEBSOCKET"`)
347 */
348 transports?: string | string[];
349 /**
350 * The maximum size of messages that may be received from the server. (default `2147483647`)
351 */
352 maxMessageSize?: number;
353 /**
354 * An object of key-value pairs that define the user-defined session properties.
355 *
356 * For details of how session properties are used see {@link Session}.
357 */
358 properties?: {
359 [key: string]: string;
360 };
361 /**
362 * An optional HTTP/HTTPS proxy agent. (default `undefined`)
363 *
364 * If this is set, then the client will attempt to connect to the Diffusion
365 * server via a proxy server.
366 *
367 * The proxy agent will be passed to the WebSocket constructor as the
368 * `agent` option. See https://www.npmjs.com/package/https-proxy-agent for
369 * an example of a proxy agent.
370 *
371 * This option is used for web socket connections and is intended for Node
372 * based clients only. Browser based clients will automatically use the
373 * browser's proxy settings.
374 *
375 * **Example:**
376 * ```
377 * const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');
378 * const url = require('url');
379 * const diffusion = require('diffusion');
380 *
381 * const agent = new HttpsProxyAgent(url.parse('https://proxy.example.com:80'));
382 *
383 * diffusion.connect({
384 * host: 'https://diffusion.foo.com',
385 * httpProxyAgent: agent
386 * }).then((session) => {
387 * // connected through proxy server
388 * });
389 * ```
390 */
391 httpProxyAgent?: any;
394 * Alias for the Options interface to keep compatibility with old TypeScript definitions
395 */
396export declare type SessionOptions = Options;
398 * @module Session
399 */
401 * A session ID
402 */
403export interface SessionId {
404 /**
405 * Convert the session ID to a string
406 *
407 * @return a string representation of the session ID
408 */
409 toString(): string;
412 * Diffusion Session. Handles a connection to Diffusion and exposes API
413 * features. Sessions can subscribe, add, remove and update topics, as well as
414 * perform remote operations on the server.
415 *
416 * A session represents a single connection to a single Diffusion server. A
417 * session begins connected and will remain so until until it is explicitly
418 * closed via {@link Session.close} or there is a connection error.
419 *
420 * When a connected session loses its connection to the server, it will close if
421 * {@link Options} `reconnect` is not enabled. If reconnect is enabled
422 * then the session will enter a `disconnected` state. Once disconnected, any
423 * API methods that involve the server will automatically fail. It is possible
424 * for a session to lose messages while disconnected.
425 *
426 * The session will attempt to reconnect to the server on a regular basis. This
427 * will continue until the server responds; at which point the session will
428 * attempt to recover its previous connection.
429 *
430 * If the reconnection is successful the session will become connected again and
431 * emit a `reconnect` event. Any prior subscriptions will continue to receive
432 * data.
433 *
434 * If the server rejects the reconnection, the session will be closed.
435 *
436 * Sessions emit events to notify listeners of changes in state. Certain events
437 * will provide arguments to any callback functions that have been registered.
438 *
439 * <H3>Session properties</H3>
440 *
441 * For each session, the server stores a set of session properties that describe
442 * various attributes of the session.
443 *
444 * There are two types of session property. Fixed properties are assigned by the
445 * server. User-defined properties are assigned by the application.
446 *
447 * Many operations use session filter expressions (see section Session Filters)
448 * that use session properties to select sessions.
449 *
450 * A privileged client can monitor other sessions, including changes to their
451 * session properties, using a {@link ClientControl.setSessionPropertiesListener
452 * session properties listener}. When registering to receive session properties,
453 * special key values of {@link PropertyKeys.ALL_FIXED_PROPERTIES
455 * ALL_USER_PROPERTIES} can be used.
456 *
457 * Each property is identified by a key. Most properties have a single string
458 * value. The exception is the $Roles fixed property which has a set of string
459 * values.
460 *
461 * Fixed properties are identified by keys with a '$' prefix. The available
462 * fixed session properties are:
463 *
464 * <table>
465 * <tr>
466 * <td><b>Key</b></td>
467 * <td><b>Description</b></td>
468 * <tr>
469 * <tr>
470 * <td>`$ClientIP`</td>
471 * <td>The Internet address of the client in string format. See
472 * {@link ClientLocation}.address.</td>
473 * </tr>
474 * <tr>
475 * <td>`$ClientType`</td>
476 * <td>The client type of the session. One of `ANDROID`, `C`, `DOTNET`, `IOS`,
477 * `JAVA`, `JAVASCRIPT_BROWSER`, or `OTHER`. Equivalent to {@link
478 * ClientSummary}.clientType.</td>
479 * </tr>
480 * <tr>
481 * <td>`$Connector`</td>
482 * <td>The configuration name of the server connector that the client connected
483 * to. See {@link SessionDetails}.connector.</td>
484 * </tr>
485 * <tr>
486 * <td>`$Country`</td>
487 * <td>The country code for the country where the client's Internet address was
488 * allocated (for example, `NZ` for New Zealand). If the country code could not
489 * be determined, this will be a zero length string. See {@link
490 * ClientLocation}.details.country.</td>
491 * </tr>
492 * <tr>
493 * <td>`$Language`</td>
494 * <td>The language code for the official language of the country where the
495 * client's Internet address was allocated (for example, `en` for English). If
496 * the language could not be determined or is not applicable, this will be a
497 * zero length string. See {@link ClientLocation}.details.language.</td>
498 * </tr>
499 * <tr>
500 * <td>`$Latitude`</td>
501 * <td>The client's latitude, if available. This will be the string
502 * representation of a floating point number and will be `NaN` if not
503 * available. See {@link ClientLocation}.coordinates.latitude.</td>
504 * </tr>
505 * <tr>
506 * <td>`$Longitude`</td>
507 * <td>The client's longitude, if available. This will be the string
508 * representation of a floating point number and will be `NaN` if not
509 * available. See {@link ClientLocation}.coordinates.longitude.</td>
510 * </tr>
511 * <tr>
512 * <td>`$Principal`</td>
513 * <td>The security principal associated with the client session. Equivalent to
514 * {@link ClientSummary}.principal</td>
515 * </tr>
516 * <tr>
517 * <td>`$Roles`</td>
518 * <td>Authorisation roles assigned to the session. This is a set of roles
519 * represented as quoted strings (for example, `"role1","role2"`). The
520 * utility method {@link stringToRoles} can be used to parse
521 * the string value into a set of roles.</td>
522 * </tr>
523 * <tr>
524 * <td>`$ServerName`</td>
525 * <td>The name of the server to which the session is connected. See
526 * {@link SessionDetails}.server.</td>
527 * </tr>
528 * <tr>
529 * <td>`$SessionId`</td>
530 * <td>The session identifier. Equivalent to {@link Session.sessionID}.</td>
531 * </tr>
532 * <tr>
533 * <td>`$StartTime`</td>
534 * <td>The session's start time in milliseconds since the epoch.</td>
535 * </tr>
536 * <tr>
537 * <td>`$Transport`</td>
538 * <td>The session transport type. One of `WEBSOCKET`,
539 * `HTTP_LONG_POLL`, or `OTHER`. Equivalent to
540 * {@link ClientSummary}.transportType.</td>
541 * </tr>
542 * </table>
543 *
544 * All user-defined property keys are non-empty strings and are case-sensitve.
545 * The characters ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', '"', ''', '(', ')' are not allowed.
546 *
547 * Session properties are initially associated with a session as follows:<br>
548 *
549 * 1. When a client starts a new session, it can optionally propose
550 * user-defined session properties (see {@link Options}.properties).
551 * Session properties proposed in this way must be accepted by the
552 * authenticator. This safeguard prevents abuse by a rogue, unprivileged client.
553 * 2. The server allocates all fixed property values.
554 * 3. The new session is authenticated by registered authenticators. An
555 * authenticator that accepts a session can veto or change the user-defined
556 * session properties and add new user-defined session properties. The
557 * authenticator can also change certain fixed properties.
558 *
559 * Once a session is established, its user-defined session properties can be
560 * modified by clients with `VIEW_SESSION` and `MODIFY_SESSION`
561 * permissions using {@link ClientControl.setSessionProperties}.
562 * A privileged client can also modify its own session properties.
563 *
564 * If a session re-authenticates (see {@link Security.changePrincipal
565 * changePrincipal}), the authenticator that allows the re-authentication can
566 * modify the user-defined session properties and a subset of the fixed
567 * properties as mentioned above.
568 *
569 * <H3>Session filters</H3>
570 *
571 * Session filters are query expressions for session properties. They can be
572 * used to address a set of sessions based on their session properties. For
573 * example, it is possible to send a message to all sessions that satisfy a
574 * specified filter. Session filters are parsed and evaluated at the server.
575 *
576 * A session filter expression consists of either a single clause, or multiple
577 * clauses connected by the binary operators `and` and `or`. The
578 * `and` operator takes precedence over `or` but parentheses can be
579 * used to override the precedence. For example:
580 * * `Department is "Accounts"`
581 * * `hasRoles ["operator" "trading desk"]`
582 * * `Department is "Payroll" and Status is "Closed"}`
583 * * `(Department is "Accounts" or Department is "Payroll") and Status is "Closed"}`
584 *
585 * The boolean <b>not</b> operator may be used to negate the following clause or
586 * an expression within parentheses:
587 * * `not Department is "Payroll"`
588 * * `not (Department is "Payroll" or Department is "Accounts")`
589 *
590 * An equality clause has the form <em>key operator value</em> where
591 * <em>key</em> is the name of a session property and <em>value</em> is the
592 * property value. The supported operators are `is` or `eq`, both of
593 * which mean "equals", and `ne` which means "does not equal". Values are
594 * strings enclosed within single or double quotes. Special characters
595 * (`"`, `'` or `\`) can be included within the value by
596 * preceding with the escape character `\`. The utility method
597 * {@link escape} can be used to insert escape characters into
598 * a value.
599 *
600 * `hasRoles` is a special operator for querying the `$Roles`
601 * session property. A `hasRoles` clause has the form <em>hasRoles
602 * ["role1" "role2" ... "roleN"]</em>. The clause will match sessions that have
603 * all the specified authorisation roles. Each role is a string enclosed within
604 * either single or double quotes. Roles can be space or comma separated.
605 *
606 * The `all` operator matches all sessions.
607 *
608 * The `$Roles` session property can also be queried with an equality
609 * clause, for example, `$Roles eq '"admin","client"'`, but the
610 * `hasRoles` clause is usually more convenient. An equality clause will
611 * match sessions that have exactly the listed roles. In contrast, a
612 * `hasRoles` clause will match any sessions with the listed roles,
613 * regardless of whether they have other roles. The equality clause requires the
614 * value to be in the canonical form produced by the
615 * {@link rolesToString} utility method.
616 * Supported operators are as follows:
617 *
618 * Operator | Description
619 * ---------------- | -----------
620 * **is** or **eq** | equals
621 * **ne** | not equals
622 *
623 * All operators are case insensitive.
624 *
625 * The following are examples of valid expressions:
626 *
627 * * `$Principal is "Alice"`
628 * * `Department is "Accounts" and $Country ne "US"`
629 * * `$Language EQ "en" and $Country NE "US"`
630 * * `not (Department is "Accounts" or`
631 * * `"Department is "Payroll") and $Country is "FR"`
632 * * `Text is "xyz\"\\"`
633 * * `hasRoles ["operator"]}`
634 * * `$Transport is "wss" and hasRoles ["accountancy" "administrator"]`
635 * * `hasRoles ["operator"] and not hasRoles ["administrator"]`
636 *
637 * **Example:**
638 * ```
639 * // Establish a session
640 * diffusion.connect('diffusion.example.com').then(function(session) {
641 * // Attach state listeners
642 * session.on({
643 * disconnect : function() {
644 * console.log('Disconnected!');
645 * },
646 * reconnect : function() {
647 * console.log('Phew, reconnected!');
648 * },
649 * error : function(error) {
650 * console.log('Session error', error);
651 * },
652 * close : function(reason) {
653 * console.log('Session closed', reason);
654 * }
655 * });
656 *
657 * // Do something with session...
658 * });
659 * ```
660 *
661 * <h2>Events</h2>
662 *
663 * <h3 id="event-disconnect"><code>disconnect</code></h3>
664 *
665 * Emitted when a connected session has lost connection to the server, and
666 * {@link Options} `reconnect` is enabled. The provided reason will
667 * contain the specific cause of the session disconnect.
668 *
669 * **Parameters:**
670 *
671 * `reason`: {@link CloseReason} - the cause of the session disconnect
672 *
673 * <h3 id="event-reconnect"><code>reconnect</code></h3>
674 *
675 * Emitted when a disconnected session has successfully reconnected.
676 *
677 * <h3 id="event-close"><code>close</code></h3>
678 *
679 * Emitted when a session is closed. This can occur because it was closed by the
680 * user, closed by the server, failed to connect, or the session encountered an
681 * error. The provided close reason will contain the specific cause of the
682 * session close.
683 *
684 * **Parameters:**
685 *
686 * `reason`: {@link CloseReason} - the cause of the session close
687 *
688 * <h3 id="event-error"><code>error</code></h3>
689 *
690 * Emitted when a session error has occurred. A session error occurs when the
691 * client cannot parse communication from the server. This occurs if a component
692 * between the two - for example, a proxy or load balancer - alters the
693 * communication.
694 *
695 * **Parameters:**
696 *
697 * `error`: any - the error that occurred
698 */
699export interface Session extends Stream, Topics, Ping {
700 /**
701 * The unique id assigned to this session by the server.
702 */
703 readonly sessionID: string;
704 /**
705 * The connection options used to establish this session
706 */
707 readonly options: Options;
708 /**
709 * Exposes system authentication capabilities via a {@link Session.security}
710 */
711 readonly security: Security;
712 /**
713 * Exposes topic control capabilities via {@link Session.topics}
714 */
715 readonly topics: TopicControl;
716 /**
717 * Exposes topic update capabilities via {@link Session.topicUpdate}
718 */
719 readonly topicUpdate: TopicUpdate;
720 /**
721 * Exposes topic views capabilities via {@link Session.topicViews}
722 */
723 readonly topicViews: TopicViews;
724 /**
725 * Exposes time series capabilities via {@link Session.timeseries}
726 */
727 readonly timeseries: TimeSeries;
728 /**
729 * Exposes messaging capabilities via {@link Session.messages}
730 */
731 readonly messages: Messages;
732 /**
733 * Exposes topic notification capabilities via {@link Session.notifications}
734 */
735 readonly notifications: TopicNotifications;
736 /**
737 * Exposes client control capabilities via {@link ClientControl}
738 */
739 readonly clients: ClientControl;
740 /**
741 * Close this session's connection to the server.
742 *
743 * Calling this repeatedly will have no effect.
744 *
745 * @return this session
746 */
747 close(): Session;
748 /**
749 * Close this session's connection to the server and return a {@link Result}
750 * that will completes when the session is closed.
751 *
752 * @return a {@link Result} that completes with the close reason returned
753 * by the server. Only the {@link Result} of the first call to
754 * `closeSession` is guaranteed to complete. The {@link Result}
755 * will not resolve if the session is already closed.
756 */
757 closeSession(): Result<CloseReason>;
758 /**
759 * Indicates if this session is currently closed, or in the process of
760 * closing.
761 *
762 * This will not return `true` if the session is disconnected
763 * but attempting to reconnect.
764 *
765 * @return whether the session is currently closed.
766 */
767 isClosed(): boolean;
768 /**
769 * Indicates if this session is currently connected.
770 *
771 * This is orthogonal to {@link Session.isClosed}, as a session may
772 * be disconnected and attempting to reconnect.
773 *
774 * @return whether the session is currently connected or not.
775 */
776 isConnected(): boolean;
777 /**
778 * Returns the principal name that this session is associated with.
779 *
780 * @return the principal for this session
781 */
782 getPrincipal(): string;
783 /**
784 * Attempt to acquire a {@link SessionLock session lock}.
785 *
786 * This method returns a Promise that will resolve normally if
787 * the server assigns the requested lock to the session. Otherwise, the
788 * Promise will fail with an error indicating why the lock could not
789 * be acquired.
790 *
791 * @param lockName the name of the session lock
792 * @param scope preferred scope, defaults to
793 * `UNLOCK_ON_SESSION_LOSS` . The scope of a lock controls
794 * when it will be released automatically. If a session
795 * makes multiple requests for a lock using different
796 * scopes, and the server assigns the lock to the session
797 * fulfilling the requests, the lock will be given the
798 * weakest scope (`UNLOCK_ON_SESSION_LOSS` ).
799 * @return a Promise that resolves when a response is received
800 * from the server.
801 * <p>
802 * If this session has successfully acquired the session
803 * lock, or this session already owns the session lock, the
804 * Promise will resolve normally with a SessionLock result.
805 * <p>
806 * If the Promise resolves with an error, this session does
807 * not own the session lock.
808 *
809 * @since 6.2
810 */
811 lock(lockName: string, scope?: SessionLockScope): Result<SessionLock>;
814 * @module diffusion.clients
815 */
817 * Details relating to the network and geographic location of a client session.
818 */
819export interface ClientLocation {
820 /**
821 * the IP address of the client
822 */
823 address: string;
824 /**
825 * the host name
826 */
827 hostname: string;
828 /**
829 * the resolved name
830 */
831 resolved: string;
832 /**
833 * the country details
834 */
835 details: {
836 /**
837 * the country code for the country where the IP address was allocated
838 */
839 country: string;
840 /**
841 * the country code for the official language of the country where the
842 * IP address was allocated
843 */
844 language: string;
845 };
846 /**
847 * the geographic coordinates of the client if this could be ascertained
848 */
849 coordinates?: {
850 /**
851 * the latitude
852 */
853 latitude: number;
854 /**
855 * the longitude
856 */
857 longitude: number;
858 };
859 /**
860 * the address type
861 */
862 type: AddressType;
865 * Enum containing possible Address types.
866 */
867export declare enum AddressType {
868 /**
869 * The address is a standard global internet address
870 */
871 GLOBAL = 1,
872 /**
873 * The address is a site local address. The address is part of the IP subset that is reserved for private networks.
874 */
875 LOCAL = 2,
876 /**
877 * The address is assigned to the server loopback interface
878 */
879 LOOPBACK = 3,
880 /**
881 * The address type is unknown
882 */
883 UNKNOWN = 4,
886 * @module diffusion.clients
887 */
889 * Lightweight summary of a client session.
890 */
891export interface ClientSummary {
892 /**
893 * The name of the principal associated with the session
894 */
895 principal: string;
896 /**
897 * The type of the client
898 */
899 clientType: ClientType;
900 /**
901 * The transport type
902 */
903 transportType: TransportType;
906 * Enum containing possible client types.
907 */
908export declare enum ClientType {
909 /**
910 * JavaScript client
911 */
913 /**
914 * Android client
915 */
916 ANDROID = 3,
917 /**
918 * iOS client
919 */
920 IOS = 4,
921 /**
922 * Java client
923 */
924 JAVA = 8,
925 /**
926 * .NET client
927 */
928 DOTNET = 9,
929 /**
930 * C
931 */
932 C = 10,
933 /**
934 * Client type is not known to the local session, possibly because the remote client is using a different version
935 * of Diffusion
936 */
937 OTHER = 12,
940 * Enum containing possible Transport types.
941 */
942export declare enum TransportType {
943 /**
944 * WebSocket protocol
945 */
946 WEBSOCKET = 0,
947 /**
948 * HTTP long polling transport
949 */
951 /**
952 * HTTP long poll, via HTML iFrame elements
953 */
955 /**
956 * HTTP 1.1 chunked transfer via HTML iFrame elements
957 */
959 /**
960 * Diffusion protocol based on TCP sockets
961 */
962 DPT = 4,
963 /**
964 * Diffusion protocol based on HTTP 1.1 chunked transfer
965 */
966 HTTPC = 5,
967 /**
968 * Diffusion protocol based on HTTP 1.1 chunked transfer
969 */
971 /**
972 * Transport type is not known to the local session, possible because the remote client is using a different version
973 * of Diffusion
974 */
975 OTHER = 7,
978 * A type containing information about the reason for a session being closed
979 */
980export interface CloseReason {
981 /**
982 * The close reason's id
983 */
984 id: number;
985 /**
986 * The close reason's description
987 */
988 message: string;
991 * Enum representing the reason that the session has been closed.
992 *
993 * **Example:**
994 * ```
995 * diffusion.connect({...}).then(function(session) {...}, function(err) {
996 * switch(err) {
997 * case diffusion.clients.CloseReason.CLOSED_BY_CLIENT:
998 * // Do something
999 * case diffusion.clients.CloseReason.ACCESS_DENIED:
1000 * // Do something else
1001 * ...
1002 * }
1003 * });
1004 * ```
1005 *
1006 */ export declare const CloseReasonEnum: {
1007 [key: string]: CloseReason;
1010 * @module diffusion.clients
1011 */
1013 * A set of details relating to a client session.
1014 */
1015export interface SessionDetails {
1016 /**
1017 * available detail types
1018 */
1019 available: DetailType[];
1020 /**
1021 * the configuration name of the server connector the client is connected to,
1022 * or `undefined` if unavailable
1023 */
1024 connector?: string;
1025 /**
1026 * server name or `undefined` if unavailable
1027 */
1028 server?: string;
1029 /**
1030 * client location or `undefined` if unavailable
1031 */
1032 location?: ClientLocation;
1033 /**
1034 * client summary or `undefined` if unavailable
1035 */
1036 summary?: ClientSummary;
1039 * Enum containing possible Session Detail types.
1040 */
1041export declare enum DetailType {
1042 SUMMARY = 0,
1043 LOCATION = 1,
1045 SERVER_NAME = 3,
1047/// <reference types="node" />
1049 * @module diffusion.datatypes
1050 */
1052 * Read-only interface for values that are internally represented as binary
1053 * data.
1054 *
1055 * This interface provides access to copies of the binary data, making instances
1056 * effectively immutable. Methods of derived interfaces and classes that relax
1057 * this restriction and expose access to the internal data should be clearly
1058 * documented.
1059 *
1060 * @since 5.7
1061 */
1062export interface Bytes {
1063 /**
1064 * Get the number of bytes
1065 *
1066 * @return The length of the data in bytes
1067 */
1068 length(): number;
1069 /**
1070 * Get a copy of the buffer containing this value.
1071 *
1072 * @return This value in binary form
1073 */
1074 asBuffer(): Buffer;
1075 /**
1076 * Copy the binary data to a provided buffer.
1077 *
1078 * @param target the buffer to copy data to
1079 * @param offset the position in the target buffer at which data will be copied
1080 */
1081 copyTo(target: Buffer, offset?: number): void;
1083/// <reference types="node" />
1085 * @module diffusion.datatypes
1086 */
1088 * A data type is specified for a particular value type. It provides methods to
1089 * convert values to and from binary. Diffusion provides several {@link DataType}
1090 * implementations.
1091 *
1092 * A data type can optionally support incremental changes to values, represented
1093 * by one or more types of <em>delta</em>. A delta is the difference between two
1094 * values. For large or composite values that change in small steps, it is more
1095 * efficient to transmit an initial value followed by a delta for each change
1096 * than to transmit a complete value for each change. The data type provides an
1097 * implementation of {@link DeltaType} for each type of delta it
1098 * supports via {@link DataType.deltaType}.
1099 *
1100 * @since 5.7
1101 *
1102 * @param <ValueType> the value type of the data type
1103 * @param <SourceType> the type(s) from which a value can be constructed
1104 * @param <CBORType> the binary type containing the CBOR data
1105 */
1106export interface DataType<ValueType, SourceType, CBORType> {
1107 /**
1108 * The external type identifier.
1109 *
1110 * @return the name of this datatype
1111 */
1112 name(): string;
1113 /**
1114 * Parse a value from binary.
1115 *
1116 * @param input the binary data
1117 * @param offset the offset to start reading from the provided buffer (default = `0`)
1118 * @param length the length of the data to read (default = `input.length`)
1119 * @returns an instance of this data type value
1120 * @throws an error if the data is invalid for this type
1121 */
1122 readValue(input: Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number): ValueType | null;
1123 readValue(input: CBORType): ValueType | null;
1124 /**
1125 * Serialise a value to binary
1126 *
1127 * @param value the value to serialise
1128 * @returns the serialised value as a buffer
1129 * @throws an error if the value can not be serialised
1130 */
1131 writeValue(value: SourceType): Buffer;
1132 /**
1133 * Test whether this data type is compatible with `valueType`. Compatibility
1134 * with a `valueType` means than any valid binary representation of a
1135 * `value` can be {@link DataType.readAs read as} an
1136 * instance of `valueType`.
1137 *
1138 * Every data type should be compatible with the following:
1139 *
1140 * * `Value Type` &ndash; the class corresponding to the data type's value
1141 * type.
1142 *
1143 * For a data type with a value type of `X`, `readAs(X, buffer)` is
1144 * equivalent to `readValue(buffer)`.
1145 *
1146 * @param valueType the type to check
1147 * @return `true` if a binary representation created by this data
1148 * type can read as an instance * of `valueType`
1149 * @since 6.0
1150 */
1151 canReadAs(valueType: new (...args: any[]) => any): boolean;
1152 /**
1153 * Create a value of a compatible class from binary.
1154 *
1155 * @param valueType the type of the result
1156 * @param buffer the binary data
1157 * @param offset the offset to start reading from the provided buffer (default = `0`)
1158 * @param length the length of the data to read (default = `input.length`)
1159 * @return the value in the form of the specified type
1160 * @throws an error if `valueType` is incompatible with this data
1161 * type, or `buffer` does not * represent a valid value.
1162 * @since 6.0
1163 */
1164 readAs(valueType: new (...args: any[]) => any, buffer: Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number): any | null;
1165 readAs(valueType: new (...args: any[]) => any, buffer: CBORType): any | null;
1166 /**
1167 * Obtain a {@link DeltaType} by name or delta type.
1168 *
1169 * **Example:**
1170 * ```
1171 * // Get by name
1172 * var deltas = datatype.deltaType("binary");
1173 * ```
1174 *
1175 * **Example:**
1176 * ```
1177 * // Get by type
1178 * var deltas = datatype.deltaType(delta);
1179 * ```
1180 *
1181 * @param name the name, as returned by {@link DeltaType.name}
1182 * @returns the delta type
1183 */
1184 deltaType(name?: string): DeltaType<ValueType, SourceType, CBORType>;
1187 * @module diffusion.datatypes
1188 */
1190 * Diffusion datatype implementations.
1191 *
1192 * Datatypes are accessed via the `diffusion` singleton.
1193 *
1194 * **Example:**
1195 * ```
1196 * // Get the JSON datatype
1197 * var json = diffusion.datatypes.json();
1198 * ```
1199 *
1200 * **Example:**
1201 * ```
1202 * // Get a datatype via name
1203 * var json = diffusion.datatypes.get('json');
1204 * ```
1205 * @namespace diffusion.datatypes
1206 * @since 5.7
1207 */
1208export interface DataTypes {
1209 /**
1210 * Get the binary data type
1211 *
1212 * @return the Binary data type
1213 */
1214 binary(): BinaryDataType;
1215 /**
1216 * Get the JSON data type
1217 *
1218 * @return the JSON data type
1219 */
1220 json(): JSONDataType;
1221 /**
1222 * Get the Int64 data type
1223 *
1224 * @return the Int64 data type
1225 */
1226 int64(): Int64DataType;
1227 /**
1228 * Get the string data type
1229 *
1230 * @return the String data type
1231 */
1232 string(): StringDataType;
1233 /**
1234 * Get the double data type
1235 *
1236 * @return the Double data type
1237 */
1238 double(): DoubleDataType;
1239 /**
1240 * Get the record V2 data type
1241 *
1242 * @return the RecordV2 data type
1243 */
1244 recordv2(): RecordV2DataType;
1245 /**
1246 * Get the timeseries data type
1247 *
1248 * @param valueType the value type of the timeseries data type
1249 * @return a timeseries data type
1250 */
1251 timeseries<ValueType, SourceType>(valueType: DataType<ValueType, SourceType, any>): DataType<Event<ValueType>, Event<SourceType>, Bytes>;
1252 /**
1253 * Obtain a {@link DataType} implementation by type
1254 * name, topic type, or value class
1255 *
1256 * @param name the type name as returned by {@link DataType.name}, the value
1257 * or a topic type.
1258 * @return the data type or `null` if no datatype was found
1259 */
1260 get(name: any): DataType<any, any, any> | null;
1261 /**
1262 * Obtain a {@link DataType} implementation by value class.
1263 *
1264 * For {@link DoubleDataType}, the associated value class is `Number`.
1265 *
1266 * @param valueClass the class
1267 * @return the data type
1268 * @throws an Error if there is no data type for provided class
1269 */
1270 getByClass(valueClass: new (...args: any[]) => any): DataType<any, any, any>;
1272/// <reference types="node" />
1274 * @module diffusion.datatypes
1275 */
1277 * Optional extension provided by {@link DataType} implementations that support
1278 * incremental changes to values.
1279 *
1280 * Each implementation specifies a `value` type and a `delta` type.
1281 * Two values, oldValue and new Value, can be compared to produce a delta using
1282 * {@link DeltaType.diff}. The delta can be separately applied to oldValue to
1283 * create newValue using {@link DeltaType.apply}.
1284 *
1285 * <h5>Deferred parsing</h5>
1286 * Implementations can choose not to fully validate values when they are read,
1287 * but instead defer parsing until it is required. Consequently, all methods
1288 * that accept values may throw an error.
1289 *
1290 * @param <ValueType> the value type of the data type
1291 * @param <SourceType> the type(s) from which a value can be constructed
1292 * @param <CBORType> the binary type containing the CBOR data
1293 *
1294 * @since 5.7
1295 */
1296export interface DeltaType<ValueType, SourceType, CBORType> {
1297 /**
1298 * The name of this delta type
1299 *
1300 * @returns the name
1301 */
1302 name(): string;
1303 /**
1304 * Create a delta from two values.
1305 *
1306 * If there are many differences between oldValue and newValue, the result
1307 * might require more bytes to transmit than the new value, or be
1308 * computationally expensive to apply. In this case, it is better to discard
1309 * oldValue and publish newValue in its place. This can be checked using
1310 * {@link DeltaType.isValueCheaper}.
1311 *
1312 * The implementation can return the special constant {@link DeltaType.noChange}
1313 * to indicate the old value and new value are equivalent and there is no change
1314 * to publish.
1315 *
1316 * @param oldValue the old value
1317 * @param newValue the new value
1318 * @return the delta between values
1319 */
1320 diff(oldValue: SourceType, newValue: SourceType): BinaryDelta;
1321 /**
1322 * Apply a delta to a value.
1323 *
1324 * @param old the old value
1325 * @param delta the delta to apply
1326 * @return the new value generated applying the delta to the old value
1327 * @throws an error if the value or delta is invalid
1328 */
1329 apply(oldValue: SourceType, delta: BinaryDelta): ValueType | null;
1330 /**
1331 * Parse a delta from binary.
1332 *
1333 * @param binary the binary data
1334 * @param offset the offset from which to start reading from the buffer
1335 * @param length the length of data to read from the buffer
1336 * @return the delta
1337 * @throws an error if the binary is invalid
1338 */
1339 readDelta(buffer: Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number): BinaryDelta;
1340 /**
1341 * Serialise a delta to binary.
1342 *
1343 * @param delta the delta to serialise
1344 * @return the serialised form of the delta
1345 * @throws an error if the delta cannot be serialised
1346 */
1347 writeDelta(delta: BinaryDelta): Buffer;
1348 /**
1349 * Constant returned by {@link DeltaType.diff} to
1350 * indicate that both values are equivalent.
1351 *
1352 * @return unique object representing no change in value
1353 */
1354 noChange(): BinaryDelta;
1355 /**
1356 * Calculate if `value` is cheaper than the `delta`. The
1357 * result is typically determined by the length of the serialised form, but may
1358 * also consider the complexity of the delta.
1359 *
1360 * @param value the value to compare
1361 * @param delta the delta to compare
1362 * @return `true` if the value is considered cheaper than the delta
1363 * @throws an error if the value or delta is invalid
1364 */
1365 isValueCheaper(value: SourceType, delta: BinaryDelta): boolean;
1368 * A type containing information about the reason that an error occured
1369 */
1370export interface ErrorReasonType {
1371 /**
1372 * The error reason's id
1373 */
1374 id: number;
1375 /**
1376 * The error reason's description
1377 */
1378 reason: string;
1381 * Enum containing reason codes used to report error conditions.
1382 * <p>
1383 * Some common ErrorReason values are defined as global constants. More specific reasons may be defined by
1384 * individual features.
1385 *
1386 * **Example:**
1387 * ```
1388 * // Handle an error from the server
1389 * session.addStream('foo', diffusion.datatypes.string()).on('error', function(e) {
1390 * if (e == diffusion.errors.ACCESS_DENIED) {
1391 * // Handle authorisation error
1392 * } else {
1393 * // Log the problem
1394 * console.log(e);
1395 * }
1396 * });
1397 * ```
1398 */ export declare const ErrorReason: {
1399 [key: string]: ErrorReasonType;
1402 * @module diffusion.events
1403 */
1405 * Provides a stream of topic values for a given fetch request.
1406 *
1407 * FetchStream inherits all functions defined on {@link Stream}.
1408 *
1409 * **Example:**
1410 * ```
1411 * // Handle all events from stream
1412 * session.fetch("foo").on({
1413 * open : function() {
1414 * // Fetch stream has opened, values will be emitted after this event.
1415 * },
1416 * value : function(value, topicPath) {
1417 * // Received topic value
1418 * },
1419 * error : function(err) {
1420 * // Encountered an error
1421 * },
1422 * close : function() {
1423 * // Fetch stream closed; no more values will be received
1424 * }
1425 * });
1426 * ```
1427 *
1428 * <h2>Events</h2>
1429 *
1430 * <h3><code>open</code></h3>
1431 *
1432 * Emitted when the fetch stream is initially opened. This will only be fired once.
1433 *
1434 * <h3><code>value</code></h3>
1435 *
1436 * Emitted when a topic that is selected by the fetch request's topic selector
1437 * has returned its value. By default, values are provided as
1438 * `Buffer` instances. The topic path specifies which topic this
1439 * value is for.
1440 *
1441 * **Parameters:**
1442 *
1443 * `value`: any - the new value of the topic
1444 *
1445 * `topicPath`: string - the path to the topic to which the value update applies
1446 *
1447 * <h3><code>close</code></h3>
1448 * <h3><code>error</code></h3>
1449 */ export interface FetchStream extends Stream {
1452 * @module diffusion.events
1453 */
1455 * A reference to a registered handler.
1456 *
1457 * Such a handler reference is provided whenever a handler with a server side
1458 * presence is registered.
1459 */
1460export interface Registration {
1461 /**
1462 * Request that the handler is unregistered from the server.
1463 *
1464 * After the handler is unregistered, the handler's `onClose` method
1465 * will be called.
1466 *
1467 * A handler can only be unregistered once. A given instance will return the
1468 * same Result if this method is called more than once.
1469 *
1470 * @returns a {@link Result} that completes when a response is received from
1471 * the server
1472 */
1473 close(): Result<void>;
1476 * @module diffusion.events
1477 */
1478export declare type Callback<U> = (error: any) => U;
1480 * A Result represents a promise for the result of an async operation.
1481 *
1482 * It implements the full ES6 Promise specification and is in all respects equivalent to a Promise.
1483 *
1484 * Adapted from https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/es6-promise
1485 */
1486export declare type Result<R> = Promise<R>;
1488 * @module diffusion.events
1489 *
1490 * @brief A module containing event streams
1491 *
1492 * @preferred
1493 */
1495 * A callback function type for {@link Stream}s
1496 */
1497export declare type StreamCallback = (...args: any[]) => void;
1499 * A type mapping event names to callback functions
1500 */
1501export interface CallbackMap {
1502 [event: string]: StreamCallback;
1505 * A {@link Stream} provides a series of events that may be consumed by
1506 * arbitrary listeners. The events emitted by a stream are defined by the
1507 * operation that created the stream and can carry event-specific arguments.
1508 *
1509 * A stream is created in an open state, and may immediately emit events. When a
1510 * Stream is closed it will emit a `close`. A closed stream will not
1511 * emit any further events, and will remain closed permanently.
1512 *
1513 * It is possible for a stream to encounter an error. In this case, an `error` event will be emitted, and
1514 * then the stream will be closed.
1515 *
1516 * This is a primitive class that is used to provide common event binding methods to other API components.
1517 *
1518 * @fires {@link error}
1519 * @fires {@link close}
1520 */
1521export interface Stream {
1522 /**
1523 * Register listeners against events.
1524 *
1525 * A single listener may be bound to an event by passing the event name and
1526 * listener function.
1527 *
1528 * Multiple listeners may be bound by passing in a {@link CallbackMap},
1529 * mapping event names to listener functions.
1530 *
1531 * **Example:**
1532 * ```
1533 * // Bind a single listener to the 'foo' event
1534 * stream.on('foo', function(arg1, arg2) {
1535 * console.log("Called for 'foo' event", arg1, arg2);
1536 * });
1537 * ```
1538 *
1539 * **Example:**
1540 * ```
1541 * // Bind multiple listeners
1542 * stream.on({
1543 * foo : function() { ... },
1544 * bar : function() { ... },
1545 * baz : function() { ... }
1546 * });
1547 * ```
1548 *
1549 * @param events the event name or {@link CallbackMap} mapping event names
1550 * to listeners
1551 * @param listener the listener to bind to the event, if passed as string.
1552 * This argument is ignored if the first argument is a
1553 * {@link CallbackMap}.
1554 * @return this stream.
1555 */
1556 on(events: string | CallbackMap, listener?: StreamCallback): Stream;
1557 /**
1558 * Remove a listener from a specified event.
1559 *
1560 * **Example:**
1561 * ```
1562 * // Bind a single listener to the 'foo' event and then deregister it
1563 * var listener = function() {};
1564 * stream.on('foo', listener);
1565 * stream.off('foo', listener);
1566 * ```
1567 *
1568 * **Example:**
1569 * ```
1570 * // Bind a listener to the 'foo' event and deregister all listeners
1571 * var listener = function() {};
1572 * stream.on('foo', listener);
1573 * stream.off('foo');
1574 * ```
1575 *
1576 * @param event the event name to remove or {@link CallbackMap} mapping
1577 * event names to listeners which will be removed
1578 * @param listener the listener to remove. All listeners for the event are
1579 * removed if this is not specified. This argument is
1580 * ignored if the first argument is a {@link CallbackMap}.
1581 * @return this stream.
1582 */
1583 off(events: string | CallbackMap, listener?: StreamCallback): Stream;
1584 /**
1585 * Close the stream. This will emit a 'close' event to any assigned listeners.
1586 * No further events will be emitted.
1587 */
1588 close(): void;
1591 * Emitted when an error occurs in the {@link Stream} or in any of its listeners.
1592 * No further events will be emitted after this.
1593 *
1594 * @param error the error that occurred
1595 *
1596 * @event
1597 */
1598export declare type error = (err: Error) => void;
1600 * Emitted when the {@link Stream} has been closed through completion or the underlying session has been closed.
1601 * No further events will be emitted after this.
1602 *
1603 * @param error the reason why the stream was closed
1604 *
1605 * @event
1606 */
1607export declare type close = (reason?: string) => void;
1609 * @module diffusion.events
1610 */
1611export interface SubscriptionEvent {
1612 /**
1613 * The topic to which the subscription applies
1614 */
1615 topic: string;
1616 /**
1617 * Instance that contains details about the topic
1618 */
1619 specification: TopicSpecification;
1621export interface UnsubscriptionEvent {
1622 /**
1623 * The topic to which the unsubscription applies
1624 */
1625 topic: string;
1626 /**
1627 * Instance that contains details about the topic
1628 */
1629 specification: TopicSpecification;
1632 * Provides a stream of topic events, specific to the topic selector that this ValueStream was created for, with
1633 * topic values provided as instances of the associated {@link DataType}.
1634 *
1635 * ValueStream inherits all functions defined on {@link Stream}.
1636 *
1637 * **Example:**
1638 * ```
1639 * // Create a value stream for topic 'foo'
1640 * session.addStream('foo', datatype).on('value', function(topic, specification, newValue, oldValue) {
1641 * // Receive updates for the topic 'foo'
1642 * });
1643 *
1644 * // Then subscribe to topic 'foo'
1645 * session.select('foo');
1646 * ```
1647 *
1648 * **Example:**
1649 * ```
1650 * // Attach multiple listeners for events
1651 * session.addStream('foo', datatype).on({
1652 * subscribe : function(topic, specification) {
1653 * // Subscribed to a particular topic
1654 * },
1655 * unsubscribe : function(topic, specification, reason) {
1656 * // Unsubscribed from a particular topic
1657 * },
1658 * value : function(topic, specification, newValue, oldValue) {
1659 * // Value from a topic
1660 * }
1661 * });
1662 * ```
1663 *
1664 * <h2>Events</h2>
1665 *
1666 * <h3 id="event-open"><code>open</code></h3>
1667 *
1668 * Emitted when the subscription is initially opened, passing a reference to the
1669 * subscription itself. This will only be fired once.
1670 *
1671 * <h3 id="event-subscribe"><code>subscribe</code></h3>
1672 *
1673 * Emitted when a topic that is selected by this ValueStream's topic selector is
1674 * subscribed to by this session. Once subscribed, <code>value</code> update
1675 * events may be received for this topic. The specification is a {@link
1676 * TopicSpecification} instance that contains details about the topic.
1677 *
1678 * **Parameters:**
1679 *
1680 * `topic`: string - The topic to which the subscription applies
1681 *
1682 * `specification`: {@link TopicSpecification} - Instance that contains details about the topic
1683 *
1684 * <h3 id="event-unsubscribe"><code>unsubscribe</code></h3>
1685 *
1686 * Emitted when a topic that was previously subscribed, has been unsubscribed.
1687 * No further update events will be received from this topic until subscribed
1688 * again. Unsubscriptions may occur due to the topic being removed, or through
1689 * calling {@link Session.unsubscribe} - an object containing the reason is
1690 * provided.
1691 *
1692 * **Parameters:**
1693 *
1694 * `topic`: string - The topic to which the unsubscription applies
1695 *
1696 * `specification`: {@link TopicSpecification} - Instance that contains details about the topic
1697 *
1698 * `reason`: {@link UnsubscribeReason} - the reason for the unsubscription
1699 *
1700 * <h3 id="event-value"><code>value</code></h3>
1701 *
1702 * Emitted when an update has been received for a topic's value. Values will be
1703 * provided as instances appropriate for the associated {@link DataType} this
1704 * subscription was created for. Both the previous value and the new value are
1705 * provided.
1706 *
1707 * **Parameters:**
1708 *
1709 * `topic`: string - The topic to which the update applies
1710 *
1711 * `specification`: {@link TopicSpecification} - Instance that contains details about the topic
1712 *
1713 * `newValue`: any - the new value of the topic
1714 *
1715 * `oldValue`: any - the old value of the topic
1716 *
1717 * <h3><code>close</code></h3>
1718 *
1719 * Emitted when the subscription has been closed using {@link ValueStream.close}.
1720 *
1721 * <h3><code>error</code></h3>
1722 *
1723 * Emitted when the subscription request fails. No further events will be emitted after this.
1724 *
1725 * **Parameters:**
1726 *
1727 * `error`: {@link ErrorReason} - the error the subscription request failed with
1728 */
1729export interface ValueStream extends Stream {
1730 /**
1731 * A static reference to the selector this Subscription was created for.
1732 */
1733 readonly selector: TopicSelector;
1734 /**
1735 * Close the stream. No further events will be emitted.
1736 *
1737 * This does not unsubscribe the topic. Other streams may still receive
1738 * updates for the same topic selector. To unsubscribe, use {@link
1739 * Session.unsubscribe}
1740 */
1741 close(): void;
1744 * @module diffusion.clients
1745 */
1746export interface PropertyKeys {
1747 ALL_FIXED_PROPERTIES: string[];
1748 ALL_USER_PROPERTIES: string[];
1749 ALL_PROPERTIES: string[];
1750 SESSION_ID: string;
1751 PRINCIPAL: string;
1752 CONNECTOR: string;
1753 TRANSPORT: string;
1754 CLIENT_TYPE: string;
1755 COUNTRY: string;
1756 LANGUAGE: string;
1757 SERVER_NAME: string;
1758 CLIENT_IP: string;
1759 LATITUDE: string;
1760 LONGITUDE: string;
1761 START_TIME: string;
1762 ROLES: string;
1765 * @hidden
1766 */
1767export interface ClientControlOptionsNamespace {
1768 PropertyKeys: PropertyKeys;
1769 ANONYMOUS: string;
1770 ClientType: typeof ClientType;
1771 TransportType: typeof TransportType;
1772 AddressType: typeof AddressType;
1773 DetailType: typeof DetailType;
1774 CloseReason: typeof CloseReasonEnum;
1776export declare const ClientControlOptions: ClientControlOptionsNamespace;
1778 * @module Session.clients
1779 */
1780export interface SessionProperties {
1781 [key: string]: string | null;
1784 * Event types used within {@link SessionPropertiesListener.onSessionEvent}.
1785 *
1786 * **Example:**
1787 * ```
1788 * session.clients.setSessionPropertiesListener(props, {
1789 * // ...
1790 *
1791 * onSessionEvent : function(sessionID, event, properties, previous) {
1792 * switch (event) {
1793 * case session.clients.SessionEventType.DISCONNECTED :
1794 * console.log(sessionID + " has disconnected");
1795 * break;
1796 * case session.clients.SessionEventType.RECONNECTED :
1797 * console.log(sessionID + " has reconnected");
1798 * break;
1799 * }
1800 * }
1801 *
1802 * // ...
1803 * });
1804 * ```
1805 */
1806export declare enum SessionEventType {
1807 /**
1808 * One or more relevant session properties have been updated.
1809 */
1810 UPDATED = 0,
1811 /**
1812 * A session has reconnected.
1813 */
1815 /**
1816 * A session has failed over from one server to another in a cluster.
1817 */
1818 FAILED_OVER = 2,
1819 /**
1820 * A session has disconnected.
1821 */
1825 * Client control feature.
1826 *
1827 * Provides the ability for a client session to control other client sessions.
1828 *
1829 * **Example:**
1830 * ```
1831 * var clients = session.clients;
1832 * ```
1833 */
1834export interface ClientControl {
1835 /**
1836 * Event types used within
1837 * {@link SessionPropertiesListener.onSessionEvent}
1838 */ readonly SessionEventType: typeof SessionEventType;
1839 /**
1840 * Close a client session.
1841 *
1842 * **Example:**
1843 * ```
1844 * session.clients.close(otherSessionID).then(function() {
1845 * // Other session has been closed
1846 * }, function(err) {
1847 * // There was an error when trying to close the other session
1848 * });
1849 * ```
1850 *
1851 * @param sessionId identifies the client session to close
1852 * @return a {@link Result} for this operation.
1853 */
1854 close(sessionId: string | SessionId): Result<void>;
1855 /**
1856 * Subscribe one or more client sessions to topics.
1857 *
1858 * To subscribe a single known session, a session id may be provided;
1859 * alternatively, a Session Filter may be used, in which case all sessions
1860 * that satisfy the filter will be subscribed.
1861 *
1862 * The second argument of this function can be a string, a {@link
1863 * TopicSelector}, or a non-empty of strings and {@link TopicSelector}s.
1864 *
1865 * **Example:**
1866 * ```
1867 * // Subscribe a single session via SessionID
1868 * session.clients.subscribe(otherSessionID, ">foo").then(function() {
1869 * // Subscribed 'otherSession' to topic "foo"
1870 * }, function(err) {
1871 * // Subscription failed
1872 * console.log("Failed to subscribe session", err);
1873 * });
1874 * ```
1875 *
1876 * **Example:**
1877 * ```
1878 * // Subscribe multiple sesssions via a Session Filter
1879 * session.clients.subscribe("$ClientType IS 'JAVA'", ">foo").then(function(selected) {
1880 * console.log("Subscribed " + selected + " sessions to topic 'foo'");
1881 * }, function(err) {
1882 * // Subscription failed
1883 * console.log("Failed to subscribe sessions", err);
1884 * });
1885 * ```
1886 *
1887 * @param session the Session ID or Session Filter
1888 * @param selector the Topic Selector to subscribe to
1889 * @return a {@link Result} for this operation. If
1890 * subscribing with a session filter, the success callback
1891 * will be given the number of sessions selected by the
1892 * filter
1893 */
1894 subscribe(session: string | SessionId, selector: string | TopicSelector | Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<number | void>;
1895 /**
1896 * Unsubscribe one or more client sessions from topics.
1897 *
1898 * To unsubscribe a single known session, a session id may be provided;
1899 * alternatively, a Session Filter may be used, in which case all sessions
1900 * that satisfy the filter will be unsubscribed.
1901 *
1902 * The second argument of this function can be a string, a {@link
1903 * TopicSelector}, or a non-empty of strings and {@link TopicSelector}s.
1904 *
1905 * **Example:**
1906 * ```
1907 * // Unsubscribe a single session via SessionID
1908 * session.clients.unsubscribe(otherSessionID, ">foo").then(function() {
1909 * // Unsubscribed 'otherSession' from topic "foo"
1910 * }, function(err) {
1911 * // Unsubscription failed
1912 * console.log("Failed to unsubscribe session", err);
1913 * });
1914 * ```
1915 *
1916 * **Example:**
1917 * ```
1918 * // Unsubscribe multiple sesssions via a Session Filter
1919 * session.clients.unsubscribe("$ClientType IS 'JAVA'", ">foo").then(function(selected) {
1920 * console.log("Unsubscribed " + selected + " sessions from topic 'foo'");
1921 * }, function(err) {
1922 * // Unsubscription failed
1923 * console.log("Failed to unsubscribe sessions", err);
1924 * });
1925 * ```
1926 *
1927 * @param session the Session ID or Session Filter
1928 * @param selector the Topic Selector to unsubscribe from
1929 * @return a {@link Result} for this operation. If
1930 * unsubscribing with a session filter, the success
1931 * callback will be given the number of sessions selected
1932 * by the filter
1933 */
1934 unsubscribe(session: string | SessionId, selector: string | TopicSelector | Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<number | void>;
1935 /**
1936 * Query the server for property values of a specified client session.
1937 *
1938 * See {@link PropertyKeys} for a list of the available
1939 * fixed property keys.
1940 *
1941 * To request all fixed properties {@link
1943 * may be included as the key.
1944 *
1945 * To request all user properties {@link
1947 * may be included as the key.
1948 *
1949 * **Example:**
1950 * ```
1951 * // Get values of all fixed properties for client whose session id is 'id'.
1952 * session.clients.getSessionProperties(id, PropertyKeys.ALL_FIXED_PROPERTIES);
1953 * ```
1954 *
1955 * **Example:**
1956 * ```
1957 * // Get values of the 'FOO' and 'BAR' properties for client whose session id is 'id'.
1958 * session.clients.getSessionProperties(id, ['FOO', 'BAR']).then(function(properties) {
1959 * console.log('Received properties for session', properties);
1960 * }, function(err) {
1961 * console.log('Unable to receive properties: ', err);
1962 * });
1963 * ```
1964 *
1965 * @param sessionID identifies the client session.
1966 * @param properties specifies the keys of the property values required.
1967 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
1968 */
1969 getSessionProperties(session: string | SessionId, properties?: string[]): Result<SessionProperties>;
1970 /**
1971 * Send a request to the server to change the user-defined session
1972 * properties for a session.
1973 *
1974 * **Example:**
1975 * ```
1976 * // Add a new session property for client whose session id is 'id'.
1977 * session.clients.setSessionProperties(id, { 'foo': 'bar' });
1978 *
1979 * // Remove a session property for client whose session id is 'id'.
1980 * session.clients.setSessionProperties(id, { 'foo': null }).then(function(properties) {
1981 * console.log('Properties changed ', properties);
1982 * }, function(err) {
1983 * console.log('Unable to change properties: ', err);
1984 * });
1985 * ```
1986 *
1987 * @param session identifies the client session
1988 * @param properties the properties to change. Each entry in the map is a
1989 * property name and the new value. If the value is
1990 * `null` , any existing property with that
1991 * name will be removed. Otherwise if the property name
1992 * does not match any existing property, that entry will
1993 * be added as a new property.
1994 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation. If the session properties
1995 * were updated, the result type is a map of properties that
1996 * changed with their previous values. If no properties were
1997 * changed, the map will be empty. If any new properties were
1998 * added, the values in the map will be `null` to indicate that
1999 * they do not have an old value.
2000 * <p>
2001 * Otherwise, an error will be returned. Common reasons for
2002 * failure include:
2003 * <p>
2004 * * {@link ErrorReason.ACCESS_DENIED} if the calling session
2005 * does not have sufficient permission.
2006 * * {@link ErrorReason.NO_SUCH_SESSION} if the calling session
2007 * is closed before the response was delivered.
2008 * * {@link ErrorReason.SESSION_CLOSED} if the calling session
2009 * is closed.
2010 *
2011 */
2012 setSessionProperties(session: string | SessionId, properties: SessionProperties | Map<string, string | null>): Result<SessionProperties>;
2013 /**
2014 * Send a request to the server to set all sessions that satisfy a session
2015 * filter with the new user-defined session properties.
2016 *
2017 * **Example:**
2018 * ```
2019 * // Remove session property {job=employee}
2020 * session.clients.setSessionPropertiesByFilter("job is 'employee'", { 'job': null }).then(function () {
2021 * // All sessions satisfied the filter have updated their properties
2022 * }, function (err) {
2023 * console.log("Failed to update properties ", err);
2024 * });
2025 * ```
2026 * @param filter session filter
2027 * @param properties the properties to change. Each entry in the map is a
2028 * property name and the new value. If the value is
2029 * `null` , any existing property with that name will be
2030 * removed. Otherwise if the property name does not match
2031 * any existing property, that entry will be added as a
2032 * new property.
2033 *
2034 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation. The operation can fail,
2035 * common reasons for failure include:
2036 * <ul>
2037 * <li> {@link ErrorReason.ACCESS_DENIED} if the calling session
2038 * does not have sufficient permission.</li>
2039 * <li> {@link ErrorReason.NO_SUCH_SESSION} if the calling
2040 * session is closed before the response was delivered.
2041 * <li> {@link ErrorReason.SESSION_CLOSED} if the calling
2042 * session is closed.
2043 * </ul>
2044 */
2045 setSessionPropertiesByFilter(filter: string, properties: SessionProperties | Map<string, string | null>): Result<void>;
2046 /**
2047 * Register a listener that will be notified when client sessions are
2048 * opened, disconnected, reconnected, closed or when selected session
2049 * property values are updated.
2050 *
2051 * When a listener is first set, it will be called with the required
2052 * properties of all currently open client sessions. The amount of data
2053 * transferred from the server is proportional to the number of connected
2054 * clients and is potentially large. The amount of data can be reduced
2055 * using the requiredProperties parameter.
2056 *
2057 * The requested property set controls the level of detail provided and
2058 * whether the listener is called for updates to sessions. If no
2059 * properties are requested then the listener is not called when session
2060 * properties are updated.
2061 *
2062 * To request all fixed properties {@link
2064 * should be included as a key and any other fixed property keys would be
2065 * ignored. To request all user properties {@link
2067 * should be included as a key and any other user property keys supplied
2068 * would be ignored.
2069 *
2070 * **Example:**
2071 * ```
2072 * // Specify desired properties to listen to
2073 * var props = diffusion.clients.PropertyKeys.ALL_FIXED_PROPERTIES;
2074 *
2075 * // Create the listener
2076 * var listener = {
2077 * onActive : function(deregister) {
2078 * // Listener is active
2079 * },
2080 * onSessionOpen : function(sessionID, properties) {
2081 * // A session has been opened
2082 * },
2083 * onSessionEvent : function(sessionID, event, properties, previous) {
2084 * // A session's properties have changed (specified by 'event')
2085 * },
2086 * onSessionClose : function(sessionID, properties, reason) {
2087 * // A session has closed
2088 * },
2089 * onClose : function() {
2090 * // Listener is closed
2091 * }
2092 * }
2093 * session.clients.setSessionPropertiesListener(props, listener).then(function() {
2094 * // Registration was succesful
2095 * }, function(err) {
2096 * // There was an error registering the session listener
2097 * });
2098 * ```
2099 *
2100 * @param properties a set of required property keys.
2101 * @param listener the listener to register
2102 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation.
2103 */
2104 setSessionPropertiesListener(properties: string[], listener: SessionPropertiesListener): Result<void>;
2105 /**
2106 * Changes the assigned roles of one or more sessions.
2107 *
2108 * Initially a session has a set of roles assigned during authentication.
2109 * The set of assigned roles can be obtained from the session's `$Roles`
2110 * {@link Session session} property.
2111 *
2112 * When a session's assigned roles change, its `$Roles` property changes
2113 * accordingly. Changing the assigned roles can change the `READ_TOPIC`
2114 * permissions granted to the session. The session's subscriptions will be
2115 * updated accordingly.
2116 *
2117 * The same role must not occur in both `rolesToRemove` and
2118 * `rolesToAdd` sets. Either set can be an empty set but not both.
2119 *
2120 * @param sessions either a {@link SessionId} that identifies a single
2121 * client session, or a filter that identifies the set
2122 * of client sessions for which the change will be
2123 * applied
2124 * @param rolesToRemove a set of roles to be removed from the session. If
2125 * one or more roles from the list are not currently
2126 * assigned, they are ignored.
2127 * @param rolesToAdd a set of roles to be added to the session. If one or
2128 * more roles from the list are already assigned, they
2129 * are ignored.
2130 * @return a Result that resolves when session roles have been changed.
2131 * <p>
2132 * If successful, the result resolves with an integer value which
2133 * represents a number of sessions that have matched the filter and
2134 * for which the specified role changes have been applied.
2135 * <p>
2136 * Otherwise, the Result fails with an Error. Common reasons for
2137 * failure include:
2138 * <ul>
2139 * <li>the calling session does not have `MODIFY_SESSION` and
2140 * `VIEW_SESSION` permission;
2141 * <li>a `SessionId` was supplied and there is no session with
2142 * the given `sessionId`;
2143 * <li>a filter string was supplied that could not be parsed
2144 * <li>the calling session is closed.
2145 * </ul>
2146 *
2147 * @since 6.3
2148 */
2149 changeRoles(sessions: SessionId | string, rolesToRemove: string[] | Set<string>, rolesToAdd: string[] | Set<string>): Result<number>;
2152 * The Session Properties Listener interface for receiving session property
2153 * events. This interface must be implemented by the user, to be registered via
2154 * {@link ClientControl.setSessionPropertiesListener}.
2155 *
2156 * A session properties listener has a lifecycle that reflects the registration
2157 * state on the server. This is expressed through the callback methods. Once
2158 * {@link SessionPropertiesListener.onClose onClose} has been
2159 * called, no further interactions will occur.
2160 */
2161export interface SessionPropertiesListener {
2162 /**
2163 * Called when the listener has been registered at the server and is now
2164 * active.
2165 *
2166 * @param deregister a function to call that will deregister and close this
2167 * handler.
2168 */
2169 onActive(deregister: () => void): void;
2170 /**
2171 * Called when the listener is deregistered, or the session is closed.
2172 */
2173 onClose(): void;
2174 /**
2175 * Notification of a contextual error related to this handler. This is
2176 * analogous to an unchecked exception being raised. Situations in which
2177 * onError is called include the session being closed before the
2178 * handler is registered, a communication timeout, or a problem with the
2179 * provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this handler.
2180 *
2181 * @param error the error
2182 *
2183 * @since 5.9
2184 */
2185 onError(error: any): void;
2186 /**
2187 * Notification that a new client session has been opened.
2188 *
2189 * When the listener is registered, this will be called for all existing
2190 * sessions. It will then be called for every client session that opens
2191 * whilst the listener is registered.
2192 *
2193 * This will be called for client session regardless of requested session
2194 * properties.
2195 *
2196 * @param session the session identifier
2197 * @param properties the map of requested session property values.
2198 */
2199 onSessionOpen(session: SessionId, properties: SessionProperties): void;
2200 /**
2201 * Notification of a session event that can result in a change of properties.
2202 *
2203 * @param session the session identifier
2204 * @param type the type of event
2205 * @param properties the map of requested property values
2206 * @param previous a map of previous values for keys that have changed.
2207 * This will only contain changed values and not the
2208 * whole required property set.
2209 */
2210 onSessionEvent(session: SessionId, type: SessionEventType, properties: SessionProperties, previous: SessionProperties): void;
2211 /**
2212 * Notification that a client session has closed.
2213 *
2214 * This will be called for every client that closes whilst the listener is
2215 * registered, regardless of requested session properties.
2216 *
2217 * @param session the session identifier
2218 * @param properties the map of requested property values
2219 * @param reason the reason why the session was closed
2220 */
2221 onSessionClose(session: SessionId, properties: SessionProperties, reason: {}): void;
2223/// <reference types="node" />
2225 * @module Session.messages
2226 */
2228 * The priority of the message. Higher priorities are delivered faster.
2229 *
2230 * @deprecated since 6.2
2231 *
2232 * This is only used within one-way messaging, which is deprecated
2233 * from this release. This enum will be removed in a future
2234 * release.
2235 */
2236export declare enum Priority {
2237 /**
2238 * Indicates that messages should be delivered with normal priority.
2239 */
2240 NORMAL = 0,
2241 /**
2242 * Indicates that messages should be delivered with high priority.
2243 */
2244 HIGH = 1,
2245 /**
2246 * Indicates that messages should be delivered with low priority.
2247 */
2248 LOW = 2,
2251 * Messages Feature.
2252 *
2253 * This feature provides a client session with messaging capabilities. Each
2254 * message is delivered to a request stream registered with the server.
2255 * Additionally, the server and other clients can send messages to be received
2256 * using this feature.
2257 *
2258 * Message requests are sent and received for a particular path. The message
2259 * path provides a hierarchical context for the recipient.
2260 *
2261 * Message paths are distinct from topic paths. A topic with the path need not
2262 * exist on the server; if a topic does exist, it is unaffected by messaging. An
2263 * application can use the same path to associate messages with topics, or an
2264 * arbitrary path can be chosen.
2265 *
2266 * A message request sent directly to another session is discarded if the
2267 * receiving session is no longer connected or does not have a stream that
2268 * matches the message path - an error is returned to the sending session in
2269 * this case.
2270 *
2271 * Handlers for receiving messages are registered for a path. Each session may
2272 * register at most one handler for a given path. When dispatching a message,
2273 * the server will consider all registered handlers and select one registered
2274 * for the most specific path. If multiple sessions have registered a handler
2275 * for the same path, one will be chosen arbitrarily.
2276 *
2277 * When registering handlers to receive messages it is also possible to indicate
2278 * that certain session properties (see {@link Session} for a full description
2279 * of session properties), should be delivered with each message from a client
2280 * session. The current values of the named properties for the originating
2281 * session will be delivered with the message.
2282 *
2283 * Messages can also be sent using 'filters', (see {@link Session} for a full
2284 * description of session filters), where the message is delivered to all
2285 * sessions that satisfy a particular filter expression.
2286 *
2287 * Messages from other clients are received via {@link RequestStream streams}.
2288 * Streams receive an {@link RequestStream.onClose onClose} callback when
2289 * unregistered and an {@link RequestStream.onError onError} callback if the
2290 * session is closed.
2291 *
2292 * <H3>Request-Response Messaging</H3>
2293 *
2294 * Typed request-response messaging allows applications to send requests (of
2295 * type T) and receive responses (of type R) in the form of a {@link Result}.
2296 * Using Messaging, applications send requests to paths using {@link
2297 * Messages.sendRequest sendRequest}. In order to receive requests, applications
2298 * must have a local request stream assigned to the specific path, using {@link
2299 * Messages.setRequestStream setRequestStream}. When a request is received, the
2300 * {@link RequestStream.onRequest onRequest} method on the stream is triggered,
2301 * to which a response can be sent using the provided {@link
2302 * Responder.respond respond} method call.
2303 *
2304 * <H3>One-way Messaging (deprecated)</H3>
2305 *
2306 * One-way messaging allows a client to send an untyped message to be sent to a
2307 * path and be notified that the message has been delivered. No response is
2308 * possible.
2309 *
2310 * A client can listen for one-way messages for a selection of paths by {@link
2311 * listen adding} one or more {@link MessageStream} implementations. The mapping
2312 * of selectors to message streams is maintained locally in the client process.
2313 * Any number of message streams for inbound messages can be added on various
2314 * selectors.
2315 *
2316 * <H3>Access control</H3>
2317 *
2318 * A client session needs {@link TopicPermission.SEND_TO_MESSAGE_HANDLER
2319 * SEND_TO_MESSAGE_HANDLER} permission for the message paths to which it sends
2320 * messages. If a client sends messages to a message path for which it does not
2321 * have permission, the message is discarded by the server.
2322 *
2323 * <H3>Accessing the feature</H3>
2324 *
2325 * Obtain this feature from a {@link Session session} as follows:
2326 *
2327 * **Example:**
2328 * ```
2329 * // Get a reference to messaging feature
2330 * var messages = session.messages;
2331 * ```
2332 */
2333export interface Messages {
2334 /**
2335 * The Priority enum
2336 */ readonly Priority: typeof Priority;
2337 /**
2338 * Send an arbitrary message to either the server or another session, on a
2339 * particular path.
2340 *
2341 * The path does not need to correspond to an existing topic; however the
2342 * use of `/` as a hierarchical delimiter allows for other sessions to
2343 * listen to messages from specific paths.
2344 *
2345 * The message content may be of any type that can be used for topic {@link
2346 * TopicControl.update updates}. It is up to any receiving session to
2347 * de-serialize it as appropriate.
2348 *
2349 * An optional argument may be provided to target a specific session or a
2350 * collection of sessions that satisfy a given filter string. Messages sent
2351 * will be received if that session has established a {@link MessageStream}
2352 * for the same message path. The ability to send messages to specific
2353 * sessions or via a filter is determined by permissions assigned to the
2354 * sender.
2355 *
2356 * If no session ID or filter is given, the message will be sent to the
2357 * server and dispatched to a control client that has registered a {@link
2358 * MessageHandler} for the same, or higher, path. There is no guarantee that
2359 * a MessageHandler will have been established for the path that the message
2360 * is sent on.
2361 *
2362 * If no recipient is specified, a successful result will resolve with a
2363 * single object containing the `path` that the message was sent to.
2364 *
2365 * If a session ID was used as the recipient, then the result will resolve
2366 * with an object containing both `path` and `recipient` fields. The result
2367 * will only resolve when the message has been successfully received by the
2368 * intended recipient.
2369 *
2370 * If a session filter was used to send the message, then the result will
2371 * contain `path`, `recipient`, `sent` and `errors` fields. The `sent` field
2372 * specifies the number of sessions that the filter resolved and
2373 * successfully sent the message to. The `errors` field contains an array of
2374 * errors for any session that could not receive the message.
2375 *
2376 * **Example:**
2377 * ```
2378 * // Send a message to be received by the server and passed to a MessageHandler
2379 * session.messages.send('foo', 123);
2380 * ```
2381 *
2382 * **Example:**
2383 * ```
2384 * // Send a message to a specific session
2385 * session.messages.send('bar', 'hello', sessionID);
2386 * ```
2387 *
2388 * **Example:**
2389 * ```
2390 * // Send a message with a filter
2391 * session.messages.send('baz', 'world', '$Principal is 'john'');
2392 * ```
2393 *
2394 * @param path the message path
2395 * @param message the message value
2396 * @param options the optional message send options
2397 * @param target the target recipient's session ID (as a string or
2398 * ession ID object) or a session property filter string.
2399 * @returns the {@link Result} of the send operation
2400 *
2401 * @deprecated since 6.2
2402 *
2403 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2404 * messaging. Use {@link Messages.sendRequest
2405 * sendRequest} instead. This method will be removed in a future
2406 * release.
2407 */ send(path: string, message: any, options: SendOptions, target: string | SessionId): Result<MessageSendResult>;
2408 send(path: string, message: any, target: string | SessionId): Result<MessageSendResult>;
2409 /**
2410 * Listen to a stream of messages sent to this Session for a particular
2411 * path. Messages will be received as {@link Message
2412 * message} instances.
2413 *
2414 * The message content is dependent on the sender. Correct parsing of the
2415 * message content from a `Buffer` is up to the consuming session.
2416 *
2417 * Received messages do not indicate which session sent them; if sender
2418 * information is required then this should be included within the message
2419 * content.
2420 *
2421 * The first argument of this function can be a string, a {@link
2422 * TopicSelector}, or a non-empty array of strings and {@link TopicSelector}s.
2423 *
2424 * **Example:**
2425 * ```
2426 * // Create with a default listener function
2427 * session.messages.listen('foo', function(message) {
2428 * // Do something with the message
2429 * });
2430 * ```
2431 *
2432 * **Example:**
2433 * ```
2434 * // Create a message stream and consume from it
2435 * var stream = session.messages.listen('foo');
2436 *
2437 * stream.on('message', function(message) {
2438 * // Do something with the message
2439 * });
2440 * ```
2441 *
2442 * @param path the message path or paths to listen to
2443 * @param listener the default listener
2444 * @returns a stream providing messages received on the specific path
2445 *
2446 * @deprecated since 6.2
2447 *
2448 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2449 * messaging. See {@link sendRequest} and
2450 * {@link sendRequestToFilter}. This method
2451 * will be removed in a future release.
2452 */
2453 listen(path: string | TopicSelector | Array<string | TopicSelector>, listener: (message: Message) => void): MessageStream;
2454 /**
2455 * Register a {@link MessageHandler MessageHandler} to
2456 * receive messages that were sent from other sessions for a particular
2457 * path but with no specified recipient. The handler must implement the
2458 * {@link MessageHandler MessageHandler} interface.
2459 *
2460 * The provided handler will be passed messages received on the same path
2461 * used for registration, or any lower branches. A session may only register
2462 * a single handler for a given path at a time.
2463 *
2464 * The message content is dependent on the sender. Correct parsing of the
2465 * message content from a `Buffer` is up to the consuming handler.
2466 *
2467 * Unlike {@link Messages.listen}, received messages provide the
2468 * sender's SessionId.
2469 *
2470 * **Example:**
2471 * ```
2472 * // Create a message handler
2473 * var handler = {
2474 * onMessage : function(message) {
2475 * console.log(message); // Log the received message
2476 * },
2477 * onActive : function(unregister) {
2478 *
2479 * },
2480 * onClose : function() {
2481 *
2482 * }
2483 * };
2484 *
2485 * // Register the handler
2486 * session.messages.addHandler('foo/bar', handler).then(function() {
2487 * // Registration happened successfully
2488 * }, function(error) {
2489 * // Registration failed
2490 * });
2491 * ```
2492 *
2493 *
2494 * @param path the message path to handle
2495 * @param handler the message handler
2496 * @param keys message keys to register for this session
2497 * @returns the registration {@link Result} that completes when the
2498 * handler has been registered.
2499 *
2500 * @deprecated since 6.2
2501 *
2502 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2503 * messaging. See {@link sendRequest} and
2504 * {@link sendRequestToFilter}. This method
2505 * will be removed in a future release.
2506 */ addHandler(path: string, handler: MessageHandler, keys?: string[]): Result<void>;
2507 /**
2508 * Register a request handler to handle requests from other client sessions
2509 * on a path.
2510 *
2511 * **Example:**
2512 * ```
2513 * // Create a request handler that handles strings
2514 * var handler = {
2515 * onRequest: function(request, context, responder) {
2516 * console.log(request); // Log the request
2517 * responder.respond('something');
2518 * },
2519 * onError: function() {},
2520 * onClose: function() {}
2521 * };
2522 *
2523 * // Register the handler
2524 * control.messages.addRequestHandler('test/topic', handler).then(function() {
2525 * // Registration happened successfully
2526 * }, function(error) {
2527 * // Registration failed
2528 * });
2529 * ```
2530 *
2531 * @param path the request path to handle
2532 * @param handler request handler to be registered at the server
2533 * @param sessionProperties an optional array containing session properties
2534 * that should be included with each request
2535 * @param requestType an optional request data type
2536 * @returns the registration {@link Result}
2537 */
2538 addRequestHandler(path: string, handler: RequestHandler, sessionProperties?: string[], requestType?: DataType<any, any, any>): Result<Registration>;
2539 /**
2540 * Send a request.
2541 *
2542 * A response is returned when the {Result} is complete.
2543 *
2544 * **Example:**
2545 * ```
2546 * // Send a string request to be received by the server and passed to a
2547 * // {Session.messages.RequestHandler} registered on the supplied topic
2548 * session.messages.sendRequest('test/topic', 'string request');
2549 * ```
2550 *
2551 * **Example:**
2552 * ```
2553 * // Send a JSON request to be received by the server and passed to a
2554 * // {Session.messages.RequestHandler} registered on the supplied topic
2555 * session.messages.sendRequest('test/topic', diffusion.datatypes.json()
2556 * .from({ 'foo': 'bar'}), diffusion.datatypes.json());
2557 * ```
2558 *
2559 * **Example:**
2560 * ```
2561 * // Send an implicit JSON request to be received by the server and passed to a
2562 * // {Session.messages.RequestHandler} registered on the supplied topic
2563 * session.messages.sendRequest('test/topic', {
2564 * dwarfs: ['sneezy', 'sleepy','dopey',
2565 * 'doc', 'happy', 'bashful',
2566 * 'grumpy']
2567 * });
2568 * ```
2569 *
2570 * @param path the path to send the request to
2571 * @param request the request to send
2572 * @param target the target recipient's session ID (as a string or Session ID object)
2573 * @param requestType an optional request {@link DataType DataType}
2574 * @param responseType an optional response {@link DataType DataType}
2575 * @returns a {@link Result} containing the response
2576 */
2577 sendRequest(path: string, request: any, target: SessionId | string, requestType?: DataType<any, any, any> | string, responseType?: DataType<any, any, any> | string): Result<any>;
2578 sendRequest(path: string, request: any, requestType?: DataType<any, any, any> | string, responseType?: DataType<any, any, any> | string): Result<any>;
2579 /**
2580 * Send a request to all sessions that satisfy a given session filter.
2581 *
2582 * **Example:**
2583 * ```
2584 * // Send a string request to be received by the server and passed to sessions matching the filter.
2585 * session.messages.sendRequestToFilter('$Principal NE 'control'', 'test/topic', 'string request', {
2586 * onResponse : function(sessionID, response) {
2587 * console.log(response); // Log the response
2588 * },
2589 * onResponseError : function() {},
2590 * onError : function() {},
2591 * onClose : function() {}});
2592 * ```
2593 *
2594 * **Example:**
2595 * ```
2596 * // Send a JSON request to be received by the server and passed to sessions matching the filter.
2597 * session.messages.sendRequestToFilter('$Principal NE 'control'', 'test/topic',
2598 * { dwarfs: ['sneezy', 'sleepy','dopey' ] },
2599 * {
2600 * onResponse : function(sessionID, response) {
2601 * console.log(response.get()); // Log the response
2602 * },
2603 * onResponseError : function() {},
2604 * onError : function() {},
2605 * onClose : function() {}}, diffusion.datatypes.json(), diffusion.datatypes.json());
2606 * ```
2607 *
2608 * @param filter the session filter expression
2609 * @param path message path used by the recipient to select an appropriate handler
2610 * @param request the request to send
2611 * @param callback the handler to receive notification of responses
2612 * (or errors) from sessions
2613 * @param requestType] an optional request {@link DataType DataType}
2614 * @param responseType an optional response {@link DataType DataType}
2615 * @returns if the server successfully evaluated the filter, the
2616 * result contains the number of sessions the request
2617 * was sent to. Failure to send a request to a
2618 * particular matching session is reported to the
2619 * handler.
2620 */
2621 sendRequestToFilter(filter: string, path: string, request: any, callback: FilteredResponseHandler, reqType?: DataType<any, any, any>, respType?: DataType<any, any, any>): Result<number>;
2622 /**
2623 * Set a request stream to handle requests to a specified path.
2624 *
2625 * **Example:**
2626 * ```
2627 * // Set a request stream handler to handle string requests to 'test/topic'
2628 * var handler = {
2629 * onRequest: function (path, request, responder) {
2630 * console.log(request);
2631 * responder.respond('hello');
2632 * },
2633 * onError: function() {}
2634 * };
2635 *
2636 * control.messages.setRequestStream('test/topic', handler,
2637 * diffusion.datatypes.string(), diffusion.datatypes.string());
2638 * ```
2639 *
2640 * @param path the path to receive request on
2641 * @param stream the request stream to handle requests to this path
2642 * @param requestType an optional request {@link DataType DataType}
2643 * @param responseType an optional response {@link DataType DataType}
2644 * @returns `undefined` if the request stream is the first stream
2645 * to be set to the path, otherwise this method will
2646 * return the previously set request stream.
2647 */
2648 setRequestStream(path: string, stream: RequestStream, reqType?: DataType<any, any, any>, resType?: DataType<any, any, any>): RequestStream | undefined;
2649 /**
2650 * Remove the request stream at a particular path.
2651 *
2652 * @param path the path at which to remove the request stream
2653 * @returns the request stream that was removed from the path. If
2654 * the path does not have a request stream assigned (or the
2655 * path does not exist), `undefined` will be returned instead.
2656 */
2657 removeRequestStream(path: string): RequestStream | undefined;
2660 * A stream of messages sent to this session for a particular path.
2661 *
2662 * <h2>Events</h2>
2663 *
2664 * <h3><code>message</code></h3>
2665 *
2666 * Emitted when a message is received
2667 *
2668 * **Parameters:**
2669 *
2670 * `message`: {@link Message} - the incoming message
2671 *
2672 * <h3><code>close</code></h3>
2673 *
2674 * Emitted when the stream is closed
2675 *
2676 * <h3><code>error</code></h3>
2677 *
2678 * Emitted when an error occurred
2679 *
2680 * **Parameters:**
2681 *
2682 * `error`: any - the error
2683 *
2684 * @deprecated since 6.2
2685 * <
2686 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2687 * messaging. See {@link Messages.sendRequest sendRequest}
2688 * and {@link Messages.sendRequestToFilter
2689 * sendRequestToFilter}. This interface will be removed in a future
2690 * release.
2691 */ export interface MessageStream extends Stream {
2694 * The handler interface for receiving messages sent from sessions to the
2695 * server. This interface must be implemented by the user, to be registered via
2696 * {@link Messages.addHandler}.
2697 *
2698 * A message handler has a lifecycle that reflects the registration state on the
2699 * server. This is expressed through the callback methods. Once {@link
2700 * MessageHandler.onClose onClose} has been closed, no further interactions will
2701 * occur.
2702 *
2703 * {@link SessionMessage Messages} received by a handler
2704 * contain the identity of the original sender.
2705 *
2706 * @deprecated since 6.2
2707 *
2708 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2709 * messaging. See {@link Messages.sendRequest sendRequest}
2710 * and {@link Messages.sendRequestToFilter
2711 * sendRequestToFilter}. This interface will be removed in a future
2712 * release.
2713 */
2714export interface MessageHandler {
2715 /**
2716 * Handle a message that was sent by another session to the server, on a
2717 * path that is a descendant of the path which this handler is registered
2718 * for.
2719 *
2720 * @param {Session.messages.SessionMessage} message - The received message
2721 * @function Session.messages.MessageHandler.onMessage
2722 */ onMessage(message: SessionMessage): void;
2723 /**
2724 * Called when the handler has been registered at the server and is now
2725 * active.
2726 *
2727 * @param unregister a function to call that will unregister and close this
2728 * handler
2729 */
2730 onActive(unregister: () => void): void;
2731 /**
2732 * Called when the handler is unregistered, or the session is closed.
2733 */
2734 onClose(): void;
2737 * Interface which specifies a request stream to receive request notifications.
2738 */
2739export interface RequestStream {
2740 /**
2741 * Called to indicate a request has been received.
2742 *
2743 * @param path the path the request was sent on
2744 * @param request the request that was received
2745 * @param responder the responder to dispatch a response back to the requester
2746 */
2747 onRequest(path: string, request: any, responder: Responder): void;
2748 /**
2749 * Notification of a contextual error related to this stream. This is
2750 * analogous to an Error being thrown. Situations in which
2751 * `onError` is called include being unable to parse the request
2752 * with the data type the stream was registered with. No further calls will
2753 * be made to this stream.
2754 *
2755 * @param error the error
2756 */
2757 onError(error: ErrorReasonType): void;
2758 /**
2759 * Called when the request stream is removed, or the session is closed.
2760 */
2761 onClose(): void;
2764 * Interface which specifies a request handler to receive request notifications.
2765 *
2766 * @class Session.messages.RequestHandler
2767 */
2768export interface RequestHandler {
2769 /**
2770 * Called to indicate a request has been received.
2771 *
2772 * @param {Object} request - The request that was received
2773 * @param {Session.messages.RequestContext} context - Context object that provides the session id
2774 * (session that sent the request), path and session properties
2775 * @param {Session.messages.Responder} responder - The responder to dispatch a response back to the requester
2776 * @function Session.messages.RequestHandler.onRequest
2777 */
2778 onRequest(request: any, context: RequestContext, responder: Responder): void;
2779 /**
2780 * Notification of a contextual error related to this handler. This is
2781 * analogous to an Error being thrown. Situations in which
2782 * `onError` is called include the session being closed before the
2783 * handler is registered, a communication timeout, or a problem with the
2784 * provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this handler.
2785 *
2786 * @param error the error
2787 */
2788 onError(error: any): void;
2789 /**
2790 * Called when the request handler is unregistered, or the session is closed.
2791 */
2792 onClose(): void;
2795 * Interface which specifies a response handler for requests dispatched through
2796 * a filter.
2797 */
2798export interface FilteredResponseHandler {
2799 /**
2800 * Called to indicate a response has been received.
2801 *
2802 * @param sessionId session ID of the session that sent the response
2803 * @param response response object
2804 * @function Session.messages.FilteredResponseHandler.onResponse
2805 */
2806 onResponse(sessionId: SessionId, response: any): void;
2807 /**
2808 * Called when a response from a session results in an error.
2809 *
2810 * @param sessionId sessionID of the session in error
2811 * @param errorReason the error reason
2812 */
2813 onResponseError(sessionId: SessionId, error: Error): void;
2814 /**
2815 * Notification of a contextual error related to this handler. This is
2816 * analogous to an Error being thrown. Situations in which
2817 * `onError` is called include the session being closed before the
2818 * handler is registered, a communication timeout, or a problem with the
2819 * provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this handler.
2820 *
2821 * @param error the error
2822 */
2823 onError(error: Error): void;
2824 /**
2825 * Called when the filtered response handler is unregistered, or the session
2826 * is closed.
2827 */
2828 onClose(): void;
2831 * Responder interface to dispatch responses to requests.
2832 */
2833export interface Responder {
2834 /**
2835 * Dispatch a response to a request.
2836 *
2837 * @param response the response to send
2838 */
2839 respond(response: any): void;
2840 /**
2841 * Reject a message
2842 *
2843 * @param message the message indicating the failure
2844 */
2845 reject(message: string): void;
2848 * A message request context
2849 */
2850export interface RequestContext {
2851 /**
2852 * SessionId of the session that sent the request
2853 */
2854 sessionId: SessionId;
2855 /**
2856 * The message path of the request
2857 */
2858 path: string;
2859 /**
2860 * The session properties
2861 */
2862 properties: {
2863 [key: string]: string;
2864 };
2867 * A message that is received when a session {@link Messages.listen listens} to
2868 * incoming messages.
2869 *
2870 * **Example:**
2871 * ```
2872 * // Read message content as a JSON DataType value
2873 * var jsonObj = diffusion.datatypes.json().readValue(message.content).get();
2874 * ```
2875 *
2876 * @deprecated since 6.2
2877 *
2878 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2879 * messaging. See {@link Messages.sendRequest sendRequest}
2880 * and {@link Messages.sendRequestToFilter
2881 * sendRequestToFilter}. This interface will be removed in a future
2882 * release.
2883 */
2884export interface Message {
2885 /**
2886 * The message path
2887 */
2888 readonly path: string;
2889 /**
2890 * The message payload
2891 */
2892 readonly content: Buffer;
2893 /**
2894 * The send options
2895 */ readonly options: SendOptions;
2898 * A message received by the {@link MessageHandler}
2899 *
2900 * @deprecated since 6.2
2901 *
2902 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2903 * messaging. See {@link Messages.sendRequest sendRequest}
2904 * and {@link Messages.sendRequestToFilter
2905 * sendRequestToFilter}. This interface will be removed in a future
2906 * release.
2907 */
2908export interface SessionMessage {
2909 /**
2910 * The path that this message was sent on
2911 */
2912 readonly path: string;
2913 /**
2914 * The message's value as a binary buffer
2915 */
2916 readonly content: Buffer;
2917 /**
2918 * The session that sent this message
2919 */
2920 readonly session: string;
2921 /**
2922 * The options that were set when sending the message
2923 */ readonly options: SendOptions;
2924 /**
2925 * The sender's session properties
2926 */
2927 properties?: {
2928 [key: string]: string;
2929 };
2932 * Options for sending messages
2933 *
2934 * @deprecated since 6.2
2935 *
2936 * This is only used within one-way messaging, which is deprecated
2937 * from this release. This interface will be removed in a future
2938 * release.
2939 */
2940export interface SendOptions {
2941 /**
2942 * The message priority
2943 */ priority?: Priority;
2944 /**
2945 * The message headers as an array of strings
2946 */
2947 headers?: string[];
2950 * @typedef {Object} Session.messages.MessageSendResult
2951 * @property {String} path - topic path
2952 * @property {String} recipient - session filter or SessionID of the recipient
2953 * @property {Number} [sent] - the number of sessions the message has been sent to using a filter string
2954 * @property {Array<ErrorReport>} [errors] - errors from sending to sessions using a filter string
2955 *
2956 * @deprecated since 6.2
2957 * <p>
2958 * One-way messaging is deprecated in favor of request-response
2959 * messaging. See {@link Messages.sendRequest sendRequest}
2960 * and {@link Messages.sendRequestToFilter
2961 * sendRequestToFilter}. This interface will be removed in a future
2962 * release.
2963 */
2964export interface MessageSendResult {
2965 /**
2966 * The topic path as specified in the call to {@link Messages.send}
2967 */
2968 readonly path: string;
2969 /**
2970 * The recipient as specified in the call to {@link Messages.send}
2971 */
2972 readonly recipient?: string | SessionId;
2973 /**
2974 * If a filter was passed for the recipient, this contains the number of
2975 * sessions the message has been sent to.
2976 */
2977 readonly sent?: number;
2978 /**
2979 * Any errors from sending to sessions using a filter string
2980 */
2981 readonly errors?: ErrorReport[];
2984 * Alias for the MessageSendResult interface to keep compatibility with old TypeScript definitions
2985 */ export declare type SendResult = MessageSendResult;
2987 * @module Session
2988 */
2990 * Ping feature
2991 *
2992 * The main purpose of a ping is to test, at a very basic level, the current
2993 * network conditions that exist between the client session and the server
2994 * it is connected to. The ping response includes the time taken to make a
2995 * round-trip call to the server.
2996 *
2997 * There are no permission requirements associated with this feature.
2998 */
2999export interface Ping {
3000 /**
3001 * Send a ping request to the server.
3002 *
3003 * **Example:**
3004 * ```
3005 * session.pingServer().then(function(pingDetails) {
3006 * console.log("Round-trip call to server took: " + pingDetails.rtt + " milliseconds");
3007 * });
3008 * ```
3009 *
3010 * @return a result that completes when a response is received from the server.
3011 */
3012 pingServer(): Result<PingDetails>;
3015 * Details of a successful ping response
3016 */
3017export interface PingDetails {
3018 /**
3019 * The timestamp when the ping was sent, represented as milliseconds since
3020 * epoch
3021 */
3022 readonly timestamp: number;
3023 /**
3024 * The round-trip time in milliseconds from when the ping was sent to the
3025 * time the response was received
3026 */
3027 readonly rtt: number;
3029/// <reference types="node" />
3031 * @module Session.security
3032 *
3033 * Access to the [[Security]] feature
3034 * @preferred
3035 */
3037 * Permissions that are applied globally
3038 */
3039export declare enum GlobalPermission {
3040 /**
3041 * Add an authentication handler
3042 */
3044 /**
3045 * List or listen to client sessions
3046 */
3048 /**
3049 * Alter a client session
3050 */
3052 /**
3053 * Required to register any server-side handler
3054 */
3056 /**
3057 * View the server's runtime state
3058 */
3060 /**
3061 * Change the server's runtime state
3062 */
3064 /**
3065 * Read the security configuration
3066 */
3068 /**
3069 * Change the security configuration
3070 */
3072 /**
3073 * A permission that is unsupported by the session
3074 */
3076 /**
3077 * List topic views
3078 */
3080 /**
3081 * Modify topic views
3082 */
3086 * Permissions that are applied on a topic path
3087 */
3088export declare enum TopicPermission {
3089 /**
3090 * Required to receive information from a topic.
3091 *
3092 * If a session does not have read_topic permission for a topic, the topic
3093 * will be excluded from the results of subscription or fetch operations for
3094 * the session, and the topic's details cannot be retrieved by the session.
3095 */
3097 /**
3098 * Update topics
3099 */
3101 /**
3102 * Add or remove topics
3103 */
3105 /**
3106 * Send a message to a handler registered with the server
3107 */
3109 /**
3110 * Send a message another session
3111 */
3113 /**
3114 * Use a topic selector that selects the topic path
3115 *
3116 * A session must have this permission for the path prefix of any topic selector
3117 * used to subscribe or fetch.
3118 *
3119 * When the subscription or fetch request completes, the resulting topics
3120 * are further filtered based on the `READ_TOPIC` permission.
3121 *
3122 * A session that has `READ_TOPIC` but not
3123 * `SELECT_TOPIC` for a particular topic path cannot
3124 * subscribe directly to topics belonging to the path. However, the session can
3125 * be independently subscribed by a control session that has the
3126 * `MODIFY_SESSION` global permission in addition to the
3127 * appropriate `SELECT_TOPIC` permission.
3128 */
3130 /**
3131 * Evaluate queries that return a non-current view of a time series topic.
3132 *
3133 * <p>
3134 * The `READ_TOPIC` permission is required to evaluate any type of
3135 * `Query` for a time series topic. This permission is additionally
3136 * required for queries that potentially return a non-current view of all or
3137 * part of a time series. Such queries include value range queries that
3138 * specify an edit range, and all types of edit range query.
3139 */
3142 /**
3143 * Submit edits to time series topic events which have an author which is
3144 * the same as the principal of the calling session.
3145 *
3146 * <p>This permission is a more restrictive alternative to
3148 *
3149 * <p>
3150 * The `UPDATE_TOPIC` permission is required to update a time series
3151 * topic. This permission is additionally required to submit
3152 * edits to a time series topic where the event
3153 * author is the same as the principal of the calling session.
3154 */
3156 /**
3157 * Acquire a session lock.
3158 */
3160 /**
3161 * A permission that is unsupported by the session
3162 */
3166 * The credentials that a session uses to authenticate itself
3167 */
3168export declare type Credentials = string | Buffer | null | undefined;
3170 * Details for the permissions contained by a single role.
3171 */
3172export interface Role {
3173 /**
3174 * The name of the role
3175 */
3176 readonly name: string;
3177 /**
3178 * The list of global permissions
3179 */
3180 readonly global: GlobalPermission[];
3181 /**
3182 * The list of default topic permissions
3183 */
3184 readonly default: TopicPermission[];
3185 /**
3186 * The map of topic paths to sets of Topic
3187 * permissions
3188 */
3189 readonly topic: {
3190 [key: string]: TopicPermission[];
3191 };
3192 /**
3193 * Additional roles
3194 */
3195 readonly roles: string[];
3196 /**
3197 * If the role is locked this will contain the name of the principal that
3198 * can update the role.
3199 *
3200 * @since 6.4
3201 */
3202 readonly lockingPrincipal?: string;
3205 * A snapshot of information from the security store
3206 */
3207export interface SecurityConfiguration {
3208 /**
3209 * The list of default roles for named sessions
3210 */
3211 readonly named: string[];
3212 /**
3213 * The list of default roles for anonymous sessions
3214 */
3215 readonly anonymous: string[];
3216 /**
3217 * The list of all defined roles
3218 */
3219 readonly roles: Role[];
3222 * A principal in the system authentication store.
3223 */
3224export interface SystemPrincipal {
3225 /**
3226 * The principal name
3227 */
3228 readonly name: string;
3229 /**
3230 * The principal's assigned roles
3231 */
3232 readonly roles: string[];
3233 /**
3234 * If the principal is locked this will contain the name of the principal that
3235 * can update the role.
3236 *
3237 * @since 6.4
3238 */
3239 readonly lockingPrincipal?: string;
3242 * Action to be taken by the system authentication handler for connection
3243 * attempts that do not provide a principal name and credentials.
3244 */
3245export declare type AnonymousConnectionAction = 'deny' | 'allow' | 'abstain';
3247 * Configuration for anonymous connections
3248 */
3249export interface SystemAuthenticationAnonymousConfiguration {
3250 /**
3251 * The action to take for anonymous connection attempts.
3252 *
3253 * May be one of:
3254 *
3255 * * `deny` - Deny anonymous connection attempts.
3256 * * `allow` - Accept anonymous connection attempts.
3257 * * `abstain` - Defer authentication for anonymous connection
3258 * attempts to subsequent authentication handlers
3259 *
3260 */
3261 readonly action: AnonymousConnectionAction;
3262 /**
3263 * The roles the system authentication handler will assign to
3264 * anonymous sessions. Applicable only if anonymous connections are
3265 * {@link AnonymousConnectionAction allowed}.
3266 */
3267 readonly roles: string[];
3270 * A snapshot of information from the system authentication store.
3271 *
3272 * @property {Object} anonymous The configuration used for anonymous connections.
3273 * @property {String} anonymous.action The default action to apply to anonymous connections.
3274 * <p>
3275 * @property {String[]} anonymous.roles - The roles assigned to anonymous connections.
3276 */
3277export interface SystemAuthenticationConfiguration {
3278 /**
3279 * The system principals stored on the server.
3280 */
3281 readonly principals: SystemPrincipal[];
3282 /**
3283 * The configuration that is applied for anonymous connections
3284 */
3285 readonly anonymous: SystemAuthenticationAnonymousConfiguration;
3288 * Additional information supplied to the server upon a successful authentication.
3289 *
3290 * @deprecated since 6.3
3291 * <p>
3292 * This interface is part of the deprecated {@link
3293 * AuthenticationHandler} API. Use the new {@link Authenticator}
3294 * API instead.
3295 */
3296export interface AuthenticationResult {
3297 /**
3298 * Additional roles to be assigned to the authenticated session
3299 */
3300 readonly roles: string[];
3301 /**
3302 * Additional properties to be assigned to the authenticated session
3303 */
3304 readonly properties: SessionProperties;
3307 * Single-use callback provided to the {@link
3308 * AuthenticationHandler.onAuthenticate onAuthenticate} call.
3309 *
3310 * The server calls the handlers for each authentication request. Each
3311 * handler must respond {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.allow allow},
3312 * {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.abstain abstain},
3313 * or {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.deny deny}.
3314 *
3315 * The handler may provide additional information to the allow method with a user-supplied
3316 * {@link AuthenticationResult} object.
3317 *
3318 * Authentication handlers are configured in precedence order.
3319 * Authentication will succeed if a handler returns 'allow' and all higher
3320 * precedence handlers (earlier in the order) return 'abstain'.
3321 * Authentication will fail if a handler returns 'deny' and all higher
3322 * precedence handlers return 'abstain'. If all authentication handlers
3323 * return 'abstain', the request will be denied. Once the outcome is known,
3324 * the server may choose not to call the remaining handlers.
3325 *
3326 * @deprecated since 6.3
3327 * <p>
3328 * This interface is part of the deprecated {@link
3329 * AuthenticationHandler} API. Use the new {@link Authenticator}
3330 * API instead.
3331 */
3332export interface AuthenticationHandlerCallback {
3333 /**
3334 * Authentication passed - allow the authentication request
3335 *
3336 * **Example:**
3337 * ```
3338 * // Basic allow
3339 * callback.allow();
3340 *
3341 * // Allow with AuthenticationResult
3342 * callback.allow({
3343 * roles : ['SOME_ROLE'],
3344 * properties : {
3345 * MyPropertyKey : 'MyPropertyValue'
3346 * }
3347 * });
3348 * ```
3349 *
3350 * @param result optional roles/properties to assign to the authenticated session
3351 */ allow(result?: AuthenticationResult): void;
3352 /**
3353 * Abstain from deciding on the authentication request
3354 */
3355 abstain(): void;
3356 /**
3357 * Authentication failed - deny the authentication request.
3358 */
3359 deny(): void;
3362 * Handler for session authentication events. Must be implemented by user.
3363 *
3364 * Authentication handlers implementing this interface can be registered with
3365 * the server. The server calls the authentication handlers when a client
3366 * application creates a session, or changes the principal associated with a
3367 * session, allowing the handler to veto individual requests.
3368 *
3369 * Authentication handlers are configured in precedence order. Authentication
3370 * will succeed if a handler returns {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.allow
3371 * allow} and all higher precedence handlers (earlier in the order) return
3372 * {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.abstain abstain}. Authentication will
3373 * fail if a handler returns {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.deny deny} and
3374 * all higher precedence handlers return 'abstain'. If all authentication
3375 * handlers return 'abstain', the request will be denied. Once the outcome is
3376 * known, the server may choose not to call the remaining handlers.
3377 *
3378 * The special variant of {@link AuthenticationHandlerCallback.allow allow}
3379 * may be used by the handler to supply the server with additional information that is
3380 * used to set up the session.
3381 *
3382 * @deprecated since 6.3
3383 * <p>
3384 * This interface is part of the deprecated {@link
3385 * AuthenticationHandler} API. Use the new {@link Authenticator}
3386 * API instead.
3387 */
3388export interface AuthenticationHandler {
3389 /**
3390 * Request authentication.
3391 *
3392 * The server calls this to authenticate new sessions, and when a client
3393 * requests the session principal is changed (e.g. using
3394 * {@link Security.changePrincipal}.
3395 *
3396 * For each call to `onAuthenticate`, the authentication handler should
3397 * respond by calling one of the methods of the provided `callback`.
3398 * The handler may return immediately and process the authentication request
3399 * asynchronously. The client session will be blocked until a callback
3400 * method is called.
3401 *
3402 * @param principal the requested principal, or '' if none was supplied.
3403 * @param credentials credentials authenticating the principal
3404 * @param sessionDetails the information the server has about the client
3405 * @param callback single use callback
3406 */
3407 onAuthenticate(principal: string, credentials: string | Buffer, sessionDetails: SessionDetails, callback: AuthenticationHandlerCallback): void;
3408 /**
3409 * Called when the handler has been successfully registered with the server.
3410 *
3411 * A session can register a single handler. If there is already a handler
3412 * registered, the operation will fail and {@link
3413 * AuthenticationHandler.onClose onClose} will be called.
3414 *
3415 * To deregister the handler, call the `deregister` function supplied.
3416 *
3417 * @param deregister a function that may be called to deregister this handler
3418 */
3419 onActive(deregister: () => void): void;
3420 /**
3421 * Called when the handler is closed. The handler will be closed if the
3422 * session is closed, or if the handler is unregistered.
3423 *
3424 * Once closed, no further calls will be made for the handler.
3425 */
3426 onClose(): void;
3427 /**
3428 * Notification of a contextual error related to this handler. This is
3429 * analogous to an unchecked exception being raised. Situations in which
3430 * `onError` is called include the session being closed before the
3431 * handler is registered, a communication timeout, or a problem with the
3432 * provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this handler.
3433 *
3434 * @param error the error
3435 */
3436 onError(error: Error): void;
3439 * A builder that can be used to create scripts for use with
3440 * {@link Security.updateSecurityStore updateSecurityStore}.
3441 *
3442 * Facilitates producing scripts that control the assignment of permissions to
3443 * roles.
3444 */
3445export interface SecurityScriptBuilder {
3446 /**
3447 * Create the script string.
3448 *
3449 * @return the script
3450 */
3451 build(): string;
3452 /**
3453 * Sets the roles to be assigned by default to all anonymous sessions.
3454 *
3455 * @param (roles?: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;the roles to be
3456 * assigned. An empty array (the default), or no argument,
3457 * will result in anonymous sessions being assigned no roles
3458 * by default.
3459 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3460 */
3461 setRolesForAnonymousSessions(roles?: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3462 /**
3463 * Sets the roles to be assigned by default to all sessions that authenticate with a principal.
3464 *
3465 * @param roles the roles to be assigned. Any empty array (the default), or
3466 * no argument, will result in named sessions being assigned
3467 * no roles by default.
3468 *
3469 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3470 */
3471 setRolesForNamedSessions(roles?: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3472 /**
3473 * Set the global permissions assigned to a particular role.
3474 *
3475 * @param role the role to set global permissions for.
3476 * @param permissions the permissions to assign globally for a role,
3477 * default `= []`.
3478 *
3479 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3480 */
3481 setGlobalPermissions(role: string, permissions?: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3482 /**
3483 * Set the default permissions that a particular role will have for topics.
3484 *
3485 * @param role the role to set topic permissions for.
3486 * @param permissions the topic permissions to assign for the role,
3487 * default `= []`.
3488 *
3489 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3490 */
3491 setDefaultTopicPermissions(role: string, permissions?: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3492 /**
3493 * Remove any previously assigned permissions from a particular topic for a
3494 * given role.
3495 *
3496 * This is different from setting no permissions to a topic. By removing
3497 * permissions set for a topic, permissions will be inherited from the
3498 * nearest set of permissions that have been assigned higher in the topic
3499 * path hierarchy or from the default topic permissions if no more specific
3500 * permissions are found.
3501 *
3502 * @param role the role to remove topic permissions from.
3503 * @param path the topic path to remove permissions from.
3504 *
3505 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3506 */
3507 removeTopicPermissions(role: string, path: string): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3508 /**
3509 * Sets specific topic permissions for a named role.
3510 *
3511 * When permissions are assigned to a role for a topic path they will apply
3512 * to the topic and any topics below the specified path. Topic-scoped
3513 * permissions are assigned to roles for specific topic paths. The
3514 * permission assignment applies to all descendant topics, unless there is a
3515 * more specific assignment.
3516 *
3517 * To evaluate whether a session has permission for a topic, the server
3518 * starts at that topic and searches up the tree to find the nearest
3519 * permissions assignment. The first assignment is the only one considered,
3520 * even if the session has roles involved in assignments further up the
3521 * hierarchy.
3522 *
3523 * @param role the role to assign permissions for.
3524 * @param path the topic path to assign permissions.
3525 * @param permissions the permissions to assign to the role for the
3526 * specified path. Any empty array (the default) or no
3527 * argument would specify that the role has no
3528 * permissions at this path, which differs from there
3529 * being no permissions assigned for that path (see
3530 * {@link
3531 * SecurityScriptBuilder.removeTopicPermissions}).
3532 *
3533 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3534 */
3535 setTopicPermissions(role: string, path: string, permissions?: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3536 /**
3537 * Specify a set of a roles that another role should inherit permissions from.
3538 *
3539 * @param role the role
3540 * @param roles the set of roles to inherit from.
3541 *
3542 * @return the builder to allow chaining
3543 */
3544 setRoleIncludes(role: string, roles: string[]): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3545 /**
3546 * Restrict a role so it can only be edited by a specific principal.
3547 *
3548 * @param role the role
3549 * @param lockingPrincipal the locking principal
3550 *
3551 * @return a new builder for scripts that also locks a role to a single
3552 * principal that can edit it
3553 *
3554 * @since 6.4
3555 */
3556 setRoleLockedByPrincipal(role: string, lockingPrincipal: string): SecurityScriptBuilder;
3559 * A builder that can be used to create scripts for use with {@link
3560 * Security.updateAuthenticationStore updateAuthenticationStore}.
3561 *
3562 * Facilitates producing scripts that contain the mapping of roles to specific
3563 * principals/passwords.
3564 */
3565export interface SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder {
3566 /**
3567 * Create the script string.
3568 *
3569 * @return the script
3570 */
3571 build(): string;
3572 /**
3573 * Change a principal's assigned roles.
3574 *
3575 * @param principal the principal name.
3576 * @param roles an array of roles
3577 * @return a new builder containing the changed roles
3578 */
3579 assignRoles(principal: string, roles: string[]): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3580 /**
3581 * Add a principal.
3582 *
3583 * If `lockingPrincipal` is defined, the new principal can only be edited
3584 * by the principal defined in the lock.
3585 *
3586 * The script will fail if the principal is already defined at the server.
3587 *
3588 * @param principal the principal name
3589 * @param password the principal's password
3590 * @param roles the assigned roles for the principal, default `= []`
3591 * @param lockingPrincipal the name of the principal that can edit this
3592 * principal
3593 * @return a new builder containing the new principal
3594 */
3595 addPrincipal(principal: string, password: string, roles?: string[], lockingPrincipal?: string): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3596 /**
3597 * Set a principal's password.
3598 *
3599 * @param principal the principal name
3600 * @param password the principal's password
3601 * @return a new builder containing the changed password
3602 */
3603 setPassword(principal: string, password: string): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3604 /**
3605 * Assert that a principal's password is `password`.
3606 *
3607 * This command doesn't update the store. It can be used in conjunction with
3608 * {@link SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder.setPassword setPassword} to
3609 * create a script that updates a password only if the previous password is
3610 * supplied.
3611 *
3612 * @param principal the principal name
3613 * @param password the principal's password
3614 * @return a new builder containing the verification command
3615 */
3616 verifyPassword(principal: string, password: string): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3617 /**
3618 * Remove a principal.
3619 *
3620 * @param principal the principal name
3621 * @return a new builder containing the remove command
3622 */
3623 removePrincipal(principal: string): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3624 /**
3625 * Instruct the system authentication to allow anonymous connections.
3626 *
3627 * @param roles the roles to assign to anonymous sessions, default `= []`
3628 * @return a new builder containing the allow anonymous connections
3629 * command.
3630 */
3631 allowAnonymousConnections(roles?: string[]): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3632 /**
3633 * Instruct the system authentication to deny anonymous connections.
3634 *
3635 * @return a new builder containing the deny anonymous connections command.
3636 */
3637 denyAnonymousConnections(): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3638 /**
3639 * Instruct the system authentication handler to defer authentication
3640 * decisions for anonymous connections to subsequent handlers.
3641 *
3642 * @return a new builder containing the abstain anonymous connections
3643 * command.
3644 */
3645 abstainAnonymousConnections(): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
3648 * Single-use callback provided to the {@link Authenticator.authenticate
3649 * authenticate} call.
3650 */
3651export interface AuthenticatorCallback {
3652 /**
3653 * Authentication passed - allow the authentication request with
3654 * modifications to the session properties.
3655 *
3656 * @param properties this can include all allowed user-defined session
3657 * properties, as well as a subset of fixed session
3658 * properties see {@link Authenticator.authenticate
3659 * authenticate}.
3660 * @throws an error if another method has already been
3661 * invoked on this callback
3662 */
3663 allow(properties: SessionProperties): void;
3664 /**
3665 * Authentication passed - allow the authentication request with fixed
3666 * properties as supplied but no user-defined properties.
3667 *
3668 * @throws an error if another method has already been
3669 * invoked on this callback
3670 */
3671 allow(): void;
3672 /**
3673 * The authentication has neither passed nor failed.
3674 *
3675 * @throws an error if another method has already been
3676 * invoked on this callback
3677 */
3678 abstain(): void;
3679 /**
3680 * Authentication failed - deny the authentication request.
3681 *
3682 * @throws an error if another method has already been
3683 * invoked on this callback
3684 */
3685 deny(): void;
3688 * An authentication handler that processes authentication requests from the
3689 * server.
3690 *
3691 * Instances can be registered with the server using the
3692 * {@link Security.setAuthenticationHandler AuthenticationControl} feature.
3693 *
3694 * The server calls an authentication handler when a client application creates
3695 * a session, or changes the principal associated with a session, allowing the
3696 * handler to veto individual requests.
3697 *
3698 * Authentication handlers are configured in precedence order. Authentication
3699 * will succeed if a handler responds by calling {@link
3700 * AuthenticatorCallback.allow allow()} or {@link AuthenticatorCallback.allow
3701 * allow(map)} and handlers with higher precedence respond by calling {@link
3702 * AuthenticatorCallback.abstain abstain()}.
3703 *
3704 * Authentication will fail if a handler responds by calling {@link
3705 * AuthenticatorCallback.deny deny()} and all higher precedence handlers respond
3706 * by calling {@link AuthenticatorCallback.abstain abstain()}.
3707 *
3708 * If all authentication handlers respond by calling {@link
3709 * AuthenticatorCallback.abstain abstain()}, the request will be denied. Once
3710 * the outcome is known, the server may choose not to call any remaining
3711 * authentication handlers.
3712 *
3713 * @since 6.3
3714 */
3715export interface Authenticator {
3716 /**
3717 * Processes an authentication request.
3718 *
3719 * This method will be called to authenticate new sessions, and when a
3720 * session requests that the session principal is changed (for example,
3721 * using {@link Security.changePrincipal changePrincipal}).
3722 *
3723 * For each call to `authenticate`, the handler should respond by calling
3724 * one of the methods of the provided {@link AuthenticatorCallback
3725 * callback}. The handler may return immediately and process the
3726 * authentication request asynchronously. The authentication will not
3727 * proceed until a callback method is called.
3728 *
3729 * The content of the `sessionProperties` parameter depends upon
3730 * whether the authentication handler is being called on initial
3731 * authentication of a session or as a result of a session re-authenticating
3732 * using {@link Security.changePrincipal changePrincipal}, as shown
3733 * below:
3734 *
3735 * <table>
3736 * <tr>
3737 * <th></th>
3738 * <th>Initial&nbsp;Authentication</th>
3739 * <th>changePrincipal</th>
3740 * </tr>
3741 * <tr valign="top">
3742 * <th><b>Fixed&nbsp;Properties</b></th>
3743 * <td>
3744 * A full set of fixed session properties as defined in {@link Session}.
3745 * <p>
3746 * <code>$Principal</code> will be the same as the supplied
3747 * <code>principal</code>.
3748 * <p>
3749 * <code>$Roles</code> will contain the configured default roles for the
3750 * principal.
3751 * </td>
3752 * <td>
3753 * A full set of fixed session properties as defined in {@link Session}.
3754 * <p>
3755 * <code>$Principal</code> will be the principal from the previously
3756 * authenticated session which may differ from the supplied
3757 * <code>principal</code>.
3758 * <p>
3759 * <code>$Roles</code> will contain the configured default roles for the new
3760 * principal.</td>
3761 * </tr>
3762 * <tr valign="top">
3763 * <th><b>User-defined&nbsp;Properties</b></th>
3764 * <td>None</td>
3765 * <td>Existing user-defined properties</td>
3766 * </tr>
3767 * </table>
3768 *
3769 * On initial authentication the `proposedProperties` parameter will
3770 * provide any user-defined properties that the client supplied when opening
3771 * the client session, but on re-authentication it will be empty
3772 *
3773 * The handler can choose to call {@link AuthenticatorCallback.allow
3774 * allow()} to accept the authentication request with default behavior or
3775 * {@link AuthenticatorCallback.allow allow(map)} to accept the
3776 * authentication request with modifications to the session properties.
3777 * Alternatively it may call {@link AuthenticatorCallback.deny deny()} to
3778 * deny the request or {@link AuthenticatorCallback.abstain abstain()} to
3779 * abstain from authentication, in which case the request will be passed on
3780 * to the next configured authentication handler.
3781 *
3782 * If the handler calls {@link AuthenticatorCallback.allow allow()} then the
3783 * resulting session properties for the session will be as follows:
3784 *
3785 * <table border=1>
3786 * <tr>
3787 * <th></th>
3788 * <th>Initial&nbsp;Authentication</th>
3789 * <th>changePrincipal</th>
3790 * </tr>
3791 * <tr valign="top">
3792 * <th><b>Fixed&nbsp;Properties</b></th>
3793 * <td>As supplied plus those assigned by the server on connection.</td>
3794 * <td>As supplied but with <code>$Principal</code> replaced by the supplied
3795 * <code>principal</code>.</td>
3796 * </tr>
3797 * <tr valign="top">
3798 * <th><b>User-defined&nbsp;Properties</b></th>
3799 * <td>None</td>
3800 * <td>None</td>
3801 * </tr>
3802 * </table>
3803 *
3804 * If the handler calls {@link AuthenticatorCallback.allow allow(map)} then the map
3805 * may contain values for any fixed properties that can be changed/supplied
3806 * (see below) and/or all user-defined properties to assign to the session.
3807 * The user-defined properties may be those proposed by the client or they
3808 * can be any set of user-defined properties that the handler chooses.
3809 *
3810 * <h3>Permitted fixed property adjustments</h3>
3811 *
3812 * An authentication handler can set values for any of the following fixed
3813 * properties to {@link AuthenticatorCallback.allow allow(map)}:
3814 *
3815 * * {@link PropertyKeys.COUNTRY $Country}
3816 * * {@link PropertyKeys.LANGUAGE $Language}
3817 * * {@link PropertyKeys.LATITUDE $Latitude}
3818 * * {@link PropertyKeys.LONGITUDE $Longitude}
3819 * * {@link PropertyKeys.PRINCIPAL $Principal}
3820 * * {@link PropertyKeys.ROLES $Roles}
3821 *
3822 * An authentication handler can only set values of these fixed properties.
3823 * Other fixed properties provided by the handler will be ignored. If the
3824 * handler does not set a fixed property, the value will be as supplied, or
3825 * as assigned by the server.
3826 *
3827 * <h3>Handling the <code>$Roles</code> property</h3>
3828 *
3829 * The <code>$Roles</code> property is formatted as a quoted list of
3830 * strings. To make the handling of this property value easier there are
3831 * methods in the global `diffusion` namespace. Using these methods an
3832 * authenticator can adjust roles as follows:
3833 *
3834 * ```
3835 * const roles = diffusion.stringToRoles(
3836 * sessionProperties.get(diffusion.clients.PropertyKeys.ROLES));
3837 *
3838 * ... changes roles are required ...
3839 *
3840 * sessionProperties.put(diffusion.clients.PropertyKeys.ROLES,
3841 * diffusion.rolesToString(roles));
3842 * callback.allow(sessionProperties);
3843 * ```
3844 *
3845 * @param principal the name of the proposed principal, or
3846 * {@link ClientControlOptions.ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS}
3847 * if none was supplied
3848 * @param credentials authenticating the principal; for example, a password
3849 * @param sessionProperties supplies the currently known session properties
3850 * for the client. On initial authentication this
3851 * will be the known fixed property values. If the
3852 * session is re-authenticating using {@link
3853 * Security.changePrincipal changePrincipal}, this
3854 * will be the full set of fixed property values
3855 * plus any user-defined properties from the
3856 * existing session.
3857 * @param proposedProperties provides any user-defined properties proposed
3858 * by the client. The handler may choose to pass
3859 * on these properties as they are, veto some
3860 * properties, or add more properties before
3861 * passing them to the result. The client can
3862 * provide arbitrary keys and values. Supplied
3863 * properties should be checked and
3864 * filtered/constrained to ensure they do not
3865 * affect the integrity of the application.
3866 * Authentication handlers should not blindly pass
3867 * proposed properties to {@link
3868 * AuthenticatorCallback.allow allow}.
3869 * @param callback single use callback
3870 */
3871 authenticate(principal: string, credentials: Credentials, sessionProperties: SessionProperties, proposedProperties: SessionProperties, callback: AuthenticatorCallback): void;
3872 /**
3873 * Notification that the authenticator was closed normally.
3874 *
3875 * No further calls to this authenticator will be made.
3876 */
3877 onClose(): void;
3878 /**
3879 * Notification of an error
3880 *
3881 * No further calls to this authenticator will be made.
3882 *
3883 * @param error the error that occurred
3884 */
3885 onError(error: any): void;
3888 * Security feature. Allows querying and modification of server-side
3889 * security and authentication configuration.
3890 *
3891 * **Example:**
3892 * ```
3893 * // Get a reference to the security feature
3894 * var security = session.security;
3895 * ```
3896 *
3897 */
3898export interface Security {
3899 /**
3900 * The global permission enum
3901 */ readonly GlobalPermission: typeof GlobalPermission;
3902 /**
3903 * The topic permission enum
3904 */ readonly TopicPermission: typeof TopicPermission;
3905 /**
3906 * Get the principal that the session is currently authenticated as.
3907 *
3908 * @returns the session's principal
3909 */
3910 getPrincipal(): string;
3911 /**
3912 * Change the principal associated with this session.
3913 *
3914 * Allows a session to authenticate as a different principal. If the
3915 * authentication fails, the current principal remains valid.
3916 *
3917 * @param principal the new principal to use.
3918 * @param credentials credentials to authenticate the principal with.
3919 * @returns a {@link Result}
3920 *
3921 * **Example:**
3922 * ```
3923 * session.security.changePrincipal('foo', 'password');
3924 * ```
3925 *
3926 */
3927 changePrincipal(principal: string, credentials: string): Result<void>;
3928 /**
3929 * Obtain the current contents of the server's security store.
3930 *
3931 * If the request is successful, the result will complete with a {@link SecurityConfiguration}.
3932 *
3933 * **Example:**
3934 * ```
3935 * session.security.getSecurityConfiguration().then(function(configuration) {
3936 * console.log('Got security configuration', configuration);
3937 * }, function(err) {
3938 * console.log('Error getting security configuration', err);
3939 * });
3940 * ```
3941 *
3942 * @returns a {@link Result} that completes with the security configuration
3943 *
3944 */
3945 getSecurityConfiguration(): Result<SecurityConfiguration>;
3946 /**
3947 * Obtain the current contents of the server's authentication store.
3948 *
3949 * If the request is successful, the success callback will be called with a
3950 * {@link SystemAuthenticationConfiguration} object.
3951 *
3952 * **Example:**
3953 * ```
3954 * session.security.getSystemAuthenticationConfiguration().then(function(configuration) {
3955 * // Display principals/roles
3956 * configuration.principals.forEach(function(principal) {
3957 * console.log(principal.name, principal.roles);
3958 * });
3959 *
3960 * // Check the authentication action applied to anonymous connections
3961 * console.log(configuration.anonymous.action);
3962 *
3963 * // Check the default roles assigned to anonymous connections
3964 * console.log(configuration.anonymous.roles);
3965 * }, function(err) {
3966 * // Error retrieving configuration
3967 * console.log(err);
3968 * });
3969 * ```
3970 *
3971 * @returns a {@link Result} that completes with the server's authentication store
3972 *
3973 */
3974 getSystemAuthenticationConfiguration(): Result<SystemAuthenticationConfiguration>;
3975 /**
3976 * Send a command script to the server to update the security store. The
3977 * script may be produced by the builder {@link SecurityScriptBuilder}.
3978 *
3979 * If the script is applied without error to the server, the operation
3980 * result will complete successfully.
3981 *
3982 * If any command in the script fails, none of the changes will be applied,
3983 * and the result will be failed with an error object.
3984 *
3985 * If the server is configured for topic replication then the changes will
3986 * be replicated to all members of the cluster.
3987 *
3988 * **Example:**
3989 * ```
3990 * session.security.updateSecurityStore(script).then(function() {
3991 * console.log('Security configuration updated');
3992 * }, function(err) {
3993 * console.log('Failed to update security configuration', err);
3994 * });
3995 * ```
3996 *
3997 * @param script the command script
3998 * @returns a {@link Result}
3999 */
4000 updateSecurityStore(script: string): Result<void>;
4001 /**
4002 * Send a command script to the server to update the authentication store.
4003 * The script may be produced by the builder {@link
4004 * SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder}.
4005 *
4006 * If the script is applied without error to the server, the operation
4007 * result will complete successfully.
4008 *
4009 * If any command in the script fails, none of the changes will be applied,
4010 * and the result will be failed with an error object.
4011 *
4012 * If the server is configured for topic replication then the changes will
4013 * be replicated to all members of the cluster.
4014 *
4015 * **Example:**
4016 * ```
4017 * session.security.updateAuthenticationStore(script).then(function() {
4018 * console.log('Authentication configuration updated');
4019 * }, function(err) {
4020 * console.log('Failed to update security configuration', err);
4021 * });
4022 * ```
4023 *
4024 * @param script the command script
4025 * @returns a {@link Result}
4026 */
4027 updateAuthenticationStore(script: string): Result<void>;
4028 /**
4029 * Returns a {@link SecurityScriptBuilder} that can be used to modify the
4030 * server's {@link SecurityConfiguration}.
4031 *
4032 * @return a script builder
4033 */
4034 securityScriptBuilder(): SecurityScriptBuilder;
4035 /**
4036 * Returns a {@link SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder} that can be used to
4037 * modify the server's {@link SystemAuthenticationConfiguration}.
4038 *
4039 * @return a script builder
4040 */
4041 authenticationScriptBuilder(): SystemAuthenticationScriptBuilder;
4042 /**
4043 * Register a handler for client authentication events.
4044 *
4045 * Each handler is registered under a particular `handlerName` . For
4046 * registration to succeed, the server's security configuration must include
4047 * a matching `<control-authentication-handler/>` entry for the name.
4048 * Otherwise registration will fail, the handler will be closed immediately,
4049 * and an error will be reported to the session error handler.
4050 *
4051 * Each control session can register a single handler for a `handlerName` .
4052 * See {@link AuthenticationHandler.onActive onActive}.
4053 *
4054 * It is normal for several or all of the control sessions in a control
4055 * group to set a handler for a given name. Registration will fail if a
4056 * session in a different control group has registered a handler using the
4057 * name.
4058 *
4059 * For each authentication event, the server will use its configuration to
4060 * determine the handler priority order. The server can call authentication
4061 * handlers in serial or parallel. The server can stop the authentication
4062 * process as soon as it has an allow or deny response from a handler and
4063 * all higher priority handlers have abstained.
4064 *
4065 * For a configured control authentication handler, the server will select a
4066 * single handler from those registered for the `handlerName` . If
4067 * no handlers are currently registered, the server will consult the next
4068 * handler.
4069 *
4070 * **Example:**
4071 * ```
4072 * // Set a simple handler to handle pre-defined principals, otherwise defer to default handling
4073 * session.security.setAuthenticationHandler('before-system-handler', [], {
4074 * onAuthenticate : function(principal, credentials, details, callback) {
4075 * if (principal === 'alice' && credentials === 'hello') {
4076 * callback.allow();
4077 * } else if (principal === 'bob') {
4078 * callback.deny();
4079 * } else {
4080 * callback.abstain();
4081 * }
4082 * },
4083 * onActive : function(deregister) { },
4084 * onClose : function() { },
4085 * onError : function() { }
4086 * });
4087 * ```
4088 *
4089 * **Example:**
4090 * ```
4091 * // Set a handler that allocates roles & properties to certain sessions
4092 * session.security.setAuthenticationHandler('before-system-handler', [diffusion.clients.DetailType.SUMMARY], {
4093 * onAuthenticate : function(principal, credentials, details, callback) {
4094 *
4095 * if (details.summary.clientType === diffusion.clients.ClientType.IOS &&
4096 * details.summary.transportType === diffusion.clients.TransportType.WEBSOCKET) {
4097 *
4098 * // Session will be authenticated with the 'WS_IOS' role, and an assigned session property
4099 * callback.allow({
4100 * roles : ['WS_IOS'],
4101 * properties : {
4102 * PropertyName : 'PropertyValue'
4103 * }
4104 * });
4105 * } else {
4106 * callback.abstain();
4107 * }
4108 * },
4109 * onActive : function(deregister) { },
4110 * onClose : function() { },
4111 * onError : function() { }
4112 * });
4113 * ```
4114 *
4115 * @param handlerName must match an entry in the server's security
4116 * configuration for registration to succeed
4117 * @param requestedDetails the session details that the server will supply,
4118 * if available
4119 * @param handler the authentication handler to set
4120 * @returns a {@link Result}
4121 *
4122 *
4123 * @deprecated since 6.3
4124 * <p>
4125 * This interface is part of the deprecated {@link
4126 * AuthenticationHandler} API. Use the new {@link Authenticator}
4127 * API instead.
4128 */
4129 setAuthenticationHandler(handlerName: string, requestedDetails: DetailType[], handler: AuthenticationHandler): Result<void>;
4130 /**
4131 * Register an authenticator for client authentication events.
4132 *
4133 * @param handlerName the handler name which must match an entry in the
4134 * server's security configuration
4135 * @param authenticator specifies the authentication handler
4136 * @return a {@link Result} that completes when the authentication
4137 * handler has been registered, returning a {@link Registration}
4138 * which can be used to unregister the authentication handler.
4139 * <p>
4140 * Otherwise, the Result will resolve with an error. Common reasons
4141 * for failure include:
4142 * <ul>
4143 * <li> the session is closed;
4144 * <li> the session does not have `REGISTER_HANDLER` or `AUTHENTICATE`
4145 * permission;
4146 * <li> the server configuration does not contain a
4147 * `control-authentication-handler` element with the given name.
4148 * </ul>
4149 *
4150 * @since 6.3
4151 */
4152 setAuthenticator(handlerName: string, authenticator: Authenticator): Result<Registration>;
4153 /**
4154 * Query the global permissions assigned to the calling session.
4155 *
4156 * @return a {@link Result} which completes when the response is received
4157 * from the server.
4158 * <p>
4159 * If the request was successful, the {@link Result} will
4160 * complete successfully with a list of {@link GlobalPermission}.
4161 *
4162 * @since 6.3
4163 */
4164 getGlobalPermissions(): Result<GlobalPermission[]>;
4165 /**
4166 * Query the topic permissions assigned to the calling session on a given
4167 * path.
4168 *
4169 * @param path the path to query for permissions
4170 * @return a {@link Result} which completes when the response is received
4171 * from the server.
4172 * <p>
4173 * If the request was successful, the {@link Result} will
4174 * complete successfully with a list of {@link TopicPermission}.
4175 *
4176 * @since 6.3
4177 */
4178 getPathPermissions(path: string): Result<TopicPermission[]>;
4181 * @module diffusion.locks
4182 *
4183 * Provide access to {@link SessionLockScope}
4184 *
4185 * **Example:**
4186 * ```
4187 * // Get a reference to the security feature
4188 * var locks = diffusion.locks;
4189 * ```
4190 */
4192 * Enum containing <code>scope</code> parameter of {@link Session.lock}
4193 *
4194 * **Example:**
4195 * ```
4196 * // Get the ALL_FIXED_PROPERTIES key
4197 * var scope = diffusion.locks.SessionLockScope.UNLOCK_ON_SESSION_LOSS;
4198 * ```
4199 *
4200 * @since 6.2
4201 */
4202export declare enum SessionLockScope {
4203 /**
4204 * The lock will be released when the acquiring session is closed.
4205 */
4207 /**
4208 * The lock will be released when the acquiring session loses its
4209 * current connection to the server.
4210 */
4214 * @hidden
4215 */
4216export interface SessionLockOptionsNamespace {
4217 SessionLockScope: typeof SessionLockScope;
4219export declare const SessionLockOptions: SessionLockOptionsNamespace;
4220/// <reference types="long" />
4222 * @module Session.lock
4223 */
4225 * A session lock is a server-managed resource that can be used to
4226 * coordinate exclusive access to shared resources across sessions. For
4227 * example, to ensure a single session has the right to update a topic; to
4228 * ensure at most one session responds to an event; or to select a single
4229 * session to perform a housekeeping task. Session locks support general
4230 * collaborative locking schemes. The application architect is responsible
4231 * for designing a suitable locking scheme and for ensuring each application
4232 * component follows the scheme appropriately.
4233 *
4234 * Session locks are identified by a lock name. Lock names are arbitrary and
4235 * chosen at will to suit the application. Each lock is owned by at most one
4236 * session. Locks are established on demand; there is no separate operation
4237 * to create or destroy a lock.
4238 *
4239 * A session lock is acquired using the {@link Session.lock} method.
4240 * If no other session owns the lock, the server will assign the lock to the
4241 * calling session immediately. Otherwise, the server will record that the
4242 * session is waiting to acquire the lock. A session can call `lock`
4243 * more than once for a given session lock &ndash; if the lock is acquired,
4244 * all calls will complete successfully with equal SessionLocks.
4245 *
4246 * If a session closes, the session locks it owns are automatically
4247 * released. A session can also {@link SessionLock.unlock release a lock}.
4248 * When a session lock is released and other sessions are waiting to acquire
4249 * the lock, the server will arbitrarily select one of the waiting sessions
4250 * and notify it that it has acquired the lock. All of the newly selected
4251 * session's pending `lock` calls will complete normally. Other
4252 * sessions will continue to wait.
4253 *
4254 * The {@link Session.lock} method takes an optional scope parameter that
4255 * provides the further option of automatically releasing the lock when the
4256 * session loses its connection to the server.
4257 *
4258 * <h3>Race conditions</h3>
4259 *
4260 * This session lock API has inherent race conditions. Even if an
4261 * application is coded correctly to protect a shared resource using session
4262 * locks, there may be a period where two or more sessions concurrently
4263 * access the resource. The races arise for several reasons including
4264 *
4265 * * due to the <em>check-then-act</em> approach of polling
4266 * {@link isOwned}, the lock can be lost after the check has succeeded but
4267 * before the resource is accessed;
4268 * * the server can detect a session is disconnected and assign the lock
4269 * to another session before the original session has detected the
4270 * disconnection.
4271 *
4272 * Despite this imprecision, session locks provide a useful way to
4273 * coordinate session actions.
4274 *
4275 */
4276export interface SessionLock {
4277 /**
4278 * Get the name of the lock
4279 * @return the name of the session lock
4280 */
4281 getName(): string;
4282 /**
4283 * A value that identifies the acquisition of the lock with the
4284 * given {@link getName name}. SessionLocks that are acquired
4285 * later are guaranteed to have bigger sequence values, allowing the
4286 * sequence number to be used as a fencing token.
4287 *
4288 * @return a value that identifies the acquisition of this lock
4289 */
4290 getSequence(): Long;
4291 /**
4292 * Test whether the session lock is still owned.
4293 *
4294 * @return `true` if the session lock is still owned by the session
4295 */
4296 isOwned(): boolean;
4297 /**
4298 * The scope of the lock.
4299 *
4300 * The scope determines when the lock will be released automatically.
4301 *
4302 * If a session makes multiple
4303 * {@link Session.lock requests for a lock}
4304 * using different scopes, and the server assigns the lock to the session
4305 * fulfilling the requests, the lock will be given the weakest scope
4306 * (`UNLOCK_ON_CONNECTION_LOSS`). Consequently, an individual request can
4307 * complete with a lock that has a different scope to that requested.
4308 *
4309 * @return the lock scope
4310 *
4311 * @see {@link Session.lock}
4312 */
4313 getScope(): SessionLockScope;
4314 /**
4315 * Release a session lock, if owned.
4316 *
4317 * @return a Promise that resolves when a response is received
4318 * from the server.
4319 * <p>
4320 * On completion, this session will no longer own the named session
4321 * lock. If Promise completes normally, a true value indicates this
4322 * session previously owned the lock and a false value indicates
4323 * it did not.
4324 * <p>
4325 * If the Promise resolves with an error, this session
4326 * does not own the session lock.
4327 *
4328 * @see {@link Session.lock}
4329 */
4330 unlock(): Result<boolean>;
4333 * @module diffusion.timeseries
4334 */
4336 * Time series event metadata.
4337 */
4338export interface EventMetadata {
4339 /**
4340 * Sequence number identifying this event within its time series.
4341 * Assigned by the server when the event is created.
4342 *
4343 * Sequence numbers are unique within a time series. Each event appended
4344 * to a time series is assigned a sequence number that is is equal to
4345 * the sequence number of the preceding event plus one.
4346 */
4347 readonly sequence: number;
4348 /**
4349 * Event timestamp. Assigned by the server when the event is created.
4350 *
4351 * Events do not have unique timestamps. Events with different sequence
4352 * numbers may have the same timestamp.
4353 *
4354 * Subsequent events in a time series usually have timestamps that are
4355 * greater or equal to the timestamps of earlier events, but this is not
4356 * guaranteed due to changes to the time source used by the server.
4357 *
4358 * Timestamps represent the difference, measured in milliseconds, between
4359 * the time the server added the event to the time series and midnight,
4360 * January 1, 1970 UTC
4361 */
4362 readonly timestamp: number;
4363 /**
4364 * Server-authenticated identity of the session that created the event.
4365 *
4366 * If the session that created the event was not authenticated, the author
4367 * will be an empty string.
4368 */
4369 readonly author: string;
4370 /**
4371 * Check if the EventMetadata is equal to another object
4372 *
4373 * @return `true` if the two objects are equal
4374 */
4375 equals(other: any): boolean;
4378 * An event in a time series.
4379 *
4380 * Two instances are {@link Event.equals equal} if and only if they have identical
4381 * attributes. Typically, two Event instances that have the same sequence number will
4382 * be equal, but this may not be true if the event has changed on the server &ndash;
4383 * see <em>Changes to a time series made outside the API</em> in the
4384 * {@link Session.timeseries TimeSeries} documentation.
4385 */
4386export interface Event<V> extends EventMetadata {
4387 /**
4388 * The value associated with the event.
4389 */
4390 readonly value: V;
4391 /**
4392 * If this is an edit event, returns the metadata of the original event that this
4393 * event replaces; otherwise returns this event.
4394 *
4395 * The result is always the metadata of an original event, never that of an edit event.
4396 */
4397 readonly originalEvent: EventMetadata;
4398 /**
4399 * Flag indicating whether this is an edit event.
4400 *
4401 * `x.isEditEvent` is equivalent to `x.originalEvent != x`.
4402 */
4403 readonly isEditEvent: boolean;
4405/// <reference types="long" />
4407 * @module Session.timeseries
4408 */
4410 * Timeseries stream structure
4411 */
4412export interface StreamStructure {
4413 /**
4414 * The id of the stream structure
4415 */
4416 readonly id: number;
4417 /**
4418 * The name of the stream structure
4419 */
4420 readonly name: string;
4421 /**
4422 * Convert object to string
4423 *
4424 * @return a string representation of the CloseClientRequest
4425 */
4426 toString(): string;
4429 * This feature allows a session to update and query time series topics.
4430 *
4431 * <h2>Time series topics</h2>
4432 *
4433 * A <em>time series</em> is a sequence of events. Each event contains a value
4434 * and has server-assigned metadata comprised of a sequence number, timestamp,
4435 * and author. Events in a time series are ordered by increasing sequence
4436 * number. Sequence numbers have values between `0` and
4437 * `Number.MAX_INTEGER` and are contiguous: an event with sequence number
4438 * `n` will be followed by one with sequence number `n + 1` . Two
4439 * events with the same sequence number will be equal &ndash; having the same
4440 * timestamp, author, and value.
4441 *
4442 * A time series topic allows sessions to access a time series that is
4443 * maintained by the server. A time series topic has an associated {@link
4444 * DataType event data type}, such as `Binary` , `String` ,
4445 * or `JSON` , that determines the type of value associated with each event.
4446 *
4447 * This feature provides a historic query API for time series topics, allowing a
4448 * session to query arbitrary sub-sequences of a time series. The {@link
4449 * Session.topics} and {@link Session.addStream} features complete the API,
4450 * providing ways to create and subscribe to a time series topic.
4451 *
4452 * The API presents a time series as an append-only data structure of immutable
4453 * events that is only changed by adding new events.
4454 *
4455 * <h3>Edit events</h3>
4456 *
4457 * Although a time series is append-only, an event can be overridden by
4458 * appending an <em>edit event</em>. An edit event is a special type of event
4459 * that overrides an earlier event in the time series (referred to as the
4460 * <em>original event</em>) with a new value. When an edit event is added to a
4461 * time series, the server retains both the original event and the edit event,
4462 * allowing subscription and query results to reflect the edit.
4463 *
4464 * For example, suppose a time series has two events with the values `A`
4465 * and `B` , and the first event has been overridden by a later edit event
4466 * that provides a new value of `X` . The server has the following
4467 * information about the time series.
4468 *
4469 * Sequence | Value | Type
4470 * --------- | ------- | -------
4471 * 0 | A | *original event*
4472 * 1 | B | *original event*
4473 * 2 | X | *edit of sequence 0*
4474 *
4475 * The current value of the event with sequence number 0 is `X` .
4476 *
4477 * If an original event has several edit events, the latest edit event (the one
4478 * with the highest sequence number) determines its current value. Each edit
4479 * event refers to an original event, never to another edit event.
4480 *
4481 * Extending the example by appending a further edit event to the time series:
4482 *
4483 * Sequence | Value | Type
4484 * --------- | ------- | -------
4485 * 3 | Y | *second edit of sequence 0*
4486 *
4487 * The current value of the event with sequence number 0 is now `Y` .
4488 *
4489 * <h3>Retained range</h3>
4490 *
4491 * A time series topic retains a range of the most recent events. When a new
4492 * event is added to the time series, older events that fall outside of the
4493 * range are discarded. By default, this range includes the ten most recent
4494 * events. A different range can be configured by setting the
4495 * {@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE
4497 *
4498 * <h2>Subscribing to a time series topic</h2>
4499 *
4500 * A session can {@link Session.select select} a time series topic and {@link
4501 * Session.addStream add a value stream} to receive updates about events
4502 * appended to the time series. Events are represented by {@link Event}
4503 * instances. Each event has a value and {@link EventMetadata metadata}. An edit
4504 * event has two sets of metadata &ndash; its own metadata and that of the
4505 * original event that it replaces.
4506 *
4507 * <h3>Subscription range</h3>
4508 *
4509 * New subscribers are sent a range of events from the end of the time series.
4510 * This is known as the <em>subscription range</em>. Configuring a subscription
4511 * range is a convenient way to provide new subscribers with an appropriate
4512 * subset of the latest events.
4513 *
4514 * The default subscription range depends on whether the topic is configured to
4515 * publish delta streams. If delta streams are enabled, new subscribers are sent
4516 * the latest event if one exists. If delta streams are disabled, new
4517 * subscribers are sent no events. Delta streams are enabled by default and can
4518 * be disabled by setting the {@link TopicSpecification.PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY
4519 * PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY} property to `true`.
4520 *
4521 * A larger subscription range can be configured by setting the
4522 * {@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_SUBSCRIPTION_RANGE
4523 * TIME_SERIES_SUBSCRIPTION_RANGE} property. Regardless of the
4524 * `TIME_SERIES_SUBSCRIPTION_RANGE` property, if delta streams are
4525 * enabled, new subscribers will be sent at least the latest event if one
4526 * exists.
4527 *
4528 * If the range of events is insufficient, the subscribing session can use a
4529 * {@link TimeSeries.rangeQuery range query} to retrieve older events.
4530 *
4531 * When configuring a non-default subscription range for a time series topic,
4532 * register value streams before subscribing to the topic. The session only
4533 * maintains a local cache if the latest value received for a topic, not the
4534 * full subscription range. If a value stream is added after a session has
4535 * subscribed to a matching time series topic, the new stream will only be
4536 * notified of the latest value.
4537 *
4538 * <h2>Updating a time series topic</h2>
4539 *
4540 * A session can use {@link TimeSeries.append append} to submit a value
4541 * to be added to a time series. The server will add an event to the end of the
4542 * time series based on the supplied value, with a new sequence number,
4543 * timestamp, and the author set to the authenticated principal of the session.
4544 *
4545 * A session can use {@link TimeSeries.edit edit} to submit an edit to
4546 * an original time series event, identified by its sequence number. The server
4547 * will add an edit event to the end of the time series based on the supplied
4548 * value, with a new sequence number, timestamp, and the author set to the
4549 * authenticated principal of the session.
4550 *
4551 * <h2>Querying a time series topic</h2>
4552 *
4553 * A {@link RangeQuery} is a configured query that can be evaluated for a time
4554 * series topic using {@link RangeQuery.selectFrom selectFrom(topicPath)}.
4555 * Results are provided as streams of {@link Event Event} instances.
4556 *
4557 * {@link RangeQuery} is a builder for configuring a Query that selects a range
4558 * of a time series. There are two types of range query that differ in how edits
4559 * are processed &ndash; value range queries and edit range queries.
4560 *
4561 * <h3>Value range queries</h3>
4562 *
4563 * A value range query returns a merged view of part of a time series. This is
4564 * the most common time series query and appropriate for most applications.
4565 *
4566 * The result of a value range query reflects the latest available edits and the
4567 * {@link QueryResult query result} is ordered by the original event sequence
4568 * number, presenting edit events instead of the original events they replace.
4569 * Original events that have no edit events are included verbatim. Original
4570 * events that have edit events are replaced by the latest edit event.
4571 *
4572 * A value range query of the example time series, with no range constraints so
4573 * the entire time series is selected, returns two events:
4574 *
4575 * ```
4576 * sequence=3, value=Y; original event sequence=0
4577 * sequence=1, value=B
4578 * ```
4579 *
4580 * The original value of the first event is not provided. It's apparent that the
4581 * first event is an edit event because it provides the metadata of the original
4582 * event it replaces.
4583 *
4584 * <h3>Edit range queries</h3>
4585 *
4586 * Applications with auditing and other administrative requirements can access
4587 * original event values using an edit range query. An edit range query returns
4588 * an unmerged view of a time series that can include both original events and
4589 * the edit events that replace them. Edit range queries are rarely needed
4590 * &ndash; value range queries satisfy most use cases.
4591 *
4592 * Edit range queries provide a detailed view of a time series. Because this is
4593 * potentially sensitive information, an edit range query can only be performed
4594 * by a session that has the `QUERY_OBSOLETE_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS`
4595 * permission for the target topic.
4596 *
4597 * There are two sub-types of edit range query.
4598 *
4599 * A full audit trail of edit events can be obtained using an <em>all edits</em>
4600 * edit range query. The result contains all original events selected by the
4601 * query, together with all subsequent edit events that affect the original
4602 * events. The query result stream provides events in time series order. An all
4603 * edits query of the example time series, with no range constraints so the
4604 * entire time series is selected, returns four events:
4605 *
4606 * ```
4607 * sequence=0; value=A
4608 * sequence=1; value=B
4609 * sequence=2; value=X; original event sequence=0
4610 * sequence=3; value=Y; original event sequence=0
4611 * ```
4612 *
4613 * A <em>latest edits</em> edit range query returns a query result stream in
4614 * time series order that contains all original events selected by the query,
4615 * together with the latest edit events that affect the original events. A
4616 * latest edits query of the example time series, with no range constraints so
4617 * the entire time series is selected, returns three events:
4618 *
4619 * ```
4620 * sequence=0; value=A
4621 * sequence=1; value=B
4622 * sequence=3; value=Y; original event sequence=0
4623 * ```
4624 *
4625 * The initial range of events delivered for a subscription to a time series
4626 * topic is derived from a <em>latest edits</em> edit range query. See
4627 * <em>Subscription Range</em>.
4628 *
4629 * When evaluated for a time series that has no edit events, an edit range query
4630 * will return the same results as a similarly configured value range query.
4631 *
4632 * <h2>Changes to a time series made outside the API</h2>
4633 *
4634 * The API presents a time series as an append-only data structure of immutable
4635 * events that is only changed by adding new events. The API does not allow
4636 * events to be deleted or edited.
4637 *
4638 * There are circumstances in which events can be removed from a time series by
4639 * server operations outside the API. For example, a time series topic can be
4640 * configured to discard or archive older events to save storage space; or the
4641 * time series may be held in memory and lost if the server restarts. Subscribed
4642 * sessions are not notified when events are removed in this way, but a session
4643 * can infer the removal of events that are no longer included in query results.
4644 * Similarly, an event's value can be changed on the server. For example, if an
4645 * administrator changes its value to redact sensitive data. Again, subscribed
4646 * sessions are not notified when events are modified, but a session can infer
4647 * this has happened from query results.
4648 *
4649 * Whether such changes can happen for a particular time series topic depends on
4650 * the topic specification, and the administrative actions that are allowed. To
4651 * write a robust application, do not rely on two Event instances with the same
4652 * sequence number but obtained though different API calls, being equal; nor
4653 * that there are no sequence number gaps between events in query results.
4654 *
4655 * <h2>Access control</h2>
4656 *
4657 * The session must have the {@link TopicPermission.READ_TOPIC READ_TOPIC} topic
4658 * permission for a topic to query a time series topic. The
4659 * {@link TopicPermission.QUERY_OBSOLETE_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS
4660 * QUERY_OBSOLETE_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS} topic permission is additionally required
4661 * to evaluate an {@link RangeQuery.forEdits edit range} query, or a
4662 * {@link RangeQuery.forValues value range query} with an
4663 * {@link RangeQuery.editRange edit range}.
4664 *
4665 * The session must have the {@link TopicPermission.UPDATE_TOPIC UPDATE_TOPIC}
4666 * topic permission for a topic to {@link TimeSeries.append append} a new event
4667 * to a time series topic. The {@link TopicPermission.EDIT_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS
4668 * EDIT_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS} topic permission is additionally required to {@link
4669 * TimeSeries.edit submit an edit} to any time series event. The more
4670 * restrictive {@link TopicPermission.EDIT_OWN_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS
4671 * EDIT_OWN_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS} topic permission allows a session to submit
4672 * edits to time series topic events that are authored by the principal of the
4673 * calling session.
4674 *
4675 * @since 6.0
4676 */
4677export interface TimeSeries {
4678 /**
4679 * Update a time series topic by appending a new value.
4680 *
4681 * The server will add an event to the end of the time series based on the
4682 * supplied value, with a new sequence number, timestamp, and the author set
4683 * to the authenticated principal of the session.
4684 *
4685 * @param topicPath the path of the time series topic to update
4686 * @param value the event value
4687 * @param valueType the type of the supplied value. This must match the value
4688 * type of the {@link DataType} configured as the time
4689 * series topic's {@link
4690 * TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_EVENT_VALUE_TYPE event
4691 * value type}. By default will be inferred from the
4692 * provided value.
4693 * @return a result that completes when a response is received from the
4694 * server.
4695 */
4696 append(topicPath: string, value: any, valueType?: DataType<any, any, any>): Result<EventMetadata>;
4697 /**
4698 * Update a time series topic by appending a new value that overrides the
4699 * value of an existing event.
4700 *
4701 * The existing event is identified by its sequence number and must be an
4702 * original event.
4703 *
4704 * The server will add an edit event to the end of the time series based on
4705 * the supplied value, with a new sequence number, timestamp, and the author
4706 * set to the authenticated principal of the session.
4707 *
4708 * @param topicPath the path of the time series topic to update
4709 * @param originalSequence the sequence number of the original event to edit
4710 * @param value the event value
4711 * @param valueType the type of the supplied value. This must match
4712 * the value type of the {@link DataType}
4713 * configured as the time series topic's {@link
4714 * TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_EVENT_VALUE_TYPE
4715 * event value type}. By default will be inferred
4716 * from the provided value.
4717 *
4718 * @return a result that completes when a response is received from the server.
4719 */
4720 edit(topicPath: string, originalSequence: number | Long, value: any, valueType?: DataType<any, any, any>): Result<EventMetadata>;
4721 /**
4722 * Return a default range query that performs a value range query of an
4723 * entire time series.
4724 *
4725 * Further queries with different parameters can be configured using the
4726 * {@link RangeQuery} methods.
4727 *
4728 * The result provides {@link Bytes} values, making it
4729 * compatible with any event data type supported by time series topics. A
4730 * query with a more specific value type can be configured using {@link
4731 * RangeQuery.as}.
4732 *
4733 * A RangeQuery equal to the one returned by this method can be created from
4734 * an arbitrary RangeQuery as follows.
4735 *
4736 * ```
4737 * defaults = anyRangeQuery.forValues()
4738 * .fromStart()
4739 * .untilLast(0)
4740 * .limit(Number.MAX_INTEGER)
4741 * .as(Buffer);
4742 * ```
4743 *
4744 * @return a RangeQuery with default settings
4745 */
4746 rangeQuery(): RangeQuery;
4749 * Builder for queries that select a range of events from a time series.
4750 *
4751 * See {@link Session.timeseries} for an overview of the various types of range
4752 * query:
4753 *
4754 * * value range queries,
4755 * * latest edits edit range queries, and
4756 * * all edits edit range queries.
4757 *
4758 * {@link TimeSeries.rangeQuery rangeQuery} returns a default
4759 * RangeQuery. Further queries with different parameters can be configured
4760 * using the methods of this interface. {@link RangeQuery} instances are
4761 * immutable. Each method returns a copy of this query with a modified
4762 * setting. Method calls can be chained together in a fluent manner to create a
4763 * query. For example:
4764 *
4765 * ```
4766 * var defaultQuery = session.timeseries.rangeQuery();
4767 *
4768 * // A value range query that selects up to 100 original events from the
4769 * // start of a time series.
4770 * first100 = defaultQuery.forValues().fromStart().next(100);
4771 * ```
4772 *
4773 * <h2>Creating value range queries</h2>
4774 *
4775 * A value range query returns a merged view of part of a time series. This is
4776 * the most common time series query and appropriate for most applications. A
4777 * value range query begins with the {@link RangeQuery.forValues forValues}
4778 * operator, followed by the <em>view range</em>. The view range determines the
4779 * range of original events the time series that are of interest. See <em>Range
4780 * expressions</em> below for the various ways to specify `RANGE` .
4781 *
4782 * The events returned by the query are constrained by an optional <em>edit
4783 * range</em>, introduced by the {@link RangeQuery.editRange editRange}
4784 * operator. An event will only be included in the result if it is in the edit
4785 * range. Let's consider some examples to see how the view range and the edit
4786 * range interact.
4787 *
4788 * <table>
4789 * <tr>
4790 * <th>Query</th>
4791 * <th>Meaning</th>
4792 * </tr>
4793 * <tr>
4794 * <td><code>rangeQuery().forValues();</code></td>
4795 * <td>For each original event in the time series, either return the latest
4796 * edit event or if it has no edit events, return the original event.</td>
4797 * </tr>
4798 * <tr>
4799 * <td><code>rangeQuery().forValues().from(100).to(150);</code></td>
4800 * <td>For each original event with a sequence number between 100 and 150
4801 * (inclusive), either return the latest edit event or if it has no edit
4802 * events, return the original event.</td>
4803 * </tr>
4804 * <tr>
4805 * <td>
4806 * <code>rangeQuery().forValues().from(100).to(150).editRange().from(400);</code>
4807 * </td>
4808 * <td>For each original event with a sequence number between 100 and 150
4809 * (inclusive), return the latest edit event with a sequence number greater
4810 * than or equal to 400.
4811 * <p>
4812 * The result of this query will not include any original events because
4813 * there is no overlap between the view range and the edit range.</td>
4814 * </tr>
4815 * </table>
4816 *
4817 * Value range queries can be further refined using the {@link RangeQuery.limit
4818 * limit()} and {@link RangeQuery.as as()} operators.
4819 *
4820 * <h2>Creating edit range queries</h2>
4821 *
4822 * An edit range query returns an unmerged view of a time series than can
4823 * include both original events and the edit events that replace them. Edit
4824 * range queries are rarely needed &ndash; value range queries satisfy most
4825 * use cases.
4826 *
4827 * An edit range query begins with the {@link RangeQuery.forEdits forEdits}
4828 * operator, followed by the <em>view range</em>. The view range determines the
4829 * range of original events the time series that are of interest. The result
4830 * will only contain original events that are in the view range, and edit events
4831 * for original events in the view range. See <em>Range expressions</em> below
4832 * for the various ways to specify `RANGE` .
4833 *
4834 * The events returned by the query are constrained by an optional <em>edit
4835 * range</em>, introduced by the {@link RangeQuery.latestEdits latestEdits} or
4836 * {@link RangeQuery.allEdits allEdits} operators. An event will only be
4837 * included in the result if it is in the edit range. Let's consider some
4838 * example edit range queries.
4839 *
4840 * <table>
4841 * <tr>
4842 * <th>Query</th>
4843 * <th>Meaning</th>
4844 * </tr>
4845 * <tr>
4846 * <td><code>rangeQuery().forEdits();</code></td>
4847 * <td>Return all events in a time series.</td>
4848 * </tr>
4849 * <tr>
4850 * <td><code>rangeQuery().forEdits().from(100).to(150);</code></td>
4851 * <td>Return the original events with a sequence number between 100 and 150
4852 * (inclusive) and all edit events in the time series that refer to the
4853 * original events.</td>
4854 * </tr>
4855 * <tr>
4856 * <td><code>rangeQuery().forEdits().from(100).to(150).latestEdits();</code></td>
4857 * <td>Return the original events with a sequence number between 100 and 150
4858 * (inclusive) and the latest edit events in the time series that refer to
4859 * the original events.</td>
4860 * </tr>
4861 * <tr>
4862 * <td>
4863 * <code>rangeQuery().forEdits().from(100).to(150).allEdits().from(400);</code>
4864 * </td>
4865 * <td>For each original event with a sequence number between 100 and 150,
4866 * (inclusive) return all edit events with a sequence number greater than or
4867 * equal to 400.
4868 * <p>
4869 * The result of this query will not include any original events because
4870 * there is no overlap between the view range and the edit range.</td>
4871 * </tr>
4872 * </table>
4873 *
4874 * Edit range queries can be further refined using the {@link RangeQuery.limit
4875 * limit()} and {@link RangeQuery.as as()} operators.
4876 *
4877 * <h2>Range expressions</h2>
4878 *
4879 * Range expressions are used to specify the view and edit ranges in value
4880 * range and edit range queries. Each range expression has an
4881 * <em>anchor</em> that determines where to start, and a <em>span</em> that
4882 * determines where the range ends. Both anchor and span are
4883 * <em>inclusive</em> &ndash; if an anchor or span falls on an event, the
4884 * event is included in the result.
4885 *
4886 * Both anchor and the span are optional. If the anchor is unspecified, the
4887 * range begins at the start of the time series. If the span is unspecified,
4888 * the range continues until the end of the time series.
4889 *
4890 * <h3>Anchors</h3>
4891 *
4892 *
4893 * There are five ways to specify an anchor.
4894 *
4895 * <table>
4896 * <tr>
4897 * <th>Anchor</th>
4898 * <th>Meaning</th>
4899 * </tr>
4900 * <tr>
4901 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.from from(Number)}</td>
4902 * <td>Sets the anchor at an absolute sequence number.</td>
4903 * </tr>
4904 * <tr>
4905 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.from from(Date)}</td>
4906 * <td>Sets the anchor at an absolute time.</td>
4907 * </tr>
4908 * <tr>
4909 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.fromStart fromStart}</td>
4910 * <td>Sets the anchor at the start of the time series.</td>
4911 * </tr>
4912 * <tr>
4913 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.fromLast fromLast(Number)}</td>
4914 * <td>Sets the anchor at a relative offset before the end of the time
4915 * series. For value range queries, <code>count</code> is the number of original
4916 * events. For edit range queries, <code>count</code> is the number of events of
4917 * any type.</td>
4918 * </tr>
4919 * <tr>
4920 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.fromLast fromLast(Date}<br/>
4921 * {@link RangeQuery.fromLastMillis fromLastMillis}</td>
4922 * <td>Sets the anchor at a relative time before the timestamp of the last
4923 * event of the time series.</td>
4924 * </tr>
4925 * </table>
4926 *
4927 * An anchor point can be before the start or after the end of the time
4928 * series.
4929 *
4930 * <h3>Spans</h3>
4931 *
4932 * There are nine ways to specify a span.
4933 *
4934 * <table>
4935 * <tr>
4936 * <th>Span</th>
4937 * <th>Meaning</th>
4938 * </tr>
4939 * <tr>
4940 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.to to(Number)}</td>
4941 * <td>The range ends at an absolute sequence number. The <code>sequence</code>
4942 * argument may be before or after the anchor.</td>
4943 * </tr>
4944 * <tr>
4945 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.toStart toStart}</td>
4946 * <td>The range ends at the start of the time series.</td>
4947 * </tr>
4948 * <tr>
4949 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.to to(Date)}</td>
4950 * <td>The range ends at an absolute time. The <code>date</code> argument may
4951 * be before or after the anchor.</td>
4952 * </tr>
4953 * <tr>
4954 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.next next(Number)}</td>
4955 * <td>The range ends at an event that is a relative number of events after
4956 * the anchor. For value range queries, <code>count</code> is the number of
4957 * original events. For edit range queries, <code>count</code> is the number of
4958 * events of any type.</td>
4959 * </tr>
4960 * <tr>
4961 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.next next(Date)}<br/>
4962 * {@link RangeQuery.nextMillis nextMillis}</td>
4963 * <td>The range ends at an event that is a relative time after the
4964 * anchor.</td>
4965 * </tr>
4966 * <tr>
4967 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.previous previous(Number)}</td>
4968 * <td>The range ends at an event that is a relative number of events before
4969 * the anchor. For value range queries, <code>count</code> is the number of
4970 * original events. For edit range queries, <code>count</code> is the number of
4971 * events of any type.</td>
4972 * </tr>
4973 * <tr>
4974 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.previous previous(Date)}<br/>
4975 * {@link RangeQuery.previousMillis previousMillis}</td>
4976 * <td>The range ends at an event that is a relative time before the
4977 * anchor.</td>
4978 * </tr>
4979 * <tr>
4980 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.untilLast untilLast(Number}</td>
4981 * <td>The range ends at an event that is a relative number of events before
4982 * the end of the time series. For value range queries, <code>count</code> is the
4983 * number of original events. For edit range queries, <code>count</code> is the
4984 * number of events of any type.</td>
4985 * </tr>
4986 * <tr>
4987 * <td>{@link RangeQuery.untilLast untilLast(Date)}<br/>
4988 * {@link RangeQuery.untilLastMillis untilLastMillis}</td>
4989 * <td>The range ends at an event that is a relative time before the
4990 * timestamp of the last event of the time series.</td>
4991 * </tr>
4992 * </table>
4993 *
4994 * A span can specify an end point that is before the start or after the end
4995 * of the time series.
4996 *
4997 * If the span specifies an end point after the anchor, the range includes
4998 * the first event at or following the anchor and ends at the last event at
4999 * or preceding the end point. If the span specifies an end point before the
5000 * anchor, the range includes the first event at or preceding the anchor and
5001 * ends at the last event at or after the end point.
5002 *
5003 * <h2>Using the builder methods</h2>
5004 *
5005 * Although the natural order of operators in a query is as shown in the
5006 * syntax diagrams above, RangeQuery builder methods &ndash; those that
5007 * return another RangeQuery &ndash; can be applied in any order with the
5008 * following exceptions:
5009 *
5010 * * {@link RangeQuery.editRange} only applies to value range queries, so cannot
5011 * follow `forEdits()` without an intervening `forValues();`
5012 * * {@link RangeQuery.latestEdits} and {@link RangeQuery.allEdits} only apply
5013 * to edit range queries, so cannot follow `forValues()` without an
5014 * intervening `forEdits()`.
5015 *
5016 * Each method overrides some configuration of the RangeQuery to which it is
5017 * applied, as summarized in the following table.
5018 *
5019 * <table>
5020 * <tr>
5021 * <th>Builder method</th>
5022 * <th>Operator type</th>
5023 * <th>Overridden configuration</th>
5024 * </tr>
5025 * <tr>
5026 * <td><code>forValues()</code></td>
5027 * <td>Value range</td>
5028 * <td>Overrides the existing query type to create a new value range query.
5029 * Overrides the existing view range with a new view range that selects the
5030 * entire time series. The existing edit range is copied unchanged.</td>
5031 * </tr>
5032 * <tr>
5033 * <td><code>forEdits()</code></td>
5034 * <td>Value range</td>
5035 * <td>Overrides the existing query type to create a new edit range query
5036 * that includes all edits. Overrides the existing view range with a new
5037 * view range that selects the entire time series. The existing edit range
5038 * is copied unchanged.</td>
5039 * </tr>
5040 * <tr>
5041 * <td><code>editRange()</code>
5042 * <td>Edit range</td></td>
5043 * <td>Overrides the existing edit range with a new edit range that selects
5044 * the entire time series. The existing view range is copied unchanged.<br/>
5045 * Throws <code>IllegalStateException</code> if this is not a value range
5046 * query.</td>
5047 * </tr>
5048 * <tr>
5049 * <td><code>latestEdits()</code><br/>
5050 * <code>allEdits()</code></td>
5051 * <td>Edit range</td>
5052 * <td>Overrides the existing edit range with a new edit range that selects
5053 * the entire time series. The existing view range is copied unchanged.
5054 * <br/>
5055 * Throws <code>Error</code> if this is not an edit range query.</td>
5056 * </tr>
5057 * <tr>
5058 * <td><code>from()</code><br/>
5059 * <code>fromStart()</code><br/>
5060 * <code>fromLast()</code></td>
5061 * <td>Anchor</td>
5062 * <td>Overrides the anchor of the current range.</td>
5063 * </tr>
5064 * <tr>
5065 * <td><code>to()</code><br/>
5066 * <code>toStart()</code><br/>
5067 * <code>next()</code><br/>
5068 * <code>previous()</code><br/>
5069 * <code>untilLast()</code></td>
5070 * <td>Span</td>
5071 * <td>Overrides the span of the current range.</td>
5072 * </tr>
5073 * <tr>
5074 * <td><code>limit()</code></td>
5075 * <td>Limit</td>
5076 * <td>Overrides the limit.</td>
5077 * </tr>
5078 * <tr>
5079 * <td><code>as()</code></td>
5080 * <td>Query value type</td>
5081 * <td>Overrides the query value type.</td>
5082 * </tr>
5083 * </table>
5084 *
5085 * @see Session.timeseries.rangeQuery
5086 */
5087export interface RangeQuery {
5088 /**
5089 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery configured to perform a value range
5090 * query within the view range set to the entire time series.
5091 *
5092 * **Operator type:** value range
5093 *
5094 * @return a copy of this range query configured to perform a view range
5095 * query within a new view range that selects the time time series.
5096 */
5097 forValues(): RangeQuery;
5098 /**
5099 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery configured to perform an edit range
5100 * query within the view range set to the entire time series.
5101 *
5102 * **Operator type:** value range
5103 *
5104 * @return a copy of this range query configured to perform an edit range
5105 * query with a new view range that selects the entire time series
5106 */
5107 forEdits(): RangeQuery;
5108 /**
5109 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery configured to perform a value range
5110 * query with the edit range set to the entire time series.
5111 *
5112 * This operator can only be applied to value range queries. The default
5113 * query returned by {@link TimeSeries.rangeQuery rangeQuery()} is a
5114 * value range query. The {@link RangeQuery.forValues} operator can be used
5115 * to create a value range query from an edit range query.
5116 *
5117 * **Operator type:** edit range
5118 *
5119 * @return a copy of this range query configured to perform a view range
5120 * query with a new edit range that selects the entire time series
5121 * @throws an {Error} if this is not a value range query
5122 */
5123 editRange(): RangeQuery;
5124 /**
5125 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery configured to perform an edit range
5126 * query with the edit range that selects all edits in the entire time
5127 * series.
5128 *
5129 * This operator can only be applied to edit range queries. The default
5130 * query returned by {@link TimeSeries.rangeQuery rangeQuery()} is a
5131 * value range query. The {@link RangeQuery.forEdits} operator can be used
5132 * to create an edit range query form a value range query.
5133 *
5134 * **Operator type:** edit range
5135 *
5136 * @return a copy of this range query configured to perform an edit range
5137 * query with a new edit range that selects all edits in the entire
5138 * time series
5139 * @throws an {Error} if this is not an edit range query
5140 */
5141 allEdits(): RangeQuery;
5142 /**
5143 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery configured to perform an edit range
5144 * query with the edit range that selects latest edits in the entire
5145 * time series.
5146 *
5147 * This operator can only be applied to edit range queries. The default
5148 * query returned by {@link TimeSeries.rangeQuery rangeQuery()} is a
5149 * value range query. The {@link RangeQuery.forEdits forEdits()} operator
5150 * can be used to create an edit range query from a value range query.
5151 *
5152 * **Operator type:** edit range
5153 *
5154 * @return a copy of this range query configured to perform an edit range
5155 * query with a new edit range that selects the latest edits in the
5156 * entire time series
5157 * @throws an {Error} if this is not an edit range query
5158 */
5159 latestEdits(): RangeQuery;
5160 /**
5161 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the anchor of the current range
5162 * configured to be either an absolute sequence number, or a Date instance.
5163 *
5164 * **Operator type:** anchor
5165 *
5166 * @param sequence absolute sequence number or Date specifying the anchor of
5167 * the returned range
5168 * @return a copy of this range query with a new anchor
5169 * @throws an {Error} if sequence is negative
5170 */
5171 from(sequence: number | Date): RangeQuery;
5172 /**
5173 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the anchor of the current range
5174 * configured to be the start of the time series.
5175 *
5176 * There is a difference between <ode>fromStart(</code> and `from(0)`
5177 * if the range also ends before the first event of the time series. For
5178 * example, `fromStart().toStart()` is always empty, but
5179 * `from(0).toStart()` includes the event with sequence number
5180 * `0` .
5181 *
5182 * **Operator type:** anchor
5183 *
5184 * @return a copy of this range query with a new anchor
5185 */
5186 fromStart(): RangeQuery;
5187 /**
5188 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the anchor of the current range
5189 * configured to be a relative offset before the end of the time series.
5190 *
5191 * **Operator type:** anchor
5192 *
5193 * @param count specifies the anchor as a number of events before the
5194 * end of the time series. For value range queries, count is
5195 * the number of original events. For edit range queries,
5196 * count is the number of events of any type.
5197 * @return a copy of this range query with a new anchor
5198 * @throws an {Error} if count is negative
5199 */
5200 fromLast(count: number): RangeQuery;
5201 /**
5202 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the anchor of the current range
5203 * configured to be a relative time from the timestamp of the last event
5204 * in the time series.
5205 *
5206 * **Operator type:** anchor
5207 *
5208 * @param timeSpan specifies anchor as a number of milliseconds relative
5209 * to the timestamp of the latest event in the time series
5210 * @return a copy of this range query with a new anchor
5211 * @throws an {Error} if timeSpan is negative
5212 */
5213 fromLastMillis(timeSpan: number): RangeQuery;
5214 /**
5215 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5216 * configured to end at an absolute sequence number or Date instance.
5217 *
5218 * **Operator type:** span
5219 *
5220 * @param sequence absolute sequence number or Date instance specifying the
5221 * end of the returned range
5222 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5223 * @throws an {Error} if sequence is negative
5224 */
5225 to(sequence: number | Date): RangeQuery;
5226 /**
5227 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5228 * configured to end at the start of the time series.
5229 *
5230 * There is a difference between `toStart()` and `to(0)` if
5231 * the range also starts before the first event of the time series. For
5232 * example, `fromStart().toStart()` is always empty, but
5233 * `fromStart().to(0)` includes the event with sequence number
5234 * `0` .
5235 *
5236 * **Operator type:** span
5237 *
5238 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5239 */
5240 toStart(): RangeQuery;
5241 /**
5242 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5243 * configured to select a range of events following the anchor.
5244 *
5245 * **Operator type:** span
5246 *
5247 * @param count specifies the end of the range of events to select
5248 * following the anchor. For value range queries, count is the
5249 * number of original events. For edit range queries, count is
5250 * the number of events of any type.
5251 * @throws an {Error} if count is negative
5252 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5253 */
5254 next(count: number): RangeQuery;
5255 /**
5256 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5257 * configured to select a temporal range of events following the anchor.
5258 *
5259 * **Operator type:** span
5260 *
5261 * @param timeSpan the time span in milliseconds of events following the
5262 * anchor to select
5263 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5264 * @throws an {Error} if timeSpan is negative
5265 */
5266 nextMillis(timeSpan: number): RangeQuery;
5267 /**
5268 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5269 * configured to select a range of events preceding the anchor.
5270 *
5271 * **Operator type:** span
5272 *
5273 * @param count specifies the end of the range of events to select
5274 * preceding the anchor. For value range queries, count is the
5275 * number of original events. For edit range queries, count is
5276 * the number of events of any type.
5277 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5278 * @throws an {Error} if count is negative
5279 */
5280 previous(count: number): RangeQuery;
5281 /**
5282 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5283 * configured to select a temporal range of events preceding the anchor.
5284 *
5285 * **Operator type:** span
5286 *
5287 * @param timeSpan the time span in milliseconds of events preceding the
5288 * anchor to select
5289 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5290 * @throws an {Error} if timeSpan is negative
5291 */
5292 previousMillis(timeSpan: number): RangeQuery;
5293 /**
5294 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5295 * configured to end a number of events before the end of the time
5296 * series.
5297 *
5298 * **Operator type:** span
5299 *
5300 * @param count specifies the end of the range of events to select as a
5301 * number of events before the end of the time series. For
5302 * value range queries, count is the number of original
5303 * events. For edit range queries, count is the number of
5304 * events of any type.
5305 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5306 * @throws an {Error} if count is negative
5307 */
5308 untilLast(count: number): RangeQuery;
5309 /**
5310 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with the span of the current range
5311 * configured to end at a relative time from the timestamp of the last
5312 * event in the time series.
5313 *
5314 * **Operator type:** span
5315 *
5316 * @param timeSpan specifies the end of the range of events to select as
5317 * a number of milliseconds relative to the timestamp of
5318 * the latest event in the time series
5319 * @return a copy of this range query with a new span
5320 * @throws an {Error} if timeSpan is negative
5321 */
5322 untilLastMillis(timeSpan: number): RangeQuery;
5323 /**
5324 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery that returns at most count events.
5325 *
5326 * If the query would otherwise select more than count events, only the
5327 * latest count values (those with the highest sequence numbers) are
5328 * returned.
5329 *
5330 * This is most useful when a temporal span has been configured with
5331 * {@link RangeQuery.nextMillis} or {@link RangeQuery.previousMillis},
5332 * where the potential number of returned events is unknown.
5333 *
5334 * {@link QueryResult.isComplete isComplete()} can be used to determine
5335 * whether a query has returned an incomplete result.
5336 *
5337 * **Operator type:** limit
5338 *
5339 * @param count the maximum number of events to return
5340 * @return a copy of this range query with a new limit
5341 * @throws an {Error} if count is negative
5342 */
5343 limit(count: number): RangeQuery;
5344 /**
5345 * Return a copy of this RangeQuery with a different query value type.
5346 *
5347 * A query can only be evaluated successfully against time series topics
5348 * with a compatible event data type. If a query method is called for a
5349 * time series topic with an incompatible event data type, the query
5350 * will complete exceptionally.
5351 *
5352 * If the event data type of the time series topic is known,
5353 * compatibility of a particular `valueClass` can be checked using
5354 * {@link DataType.canReadAs canReadAs}. The
5355 * {@link TimeSeries.rangeQuery default range query} has a query value
5356 * type of {@link Bytes}, which is compatible with all time series value
5357 * data types.
5358 *
5359 * **Operator type:** query value type
5360 *
5361 * @param valueClass the value class or data type to read event values as
5362 * @return a copy of this range query with a new query value type
5363 */
5364 as(valueClass: DataType<any, any, any> | (new (...args: any[]) => any)): RangeQuery;
5365 /**
5366 * Evaluate this query for a time series topic.
5367 *
5368 * The session must have the `READ_TOPIC` topic permission for `topicPath`
5369 * to evaluate a query. The `QUERY_OBSOLETE_TIME_SERIES_EVENTS` topic
5370 * permission is also required if this is an {@link RangeQuery.forEdits edit
5371 * range} query, or a {@link RangeQuery.forValues value range query} with an
5372 * {@link RangeQuery.editRange edit range}.
5373 *
5374 * @param topicPath the path of the time series topic to query
5375 *
5376 * @return a result that completes when a response is
5377 * received from the server.
5378 * <p>
5379 * If the query returned results, the result will
5380 * complete successfully and provide an {@link QueryResult}.
5381 * <p>
5382 * Otherwise, the result will complete exceptionally
5383 * with an {@link ErrorReason}.
5384 */
5385 selectFrom(topicPath: string): Result<QueryResult>;
5388 * Query result providing a {@link Stream} of events.
5389 */
5390export interface QueryResult {
5391 /**
5392 * Returns the number of events selected by the query.
5393 *
5394 * This number may be greater than `stream().count()` due to a
5395 * policy of the time series topic to limit the number of returned
5396 * results, or the use of {@link RangeQuery.limit}.
5397 */
5398 readonly selectedCount: number;
5399 /**
5400 * The timeseries events returned
5401 */
5402 readonly events: Array<Event<any>>;
5403 /**
5404 * Returns whether this result includes all events selected by the
5405 * query.
5406 */
5407 readonly isComplete: boolean;
5408 /**
5409 * Returns a description of the structure of the result stream.
5410 */
5411 readonly streamStructure: StreamStructure;
5412 /**
5413 * Merge this result with `other` , combining original events and
5414 * edit events, to produce a new {@link QueryResult}.
5415 *
5416 * The following rules are applied to calculate the result:
5417 *
5418 * * If this result and `other` have an event with equal
5419 * sequence numbers, the event from `other` is selected.
5420 * * An edit event is selected in place of its original event.
5421 * * If there are multiple edit events of an original edit, the one
5422 * with the highest sequence is selected.
5423 *
5424 * The returned result implements {@link QueryResult.isComplete}
5425 * to return true and {@link QueryResult.selectedCount} to
5426 * return the count of events in the stream, regardless of whether this
5427 * result is complete.
5428 *
5429 * @param other the other query result to merge
5430 * @return the merged result
5431 */
5432 merge(other: QueryResult): QueryResult;
5435 * @module Session.topics
5436 */
5438 * Topic control feature.
5439 *
5440 * Provides methods to change and update the topic tree stored on the server.
5441 *
5442 * **Example:**
5443 * ```
5444 * // Get a reference to topic control feature
5445 * var topics = session.topics;
5446 * ```
5447 */
5448export interface TopicControl {
5449 /**
5450 * Add a topic to the server at a specific path. This returns a {@link Result}.
5451 *
5452 * The path should be a string. To express hierarchies, `/` can
5453 * be used as a delimiter. This allows topics to be nested and grouped below
5454 * each other. For example, `session.topics.add('foo/bar');`
5455 * creates the topic `bar` . A topic is not created at `foo`
5456 * by this method.
5457 *
5458 * Each topic has a particular {@link TopicType type}, which constrains the
5459 * kind of values that the topic will allow. This type can either be
5460 * explicitly provided, or included as part of a {@link TopicSpecification
5461 * TopicSpecification}.
5462 *
5463 * <h5>Adding from topic type</h5>
5464 *
5465 * To directly specify the type of topic to create, provide a string path
5466 * and a {@link TopicType}. Topics specified in this way
5467 * are created with default topic properties, as described in {@link TopicSpecification}.
5468 *
5469 * <h5>Adding from topic specification</h5>
5470 *
5471 * {@link TopicSpecification TopicSpecifications} allows
5472 * the creation of topics of a particular type, along with additional
5473 * properties that determine how the topic operates. For instance, you may
5474 * wish to specify that a topic will validate values before publishing, or
5475 * that it will only publish values instead of deltas.
5476 *
5477 * <h5>Operation results</h5>
5478 *
5479 * If the topic was added, or a topic already exists with the same path and
5480 * specification, the operation will succeed. If there is a problem with
5481 * adding the topic then the result will be rejected with an error.
5482 *
5483 * If any sessions have already subscribed to the same path that a topic is
5484 * created for, they will receive a `subscription` event once the topic is
5485 * added, and a `value` event with the initial value (if supplied).
5486 *
5487 * If the session is closed when calling this method, the returned result
5488 * will be rejected.
5489 *
5490 * <h5>Failure</h5>
5491 *
5492 * If the operation fails a {@link TopicAddFailReason} is
5493 * provided. Adding a topic may fail because the session has insufficient
5494 * permissions; a topic already exists at the specified path; or certain
5495 * mandatory {@link TopicSpecification TopicSpecification}
5496 * properties were missing
5497 *
5498 * **Example:**
5499 * ```
5500 * // Create a topic with a Topic Type
5501 * session.topics.add('foo/binary', diffusion.topics.TopicType.BINARY);
5502 * ```
5503 *
5504 * **Example:**
5505 * ```
5506 * // Create a topic with a TopicSpecification
5507 * const TopicSpecification = diffusion.topics.TopicSpecification;
5508 * var specification = new TopicSpecification(diffusion.topics.TopicType.JSON, {
5509 * TopicSpecification.VALIDATE_VALUES : "true"
5510 * });
5511 *
5512 * session.topics.add('foo/json', specification);
5513 * ```
5514 *
5515 * **Example:**
5516 * ```
5517 * // Handle the add topic result
5518 * session.topics.add('foo/bob', diffusion.topics.TopicType.JSON).then(function(result) {
5519 * if (result.added) {
5520 * console.log('Topic added');
5521 * } else {
5522 * console.log('A compatible topic already exists');
5523 * }
5524 * }, function(error) {
5525 * console.log('Topic add failed: ', error);
5526 * });
5527 * ```
5528 *
5529 * @param topicPath the topic path to create.
5530 * @param specification the topic type/specification
5531 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
5532 */
5533 add(topicPath: string, specification: TopicType | TopicSpecification): Result<TopicAddResult>;
5534 /**
5535 * Remove one or more topics at the server.
5536 *
5537 * The topics to remove will depend upon the nature of the topic selector
5538 * specified. If the selector does not have {@link TopicSelector descendant
5539 * pattern qualifiers} (i.e. / or //), only those topics that exist at paths
5540 * indicated by the selector will be removed and not their descendants. If a
5541 * single / qualifier is specified, all descendants of the matching topic
5542 * paths will be removed. If // is specified, all branches of the topic tree
5543 * that match the selector (i.e topics at the selected paths and all
5544 * descendants of the selected paths) will be removed.
5545 *
5546 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a string
5547 * or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
5548 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
5549 * valid selector has to be specified.
5550 *
5551 * **Example:**
5552 * ```
5553 * // Remove the topic at 'foo/bar', leaving descendants
5554 * session.topics.remove('>foo/bar');
5555 * ```
5556 *
5557 * **Example:**
5558 * ```
5559 * // Remove the topic at 'foo/bar' and all descendants
5560 * session.topics.remove('?foo/bar//');
5561 * ```
5562 *
5563 * @param selector the selector specifying the topics to remove
5564 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
5565 */
5566 remove(selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
5567 remove(...selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
5568 /**
5569 * Register a deferred action to remove a branch of the topic tree when this
5570 * session is closed.
5571 *
5572 * A removal action can be registered at any point in the topic tree, but
5573 * can not be placed above or below existing registrations. An
5574 * `error` event will be emitted if the server rejects the
5575 * registration.
5576 *
5577 * When this session is closed, regardless of reason, this topic and all
5578 * topics below it will be removed from the topic tree.
5579 *
5580 * Multiple sessions can request that the same branch be removed. If a branch
5581 * has multiple registrations, then the marked topics will not be removed
5582 * until all registered sessions have been closed.
5583 *
5584 * When registration is successful, the {@link Result} will
5585 * call the success callback with an object representing the registration
5586 * with the property function deregister that can be called at any point to
5587 * remove this registered action. The deregistration function returns a new
5588 * {@link Result}.
5589 *
5590 * If the session is closed when calling this method, the returned result
5591 * will emit an `error` event.
5592 *
5593 * @deprecated since 6.1
5594 *
5595 * The preferred method for automatic removal of topics is
5596 * the {@link TopicSpecification.REMOVAL REMOVAL} topic
5597 * property. To achieve the equivalent of this method the
5598 * property can be specified as:-
5599 *
5600 * ```
5601 * when this session closes remove "?topicPath//"
5602 * ```
5603 *
5604 * To achieve a dependency upon more than one session, a
5605 * condition specifying a principal name or some other session
5606 * property can be used.
5607 *
5608 * This method will be removed in a future release.
5609 *
5610 * **Example:**
5611 * ```
5612 * // Remove all topics under 'foo'
5613 * session.topics.removeWithSession('foo').then(
5614 * function(registration) {
5615 * // Registration complete
5616 *
5617 * // Deregister this action
5618 * registration.deregister().then(
5619 * function() {
5620 * // Deregistration complete
5621 * },
5622 * function(err) {
5623 * // Failure while deregistering
5624 * }
5625 * );
5626 * },
5627 * function(err) {
5628 * // Could not register
5629 * }
5630 * );
5631 * ```
5632 *
5633 * @param topicPath the path of the topic tree to remove
5634 * @returns registration {@link Result}.
5635 */
5636 removeWithSession(topicPath: string): Result<RemoveWithSessionResult>;
5637 /**
5638 * Update a topic on the server with a new supplied value. The returned
5639 * {@link Result} will complete if the update is successfully applied, and
5640 * any sessions subscribed to the same topic will be notified of the new
5641 * topic value.
5642 *
5643 * If the session is closed when calling this method, the returned result
5644 * will also emit an `error` event.
5645 *
5646 * <h5>Failure</h5>
5647 *
5648 * If the operation fails a {@link UpdateFailReason} is provided. The value
5649 * provided must be compatible with the data type of the topic being
5650 * updated, or the update will be rejected. Updates will also be rejected if
5651 * the session has insufficient permissions, or the topic does not exist.
5652 *
5653 * Prefer {@link TopicControl.updateValue} when updating a `Double` or
5654 * `Int64` topic. This method can infer the wrong data type when updating a
5655 * `Double` topic with a value that does not have a fractional component.
5656 *
5657 * **Example:**
5658 * ```
5659 * // Update topic 'foo/bar' with string value.
5660 * session.topics.update('foo/bar', 'baz');
5661 * ```
5662 *
5663 * **Example:**
5664 * ```
5665 * // Update topic with JSON content
5666 * var content = diffusion.datatypes.json().from({ "foo" : "bar" });
5667 *
5668 * session.topics.update('foo/bar', content);
5669 * ```
5670 *
5671 * @param path the topic path to update
5672 * @param value the value to update the topic with
5673 * @returns a {@link Result} that completes with the topic path that has
5674 * been updated.
5675 *
5676 * @deprecated since 6.2
5677 * <p>
5678 * This method is deprecated. Use {@link TopicUpdate.set}
5679 * instead. This method will be removed in a future release.
5680 */
5681 update(path: string, value: any): Result<string>;
5682 /**
5683 * This method is similar to {@link TopicControl.update} but takes in a
5684 * data type so that the updater can determine which data type to use when
5685 * encoding the value.
5686 *
5687 * Note that if a double value is applied to an `Int64` topic, the
5688 * fractional component is ignored. Updating a topic with a different value
5689 * type can lead to an unexpected value getting applied to the topic.
5690 *
5691 * **Example:**
5692 * ```
5693 * session.topics.updateValue('foo', 123.45, diffusion.datatypes.double());
5694 * ```
5695 *
5696 * @param path the topic path to update
5697 * @param value the value to update the topic with
5698 * @param datatype the data type to be used for encoding the value
5699 * @returns a {@link Result} that completes with the topic path that has
5700 * been updated.
5701 *
5702 * @deprecated since 6.2
5703 * <p>
5704 * This method is deprecated. Use {@link TopicUpdate.set}
5705 * instead. This method will be removed in a future release.
5706 */
5707 updateValue(path: string, value: any, datatype: DataType<any, any, any>): Result<string>;
5708 /**
5709 * Register a handler to provide exclusive updates for a particular branch
5710 * of the topic tree. Once successfully registered, the handler will be
5711 * called with lifecycle callbacks. This grants this session sole access to
5712 * publish updates to topics at or under the branch used for registration.
5713 *
5714 * If no other handlers have been registered for the topic path, the handler
5715 * will enter the {@link TopicUpdateHandler.onActive active} state. This
5716 * provides an {@link Updater updater} which can then be used to publish
5717 * updates for topics at or below the registered topic path.
5718 *
5719 * If there is an existing handler for the topic path, the handler will be
5720 * put into the {@link TopicUpdateHandler.onStandBy standby} state. This
5721 * indicates that the handler is registered but does not have access to
5722 * publish updates. Once all previously registered handlers are closed, this
5723 * handler will transition to the {@link TopicUpdateHandler.onActive active}
5724 * state.
5725 *
5726 * The handler will be closed if the session closes or `unregister` is
5727 * called. This is a terminal state from which no further state transitions
5728 * will occur. When a registered handler is closed, if there is another
5729 * handler registered by a different session, this next handler will
5730 * transition to an active state.
5731 *
5732 * Handlers cannot be registered above or below the topic path of any other
5733 * registered handlers. Attempting to do so will close the handler.
5734 *
5735 * **Example:**
5736 * ```
5737 * session.topics.registerUpdateSource('foo/bar', {
5738 * onRegister : function(topicPath, unregister) {
5739 * // The handler has been registered
5740 *
5741 * // Unregister the handler
5742 * unregister();
5743 * },
5744 * onActive : function(topicPath, updater) {
5745 * // Now that we're active, we have sole write access for all topics under 'foo/bar'
5746 * updater.update('foo/bar/baz', 123).then(function() {
5747 * // Updates return a promise just like session.topics.update
5748 * });
5749 * },
5750 * onStandby : function(topicPath) {
5751 * // The updater is registered, but another updater currently holds the active state.
5752 * },
5753 * onClose : function(topicPath) {
5754 * // The updater is closed
5755 * }
5756 * });
5757 * ```
5758 *
5759 * **Example:**
5760 * ```
5761 * // 'client' is an anonymous session that has insufficient permission to register an update source
5762 * client.topics.registerUpdateSource('foo/bar', {
5763 * onRegister : function(topicPath, unregister) {
5764 * },
5765 * onActive : function(topicPath, updater) {
5766 * },
5767 * onStandby : function(topicPath) {
5768 * },
5769 * onClose : function(topicPath, error) {
5770 * // The updater is closed because the error is diffusion.errors.ACCESS_DENIED
5771 * }
5772 * });
5773 * ```
5774 *
5775 * @param path the topic path to register an update source for.
5776 * @param updateHandler handler specifies the handler for the specified
5777 * branch (unless overridden by a handler registered
5778 * against a more specific branch)
5779 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
5780 *
5781 * @deprecated since 6.2
5782 * <p>
5783 * This method is deprecated. Use {@link
5784 * TopicUpdate.createUpdateStream} instead. This method will be
5785 * removed in a future release.
5786 */ registerUpdateSource(path: string, updateHandler: TopicUpdateHandler): Result<void>;
5787 /**
5788 * Register a {@link MissingTopicHandler} to handle requests for a branch of
5789 * the topic tree.
5790 *
5791 * The provided handler is called when a client subscribes or fetches using
5792 * a topic selector that matches no existing topics. This allows a control
5793 * client to intercede when another session requests a topic that does not
5794 * exist. The control client may {@link TopicControl.add create the
5795 * topic}, perform some other action, or do nothing, before allowing the
5796 * client operation to proceed by calling {@link
5797 * MissingTopicNotification.proceed proceed()}. Alternatively, the control
5798 * client can call {@link MissingTopicNotification.cancel cancel()} to
5799 * discard the request.
5800 *
5801 * A control client can register multiple handlers, but may only register a
5802 * single handler for a given topic path. See {@link
5803 * MissingTopicHandler.onRegister}. A handler will only be called for topic
5804 * selectors with a {@link TopicSelector.prefix path prefix} that starts
5805 * with or is equal to `topicPath` . If the path prefix matches multiple
5806 * handlers, the one registered for the most specific (longest) topic path
5807 * will be called.
5808 *
5809 * If the session is closed or the handler could not be registered, the
5810 * returned {@link Result} will call its failure callback, and the handler's
5811 * {@link MissingTopicHandler.onClose} or {@link
5812 * MissingTopicHandler.onError} method will be called.
5813 *
5814 * @param topicPath identifies a branch in the topic tree
5815 * @param handler specifies the handler for the specified branch (unless
5816 * overridden by a handler registered against a more
5817 * specific branch)
5818 *
5819 * @returns a {@link Result} for this registration
5820 */
5821 addMissingTopicHandler(path: string, updateHandler: MissingTopicHandler): Result<void>;
5824 * Handler called when a client session subscribes or fetches using a topic
5825 * selector that matches no topics. This interface must be implemented by the user.
5826 * <P>
5827 * Handler instances can be registered using
5828 * {@link TopicControl.addMissingTopicHandler addMissingTopicHandler}.
5829 *
5830 * @class MissingTopicHandler
5831 */
5832export interface MissingTopicHandler {
5833 /**
5834 * Called when a client session requests a topic that does not exist,
5835 * and the topic path belongs to part of the topic tree for which this
5836 * handler was registered.
5837 *
5838 * Missing topic notifications only occur when using the deprecated
5839 * {@link Session.fetch} mechanism. The newer {@link Session.fetchRequest}
5840 * mechanism does not generate missing topic notifications.
5841 *
5842 * The handler implementation should take the appropriate action (for
5843 * example, create the topic), and then call
5844 * {@link MissingTopicNotification.proceed proceed} on the supplied
5845 * `notification` . This allows the client request to continue and
5846 * successfully resolve against the topic if it was created.
5847 *
5848 * Alternatively, the handler can call {@link
5849 * MissingTopicNotification.cancel cancel} to discard the request. A
5850 * handler should always call `proceed` or `cancel` , otherwise resources
5851 * will continue to be reserved on the server until the notification times
5852 * out.
5853 *
5854 * @param notification the missing topic notification
5855 */
5856 onMissingTopic(notification: MissingTopicNotification): void;
5857 /**
5858 * Called when the handler has been successfully registered with the server.
5859 *
5860 * A session can register a single handler for a given branch of the topic
5861 * tree. If there is already a handler registered for the topic path the
5862 * operation will fail and {@link MissingTopicHandler.onClose onClose} will
5863 * be called.
5864 *
5865 * To deregister the handler, call the `deregister` function
5866 * supplied.
5867 *
5868 * @param path the registration path
5869 * @param deregister a function that may be called to deregister this handler
5870 */
5871 onRegister(path: string, deregister: () => void): void;
5872 /**
5873 * Called when the handler is closed. The handler will be closed if the
5874 * session is closed, or if the handler is unregistered.
5875 *
5876 * Once closed, no further calls will be made for the handler.
5877 *
5878 * @param path the registration path
5879 */
5880 onClose(path: string): void;
5881 /**
5882 * Notification of a contextual error related to this handler. This is
5883 * analogous to an unchecked exception being raised. Situations in which
5884 * `onError` is called include the session being closed before the
5885 * handler is registered, a communication timeout, or a problem with the
5886 * provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this handler.
5887 *
5888 * @param path the registration path
5889 * @param error the error
5890 */
5891 onError(path: string, error: any): void;
5894 * Notification that a session has made a request using a selector that does
5895 * not match any topics.
5896 *
5897 * Processing of the initial request will be halted until
5898 * {@link MissingTopicNotification.proceed proceed} is called, at which point
5899 * the selector will be resolved against the topic tree again.
5900 *
5901 * If after calling `proceed` the selector still does not
5902 * match against any topics, no further notifications will be provided.
5903 *
5904 * Should {@link MissingTopicNotification.cancel cancel} be called, or the
5905 * notification time out, the request will be discarded. The requesting
5906 * session will not be notified that their request has been cancelled.
5907 */
5908export interface MissingTopicNotification {
5909 /**
5910 * The common root topic path derived from the requested topic selector
5911 */
5912 path: string;
5913 /**
5914 * The topic selector that triggered this notification
5915 */
5916 selector: TopicSelector;
5917 /**
5918 * Session ID of the client session that triggered this notification
5919 */
5920 sessionID: SessionId;
5921 /**
5922 * Instruct the server to complete processing of the session request.
5923 *
5924 * This may be called after additional operations (such as adding
5925 * topics) have been performed, to allow the requested selector to be
5926 * resolved against the updated topic tree.
5927 *
5928 * For subscription requests, the topic selector will be added to the
5929 * client's topic selections. This will cause the client session to
5930 * become subscribed to topics that match the selector if they are added
5931 * later.
5932 */
5933 proceed(): void;
5934 /**
5935 * Cancel the client request on the server.
5936 *
5937 * Calling this will prevent any further processing of the request. For
5938 * subscription requests, the topic selector will be discarded. The
5939 * client session will not become subscribed to topics that match the
5940 * selector if they are added later.
5941 *
5942 * @deprecated since 6.4
5943 * <p>
5944 * This is only useful when using the deprecated {@link
5945 * Topics.fetch} mechanism. It will be removed when that
5946 * mechanism is removed.
5947 */
5948 cancel(): void;
5951 * The TopicUpdateHandler interface for exclusive updates. This interface must
5952 * be implemented by the user, to be registered via {@link
5953 * TopicControl.registerUpdateSource}.
5954 *
5955 * A topic update handler has a lifecycle that reflects the registration state
5956 * on the server. This is expressed through the callback methods. Once {@link
5957 * TopicUpdateHandler.onClose onClose} has been called, no further interactions
5958 * will occur.
5959 *
5960 * When an update handler is registered it will be notified via the {@link
5961 * TopicUpdateHandler.onRegister onRegister} callback. Once registered it may be
5962 * in either a `active` state, where it can provide topic updates, or a
5963 * `standby` state, where it is still registered but is not allowed to
5964 * perform updates. The state may be switched in any order, depending on server
5965 * policy.
5966 *
5967 * @class TopicUpdateHandler
5968 *
5969 * @deprecated since 6.2
5970 *
5971 * This class is deprecated. It is only used in conjunction with
5972 * {@link TopicControl.registerUpdateSource}. Use {@link
5973 * TopicUpdate.createUpdateStream} instead. This method will be
5974 * removed in a future release.
5975 */
5976export interface TopicUpdateHandler {
5977 /**
5978 * Called when the handler has been successfully registered with the server.
5979 *
5980 * A session can register a single handler for a given branch of the topic
5981 * tree. If there is already a handler registered for the topic path the
5982 * operation will fail and {@link TopicUpdateHandler.onClose onClose} will
5983 * be called.
5984 *
5985 * To deregister the handler, call the `deregister` function supplied.
5986 *
5987 * @param path the path that the handler is registered for
5988 * @param deregister a function that may be called to deregister this handler
5989 */
5990 onRegister(path: string, deregister: () => void): void;
5991 /**
5992 * State notification that this handler is now active for the specified
5993 * topic path and is therefore in a valid state to send updates on topic at
5994 * or below the registered topic path
5995 *
5996 * @param path the registration path
5997 * @param updater an updater that can be used to update topics
5998 */ onActive(path: string, updater: Updater): void;
5999 /**
6000 * State notification that this handler is not currently allowed to provide
6001 * topic updates for the specified topic path. This indicates that another
6002 * {@link TopicUpdateHandler} is currently active for the given topic path.
6003 *
6004 * Server policy will dictate when this handler is set as active.
6005 *
6006 * If this handler was previously in a `active` state, any {@link Updater}
6007 * instances for this topic path will no longer be valid for use.
6008 *
6009 * @param path the registration path
6010 */
6011 onStandBy(path: string): void;
6012 /**
6013 * Called when the handler is closed. The handler will be closed if the
6014 * session is closed, or if the handler is unregistered.
6015 *
6016 * Once closed, no further calls will be made for the handler.
6017 *
6018 * @param path the registration path
6019 * @param errorReason an optional value representing the error; this can be
6020 * one of the constants defined in {@link
6021 * ErrorReason}, or a feature-specific reason. It
6022 * is absent if the handler was closed because the
6023 * session closed.
6024 */
6025 onClose(path: string, errorReason?: ErrorReasonType): void;
6028 * An updater provides methods to update a topic on the server with a new
6029 * supplied value, like {@link TopicControl.update}, but within the context of
6030 * an exclusive {@link TopicUpdateHandler} registration. If the update is
6031 * successful it will call the result's success callback, and any sessions
6032 * subscribed to the same topic will be notified of a topic update.
6033 *
6034 * An updater may only update topics at or below the registration path of the
6035 * {@link TopicUpdateHandler} from which it was produced.
6036 *
6037 * The result will fail if the update was not successful. It is necessary for
6038 * the topic to exist, and that the value type must be valid for the topic, for
6039 * example a topic added with {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64} cannot accept a string
6040 * value. Updates will also fail if the {@link TopicUpdateHandler} this updater
6041 * was created from is in a `standby` or `closed` state.
6042 *
6043 * **Example:**
6044 * ```
6045 * updater.update('foo/bar', 123).then(function() {
6046 * // Update successful
6047 * }, function(err) {
6048 * // Update failed
6049 * });
6050 * ```
6051 *
6052 * @deprecated since 6.2
6053 * <p>
6054 * This class is deprecated. It is only used in conjunction with
6055 * {@link TopicControl.registerUpdateSource}. Use {@link
6056 * TopicUpdate.createUpdateStream} instead. This method will be
6057 * removed in a future release.
6058 */
6059export interface Updater {
6060 /**
6061 * Update a topic
6062 *
6063 * Prefer {@link updateValue} when updating a `Double` or `Int64` topic.
6064 * This method can infer the wrong data type when updating a `Double` topic
6065 * with a value that does not have a fractional component.
6066 *
6067 * @param path the topic to update
6068 * @param value the value to update the topic with
6069 * @return the {@link Result} that completes when the update succeeded
6070 */
6071 update(path: string, value: any): Result<void>;
6072 /**
6073 * Update a topic with a specified data type
6074 *
6075 * @param path the topic to update
6076 * @param value the value to update the topic with
6077 * @param datatype the data type to be used for encoding the value
6078 * @return the {@link Result} that completes when the update suceeded
6079 */
6080 updateValue(path: string, value: any, datatype: DataType<any, any, any>): Result<void>;
6083 * A result returned when a request to add a topic completes
6084 */
6085export interface TopicAddResult {
6086 /**
6087 * Whether the Topic was added or not
6088 */
6089 added: boolean;
6090 /**
6091 * The topic path that was used
6092 */
6093 topic: string;
6096 * A result that is returned from a {@link TopicControl.removeWithSession} request
6097 */
6098export interface RemoveWithSessionResult {
6099 /**
6100 * A function to remove this registered action
6101 *
6102 * @return a result that resolves with the topic path that was removed
6103 */
6104 deregister(): Result<{
6105 topic: string;
6106 }>;
6109 * Alias for the TopicUpdateHandler interface to keep compatibility with old TypeScript definitions
6110 */ export declare type UpdateSourceHandler = TopicUpdateHandler;
6112 * @module Session.notifications
6113 */
6115 * The type of topic notification that has been received.
6116 */
6117export declare enum TopicNotificationType {
6118 /**
6119 * The topic was added.
6120 */
6121 ADDED = 0,
6122 /**
6123 * The topic existed at the time of the selector registration.
6124 */
6125 SELECTED = 1,
6126 /**
6127 * The topic was removed.
6128 */
6129 REMOVED = 2,
6130 /**
6131 * The topic was deselected.
6132 */
6133 DESELECTED = 3,
6136 * Topic notifications feature.
6137 *
6138 * Allows a client session to receive notifications about changes to selected topics.
6139 */
6140export interface TopicNotifications {
6141 /**
6142 * The topic notification type enum
6143 */ TopicNotificationType: typeof TopicNotificationType;
6144 /**
6145 * Register a {@link TopicNotificationListener} to receive topic notifications.
6146 *
6147 * @param listener the listener to receive topic notifications
6148 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
6149 */
6150 addListener(listener: TopicNotificationListener): Result<TopicNotificationRegistration>;
6153 * Listener for topic notifications.
6154 */
6155export interface TopicNotificationListener {
6156 /**
6157 * Notification for an immediate descendant of a selected topic path. This
6158 * notifies the presence or absence of a descendant topic that may
6159 * subsequently be explicitly selected.
6160 *
6161 * @param path the path of the selected immediate descendant
6162 * @param type the type of notification
6163 */
6164 onDescendantNotification(path: string, type: TopicNotificationType): void;
6165 /**
6166 * A notification for a selected topic.
6167 *
6168 * @param path the path of the selected topic
6169 * @param specification the specification of the topic that this
6170 * notification is for
6171 * @param type the type of notification
6172 */
6173 onTopicNotification(path: string, specification: TopicSpecification, type: TopicNotificationType): void;
6174 /**
6175 * Called when the listener is closed. The listener will be closed if the
6176 * session is closed, or if the listener is closed by the {@link
6177 * TopicNotificationRegistration}
6178 *
6179 * Once closed, no further calls will be made to the listener.
6180 */
6181 onClose(): void;
6182 /**
6183 * Notification of a contextual error related to this listener. This is
6184 * analogous to an Error being thrown. Situations in which
6185 * `onError` is called include the session being closed before the
6186 * listener is registered, a communication timeout, or a problem with the
6187 * provided parameters. No further calls will be made to this listener.
6188 *
6189 * @param {Object} error - The error
6190 *
6191 * @function TopicNotificationListener#onError
6192 */
6193 onError(error: any): void;
6196 * The TopicNotificationRegistration represents the registration state of the
6197 * associated listener on the server.
6198 *
6199 * The TopicNotificationRegistration provides operations to control which topic
6200 * paths the listener will receive notifications for. It can also close the
6201 * listener and remove it from the server.
6202 */
6203export interface TopicNotificationRegistration {
6204 /**
6205 * Request to receive notifications for all topics matched by the provided
6206 * topic selector.
6207 *
6208 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a string
6209 * or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
6210 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
6211 * valid selector has to be specified.
6212 *
6213 * @param selector the selector to register
6214 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
6215 */
6216 select(selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
6217 select(...selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
6218 /**
6219 * Request to stop receiving notifications for all topics matched by the
6220 * given selector.
6221 *
6222 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a
6223 * string or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
6224 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
6225 * valid selector has to be specified.
6226 *
6227 * @param selector the selector to register
6228 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
6229 */
6230 deselect(selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
6231 deselect(...selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
6232 /**
6233 * Request that the listener is unregistered from the server.
6234 * @function TopicNotificationRegistration#close
6235 */
6236 close(err?: any): void;
6239 * @module Session.topicUpdate
6240 */
6242 * Options for creating a topic update stream or for setting a value using the
6243 * topicUpdate feature.
6244 */
6245export interface TopicUpdateOptions {
6246 /**
6247 * an optional constraint that must be satisfied for the topic to be
6248 * updated.
6249 */
6250 constraint?: UpdateConstraint;
6251 /**
6252 * an optional specification of the topic. If this is specified and the
6253 * topic does not exist at the `path` , one will be created using
6254 * `specification` . If a topic does exist, its specification must match
6255 * `specification` , otherwise the operation will fail with an `Error` .
6256 */
6257 specification?: TopicSpecification;
6260 * Result of {@link TopicUpdate.applyJsonPatch applyJsonPatch}. Check {@link
6261 * JsonPatchResult.failedOperation failedOperation} to determine whether any of
6262 * the operations failed.
6263 *
6264 * @since 6.4
6265 */
6266export interface JsonPatchResult {
6267 /**
6268 * If present, this contains the index of the first operation which failed.
6269 */
6270 failedOperation?: number;
6273 * <a name="topic-update-feature"></a>
6274 * This feature provides a client session with the ability to update topics.
6275 *
6276 * A session does not have to be subscribed to a topic to update it.
6277 *
6278 * Constraints can be applied to the setting of a value and creation of an
6279 * update stream. Constraints describe a condition that must be satisfied for
6280 * the operation to succeed. The constraints are evaluated on the server. The
6281 * available constraints are: an active session lock, the current value of the
6282 * topic being updated and a part of the current value of the topic being
6283 * updated.
6284 *
6285 * When a topic of type {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING STRING},
6286 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 INT64} or
6287 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE DOUBLE} is set to `null`
6288 * or `undefined` , the topic will be updated to have no value. If a
6289 * previous value was present subscribers will receive a notification that the
6290 * new value is `undefined` . New subscribers will not receive a value
6291 * notification. Attempting to set any other type of topic to `null`
6292 * or `undefined` will cause an `Error` to be thrown.
6293 *
6294 * <H3>Access control</H3>
6295 *
6296 * To update any topic a session needs {@link TopicPermission.UPDATE_TOPIC
6297 * update topic} permission covering the topic. To create any topic a session
6298 * needs {@link TopicPermission.MODIFY_TOPIC modify topic} permission covering
6299 * the topic. Requests that combine adding a topic and setting the value will
6300 * require both permissions for either action to happen. An {@link UpdateStream}
6301 * cannot be used to add a topic successfully but fail to set its value because
6302 * the {@link TopicPermission.UPDATE_TOPIC update topic} is missing.
6303 *
6304 * <H3>Accessing the feature</H3>
6305 *
6306 * This feature may be obtained from a {@link Session session} as follows:
6307 *
6308 * ```
6309 * var topicUpdate = session.topicUpdate;
6310 * ```
6311 *
6312 * @since 6.2
6313 */
6314export interface TopicUpdate {
6315 /**
6316 * Sets the topic to a specified value.
6317 *
6318 * `null` or `undefined` can only be passed to the
6319 * `value` parameter when updating
6320 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING STRING},
6321 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 INT64} or
6322 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE DOUBLE} topics.
6323 *
6324 * When a topic of type {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING STRING},
6325 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 INT64} or
6326 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE DOUBLE} is set
6327 * to `null` or `undefined` , the topic will be updated
6328 * to have no value. If a previous value was present subscribers will
6329 * receive a notification that the new value is `undefined` . New
6330 * subscribers will not receive a value notification.
6331 *
6332 * @param path the path of the topic
6333 * @param dataType the type of the values
6334 * @param value the value. String, int64, and double topics accept
6335 * `null` or `undefined` , as described above.
6336 * Using `null` or `undefined` with other
6337 * topic types is an error and will throw an `Error` .
6338 * @param options optional options object
6339 * @return a Result that resolves when a response is received
6340 * from the server.
6341 * <p>
6342 * If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an
6343 * `Error` .
6344 */
6345 set(path: string, dataType: DataType<any, any, any>, value: any, options?: TopicUpdateOptions): Result<void>;
6346 /**
6347 * Creates an {@link UpdateStream update stream} to
6348 * use for updating a specific topic.
6349 *
6350 * The type of the topic being updated must match the type derived from the
6351 * `dataType` parameter.
6352 *
6353 * Update streams send a sequence of updates for a specific topic. They can
6354 * result in more efficient use of the network as only the differences
6355 * between the current value and the updated value are transmitted. They do
6356 * not provide exclusive access to the topic. If exclusive access is
6357 * required update streams should be used with {@link SessionLock session
6358 * locks} as constraints.
6359 *
6360 * Streams are validated lazily when the first
6361 * {@link UpdateStream.set set} or
6362 * {@link UpdateStream.validate validate} operation is
6363 * completed. Once validated a stream can be invalidated, after which it
6364 * rejects future updates.
6365 *
6366 * @param path the path of the topic
6367 * @param dataType the type of the values expected by the update stream
6368 * @param options optional options object
6369 * @return an update stream
6370 */
6371 createUpdateStream(path: string, dataType: DataType<any, any, any>, options?: TopicUpdateOptions): UpdateStream;
6372 /**
6373 * Applies a JSON Patch to a JSON topic.
6374 *
6375 * The `patch` argument should be formatted according to the JSON
6376 * Patch standard (RFC 6902).
6377 *
6378 * Patches are a sequence of JSON Patch operations contained in an array.
6379 * The following patch will insert a number at a specific key and then test
6380 * that it was added:
6381 *
6382 * ```
6383 * [{"op":"add", "path":"/price", "value" : 41},
6384 * {"op":"test", "path":"/price", "value": 41}]
6385 * ```
6386 *
6387 * The available operations are:
6388 *
6389 * * Add: `{ "op": "add", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": [ "foo", "bar" ] }`
6390 * * Remove: `{ "op": "remove", "path": "/a/b/c" }`
6391 * * Replace: `{ "op": "replace", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": 43 }`
6392 * * Move: `{ "op": "move", "from": "/a/b/c", "path": "/a/b/d" }`
6393 * * Copy: `{ "op": "copy", "from": "/a/b/c", "path": "/a/b/e" }`
6394 * * Test: `{ "op": "test", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": "foo" }`
6395 *
6396 * The test operation checks that the CBOR representation of the value of a
6397 * topic is identical to value provided in the patch after converting it to
6398 * CBOR. If the value is represented differently as CBOR, commonly due to
6399 * different key ordering, then the patch will fail with an error. E.g the
6400 * values `{"foo": "bar", "count": 43}` and `{"count": 43, "foo": "bar"}`
6401 * are unequal despite semantic equality due to the differences in a byte
6402 * for byte comparison.
6403 *
6404 * @param path the path of the topic to patch
6405 * @param patch the JSON Patch
6406 * @param constraint optional constraint that must be satisfied for the patch to
6407 * be applied
6408 * @return a {@link Result} that resolves when a response is received from
6409 * the server.
6410 * <p>
6411 * If the task fails, the Result will reject with an error. Common reasons
6412 * for failure include:
6413 * <p>
6414 * <ul>
6415 * <li> the patch is not a valid JSON Patch;
6416 * <li> applying the patch fails;
6417 * <li> there is no topic bound to {@code path};
6418 * <li> the patch cannot be applied to the topic, for example if the
6419 * topic type is not {@link DataTypes.JSON}.
6420 * <li> updates cannot be applied to the topic because an exclusive
6421 * update source is registered for its path;
6422 * <li> the topic is managed by a component (such as fan-out) that
6423 * prohibits updates from the caller;
6424 * <li> the cluster was repartitioning;
6425 * <li> the calling session does not have the {@link
6426 * TopicPermission.UPDATE_TOPIC UPDATE_TOPIC} permission for `path`;
6427 * <li> the session is closed.
6428 * </ul>
6429 *
6430 * @see <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902">
6431 * JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch</a>
6432 *
6433 * @since 6.4
6434 */
6435 applyJsonPatch(path: string, patch: string | Array<{
6436 [key: string]: any;
6437 }>, constraint?: UpdateConstraint): Result<JsonPatchResult>;
6440 * @module Session.topicViews
6441 */
6443 * Description of a topic view that has been created.
6444 *
6445 * @since 6.3
6446 */
6447export interface TopicView {
6448 /**
6449 * The name of the topic view.
6450 */
6451 readonly name: string;
6452 /**
6453 * The specification of the topic view.
6454 *
6455 * See the <a href="./topicviews.html#view-specification">view
6456 * specification</a> for the description of the DSL</a> for more
6457 * information.
6458 */
6459 readonly specification: string;
6460 /**
6461 * The roles used by the view when evaluating permissions.
6462 */
6463 readonly roles: Set<string>;
6466 * <h3>Topic view feature.</h3>
6467 *
6468 * This feature provides a client session with the ability to manage topic
6469 * views.
6470 *
6471 * A topic view maps one part of the server's topic tree to another. It
6472 * dynamically creates a set of <em>reference topics</em> from a set of
6473 * <em>source topics</em>, based on a declarative <em>topic view
6474 * specification</em>. The capabilities of topic views range from simple
6475 * mirroring of topics within the topic tree to advanced capabilities that
6476 * include publication of partial values, expanding a single topic value into
6477 * many topics and throttling the rate of publication.
6478 *
6479 * Each reference topic has a single source topic and has the same topic type as
6480 * its source topic. Reference topics are read-only (they cannot be updated),
6481 * nor can they be created or removed directly. Otherwise, they behave just like
6482 * standard topics. A client session can subscribe to a reference topic, and can
6483 * fetch the reference topic's current value if it has one.
6484 *
6485 * The source topics of a topic view are defined by a topic selector. One or
6486 * more reference topics are created for each source topic, according to the
6487 * topic view. If a source topic is removed, reference topics that are derived
6488 * from it will automatically be removed. If a topic is added that matches the
6489 * source topic selector of a topic view, corresponding reference topics will be
6490 * created. Removing a topic view will remove all of its reference topics.
6491 *
6492 * <h3>Topic view specifications</h3>
6493 *
6494 * The following is a simple topic view specification that mirrors all topics
6495 * below the path <code>a</code> to reference topics below the path
6496 * <code>b</code>.
6497 *
6498 * <pre>
6499 * map ?a// to b/&lt;path(1)&gt;
6500 * </pre>
6501 *
6502 * A topic view with this specification will map a source topic at the path
6503 * <code>a/x/y/z</code> to a reference topic at the path <code>b/x/y/z</code>.
6504 * The specification is simple, so the reference topic will exactly mirror the
6505 * source topic.
6506 *
6507 * A general topic view specification comprises several parts:
6508 *
6509 * <ul>
6510 * <li>The <em>source topic</em> clause identifies the source topics.
6511 * <li>The <em>path mapping</em> clause determines how reference topic paths are
6512 * derived from the source topic paths, and when expanding to more than one
6513 * reference topic, from where the values are obtained.
6514 * <li>The optional <em>topic property mapping</em> clause determines how
6515 * reference topic properties are derived from source topic properties.
6516 * <li>The optional <em>value mapping</em> clause determines how reference topic
6517 * values are derived from source topic or expanded values.
6518 * <li>The optional <em>throttle</em> clause constrains the rate at which each
6519 * reference topic is updated when its source topic is updated.
6520 * </ul>
6521 *
6522 * <h4>Source topic clause</h4>
6523 * The source topic clause begins with the <code>map</code> keyword and is followed
6524 * by a topic selector. These topic selectors follow the same
6525 * {@link TopicSelectors.parse parsing rules} as other topic selectors.
6526 * When evaluating a topic view, topics in the topic tree that match the source
6527 * topic selector are considered, with the following exceptions:
6528 * <ul>
6529 * <li>Topics created through the Publisher API;
6530 * <li>{@link ROUTING ROUTING} topics.
6531 * </ul>
6532 *
6533 * Both {@link SLAVE SLAVE} and reference topics are valid source
6534 * topics. In particular, chaining of topic views is supported; that is, a
6535 * reference topic created by one topic view can be the source topic of another
6536 * topic view. Additionally, a reference topic can be the master topic of a
6537 * slave topic, or the source topic of a routing topic subscription.
6538 *
6539 * <blockquote><em>Prefer topic views to slave topics which are now
6540 * deprecated</em>. Individual topics can be mirrored by creating a slave topic,
6541 * but maintaining slave topics for a branch of the topic tree quickly becomes
6542 * tedious. A topic view will maintain such a branch automatically, and provides
6543 * more sophisticated mapping options. </blockquote>
6544 *
6545 * <h4>Path mapping clause</h4>
6546 * The paths of reference topics are derived from the source topic according to
6547 * the topic view path mapping. The path mapping allows the source topic path
6548 * and the value of the source topic to determine the path of the reference
6549 * topic. In addition the path mapping can include <em>expand</em> directives
6550 * which allow objects and arrays in JSON source topic values to be expanded to
6551 * produce many reference topics.
6552 *
6553 * A path mapping clause begins with the <code>to</code> keyword and is followed by a
6554 * path mapping template. A path mapping template is a topic path with embedded
6555 * <em>directives</em>. Directives are evaluated when creating the topic
6556 * reference and substituted into the topic path. Directives are delimited by
6557 * angle brackets (<code>&lt;</code>,<code>&gt;</code>) and consist of the name of the
6558 * directive and a list of parameters. The parameter list is comma-separated and
6559 * surrounded by parentheses (<code>(</code>, <code>)</code>).
6560 *
6561 * The following path mapping directives are supported:
6562 *
6563 * <dl>
6564 * <dt>Source path directives</dt>
6565 * <dd>Source path directives extract a portion of the source path and are
6566 * parameterized by the index of the start part of the source path and the
6567 * number of parts to include. The number of parts parameter is optional – if it
6568 * is missing, the selection extends to the end of the source path. The syntax
6569 * is <code>&lt;path(<em>start</em>, <em>number</em>)&gt;</code>, or
6570 * <code>&lt;path(<em>start</em>)&gt;</code> when the number of parts parameter
6571 * is omitted.
6572 *
6573 * For example, given the source path <code>a/b/c/d</code>, the source path directive
6574 * <code>&lt;path(1, 2)&gt;</code> is mapped to the reference topic path <code>b/c</code>, and
6575 * the source path directive <code>&lt;path(2)&gt;</code> is mapped to the reference topic
6576 * path <code>c/d</code>.</dd>
6577 *
6578 * <dt>Source value ("scalar") directives</dt>
6579 * <dd>Source value directives are only applied to {@link JSON} source
6580 * topics; if the path mapping contains a source value directive, non-JSON
6581 * topics matching the source topic selector are ignored. Source value
6582 * directives use the keyword <code>scalar</code> and are parameterized by a
6583 * single <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901"> JSON pointer</a> that
6584 * extracts a scalar value from the source (or expanded) value. A scalar value
6585 * is a string, a number, <code>true</code>, <code>false</code>, or
6586 * <code>null</code>, that is, anything other than an array or a object. If the
6587 * JSON pointer does not refer to a scalar value in the source (or expanded)
6588 * value, no reference topic will be created. This includes cases where the JSON
6589 * pointer refers to an array or an object), or when no part of the source value
6590 * is selected.
6591 *
6592 * Deriving the reference topic paths from part of the source topic value
6593 * effectively creates a secondary index on the value. For source value
6594 * directives to work efficiently, the selected scalar values should be
6595 * relatively stable. If an update to the source topic changes the selected
6596 * scalar value, the corresponding reference topic will be removed and a new
6597 * reference topic will be created.
6598 *
6599 * For example, given a source value of
6600 *
6601 * <pre>
6602 * {
6603 * "account" : "1234",
6604 * "balance" : { "amount" : 12.57, "currency" : "USD" }
6605 * }
6606 * </pre>
6607 *
6608 * and the source value directive
6609 * <code>currency/&lt;scalar(/balance/currency)&gt;/account/&lt;scalar(/account)&gt;</code>, the
6610 * reference topic path will be <code>currency/USD/account/1234</code>.
6611 *
6612 * If the extracted value is a string, it is copied literally to the reference
6613 * topic path. A value that contains path separators (<code>/</code>) will create a
6614 * reference topic path with more levels than the path mapping template.
6615 *
6616 * An extracted value of <code>null</code> will be copied to the reference topic path
6617 * as the string <code>"null"</code>.</dd>
6618 *
6619 * <dt>Expand value directives</dt>
6620 *
6621 * <dd>Expand value directives are only applied to {@link JSON}
6622 * source topics; if the path mapping contains an expand value directive,
6623 * non-JSON topics matching the source topic selector are ignored.
6624 * <p>
6625 * Expand value directives use the keyword <code>expand</code> and are
6626 * parameterized by one or two <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901">
6627 * JSON pointers</a>.
6628 * <p>
6629 * The first pointer indicates the element within the value to be expanded, and
6630 * if omitted, the value is expanded from the root. Expansion of a source topic
6631 * indicates that every direct child of the element pointed to by the expand
6632 * pointer will be used to create a new reference topic (or provide input to
6633 * later expand or scalar directives). For example <code>&lt;expand()&gt;</code> would
6634 * expand every child item in the source value and <code>&lt;expand(/account)&gt;</code>
6635 * would expand every child of the <code>account</code> value in the source value.
6636 * The specified value could be an object, an array or even a scalar value, but
6637 * a scalar value would expand to only a single new value.
6638 * <p>
6639 * The optional second parameter of the expand directive specifies a pointer to
6640 * a scalar value within the expanded value which will be used to derive the
6641 * path fragment of the reference topic path. If the second pointer is not
6642 * specified or no scalar value is found for the pointer, the path fragment is
6643 * taken from the key (if the child value is an object) or the index (if the
6644 * child value is an array). Scalar child values will expand to a reference
6645 * topic but will not add anything to the generated path. For example
6646 * <code>&lt;expand(,/name)&gt;</code> would expand from the root of the source
6647 * value and each child value path fragment would be obtained from the scalar
6648 * value with the key <code>name</code>.
6649 * <p>
6650 * So if a source topic had a value of
6651 *
6652 * <pre>
6653 * {
6654 * "values": [1, 5, 7]
6655 * }
6656 * </pre>
6657 *
6658 * a path mapping of<br>
6659 * <code>value&lt;expand(/values)&gt;</code> would expand the value to the
6660 * following reference topics:-
6661 * <p>
6662 * path <code>value0</code> with a value of <code>1</code><br>
6663 * path <code>value1</code> with a value of <code>5</code><br>
6664 * path <code>value2</code> with a value of <code>7</code><br>
6665 * <p>
6666 * Expand directives can be nested (i.e. there can be more than one expand
6667 * directive in a path mapping). In this case a second expand directive will use
6668 * the value from the previous expand as its source (root) value and not the
6669 * value of the source topic. This also applies to scalar directives that
6670 * follow an expand directive.
6671 * <p>
6672 * If expansion causes more than one mapping to the same topic path, only the
6673 * first encountered will be created and updated.
6674 * <p>
6675 * Expanding source topic values effectively creates secondary indices on the
6676 * value. For expanded value directives to work efficiently, the value selected
6677 * for expansion should be relatively stable in terms of the children it
6678 * contains. If an update to the source topic changes the children of the
6679 * expanded value, then corresponding reference topics will be removed and
6680 * created. Updates should generally be limited to changing values within the
6681 * expanded values.</dd>
6682 * </dl>
6683 *
6684 * <h4>Topic property mapping clause</h4>
6685 * The {@link TopicSpecification topic specification} of a reference topic is
6686 * derived from the topic specification of the source topics. A reference topic
6687 * has the same topic type as its source topic.
6688 *
6689 * The topic properties of a reference topic are derived from the source topic.
6690 * Some topic properties can be tuned using the optional topic property mapping
6691 * clause. The following table describes the behavior for each topic property.
6692 *
6693 * <br>
6694 *
6695 * <table>
6696 * <tr>
6697 * <th style= "text-align:left;">Source topic property</th>
6698 * <th>Reference topic specification default</th>
6699 * <th>Can be set by topic property mapping?</th>
6700 * <th>Notes</th>
6701 * </tr>
6702 * <tr>
6703 * <th style="text-align:left;">
6704 * {@link TopicSpecification.COMPRESSION COMPRESSION}</th>
6705 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6706 * <td>Yes</td>
6707 * <td></td>
6708 * </tr>
6709 * <tr>
6710 * <th style=
6711 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.CONFLATION CONFLATION}</th>
6712 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6713 * <td>Yes</td>
6714 * <td></td>
6715 * </tr>
6716 * <tr>
6717 * <th style=
6718 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.DONT_RETAIN_VALUE
6719 * DONT_RETAIN_VALUE}</th>
6720 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6721 * <td>Yes</td>
6722 * <td></td>
6723 * </tr>
6724 * <tr>
6725 * <th style=
6726 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.OWNER OWNER}</th>
6727 * <td>Not set</td>
6728 * <td>No</td>
6729 * <td></td>
6730 * </tr>
6731 * <tr>
6732 * <th style=
6733 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.PERSISTENT PERSISTENT}</th>
6734 * <td>Not set</td>
6735 * <td>No</td>
6736 * <td>Reference topics are not persisted. Topic views are persisted, so a
6737 * reference topic will be recreated on server restart if its source is
6738 * persistent.</td>
6739 * </tr>
6740 * <tr>
6741 * <th style="text-align:left;">
6742 * {@link TopicSpecification.PRIORITY PRIORITY}</th>
6743 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6744 * <td>Yes</td>
6745 * <td></td>
6746 * </tr>
6747 * <tr>
6748 * <th style=
6749 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY}</th>
6750 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6751 * <td>Yes</td>
6752 * <td></td>
6753 * </tr>
6754 * <tr>
6755 * <th style=
6756 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.REMOVAL REMOVAL}</th>
6757 * <td>Not set</td>
6758 * <td>No</td>
6759 * <td>Reference topics cannot be removed directly.</td>
6760 * </tr>
6761 * <tr>
6762 * <th style=
6763 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.SCHEMA SCHEMA}
6764 * </th>
6765 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6766 * <td>No</td>
6767 * <td>A {@link RECORD_V2 RECORD_V2} reference topic has the same
6768 * schema as its source topic.</td>
6769 * </tr>
6770 * <tr>
6771 * <th style=
6772 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.SLAVE_MASTER_TOPIC SLAVE_MASTER_TOPIC}</th>
6773 * <td>Not set</td>
6774 * <td>No</td>
6775 * <td>If a reference topic has a slave topic as its source topic, it indirectly
6776 * references the slave's master topic.</td>
6777 * </tr>
6778 * <tr>
6779 * <th style=
6780 * "text-align:left;">{@link TopicSpecification.TIDY_ON_UNSUBSCRIBE TIDY_ON_UNSUBSCRIBE}</th>
6781 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6782 * <td>Yes</td>
6783 * <td></td>
6784 * </tr>
6785 * <tr>
6786 * <th style="text-align:left;">
6788 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6789 * <td>No</td>
6790 * <td>A {@link TIME_SERIES TIME_SERIES} reference topic has the same
6791 * value type as its source topic.</td>
6792 * </tr>
6793 * <tr>
6794 * <th style="text-align:left;">
6796 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6797 * <td>Yes, with restrictions</td>
6798 * <td>A topic property mapping cannot increase the time series retained range
6799 * by overriding the <code>TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE</code> property. The retained
6800 * range of a reference time series topic will be constrained to be no greater
6801 * than that of its source topic.</td>
6802 * </tr>
6803 * <tr>
6804 * <th style="text-align:left;">
6806 * <td>Copied from source topic specification</td>
6807 * <td>Yes</td>
6808 * <td></td>
6809 * </tr>
6810 * <tr>
6811 * <th style=
6812 * "text-align:left;">
6813 * {@link TopicSpecification.VALIDATE_VALUES VALIDATE_VALUES}</th>
6814 * <td>Not set</td>
6815 * <td>No</td>
6816 * <td>A reference topic reflects updates to its source topic. It cannot reject
6817 * updates.</td>
6818 * </tr>
6819 * </table>
6820 *
6821 * A topic property mapping clause begins with the keywords
6822 * <code>with properties</code> and consists of a comma-separated list of topic
6823 * property keys and values, each separated by a colon. For example, the
6824 * following topic view specification maps all topics below the path
6825 * <code>a</code> to reference topics below the path <code>b</code>, and
6826 * disables both conflation and compression for the reference topics.
6827 *
6828 * <pre>
6829 * map ?a// to b/&lt;path(1)&gt; with properties 'CONFLATION':'off', 'COMPRESSION':'false'
6830 * </pre>
6831 *
6832 * <br>
6833 *
6834 * <h4>Topic value mapping</h4>
6835 *
6836 * By default, a reference topic's value is a copy of the source topic
6837 * value, or part of the source value produced by an expand path
6838 * mapping directive. For <code>JSON</code> source topics, the
6839 * optional topic value mapping clause can be applied to extract part
6840 * of the source value, or to further refine the value produced by the
6841 * expand directive.
6842 *
6843 * A topic value mapping begins the keyword <code>as</code> and is
6844 * followed by a value directive. A value directive is delimited by
6845 * angle brackets (<code>&lt;</code>, <code>&gt;</code>), and consists
6846 * of the <code>value</code> keywords and a single JSON pointer
6847 * parameter. The JSON pointer selects the part of the source value to
6848 * copy.
6849 *
6850 * For example, given a source value of
6851 *
6852 * <pre>
6853 * {
6854 * "account" : "1234",
6855 * "balance" : { "amount" : 12.57, "currency" : "USD" }
6856 * }
6857 * </pre>
6858 *
6859 * and the value mapping clause <code>as &lt;value(/balance)&gt;</code>, the
6860 * reference topic value will be
6861 *
6862 * <pre>
6863 * {
6864 * "amount" : 12.57,
6865 * "currency" : "USD"
6866 * }
6867 * </pre>
6868 *
6869 * Value mappings that follow expand directives apply to the expanded
6870 * value and not the source topic value.
6871 *
6872 * Topic value mappings only alter the reference topic value; only the
6873 * path mapping determines whether a reference topic should exist. If
6874 * the topic value mapping's JSON pointer fails to select anything
6875 * from the source topic value, the reference topic will have the JSON
6876 * value <code>null</code>.
6877 *
6878 * Topic value mappings are often used with path value mappings to
6879 * avoid repeating information in the path and the value. For example:
6880 *
6881 * <pre>
6882 * map ?accounts// to balances/&lt;scalar(/account)&gt; as &lt;value(/balance)&gt;
6883 * </pre>
6884 *
6885 * <br>
6886 *
6887 * <h4>Throttle clause</h4>
6888 * The optional throttle clause can be used to constrain the rate at which a
6889 * reference topic is updated when its source topic is updated. The primary
6890 * application of a throttle clause is to restrict the number of updates sent to
6891 * reference topic subscribers, reducing network utilization or the processing
6892 * each subscriber must do. Throttling also restricts the rate at which client
6893 * sessions can observe changes to reference topic values using the fetch API.
6894 *
6895 * The throttle clause has the form
6896 * <code>throttle to <em>X</em> updates every <em>period</em></code>, where
6897 * <em>X</em> is a positive integer, and <em>period</em> is a positive integer
6898 * followed by a time unit which is one of <code>seconds</code>,
6899 * <code>minutes</code>, or <code>hours</code>.
6900 *
6901 * For example, the following topic view specification maps all topics below the
6902 * path <code>a</code> to reference topics below the path <code>b</code>, but
6903 * updates the value of each reference topic at most twice every five seconds:
6904 *
6905 * <pre>
6906 * map ?a// to b/&lt;path(1)&gt; throttle to 2 updates every 5 seconds
6907 * </pre>
6908 *
6909 * To improve readability, the throttling clause allows <code>1 update</code> as
6910 * an alternative to <code>1 updates</code>, and <code>every second</code> as an
6911 * alternative to <code>every 1 seconds</code> (and so on, for other time
6912 * units). For example, the following topic view specification maps all topics
6913 * below the path <code>a</code> to reference topics below the path
6914 * <code>b</code>, but updates the value of each reference topic at most once
6915 * every hour:
6916 *
6917 * <pre>
6918 * map ?a// to b/&lt;path(1)&gt; throttle to 1 update every minute
6919 * </pre>
6920 *
6921 * The throttle clause is only applied when a source topic is updated more
6922 * frequently than the configured rate. If a source topic is updated less
6923 * frequently, updates are passed on unconstrained. If the rate is exceeded, a
6924 * reference topic will not be updated again until the configured period has
6925 * expired. At this time, the reference topic will be updated based on the
6926 * source topic updates that happened in the interim, and a single value will be
6927 * published. Thus, a throttle clause provides <em>topic-scoped conflation</em>.
6928 *
6929 * The throttle clause is ignored for time series topics because time series
6930 * updates do not support efficient conflation. Updates to source time series
6931 * topics are passed on immediately to the corresponding reference topics,
6932 * regardless of any throttle clause.
6933 *
6934 * <h4>Escaping and quoting special characters</h4>
6935 * Each part of a topic view expression has characters with special
6936 * significance. Source topic clauses and path mapping clauses are delimited by
6937 * white space. Directives in path and topic property mapping clauses are
6938 * delimited by the <code><</code> and <code>></code> characters, and each directive
6939 * parameter is terminated by <code>,</code> or <code>)</code>. Topic property mapping
6940 * clauses are delimited by white space, and the <code>:</code> and <code>,</code>
6941 * characters.
6942 *
6943 * Sometimes a topic view must refer to or generate topics with paths that
6944 * containing special characters, or use a JSON pointer containing special
6945 * characters. The escape sequence <code>\x</code> can be used to literally insert
6946 * any character <code>x</code>, with a one exception: <code>\/</code> cannot be used in
6947 * path fragments since the path delimiter <code>/</code> is always significant.
6948 *
6949 * Here is an example topic view expression containing escape sequences. It maps
6950 * the topic path <code>a topic</code> a reference topic with the path
6951 * <code>another topic</code>.
6952 *
6953 * <pre>
6954 * map a\ topic to another\ topic
6955 * </pre>
6956 *
6957 * Here is an example with a source value directive that uses the JSON pointer
6958 * <code>/x()/y</code> to extract the target path from the source value. The
6959 * <code>)</code> character in the JSON pointer must be escaped so it is not treated
6960 * as the end of the parameter list.
6961 *
6962 * <pre>
6963 * map ?a// to &lt;scalar(/x(\)/y)&gt;
6964 * </pre>
6965 *
6966 * To insert <code>\</code>, the escape sequence <c>\\</c> must be used.
6967 *
6968 * There is no need to escape white space in JSON pointers directive parameters.
6969 * However, white space is significant. For example, the following expressions
6970 * have different topic value mapping clauses since the JSON pointer in the
6971 * second expression is <code>/x </code>; that is, it has a trailing space:
6972 *
6973 * <pre>
6974 * map a to b as &lt;value(/x)&gt;
6975 * map a to b as &lt;value(/x )&gt;
6976 * </pre>
6977 *
6978 * Instead of using escape sequences, white space characters can be included in
6979 * source topic clauses and path mapping clauses using quotes. A clause is
6980 * quoted by wrapping it in single quote (<code>'</code>) or double quote (<code>"</code>)
6981 * characters. For example:
6982 *
6983 * <pre>
6984 * map "a topic" to "another topic"
6985 * </pre>
6986 *
6987 * Within a quoted clause, quotes of the same type must be escaped:
6988 *
6989 * <pre>
6990 * map 'alice\'s topic' to 'bob\'s topic'
6991 * </pre>
6992 *
6993 * For consistency, the values in topic property mapping clauses can be escaped
6994 * or quoted. However, there is no need to do so because none of the valid
6995 * values for the mappable properties contain special characters.
6996 *
6997 * <h3>Dealing with topic path conflicts</h3>
6998 *
6999 * Reference topics have a lower priority than normal topics created through the
7000 * API, including replicas of normal topics created by topic replication or
7001 * fan-out. A reference topic will only be created if no topic or reference
7002 * topic is already bound to its derived topic path.
7003 *
7004 * Topic views have a precedence based on order of creation. If two topic views
7005 * define mappings the same topic path, the earliest-created topic view will
7006 * create a reference topic. If a topic view is updated, it retains its original
7007 * precedence.
7008 *
7009 * <h3>Topic view persistence and replication</h3>
7010 *
7011 * Reference topics are neither replicated nor persisted. They are created and
7012 * removed based on their source topics. However, topic views are replicated and
7013 * persisted. A server that restarts will restore topic views during recovery.
7014 * Each topic view will then create reference topics based on the source topics
7015 * that have been recovered.
7016 *
7017 * The server records all changes to topic views in a persistent store. Topic
7018 * views are restored if the server is started.
7019 *
7020 * If a server belongs to a cluster, topic views will be replicated to each
7021 * server in the cluster. Topic views are evaluated locally within a server.
7022 * Replicated topic views that select non-replicated source topics can create
7023 * different reference topics on each server in the cluster.
7024 *
7025 * <h3>Access control</h3>
7026 *
7027 * <p>
7028 * The following access control restrictions are applied:
7029 *
7030 * <ul>
7031 * <li>To {@link listTopicViews list the topic views}, a session needs the
7032 * {@link GlobalPermission.READ_TOPIC_VIEWS READ_TOPIC_VIEWS} global permission.
7033 *
7034 * <li>To {@link createTopicView create, replace}, or
7035 * {@link removeTopicView remove} a topic view, a session needs the
7036 * {@link GlobalPermission.MODIFY_TOPIC_VIEWS MODIFY_TOPIC_VIEWS} global
7037 * permission and {@link TopicPermission.SELECT_TOPIC SELECT_TOPIC} permission
7038 * for the path prefix of the source topic selector.
7039 *
7040 * <li>Each topic view records the principal and security roles of the session
7041 * that created it as the <em>topic view security context</em>. When a topic
7042 * view is evaluated, this security context is used to constrain the creation of
7043 * reference topics. A reference topic will only be created if the security
7044 * context has {@link TopicPermission.READ_TOPIC READ_TOPIC} permission for the
7045 * source topic path, and {@link TopicPermission.MODIFY_TOPIC MODIFY_TOPIC}
7046 * permission for the reference topic path. The topic view security context is
7047 * copied from the creating session at the time the topic view is created or
7048 * replaced, and is persisted with the topic view. The topic view security
7049 * context is not updated if the roles associated with the session are changed.
7050 *
7051 * </ul>
7052 *
7053 * <h3>Accessing the feature</h3>
7054 *
7055 * This feature may be obtained from a {@link Session session} as follows:
7056 *
7057 * <pre>
7058 * const topicViews = session.topicViews;
7059 * </pre>
7060 *
7061 * @since 6.3
7062 *
7063 */
7064export interface TopicViews {
7065 /**
7066 * Create a new named topic view.
7067 *
7068 * If a view with the same name already exists the new view will update
7069 * the existing view.
7070 *
7071 * @param name the name of the view
7072 * @param specification the specification of the view using the DSL
7073 * @return a Result that completes when a response is received
7074 * from the server, returning the topic view created by the
7075 * operation.
7076 * <p>
7077 * If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an error. Common reasons
7078 * for failure, include:
7079 * <ul>
7080 * <li>the `specification` is invalid;
7081 * <li>the cluster was repartitioning;
7082 * <li>the calling session does not have MODIFY_TOPIC_VIEW
7083 * permission or appropriate path prefix permissions;
7084 * <li>the session is closed.
7085 * </ul>
7086 */
7087 createTopicView(name: string, specification: string): Result<TopicView>;
7088 /**
7089 * List all the topic views that have been created.
7090 *
7091 * @return a Result that resolves when a response is received from the
7092 * server, returning a list of views sorted by their creation
7093 * order.
7094 * <p>
7095 * If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common
7096 * reasons for failure include:
7097 * <ul>
7098 * <li>the cluster was repartitioning;
7099 * <li>the calling session does not have READ_TOPIC_VIEW permission
7100 * or appropriate path prefix permissions;
7101 * <li>the session is closed.
7102 * </ul>
7103 */
7104 listTopicViews(): Result<TopicView[]>;
7105 /**
7106 * Remove a named topic view if it exists.
7107 *
7108 * If the named view does not exist the completable future will complete
7109 * successfully.
7110 *
7111 * @param name the name of the view
7112 * @return a Result that resolves when a response is received from the
7113 * server.
7114 * <p>
7115 * If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an Error. Common
7116 * reasons for failure include:
7117 * <ul>
7118 * <li>the cluster was repartitioning;
7119 * <li>the calling session does not have MODIFY_TOPIC_VIEW
7120 * permission or appropriate path prefix permissions;
7121 * <li>the session is closed.
7122 * </ul>
7123 */
7124 removeTopicView(name: string): Result<void>;
7127 * @module Session
7128 */
7129export interface Topics {
7130 /**
7131 * Unsubscribe the client from a given topic selector.
7132 *
7133 * No more updates will be received from the server for any topics matched
7134 * by the selector. If no topics exist that match the selector, the server
7135 * will do nothing.
7136 *
7137 * Each topic that this session is unsubscribed from will cause an
7138 * `unsubscribe` event. Any {@link ValueStream} objects produced from {@link
7139 * Session.addStream} will remain open, and will continue to emit updates
7140 * for topics that the session has not been unsubscribed from.
7141 *
7142 * The returned result will resolve normally when the session has been
7143 * unsubscribed. It will resolve with an error if the session is unable to
7144 * unsubscribe, for instance due to security constraints.
7145 *
7146 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a
7147 * string or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
7148 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
7149 * valid selector has to be specified.
7150 *
7151 * **Example:**
7152 * ```
7153 * // Unsubscribe from a single topic
7154 * session.unsubscribe('foo');
7155 * ```
7156 *
7157 * **Example:**
7158 * ```
7159 * // Unsubscribe from multiple topics
7160 * session.unsubscribe('?foo/.*');
7161 * ```
7162 *
7163 * @param selector the topic selector to unsubscribe from.
7164 * @returns a {@link Result} for this operation
7165 */
7166 unsubscribe(selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
7167 unsubscribe(...selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
7168 /**
7169 * Fetch the current state of one or more topics.
7170 *
7171 * Fetching a topic will provide its current value without subscribing this
7172 * client to that topic. The returned {@link FetchStream} will emit `value`
7173 * events for each topic that is matched for which a fetch request can be
7174 * satisfied. Once complete, the {@link FetchStream} will be closed.
7175 *
7176 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a
7177 * string or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
7178 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
7179 * valid selector has to be specified.
7180 *
7181 * **Example:**
7182 * ```
7183 * // Fetch a topic's value
7184 * session.fetch("foo").on('value', function(value, path) {
7185 * console.log("Value for topic '" + path + "' is: " + value);
7186 * });
7187 * ```
7188 *
7189 * **Example:**
7190 * ```
7191 * // Fetch multiple topics, handling possible errors
7192 * session.fetch("?foo/bar.*").on({
7193 * value : function(value, path) { ... },
7194 * error : function(error) { ... },
7195 * close : function() { ... }
7196 * });
7197 * ```
7198 *
7199 * @param selector the topic selector to fetch
7200 * @returns a {@link FetchStream} that will emit the fetched values.
7201 *
7202 * @deprecated since 6.2
7203 * <p>
7204 * Prefer the use of {@link fetchRequest} instead. Unlike
7205 * this method fetchRequest supports additional query
7206 * constraints, returns type-safe values, and optionally allows
7207 * topic properties to be retrieved. This will be removed in a
7208 * future release.
7209 */
7210 fetch(selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): FetchStream;
7211 fetch(...selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): FetchStream;
7212 /**
7213 * Creates an unconfigured fetch request.
7214 *
7215 * The returned request can be invoked with
7216 * {@link FetchRequest.fetch fetch}. The server will evaluate
7217 * the query and return a fetch result that provides the paths and types of
7218 * the matching topics which the session has permission to read.
7219 *
7220 * You will usually want to restrict the query to a subset of the topic
7221 * tree, and to retrieve the topic values and/or properties. This is
7222 * achieved by applying one or more of the fluent builder methods provided
7223 * by {@link FetchRequest} to produce more refined requests.
7224 *
7225 * **Example:**
7226 * ```
7227 * // Create and send a fetch request. Then pass the results to a resultHandler
7228 * session.fetchRequest()
7229 * .withValues(diffusion.datatypes.StringDataType)
7230 * .fetch("*A/B//")
7231 * .then(resultHandler);
7232 * ```
7233 *
7234 * @see diffusion.topics.FetchRequest
7235 *
7236 * @returns a new unconfigured fetch request
7237 *
7238 * @since 6.2
7239 */
7240 fetchRequest(): FetchRequest;
7241 /**
7242 * Subscribe the session to a topic selector in order to receive updates and
7243 * subscription events.
7244 *
7245 * Subscription causes the server to establish a subscription for this
7246 * session to any topic that matches the specified selector, including topics
7247 * that are added after the initial call to {@link Session.select}.
7248 *
7249 * If the provided selector string does not begin with one of the prefixes
7250 * defined by {@link TopicSelectors}, it will be treated as a direct topic
7251 * path.
7252 *
7253 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a string
7254 * or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
7255 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
7256 * valid selector has to be specified.
7257 *
7258 * The session will become subscribed to each existing topic
7259 * matching the selector unless the session is already subscribed
7260 * to the topic, or the session does not have {@link TopicPermissions.READ_TOPIC READ_TOPIC}
7261 * permission for the topic path. For each topic to which the
7262 * session becomes subscribed, a subscription notification and
7263 * initial value (if any) will be delivered to registered value
7264 * streams before the returned promise completes.
7265 *
7266 * The subscription request is also retained at the server and the
7267 * session will be automatically subscribed to newly created
7268 * topics that match the selector (unless a subsequent
7269 * unsubscription cancels the request).
7270 *
7271 * **Example:**
7272 * ```
7273 * // Subscribe to a topic foo
7274 * session.select("foo").then(function() {
7275 * // Successfully subscribed
7276 * }, function(err) {
7277 * // There was an error with subscribing to topic "foo"
7278 * });
7279 * ```
7280 *
7281 * @param selector the topic selector to subscribe to.
7282 * @returns a result that completes when this operation succeeds
7283 */
7284 select(selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
7285 select(...selector: Array<string | TopicSelector>): Result<void>;
7286 /**
7287 * Create a {@link ValueStream} to receive updates from topics that match
7288 * the provided topic selector.
7289 *
7290 * This method will not cause the server to send any topic updates unless
7291 * already subscribed. This allows the registration of listeners prior to
7292 * subscribing via {@link Session.select}, or to add/remove listeners
7293 * independently of subscriptions on the server.
7294 *
7295 * The values as specific types, use the Streams will only receive values
7296 * from topics for which the specified {@link DataTypes Data Type}
7297 * is compatible.
7298 *
7299 * The first argument of this function can be a string, a {@link
7300 * TopicSelector}, or a non-empty array of strings and {@link TopicSelector}s.
7301 *
7302 * **Example:**
7303 * ```
7304 * // Produce a value stream for receiving JSON values.
7305 * var json = diffusion.datatypes.json();
7306 *
7307 * session.addStream(topic, json).on('value', function(topic, specification, newValue, oldValue) {
7308 * console.log('New value ', newValue.get());
7309 * });
7310 * ```
7311 *
7312 * @param selector the topic selector to receive updates for
7313 * @param datatype the data type to produce a stream for.
7314 * @returns a new {@link ValueStream} for the provided data type
7315 */
7316 addStream(selector: string | TopicSelector | Array<string | TopicSelector>, dataType: DataType<any, any, any>): ValueStream;
7317 /**
7318 * This adds a value stream for a given {@link DataTypes Data
7319 * Type} without a selector which will be a fallback stream to receive all
7320 * events that do not have a stream registered.
7321 *
7322 * **Example:**
7323 * ```
7324 * // Produce a fallback value stream for receiving JSON values.
7325 * var json = diffusion.datatypes.json();
7326 *
7327 * session.addFallbackStream(json).on('value', function(topic, specification, newValue, oldValue) {
7328 * console.log('New value ', newValue.get());
7329 * });
7330 * ```
7331 *
7332 * @param datatype the data type to produce a stream for.
7333 * @returns a fallback stream
7334 */
7335 addFallbackStream(dataType: DataType<any, any, any>): ValueStream;
7338 * @module diffusion.selectors
7339 */
7341 * A {@link TopicSelector} is a value that identifies one or more topics.
7342 */
7343export interface TopicSelector {
7344 /**
7345 * The type of this selector
7346 */
7347 readonly type: Type;
7348 /**
7349 * The maximum topic path prefix from this selector
7350 */
7351 readonly prefix: string;
7352 /**
7353 * The original expression of this selector
7354 */
7355 readonly expression: string;
7356 /**
7357 * Evaluate this selector against a topic path
7358 *
7359 * @param topicPath the topic path
7360 * @returns if this selector selects the topic path
7361 */
7362 selects(topicPath: string): boolean;
7363 /**
7364 * Convert the topic selector to a string
7365 *
7366 * @return the original expression of the selector
7367 */
7368 toString(): string;
7371 * A Topic Selector Prefix
7372 */
7373export declare enum Prefix {
7374 /** Prefix used for {@link Type.PATH} expressions. */
7375 PATH = ">",
7376 /** Prefix used for {@link Type.SPLIT_PATH_PATTERN} expressions. */
7378 /** Prefix used for {@link Type.FULL_PATH_PATTERN} expressions. */
7380 /** Prefix used for {@link Type.SELECTOR_SET} expressions. */
7381 SELECTOR_SET = "#",
7384 * Topic Selector type.
7385 */
7386export declare enum Type {
7387 /** A selector that selects a single topic. */
7388 PATH = ">",
7389 /** A selector that is a split-path pattern. */
7391 /** A selector that is a full-path pattern. */
7393 /** A composite of multiple selectors. */
7394 SELECTOR_SET = "#",
7397 * Create {@link TopicSelector} instances for use with other API methods.
7398 *
7399 * Selectors are evaluated against topic paths. A topic path is a '/'
7400 * separated string of parts, which map to the topic hierarchy. Each part is
7401 * formed of one or more UTF characters, except '/'. Topic paths are absolute,
7402 * and evaluated from the root of the current domain.
7403 *
7404 * **Example:**
7405 * ```
7406 * // Create a topic selector
7407 * var selector = diffusion.selectors.parse('?foo/bar/.*');
7408 * ```
7409 */
7410export declare class TopicSelectors {
7411 /**
7412 * The Prefix enum
7413 */ readonly Prefix: typeof Prefix;
7414 /**
7415 * The Type enum
7416 */ readonly Type: typeof Type;
7417 /**
7418 * Parse an expression to create a selector.
7419 *
7420 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a string
7421 * or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
7422 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument.
7423 *
7424 * The following types of expression are supported. The type is determined
7425 * by the first character of the expression.
7426 *
7427 * <dl>
7428 * <dt>Path
7429 * <dd>Path expressions begin with the character <code>></code>. The remainder of
7430 * the expression must be a valid topic path. A topic path is a '/'
7431 * separated string of parts. Each part is formed of one or more UTF
7432 * characters, except '/'.
7433 *
7434 * A {@link Type.PATH PATH} selector is returned that only
7435 * selects the topic with the given path.
7436 *
7437 * <h4>Abbreviated Path Expressions</h4>
7438 *
7439 * In Diffusion 5.2, an alternative syntax for path expressions was added.
7440 * An <em>abbreviated path expression</em> is any valid topic path (see
7441 * above) that begins with a character other than one of <code>#</code>,
7442 * <code>?</code>, <code>></code>, <code>*</code>, <code>$</code>,
7443 * <code>%</code>, <code>&</code>, or <code><</code>.
7444 * This syntax allows most topic paths to be used directly as selector
7445 * expressions which appears more natural.
7446 *
7447 * This method converts abbreviated path expressions to standard path
7448 * expressions by prepending the <code>></code> character. Thus <code>a/b</code> is
7449 * interpreted as <code>>a/b</code>.
7450 *
7451 * <code>parse("a/b").expression</code> will return <code>">a/b"</code>.
7452 *
7453 * <dt>Split-path pattern
7454 * <dd>Split-path pattern expressions begin with the character <code>?</code>.
7455 * The remainder of the expression is split into a list of regular
7456 * expressions using the <code>/</code> character as a separator.
7457 *
7459 * selector is returned that selects topics for which each regular
7460 * expression matches each part of the topic path at the corresponding
7461 * level.
7462 *
7463 * <dt>Full-path pattern
7464 * <dd>Full-path pattern expressions begin with the character <code>*</code>. The
7465 * remainder of the pattern is a regular expression.
7466 *
7467 * A {@link Type.FULL_PATH_PATTERN FULL_PATH_PATTERN} selector
7468 * is returned that selects topics for which the regular expression matches
7469 * the complete topic path.
7470 *
7471 * Full-path patterns provide a lot of expressive power but should be used
7472 * sparingly since the server can evaluate split-path patterns more
7473 * efficiently.
7474 *
7475 * Selector sets are the preferred way to combine expressions.
7476 * <code>parse("a", "b")</code> is equivalent to the full-path expression "
7477 * <code>*[a|b]</code>", but can be evaluated more efficiently by the
7478 * server.
7479 *
7480 * <dt>Selector set
7481 * <dd>Selector set expressions begin with the character <code>#</code>. The
7482 * remainder of the expression is a list of contained selectors, formatted
7483 * as described below.
7484 *
7485 * A {@link Type.SELECTOR_SET SELECTOR_SET} selector is
7486 * returned that selects topics that match any of the contained selectors.
7487 *
7488 * The contained selectors are formatted as follows. First, any selector
7489 * sets are expanded to produce a full list of non-selector set expressions.
7490 * Then the selector expressions are concatenated, separated by the
7491 * separator <code>////</code>. This separator has been chosen as it is not
7492 * valid in a path, and is not a useful sequence in a pattern.
7493 * </dl>
7494 *
7495 * <h2>Descendant pattern qualifiers</h2>
7496 *
7497 * Split-path and full-path pattern expressions can be further modified by
7498 * appending `/` or `//`. These control the behaviour of the
7499 * selector with respect to the descendants of the topics that match the
7500 * pattern.
7501 *
7502 * <ul>
7503 *
7504 * <li>
7505 * If the expression does not end with `/` or `//`, it selects
7506 * only the topics that match the pattern.</li>
7507 *
7508 * <li>
7509 * If the expression ends with `/`, it selects only the descendants of
7510 * the matching topics, excluding the matching topics.</li>
7511 *
7512 * <li>
7513 * If the expression ends with `//`, it selects the matching topics
7514 * and all of their descendants.</li>
7515 * </ul>
7516 * </p>
7517 *
7518 * <h2>Regular expressions</h2>
7519 *
7520 * Any Java-style regular expression can be used in split-path and full-path
7521 * patterns, with the following restrictions:
7522 *
7523 * * A regular expression may not be empty.
7524 * * A regular expression used in split-path patterns may not contain the
7525 * path separator `/`.
7526 * * A regular expression used in full-path patterns may not contain the
7527 * selector set separator `////`.
7528 *
7529 * Regular expressions that break any of these restrictions would never
7530 * match a topic path, so they make no practical difference.
7531 *
7532 * <h2>Examples</h2>
7533 *
7534 * <h3>Path expressions</h3>
7535 *
7536 * Path | Matches `alpha/beta`? | Matches `alpha/beta/gamma`?
7537 * ------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------
7538 * `>alpha/beta` | yes | no
7539 * `>alpha/beta/gamma` | no | yes
7540 * `>beta` | no | no
7541 * `>.*``/.*` | no | no
7542 * `>/alpha/beta/` | yes | no
7543 *
7544 * <h3>Abbreviated path expressions</h3>
7545 *
7546 * Path | Matches `alpha/beta`? | Matches `alpha/beta/gamma`?
7547 * ------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------
7548 * `alpha/beta` | yes | no
7549 * `alpha/beta/gamma` | no | yes
7550 * `beta` | no | no
7551 * `/alpha/beta/` | yes | no
7552 *
7553 * <h3>Split-path pattern expressions</h3>
7554 *
7555 * Path | Matches `alpha/beta`? | Matches `alpha/beta/gamma`?
7556 * ------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------
7557 * `?alpha/beta` | yes | no
7558 * `?alpha/beta/gamma` | no | yes
7559 * `?beta` | no | no
7560 * `?.*` | no | no
7561 * `?.*``/.*` | yes | no
7562 * `?alpha/beta/` | no | yes
7563 * `?alpha/beta//` | yes | yes
7564 * `?alpha/.*``//` | yes | yes
7565 *
7566 * <h3>Full-path pattern expressions</h3>
7567 *
7568 * Path | Matches `alpha/beta`? | Matches `alpha/beta/gamma`?
7569 * ------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------
7570 * `*alpha/beta` | yes | no
7571 * `*alpha/beta/gamma` | no | yes
7572 * `*beta` | no | no
7573 * `*.*beta` | yes | no
7574 * `*.*` | yes | yes
7575 * `*alpha/beta/` | no | yes
7576 * `*alpha/beta//` | yes | yes
7577 *
7578 * **Example:**
7579 * ```
7580 * // Simple selector
7581 * var selector = diffusion.selectors.parse(">a/b");
7582 * ```
7583 *
7584 * **Example:**
7585 * ```
7586 * // Creating a selector set
7587 * var selectorSet = diffusion.selectors.parse(">a", ">b");
7588 * ```
7589 *
7590 * @param expression the pattern expression(s). At least one
7591 * valid selector has to be specified.
7592 * @param args additional pattern expressions
7593 * @return the topic selector. If multiple expressions are provided,
7594 * this will return a `SELECTOR_SET` that will match if
7595 * any of the * provided `selectors` match.
7596 */
7597 parse(expression: string | TopicSelector | Array<string | TopicSelector>, ...args: Array<string | TopicSelector>): TopicSelector;
7600 * Provide access to
7601 * {@link UpdateConstraint UpdateConstraint},
7602 * {@link UpdateConstraintFactory UpdateConstraintFactory},
7603 * {@link PartialJSON PartialJSON},
7604 * {@link TopicCreationResult TopicCreationResult}, and
7605 * {@link UpdateStream UpdateStream}.
7606 *
7607 * @module diffusion.topicUpdate
7608 */
7610 * Result indicating whether the operation caused a topic to be created or if
7611 * it already existed.
7612 *
7613 * @since 6.2
7614 */
7615export declare enum TopicCreationResult {
7616 /**
7617 * A new topic was created.
7618 */
7619 CREATED = 1,
7620 /**
7621 * A topic with the same specification already exists.
7622 */
7623 EXISTS = 2,
7625export interface TopicUpdateNamespace {
7626 TopicCreationResult: typeof TopicCreationResult;
7628export declare const TopicUpdateNamespace: TopicUpdateNamespace;
7630 * @module diffusion.topicUpdate
7631 */
7633 * A constraint to be applied to an update operation or the creation of an
7634 * update stream.
7635 *
7636 * Constraints describe a condition that must be satisfied for an operation to
7637 * succeed. Constraints can be applied to the setting of a value or creation
7638 * of an update stream. Constraints are only evaluated on the server.
7639 *
7640 * The constraints are evaluated using the:
7641 *
7642 * * active session locks
7643 * * existence of the topic
7644 * * current value of the topic
7645 *
7646 * The value of a topic can be described in several ways. The value can be
7647 * described as an exact value, a partial value or an unset value.
7648 *
7649 * Constraints can be composed with one another. It is only possible to
7650 * construct logical ANDs of constraints. Constraints can only be composed if
7651 * the resulting constraint is satisfiable. Multiple session locks can be held
7652 * but a topic can only have a single value. Constraints specifying multiple
7653 * topic values cannot be constructed.
7654 *
7655 * Constraints can be created using a
7656 * {@link UpdateConstraintFactory}, an
7657 * instance of which can be obtained using
7658 * {@link updateConstraints}.
7659 * For example:
7660 *
7661 * ```
7662 * const factory = diffusion.updateConstraints();
7663 * const constraint = factory.locked(lock).and(factory.value(expectedValue));
7664 * ```
7665 *
7666 * @since 6.2
7667 */
7668export interface UpdateConstraint {
7669 /**
7670 * Returns a composed constraint that represents a logical AND of this
7671 * constraint and another.
7672 *
7673 * If the composed constraint would be unsatisfiable, an `Error`
7674 * is thrown.
7675 *
7676 * @param other a constraint that will be logically-ANDed with this constraint
7677 * @return a composed constraint that represents a logical AND of this
7678 * constraint and the `other` constraint
7679 */
7680 and(other: UpdateConstraint): UpdateConstraint;
7683 * A constraint requiring the current value of the
7684 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.JSON JSON} topic to match the partially described value.
7685 *
7686 * The code:
7687 *
7688 * ```
7689 * const factory = diffusion.updateConstraints();
7690 * const constraint = factory.jsonValue().with('/id', idValue).without('/cancellation');
7691 * ```
7692 *
7693 * creates a constraint for a JSON object with a specific ID value and no
7694 * value for a 'cancellation' property.
7695 *
7696 * @since 6.2
7697 */
7698export interface PartialJSON extends UpdateConstraint {
7699 /**
7700 * Require a value at a specific position in the JSON object.
7701 *
7702 * The `pointer` is a
7703 * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901">JSON Pointer</a>
7704 * syntax reference locating the `value` in the JSON object. If
7705 * the `pointer` parameter cannot be parsed as a JSON pointer an
7706 * `Error` is thrown.
7707 *
7708 * The function returns a new {@link PartialJSON PartialJSON}
7709 * object. The original object remains unmodified.
7710 *
7711 * @param pointer the pointer expression
7712 * @param dataType the optional type of the value
7713 * @param value the value
7714 * @return a new constraint
7715 */
7716 with(pointer: string, dataType: DataType<any, any, any>, value: any): PartialJSON;
7717 /**
7718 * Require a specific position in the JSON object to be empty.
7719 *
7720 * The `pointer` is a
7721 * <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901">JSON Pointer</a> syntax
7722 * reference that should have no value in the JSON object. If the
7723 * `pointer` parameter cannot be parsed as a JSON pointer an
7724 * `Error` is thrown.
7725 *
7726 * The function returns a new {@link PartialJSON PartialJSON}
7727 * object. The original object remains unmodified.
7728 *
7729 * @param pointer the pointer expression
7730 * @return a new constraint
7731 */
7732 without(pointer: string): PartialJSON;
7735 * Factory for the constraint types.
7736 *
7737 * An instance can be obtained by calling
7738 * {@link updateConstraints}.
7739 *
7740 * @since 6.2
7741 */
7742export interface UpdateConstraintFactory {
7743 /**
7744 * Create a constraint requiring a lock to be held by the session.
7745 *
7746 * This can be used to coordinate operations between multiple
7747 * sessions.
7748 *
7749 * @param lock the lock
7750 * @return the constraint
7751 */
7752 locked(lock: SessionLock): UpdateConstraint;
7753 /**
7754 * Create a constraint requiring the current value of the topic to match
7755 * the supplied value.
7756 *
7757 * If `dataType` is not specified, the data type is inferred
7758 * from the `value` parameter.
7759 *
7760 * This method is useful when changing the value of a topic. This constraint
7761 * is unsatisfied if no topic is present at the path, making it unsuitable
7762 * for operations that try to add topics.
7763 *
7764 * When a {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING string},
7765 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 int64} or
7766 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE double} topic is updated to a
7767 * {@code null} value, the topic is set to have no value. Use the
7768 * {@link noValue} constraint to check if the topic has no value.
7769 *
7770 * @param value the value
7771 * @param dataType the optional type of the values
7772 * @return the constraint
7773 */
7774 value(value: any, dataType?: DataType<any, any, any>): UpdateConstraint;
7775 /**
7776 * Create a constraint requiring the topic to have no value.
7777 *
7778 * This is useful when setting the first value of a topic. This
7779 * constraint is unsatisfied if no topic is present at the path, making
7780 * it unsuitable for operations that try to add topics.
7781 *
7782 * @return the constraint
7783 */
7784 noValue(): UpdateConstraint;
7785 /**
7786 * Create a constraint requiring the path to have no topic.
7787 *
7788 * This is useful when setting the first value of a topic being added using
7789 * an {@link UpdateStream} without changing the value if the topic already
7790 * exists. This constraint is unsatisfied if a topic is present at the path,
7791 * making it unsuitable for operations that try to set topics without adding
7792 * them.
7793 *
7794 * @return the constraint
7795 */
7796 noTopic(): UpdateConstraint;
7797 /**
7798 * Create a constraint that partially matches the current topic value.
7799 *
7800 * The topic must be a {@link TopicTypeEnum.JSON JSON} topic. The
7801 * {@link PartialJSON} partially describes the
7802 * structure of a {@link JSON} value.
7803 *
7804 * @return {diffusion.topicUpdate.PartialJSON} the constraint
7805 */
7806 jsonValue(): PartialJSON;
7809 * @module diffusion.topicUpdate
7810 */
7812 * An update stream provides a method for updating a specific topic.
7813 *
7814 * An update stream is associated with a specific topic. The type of the topic
7815 * must match the type of values passed to the update stream. It can be created
7816 * with an optional {@link UpdateConstraint constraint}.
7817 * The existence of the topic, its type and the constraint are validated lazily
7818 * by the first {@link set} or {@link validate} operation. Subsequent operations
7819 * issued before the first operation completes will be deferred until the
7820 * completion of the first operation.
7821 *
7822 * An update stream can be used to send any number of updates. It sends a
7823 * sequence of updates for a specific topic to the server. If supported by the
7824 * data type, updates will be sent to the server as a stream of binary deltas.
7825 * An update stream does not prevent other sessions from updating the topic. If
7826 * exclusive access is required update streams should be used with
7827 * {@link SessionLock session locks} as constraints.
7828 *
7829 * Once validated an update stream can be invalidated. An invalidated
7830 * update stream rejects the operations applied to it. The update stream
7831 * will be invalidated if:
7832 *
7833 * * the topic is removed
7834 * * another update stream is created for the same topic
7835 * * the topic is updated to a new value by anything other than the stream
7836 * * the session does not have the
7837 * {@link TopicPermission.UPDATE_TOPIC update permission}
7838 * * an operation fails because of cluster repartitioning
7839 *
7840 * @since 6.2
7841 */
7842export interface UpdateStream {
7843 /**
7844 * Sets the topic to a specified value.
7845 *
7846 * `null` or `undefined` can only be passed to the
7847 * `value` parameter when updating {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING string},
7848 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 int64} or {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE double} topics.
7849 * <p>
7850 * When a topic of type {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING string},
7851 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 int64} or {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE double} is set
7852 * to `null` or `undefined` , the topic will be updated
7853 * to have no value. If a previous value was present subscribers will
7854 * receive a notification that the new value is `undefined` . New
7855 * subscribers will not receive a value notification.
7856 *
7857 * @param value the value. Update streams for string, int64, and double
7858 * topics accept `null` or `undefined`, as described above.
7859 * Using null with other topic types is an error and will
7860 * result in an `Error` .
7861 * @return a Result that completes when a response is received from the
7862 * server.
7863 * <p>
7864 * If the task fails, the Result will resolve with an
7865 * `Error` .
7866 */
7867 set(value: any): Result<void>;
7868 /**
7869 * Return the latest value of the topic set using this update stream.
7870 *
7871 * The returned value reflects the last value that has been set, before it
7872 * is sent to the server.
7873 *
7874 * If the server rejects a set operation, the topic value will not change
7875 * and this update stream will be invalidated.
7876 *
7877 * This method will throw an `Error` if called before the first
7878 * call to {@link set}
7879 *
7880 * @return the cached value of the topic
7881 */
7882 get(): any;
7883 /**
7884 * Validates the update stream.
7885 *
7886 * Update streams are validated lazily when {@link set setting the value}.
7887 * This method allows the stream to be validated before a value needs to be
7888 * set.
7889 *
7890 * If the update stream has not been validated yet, calling this method
7891 * checks the topic exists, the topic type is correct, the constraint is
7892 * satisfied and the session has permission to update the topic. Once
7893 * it has been validated calling this method checks the topic has not been
7894 * removed, no other stream has been created for the topic, the value
7895 * of the topic has not been changed by anything else and the session
7896 * still has permission to update the topic. If validation fails, the Result
7897 * will resolve with an `Error`.
7898 *
7899 * If this method fails all subsequent calls to {@link set} or
7900 * {@link validate} will resolve with an `Error`.
7901 *
7902 * @return a Result that completes when a response is received from the server.
7903 */
7904 validate(): Result<TopicCreationResult>;
7907 * A parameterised query that can be used to search the topic tree.
7908 *
7909 * A new request can be created using the {@link Session.fetchRequest fetchRequest}
7910 * method and modified to specify a range of topics and/or
7911 * various levels of detail. The request can then be issued to the server
7912 * using the {@link FetchRequest.fetch fetch} method
7913 * supplying a topic selector which specifies the selection of topics.
7914 * The results are returned via a {@link Result}.
7915 *
7916 * As a minimum, the path and type of each selected topic will be returned.
7917 * It is also possible to request that the topic {@link withValues values}
7918 * and/or {@link withProperties properties} are returned.
7919 *
7920 * If values are selected then the topic types selected are naturally
7921 * constrained by the provided `dataType` argument. So if
7922 * {@link DataTypes.string} is specified, only {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING
7923 * STRING} topics will be selected. However, if {@link DataTypes.json} is
7924 * specified, all types compatible with {@link JSON} will be selected
7925 * including {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING STRING}, {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 INT64}
7926 * and {@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE DOUBLE}. See
7927 * {@link DataType.canReadAs} for the class hierarchy of types.
7928 *
7929 * To select topic types when
7930 * values are not required, or to further constrain the selection when
7931 * values are required, it is also possible to specify exactly which
7932 * {@link TopicTypeEnum topic types} to select.
7933 *
7934 * The topics selected by the topic selector can be further restricted by
7935 * range. A range is defined by a start path and an end path, and contains
7936 * all paths in-between in path order. Given a topic tree containing the
7937 * topics:
7938 *
7939 * ```
7940 * a, a/b, a/c, a/c/x, a/c/y, a/d, a/e, b, b/a/x, b/b/x, c
7941 * ```
7942 *
7943 * The range from `a/c/y` to `b/a/x` includes the topics with paths:
7944 *
7945 * ```
7946 * a/c/x, a/c/y, a/d, a/e, b, b/a/x
7947 * ```
7948 *
7949 * The start point of a range can be specified using {@link from} or
7950 * {@link after} and an end point using {@link to} or
7951 * {@link before}. {@link from} and {@link to} include any
7952 * topic with the specified path in the selection, whereas {@link after}
7953 * and {@link before} are non-inclusive and useful for paging
7954 * through a potentially large range of topics. If no start point is
7955 * specified, the start point is assumed to be the first topic of the topic
7956 * tree, ordered by path name. Similarly, if no end point is specified, the
7957 * end point is the last topic of the topic tree.
7958 *
7959 * A limit on the number of results returned can be specified using
7960 * {@link first}. This is advisable if the result set could
7961 * potentially be large. The number of results returned is also limited by
7962 * the session's maximum message size – see {@link maximumResultSize}. The
7963 * result indicates whether the results have been limited via the
7964 * {@link FetchResult.hasMore hasMore} method. If `hasMore()`
7965 * returns `true`, further results can be retrieved by modifying the original
7966 * query to request results {@link after} the last path received.
7967 *
7968 * By default, results are returned in path order, earliest path first,
7969 * starting from the beginning of any range specified. It is also possible
7970 * to request results from the end of the range indicated by specifying a
7971 * limit to the number of results using {@link last}. This method
7972 * complements {@link first}, returning up to the specified number of
7973 * results from the end of the range, but in reverse path order. This is
7974 * useful for paging backwards through a range of topics.
7975 *
7976 * It can be useful to explore an unknown topic tree in a breadth-first
7977 * manner rather than the path order. This can be achieved using
7978 * {@link limitDeepBranches}.
7979 *
7980 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.SLAVE Slave} topics are supported, in that if the slave
7981 * topic itself is within the requested selector/range and it is currently
7982 * linked to a topic that should be selected then a result will be returned
7983 * for the slave topic with the type/value/properties of the source topic.
7984 *
7985 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.ROUTING Routing} topics are <b>not</b> supported, and if
7986 * encountered will be ignored (i.e. treated as if they did not exist).
7987 *
7988 * FetchRequest instances are immutable and can be safely shared and reused.
7989 *
7990 * @since 6.2
7991 */
7992export declare abstract class FetchRequest {
7993 /**
7994 * Specifies a logical start point within the topic tree.
7995 *
7996 * If specified, only results for topics with a path that is lexically equal
7997 * to or 'after' the specified path will be returned.
7998 *
7999 * This is the inclusive equivalent of {@link after} and if used will
8000 * override any previous {@link after} or {@link from}
8001 * constraint.
8002 *
8003 * @param topicPath the topic path from which results are to be returned
8004 *
8005 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch request but
8006 * selecting only topics from the specified path onwards
8007 * (inclusive)
8008 */
8009 abstract from(topicPath: string): FetchRequest;
8010 /**
8011 * Specifies a logical start point within the topic tree.
8012 *
8013 * If specified, only results for topics with a path that is lexically
8014 * 'after' the specified path will be returned.
8015 *
8016 * This is the non inclusive equivalent of {@link from} and if used
8017 * will override any previous {@link from} or {@link after}
8018 * constraint.
8019 *
8020 * @param topicPath the topic path after which results are to be returned
8021 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch
8022 * request but selecting only topics after the specified path (not
8023 * inclusive)
8024 */
8025 abstract after(topicPath: string): FetchRequest;
8026 /**
8027 * Specifies a logical end point within the topic tree.
8028 *
8029 * If specified, only results for topics with a path that is lexically equal
8030 * to or 'before' the specified path will be returned.
8031 *
8032 * This is the inclusive equivalent of {@link before} and if used
8033 * will override any previous {@link before} or {@link to}
8034 * constraint.
8035 *
8036 * @param topicPath the topic path to which results are to be returned
8037 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch request but
8038 * selecting only topics including and before the specified path
8039 * (inclusive)
8040 */
8041 abstract to(topicPath: string): FetchRequest;
8042 /**
8043 * Specifies a logical end point within the topic tree.
8044 *
8045 * If specified, only results for topics with a path that is lexically
8046 * 'before' the specified path will be returned.
8047 *
8048 * This is the non inclusive equivalent of {@link to} and if used
8049 * will override any previous {@link to } or {@link before}
8050 * constraint.
8051 *
8052 * @param topicPath the topic path before which results are to be
8053 * returned
8054 *
8055 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch
8056 * request but selecting only topics before the specified path (not
8057 * inclusive)
8058 */
8059 abstract before(topicPath: string): FetchRequest;
8060 /**
8061 * Specifies that only topics of the specified topic types should be
8062 * returned.
8063 *
8064 * If this is not specified, {@link getAllTypes all
8065 * types} will be returned (unless constrained by {@link withValues}).
8066 *
8067 * This may be used instead to further constrain the results when using
8068 * {@link withValues}. For example, you can specify
8069 * {diffusion.datatypes.DataType.json} to {@link withValues} then specify
8070 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.JSON JSON} here to ensure that only
8071 * JSON topics are returned and not those topics that are logically value
8072 * subtypes of JSON (e.g. {@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING STRING}).
8073 *
8074 * If {@link withValues} has been specified then the types specified here
8075 * must be compatible with the value class specified.
8076 *
8077 * Neither {@link TopicTypeEnum.SLAVE SLAVE} nor {@link
8078 * TopicTypeEnum.ROUTING ROUTING} may be specified as only target topic
8079 * types may be selected.
8080 *
8081 * @param topicTypes topic types to be selected
8082 *
8083 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch request but
8084 * specifying that only topics of the specified topic types should
8085 * be returned.
8086 *
8087 * @throws an Error if invalid topic types are specified
8088 */
8089 abstract topicTypes(topicTypes: TopicType[]): FetchRequest;
8090 /**
8091 * Specifies that values should be returned for selected topics,
8092 * constraining the selection to only those topics with a data type
8093 * compatible with the specified {@link DataType
8094 * DataType}.
8095 *
8096 * The specified value constrains the topic types. So, any topic types
8097 * specified in a previous call to {@link topicTypes} that
8098 * cannot be read as the specified class will be removed from the list
8099 * of topic types.
8100 *
8101 * @param dataType the type of values. If no value is specified this will
8102 * cancel any previous call (topic types will remain
8103 * unchanged).
8104 *
8105 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch
8106 * request but specifying that only topics compatible with the
8107 * specified class should be returned with values.
8108 *
8109 * @throws an Error if the class is not compatible with any topic types.
8110 */
8111 abstract withValues(dataType: DataType<any, any, any>): FetchRequest;
8112 /**
8113 * Specifies that all properties associated with each topic's {@link
8114 * TopicSpecification specification} should be returned.
8115 *
8116 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch request but
8117 * specifying that topic specification properties should be
8118 * returned.
8119 */
8120 abstract withProperties(): FetchRequest;
8121 /**
8122 * Specifies a maximum number of topic results to be returned from the start
8123 * of the required range.
8124 *
8125 * If this is not specified, the number of results returned will only be
8126 * limited by other constraints of the request.
8127 *
8128 * This should be used to retrieve results in manageable batches and prevent
8129 * very large result sets.
8130 *
8131 * If there are potentially more results that would satisfy the other
8132 * constraints then the fetch result will indicate so via the {@link
8133 * FetchResult.hasMore hasMore} method.
8134 *
8135 * If the count is set to zero, no results will be returned. In this case,
8136 * {@link FetchResult.hasMore hasMore} can be used to check the existence of
8137 * any topics matching the criteria without retrieving topic details.
8138 *
8139 * Either this or {@link last} may be specified. This will therefore
8140 * override any previous {@link last} or {@link first}
8141 * constraint.
8142 *
8143 * @param count the non-negative maximum number of results to return from the
8144 * start of the range
8145 *
8146 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch
8147 * request but selecting only the number of topics specified from
8148 * the start of the range
8149 */
8150 abstract first(count: number): FetchRequest;
8151 /**
8152 * Specifies a maximum number of topic results to be returned from the end
8153 * of the required range.
8154 *
8155 * This is similar to {@link first} except that the specified number
8156 * of results are returned from the end of the range. This is useful for
8157 * paging backwards through a range of topics. Results are always returned
8158 * in topic path order (not reverse order).
8159 *
8160 * Either this or {@link first} may be specified. This will therefore
8161 * override any previous {@link first} or {@link last}
8162 * constraint.
8163 *
8164 * @param count the non-negative maximum number of results to return from the
8165 * end of the range
8166 *
8167 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch
8168 * request but selecting only the number of topics specified from
8169 * the end of the range
8170 */
8171 abstract last(count: number): FetchRequest;
8172 /**
8173 * Specifies the maximum data size of the result set.
8174 * <p>
8175 * This may be used to constrain the size of the result. If not specified
8176 * then by default the maximum message size for the session (as specified by
8177 * {@link Options.maxMessageSize} is used.
8178 *
8179 * @param maximumSize the maximum size of the result set in bytes.
8180 * If a value greater than the session's maximum message
8181 * size is specified, the maximum message size will be
8182 * used.
8183 *
8184 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch
8185 * request but constraining the size of the result to the specified
8186 * maximum
8187 */
8188 abstract maximumResultSize(maximumSize: number): FetchRequest;
8189 /**
8190 * Specifies a limit on the number of results returned for each deep
8191 * branch.
8192 *
8193 * A deep branch has a root path that has a number of parts equal to the
8194 * `deepBranchDepth` parameter. The `deepBranchLimit`
8195 * specifies the maximum number of results for each deep branch.
8196 *
8197 * This method is particularly useful for incrementally exploring a
8198 * topic tree from the root, allowing a breadth-first search strategy.
8199 *
8200 * For example, given a topic tree containing the topics with the
8201 * following paths:
8202 *
8203 * ```
8204 * x/0
8205 * x/x/1
8206 * x/x/x/2
8207 * y/y/y/y/3
8208 * y/y/y/4
8209 * z/5
8210 * z/z/6
8211 * ```
8212 *
8213 * Then
8214 *
8215 * ```
8216 * session.fetchRequest().limitDeepBranches(1, 1).fetch("?.//");
8217 * ```
8218 *
8219 * will return results with the paths `x/0`, `y/y/y/y/3`,
8220 * and `z/5`. The application can then determine the roots of the
8221 * tree are `x`, `y`, and `z`.
8222 *
8223 * The `deepBranchLimit` parameter can usefully be set to
8224 * `0`. For example, given the same example topic tree,
8225 *
8226 * ```
8227 * session.fetchRequest().limitDeepBranches(3, 0).fetch("?.//");
8228 * ```
8229 *
8230 * will only return results having paths with fewer than three parts;
8231 * namely `x/0`, and `z/5`.
8232 *
8233 * The fetch result does not indicate whether this option caused some
8234 * results to be filtered from deep branches. It has no affect on the
8235 * {@link FetchResult.hasMore hasMore()} result. If the result set
8236 * contains `deepBranchLimit` results for a particular deep
8237 * branch, some topics from that branch may have been filtered.
8238 *
8239 * @param deepBranchDepth the number of parts in the root path of a
8240 * branch for it to be considered deep
8241 * @param deepBranchLimit the maximum number of results to return for
8242 * each deep branch
8243 * @return a new fetch request derived from this fetch request but
8244 * restricting the number of results for deep branches
8245 * @since 6.4
8246 */
8247 abstract limitDeepBranches(deepBranchDepth: number, deepBranchLimit: number): FetchRequest;
8248 /**
8249 * Sends a fetch request to the server.
8250 *
8251 * Results are returned for all topics matching the selector that satisfy
8252 * the request constraints within any range defined by {@link from}/{@link
8253 * after} and/or {@link to}/{@link before}.
8254 *
8255 * This function can take any number of arguments. Each argument can be a string
8256 * or a {@link TopicSelector}. Alternatively, an array of strings and
8257 * {@link TopicSelector}s can be passed as a single argument. At least one
8258 * valid selector has to be specified.
8259 *
8260 * @param topics specifies a topic selector which selects the topics to be
8261 * fetched
8262 *
8263 * @return a Result that resolves with a {@link FetchResult
8264 * FetchResult} when a response is received from the server with
8265 * the results of the fetch operation.
8266 * <p>
8267 * If the task completes successfully, the FetchResult returned by
8268 * the Result will be an object encapsulating all of the results.
8269 * <p>
8270 * Otherwise, the Result will resolve with an Error.
8271 */
8272 abstract fetch(topics: Array<TopicSelector | string>): Result<FetchResult<any>>;
8273 abstract fetch(...topics: Array<TopicSelector | string>): Result<FetchResult<any>>;
8274 /**
8275 * Return a set of all topic types that can be fetched.
8276 *
8277 * @returns the topic types that can be fetched by a FetchRequest
8278 */
8279 static getAllTypes(): Set<TopicType>;
8282 * Encapsulates the results from a fetch operation issued to the server.
8283 *
8284 * A fetch operation is issued using a {@link FetchRequest
8285 * fetch request} which will return a result of this type via a {@link Result}.
8286 *
8287 * @param V the result value type. This will be any type unless the request
8288 * indicated that {@link FetchRequest.withValues
8289 * values} are to be returned, in which case this will be the data
8290 * type requested.
8291 *
8292 * @since 6.2
8293 */
8294export interface FetchResult<V> {
8295 /**
8296 * Returns the results from the fetch operation.
8297 *
8298 * Results are always returned in path order.
8299 *
8300 * @return a list of {@link TopicResult TopicResult}s,
8301 * each representing a result single topic selected by the fetch
8302 * operation.
8303 */
8304 results(): Array<TopicResult<V>>;
8305 /**
8306 * Indicates whether the fetch could have returned more results if it had not
8307 * been constrained by the {@link FetchRequest.first first}, {@link
8308 * FetchRequest.last last} or {@link FetchRequest.maximumResultSize
8309 * maximumResultSize}
8310 * limits.
8311 *
8312 * @return `true` if more results could have been returned,
8313 * otherwise false
8314 */
8315 hasMore(): boolean;
8316 /**
8317 * The number of elements in the fetch result.
8318 *
8319 * @return the size of the results list
8320 * @since 6.3
8321 */
8322 size(): number;
8323 /**
8324 * Returns `true` if the result contains zero elements.
8325 *
8326 * @return true if result list is empty
8327 * @since 6.3
8328 */
8329 isEmpty(): boolean;
8332 * Encapsulates the result of a {@link FetchRequest.fetch
8333 * fetch} invocation for a single selected topic.
8334 *
8335 * @param V the result value type. This will be any type unless the request
8336 * indicated that {@link FetchRequest.withValues values}
8337 * are to be returned, in which case this will be the data type
8338 * requested.
8339 *
8340 * @since 6.2
8341 */
8342export interface TopicResult<V = any> {
8343 /**
8344 * Returns the topic path.
8345 *
8346 * @return the topic path
8347 */
8348 path(): string;
8349 /**
8350 * Returns the topic type.
8351 *
8352 * @return the topic type
8353 */
8354 type(): TopicType;
8355 /**
8356 * Returns the topic value.
8357 *
8358 * This will only return a value if the fetch request specified {@link
8359 * FetchRequest.withValues withValues} and the topic actually had a value.
8360 * For topics that have no value this will return undefined.
8361 *
8362 * @return the topic value or undefined if none available
8363 */
8364 value(): V;
8365 /**
8366 * Returns the topic specification.
8367 *
8368 * If the request specified {@link FetchRequest.withProperties
8369 * withProperties}, the result reflect the topic's specification and can be
8370 * used to create an identical topic. If the request did not specify {@link
8371 * FetchRequest.withProperties withProperties}, the specification's property
8372 * map will be empty.
8373 *
8374 * @return {TopicSpecification} the topic specification
8375 */
8376 specification(): TopicSpecification;
8379 * @module diffusion.topics
8380 */
8382 * Topic specifications provide the information required to create a topic.
8383 * Topics can be created from a topic specification using
8384 * {@link TopicControl.add}.
8385 *
8386 * Topic specifications allow an application to introspect the type and
8387 * capabilities of a topic. Topic specifications are provided to
8388 * {@link ValueStream ValueStreams} and {@link TopicNotificationListener topic
8389 * notification listeners}.
8390 *
8391 * A topic is specified in terms of its {@link TopicType type}
8392 * and a map of optional property settings which can alter the default behavior
8393 * of the topic.
8394 *
8395 * <h4>Topic Properties</h4>
8396 *
8397 * Depending on the topic type, some properties must be included in the
8398 * specification when creating a topic and some properties have no effect. All
8399 * topic specification property values must be supplied as strings.
8400 *
8401 * The required and optional properties for each topic type are set out in the following table.
8402 *
8403 * <table style="width: 100%">
8404 * <tr>
8405 * <th></th>
8406 * <th>{@link TopicTypeEnum.STRING STRING}<br/>
8407 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.JSON JSON}<br/>
8408 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.BINARY BINARY}<br/>
8409 * </th>
8410 * <th>{@link TopicTypeEnum.DOUBLE DOUBLE}<br/>
8411 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.INT64 INT64}</th>
8412 * <th>{@link TopicTypeEnum.ROUTING ROUTING}<br/>
8413 * <th>{@link TopicTypeEnum.SLAVE SLAVE}<br>deprecated</th>
8414 * <th>{@link TopicTypeEnum.TIME_SERIES TIME_SERIES}</th>
8415 * <th>{@link TopicTypeEnum.RECORD_V2 RECORD_V2}</th>
8416 * </tr>
8417 * <tr>
8418 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.COMPRESSION COMPRESSION}</th>
8419 * <td>Optional</td>
8420 * <td>-</td>
8421 * <td>Optional</td>
8422 * <td>Optional</td>
8423 * <td>Optional</td>
8424 * <td>Optional</td>
8425 * </tr>
8426 * <tr>
8427 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.CONFLATION CONFLATION}</th>
8428 * <td>Optional</td>
8429 * <td>Optional</td>
8430 * <td>Optional</td>
8431 * <td>Optional</td>
8432 * <td>Optional</td>
8433 * <td>Optional</td>
8434 * </tr>
8435 * <tr>
8436 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.DONT_RETAIN_VALUE DONT_RETAIN_VALUE}</th>
8437 * <td>Optional</td>
8438 * <td>Optional</td>
8439 * <td>—</td>
8440 * <td>—</td>
8441 * <td>Optional</td>
8442 * <td>Optional</td>
8443 * </tr>
8444 * <tr>
8445 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY}</th>
8446 * <td>Optional</td>
8447 * <td>—</td>
8448 * <td>—</td>
8449 * <td>—</td>
8450 * <td>Optional</td>
8451 * <td>Optional</td>
8452 * </tr>
8453 * <tr>
8454 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.SCHEMA SCHEMA}</th>
8455 * <td>—</td>
8456 * <td>—</td>
8457 * <td>—</td>
8458 * <td>—</td>
8459 * <td>—</td>
8460 * <td>Optional</td>
8461 * </tr>
8462 * <tr>
8463 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.SLAVE_MASTER_TOPIC SLAVE_MASTER_TOPIC} (deprecated)</th>
8464 * <td>—</td>
8465 * <td>—</td>
8466 * <td>—</td>
8467 * <td>Required</td>
8468 * <td>—</td>
8469 * <td>—</td>
8470 * </tr>
8471 * <tr>
8472 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.TIDY_ON_UNSUBSCRIBE TIDY_ON_UNSUBSCRIBE}</th>
8473 * <td>Optional</td>
8474 * <td>Optional</td>
8475 * <td>Optional</td>
8476 * <td>Optional</td>
8477 * <td>Optional</td>
8478 * <td>Optional</td>
8479 * </tr>
8480 * <tr>
8481 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_EVENT_VALUE_TYPE TIME_SERIES_EVENT_VALUE_TYPE}</th>
8482 * <td>—</td>
8483 * <td>—</td>
8484 * <td>—</td>
8485 * <td>—</td>
8486 * <td>Required</td>
8487 * <td>—</td>
8488 * </tr>
8489 * <tr>
8490 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE}</th>
8491 * <td>—</td>
8492 * <td>—</td>
8493 * <td>—</td>
8494 * <td>—</td>
8495 * <td>Optional</td>
8496 * <td>—</td>
8497 * </tr>
8498 * <tr>
8500 * <td>—</td>
8501 * <td>—</td>
8502 * <td>—</td>
8503 * <td>—</td>
8504 * <td>Optional</td>
8505 * </tr>
8506 * <tr>
8507 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.VALIDATE_VALUES VALIDATE_VALUES}</th>
8508 * <td>Optional</td>
8509 * <td>Optional</td>
8510 * <td>—</td>
8511 * <td>—</td>
8512 * <td>Optional</td>
8513 * <td>—</td>
8514 * </tr>
8515 * <tr>
8516 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.PERSISTENT PERSISTENT}</th>
8517 * <td>Optional</td>
8518 * <td>Optional</td>
8519 * <td>—</td>
8520 * <td>—</td>
8521 * <td>Optional</td>
8522 * <td>—</td>
8523 * </tr>
8524 * <tr>
8525 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.PRIORITY PRIORITY}</th>
8526 * <td>Optional</td>
8527 * <td>-</td>
8528 * <td>Optional</td>
8529 * <td>Optional</td>
8530 * <td>Optional</td>
8531 * <td>Optional</td>
8532 * </tr>
8533 * <tr>
8534 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.REMOVAL REMOVAL}</th>
8535 * <td>Optional</td>
8536 * <td>Optional</td>
8537 * <td>—</td>
8538 * <td>—</td>
8539 * <td>Optional</td>
8540 * <td>—</td>
8541 * </tr>
8542 * <tr>
8543 * <th>{@link TopicSpecification.OWNER OWNER}</th>
8544 * <td>Optional</td>
8545 * <td>Optional</td>
8546 * <td>—</td>
8547 * <td>—</td>
8548 * <td>Optional</td>
8549 * <td>—</td>
8550 * </tr>
8551 * </table>
8552 *
8553 * `TIME_SERIES` topics have restricted values for the
8554 * `CONFLATION` property. They are only allowed to have the values
8555 * `off` or `unsubscribe`.
8556 *
8557 * `ROUTING` and `SLAVE` topics are references to other topics,
8558 * and have no value of their own. Instead, they reflect the value of the
8559 * appropriate source topic. Observed behavior depends on the values of the
8561 * `VALIDATE_VALUES` properties that are set on the source topic.
8562 *
8563 */
8564export declare class TopicSpecification {
8565 /**
8566 * Key of the topic property that specifies whether a topic should publish
8567 * only values.
8568 *
8569 * By default, a topic that supports delta streams will publish the
8570 * difference between two values (a delta) when doing so is more efficient
8571 * than to publishing the complete new value. Subscribing sessions can use a
8572 * {@link ValueStream} to automatically apply the delta to a
8573 * local copy of the topic value to calculate the new value.
8574 *
8575 * Setting PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY to `'true'` disables this behavior so that
8576 * deltas are never published. Doing so is not recommended because it will
8577 * result in more data being transmitted and less efficient use of network
8578 * resources. Reasons to consider setting the value to 'true' include
8579 * compatibility with older client libraries that do not support delta
8580 * streams; to simplify applications that use topic streams and do not wish
8581 * to deal with the complexities of delta processing (it would be better for
8582 * such an application to use a {@link ValueStream}); and to disable
8583 * delta streams to investigate their performance benefits.
8584 *
8585 */
8586 static readonly PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY: string;
8587 /**
8588 * Key of the topic property indicating whether a topic should validate
8589 * inbound values.
8590 *
8591 * By default, the server does not validate received values before sending
8592 * them on to client sessions. Invalid or corrupt values will be stored in
8593 * the topic and passed on to sessions. If this property is set to `'true'`,
8594 * the server will perform additional validation on values to check that
8595 * they are valid instances of the data type, and if it is not then it will
8596 * return an error to the updater and not update the topic.
8597 *
8598 * If this value is not set (or set to something other than `'true'`), no
8599 * server validation of inbound values is performed. This is the recommended
8600 * setting as there is a performance overhead to validation and values
8601 * produced through the {@link DataTypes data type} API will not
8602 * be invalid anyway.
8603 */
8604 static readonly VALIDATE_VALUES: string;
8605 /**
8606 * Key of the topic property that specifies the master topic path for a
8607 * {@link TopicTypeEnum.SLAVE slave} topic.
8608 *
8609 * When creating a slave topic using a topic specification then this must be
8610 * specified. For all other topic types it is ignored.
8611 *
8612 * @since 6.0
8613 *
8614 *
8615 * @deprecated Since 6.4
8616 * <p>
8617 * Slave topics are deprecated. This property key will be
8618 * removed in a future release.
8619 */
8620 static readonly SLAVE_MASTER_TOPIC: string;
8621 /**
8622 * Key of the topic property that specifies the 'tidy on unsubscribe' option
8623 * for a topic.
8624 *
8625 * By default, if a session unsubscribes from a topic, it will receive any
8626 * updates for that topic that were previously queued but not sent.
8627 *
8628 * If this property is set to `'true'`, when a session unsubscribes from the
8629 * topic, any updates for the topic that are still queued for the session
8630 * are removed. There is a performance overhead to using this option as the
8631 * client queue must be scanned to find topic updates to remove, however it
8632 * may prove useful for preventing unwanted data being sent to sessions.
8633 *
8634 * @since 6.0
8635 */
8636 static readonly TIDY_ON_UNSUBSCRIBE: string;
8637 /**
8638 * Key of the topic property that specifies the event data type for a time
8639 * series topic.
8640 *
8641 * The value is the {@link DataType.name type name} of a
8642 * data type.
8643 *
8644 * @since 6.0
8645 */
8646 static readonly TIME_SERIES_EVENT_VALUE_TYPE: string;
8647 /**
8648 * Key of the topic property that specifies the range of events retained by
8649 * a time series topic.
8650 *
8651 * When a new event is added to the time series, older events that fall
8652 * outside of the range are discarded.
8653 *
8654 * If the property is not specified, a time series topic will retain the ten
8655 * most recent events.
8656 *
8657 * <h4>Time series range expressions</h4>
8658 *
8659 * The property value is a time series <em>range expression</em> string
8660 * composed of one or more constraint clauses. Constraints are combined to
8661 * provide a range of events from the end of the time series.
8662 *
8663 * <dl>
8664 * <dt>limit constraint
8665 * <dd>A limit constraint specifies the maximum number of events from the
8666 * end of the time series.
8667 * <dt>last clause
8668 * <dd>A last constraint specifies the maximum duration of events from the
8669 * end of the time series. The duration is expressed as an integer followed
8670 * by one of the following time units. <br>
8671 * <br>
8672 * <code>MS</code> &ndash; milliseconds; <br>
8673 * <code>S</code> &ndash; seconds; <br>
8674 * <code>H</code> &ndash; hours.
8675 * </dl>
8676 *
8677 * If a range expression contains multiple constraints, the constraint that
8678 * selects the smallest range is used.
8679 *
8680 * Property value | Meaning
8681 * --------------- | ---------
8682 * `limit 5` | The five most recent events
8683 * `last 10s` | All events that are no more than ten seconds older than the latest event
8684 * `last 10s limit 5` | The five most recent events that are no more than ten seconds older than the latest event
8685 *
8686 * Range expressions are not case sensitive: `limit 5 last 10s` is
8687 * equivalent to `LIMIT 5 LAST 10S`.
8688 *
8689 * @since 6.0
8690 */
8691 static readonly TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE: string;
8692 /**
8693 * Key of the topic property that specifies the range of time series topic
8694 * events to send to new subscribers.
8695 *
8696 * The property value is a time series range expression, following the
8697 * format used for {@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE
8699 *
8700 * If the property is not specified, new subscribers will be sent the latest
8701 * event if delta streams are enabled and no events if delta streams are
8702 * disabled. See the description of <em>Subscription range</em> in the
8703 * {@link TimeSeries time series feature} documentation.
8704 *
8705 * @since 6.0
8706 */
8707 static readonly TIME_SERIES_SUBSCRIPTION_RANGE: string;
8708 /**
8709 * Key of the topic property that specifies a schema which constrains topic
8710 * values.
8711 *
8712 * This property is only used by {@link TopicTypeEnum.RECORD_V2
8713 * RECORD_V2} topics. The value is converted to a Diffusion record schema
8714 * using {@link RecordV2DataType.parseSchema}.
8715 *
8716 * @since 6.0
8717 */
8718 static readonly SCHEMA: string;
8719 /**
8720 * Key of the topic property that specifies a topic should not retain
8721 * its last value. Setting this property to `'true'` allows the topic to behave
8722 * like a stateless topic, while retaining other properties such as its data
8723 * type.
8724 *
8725 * By default, a topic (other than a `SLAVE`, or `ROUTING` topic) will
8726 * retain its latest value. The latest value will be sent to new
8727 * subscribers. Setting this property to `'true'` disables this behavior. New
8728 * subscribers will not be sent an initial value. No value will be returned
8729 * for fetch operations that select the topic. This is useful for data
8730 * streams where the values are only transiently valid.
8731 *
8732 * Setting DONT_RETAIN_VALUE to `'true'` disables delta streams, regardless of
8733 * the {@link TopicSpecification.PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY
8734 * PUBLISH_VALUES_ONLY} value. If subsequent values are likely to be
8735 * related, delta streams can provide a performance benefit. Consider not
8736 * setting this property to benefit from delta streams, even if there is no
8737 * other requirement to retain the last value.
8738 *
8739 * Setting this property affects the default subscription range of a time
8740 * series topic. If set to `'true'`, the default subscription range will
8741 * not provide an initial event to new subscribers. The default
8742 * subscription range can be overridden with the {@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_SUBSCRIPTION_RANGE
8743 * TIME_SERIES_SUBSCRIPTION_RANGE} property. Regardless of whether
8744 * DONT_RETAIN_VALUE is set, a time series topic will continue to
8745 * record events according to the {@link TopicSpecification.TIME_SERIES_RETAINED_RANGE
8747 *
8748 * @since 6.0
8749 */
8750 static readonly DONT_RETAIN_VALUE: string;
8751 /**
8752 * Key of the topic property that can be used to prevent a topic from being
8753 * persisted when the server is configured to enable persistence.
8754 *
8755 * By default, a topic will be persisted if persistence is enabled at the
8756 * server and the topic type supports persistence.
8757 *
8758 * Setting PERSISTENT to `'false'` will prevent the topic from being
8759 * persisted.
8760 *
8761 * @since 6.1
8762 */
8763 static readonly PERSISTENT: string;
8764 /**
8765 * Key of the topic property that specifies a removal policy for automatic
8766 * removal of the topic (and/or other topics).
8767 *
8768 * This property is specified as an expression which defines one or more
8769 * conditions that are to be satisfied before automatic removal occurs.
8770 *
8771 * The expression takes the form:
8772 *
8773 * <code>
8774 * when <i>conditions</i> [remove '<i>selector</i>']
8775 * </code>
8776 *
8777 * At least one condition must be supplied. If more than one is supplied,
8778 * they must be separated by logical operators (`and` or `or`).
8779 * The natural evaluation order of the operators may be changed by
8780 * surrounding with parentheses (e.g. (<i>condition</i> `and`
8781 * <i>condition</i>)).
8782 *
8783 * The `remove` clause is optional. It provides a {@link TopicSelector}
8784 * expression representing the topics to be removed. If a `remove` clause is
8785 * specified, the topic with the removal policy will only be removed if its
8786 * path matches the selector expression. The selector must be surrounded by
8787 * either double or single quotes.
8788 *
8789 * The permissions that are applied at the time of removal are those defined
8790 * by the roles of the principal that created the topic at the time of
8791 * creation. The roles of that principal may therefore change before the
8792 * removal with no effect, but if the permissions given to the roles change
8793 * it may have an effect upon the final removal.
8794 *
8795 * Only one occurrence of each of the following condition types may be
8796 * included within the expression:
8797 * <table style="width: 100%">
8798 * <tr>
8799 * <th align="left">Condition&nbsp;Type</th>
8800 * <th align="left">Format</th>
8801 * <th align="left">Usage</th>
8802 * </tr>
8803 * <tr valign="top">
8804 * <th align="left"><b>time&nbsp;after</b></th>
8805 * <td><code>time&nbsp;after&nbsp;<i>absoluteTime</i></code></td>
8806 * <td>Removal should occur after a specified absolute time. Absolute time
8807 * may be specified as a number of milliseconds since the epoch (00:00:00 on
8808 * 1 January 1970) <b>or</b> as a quoted date and time formatted in <a href=
8809 * "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html#RFC_1123_DATE_TIME">RFC_1123
8810 * date time format</a>. Either single or double quotes may be used.</td>
8811 * </tr>
8812 * <tr valign="top">
8813 * <th align="left"><b>subscriptions&nbsp;less&nbsp;than</b></th>
8814 * <td><code>subscriptions&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;<i>n</i>&nbsp;for&nbsp;<i>forPeriod</i>&nbsp;[after&nbsp;<i>afterPeriod</i>]</code></td>
8815 * <td>Removal should occur when the topic has had less than the specified
8816 * number (<i>n</i>) of subscriptions for a given period (<i>forPeriod</i>)
8817 * of time. Optionally, an initial period (<i>afterPeriod</i>) may be
8818 * specified by which to delay the initial checking of this condition. See
8819 * below for period formats.</td>
8820 * </tr>
8821 * <tr valign="top">
8822 * <th align="left"><b>no&nbsp;updates&nbsp;for</b></th>
8823 * <td><code>no&nbsp;updates&nbsp;for&nbsp;<i>forPeriod</i>&nbsp;[after&nbsp;<i>afterPeriod</i>]</code></td>
8824 * <td>Removal should occur when the topic has had no updates for a given
8825 * period (<i>forPeriod</i>) of time. Optionally, an initial period
8826 * (<i>afterPeriod</i>) may be specified by which to delay the initial
8827 * checking of this condition. See below for period formats.</td>
8828 * </tr>
8829 * <tr valign="top">
8830 * <th align="left"><b>no&nbsp;session&nbsp;has</b></th>
8831 * <td><code>no&nbsp;session&nbsp;has&nbsp;<i>'criteria'</i>&nbsp;[for&nbsp;<i>forPeriod</i>]&nbsp;[after&nbsp;<i>afterPeriod</i>]</code></td>
8832 * <td>Removal should occur when no sessions satisfy certain <i>criteria</i>.
8833 * Optionally the criteria can be required to be satisfied for a period of time
8834 * (<i>forPeriod</i>). Optionally, an initial period (<i>afterPeriod</i>) can
8835 * be specified to delay the initial check of the criteria. Session selection
8836 * criteria are specified as defined in {@link Session session filters} and
8837 * must be surrounded by single or double quotes. See below for period formats.</td>
8838 * </tr>
8839 * <tr valign="top">
8840 * <th></th>
8841 * <td>`this&nbsp;session&nbsp;closes`</td>
8842 * <td>This is a shorthand form of 'no session has' that may be used to
8843 * indicate that the topic is to be removed when the session that created it
8844 * closes.</td>
8845 * </tr>
8846 * </table>
8847 *
8848 * Time periods are specified as a number followed (with no intermediate
8849 * space) by a single letter representing the time unit. The time unit may
8850 * be 's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), 'h' (hours) or 'd' (days). For example,
8851 * 10 minutes would be specified as 10m.
8852 *
8853 * If quotes or backslashes (\) are required within quoted values such as
8854 * selectors or session criteria then they may be escaped by preceding with
8855 * \. The convenience method {@link escape} is provided to
8856 * escape such characters in a value. The expression is validated only by
8857 * the server and therefore if an invalid expression is specified it will be
8858 * reported as an Error.
8859 *
8860 * **Examples:**
8861 *
8862 * ```
8863 * when time after 1518780068112
8864 * ```
8865 *
8866 * The topic will be removed when the date and time indicated by the
8867 * specified number of milliseconds since the epoch has passed.
8868 *
8869 * ```
8870 * when time after 'Tue, 3 Jun 2018 11:05:30 GMT'
8871 * ```
8872 *
8873 * The topic will be removed when the specified date and time has passed.
8874 *
8875 * ```
8876 * when time after 'Tue, 3 Jun 2018 11:05:30 GMT' remove '*alpha/beta//'
8877 * ```
8878 *
8879 * The topic alpha/beta and all topics subordinate to it will be removed
8880 * when the specified date and time has passed.
8881 *
8882 * ```
8883 * when subscriptions &lt; 1 for 20m
8884 * ```
8885 *
8886 * The topic will be removed when it has had no subscriptions for a
8887 * continuous period of 20 minutes.
8888 *
8889 * ```
8890 * when subscriptions &lt; 2 for 20m after 1h
8891 * ```
8892 *
8893 * The topic will be removed when it has had less than 2 subscriptions for a
8894 * continuous period of 20 minutes after one hour has passed since its
8895 * creation.
8896 *
8897 * ```
8898 * when no updates for 3h
8899 * ```
8900 *
8901 * The topic will be removed when it has had no updates for a continuous
8902 * period of 3 hours.
8903 *
8904 * ```
8905 * when no updates for 15m after 1d
8906 * ```
8907 *
8908 * The topic will be removed when it has had no updates for a continuous
8909 * period of 15 minutes after one day has passed since its creation.
8910 *
8911 * ```
8912 * when this session closes
8913 * ```
8914 *
8915 * The topic will be removed when the session that created it closes.
8916 *
8917 * ```
8918 * when no session has '$Principal is "Alice"'
8919 * ```
8920 *
8921 * The topic will be removed when there is no session with the principal 'Alice'.
8922 *
8923 * ```
8924 * when no session has '$Principal is "Alice"' for 10m
8925 * ```
8926 *
8927 * The topic will be removed when there have been no sessions with the principal
8928 * 'Alice' for a continuous period of 10 minutes.
8929 *
8930 * ```
8931 * when no session has 'Department is "Accounts"' for 30m after 2h
8932 * ```
8933 *
8934 * The topic will be removed when there have been no sessions from the Account
8935 * department for a continuous period of 30 minutes after 2 hours have passed
8936 * since its creation.
8937 *
8938 * ```
8939 * when time after "Tue, 3 Jun 2018 11:05:30 GMT" and subscriptions &lt; 1 for 30m
8940 * ```
8941 *
8942 * The topic will be removed when the specified date and time has passed and
8943 * the topic has had no subscriptions for a continuous period of 30 minutes
8944 * after that time.
8945 *
8946 * ```
8947 * when time after "Tue, 3 Jun 2018 11:05:30 GMT" and subscriptions &lt; 2 for 10m after 1h
8948 * ```
8949 *
8950 * The topic will be removed when the specified date and time has passed and
8951 * the topic has had less than 2 subscriptions for a continuous period of 10
8952 * minutes after that time plus one hour.
8953 *
8954 * ```
8955 * when time after "Tue, 3 Jun 2018 11:05:30 GMT" or subscriptions &lt; 2 for 10m after 1h
8956 * ```
8957 *
8958 * The topic will be removed when the specified date and time has passed or
8959 * the topic has had less than 2 subscriptions for a continuous period of 10
8960 * minutes after one hour from its creation.
8961 *
8962 * ```
8963 * when time after "Tue, 3 Jun 2018 11:05:30 GMT" and (subscriptions &lt; 2 for 10m after 1h or no updates for 20m)
8964 * ```
8965 *
8966 * The topic will be removed when the specified date and time has passed and
8967 * either the topic has had less than 2 subscriptions for a continuous
8968 * period of 10 minutes after that time plus one hour or it has had no
8969 * updates for a continuous period of 20 minutes. Note that the parentheses
8970 * are significant here as without them the topic would be removed if it had
8971 * had no updates for 20 minutes regardless of the time and subscriptions
8972 * clause.
8973 *
8974 * **Notes and restrictions on use**
8975 *
8976 * The `after` time periods refer to the period since the topic was
8977 * created or restored from persistence store after a server is restarted.
8978 * They are designed as a 'grace' period after the topic comes into
8979 * existence before the related conditions starts to be evaluated. When not
8980 * specified the conditions start to be evaluated as soon as the topic is
8981 * created or restored.
8982 *
8983 * The server will evaluate conditions on a periodic basis (every few
8984 * seconds) so the exact removal time will not be precise for low periodic
8985 * granularity.
8986 *
8987 * The meaning of the `for` period on `no session has`
8988 * conditions is subtly different from on other conditions. It does not
8989 * guarantee that there has been no session satisfying the condition at some
8990 * point between evaluations, only that when evaluated the given period of
8991 * time has passed since it was last evaluated and found to have no matching
8992 * sessions.
8993 *
8994 * Automatic topic removal is supported for both replicated topics and topics
8995 * fanned out to secondary servers using the fan-out feature. A
8996 * 'subscriptions less than' condition for such topics will be evaluated
8997 * against the total number of subscriptions to the topic across the cluster
8998 * and on all downstream secondary servers. A 'no session has' condition will
8999 * consider all sessions hosted across a cluster and hosted by downstream
9000 * secondary servers.
9001 *
9002 * @since 6.1
9003 */
9004 static readonly REMOVAL: string;
9005 /**
9006 * Key of the topic property that specifies the conflation policy of the
9007 * topic. The policy specifies how the server manages queued topic updates.
9008 * Conflation is applied individually to each session queue.
9009 *
9010 * Conflation is the process of merging or discarding topic updates queued
9011 * for a session to reduce the server memory footprint and network data. The
9012 * server will conflate sessions that have a large number of queued messages
9013 * to meet configured queue size targets. The sessions with the largest
9014 * queues are typically slow consumers or have been disconnected – both will
9015 * benefit from conflation. This property allows conflation behavior to be
9016 * tuned on a topic-by-topic basis.
9017 *
9018 * The supported policies are:
9019 *
9020 * * `off`
9021 * * `conflate`
9022 * * `unsubscribe`
9023 * * `always`
9024 *
9025 * The default policy used when the property is not specified and the topic
9026 * type is not time series is `conflate`. The default policy used when the
9027 * property is not specified and the topic type is time series is `off`.
9028 *
9029 * The policy `off` disables conflation for the topic. This policy
9030 * disables all conflation for the topic, so topic updates will never be
9031 * merged or discarded.
9032 *
9033 * The policy `conflate` automatically conflates topic updates when
9034 * back pressure is detected by the server.
9035 *
9036 * The policy `unsubscribe` automatically unsubscribes the topic when
9037 * back pressure is detected by the server. The unsubscription is not
9038 * persisted to the cluster. If a session fails over to a different server
9039 * it will be resubscribed to the topic.
9040 *
9041 * The policy `always` automatically conflates topic updates as they
9042 * are queued for the session. This is an eager policy that ensures only the
9043 * latest update is queued for the topic, minimising the server memory and
9044 * network bandwidth used by the session.
9045 *
9046 * The `conflate` and `unsubscribe` policies are applied when
9047 * the server detects back pressure for a session. The server configuration
9048 * places limits on the data queued for each session. If these limits are
9049 * breached, the server will conflate the session queue to attempt to reduce
9050 * its size. If the session queue still exceeds the limits after conflation,
9051 * the session will be terminated.
9052 *
9053 * Conflation can be disabled on a session-by-session basis. If conflation is
9054 * disabled for a session the policy will not be applied to topic updates
9055 * queued for the session but will be for other sessions that have conflation
9056 * enabled.
9057 *
9058 * The policies `conflate` and `always` are not supported for
9059 * time series topics as they would cause missing events. Attempts to enable
9060 * these policies with time series topics will cause the creation of the
9061 * topic to fail, reporting that the specification is invalid.
9062 *
9063 * @since 6.2
9064 */
9065 static readonly CONFLATION: string;
9066 /**
9067 * Key of the topic property that allows the creator of a topic to extend
9068 * READ_TOPIC, MODIFY_TOPIC, and UPDATE_TOPIC permissions to a specific
9069 * principal, in addition to the permissions granted by the authorisation
9070 * rules in the security store.
9071 *
9072 * A session that has authenticated using the principal can update and
9073 * remove the topic, so the principal can be considered the topic owner. To
9074 * fetch or subscribe to the topic, the principal must also be granted
9075 * SELECT_TOPIC by the security store rules.
9076 *
9077 * This may be used in the following cases:
9078 * 1) A session creates a topic and makes its own principal the owner.
9079 * 2) A session creates a topic and makes another principal the owner.
9080 *
9081 * The format of the property value is:
9082 *
9083 * `$Principal is "<i>name</i>"`
9084 *
9085 * where <i>name</i> is the name of the principal. Single quotes may be used
9086 * instead of double quotes and special characters can be escaped using
9087 * {@link escape} if required.
9088 *
9089 * The purpose of this property is to allow a client to create topics on
9090 * behalf of other users. This can be used in conjunction with the
9091 * {@link REMOVAL} property so that such topics are removed when there are
9092 * no longer any sessions for the named principal.
9093 *
9094 * **Example:**
9095 * ```
9096 * specification.withProperty(diffusion.topics.TopicSpecification.OWNER,
9097 * "$Principal is 'myPrincipal'")
9098 * .withProperty(diffusion.topics.TopicSpecification.REMOVAL,
9099 * "when no session has '$Principal is \"myPrincipal\"' for 5s");
9100 * ```
9101 *
9102 * @since 6.1
9103 */
9104 static readonly OWNER: string;
9105 /**
9106 * Key of the topic property that allows the compression policy to be set
9107 * on a per-topic basis.
9108 *
9109 * Compression reduces the bandwidth required to broadcast topic updates to
9110 * subscribed sessions, at the cost of increased server CPU.
9111 *
9112 * Changes to a topic's value are published to each subscribed session as a
9113 * sequence of topic messages. A topic message can carry the latest value or
9114 * the difference between the latest value and the previous value (a delta).
9115 * The compression policy determines if and how published topic messages
9116 * are compressed. Topic messages are not exposed through the client API;
9117 * the client library handles decompression and decodes deltas
9118 * automatically, passing reconstructed values to the application.
9119 *
9120 * The compression policy for a topic is specified by setting this property
9121 * to one of several values:
9122 *
9123 * * `off`
9124 * * `low`
9125 * * `medium`
9126 * * `high`
9127 *
9128 * The policies are listed in the order of increasing compression and
9129 * increasing CPU cost. `off` disables compression completely for the
9130 * topic and requires no additional CPU; `high` compresses the topic
9131 * messages to the smallest number of bytes, but has the highest CPU cost.
9132 * Generally some compression is beneficial, so the default value for this
9133 * property is `low`.
9134 *
9135 * Prior to version 6.4, only two values were allowed: `true`
9136 * (equivalent to `medium`, and the previous default policy) and
9137 * `false` (equivalent to `off`). These values are still
9138 * supported.
9139 *
9140 * This property is only one factor that determines whether a topic message
9141 * will be compressed. Other factors include:
9142 *
9143 * * Compression must be enabled in the server configuration.
9144 *
9145 * * The client library must support the server's compression
9146 * scheme. In this release, the server supports zlib
9147 * compression, and also allows compression to be disabled on a
9148 * per-connector basis. From 6.4, all client libraries are
9149 * capable of zlib compression. A JavaScript client may or may
9150 * not support zlib compression, depending on whether the zlib
9151 * library can be loaded. The zlib library is packaged
9152 * separately to reduce the download size of the core library.
9153 *
9154 * @since 6.2
9155 */
9156 static readonly COMPRESSION: string;
9157 /**
9158 * Key of the topic property that specifies the topic delivery priority.
9159 *
9160 * The supported delivery priorities are:
9161 *
9162 * * `low`
9163 * * `default`
9164 * * `high`
9165 *
9166 * The delivery priority affects the order of topic updates sent to a
9167 * subscribed client session. When there are multiple topic updates for
9168 * topics with different priorities in a session's outbound queue, updates
9169 * for `high` priority topics will be delivered first, followed by
9170 * updates for `default` priority topics, followed by updates for
9171 * `low` priority topics. Topic subscription and unsubscription
9172 * notifications are also delivered according to the topic delivery
9173 * priority.
9174 *
9175 * Using different delivery priorities is most beneficial when there is a
9176 * large backlog of queued updates to deliver to a client session. On
9177 * lightly loaded systems, updates typically remain in the outbound queue
9178 * for a few milliseconds and so there is a lower chance of topic updates
9179 * being reordered based on their priority. The backlog will be larger if
9180 * the topic update rate is higher; the server or the client are more
9181 * heavily loaded; the client session becomes temporarily disconnected; or
9182 * if there is poor network connectivity between the server and the client.
9183 *
9184 * Messages from the server to the client that are not topic updates, for
9185 * example ping requests and responses, are queued with the
9186 * `default` delivery priority.
9187 *
9188 * @since 6.4
9189 */
9190 static readonly PRIORITY: string;
9191 /**
9192 * The topic type.
9193 */
9194 type: TopicType;
9195 /**
9196 * A map of the topic properties.
9197 */
9198 properties: {
9199 [key: string]: string;
9200 };
9201 /**
9202 * Create a new TopicSpecification
9203 *
9204 * @param type the topic type for this specification.
9205 * @param properties the properties to use for this specification.
9206 * @since 5.9
9207 *
9208 * **Example:**
9209 *
9210 * Properties can be set when creating the specification by passing an object
9211 * ```
9212 * // Create specification for JSON topics which validate update values on the server
9213 * const TopicSpecification = diffusion.topics.TopicSpecification;
9214 *
9215 * var specification = new TopicSpecification(diffusion.topics.TopicType.JSON, {
9216 * "VALIDATE_VALUES" : "true"
9217 * });
9218 * ```
9219 *
9220 * **Example:** <caption>New specifications can be created with additional properties</caption>
9221 * ```
9222 * // Create specification for JSON topics which validate update values on the server
9223 * const TopicSpecification = diffusion.topics.TopicSpecification;
9224 *
9225 * var specification = new TopicSpecification(diffusion.topics.TopicType.JSON)
9226 * .withProperty(TopicSpecification.VALIDATE_VALUES, "true");
9227 * ```
9228 */
9229 constructor(type: TopicType, properties?: {
9230 [key: string]: string;
9231 });
9232 /**
9233 * Returns a new TopicSpecification with the specified property set to the supplied value.
9234 * @param key the new property key
9235 * @param value the new property value
9236 * @returns a new TopicSpecification with the specified property set.
9237 */
9238 withProperty(key: string, value: string): TopicSpecification;
9241 * A topic type
9242 */
9243export declare class TopicType {
9244 /**
9245 * The topic type ID
9246 */
9247 readonly id: number;
9248 /**
9249 * A flag indicating whether the topic type is stateful
9250 */
9251 readonly stateful: boolean;
9252 /**
9253 * A flag indicating whether the topic type is functional
9254 */
9255 readonly functional: boolean;
9256 /**
9257 * Create a new TopicType instance
9258 *
9259 * @param id the topic type ID
9260 * @param stateful a flag indicating whether the topic type is stateful
9261 * @param functional a flag indicating whether the topic type is functional
9262 */
9263 constructor(id: number, stateful: boolean, functional: boolean);
9266 * Enum containing possible Topic Types.
9267 *
9268 * **Example:**
9269 * ```
9270 * // Get a topic type for adding topics
9271 * var topicType = diffusion.topics.TopicType.JSON;
9272 *
9273 * session.topics.add("foo", topicType);
9274 * ```
9275 */ export declare const TopicTypeEnum: {
9276 [key: string]: TopicType;
9279 * A type containing information about the reason for an unsubscription
9280 */
9281export declare class UnsubscribeReason {
9282 /**
9283 * The unsubscribe reason's id
9284 */
9285 readonly id?: number;
9286 /**
9287 * The unsubscribe reason's description
9288 */
9289 readonly reason: string;
9290 /**
9291 * Create a `UnsubscribeReason`
9292 *
9293 * @param id the unsubscribe reason's id
9294 * @param reason the unsubscribe reason's description
9295 */
9296 constructor(id: number | undefined, reason: string);
9299 * Enum containing reasons that an unsubscription occurred.
9300 *
9301 * **Example:**
9302 * ```
9303 * // Use UnsubscribeReason to validate unsubscription notifications
9304 * session.addStream('>foo', diffusion.datatypes.string())
9305 * .on('unsubscribe', function(topic, specification, reason) {
9306 * switch (reason) {
9307 * case diffusion.topics.UnsubscribeReason.REMOVED :
9308 * // Do something if the topic was removed
9309 * default :
9310 * // Do something else if the client was explicitly unsubscribed
9311 * }
9312 * });
9313 * ```
9314 */ export declare const UnsubscribeReasonEnum: {
9315 [key: string]: UnsubscribeReason;
9318 * A type containing information about the reason for failure of an update
9319 */
9320export declare class UpdateFailReason {
9321 /**
9322 * The update fail reason's id
9323 */
9324 readonly id?: number;
9325 /**
9326 * The update fail reason's description
9327 */
9328 readonly reason: string;
9329 /**
9330 * Create a `UpdateFailReason`
9331 *
9332 * @param id the update fail reason's id
9333 * @param reason the update fail reason's description
9334 */
9335 constructor(id: number | undefined, reason: string);
9338 * The reason that a topic could not be updated.
9339 *
9340 * **Example:**
9341 * ```
9342 * session.topics.update('foo', 'bar').then(function() { ... }, function(err) {
9343 * switch (err) {
9344 * case diffusion.topics.UpdateFailReason.MISSING_TOPIC:
9345 * ...
9346 * case diffusion.topics.UpdateFailReason.EXCLUSIVE_UPDATER_CONFLICT:
9347 * ...
9348 * }
9349 * });
9350 * ```
9351 */ export declare const UpdateFailReasonEnum: {
9352 [key: string]: UpdateFailReason;
9355 * A type containing information about the reason for failure of adding a topic
9356 */
9357export declare class TopicAddFailReason {
9358 /**
9359 * The topic add failure reason's id
9360 */
9361 readonly id?: number;
9362 /**
9363 * The topic add failure reason's description
9364 */
9365 readonly reason: string;
9366 /**
9367 * Create a `TopicAddFailReason`
9368 *
9369 * @param id the topic add failure reason's id
9370 * @param reason the topic add failure reason's description
9371 */
9372 constructor(id: number | undefined, reason: string);
9375 * The reason that a topic could not be added.
9376 *
9377 * **Example:**
9378 * ```
9379 * session.topics.add('foo').then(function() { ... }, function(err) {
9380 * switch (err) {
9381 * case diffusion.topics.TopicAddFailReason.EXISTS:
9382 * ...
9383 * case diffusion.topics.TopicAddFailReason.INVALID_PATH:
9384 * ...
9385 * }
9386 * });
9387 * ```
9388 *
9389 */ export declare const TopicAddFailReasonEnum: {
9390 [key: string]: TopicAddFailReason;
9392export interface TopicsNamespace {
9393 FetchRequest: typeof FetchRequest;
9394 TopicType: typeof TopicTypeEnum;
9395 TopicSpecification: typeof TopicSpecification;
9396 UnsubscribeReason: typeof UnsubscribeReasonEnum;
9397 UpdateFailReason: typeof UpdateFailReasonEnum;
9398 TopicAddFailReason: typeof TopicAddFailReasonEnum;
9400export declare const topicsNamespace: TopicsNamespace;
9402 * @module diffusion
9403 */
9405 * An enum for the available log levels
9406 *
9407 * Accessible through `diffusion.LogLevel`.
9408 */
9409export declare enum LogLevel {
9410 trace = "trace",
9411 debug = "debug",
9412 info = "info",
9413 warn = "warn",
9414 error = "error",
9415 silent = "silent",
9417/// <reference types="node" />
9419 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9420 */
9422 * Binary data type.
9423 *
9424 * Accessed via:
9425 * `diffusion.datatypes.binary();`
9426 *
9427 * The implementation provides support for binary deltas.
9428 *
9429 * {@link Binary} values can be used to store and transmit arbitrary
9430 * information. The responsibility for formatting and interpreting the
9431 * information belongs solely to the application. Before using Binary for a
9432 * topic, consider other data types such as {@link JSON JSON} or
9433 * single value topic types; these may provide a simpler interface for
9434 * your application.
9435 *
9436 * @since 5.7
9437 */
9438export interface BinaryDataType extends DataType<Binary, Buffer | Binary, Binary> {
9439 /**
9440 * The Binary data type value class
9441 */
9442 Binary: new (value: Buffer) => Binary;
9443 /**
9444 * Returns a new {@link Binary} instance from a buffer.
9445 *
9446 * @param {Buffer} buffer - The binary data
9447 * @return {diffusion.datatypes.Binary} a Binary data-type instance
9448 *
9449 * @function diffusion.datatypes.BinaryDataType#from
9450 */
9451 from(buffer: Buffer): Binary;
9454 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9455 */
9457 * Delta that represents the difference between two binary values.
9458 *
9459 * @since 5.7
9460 */
9461export interface BinaryDelta {
9462 /**
9463 * Whether this delta contains any changes.
9464 *
9465 * @returns if the delta contains changes
9466 */
9467 hasChanges(): boolean;
9469/// <reference types="node" />
9471 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9472 */
9474 * A read-only binary value with support for binary deltas.
9475 *
9476 * Values are effectively immutable. Instances can be backed by
9477 * {@link BinaryDataType.from user-supplied buffers}.
9478 * Once a Binary has been constructed around a buffer, care must
9479 * be taken not to modify the data in the buffer because doing
9480 * so would violate immutability.
9481 *
9482 * @since 5.7
9483 */
9484export interface Binary extends Bytes {
9485 /**
9486 * Get the value as a Buffer.
9487 *
9488 * @return the buffer value
9489 */
9490 get(): Buffer;
9491 /**
9492 * Compare this Binary value with an earlier version to create a delta.
9493 *
9494 * Convenient equivalent to:
9495 * `diffusion.datatypes.binary().deltaSupport(type).diff(original, this);`
9496 *
9497 * Buffers may also be provided as the value to diff instead of a {@link
9498 * Binary} instance.
9499 *
9500 * **Example:**
9501 * ```
9502 * var delta = binaryValue.diff(Buffer.from('Hello world'));
9503 * ```
9504 *
9505 * @param original the value to diff against this
9506 * @param type the type of delta to generate (default: `binary`);
9507 * @return a delta representing the difference between this and the provided value
9508 */
9509 diff(original: Binary | Buffer, type?: string): BinaryDelta;
9510 /**
9511 * Apply a delta to this Binary value to create a new value.
9512 *
9513 * Convenient equivalent to:
9514 * `diffusion.datatypes.binary().deltaSupport(delta).apply(this, delta);`
9515 *
9516 * @param delta the binary delta to apply to this value
9517 * @return a new instance derived from applying the delta to this value
9518 * @throws an error if the delta is invalid
9519 */
9520 apply(delta: BinaryDelta): Binary;
9523 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9524 */
9526 * JSON data type.
9527 *
9528 * Accessed via:
9529 * `diffusion.datatypes.json();`
9530 *
9531 * The JSON Data Type provides {@link JSON} values, which
9532 * are a wrapper around native JSON objects.
9533 *
9534 * For efficiency, the JSON value is serialized in binary form following
9535 * the CBOR specification.
9536 *
9537 * The implementation provides support for binary deltas.
9538 *
9539 * JSON instances defer parsing of underlying binary data until required. If the
9540 * data is not valid, an Error may be thrown when {@link JSON.get} is called.
9541 *
9542 * @since 5.7
9543 */
9544export interface JSONDataType extends DataType<JSON, any, JSON> {
9545 /**
9546 * The JSON data type value class
9547 */
9548 JSON: new (value: any) => JSON;
9549 /**
9550 * Returns a new {@link JSON} instance from a native JS object.
9551 *
9552 * Passing a string will produce a JSON instance encoding a single string
9553 * token. To produce a JSON datatype instance from a JSON string, use {@link
9554 * JSONDataType.fromJsonString} instead.
9555 *
9556 * This is useful in cases where providing the raw value may be ambiguous
9557 * for SDK methods that infer the datatype from provided arguments, such as
9558 * {@link Messages.sendRequest}.
9559 *
9560 * **Example:**
9561 * ```
9562 * // Value from object
9563 * var value = jsondatatype.from({
9564 * foo : "bar",
9565 * baz : [1, 2, 3]
9566 * });
9567 * ```
9568 *
9569 * **Example:**
9570 * ```
9571 * // Datatype instance from string
9572 * var value = jsondatatype.from("this is a simple string");
9573 * ```
9574 *
9575 * @param object the object data
9576 * @return a JSON data-type instance
9577 */
9578 from(object: any): JSON;
9579 /**
9580 * Returns a new {@link JSON} instance from a JSON
9581 * string.
9582 *
9583 * Precision for numeric types is lost in the translation to the internal
9584 * CBOR binary form and non-significant white space is not preserved.
9585 *
9586 * **Example:**
9587 * ```
9588 * // Datatype instance from a JSON string.
9589 * var value = jsondatatype.fromJsonString("{\"foo\" : \"bar\"}");
9590 *
9591 * // The value contains the parsed object representation
9592 * value.get(); // => { foo : "bar" }
9593 * ```
9594 *
9595 * @param json the JSON string
9596 * @return a JSON data-type instance
9597 *
9598 * @since 5.9
9599 */
9600 fromJsonString(json: string): JSON;
9603 * Alias for the JSONDataType interface to keep compatibility with old TypeScript definitions
9604 */
9605export declare type JsonDataType = JSONDataType;
9607 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9608 */
9610 * An unmodifiable map describing the changes to a JSON value.
9611 *
9612 * The {@link JSONDelta.inserted} method returns a
9613 * {@link ChangeMap ChangeMap} describing the parts
9614 * of the second JSON value not found in the first JSON value. Similarly,
9615 * {@link JSONDelta.removed}
9616 * returns a `ChangeMap` describing the parts of the first JSON value
9617 * not found in the second JSON value.
9618 *
9619 * The map contains an entry for each change, as follows:
9620 * * The key is a <a href= "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901">JSON
9621 * Pointer</a> syntax reference locating the change in the complete value.
9622 * Since a JSON value is a list of zero or more data items, the reference
9623 * always begins with an array index. For example, the first part is
9624 * identified by the JSON Pointer `/0`.
9625 * * The value is part of the complete value. It is returned as a parsed
9626 * value.
9627 *
9628 * An error will be thrown if an invalid JSON pointer expression is passed to
9629 * {@link ChangeMap.get get},
9630 * {@link ChangeMap.containsKey containsKey},
9631 * {@link ChangeMap.descendants descendants}, or
9632 * {@link ChangeMap.intersection intersection}. This only
9633 * occurs if the expression does not start with `/` and is not empty.
9634 */
9635export interface ChangeMap {
9636 /**
9637 * Retrieve a value from this change map, identified by a JSON Pointer.
9638 *
9639 * @param pointer the JSON Pointer expression
9640 * @returns the change map value, if it exists, otherwise null
9641 * @throws an error if pointer is an invalid JSON Pointer expression
9642 */
9643 get(pointer: string): any;
9644 /**
9645 * Determines if this change map contains an entry for a given JSON Pointer
9646 *
9647 * @param pointer the JSON Pointer expression
9648 * @returns `true` if an entry exists, false if not
9649 * @throws an error if pointer is an invalid JSON Pointer expression
9650 */
9651 containsKey(pointer: string): boolean;
9652 /**
9653 * Returns an array of map entries. Each entry is in the form of a key/value object pair.
9654 *
9655 * The key is a JSON Pointer expression, in string form. The value will be parsed from the
9656 * underlying {@link JSON} object.
9657 *
9658 * @returns the entry array
9659 *
9660 * **Example:**
9661 * ```
9662 * changeMap.entrySet().forEach(function(entry) {
9663 * console.log(entry.key, entry.value);
9664 * });
9665 * ```
9666 */
9667 entrySet(): Array<{
9668 key: string;
9669 value: string;
9670 }>;
9671 /**
9672 * Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are descendants
9673 * of `pointer`. If `pointer` is contained in this map, it
9674 * will be included in the result.
9675 *
9676 * @param pointer the json pointer expression to derive descendants for
9677 * @returns changemap of descendant changes
9678 * @throws an error if pointer is an invalid JSON Pointer expression
9679 */
9680 descendants(pointer: string): ChangeMap;
9681 /**
9682 * Returns a view of the portion of this map whose keys are descendants
9683 * or parents of `pointer`. If `pointer` is contained in
9684 * this map, it will be included in the result.
9685 *
9686 * This method can be used to determine whether a structural
9687 * delta affects a particular part of a JSON value. For example:
9688 *
9689 * ```
9690 * if (structuralDelta.removed().intersection("/contact/address").length) {
9691 * // The structural delta removes elements that affect '/contact/address'.
9692 * }
9693 * if (structuralDelta.inserted().intersection("/contact/address").length) {
9694 * // The structural delta inserts elements that affect '/contact/address'.
9695 * }
9696 * ```
9697 *
9698 * @param pointer the json pointer expression to derive intersection for
9699 * @returns changemap of intersection changes
9700 * @throws an error if pointer is an invalid JSON Pointer expression
9701 */
9702 intersection(pointer: string): ChangeMap;
9705 * Structural delta type for {@link JSON}.
9706 *
9707 * A JSONDelta describes the differences between two JSON values. Unlike a
9708 * {@link BinaryDelta binary delta}, a
9709 * structural delta can be queried to determine its effect. The
9710 * {@link JSONDelta.removed removed} and
9711 * {@link JSONDelta.inserted inserted} methods provide full
9712 * details of the differences between the two values.
9713 * <p>
9714 * An instance can be created from two JSON values using
9715 * {@link JSON.jsonDiff}.
9716 *
9717 * @author Push Technology Limited
9718 * @since 5.9
9719 */
9720export interface JSONDelta {
9721 /**
9722 * Returns the parts of the first JSON value not found in the second JSON
9723 * value.
9724 *
9725 * @return the removed parts. The JSON Pointer references used for the
9726 * keys are relative to first JSON value.
9727 */
9728 removed(): ChangeMap;
9729 /**
9730 * Returns the parts of the second JSON value not found in the first JSON
9731 * value.
9732 *
9733 * @return the removed parts. The JSON Pointer references used for
9734 * the keys are relative to second JSON value.
9735 */
9736 inserted(): ChangeMap;
9737 /**
9738 * Returns whether the two JSON values used to create this instance are
9739 * different.
9740 *
9741 * @return `true` if this delta has an effect
9742 */
9743 hasChanges(): boolean;
9746 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9747 */
9749 * Immutable JSON data. The value is stored internally as a buffer.
9750 *
9751 * To create an instance from an object, obtain a {@link JSONDataType}
9752 * implementation from `diffusion.datatypes.json()` and call {@link
9753 * JSONDataType.from}.
9754 *
9755 * The encapsulated value can be accessed by calling {@link JSON.get}.
9756 *
9757 * <h4>CBOR representation</h4>
9758 *
9759 * Internally the value is stored and transmitted not as a JSON string, but in
9760 * CBOR format to reduce memory and network overhead. CBOR (Concise Binary
9761 * Object Representation) is a standardized format for binary representation of
9762 * structured data defined by <a href= 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049'>RFC
9763 * 7049</a>. See <a href='http://www.cbor.io'>www.cbor.io</a>.
9764 *
9765 * Rather than working with JSON strings it is possible, and usually preferable,
9766 * for applications to work directly with the underlying CBOR-format binary
9767 * representation. This avoids creating intermediate JSON strings, and allows
9768 * access to CBOR features such as the byte string data type.
9769 *
9770 * Each JSON value is represented as a single CBOR data item. CBOR supports
9771 * composite data types just like JSON, so this data item can be an array or a
9772 * map of other data items. The JSON `null` value is represented by the
9773 * CBOR `null` value.
9774 *
9775 * A particular advantage of working directly with the CBOR-format data is that
9776 * binary data can be written to the value as a data item using the CBOR byte
9777 * string type. The data item will be stored as part of the JSON value in binary
9778 * form and transmitted without further conversion.
9779 *
9780 * @since 5.7
9781 */
9782export interface JSON extends Bytes {
9783 /**
9784 * Get this instance's value. Use this method to access the provided data when a
9785 * {@link JSON} instance is received through the API.
9786 *
9787 * **Example:**
9788 * ```
9789 * session.addStream('foo', diffusion.datatypes.json())
9790 * .on('value', function(path, spec, value) {
9791 * // Get the actual value from the JSON instance
9792 * const data = value.get();
9793 * });
9794 * ```
9795 *
9796 * @return the JSON value
9797 */
9798 get(): any;
9799 /**
9800 * Compare this JSON value with an earlier version to create a delta.
9801 *
9802 * Convenient equivalent to:
9803 * `diffusion.datatypes.json().deltaType(type).diff(original, this);`
9804 *
9805 * Standard JSON objects may also be provided as the value to diff instead
9806 * of a {@link JSON} instance.
9807 *
9808 * **Example:**
9809 * ```
9810 * const binaryDelta = jsonValue.diff({ foo : 'bar' });
9811 * ```
9812 *
9813 * **Example:**
9814 * ```
9815 * const jsonDelta = jsonValue.diff({ foo : 'bar' }, 'json');
9816 * ```
9817 *
9818 * @param original the value to diff against this
9819 * @param type the type of delta to generate (default = 'binary')
9820 * @return a delta representing the difference between this and the provided value
9821 */
9822 diff(original: any, type?: string): BinaryDelta | JSONDelta;
9823 /**
9824 * Compare this JSON value with an earlier version to create a structural
9825 * {@link JSONDelta json delta}.
9826 *
9827 * Convenient equivalent to:
9828 * `this.diff(original, 'json');`
9829 *
9830 * Standard JSON objects may also be provided as the value to diff instead
9831 * of a {@link JSON} instance.
9832 *
9833 * **Example:**
9834 * ```
9835 * const delta = jsonValue.jsonDiff({ foo : 'bar' });
9836 * ```
9837 *
9838 * @param original the value to diff against this
9839 * @return a delta representing the difference between this and
9840 * the provided value
9841 */
9842 jsonDiff(original: any): JSONDelta;
9843 /**
9844 * Apply a delta to this JSON value to create a new value.
9845 *
9846 * Convenient equivalent to:
9847 * `diffusion.datatypes.JSON().deltaType(delta).apply(this, delta);`
9848 *
9849 * @param delta the binary delta to apply to this value
9850 * @return a new instance derived from applying the delta to this value
9851 * @throws an error if the delta is invalid
9852 */
9853 apply(delta: BinaryDelta): JSON;
9856 * Alias for the JSON interface to keep compatibility with old TypeScript definitions
9857 */
9858export declare type Json = JSON;
9860 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9861 */
9863 * Double data type.
9864 *
9865 * Accessed via:
9866 * `diffusion.datatypes.double();`
9867 *
9868 * Provides a data type implementation which supports double float (native
9869 * JavaScript Number) values. The double value is serialized in CBOR-format
9870 * binary.
9871 *
9872 * This data type supports null double values.
9873 *
9874 * @since 6.0
9875 */ export interface DoubleDataType extends DataType<Number, Number, Bytes> {
9877/// <reference types="node" />
9879 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9880 */
9881export declare type Int64SourceType = string | number | Buffer | Int64;
9883 * Int64 data type.
9884 *
9885 * Accessed via:
9886 * `diffusion.datatypes.int64();`
9887 *
9888 * Provides a data type implementation which supports {@link Int64 64-bit signed
9889 * integer} values. The Int64 value is serialized in CBOR-format binary.
9890 *
9891 * This data type supports null Int64 values.
9892 *
9893 * @since 6.0
9894 */
9895export interface Int64DataType extends DataType<Int64, Int64SourceType, Bytes> {
9896 /**
9897 * The Int64 data type value class
9898 */
9899 Int64: new (value: string | number | Buffer, radix?: number) => Int64;
9902 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9903 */
9905 * Signed 64-bit integer. Provides a means to read integer values larger than
9906 * supported natively by JavaScript.
9907 *
9908 * Used as the value type of the Int64 data type:
9909 * ```
9910 * var datatype = diffusion.datatypes.int64();
9911 * var value = new datatype.Int64("12498352809328592352350908124");
9912 * ```
9913 *
9914 * @since 6.0
9915 */
9916export interface Int64 {
9917 /**
9918 * Read this value as a string.
9919 *
9920 * @param radix the radix to use. Defaults to base `10`.
9921 * @return the string representation of the int64 value.
9922 */
9923 toString(radix?: number): string;
9924 /**
9925 * Read this value as a number. The validity of the returned number can only be guaranteed for values up to
9926 * `Math.pow(2, 53) - 1` due to underlying platform limitations of JavaScript.
9927 *
9928 * @return the numerical value of this int64, as a 53-bit integer.
9929 */
9930 toNumber(): number;
9933 * @module diffusion.datatypes
9934 */
9935export declare type StringSourceType = string | {
9936 toString: () => string;
9939 * String data type.
9940 *
9941 * Accessed via:
9942 * `diffusion.datatypes.string();`
9943 *
9944 * Provides a data type implementation which supports string values. The string value is serialized in CBOR-format
9945 * binary.
9946 *
9947 * This data type supports null string instances.
9948 *
9949 * @since 6.0
9950 */ export interface StringDataType extends DataType<String, StringSourceType, Bytes> {
9953 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
9954 */
9956 * This is a mutable data model of {@link RecordV2} data
9957 * based upon a {@link Schema}.
9958 *
9959 * An initial version of such a model can be created from a schema using the
9960 * {@link Schema.createMutableModel} method. A
9961 * model created in this way will have all mandatory fields set to default
9962 * values.
9963 *
9964 * The model may then be updated as required and then at any time a {@link
9965 * RecordV2} object can be generated from the current state using the {@link
9966 * MutableRecordModel.asValue asValue} method. The {@link RecordV2} object may
9967 * then be used to update a topic.
9968 *
9969 * When values for integer or decimal type fields are supplied the values are
9970 * validated and normalized. All number values will have any insignificant
9971 * leading zeroes removed. A decimal value will also be rounded to its specified
9972 * scale.
9973 *
9974 * All mutator methods return the model so that calls can be chained.
9975 *
9976 * @since 6.0
9977 */
9978export interface MutableRecordModel extends RecordModel {
9979 /**
9980 * Set a field value.
9981 *
9982 * This allows an item to be addressed using a key of the form
9983 * `recordName(recordIndex).fieldName(fieldIndex)`. Indexes may be omitted
9984 * in which case `0` is assumed.
9985 *
9986 * **Example:**
9987 * ```
9988 * // Get field value with record & field names and indices
9989 * var value = model.set("record", 0, "field", 0, "foo");
9990 * ```
9991 *
9992 * @param recordName the name of the record
9993 * @param recordIndex the index of the record
9994 * @param fieldName the name of the field
9995 * @param fieldIndex the index of the field
9996 * @param value the value to be set
9997 * @return this model
9998 */
9999 set(recordName: string, recordIndex: number, fieldName: string, fieldIndex: number, value: string): MutableRecordModel;
10000 set(recordName: string, fieldName: string, value: string): MutableRecordModel;
10001 set(recordName: string, value: string): MutableRecordModel;
10002 /**
10003 * Adds new values to the end of a variable length field list.
10004 *
10005 * This can only be used for a variable multiplicity field which can only be
10006 * the last field in a record and therefore the field does not need to be
10007 * named.
10008 *
10009 * If the record name and index are not supplied, this will add values to the last
10010 * record in the model. If the model's schema does not specify a variable last field
10011 * or record, an error will be thrown.
10012 *
10013 * @param recordName the name of the record
10014 * @param recordIndex the index identifying the occurrence of the record
10015 * @param values the values to add
10016 * @return this model
10017 */
10018 add(recordName: string, recordIndex: number, ...values: string[]): MutableRecordModel;
10019 add(recordName: string, ...values: string[]): MutableRecordModel;
10020 /**
10021 * Adds a new initialized record occurrence to the end of a variable
10022 * multiplicity record list.
10023 *
10024 * As the only variable multiplicity record can be the last one there is no
10025 * need to name the record. This method will add to the list of occurrences
10026 * of the last defined record. The record will be initialized with default
10027 * values appropriate to the schema definition and may then have individual
10028 * field items set separately.
10029 *
10030 * @return this model
10031 */
10032 addRecord(): MutableRecordModel;
10033 /**
10034 * Removes the specified occurrence of a variable multiplicity record.
10035 *
10036 * A variable multiplicity record must be the last or only record within a
10037 * schema and therefore the record name is not required.
10038 *
10039 * @param index the index of the record to remove
10040 * @return this model
10041 */
10042 removeRecord(index: number): MutableRecordModel;
10043 /**
10044 * Removes the specified occurrence of a variable multiplicity field.
10045 *
10046 * A variable multiplicity field must be the last or only field within a
10047 * record and therefore the field name is not required.
10048 *
10049 * @param recordName the name of the record
10050 * @param recordIndex the record index
10051 * @param fieldIndex the index of the field to remove
10052 * @return this model
10053 */
10054 removeField(recordName: string, recordIndex: number, fieldIndex: number): MutableRecordModel;
10057 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10058 */
10060 * Builds free format {@link RecordV2 RecordV2 value}.
10061 *
10062 * This type of builder may be used to generate free format {@link RecordV2}
10063 * data which is not constrained by a {@link Schema}.
10064 *
10065 * A builder can be created using {@link RecordV2DataType.valueBuilder}.
10066 *
10067 * @since 6.0
10068 */
10069export interface RecordV2Builder {
10070 /**
10071 * Adds one or more field values.
10072 *
10073 * If there is a current record, this adds the fields to the end of the
10074 * current record.
10075 *
10076 * @param values field values
10077 * @return this builder
10078 */
10079 addFields(fields: string[]): RecordV2Builder;
10080 addFields(...fields: string[]): RecordV2Builder;
10081 /**
10082 * Adds a new record comprising the specified field values.
10083 *
10084 * @param fields the fields within the new record. If no fields are
10085 * supplied, an empty record will be added.
10086 * @return this builder
10087 */
10088 addRecord(fields: string[]): RecordV2Builder;
10089 addRecord(...fields: string[]): RecordV2Builder;
10090 /**
10091 * Clears all current values from the builder allowing it to be reused to
10092 * generate new data.
10093 *
10094 * @return this builder
10095 */
10096 clear(): void;
10097 /**
10098 * Builds a {@link RecordV2} object from the current
10099 * builder state.
10100 *
10101 * @return a new {@link RecordV2} object
10102 */
10103 build(): RecordV2;
10106 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10107 */
10109 * Record-based data type.
10110 *
10111 * This provides the ability to handle data in Diffusion proprietary 'record'
10112 * format. This format allows string data to be organized into 'records' which
10113 * in turn are made up of 'fields'. Each field is a string but may be handled as
10114 * either an integer or a decimal field if required.
10115 *
10116 * The data can either be free format or constrained by a {@link Schema}.
10117 *
10118 * In free format mode, no schema is associated with the data and the data will
10119 * contain zero or more records, each comprising zero or more fields. In this
10120 * mode the meaning of each field is entirely up to the application and no
10121 * validation will be performed by Diffusion, either in the client library, or
10122 * at the server. To write free format records, a {@link RecordV2Builder} can be
10123 * used to create a [RecordV2](recordv2.html) object. Such a builder may be
10124 * created using the {@link RecordV2DataType.valueBuilder} method.
10125 *
10126 * When using a {@link Schema} then the permitted records and fields are defined
10127 * by the schema. The schema names the records and the fields within them and
10128 * provides a mechanism for direct access to the fields. The schema is also used
10129 * to validate the data to ensure it complies with the schema definition.
10130 *
10131 * In schema mode, data can be created and updated using a {@link
10132 * MutableRecordModel} which allows records and fields to be conveniently set
10133 * and updated by name. A base model can be created from a schema using the
10134 * {@link Schema.createMutableModel} method. The model can at any time be used
10135 * to create a new [RecordV2](recordv2.html) object. A consumer of a
10136 * [RecordV2](recordv2.html) value can read it as a {@link RecordModel} by
10137 * simply using the {@link RecordV2.asModel} method to produce an immutable
10138 * representation of the data. When creating the data using a {@link
10139 * MutableRecordModel} then the model ensures that the data is valid and
10140 * therefore there is no need for the server or the consuming client to validate
10141 * the data.
10142 *
10143 * Schemas can be parsed from JSON strings or more simply using a {@link
10144 * SchemaBuilder} obtained using the {@link RecordV2DataType.schemaBuilder}
10145 * method. A schema can be bound to a [RecordV2](recordv2.html) data type
10146 * instance using the method {@link RecordV2DataType.withSchema}. This method
10147 * will return a new RecordV2DataType instance with the schema bound to it for
10148 * validation.
10149 *
10150 * A [RecordV2](recordv2.html) object can only be validated within the context
10151 * of a {@link Schema}. For this reason, if the {@link DataType#validate(Object)
10152 * validate} method is called on a dataType that has no bound schema, it will
10153 * always succeed.
10154 *
10155 * Accessed via:
10156 * `diffusion.datatypes.recordv2();`
10157 *
10158 * @since 6.0
10159 */
10160export interface RecordV2DataType extends DataType<RecordV2, RecordV2, RecordV2> {
10161 /**
10162 * The RecordV2 data type value class
10163 */
10164 RecordV2: new (...args: any[]) => RecordV2;
10165 /**
10166 * Bind a specific schema to a {@link RecordV2DataType}
10167 * instance.
10168 *
10169 * @param schema schema to bind to the data type
10170 * @return a {@link RecordV2DataType} bound to a
10171 * specific schema
10172 */
10173 withSchema(schema: Schema): RecordV2DataType;
10174 /**
10175 * Parse a schema from a JSON string.
10176 *
10177 * @param json json string containing a schema definition
10178 * @return the schema
10179 */
10180 parseSchema(json: string): Schema;
10181 /**
10182 * Creates a new {@link RecordV2Builder}.
10183 *
10184 * Such a builder may be used to generate a free format [RecordV2](recordv2.html)
10185 * format value that is not constrained by a {@link Schema}.
10186 *
10187 * @return a new records builder
10188 */
10189 valueBuilder(): RecordV2Builder;
10190 /**
10191 * Creates a new schema builder.
10192 *
10193 * @return a new schema builder
10194 */
10195 schemaBuilder(): SchemaBuilder;
10198 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10199 */
10201 * Represents a single change to a Record value.
10202 */
10203export interface Change {
10204 /**
10205 * The name of the affected record
10206 */
10207 readonly recordName: string;
10208 /**
10209 * The index of the affected record
10210 */
10211 readonly recordIndex: number;
10212 /**
10213 * The name of the affected field
10214 */
10215 readonly fieldName: string;
10216 /**
10217 * The index of the affected field
10218 */
10219 readonly fieldIndex: number;
10220 /**
10221 * Returns the string key representation of the affected item in
10222 * the form `recordName(recordIndex).fieldName(fieldIndex)`.
10223 */
10224 readonly key: string;
10225 /**
10226 * String denoting the type of change that this represents
10227 */
10228 readonly type: string;
10231 * {@link RecordV2} structural delta.
10232 *
10233 * A RecordV2Delta describes the differences between two {@link RecordV2}
10234 * values. Unlike a {@link BinaryDelta binary delta}, a structural delta
10235 * can be queried to determine its effect. The
10236 * {@link RecordV2Delta.changes} method provides details of which values
10237 * have changed.
10238 *
10239 * An instance can be created from two RecordV2 values using
10240 * {@link RecordV2.diff}.
10241 *
10242 * RecordV2Deltas are useful for identifying small changes to complex RecordV2
10243 * values. Here is an example of how to use this class to filter interesting
10244 * changes from a value stream.
10245 *
10246 * **Example:**
10247 * ```
10248 * var datatype = diffusion.datatypes.recordv2();
10249 *
10250 * session.addStream("topic", datatype).on('value', (path, spec, newValue, oldValue) => {
10251 * var schema = datatype.parseSchema(spec.properties.SCHEMA);
10252 *
10253 * newValue.diff(oldValue).changes(schema).forEach((change) => {
10254 * if (change.fieldName === "address") {
10255 * // Do something with the changed address
10256 * console.log(newValue.getFields());
10257 * }
10258 * });
10259 * });
10260 * ```
10261 *
10262 * @author Push Technology Limited
10263 * @since 6.0
10264 * @see diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2.diff
10265 */
10266export interface RecordV2Delta extends Bytes {
10267 /**
10268 * Returns a list of the changes represented by the delta with reference to
10269 * a specified schema.
10270 *
10271 * The schema supplied must comply with the data format of the delta. No
10272 * validation takes place, so if the schema does not match the data then the
10273 * results may be unpredictable.
10274 *
10275 * @param schema the schema
10276 * @return the list of changes
10277 */
10278 changes(schema: Schema): Change[];
10281 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10282 */
10284 * {@link RecordV2} data model.
10285 *
10286 * A read only model can be created from any {@link RecordV2} object using the
10287 * {@link RecordV2.asModel asModel} method. The model then provides direct
10288 * access to the fields within the data. Fields may be accessed either by
10289 * explicitly specifying the record and field occurrence or by specifying a key
10290 * of the form:
10291 *
10292 * ```
10293 * recordName(recordIndex).fieldName(fieldIndex)
10294 * ```
10295 *
10296 * Indexes start from 0 and if omitted then 0 is assumed. The record name may
10297 * also be omitted, in which case the first record definition is accessed. This
10298 * form of addressing is useful when there is only one record definition.
10299 *
10300 * So valid keys are:
10301 *
10302 * Key | Description
10303 * ---------------------------| --------------------
10304 * `Address(4).AddressLine(3)`| The 4th `AddressLine` occurrence within the 5th `Address` record
10305 * `Address.Name` | The first (or only) `Name` field within the first (or only) `Address` record
10306 * `AddressLine(1)` | The 2nd `AddressLine` field within the first (or only) record
10307 * `Name` | The first (or only) `Name` field within the first (or only) record
10308 *
10309 * The {@link RecordModel.recordCount} and
10310 * {@link RecordModel.fieldCount} methods are useful for
10311 * determining the actual number of occurrences of variable multiplicity items.
10312 *
10313 * @since 6.0
10314 */
10315export interface RecordModel {
10316 /**
10317 * Get a field value.
10318 *
10319 * This allows an item to be addressed using a key of the form
10320 * recordName(recordIndex).fieldName(fieldIndex). Indexes may be omitted in
10321 * which case `0` is assumed.
10322 *
10323 * **Example:**
10324 * ```
10325 * // Get field value with record & field names and indices
10326 * var value = model.get("record", 0, "field", 0);
10327 * ```
10328 *
10329 * @param recordName the name of the record
10330 * @param recordIndex the index of the record
10331 * @param fieldName the name of the field
10332 * @param fieldIndex the index of the field
10333 * @return the field value
10334 */
10335 get(recordName: string, recordIndex: number, fieldName: string, fieldIndex?: number): string | null;
10336 get(recordName: string, fieldName: string, fieldIndex?: number): string | null;
10337 /**
10338 * Creates an immutable {@link RecordV2} object
10339 * generated from the model.
10340 *
10341 * @return a new immutable instance
10342 */
10343 asValue(): RecordV2;
10344 /**
10345 * Returns the actual number of occurrences of a named field within a
10346 * specified record.
10347 *
10348 * For all but variable fields this simply returns the schema defined number
10349 * of occurrences of the field.
10350 *
10351 * @param recordName the record name
10352 * @param recordIndex the record index
10353 * @param fieldName the field name
10354 * @return the actual number of occurrences of the field
10355 */
10356 fieldCount(recordName: string, recordIndex?: number, fieldName?: string): number;
10357 /**
10358 * Returns the actual number of occurrences of a named record.
10359 *
10360 * If the record is not variable, this is the same as the defined number of
10361 * occurrences in the schema
10362 *
10363 * @param recordName the record name
10364 * @return the actual number of occurrences of the record
10365 */
10366 recordCount(recordName: string): number;
10369 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10370 */
10372 * An immutable value representing a list of records.
10373 *
10374 * See {@link RecordV2DataType} for details
10375 *
10376 * @since 6.0
10377 */
10378export interface RecordV2 extends Bytes {
10379 /**
10380 * Compare this value with an earlier version to calculate a structural
10381 * delta.
10382 *
10383 * @param original the original value to compare with this value
10384 * @return a structural delta representing the difference between
10385 * the original and this value
10386 */
10387 diff(original: RecordV2): RecordV2Delta;
10388 /**
10389 * Parses the content into a model based upon a specified schema.
10390 *
10391 * This assumes that data is compatible with the schema and does not do any
10392 * validation. There is no need to validate the data if this has been done
10393 * on entry or at the server. However, if the data is invalid then issues
10394 * may occur when attempting to access it.
10395 *
10396 * If it is not certain that the data is valid then the {@link
10397 * asValidatedModel} method may be used instead.
10398 *
10399 * @param schema the schema to use for parsing the data
10400 * @return an immutable model derived from the data content
10401 */
10402 asModel(schema: Schema): RecordModel;
10403 /**
10404 * Parses the content into a model based upon a specified schema.
10405 *
10406 * The data is validated against the schema
10407 *
10408 * @param schema the schema to use for parsing the data
10409 * @return an immutable model derived from the data content
10410 */
10411 asValidatedModel(schema: Schema): RecordModel;
10412 /**
10413 * Returns the data content as an Array of Arrays of strings.
10414 *
10415 * **Example:**
10416 * ```
10417 * // Iterate across each record's fields
10418 * value.asRecords().forEach((record) => {
10419 * record.forEach((field) => {
10420 * console.log("Field value: " + field);
10421 * });
10422 * });
10423 * ```
10424 *
10425 * @return a new mutable list where each entry represents a record within the data
10426 */
10427 asRecords(): string[][];
10428 /**
10429 * Returns the data content as a list of fields.
10430 *
10431 * This disregards record boundaries. If there is more than one record, they
10432 * are concatenated to produce a list of all of the fields.
10433 *
10434 * This method would normally only be used when it is known that there is
10435 * only one record.
10436 *
10437 * @return a new mutable list of all the fields
10438 */
10439 asFields(): string[];
10442 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10443 */
10445 * Used to build an immutable {@link Schema}.
10446 *
10447 * A schema defines the records and fields that may occur on record-based topic
10448 * content.
10449 *
10450 * The schema must declare at least one record type and every record must have
10451 * at least one field type declared.
10452 *
10453 * Every record type and field type has a 'multiplicity' which defines the
10454 * number of times that the record or field may occur within the data.
10455 * Multiplicity is specified as a 'minimum' and 'maximum' number of occurrences
10456 * or where the minimum and maximum are the same (fixed multiplicity) then the
10457 * multiplicity may be specified as a single 'occurs' value. If the minimum and
10458 * maximum are different, this is referred to a 'variable' multiplicity. Only
10459 * the last record declared or the last field within a record may have variable
10460 * multiplicity. The maximum value may be declared as -1 to indicate that the
10461 * record or field can have an unlimited number of occurrences.
10462 *
10463 * The builder is used to add a record definition followed by the fields within
10464 * it. After all fields have been added to a record another may then be added,
10465 * and so on, and then finally {@link SchemaBuilder.build build()} is called to create
10466 * an immutable schema object.
10467 *
10468 * Every call returns the builder instance allowing calls to be chained, for
10469 * example:
10470 *
10471 * ```
10472 * const schema = builder.record('R1').string('S1').string('S2', 1, 5)
10473 * .record('R2', 0, -1).decimal('D', 5).build();
10474 * ```
10475 *
10476 * A builder is obtained using the {@link RecordV2DataType.schemaBuilder}
10477 * method.
10478 *
10479 * @since 6.0
10480 */
10481export interface SchemaBuilder {
10482 /**
10483 * Add a new record to the schema
10484 *
10485 * The record added must not have the same name as a previously added record.
10486 *
10487 * A record may not be added after a record that has variable multiplicity (min != max)
10488 *
10489 * A record may not be added directly after another record which has had no fields added.
10490 *
10491 * @param name record name. This must not the same as any record already added
10492 * @param min=1 the minimum number of times the record should occur within the schema
10493 * @param max=1 the maximum number of times the record should occur within the schema.
10494 * May be either `-1` (indicating no upper limit) or a
10495 * positive value that is not less than * `min`
10496 */
10497 record(name: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder;
10498 /**
10499 * Add a string field to the current record.
10500 *
10501 * A field may not be added after a field that has variable multiplicity (min != max)
10502 *
10503 * @param name field name. This must not the same as any field already added
10504 * @param min=1 the minimum number of times the field should occur within the record
10505 * @param max=1 the maximum number of times the field should occur within the record.
10506 * May be either `-1` (indicating no upper limit) or a
10507 * positive value that is not less than * `min`
10508 *
10509 */
10510 string(name: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder;
10511 /**
10512 * Add an integer field to the current record.
10513 *
10514 * A field may not be added after a field that has variable multiplicity (min != max)
10515 *
10516 * @param name field name. This must not the same as any field already added
10517 * @param min=1 the minimum number of times the field should occur within the record
10518 * @param max=1 the maximum number of times the field should occur within the record.
10519 * May be either `-1` (indicating no upper limit) or a
10520 * positive value that is not less than * `min`
10521 *
10522 */
10523 integer(name: string, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder;
10524 /**
10525 * Add a decimal field to the current record.
10526 *
10527 * A field may not be added after a field that has variable multiplicity (min != max)
10528 *
10529 * @param name field name. This must not the same as any field already added
10530 * @param scale the scale of the field (number of decimal places). This must be strictly positive.
10531 * @param min=1 the minimum number of times the field should occur within the record
10532 * @param max=1 the maximum number of times the field should occur within the record.
10533 * May be either `-1` (indicating no upper limit) or a
10534 * positive value that is not less than * `min`
10535 */
10536 decimal(name: string, scale: number, min?: number, max?: number): SchemaBuilder;
10537 /**
10538 * Build an immutable Schema.
10539 *
10540 * At least one record with at least one field must have been added to the
10541 * builder.
10542 *
10543 * @return a new immutable schema object representing the current state of
10544 * the builder
10545 */
10546 build(): Schema;
10549 * @module diffusion.datatypes.RecordV2
10550 */
10552 * A Node in the schema definition
10553 */
10554export interface Node {
10555 /**
10556 * The node name
10557 */
10558 name: string;
10559 /**
10560 * The minimum number of occurrences of the node within its parent
10561 */
10562 min: number;
10563 /**
10564 * The maximum number of occurrences of the node within its parent
10565 */
10566 max: number;
10567 /**
10568 * Flag that indicates if the node has variable multiplicity, or has fixed
10569 * multiplicity
10570 */
10571 isVariable: boolean;
10573export interface Field extends Node {
10574 /**
10575 * An optional scale definition for decimal field types
10576 */
10577 scale?: number;
10579export interface Record extends Node {
10580 /**
10581 * A list of the field definitions. There will be at least one
10582 */
10583 fields: Field[];
10586 * A {@link RecordV2} schema.
10587 *
10588 * A schema describes data content in terms of one or more record definitions. A
10589 * record definition describes the layout of a record and comprises one or more
10590 * field definitions.
10591 *
10592 * Within the data content there can be multiple occurrences of a record or
10593 * field described by a single definition. The defined (or allowed, when
10594 * describing variable numbers) number of occurrences of each definition is
10595 * referred to as its 'multiplicity'. The multiplicity can be fixed (the item
10596 * occurs a fixed number of times), or variable (the item occurs from a minimum
10597 * number of times to a maximum number of times). If a variable field is used it
10598 * must be the last in a record definition and if a variable record is used it
10599 * must be the last in the schema definition.
10600 *
10601 * A field may be defined as of type 'string', 'integer' or 'decimal'. A decimal
10602 * type has a further property of 'scale' which defines the number of digits to
10603 * the right of the decimal point.
10604 *
10605 * A schema can be obtained from {@link RecordV2DataType.parseSchema} or from a
10606 * {@link SchemaBuilder}
10607 *
10608 * @since 6.0
10609 */
10610export interface Schema {
10611 /**
10612 * Returns an immutable, ordered list of record definitions.
10613 *
10614 * There will be at least one.
10615 *
10616 * @return a list of the record definitions in the schema
10617 */
10618 getRecords(): Record[];
10619 /**
10620 * Returns the schema in a JSON format
10621 *
10622 * @return schema in JSON format
10623 */
10624 asJSON(): any;
10625 /**
10626 * Create a mutable model based upon the schema.
10627 *
10628 * The model will be created with all mandatory record occurrences and all
10629 * mandatory field occurrences initialized to default values.
10630 *
10631 * Such a model may be mutated and used to generate updated
10632 * {@link RecordV2} occurrences for updating purposes.
10633 *
10634 * @return a new initialized model
10635 */
10636 createMutableModel(): MutableRecordModel;
10638export as namespace diffusion;
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