1 | # dir-glob [](https://travis-ci.org/kevva/dir-glob)
2 |
3 | > Convert directories to glob compatible strings
4 |
5 |
6 | ## Install
7 |
8 | ```
9 | $ npm install dir-glob
10 | ```
11 |
12 |
13 | ## Usage
14 |
15 | ```js
16 | const dirGlob = require('dir-glob');
17 |
18 | (async () => {
19 | console.log(await dirGlob(['index.js', 'test.js', 'fixtures']));
20 | //=> ['index.js', 'test.js', 'fixtures/**']
21 |
22 | console.log(await dirGlob(['index.js', 'inner_folder'], {cwd: 'fixtures'}));
23 | //=> ['index.js', 'inner_folder/**']
24 |
25 | console.log(await dirGlob(['lib/**', 'fixtures'], {
26 | files: ['test', 'unicorn']
27 | extensions: ['js']
28 | }));
29 | //=> ['lib/**', 'fixtures/**/test.js', 'fixtures/**/unicorn.js']
30 |
31 | console.log(await dirGlob(['lib/**', 'fixtures'], {
32 | files: ['test', 'unicorn', '*.jsx'],
33 | extensions: ['js', 'png']
34 | }));
35 | //=> ['lib/**', 'fixtures/**/test.{js,png}', 'fixtures/**/unicorn.{js,png}', 'fixtures/**/*.jsx']
36 | })();
37 | ```
38 |
39 |
40 | ## API
41 |
42 | ### dirGlob(input, options?)
43 |
44 | Returns a `Promise<string[]>` with globs.
45 |
46 | ### dirGlob.sync(input, options?)
47 |
48 | Returns a `string[]` with globs.
49 |
50 | #### input
51 |
52 | Type: `string | string[]`
53 |
54 | Paths.
55 |
56 | #### options
57 |
58 | Type: `object`
59 |
60 | ##### extensions
61 |
62 | Type: `string[]`
63 |
64 | Append extensions to the end of your globs.
65 |
66 | ##### files
67 |
68 | Type: `string[]`
69 |
70 | Only glob for certain files.
71 |
72 | ##### cwd
73 |
74 | Type: `string[]`
75 |
76 | Test in specific directory.