2.22 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { TextDocument } from 'vscode-languageserver-textdocument';
2import { Range } from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
3import { Dockerfile } from '../dockerfile';
4import { Flag } from '../flag';
5import { ModifiableInstruction } from '../modifiableInstruction';
6export declare class From extends ModifiableInstruction {
7 constructor(document: TextDocument, range: Range, dockerfile: Dockerfile, escapeChar: string, instruction: string, instructionRange: Range);
8 protected stopSearchingForFlags(argument: string): boolean;
9 getImage(): string | null;
10 /**
11 * Returns the name of the image that will be used as the base image.
12 *
13 * @return the base image's name, or null if unspecified
14 */
15 getImageName(): string | null;
16 /**
17 * Returns the range that covers the name of the image used by
18 * this instruction.
19 *
20 * @return the range of the name of this instruction's argument,
21 * or null if no image has been specified
22 */
23 getImageNameRange(): Range | null;
24 /**
25 * Returns the range that covers the image argument of this
26 * instruction. This includes the tag or digest of the image if
27 * it has been specified by the instruction.
28 *
29 * @return the range of the image argument, or null if no image
30 * has been specified
31 */
32 getImageRange(): Range | null;
33 getImageTag(): string | null;
34 /**
35 * Returns the range in the document that the tag of the base
36 * image encompasses.
37 *
38 * @return the base image's tag's range in the document, or null
39 * if no tag has been specified
40 */
41 getImageTagRange(): Range | null;
42 getImageDigest(): string | null;
43 /**
44 * Returns the range in the document that the digest of the base
45 * image encompasses.
46 *
47 * @return the base image's digest's range in the document, or null
48 * if no digest has been specified
49 */
50 getImageDigestRange(): Range | null;
51 private indexOf;
52 private lastIndexOf;
53 getRegistry(): string | null;
54 getRegistryRange(): Range | null;
55 getBuildStage(): string | null;
56 getBuildStageRange(): Range | null;
57 getPlatformFlag(): Flag | null;