3.87 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * Adds shared options to any command that runs documentation
3 */
4module.exports.sharedInputOptions = {
5 babel: {
6 describe:
7 'path to babelrc or babel.options.js to override default babel config',
8 type: 'string',
9 default: null
10 },
11 shallow: {
12 describe:
13 'shallow mode turns off dependency resolution, ' +
14 'only processing the specified files (or the main script specified in package.json)',
15 default: false,
16 type: 'boolean'
17 },
18 config: {
19 describe: 'configuration file. an array defining explicit sort order',
20 alias: 'c',
21 type: 'string'
22 },
23 'no-package': {
24 describe:
25 'dont find and use package.json for project- configuration option defaults',
26 alias: 'np',
27 type: 'boolean',
28 default: false
29 },
30 external: {
31 describe:
32 'a string / glob match pattern that defines which external ' +
33 'modules will be whitelisted and included in the generated documentation.',
34 default: null
35 },
36 'require-extension': {
37 describe:
38 "additional extensions to include in require() and import's search algorithm." +
39 'For instance, adding .es5 would allow require("adder") to find "adder.es5"',
40 // Ensure that the value is an array
41 coerce: value => [].concat(value),
42 alias: 're'
43 },
44 'parse-extension': {
45 describe: 'additional extensions to parse as source code.',
46 // Ensure that the value is an array
47 coerce: value => [].concat(value),
48 alias: 'pe'
49 },
50 private: {
51 describe: 'generate documentation tagged as private',
52 type: 'boolean',
53 default: false,
54 alias: 'p'
55 },
56 access: {
57 describe:
58 'Include only comments with a given access level, out of private, ' +
59 'protected, public, undefined. By default, public, protected, and undefined access ' +
60 'levels are included',
61 choices: ['public', 'private', 'protected', 'undefined'],
62 array: true,
63 alias: 'a'
64 },
65 github: {
66 type: 'boolean',
67 describe: 'infer links to github in documentation',
68 alias: 'g'
69 },
70 'infer-private': {
71 type: 'string',
72 describe:
73 'Infer private access based on the name. This is a regular expression that ' +
74 'is used to match the name'
75 },
76 'document-exported': {
77 type: 'boolean',
78 describe:
79 'Generate documentation for all exported bindings and members ' +
80 'even if there is no JSDoc for them',
81 default: false
82 },
83 'sort-order': {
84 describe: 'The order to sort the documentation',
85 choices: ['source', 'alpha'],
86 default: 'source'
87 },
88 resolve: {
89 describe: 'Dependency resolution algorithm.',
90 choices: ['browser', 'node'],
91 default: 'browser'
92 }
96 * Adds shared options to any command that runs documentation
97 */
98module.exports.sharedOutputOptions = {
99 theme: {
100 describe: 'specify a theme: this must be a valid theme module',
101 alias: 't'
102 },
103 'project-name': {
104 describe: 'project name. by default, inferred from package.json'
105 },
106 'project-version': {
107 describe: 'project version. by default, inferred from package.json'
108 },
109 'project-description': {
110 describe: 'project description. by default, inferred from package.json'
111 },
112 'project-homepage': {
113 describe: 'project homepage. by default, inferred from package.json'
114 },
115 favicon: {
116 describe: 'favicon used in html'
117 },
118 format: {
119 alias: 'f',
120 default: 'json',
121 choices: ['json', 'md', 'remark', 'html']
122 },
123 watch: {
124 describe: 'watch input files and rebuild documentation when they change',
125 alias: 'w',
126 type: 'boolean'
127 },
128 'markdown-toc': {
129 describe: 'include a table of contents in markdown output',
130 default: true,
131 type: 'boolean'
132 },
133 'markdown-toc-max-depth': {
134 describe:
135 'specifies the max depth of the table of contents in markdown output',
136 default: 6,
137 type: 'number'
138 }