1 | # documentative
2 |
3 | a tool for precompiling docs from markdown
4 |
5 | [![npm](https://badgen.net/npm/v/documentative?color=blue)](https://npmjs.com/package/documentative)
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10 |
11 | ## what is this? why use it?
12 |
13 | there are a lot of tools out there for publishing websites and for generating documentation.
14 | some are really powerful - even to the extend of processing code and building docs straight from that.
15 | sometimes it's just simpler to write some markdown and publish it as a static site on github pages.
16 |
17 | i was doing that a lot: and since i was writing markdown and then also manually building a matching
18 | website, i was spending nearly as much time on that as i was on coding the project itself. i had a
19 | reasonably solid template i was using already, so i did what leads many people to publishing things
20 | like this: i thought to myself 'how can i automate this?'
21 |
22 | documentative cuts out half the work - you write the markdown; it builds you a responsive, modern website.
23 |
24 | **demo:** [https://dragonwocky.me/documentative/](https://dragonwocky.me/documentative/)
25 |
26 | _features of a built site include..._
27 |
28 | - a responsive layout! mobile support is robust, with the sidebar transforming into
29 | a hamburger-triggered menu.
30 | - light/dark mode that respects the user's system mode (with the capability to display a different
31 | icon depending on the mode).
32 | - in-page navigation via #IDs (with a sidebar that scrolls to match the reader location), allowing
33 | for keeping your place on the page when you reload or linking to a specific section.
34 | - social-media embed friendly.
35 | - \+ y'know, like, being a configurably built site - you pick a primary colour, you define a footer,
36 | you choose which files are served or precompiled... etc.
37 |
38 | ## usage
39 |
40 | this package is available from the npm package registry.
41 |
42 | ```bash
43 | npm i -s documentative
44 | ```
45 |
46 | ```js
47 | const docs = require('documentative');
48 | ```
49 |
50 | #### to build/precompile to a directory
51 |
52 | ```js
53 | docs.build(inputdir, outputdir, options);
54 | // returns a promise: resolves to true
55 | ```
56 |
57 | | argument | type | value |
58 | | ----------- | ------ | ------------------------ |
59 | | `inputdir` | string | e.g. `'pages'` |
60 | | `outputdir` | string | e.g. `'build'` |
61 | | `options` | object | see [#options](#options) |
62 |
63 | if you wish your `inputdir` and `outputdir` to be the same,
64 | that works too - just enable the overwrite option (see [#options](#options)).
65 |
66 | ```js
67 | docs.build('.', '.', { overwrite: true });
68 | ```
69 |
70 | #### to serve the directory from a local http server
71 |
72 | ```js
73 | docs.serve(inputdir, port, options);
74 | // returns a promise: resolves to the started http server
75 | ```
76 |
77 | | argument | type | value |
78 | | ---------- | ------ | ------------------------ |
79 | | `inputdir` | string | e.g. `'pages'` |
80 | | `port` | number | e.g. `8080` |
81 | | `options` | object | see [#options](#options) |
82 |
83 | > ❗ not recommended unless for testing purposes
84 | > \- especially if serving a larger directory,
85 | > as it will re-read the entire directory for
86 | > every file serve.
87 |
88 | ## cli
89 |
90 | if this is your preferred method of use, it is recommended to install via `npm i -g documentative`.
91 |
92 | ```
93 | usage:
94 |
95 | > documentative-build <inputdir> <outputdir>
96 | e.g. documentative-build pages build
97 |
98 | > documentative-serve <inputdir> [--port, -p PORT]
99 | e.g. documentative-serve pages -p 3000
100 |
101 | options:
102 | --help, -h show this message
103 | --port, -p set the HTTP server port used by documentative-serve
104 | (default: 8080)
105 |
106 | ** to configure the process, place configuration options into
107 | <inputdir>/docs.json
108 | ```
109 |
110 | > ℹ️ the `<inputdir>/docs.json` file will be added
111 | > to the exclude list (see [#options](#options)).
112 |
113 | ## writing a page
114 |
115 | pages are written in github flavoured markdown.
116 |
117 | it is recommended to start every page with a `# h1`, as that is what is used
118 | for the sidebar table-of-contents documentative generates.
119 |
120 | in order to maintain viability of pages as both markdown and html, any local markdown page
121 | links are changed to match page src -> output. e.g. a link written as `[link](README.md)`
122 | may transformed to `<a href='index.html'>link</a>`.
123 |
124 | check out [the styling guide](styling-guide.md) for ways to further customise what comes out.
125 |
126 | ## options
127 |
128 | ```js
129 | {
130 | title: string, // default: 'documentative'
131 | primary: string/colour, // default: '#712c9c
132 | git: string/url,
133 | footer: string,
134 | // default: '© 2020 someone, under the [MIT license](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/).'
135 | card: {
136 | description: string,
137 | url: string/url
138 | },
139 | icon: {
140 | light: string/filepath,
141 | dark: string/filepath
142 | },
143 | overwrite: boolean, // default: false
144 | exclude: [strings/filepaths],
145 | ignoredotfiles: boolean, // default: true
146 | nav: []
147 | }
148 | ```
149 |
150 | #### git + footer
151 |
152 | markdown can be used within the footer.
153 |
154 | the `git` property defines the url to your inputdir on github or a similar site, excluding the file itself.
155 | for github repos, the url must be `https://github.com/user/repo/blob/<branch>/[folder/]`.
156 | for gitlab, it must be `https://gitlab.com/user/repo/-/blob/<branch>/[folder/]`.
157 |
158 | e.g. your `.md` files are in a folder called `docs` @ the `master` branch of the repo `https://github.com/myname/project/`.
159 | you would set the `git` property to `https://github.com/myname/project/blob/master/nav`.
160 |
161 | then, if within the footer you wish to link to the hosted `.md` of the page, simply set it to:
162 | `"[Edit on Github](__git__)"`. the `__git__` will be replaced by the config definition + the page source.
163 | for the example above, when visiting `page.html`, the footer would link to `https://github.com/myname/project/blob/master/nav/page.md`.
164 |
165 | if you wish to completely hide the `footer`,
166 | simply set the following:
167 |
168 | ```js
169 | footer: '',
170 | ```
171 |
172 | #### card
173 |
174 | the `card` properties are used for the preview embeds/cards created by social media platforms
175 | when linking to your page. the `card.url` should be the canonical base url for your site and must end with a `/`.
176 | (e.g. `https://example.com/` or `https://dragonwocky.me/documentative/`, but NOT `https://dragonwocky.me/documentative/page.html`)
177 |
178 | #### icon
179 |
180 | the light/dark icons will be shown dependent on whether the viewer has light/dark mode enabled.
181 | if only 1 of the icons is set (either light or dark), that icon will be shown for both modes.
182 |
183 | #### overwrite
184 |
185 | > ❗ beware of turning on overwrite, as any files copied
186 | > across from the inputdir will irreversibly overwrite
187 | > files in the outputdir with conflicting names.
188 |
189 | #### exclude
190 |
191 | to exclude everything within a folder, end the exclude with `/*` (e.g. `ignorethisdir/*`).
192 |
193 | > ℹ️ any files within `node_modules`
194 | > directories will always be excluded, regardless of
195 | > inclusion in the above list.
196 |
197 | #### ignoredotfiles
198 |
199 | if true, will not build/serve any files or folders starting with a `.`.
200 |
201 | ### the nav: default behaviour
202 |
203 | 1. all markdown files are listed.
204 | 2. nav entry names are the first header within the `.md`,
205 | or the filename.
206 | 3. entries are sorted by alphabetical order,
207 | though the `index.md` file is always first.
208 | 4. if there is no `index.md` but there is a `README.md`,
209 | it becomes the first in the order and is output as `index.html`.
210 | 5. entries are categorised by directory (a title is added
211 | with the name of the directory).
212 |
213 | ### the nav: custom behaviour
214 |
215 | #### defining a title
216 |
217 | strict definition:
218 |
219 | ```js
220 | {
221 | type: 'title',
222 | text: string // e.g. 'this is a title'
223 | }
224 | ```
225 |
226 | shorthand:
227 |
228 | ```js
229 | string,
230 | // e.g. 'this is a title'
231 | ```
232 |
233 | #### defining a page
234 |
235 | strict definition:
236 |
237 | ```js
238 | {
239 | type: 'page',
240 | output: string/filepath, // e.g. 'getting-started.html'
241 | src: string/filepath, // e.g. 'tutorial.md'
242 | }
243 | ```
244 |
245 | shorthand:
246 |
247 | ```js
248 | [output, src, git],
249 | // e.g. ['getting-started.html', 'tutorial.md']
250 | ```
251 |
252 | > if the src is not a valid/existing file, it will be assumed to be a link.
253 |
254 | #### defining a link
255 |
256 | strict definition:
257 |
258 | ```js
259 | {
260 | type: 'link',
261 | text: string, // e.g. github
262 | url: string/url // e.g. https://github.com/dragonwocky/documentative/
263 | }
264 | ```
265 |
266 | shorthand:
267 |
268 | ```js
269 | [text, url],
270 | // e.g. ['github', 'https://github.com/dragonwocky/documentative/']
271 | ```
272 |
273 | #### example nav
274 |
275 | strict definition:
276 |
277 | ```js
278 | [
279 | { type: 'page', output: 'getting-started.html', input: 'tutorial.md' },
280 | { type: 'title', text: 'resources' },
281 | {
282 | type: 'link',
283 | text: 'github',
284 | url: 'https://github.com/dragonwocky/documentative/',
285 | },
286 | ];
287 | ```
288 |
289 | shorthand:
290 |
291 | ```js
292 | [
293 | ['getting-started.html', 'tutorial.md'],
294 | 'resources',
295 | ['github', 'https://github.com/dragonwocky/documentative/'],
296 | ];
297 | ```
298 |
299 | (these methods can be mixed.)
300 |
301 | ## output
302 |
303 | #### build
304 |
305 | 1. the output directory is created if it does not already exist.
306 | 2. all assets (non-`.md`) files are copied across as they are.
307 | 3. all markdown files included in the nav are output.
308 | 4. documentative resource files are copied across: `docs.js`,
309 | `docs.css` and (only if no icon has been specified in the
310 | build/serve options) `light-docs.png` and `dark-docs.png`.
311 |
312 | > ❗ note that this means you cannot have any assets with those
313 | > names, as they will be overriden.
314 |
315 | #### serve
316 |
317 | a http server is created. whenever a request is received:
318 |
319 | 1. if `docs.js` or `docs.css` are requested, serve them
320 | from documentative's resources.
321 | 2. if an icon has been specified and is requested, serve it.
322 | otherwise, the icon shall be served as `light-docs.png` or `dark-docs.png`.
323 | 3. if a nav entry of type page and with an output
324 | matching the request exists, serve it.
325 | 4. if the file exists in the asset list (all non-`.md` files),
326 | serve it.
327 | 5. if a file has still not been served, return a 404 error.
328 |
329 | > ❗ note that this means if you have a `.html` file called (e.g.)
330 | > `getting-started.html` and a `.md` file with its output set to
331 | > `getting-started.md`, the parsed `.md` will override the `.html` file.
332 |
333 | ## other details
334 |
335 | yes, some of the code blocks on this page end with unnecessary commas. my linter enforces it.
336 |
337 | i also have an unhealthy habit of avoiding capital letters. nothing enforces this, i just do it.
338 |
339 | the awesome logo is thanks to [@nathfreder](https://github.com/nathfreder/) :D
340 |
341 | if you have any questions, check my website for contact details.