1 | <p align="center" style="margin-bottom: -20px">
2 | <img src="https://cdn-std.dprcdn.net/files/acc_649651/BSPk3z">
3 | </p>
4 |
5 | <p align="center">
6 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/docz" target="_blank">
7 | <img src="https://badgen.net/npm/v/docz" alt="">
8 | </a>
9 | <a href="LICENSE.md" target="_blank">
10 | <img src="https://badgen.net/badge/license/MIT/blue" alt="">
11 | </a>
12 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/docz" target="_blank">
13 | <img src="https://badgen.net/npm/dt/docz" alt="">
14 | </a>
15 | <a href="http://feedback.docz.site/roadmap" target="_blank">
16 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/check-our%20roadmap-5362F5.svg" alt="Chat">
17 | </a>
18 | </p>
19 |
20 | Docz makes it easy to write and publish beautiful interactive documentation for your code.
21 |
22 | Create MDX files showcasing your code and Docz turns them into a live-reloading, production-ready site.
23 |
24 | ![docz example](https://cdn-std.dprcdn.net/files/acc_649651/S2YCID)
25 |
26 | ## Table of Contents
27 |
28 |
29 | - [Why ?](#why)
30 | - [Start a New Project](#start-a-new-project)
31 | - [Add Docz to an Existing Project](#add-docz-to-an-existing-project)
32 | - [Build](#build)
33 | - [Deploy](#deploy)
34 | - [Examples](#examples)
35 | - [More info on docz.site](#more-info-on-doczsite)
36 | - [Used by](#used-by)
37 | - [Contributors](#contributors)
38 | - [Contributing](#contributing)
39 |
40 | ## Why ?
41 |
42 | Documenting code is one of the most important and time-heavy processes when developing software.
43 |
44 | A lot of time is spent on building and maintaining custom documentation sites.
45 |
46 | Docz enables you to quickly create live-reloading, seo-friendly, production-ready documentation sites with MDX and customize the look, feel and behavior when required by leveraging [GatsbyJS](https://www.gatsbyjs.org) and [Gatsby theme shadowing](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/themes/shadowing/).
47 |
48 | ## Start a New Project
49 |
50 | Use [create-docz-app](https://www.npmjs.com/package/create-docz-app) to quickly get started :
51 |
52 | ```sh
53 | npx create-docz-app my-docz-app
54 | # or
55 | yarn create docz-app my-docz-app --example typescript
56 | ```
57 |
58 | ## Add Docz to an Existing Project
59 |
60 | Start by adding `docz` as a dependency :
61 |
62 | ```bash
63 | $ yarn add docz@next # react react-dom
64 |
65 | # or
66 |
67 | $ npm install docz@next # react react-dom
68 | ```
69 |
70 | > **Note**: `react` and `react-dom` will not be installed automatically. You'll have to install them yourself.
71 |
72 | Then, add `.mdx` files anywhere in your project:
73 |
74 | ```mdx
75 | ---
76 | name: Button
77 | route: /
78 | ---
79 |
80 | import { Playground, Props } from 'docz'
81 | import Button from './Button'
82 |
83 | # Button
84 |
85 | <Props of={Button} />
86 |
87 | ## Basic usage
88 |
89 | <Playground>
90 | <Button type="submit">Click me</Button>
91 | <Button>No, click me</Button>
92 | </Playground>
93 | ```
94 |
95 | And a Button component `Button.jsx`:
96 |
97 | ```typescript
98 | import React from 'react'
99 | import t from 'prop-types'
100 |
101 | const Button = ({ children, type }) => <button type={type}>{children}</button>
102 |
103 | Button.propTypes = {
104 | /**
105 | * This is a description for this prop.
106 | * Button type.
107 | */
108 | type: t.oneOf(['button', 'submit', 'reset']),
109 | }
110 | Button.defaultProps = {
111 | type: 'button',
112 | }
113 | export default Button
114 | ```
115 |
116 | Finally, run:
117 |
118 | ```bash
119 | yarn docz dev
120 | ```
121 |
122 | This will start a local development server and open your documentation site in the browser.
123 |
124 | ## Build
125 |
126 | `yarn docz build` will generate a static site for your site in `.docz/dist/`.
127 |
128 | You can try it out with `yarn docz serve` or by serving the generated site with your favorite static file server (e.g. `npx serve .docz/dist`).
129 |
130 | You can have `yarn docz build` emit to a different directory by providing a path to the `dest` field in your doczrc.js or from the command line : `yarn docz build --dest docs-site-directory`.
131 |
132 | ## Deploy
133 |
134 | The output of docz consists of static assets only. This allows you to deploy your generated `docz` site with any static site hosting provider you'd like.
135 |
136 | Start by building your site with `yarn docz build`, if you haven't provided a `dest` flag to your config then you will find your generated files in `.docz/dist` to copy to the server.
137 |
138 | ## Examples
139 |
140 | - **[basic](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/basic)** - Barebones example.
141 | - **[gatsby](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/gatsby)** - Example using Docz in a Gastby project.
142 | - **[react native](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/react-native)** - Using Docz in a React Native project.
143 | - **[styled-components](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/styled-components)** - Using Docz with `styled-components`.
144 | - **[with typescript](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/typescript)** - Using Docz with Typescript.
145 | - **[with flow](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/flow)** - Using Docz with Flow.
146 | - **[with images](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/images)** - Using Docz with images in mdx and jsx.
147 |
148 | - **[with sass](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/sass)** - Using Docz parsing CSS with SASS.
149 | - **[with less](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/less)** - Using Docz parsing CSS with LESS.
150 | - **[with stylus](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples/css-stylus)** - Using Docz parsing CSS with Stylus.
151 | - **with css modules**: works out of the box with gatsby
152 |
153 | You can check the complete list of docz examples [here](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/tree/master/examples).
154 |
155 | ## More info on [docz.site](https://docz.site)
156 |
157 | ## Used by
158 |
159 | - **[Smooth UI](https://smooth-ui.smooth-code.com/)** - Modern React UI library.
160 | - **[Set Protocol Docs](https://docs.setprotocol.com/)** - Documentation site of Set Protocol.
161 | - **[RBX](https://dfee.github.io/rbx)** - The Comprehensive Bulma UI Framework for React.
162 | - **[Circuit UI](https://circuit.sumup.com/#/)** - React component library for [SumUp](https://sumup.com) web apps.
163 | - **[Fannypack](https://fannypack.style)** - A friendly & accessible React UI Kit built with [Reakit](https://reakit.io/).
164 | - **[React Pixi](https://reactpixi.org/#/)** - React Fiber renderer for Pixi.
165 | - **[React Hotkey Tooltip](https://react-hotkey-tooltip.netlify.com/#/)** - A global Hotkey provider with built in tooltip for React.
166 | - **[Sajari React SDK](https://sajari-sdk-react.netlify.com/)** - Library of React Components for the Sajari.
167 |
168 | ## Contributors
169 |
170 | This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.md)].
171 |
172 | <a href="https://github.com/doczjs/docz/graphs/contributors"><img src="https://opencollective.com/docz/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false" /></a>
173 |
174 | ## Contributing
175 |
176 | All kinds of contributions are very welcome and appreciated !
177 |
178 | If you want to contribute time to docz then here's a list of suggestions to get you started :
179 |
180 | 1. Star the project.
181 | 2. Help people in the [issues](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc) by sharing your knowledge and experience.
182 | 3. Find and report issues.
183 | 4. Submit PRs to help solve issues or add features.
184 | 5. Influence the future of docz with feature requests.
185 |
186 | If you're looking for a place to start make sure to check issues tagged with :
187 |
188 | [![Good First Issue](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/doczjs/docz/good%20first%20issue.svg)](https://github.com/doczjs/docz/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22)
189 |
190 | And make sure to read the [Contributing Guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md) before making a pull request.
191 |
192 | You can also contribute money to help secure docz's future.
193 |
194 | <p align="center">
195 | <a href="https://opencollective.com/docz" target="_blank">
196 | <img src="https://cdn-std.dprcdn.net/files/acc_649651/Q5nVhT" height="80" alt="Open Collective">
197 | </a>
198 | </p> |
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