1.83 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1define(["doh/main", "../has", "../i18n", "require"], function(doh, has, i18n, require){
2 var
3 getAsyncTest = function(value, locale){
4 return function(){
5 var def = new doh.Deferred();
6 require([i18n.getL10nName("dojo/testsDOH", "salutations", locale)], function(bundle){
7 doh.assertEqual(value, bundle.hello);
8 def.callback(true);
9 });
10 return def;
11 };
12 },
14 getSyncTest = function(value, locale){
15 return function(){
16 doh.assertEqual(value, i18n.getLocalization("dojo/testsDOH", "salutations", locale).hello);
17 };
18 },
20 getFixture = function(locale, value){
21 return {
22 name: "salutations-"+locale,
23 timeout: 2000,
24 runTest: (require.async ? getAsyncTest : getSyncTest)(value, locale)
25 };
26 },
28 testSet = [
29 // Locale which overrides root translation
30 getFixture("de", "Hallo"),
31 // Locale which does not override root translation
32 getFixture("en", "Hello"),
33 // Locale which overrides its parent
34 getFixture("en-au", "G'day"),
35 // Locale which does not override its parent
36 getFixture("en-us", "Hello"),
37 // Locale which overrides its parent
38 getFixture("en-us-texas", "Howdy"),
39 // 3rd level variant which overrides its parent
40 getFixture("en-us-new_york", "Hello"),
41 // Locale which overrides its grandparent
42 getFixture("en-us-new_york-brooklyn", "Yo"),
43 // Locale which does not have any translation available
44 getFixture("xx", "Hello"),
45 // A double-byte string. Everything should be read in as UTF-8 and treated as unicode within Javascript.
46 getFixture("zh-cn", "\u4f60\u597d")
47 ];
50 doh.register("testsDOH.i18n", testSet);
51 if(has("host-browser")){
52 doh.register("testsDOH.i18n.extra.sync", require.toUrl("./i18n.html"), {async:0});
53 doh.register("testsDOH.i18n.extra.async", require.toUrl("./i18n.html"), {async:1});
54 }