5.04 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// # module: cli
3// Command line app for Dollphie
4var doc = [
5 'Dollphie \u2014 A structured document language.',
6 '',
7 'Usage:',
8 ' dollphie [options] <file>',
9 ' dollphie (--list-formatters | --list-input | --list-output)',
10 ' dollphie --version',
11 ' dollphie --help',
12 '',
13 'Options:',
14 ' -a, --ast Displays the AST instead of interpreting',
15 ' -r, --raw Displays the raw Dollphie source',
16 ' -h, --help Displays this screen',
17 ' -v, --version Displays the version number',
18 '',
19 '#Transformations:',
20 ' --input=<FORMAT> Convert from the given input format (see --list-input)',
21 ' --output=<FORMAT> The output format for the docs (see --list-output)',
22 ' --formatter=<TEXT> The format used for the text (see --list-formatters)',
23 ' --json Serialises the output to JSON',
24 '',
25 '#Specific help topics:',
26 ' --list-formatters Lists available text formatters',
27 ' --list-output Lists available output formats',
28 ' --list-input Lists available input formats'
29 ].join('\n');
30// -- Dependencies -----------------------------------------------------
31var docopt = require('docopt').docopt;
32var inspect = require('core.inspect');
33var pkg = require('../package.json');
34var fs = require('fs');
35var __ref = require('./language/');
36var parse = __ref.parse;
37var prelude = __ref.prelude;
38var evaluate = __ref.evaluate;
39var formatters = require('./post-processing/text');
40var outputters = require('./post-processing/output');
41var inputters = require('./pre-processing/input-conversion');
42var aggregate = require('./post-processing/aggregate');
43// -- Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------
44var log = console.log.bind(console);
45var maybeFn = function (f) {
46 return function (a) {
47 return a == null ? null : f(a);
48 };
50var show = maybeFn(function (a) {
51 return log(inspectComplex(a));
52 });
53var json = maybeFn(function (a) {
54 return JSON.stringify(a, null, 2);
55 });
56var read = function (a) {
57 return fs.readFileSync(a, 'utf-8');
59var run = function (a) {
60 return evaluate(prelude())(parse(a));
62function inspectComplex(a0) {
63 if (typeof a0 === 'string' || Object.prototype.toString.call(a0) === '[object String]') {
64 var a = a0;
65 return a;
66 }
67 var any = a0;
68 return inspect(any);
70function list(transforms) {
71 return Object.keys(transforms).map(function (transform) {
72 return '- ' + transform + '\n ' + transforms[transform].description;
73 }).join('\n');
75function select(desc, what) {
76 return function (key) {
77 if (!(key in what)) {
78 throw new ReferenceError('Unknown ' + desc + ': ' + key);
79 }
80 return what[key].transformation;
81 };
83var normalise = aggregate;
84var postProcessing = [
85 [
86 '--formatter',
87 select('formatter', formatters)
88 ],
89 [
90 '--output',
91 select('output format', outputters)
92 ],
93 [
94 '--json',
95 function () {
96 return json;
97 }
98 ]
99 ];
100var preProcessing = [[
101 '--input',
102 select('input format', inputters)
103 ]];
104function transformationsFor(transformations, args) {
105 return transformations.map(function (t) {
106 return args[t[0]] ? t[1](args[t[0]]) : null;
107 }).filter(Boolean).reduce(function (a, b) {
108 return function (a$2) {
109 return b(a(a$2));
110 };
111 }, function (a) {
112 return a;
113 });
115// -- Main -------------------------------------------------------------
116module.exports = function Main() {
117 var args = docopt(doc.replace(/^#[^\r\n]*/gm, ''), { help: false });
118 var postProcess = transformationsFor(postProcessing, args);
119 var preProcess = transformationsFor(preProcessing, args);
120 var process = function (a) {
121 return function (a$2) {
122 return function (a$3) {
123 return function (a$4) {
124 return postProcess(normalise(a$4));
125 }(run(a$3));
126 }(preProcess(a$2));
127 }(read(a));
128 };
129 var ast = function (a) {
130 return function (a$2) {
131 return function (a$3) {
132 return postProcess(parse(a$3));
133 }(preProcess(a$2));
134 }(read(a));
135 };
136 var raw = function (a) {
137 return preProcess(read(a));
138 };
139 ;
140 args['--help'] ? log(doc.replace(/^#/gm, '')) : args['--version'] ? log('Dollphie version ' + pkg.version) : args['--list-formatters'] ? log(list(formatters)) : args['--list-output'] ? log(list(outputters)) : args['--list-input'] ? log(list(inputters)) : args['--raw'] ? show(raw(args['<file>'])) : args['--ast'] ? show(ast(args['<file>'])) : show(process(args['<file>']));
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