9.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter ;
2const sip = require('drachtio-sip') ;
3const delegate = require('delegates') ;
4const assert = require('assert') ;
5const noop = require('node-noop').noop;
6const debug = require('debug')('drachtio:request');
8class Request extends Emitter {
10 constructor(msg, meta) {
11 super() ;
13 if (msg) {
14 assert(msg instanceof sip.SipMessage) ;
15 this.msg = msg ;
16 this.meta = meta ;
17 }
18 }
20 get res() {
21 return this._res ;
22 }
23 set res(res) {
24 this._res = res ;
25 return this ;
26 }
28 get isNewInvite() {
29 const to = this.getParsedHeader('to') ;
30 return this.method === 'INVITE' && !('tag' in to.params) ;
31 }
33 get url() {
34 return this.uri ;
35 }
37 set agent(agent) {
38 this._agent = agent ;
39 }
40 get agent() {
41 return this._agent ;
42 }
44 set meta(meta) {
45 debug(`Request#set meta ${JSON.stringify(meta)}`);
46 this.source = meta.source ;
47 this.source_address = meta.address ;
48 this.source_port = meta.port ? parseInt(meta.port) : 5060 ;
49 this.protocol = meta.protocol ;
50 this.stackTime = meta.time ;
51 this.stackTxnId = meta.transactionId ;
52 this.stackDialogId = meta.dialogId ;
53 if (meta.server) this.server = meta.server;
54 if (meta.receivedOn) this.receivedOn = meta.receivedOn;
55 }
57 get meta() {
58 return {
59 source: this.source,
60 source_address: this.source_address,
61 source_port: this.source_port,
62 protocol: this.protocol,
63 time: this.stackTime,
64 transactionId: this.stackTxnId,
65 dialogId: this.stackDialogId
66 } ;
67 }
69 /**
70 * Cancel a request that was sent by the application
71 * @param {Object} [opts.headers] optional headers to attach to the CANCEL request
72 * @param {Request~cancelCallback} callback - invoked with cancel operation completes
73 */
74 cancel(opts, callback) {
75 opts = opts || {};
76 if (typeof opts === 'function') {
77 callback = opts;
78 opts = {};
79 }
80 if (!this._agent || this.source !== 'application') {
81 throw new Error('Request#cancel can only be used for uac Request') ;
82 }
83 this._agent.request(Object.assign(
84 {
85 _socket: this.socket,
86 uri: this.uri,
87 method: 'CANCEL',
88 stackTxnId: this.stackTxnId
89 }, opts),
90 callback) ;
91 }
92 /**
93 * This callback is invoked when the application has sent a CANCEL for a request.
94 * @callback Request~cancelCallback
95 * @param {Error} err - if an error occurred while attempting to send the cancel
96 * @param {Request} req - the cancel request that was sent
97 */
99 /**
100 * Proxy an incoming request
101 * @param {Request~proxyOptions} opts - options governing the proxy operation
102 * @param {Request~proxyCallback} [callback] - callback invoked when proxy operation completes
103 * @returns {Promise|Request} returns a Promise if not callback is supplied, otherwise the Request object
104 */
105 proxy(opts, callback) {
106 if (this.source !== 'network') {
107 throw new Error('Request#proxy can only be used for incoming requests') ;
108 }
109 opts = opts || {} ;
111 //TODO: throw error if req.res.send has already been called (i.e. can't start off as UAS and then become a proxy)
112 const destination = opts.destination || this.uri ;
113 if (typeof destination === 'string') { opts.destination = [destination] ; }
115 Object.assign(opts, {
116 stackTxnId: this.stackTxnId,
117 remainInDialog: opts.remainInDialog || opts.path || opts.recordRoute || false,
118 provisionalTimeout: opts.provisionalTimeout || '',
119 finalTimeout: opts.finalTimeout || '',
120 followRedirects: opts.followRedirects || false,
121 simultaneous: opts.forking === 'simultaneous',
122 fullResponse: true
123 }) ;
125 //normalize sip uris
126 opts.destination.forEach((value, index, array) => {
127 const token = value.split(':') ;
128 if (token[0] !== 'sip' && token[0] !== 'tel') {
129 array[index] = 'sip:' + value ;
130 }
131 }) ;
133 const result = {
134 connected: false,
135 responses: []
136 } ;
138 const __x = (callback) => {
139 this._agent.proxy(this, opts, (token, rawMsg, meta) => {
140 if ('NOK' === token[0]) {
141 return callback(token[1]) ;
142 }
143 if ('done' === token[1]) {
144 result.connected = (200 === result.finalStatus) ;
145 return callback(null, result) ;
146 }
147 else {
148 //add a new response to the array
149 const address = meta.address ;
150 const port = +meta.port;
151 const msg = new sip.SipMessage(rawMsg) ;
152 const obj = {
153 time: meta.time,
154 status: msg.status,
155 msg: msg
156 } ;
157 let len = result.responses.length ;
158 if (len === 0 || address !== result.responses[len - 1].address || port === result.responses[len - 1].port) {
159 result.responses.push({
160 address: address,
161 port: port,
162 msgs:[]
163 }) ;
164 len++ ;
165 }
166 result.responses[len - 1].msgs.push(obj) ;
167 result.finalStatus = msg.status ;
168 result.finalResponse = obj ;
169 }
170 }) ;
171 };
173 if (callback) {
174 __x(callback);
175 return this;
176 }
178 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
179 __x((err, results) => {
180 if (err) return reject(err);
181 resolve(results);
182 });
183 });
184 }
186 /**
187 * Options governing a proxy operation
188 * @typedef {Object} Request~proxyOptions
189 * @property {string|Array} destination - an ordered list of one or more SIP URIs to proxy the request to
190 * @property {boolean} [remainInDialog=false] - if true add a Record-Route header and emain in the SIP dialog
191 * after the INVITE transaction.
192 * @property {boolean} [followRedirects=false] - if true respond to 3XX redirect responses by generating
193 * a new INVITE to the SIP URI in the Contact header of the response
194 * @property {string} [forking=sequential] - 'simultaneous' or 'sequential'; dicates whether the proxy waits
195 * for a failure response from one target before trying the next, or forks the request to all targets simultaneously
196 * @property {string} [provisionalTimeout] - amount of time to wait for a 100 Trying response from a target before
197 * trying the next target; valid syntax is '2s' or '1500ms' for example
198 * @property {string} [finalTimeout] - amount of time to wait for a final response from a target before trying
199 * the next target; syntax is as described above for provisionalTimeout
200 */
201 /**
202 * This callback is invoked when proxy operation has completed.
203 * @callback Request~proxyCallback
204 * @param {Error} err - if an error occurred while attempting to proxy the request
205 * @param {Request~proxyResults} results - results summarizing the proxy operation
206 */
208 // for compatibility with passport
209 logIn(user, options, done) {
210 if (typeof options === 'function') {
211 done = options;
212 options = {};
213 }
214 options = options || {};
215 done = done || noop ;
217 let property = 'user';
218 if (this._passport && this._passport.instance) {
219 property = this._passport.instance._userProperty || 'user';
220 }
221 const session = (options.session === undefined) ? true : options.session;
223 this[property] = user;
224 if (session) {
225 if (!this._passport) { throw new Error('passport.initialize() middleware not in use'); }
226 if (typeof done !== 'function') { throw new Error('req#login requires a callback function'); }
228 this._passport.instance.serializeUser(user, this, (err, obj) => {
229 if (err) { this[property] = null; return done(err); }
230 if (!this._passport.session) {
231 this._passport.session = {};
232 }
233 this._passport.session.user = obj;
234 this.session = this.session || {};
235 this.session[this._passport.instance._key] = this._passport.session;
236 done();
237 });
238 } else {
239 done();
240 }
241 }
243 // Terminate an existing login session.
244 logOut() {
245 let property = 'user';
246 if (this._passport && this._passport.instance) {
247 property = this._passport.instance._userProperty || 'user';
248 }
250 this[property] = null;
251 if (this._passport && this._passport.session) {
252 delete this._passport.session.user;
253 }
254 }
255 // Test if request is authenticated.
256 isAuthenticated() {
257 let property = 'user';
258 if (this._passport && this._passport.instance) {
259 property = this._passport.instance._userProperty || 'user';
260 }
262 return (this[property]) ? true : false;
263 }
265 // Test if request is unauthenticated.
266 isUnauthenticated() {
267 return !this.isAuthenticated();
268 }
271module.exports = Request ;
273delegate(Request.prototype, 'msg')
274 .method('get')
275 .method('has')
276 .method('getParsedHeader')
277 .method('set')
278 .access('method')
279 .access('uri')
280 .access('headers')
281 .access('body')
282 .access('payload')
283 .getter('type')
284 .getter('raw')
285 .getter('callingNumber')
286 .getter('calledNumber')
287 .getter('canFormDialog') ;
290 * response event triggered when a Request sent by the application receives a response from the network
291 * @event Endpoint#destroy
292 * @param {Response} res - SIP response received as a result of sending a SIP request
293 */