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3 | <div align="center">
4 | <a href="https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator">
5 | <img width="250px" height="250px" src="https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/raw/master/.github/logo.svg?sanitize=true">
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9 | # DTS Bundle Generator
10 |
11 | [![GH Actions][ci-img]][ci-link]
12 | [![npm version][npm-version-img]][npm-link]
13 | [![Downloads][npm-downloads-img]][npm-link]
14 |
15 | Small tool to generate a dts bundle from your ts code.
16 |
17 | For example:
18 |
19 | ```ts
20 | // a.ts
21 | export class A {}
22 | ```
23 |
24 | ```ts
25 | // b.ts
26 | export class B {}
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ```ts
30 | // entry.ts
31 | import { A } from './a';
32 | import { B } from './b';
33 |
34 | declare function makeA(): A;
35 | export function makeB(): B {
36 | makeA();
37 | return new B();
38 | }
39 | ```
40 |
41 | When you run `dts-bundle-generator -o my.d.ts entry.ts` in `my.d.ts` you will get the following:
42 |
43 | ```ts
44 | declare class B {
45 | }
46 | export declare function makeB(): B;
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ## Installation
50 |
51 | 1. Install the package from `npm`:
52 |
53 | ```bash
54 | npm install --save-dev dts-bundle-generator
55 | ```
56 |
57 | or
58 |
59 | ```bash
60 | npm install -g dts-bundle-generator
61 | ```
62 |
63 | 1. Enable `declaration` compiler option in `tsconfig.json`
64 |
65 | ## Usage
66 |
67 | ```
68 | Usage: dts-bundle-generator [options] <file(s)>
69 |
70 | Options:
71 | --help Show help [boolean]
72 | --out-file, -o File name of generated d.ts [string]
73 | --verbose Enable verbose logging [boolean] [default: false]
74 | --silent Disable any logging except errors [boolean] [default: false]
75 | --no-check Skip validation of generated d.ts file [boolean] [default: false]
76 | --fail-on-class Fail if generated dts contains class declaration
77 | [boolean] [default: false]
78 | --external-inlines Array of package names from node_modules to inline typings from.
79 | Used types will be inlined into the output file [array]
80 | --external-imports Array of package names from node_modules to import typings from.
81 | Used types will be imported using "import { First, Second } from
82 | 'library-name';".
83 | By default all libraries will be imported (except inlined libraries
84 | and libraries from @types) [array]
85 | --external-types Array of package names from @types to import typings from via the
86 | triple-slash reference directive.
87 | By default all packages are allowed and will be used according to
88 | their usages [array]
89 | --umd-module-name Name of the UMD module. If specified then `export as namespace
90 | ModuleName;` will be emitted [string]
91 | --project Path to the tsconfig.json file that will be used for the
92 | compilation [string]
93 | --sort Sort output nodes [boolean] [default: false]
94 | --inline-declare-global Enables inlining of `declare global` statements contained in files
95 | which should be inlined (all local files and packages from
96 | `--external-inlines`) [boolean] [default: false]
97 | --inline-declare-externals Enables inlining of `declare module` statements of the global
98 | modules (e.g. `declare module 'external-module' {}`, but NOT
99 | `declare module './internal-module' {}`) contained in files which
100 | should be inlined (all local files and packages from inlined
101 | libraries) [boolean] [default: false]
102 | --disable-symlinks-following (EXPERIMENTAL) Disables resolving of symlinks to the original path.
103 | See https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/39 for
104 | more information [boolean] [default: false]
105 | --respect-preserve-const-enum Enables stripping the `const` keyword from every direct-exported
106 | (or re-exported) from entry file `const enum`. See
107 | https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/issues/110 for more
108 | information [boolean] [default: false]
109 | --export-referenced-types By default all interfaces, types and const enums are marked as
110 | exported even if they aren't exported directly. This option allows
111 | you to disable this behavior so a node will be exported if it is
112 | exported from root source file only. [boolean] [default: true]
113 | --config File path to the generator config file [string]
114 | --no-banner Allows remove "Generated by dts-bundle-generator" comment from the
115 | output [boolean] [default: false]
116 | --version Show version number [boolean]
117 | ```
118 |
119 | Examples:
120 |
121 | ```bash
122 | ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator -o my.d.ts path/to/your/entry-file.ts
123 | ```
124 |
125 | ```bash
126 | ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator path/to/your/entry-file.ts path/to/your/entry-file-2.ts
127 | ```
128 |
129 | ```bash
130 | ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator --external-inlines=@mycompany/internal-project --external-imports=@angular/core rxjs path/to/your/entry-file.ts
131 | ```
132 |
133 | ```bash
134 | ./node_modules/.bin/dts-bundle-generator --external-types=jquery path/to/your/entry-file.ts
135 | ```
136 |
137 | ## Config file
138 |
139 | It is unnecessary, but you can use config file for the tool. See [config documentation](src/config-file/README.md) for more information.
140 |
141 | ## Why
142 |
143 | If you have modules then you can create definitions by default using `tsc`, but `tsc` generates them for each module separately.
144 | Yeah, you can use `outFile` (for `amd` and `system`), but generated code looks like this:
145 |
146 | ```ts
147 | declare module "a" {
148 | export class A {
149 | }
150 | }
151 | declare module "b" {
152 | export class B {
153 | }
154 | }
155 | declare module "entry" {
156 | import { B } from "b";
157 | export function makeB(): B;
158 | }
159 | ```
160 |
161 | but:
162 |
163 | 1. `A` is not used at all and most probably you do not want to export it.
164 | 1. If you bundle your code in a way when all modules are merged (like when using Webpack or Rollup) then there should be no such modules as `a` or `b` (actually `entry` too) in the resulting file.
165 |
166 | [ci-img]: https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/workflows/CI%20Test/badge.svg?branch=master
167 | [ci-link]: https://github.com/timocov/dts-bundle-generator/actions?query=branch%3Amaster
168 |
169 | [npm-version-img]: https://badge.fury.io/js/dts-bundle-generator.svg
170 | [npm-downloads-img]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/dts-bundle-generator.svg
171 | [npm-link]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dts-bundle-generator